xt7kh12v6014_48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Benefit Plans for Managerial Employees text Benefit Plans for Managerial Employees 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_11/2008ms006_11_7/10769/10769.pdf undated section false xt7kh12v6014_48 xt7kh12v6014             these are
        r your HI plans
p       that provide
    benefits for

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 I W i  »s&s;.:_‘   * IH M NAGERIAL EMPLOYES:
  \` ’·`‘     I A
 =    ‘~§;i$*\.  [
li  S`  V QP éxg ·.  `Y-‘*Z .
    ., I Health is one of our most valuable assets.
>z,z.2;¤ _ _ ·’ , ‘ ‘ . . . .
  gz  , K  k, y  N Unfortunately, sickness or injury sometimes keeps
  Qt M    /A\   us from working and may result in medical expenses.
O it  ' }£· “”   It  
Q g` _ J '  a \   This booklet is about the IH Disability Benefits Plan
I   — `X // l and the IH Comprehensive Medical Insurance Program.
DO ' , . " .
_%   > // ' I .· ' 1 Read it carefully so that you know the liberal
‘yg» _ `   . i benejits which are available.
‘/A ·• .
·_- ’ I " `ii `\   In no way does this booklet replace or modify the various
J \   bb contracts which govern the operation of this Program
K /   / ' and which will prevail should there be any inconsistency
  { i   _ between this booklet and such contracts or should this
‘~   \ . . .
.-T ' \ " is [ ~\  booklet omit matters contained in such contracts.
7 i K   ***1 1
\IL.YTf"_... ,..-___

; The following pages describe the principal provisions of the . . .
` Qllglblilliy-when you moy enroll ........... 4
cost and benefits ................ 4
y payment of benehts ............... 5
additional benefits for loss of limb or sight ..... 6
other important facts ......l....... 6
{ Qllglbililiy-when you may enroll cmd who? dependents cure eligible B
1 gg   —-   ¤¢  *   If ¤r»     *   j;i‘     —.’'; contributions-wh¤i you cmd IH p¤y .......... 8
—~pays weekly benefits if you are unable to work be- i hgsplml benelits
. . . .d b Ht room and board ............ 9
cause of sickness or injury. It also provi es ene s Other hwpiml Charges · l I t U U · _ _ g 9
for non—occupational loss of limb or sight. Surgical and medical benefits
surgical fees .............. I0
partial schedule of operations ...... I0
anesthesia fees ............. 11
W ( _ g g l M gy R Q g 1 y in—hospital medical fees ......... II
2.         ·`‘i               maternity bene/its .,........... I2
i=          QL¤=Q._~ `5   diagnostic x—ray and laboratory expense benefits . I2
when benejits are payable ........... 13
—pays a large share of the expenses if you or an eligible part 2—MAJOR MEDICAL EXPENSE PLAN
member of your family are confined in a hospital, or l what the plan pays ________A____ 14
if prolonged medical treatment is required. $100 CZQCZUCUQZQ <177”é0U»71li ».......... 15
$10,000 maximum ............l I5
covered expenses ............., I6
expenses not covered ............ I7
p deferment of coverage .,.......... 17
applying to both parts of the program ..... 18-21
free insurance ............ 22—23
contributory insurance ........ 24-25
CASE HISTORIES ............... 26-28
DISCONTINUANCE ............,.. 29

t     ·
l . ¢ , -{§‘§i};_.   $:3* 1   l
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l  .  H,  [ B gt";¤~.;»‘•;_.‘·___g_;R     gv {Tl ;’ K
’ »     ,   - `
. . . . <  2**%   ’·,§< ·; » ; ?—·—-
€lLgLf9LZLfy—when you moy enroll /\        A ,
. . . »   ;·-. as   ` "itt  ··°‘* T
You may join the Plan without a medical examination when   '     " <, . \*j
» .        . .· " A F1
you complete three months of IH service. If you wish to r    g gx   gb" . i t *
join later, you must pass a medical examination. (Employes   ` \  {  · ’ \‘ .
in states which have laws requiring non-occupational dis- I`   *7   ` ))’    l
ability benefit payments are not eligible for this Plan but ( » i` V    " ·
are eligible for separate plans which provide approximately _. .
the same benefits.)
payment of benejits
Benehts are paid when sickness or injury prevents you from
CO$t and b€n€]Lit$ working and while you are under a doctor’s care:
The cost of the Plan is divided about equally between em— _Sm;~;j;q,g
PIOYGS wd IH- if you are injured, on the first day you are absent
The benefits and your contributions are based on your fmm W9-18 OY
regular weekly or monthly earnings (excluding overtime if YOU UFO Sick, OU OUUOY WO SiXth UUY YOU UFO
_md Y mmm ,1 CIS fOHOWS_ absent from work or the first work day you are con-
‘ p 9 pfyt ° ' fined to a hospital, whichever occurs iii-st;
—f0r as long as 52 wee/es for any one continuous period.
Class lf your regular awnings ure: your Weekly und you pay: gf the same disability repairs witlgn three months
. _ a ter return to wor c, it wi Je consi erec a continua-
———·w€ekIY Mggig benemm \ ·'  tion of the original disability; otherwise, it will be
. O .... . .
4 $80 oo l $89 99 $346 63 i6 $889 96 $56 oo $ 73 $8 16 C°“Sid€1`€d 3 new disabmtyl
Maternity benefits are payable up to a maximum of six weeks
5 $90-00 *0 $99-99 $389-97 *0 $433-29 63-OO -82 3-55 for disability resulting from pregnancy commencing while
6 lO0.00 433.30 d 70.00 .91 3.94 . .
$ Cmd Over $ Cm Over Benefitsl will be reduced py any payipenti 1i€‘£a; ¥F§C.=¢;eH!;?»‘t   *7;] .   .
` 4;*) V    
¢ 4 — {ff  
  ;‘· . iz;;’g1    Aer gn  
  ·V4* ‘ ‘‘‘‘       —  
. . . . · I     · .- fe .·»<     ‘
€lZgZbLlZlfy—when you muy enroll cmd whot dependents ore I-" ’ ‘‘”‘ · =*'·?$* ymM    M
eligible   U / A   n   \  M
Upon completion of 3 months of IH service, you will / j I °
become eligible and may enroll yourself and your eligible
dependents in both Plans or in the Basic Hospital Plan     PLAN
only. Medical examination is not required if you and your
dependents are enrolled within 31 days after becoming hagpital benefits
. . . . R
Elrgzble dependents are a wife or husband and unmarried com Gnd Bclmd
Onndren {rOrn birth LO age 1g_ NO One may be insured as Hospital charges for room and board will be reimbursed:
an employe and dependent, nor as a dependent of more —m full {OY $€ml·PTlV3l€ OY W31`d ?iC€0mm0d3ti0¤S» OY
than OIIG ernn]Oye_ eup to $11 per day for private room
__ _ _ for asl ¤ er 120 d f fi · ·`
To be eligible for free insurance coverage after retirement, CODHD Sub Ti. d { §.ySbi)1.tCOn nemenl dmmg any One
you must participate in both parts of the Program from u US pew) O Isa U y`
when you are first eligible until you retire.
` Other Hospital Chcsrges
COnrributiOnS_Wh¤t YOU Gnd IH pc), Hospital charges (for items such as drugs, dressings, blood
You my ` or plasma, x—rays, operating room, anesthesia adminis-
Under Pur, 1 Under Pm 2 Tora, tered by the hospital staff ) will be reimbursed:
Weekly Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly Monthly —jn   up {O  
——at the rate of '75‘Yi of such charges above $2:50
F I $ .43 $l.85 $ .20 $ .86 $ .63 $2.7l _ _
For YOU On; for as long as 120 days of confinement during any one
OI' YOU GH · _· · · · _
1 dependent .94 4.07 .42 I.85 1.37 5.92 COHUHUOUS pgmd Of d*Sab1l“y·
FO, YOU Ond 2 Or lf any charges exceed the benefits allowed under this Plan,
m¤V€ ¤l€P€¤d€¤l$ l·26 5-47 -53 2-29 l·79 7-76 additional benefits may be payable under Part 2—l\/lajor
IH puys the rest of the cost of the entire Progrum. Medlcal Expense Plan
8 9

surgtcal and medzeczl benefits
Surgical Fees
Surgeon’s fees for an operation, either in or out of a hos-
pital, will be reimbursed: . Anesthesia Fees
—up to the amounts shown in the Schedule of Opera- _ _ 7 _ _ _
tions (aaa partial Schadala below) Physician s fees for the cost and admmistration of anes-
These amounts range from a few dollars to $250. lf more _ thgsja will bg ygimbuyggdj
than one operation is performed, benefits will be paid for (V, _
each but not more than $250 will be paid for all operations _uP re the greater er $5 01 20 #¢ of the Surgical beneeli
during any one continuous period of disability. listed in the Schedule of Operations
Maximum Ammm, ln-Hospital Medical Fees
Appendectomy, freeing of adhesions or exploration of, or Pl]yS1C13H7S fees for lQI`€3tI'I1€HlZ  Summa! fem “’mSmm'i“ f?"S=
incurred in or out of a hospital, will be reimbursed up to and m·hQ$P¢f¢1l 777»Q’dZCClZ·f€€$ are payable only once during
$25 for all examinations in connection with any one acci- 011e C011“H111u0uS disability period. However, you or your
dent or d1S€3S€- , dependent will qualify for new maximum benefits when:
These benefits are payable only for examinations or tests _
approved by a qualified physician, but not for: —there is complete recovery after a hospital confine-
—de’ntal x-rays, unless they result from an accidental ment or operation, or
— pregnancy examinations of any kind —a later confinement or operation is due to an entirely
——periodic physical examinations different cause, or
—expenses for which other benehts are provided under _ _
the Plan —a new confinement or operation occin·s after you
lf any charges exceed the benefits allowed under this Plan, give Yetugngd tO Wmik for ai lgagt One dHy’ Of m
additional benefits may be payable under Part 2—l\/[ajor _€ WSG 0 3  ·` $100 deductrble amount
  '       There is Only one deductible amount a year per person, no
‘—*—~-· ·~·"=°¥* **f" ·  +*1   ? ~ . . . . . . .
    ,     matter how many separate disabilities there are within
, ii`••`•r=Q;‘;» *`·"; *’°`° `_s 7,/ _ aaai VV 4 Y§as_,_,lj¥0“Al as _ _
  wi _,,\.~,-;  ,   ll each year. However, if any covered expenses are applied
‘* "*”"`-- ‘ i  M - “"` Vi ¥_$QY.i§§?l   . . .
l•E§§__   ,  ._  s against the deductible amount during the months of Oc-
;·_,,;s¤;;;;Z·:. . li  , ,§¤tgtt,W~ata¤§¤ti;lila.;a§ tober, November, and December, they may also be used to
~+»·¤·1$?·i# ·’ ·   N"¤.*»·, .r2Q"  ¤¥—<*%   . .
  sgi?   · aww l   reduce the $100 deductible amount for the following year.
R   lf more than one insured member of your family is injured
   *%a= @i.> wiri    . . . .
fl "lli$*’l l ¤‘ »il in the same accident, only one deductible amount of $100
will be applied against the expenses for that accident in the
V35?    current and following calendar year.
There is a maximum benefit of $10,000 for you and each
h It th Z insured dependent. For example, if you have a wife and
w CL 8 p an pay`? two children insured under the Plan, each of you is eligible
This part et the piegiam pays a maiei. peitieii et eeveiaed for up to $10,000 in benefits—a total of $40,000 coverage.
medical expenses which are not reimbursed by the Basic Am, time attei. ymi_ei. eiie et yOu1~ tlepeiideiits_liaVe
Hospital Plan, whether incurred in or outside of a hospital.   eelleeted at least $1,000 iii beiietitsl yea eaii make amiliea_
Of such expenses: W tion to restore the maximum of $10,000. To do this, medical
_yOu pay the mst gl;l00 ltlie "d€dtlCtibl€ klmOu1lt") evidence of good health must be submitted to the Insurance
incurred in each calendar year-—a separate deduct- COmP?mY at YOU? OWU €‘XP€US€» and l?h€ BBW maxlmum will
ible amount applies to you and each insured member be QHQCUVB as Of the date th€ IUSUYHUCQ COmP?mY 3C*
Ot yOuI· family; knowledges the evidence as satisfactory.
WNW Plan PHYS 75'ri? 010 thi? 1`€1"¤€ii¤€l€1‘ UP to 3 mHXi· Otherwise, when total benefits of $10,000 have been paid
mum benefit of $10,000-a separate maximum bene- for you or a dependent-—whether in one year or over
fit HPDHQS to YOU and 93Ch i¤$¤1`€d m€mb€1` of several years-coverage under this Plan will terminate for
YOU? f3mllY§ such person, but it will continue for other insured members
—you pay the balance. of your family at the appropriate contribution rate.
14 15

covered €xp€7”LS€S
The following services and supplies are included as "covered
expenses" if they are prescribed by a physician or surgeon: `
1. Charges of a hospital, except private room and
board charges of more than $20 a day. L
2. F f h ` ` · .
BGS O 3 p ysmfm Or Sm gem expenses not covered
3. Charges of a registered graduate nurse—other
than a member of your iinmediate family or Covered medical expenses do not include and no payment
one who ordinarily resides in your home. is made for:
4. Charges for drugs and medicines requiring a —expenses not recommended and approved by a
physician’s prescription. physician or surgeon
5. Charges for diagnostic x-ray and laboratory —expenses in connection with health check—ups
service. —services and supplies to the extent they are not
6. Charges for x—ray, radium, and radioactive iso- reasonably necessary for treatment of an injury
tope therapy. or disease or are not reasonably priced
7. Charges for anesthesia, oxygen, and their ad- —expenses in connection with pregnancy, dental
ministration. work, cosmetic surgery, eye examination, eye
8. Rental of iron lung and other durable equip- g1aSS€S’ hefuimg aldS’ Or travel €X°‘?pt to th?
ment for therapeutic treatment. extent specifically included and described under
_ _ _ "Covered Expenses."
9. Cost of artificial limbs and eyes but not their
replacement. _
10. Charges for professional ambulance service from d€f€7“777»€7?»li Of COU€7°Gg€
the placie YOU Or 3 depelldent are injured OY If you are not actively at work on the date your coverage
became lll te the ztrst hospital where treatment would otherwise become effective, it will become effective
IS g1V€n‘ on the date you return to active work.
H` gk;r§;i1;ggS§€ntal Vjglork OIQIEOSFRUC Slfggery lf your dependent is confined at home, in a hospital, or
( ajiy as 19 NSF O an acm 9m' elsewhere because of an injury or sickness on the date
12. Expenses, as listed above, in connection with coverage would otherwise become effective, or if your de-
surgical operations for either extra—uterine preg- pendent has been confined in a hospital within 31 days prior
nancy or complications requiring intra—abdom— to that date, coverage will be postponed until the end of a
mal surgery after termination of pregnancy. 31-day period during which there has been no hospital or
Also expenses resulting from pernicious vomiting other confinement. Coverage may commence earlier, how-
of pregnancy or from toxemia with convulsions. ever, upon submission of satisfactory evidence of insurability.
16 17

How to Cluim Benefits
Under the Basic Hospital Plan, y0u should report all claims
promptly to your insurance supervisor or oHice manager.
Under the Major Medical Expense Plan, you should report
Other tmportant facts cxpplying to both parts of the Progmm all claims no later than 90 days after the end of the calendar
year in which expenses were incurred. It 1S best, however,
to file a claim as soon as you—or a dependent—have in-
curred covered medical expenses of more than the $100
deductible amount.
Definition of Physician or Surgeon
Any expenses must be incurred while you—or your depend- |"f°rm°"°" Needed *° S°pp°" Chim
Qntsfiuie under the Cam Of 3 phyilclim Or Siuigeon A This is the information you will need to support your claim:
physician or surgeon means one who is licensed to perform . . .
all sur er or to rescribe and administer all dru s _a mgdlcal report fmm the physlclan Or Surgeon;
g y p g ` —copies of all itemized bills and statements, not
just cancelled checks (lf the expenses were
incurred for one of your dependents, the bills
D€fl¤m°¤ 0* H°$Pi*¤| and statements must indicate the name of your
_ _ _ dependent.);
Any hospital Charges musjt be mCmT€d_Wh11€ you are COD- —druggists’ bills and receipts showing the date of
fined in a rccogmzed hospital. A recognized hospital is one purchase prescription number for Whom pup
approved by the American Hospital Association, or an Ch3S€d Eind the Dame Of the Ighysiciém.
institution which keeps patients regularly overnight, has You should keep a separate record of this information for
full diagnostic and therapeutic facilities under the super- you and Each insured member Of ymu, family
vision of a staff of physicians who are doctors of medicine
and regularly provides 24-hour nursing service by regis- . Other Insurance
tered graduate nurses.
You are entitled to full benefits under the Program even
though you have other insurance providing similar benefits,
When Benefits Are Not Payable except that if IH makes payroll deductions from your pay
for such insurance or contributes to its cost, all payments
B€U€f1t$ H1"? UOY P3Y3bl€€ from this insurance will be deducted in arriving at the
—for expenses in connection with an occupational Mejey Mgdical Expgngg Phm benefite
accident or sickness, or _ _ _
__if the Charges are for mnenement in Qwest home, The hospital benefit payable under the Califoinia Unem-
home fm, the aged, Or Similar institution, O1, ployment Compensation Disability Benefits Iaaw will be
er-Or services received in or from 3 us. Govan- <*€d¤}jt€d Mm the b€¤€¤t$» pérablg urls; this fifggemi
ment hospital O1, fm, Charges which you are not If ot er laws are enacted providing or sim ai or a c itiona
required to pay benefits, you will be informed how they affect the Program.
is *9

Termination of Insurance
Your insurance under both parts of the Program will
_ —when you die, leave IH employment, stop mak-
OfI’L€7‘ zmpormnt facts applying re both pens Of the Prggrqm ing the required contributions, or
—when you have been on leave, layoff, or disabled
for one year, or
—when you are transferred to a non—managerial
status, or
Change in Dependents —if the Program is discontinued.
Be sure to report at once any change in the number of your Your insurance for your wife (or husband) will terminate
dependents so that your coverage and contributions may when yours does, or
be properly adjusted. —when your marriage ceases.
If you have two or more insured dependents, any addi- Your insurance for your children will terminate when
tional dependents will be covered automatically and need YOOYS does, OY
not be reported. -—when the child reaches age 19, or
——if the child is married prior to that age.
Leave ef Absence or Temporary Leven, Insurance for a dependent will also terminate if the de-
_ pendent becomes insured as an employe.
I)U1t1·Hg 21 l€a\i'€· of 2il)S€1lC€ Oli t€H1pO1`2U`y IBYOH`, YOU can In addjtjgn, Major Medical Expense IIlSL11`€lUC€ will IP€Y‘
Cdn lmde Ydul mSul_?mCO up tO OOO YOOY {YOU? th'? IOSV day minate for an individual who has collected the full maxi-
you worked by paying your contributions in advance. mum beneht.
If you continue your insurance, your coverage must remain
the same except for any change in the number of your Extended Insurance
l l . . .
Cepem ems If you are totally disabled when your insurance under
Covey-ago for you and yool. denendente may not be eOn_ Part 1—Basic Hospital Plan is terminated, your coverage
{ d ·f L II`1./C . · ’ will nevertheless continue as long as the disability lasts,
mug 1 you en gf mil buy SBN/ICG but for no more than three additional months. This pro-
vision does not apply to your dependents.
Disability waiver If you—or any of your dependents——are totally disabled
_ _ _ _ when insurance under Part 2—Major Medical Expense
You do not need to pay any contributions if you are dis- Plan terminates for any reason other than the payment of
abled and absent without pay. Your same coverage—except maximum b€U€OtS» IQIIO OOVOYOEO {OY the POYSOH SO disdbléd
[O1- amy Change il] tho number of your denendente_Wn1 will nevertheless continue as long as the total disability
Continue on to one yezn. from the lest day you Werkedl lasts, butenot beyond the end of the calendar year following
the year in which the insurance terminates.

 A l
T , at
insurance after retirement    
wllila     5,, •’/  
      V,v·   il V·
  »''`         M  
' ’ V ·   ¤;;=a§•>‘*~ eulwfé .  :$li:i__,_ {qi;4 A ¥ v
You will be eligible for either free or contributory insurance .   qi _,  a g    _  
after yoLu‘ retirement under an IH retirement plan,     ~ X;  .  4 V 
/C7"€€ insurance  `\ \  
    _? _   _ "ll` °Yl- _  °.
Eligibility '  3 '  
Yolltlllflll ba Qllzilble €;Ol`,llll"i€ €§S1gll`El1llf{€ lglllillg Yllllllil laelliei If you retire prior to age 65 because of total and permanent
men 1 you par 1C1p3 e in o ar — e as1c ospi a . . . A - , · .
Plan and Part 2_th€ Major Medical Expense Plan for disability and aftei completing 15 years of service. I
the full time you are eligible and if you retire: —the Company, without cost to you, will continue insur-
—at or after age 65, or ance under both Part l—Basic Hospital Plan and
—between ages 60 and 65 with Company consent after Part 2~—Major Medical Expense Plan for you and for
mmplgllllg 15 Years af S€YVlC€» OY your dependents insured under the Program at the
_Pl`lOl` l0 age 65 b€C@llS€ af wml and P€‘l`maU€¤l$ dlS· time of your retirement, for as long as you remain
Ellllllly Elllgl Colllplellllg 15 yeglls Oll SGH/lC€‘ totally and permanently disabled but not later than
Benefits age ’
If YOU retire at or after age 65, or if you retire between ages —Wlien you attain age 65, Coverage for you and yotiii
60 and 65 with Company consent after completing 15 years d€D€¤d€¤tS UUd€Y Part l*B?lSlC HO$Pll?ll Plau Wl
of service: stop, and coverage for you and your wife (or husband)
—tl1e Company, without cost to you, will continue insur- will be continued without cost to you under Part 2-
zlllcg lllgiclil Pall 2-,lfl/lgljOl`}MێllCEll Egpellge Elau lim Major Medical Expense Plan to the same extent as
yousan or your wi e (or ius anc) 1 insure unc er ·d d { 1 h . t· t 65;
Part2immediately prior to yourretirement,except that: , pmvl 9 Ol Emp Oyes W O 19 lm 3 age _
—maternity and obstetrical benefits will be excluded; »your children are not covered after you attain age 65.
—11O benents will be paid for expenses incurred out- _ _
side tl1e United States, Hawaii, and Canada; A T€fm¤¤¤*¤¤¤
—tha maximum bauaum payable far you aud fur Ysui nee insurance will terminate:
your wife (or husband) will be tl1e maximum _Wh€n you dig OY
remaining in force for each of you under the ’ . g _ . _
Majmi Medical Expense Plan OH the day prim, to —when you have been paid the maximum benefits, oi
your retirement, and these maximums will not —1fth€ Pmgmm lS €llSCOllllllll€Cl·
be subject to reinstatement. _ _ 1 _ _
—your Basic Hospital Plan coverage will be discontinued Tlw {#96 mSul`?m_C€ fOl` YOlll` SPOUSQ Wlll lel llllllllllg
upon your retirement so that expenses previously re- —Wl1en you Clie, or
imbursed under the Basic Plan. will instead be reim- —wheii your marriage ceases, or
llllllsefl l0 the €Xll€lll“ plaOVlCl€Cl lll the lVlEljOl` Mefllcal —when your spouse has received the maximum benefits, or
Expells? l)ll*ll· _ _ —if tl1e Program is discontinued.
— your children will not be covered after retirement.

. . I-| 0 Q P I T /-l L Ts A w  
LTZSUTCUZCQ after Téflféméllf §\ " , V) _ ‘,i ’
rr"? , _  _`.\/T_  _`  /
,  ‘ e ,.    fl: ;.` _; V v _’
€ , P Ur W  e   i  i > `“
W ·s=r—. \   , c. —» _
(     V   \` I     _¤:(l. V  `.,   vi/V
· · \i • (  P \ ` " P   W R; ·  ’i’Eii·?‘§·‘
COTLfT‘LbLLZO7"y LTLSLLTCLIZCQ ‘ . j-» \ A5 f' _     it , *5* j’f">¢=j"k¢i'N<
jr l gi ,   ¤ ‘ .     _     \
Eligibility _ / T ` *\ ff V_,'   _i1A_      1_» ee         , if   p /_  . {p  ..
You will be eligible for contributory insurance during your Q   W »_1__ ,  g§ Y- 1         ; -   4, ly \ "
retirement: @17     P-   -’°i-ii   "=.`·     i‘·~‘‘ ,5..Yi;   if  V
—if y0u are not eligible for free insurance upon retire— ,4/     l¢l”i j if      ,   
mem OY      ¢ssr     -~»*i gis? if     /i ,c   3 rii‘       5   if  JX
—if you prefer to continue your insurance on a contribu- ~/   , in e_,;2Qy,£ ei'_   T Q   p     ·  
tory basis under Part 1—Basic Hospital Plan rather Q \ i—‘\ ;;e·_;;  .i‘' if          
than obtaining free insurance under Part 2—l\/Iajor   M   ll.   `.:Z -   `  ,·  
Medical Expense Plan. ` 4 A     · _ T ‘ · ‘ A   
;‘@   T   wif" · i I;   · I i
Benefits `  . ,.1    P ii..»   ,   ‘i~`»   .- . I 5
_  _ I i 'il »_ {Ty i     U-se_:__,»;         _ .i I
The insurance coverage provided under Part l—Basic Hos—   Q »       nt-{jj lg'; I j »   »   , I _;
pital Plan will be continued for yourself and your wife (or E'?`7  I , i       jji‘·°   ’ ` g Q l  P 2
husband) if insured immediately prior to your retirement,  h q _>  new Q *           _, -» e. ‘a,` :1
with the following changes: '¤i>¢.`§ i  Wit? 7 , P , [ {  ~_ ?;.$,;i1E$
· ·~   il it K  V i.»~vr·—   will
—your contributions will be ·*— { / 1 / ,·"/ V   
——$3.'7O a month for you only _   YQ /, { »  
—$8.14 a month for you and your spouse;  _,   , / i  *
—a person who has received maximum benefits will be e  T Q ’   e_  
eligible for a new maximum only if   / ‘_ 
—there is complete recovery after a hospital con-   t
finement or operation, or »
—a later confinement or operation is due to an _ _
entirely different cause, or T°rm{n°h°n _H t _ t _
48 new Confinement Or Opemtmn Occurs after One The insurance for you and your spouse wi ermina e.
year has elapsed from the previous confinement _if you Step making eentributiene, er
or operation; h d_
——dependent children are not covered; _iN en you 1€’ OT _ _
—maternity and obstetrical benefits are excluded; —1f the Program ls dlscommued
—expenses incurred outside the United States, Hawaii, If yew. marriage eeeSeS’ the insurance fm. your Spouse will
and Canada are not covered. teI.nnnete_
24 25

Jim J