xt7kh12v6014_618 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1945-1957 text 1945-1957 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_70/2008ms006_70_17/53391/53391.pdf 1945-1957 1957 1945-1957 section false xt7kh12v6014_618 xt7kh12v6014 5
; lmmiiwwwmx£@mml®DAJ>mMWEDBYU&
J? AELRIGA iw Siogiou, nA5gIHGTGH, D. C.,
FRB¢*2¥E 28, l9M§, vc? A RACK AJHGRH RT TO
H ¥CH 51, 19hE. Q
The Policy Committee, created by the Th1rty—eighth Constitutional Convention
of »ho ¤;1#ed Nino workers of America, hereby doclnrea the proposals und recomm¤nda—.
t ons oonweinsd h ruin to be tmc yolicy of the dnitod Aiuc Workers of America.
This yolioy shall ho a guide in the Iormulatlon of a new basic wage arrea-
mont, affecting all districts in the bituminous rnd liguitc roélons. It shall
sorve in lieu of all ware ros0lut;ons submittud 70 Lho Policy Committee from the
Thirty—olLhth Constitutional convention, uistrict Gonvontions, Local Unions, or
from any othor source.
J*IL? ·l3@é?Péj*1? PP¢Y¤¥inL$.
1~ 22z2;¤;¤;>}.J;&2[,’;&.¤—,*_l¤i¤.*;·
Tho now national agreement ro co rorotirtod by th1r joint conference shall
be offootive from April l, l9L5 and cvntirucd until either gooty, through rogre~
sootativos dcsi;matod by tho n reaquirizxg ¤;;pl<>ym·¤ he maniah ·l¤i.cm-mude tools and explosives
shall be ins&rt0d·
10- E2¤2@}22l;·
$Ub$€&UdHFd Running conditions and dabansd snninury facilities now in 6xia—
tance in many mining couruuibiss shall ba improved by joint action of the contract-
ing yartias. Haah house facilities Ahall bc established at all mines without
11- ¥i1¤;5€s..2€  
Tlléf $‘»l;.§L],8m·“*I1‘l7&]_ Yiiljja A{;;'€—`:9m¢-)Ili;_, (U-¤T;$·2d ]_}s=&:i;·==.l°1·u.2€?;<=.l;@22sz;2z;¤;.®.:.*.,1.;m$<§2;&a-
The evrninga vnd rata relafismshlp of outside day men shall ba mnintainud.
1Ll §g§g§Ew§guigmwnQ.
Mata, caps, ;¤u_les, sp¢cial shows, umd rubber bwcts shall be furnished by the

omployura without cnurgc to aha minoworkers.
I5. _§g;;%gpmnt of QLoyutq£.
Aéroomoubs now in effect, ibut ,rooLudo the right of Ennagomont and District
· Ufficinla o> thc hnitod Aimo Workers of xnoricu in intervene in abc soxblomaut of
u diopuzo, uriciub undo? one Lorum oi pho Avroumcnh, shall bc omundod to yormit
such join? ofiorh hoforc rcforonoo po ML For iribunola.
10. jiggggguent of Hiuco
The yrcscut basic and district &QT€GRGHZB, dculin; with monuccmont of mines,
shall bo modified be permit nn uggriuvod mine workor, who is transferred from a
day wage clcaaifioation to face cr tonnage work, the right of aypcal, as provided
for by thu Sottlomont of Qizputcc provision of tra uugc agraemcnts.
I']?. ·;§3;3fgE§*»?£,_;2}E£t41vo, jjvgrsicul ;..:¤.z=.m1t1e.ati;;¤.s, Fizzeos, L·9.`ij.1150f Track,
{a} Gyorutors anal} bc required Lo ivy for oil slate, rock or imyuritics.
{b} Fay for six holidnyn,
Qc} No won shall bc subject to ghysiral examination nc a condition of
omg: 1 G  1:1% a
fd) Funnix; olccxos in all diotriot uorccmomta shall Lo climimnted.
fo) Cpcrotors shall lay mll track in workin; plaooa and bc ranyonslbls for
its !"&C*3'V¥31"}"¤
(f) Hloctriciams ucd mccnanics shall rccaivc $§.OC ger 7—h¤ur day.
IU. f§ég_§;rcomg§E.
It will not bo a violation of tho wage agroomont for tho mins workers to
cease work to prevent shipmont of coal to a consumer wnoso omployooa are engaged
in s. legal strike,

THIS AGREEMENT, mado this 7th day of July, lQh7, by and between the
coal ooorators and associations signatory norobo horoinaftor roforyud to as
Onorators, parties wf tho Tlrst part, and the lnievnnhional Union, Unlkod Nino
Workers of America, buvoinuftvr rcforrod to as Nino Vwrkorul on behalf of ouch
member hhcvoof, nnrty of nlo sooond part, covevirr all ;” tlc Uilurinonm coal
mince onnoo or ovcwnlci br SPLU finut pnvbior, pr 36*, ®»Vffjac And rnnp]nm~nbs
nvcviwuc `·.· n;rcon»w+r a ·‘‘‘ by` iw ivwvlnud. Tkl~ I ·v~w*»€ [rulfnxi lo ibm an nd—
montw, modlfLo¢lQu“n ¤;& :vv:ll4 nln vs Wlr»lwu1+lv ,2 v£f*ol uzrrl ·  n Tormuvd
aaxlzl ;1y"v >;;;:*X¢<\:i * $1l, ‘ ·‘* 1. A Ll w‘» ll `ol_l »1;:» I`.? ' » 7· V V: *¤ ,; ‘- 4*1 —}·»jj. { ` “=1 ., .,'’ 4;‘n"*,¢,t1 :IJ`b
{d2t~d wnno l~, l"Yi\ wTS~¤P ·l f~·fl Y, ?"» . %*:ll·}.*l; 49%], #M~ Fuo»lo— N
mein {nl gjlx ljJizj* °’¤Q.i Y' ` \_‘ *‘   zixli, ‘  ·Y      ‘>1·_iE‘·* vm ¥,:;·iQ_ "’·»j*y· }\‘f*'i`·_f'y',"\`¥, `
(@¤l~@ YDY?l ll, l7W»] iY=G“QV¤ liril 1, l‘ E. ~;‘ Sli *= nwvv.;s visfvivt
lyreerfnis ¤wccuEs+ V~‘ V ~ *h~ Nall; Flaw Y¢vQ.rr o Q;lrlvu wr? ih~ vfy;/ug
· (\1ovv;io;·@ cnwd Um»;T l`r:;·oF· n’[o~u¤ (lL1fQ'; u@>w1 *}*2 ¤;F·r·;;*‘; E Uru"l<: 2 VPL ;*¤4n** ) saw
timcxr <.r. wir ‘·’· xr`  ,`V ” , *‘,*l’—, f’llJ~: c,’ i·o " · ‘ .z· ~·~.‘ *.,V ’·J‘ lnouulrivl *1d oucwwnlc ?¢l"ti:n€Fip in thm bituilwnni
coal in%n:try and lo s»L forln h»r lv L?r Fzslc ijy~l;~n5¤ cov-vinq roto? of
pay, hour: of work und oonoiticnr if JUQlOjZ#D+ .*%, T2 F; c%swyv¢d bptwpen thu
'OQTilCS, ann shall covxn th» cwvlovw ni of psrnous »xpl©yu5 in the bitunlnour -
cowl nln~s covwroo by Enix ¤y¤»a¤»n+ duylng such fiuv is such nuvsons nre abln
and willini to work.
ll in bbl ]n&~ntion of lniw lxvgomvnl io y¤s·rvo to mwnwgcnpnt ini
oxcont from this nyr-sw nt ..». on wdnouwhw fore; of suoyrvisory ornloyuws to o5Y.ok-
ivxly conduct tV® Swfo wnd pffjclvul opornlion of th; mine: ond ¤t the Sane
time, to provid? *g%lnnl ini @%nnl of such Qxcmpilons by oxc.ybing Lorl snob
&n¤loT on hb®n *?w v~¤u*n¤%l§ v~¤niP¤d Yo? fiat purposn.
Coal ln pcolorx ond Vgigb Bomsks it minus wnorc men www paid by Tho
ton, T*tcnn n, Cl rk , Enqinonrlnq wnd Technical force; of the opcyhtor, work-
ing vk oy from n Distric? or locwl mine 0"fico, oro uxomnlrd from this hgrsursnf.
All oihny omnLoy~w$ working in ov about the minus rhall bn includ d
in this 1greon
    yi4:n ·n1do;vi—¤.*1l;uttnml Lh1l;' Pli, lilly}, ir l;;z· hy' "civy%» d wxh? ji1cozw¤o1v2*¤ l kn? rcf.nytnct> in ‘&1iu twnwtwtwtt to *1 couk* fo1·%;=2lll· ine· s~§f,ty £;;l»itnmiinc1us 2n" lignito ninoo of tho y~rtico wf tho first Dxrt, Uith thc followinc pxccptionr ond "li rations: O7¥·.]'¤YlI'1{j Dv`li"l}T:]_""I)ll ";T'Z;`· '_‘f’_;)]‘(l§ H`§)`Ll]"F‘U_fult tc" ond ending with the rm no "hgncutivr Ord.r" is styick;n out, (Q) ‘l'lTI‘ ditc shall bn doomod L rofzr to ttc off ctlv; Goto of thi£ contv ct. (h) Enforc wont (ll Wcports of Fcd val Cool Ninos Inop;otovu:—Wlortv;r Znopoctovw r` the Fmiornl Bureau of Fin»v, in making thoir inspections in mcoordnnco with authority is oyovid¤& in Public Lww M9, 77th Congrsoo, find thvt there ore vi;~ litions of thin Coda wno wake rocovmwndntiong For tho Elipjnntiop of Such gnun conplinncc, tho Oncrntwrs ohwll oromntly comply with owen yocommtndntjpnc, o;» cont no nodifiod in pvrnqvnoh two ot this subdivision (D), (2) Whtncv -._· y oithof Port? to the contract i cla that conolioncc vit the ntoommondwtionr of tho Fcdorml Kino lnsocctoro as providcd above would con. j—T`Ni`ll?°·I""bl>‘ d"·1$*·’li“ WT *_`Y’»"€i"`·lY· $l—l`ijll¥*l·j~C‘Y, l`»ll*»iY NPY ?l}D]5l’€1l Sllftll ?r‘<§=Cf>1“1i’1·i1lLlQ.ivi<>n;® to thc Joini Board of H vicw no hcroinuftor orovidod. (c) Rovimw und Revision In nrdcr to curry nut thw intent and purpnsus of thu agreement affect- ing the Nine Snfoty Code, it in ngrnud that from timu to time juint consultutinns skull bu had with the U.S. Bureau uf Hines lnnkinv tuwwrd rnviuw and xniromrinte LJ . rvvisiun nf the uinu Snfuty Ucdu, (G) Joint!fhidunixuf.?wfntm·thnmwittuc Thurs is F»rnby cutwblishnd undur thin igrgumvnt A Joint lndustry E1!<~ tv Cwnnittcu cenpun ».i. J tf four numhtrs, two of whnn will be vnpointud by the Mir; ll©rk.rn und two uf whim will bu qnpcintcd by thn Op;r¤tura, tnnuu duty it Shall be to (l) nrbitrwtm ~ny wpptwl which is filed witm it by nn? Operator cr any Vi` llnrkar whe ftuln tn"t ~ny r ncrttd vinlnticn nf thu Cudc and r;c¤nn¤nduti®n t" ccmnliwncu by Q Teuuxxl w·t· Unnl Linn Tnspcctnr hnr nwt btun justly rtpwrteu cu +»·1 the Fctinn required uf Vin t ·.i» c~rr4ct thc viul#ti·n woul· rubjuct him tw i¤¢»u·r— nbllr d2yyun1 0r·:n1w2t injwr tina; rum} (2) tr ;wu1¢nl;L·;ith *`L; U. E?. Purtnu. *j`"**;r in wccurdwncw with thu pr~vininns »f Scctit; (0) tb;v¤. (0) Min; S2Vuty U~ynittne Qt ouch nina thorn vnwll be n Yin; $wj.tv Cr¤2nc@ of thuir duties shwll be paid by the Uni»n, but sR~ll F; Q tn J t~ n~ uctiny within UM :c@m2af’Mmirr»@lqw~nt bi1+u nyu ndt}h1i; ,m@niy if Uu.T¤M¤mn'x€kn— ?©nn¤ti¤n Lnw cf the w¥;tr xhtrt nuun dutiee ¢r» @»rf r .d. The Minn Gm! ty Cv>witt;» nwy innnuct ~ny mint d vclupn nt nr mquip~ nent uspd in pr¤Nucink cn l. lf thu Cnnnitt1; bnlicvqc c.nditi ns found cndnrt J thu life vnd budiun wV the nlre ynrkurr, it rknll rup»rt itr finding 2nd r>0cw nendatienn to the nunmgtnmnt. ln thrsw gn nifl invtxncré rheru ttm Ccmnittuq b.~ li nmnbunw ·.l· of cunt Crmnittwu n17 h* Tvfnvtd Brun tn; Cunnittcu. Cr1"i:¤.¤·u1c0;s that may vria;-’; ws; rnsult of 2 `:*<;qu·.;st for r;ln>‘—f’·.l of J; riumba-r 3 C ‘ . 5®€~+U Ccmnittcu under this c-cti»n nnnll bc nindlnd in uccerdwncv with th; .~ ~ viSi>nn wrnvidink f‘r r¤ttlur —·.. nt ~f dinnutcn, itu 3 ’‘‘. Y¢*&‘Uinnittun rnd Onerntwru shwll nuintmin such rvcordn erycn"w~ ing inupnctivnr, finnings, ruc¤mn.n&wti ns, ¤nd ncti0n$ rel ting to thin p~,» visisn mf tnv igreenent an may n ·tv*v r nuirwl, ind comics of Qll ren rts nuns by the Svfuty Cmvnltt.¤ snnll bw filud with thc Ontrntnrr. (f) ’T2u;‘z Intornr=r“c,;L.mrwl Ur1:i<;n, United Exline “I;···~?.md:; in cnc}; tim uf ccvl prwduccd fdr usc or for sclc. Such Fund mh ll hive itu pl cc of buSin<$¢ . in wtshingtnn, ·‘·. District nf Cclumbi¤, vnd it ihwll bc 4>i.11‘t 4d is G r·1>;>r·iri;11t"ti_vt· of the United Tino 7F~rk#.2rr: V incricv ind cnc tf wh»x mhull bu ¤ ncutr~l p rty sclcctcd by thc wthur two. it thc wvunt ef rcsign*ti~u, ..t. dcvth, inctility ~r nnvillingnc:2 to rcrvc of thc Z“". cc ippcint d by the Oncrvt rg tr thc TTu$te» ¤u¤·int ,»_uu d by thc United Nine "»r¥ rc of Awericw, thc Ounrntdrz rhull cnnnlnt tkc sucwcSc r »tr» ¤f tbv Trustcc nrigiu¤l`y anu intrd by thcw and thu United Ninc Jérkqre 3 Axarici rtill dmpcint th; Guc- cesscr ;C the Trustuc nriqinclly ®nw·int0Q ty it. {hc Opcrwtdri wird tdrv ltr tn d~ ber by cpy int Ixrc V ·c¤u n Hprn if Clcvelvnd, Ohir, vs tt ir rcpxzrentttivc ·».— »¤ riid B crc 3 Truwtcqr. Tho Unitcl Hinc`Y—rk»rs cf Tncric~ dm Fcrcby irp~int Jmhn L. Lani: cf M“EblHQl .=c— n, D.C. 2* its riprcscutativc cn scid B~¤rd cf Trustccs. It is furth.r stiuulntcd and ¤grt,e by the j>int ccntrwctirg nartics tint thc zfwrsswid tic Trust¤.s shall with all disuctch dtsignntc and aura ¤ third and ncutizl ‘·.· Trust n. Tzid thrrc Trustcts sg named 1nd dusignntcd skull clnntitutt the B nrd vf Trustacc +; administer the Fund hcrcin crcntcd, In the event rf u d ·,‘· cdlzck wn thc dusiindtign tr igrccnvnt ns if thc n0utr¤l Tnustwc, yr any futurt nwutrdl Truztc -,‘¤ , in ivp¤rti¤l umnirc Shall bc Srlcctéd nithur by wgrrcmcnt ~f the two Trustees, runrtscntitivnw if thc can- tricting nwftiqs hwrct·, -r by pctiti n by cith~r cf th. cinirdcting pirtirs hcrwto tu ttw Unit G Wtdtus District Cvurt fir the Listrict if Cnlunbia fcr tht ¤©D>intucmt E auch vn inpcrtiwl umpir., ull as Undc ind pr viUui iu Sect; x `t` (cl ~f ‘thc "Ln ¤J=J£2n"wf; ’·t·tc 1rtliE,lctd;w1s ctct, l@h7‘k lt is ¤yr··I ..», by th— c·ntrtctin“‘p®rtics hcrctw that The Wrustcnv ‘ 1 in pr viicd fpr vbull serv; frr the duriticn sf thiv centrwct wrd as l»ng ti;;¤— r11_`tnr :1;; th; {»r>y¤_;r c~~;;tii_:;u·>_L.iE_ ll izucil :¤<*rxjni;;tr_·1ti-@31 gf ;;zj_d trust :¤Eqil_l 1·;2.·t~;_ji_r_ , lt iv ctinti thwi thin Fund is rn irrcvccnblc trust crcwtcd pursuwn ‘“c. to S·;pcti.n 302 ih.-> "Lib·r—§l°¤¤.ni{_;c:‘1·1:nt iir1*·11*y 1· any ··11d all <;*rh<..·1* 1·111·j’>1’1:2©s Wl'llCll may bu ;=w_>1.;cif`l11, an ?l{fI‘<)¤3Cl 1,111r111 l`1**1*1 1,;L11<;; 1.·~ time by th; 'l`1‘·11s‘h1·a1>:: j.110l11<*1j.11g thaw Ti1‘Yl11`11r·1*r; 1;“ the Ulllllbfl i‘.*1;l110 l}¤»3"l[lL`:?”‘S ~l` .’11t1<11*i1·;c1e¤ **:2 11.*1;; lac 1·./vi;1l;;1¢ l' fha; "L’;l122*-E€.‘*1*1itn.11::111, 1?1·— l"‘biF. ·*1r= Act, l‘ll1'{", 1111*. ~>'U'la 1* :1_;‘>71lill;i_1,·,y, 111*;E1~1»;i,1·lw;‘= ·*·11rr1v ¤2l.~.·`1<~>¢ ;·1` 11 :111i€11.r;, *:.ru11i1:¤ MT b·,11·;f11,s, ¤¤<=1,i¤¤1**v·i_r‘L·*—:1·` l`I1l` b‘1i<;.1`i‘t.:s, i.1*.1.1er‘1,11·>11%i. 1;.:*11s*; f1.ma*<, vnd all —`-t;1i{`ln 1*1.l.¤tm\ l'1"lflL&;T`:.$. 'EM1 Tl;] -1·;.$·il~. 'L`1*=.1:=1.<·;T` 1‘1r- <>·1j·it*1;11·!;:i¤ l`.*)7‘<)lH 11r:vi¤‘...·.‘, 111* ._‘¤ svd ug": :1 ..>1*<.=j1:,1* *`Cl)`Lll`i_"`.l c1r11p11i¤t’ti‘=r1:i=, ·1:¤ Il s·;11»r1;·:1it.: .fT>z11d tn *11* Mi ·‘ = ir1is+.-1*.;*% ltr time 1*15.*% “1·u$1,»;re:: :li:¤<:1*,L`11->d *11111 Tw. us.>1.! f 1* *·1 ’·l’ ".7l'l[llE'>§ *11* 1211$i111s ¢*.11:i1.11*Li.<2:s i`i12* {ltr: 1*;:1*-. . @1.. ?i12i};`.d 1*;i2·1·; »1*l:1;1"¢ .`.1.1-:·r;L¤;*; *1* ‘;»*».i1* .f"1:*1ll;i.·r ·*r· ·;_t~:‘·11*‘u1111: *1111 @1:.*} 1.=bl1:1· ;><;1*.—i~11;= ·1:· mtr! 1_11j—,*;‘= 11‘*1·t‘. 5.11t.. wi?. F2;1.<’ 1*};*ill l;·- v*;*‘t1>·’l in @111} 1*u.~ 1i1¤1i11 r>:·*jr·`l1l¤ 1"1* this F11z1<‘ :31**ll `:>J 1*11lij 01, 5111 -`“ilQ* 1:*1111ur 15. ¤11ti.ci;>·1i*l *.11, ·1li.11¤1t.i..1·1, :*=¤l:, l.T"’TET*l’~.Ll“, "riiij. *_»· 13T·».I'1l., tcl ~;ElC1li`.`>l"`llC· .*.= 1—11 c}1f=1‘ ’=1;~’. rny ·¤·b1;;.t*tpt 1.1 'Ill·flClE¤"lL1., ·*li¤1;~*¤ , snll, *;r·*1;:*=.1` *1, #*:*rigj11, ,—l;~.._‘· _, e;·1w<:1111l1e 1f 41* c}1.·‘*1i1.·:.¢ ih;. $#:1111 azivwll be v—>i~‘. @11. 7* 11;;.*5 `wr 1i·*i1Y `llilfi $*16 F1m1.Z Slrll 11 h CVIlE·+[l'l.`ll`l}C .1* bz; ¤l<2211<;1;s, C)~`lll.`l""CT.t`, li"·l11Lli’ciLe;~e? .11· 1: ·*·‘ br: ~ 1 ".'' *%.211 g1"·1*+;l··:‘· ‘Il`l[l`tlx;(l to siuc}11v1111~.»y, 51. 12., 1i.l1—‘; b·;>11c.-— ficl¤1·i1=:* ~f E`°>l_Y.{ T1*11_r<1t. 1111·1j_1r1e.~1‘11‘? li th; "U11j1,1.·<‘ E'1111. ·`I‘l{Nl"S *f M:=.,lf?""(Q: ~"Il*1111='." 1.1111*11* this ¤>:*11.r·*ct, Slvwll bv.-n 11 ‘z.· <;.·Yf"` Il TV.? l, l<>°1?, #111*7 1*,11:. "j_1*:*1.. ·`<.=‘1i·1xl ;»r1y1»· .*11*zi R11 I"‘,'?¤.l¢.E .11 .`¤11;r¤1:=‘k PO, l®l1'f, *11* 1h;x1*r**;*`t.;:r 1‘:r~11·t,i11*.1luvlig 111 ’l1»> 20+2; r!#·j; *f e·‘~cl. s11cc.r··?;L11;# c**l=·111‘.·*1¢ 1*11111;.1; lZ1{’ 131}% 1.>1*~¤l11c*t,:i/:1 -r..LY` Mll 1: ···- l um 1:1* :=·*·l·; 1.1.l·*‘€;¤>1‘ ·11‘ ¤j>ii1‘·1w-.·1*ic:* $}t·*ll be 1;.311, C}1r¤j_1·“1¢*1i .` ‘li1l‘1~ 'l`1*u:<‘*‘-.r¤»> rn? 171 FLlI`l·'l ~vi¤Lr·.i` ‘ij.]1<; O111v<1 md ‘\l""Vj,H·. fir, <;111‘1*c.11b TWICE 17 =.'111·11l:@]1. 1*1;- Un I}1·1?L*b—*§.1*k1>1‘:` I ..11-.:1*1c** "1l’.l T11 k.}*1c2 T1·11:;=t<_» :1 l1111*1.;l11J:b.i=.a2 #`¤.;:w;Lrr11**’©-`:<.`? ¤. 1*1=¤11ii~hly ;.=ls*‘!i»11.i.1‘1‘t. s~¤l*. . ‘~.¢ 1.111 ilu: full ’1TT1·f 111111. r`.1·<.¤ Im21*·.,11,11¢l1r1* f 11* wll c1*·il ‘“TJl`¤`¥”lllC~“`¢(l fur usc wn<2rkc*rs 0f ,\!Y1Cl"j.C·" "©lii`:2r·<= and i€,<2nt11 ¤t.1"-<:‘h, 1!.`f.4, "·wsh‘ln;j+,0n,‘ D.C,, 01* 15 O>5l'1C?2f".·.Vj,GV¥ v’¥s¤. lf ir? $’fij,m1l‘vl‘c,··l :*~r1»l "‘_{Tl"ri— tics to but clc:·sl;fn::t.»l:d, by +,10 ';"w·u:‘-=T,;r<;s= of ·t;h<;— Func!. [ F7l·"+i`T‘Z=`Illl 0i` th? I".21T\lll,E 0C Such ~ul;i.’z shvll hn xrwilee *v¤wlL·ibln.· for ;inugf~;<:»• 10:*- of lnt.,1*<.;x:t<,.»;i pczavsnrxax nt, the i>?"i21<:lv¤·*l r¤;Tficl.; i;h·= 'l`i·*u;=‘h. l“u1·1rl wud vi such ·;,t,l1»;* yllwcc.-s M: 1::*;* hw m~w*·—+,mt· :·"l Fink A:()I'li·?1`I` ·v;;` `YZl¤Tl`l()'1 ".lf`·wrc· nnvl 1?,st,jl1‘©xT1<2n1u Fund" in tm ri’uu1—·r ·=11d mn tha; c€·tii,w¤ hmr=‘j_n ·"—z‘c·:xrlch»».i. :‘ah·~ll, ·’+ Thu ambien of LM: =in;i_ii¤;>d Eilnm *.’0r1 of rr;;1’·icu, he rl- wuai rl vl’>l···t,;i_¤vn cf {,Z*xi;·¤ ;·.§'1"YL rwni. 'i`i;;i_s¤ <¤l*lig"r?;»l·>n W aétwth Y'lT“·."!"‘.t0l‘ :‘r$,* l»L»¤;i1¤, .¢E1<‘:}, is" suv :1··‘·l und n·i,»t‘. _§0‘i,nr., lm S0 nfiy ::u·’·Ym sruvvr; rlrzll lu: " T`=.'f)Ql_TlU[l}`l{` Olll; · il n rf :»t·*‘l¤‘ Opr :‘¤?,~1* clurlnri ‘t;};i Y 0i` this ·nm¤·n+, ·~nn` ’c,h:L$ Jgg:·u·<>m>ni; if my min; iu `..n}‘=*i_ch ighls .`;;‘r¤-.:t¤;in+ is-2 Tlfl`?:`LiC";bl·" srhull hu ewld, l~·‘rxe<*_, :=uh-l<;··s·,;-df r1$i:;ij~‘rni»?., or nih :1·i:§L:§' ··¤,1;i_§·;n;7· +}*4; q>Z;>l§_g·*·ti3_r»n ll.2I‘·'.`.l]ld~E1`. Qc*c,‘l<>n whlch vvwir l"n]f'7ll_l_F`.’\ };—Jw_1r1<_T»,;v· by thu ”>»,z~ »l·g·~y< my th, up- p0€,n‘hrw<>n‘b of :1 ;=u]"·.`,f'\]El,;_Ilj”’ th M, or ·.·,: ‘ ly ]"~)G\J,fl]"ilLl in rtonnmctiun wit,} ·*n;r »;·i,h~,1* mnttv 1;* l‘.l`{.:l111Cl`."T.()1"L’ who *1.. the tiltwcé n¤2¢‘Li,::,· h. veto, ·nr}; ·*ul;?·0*‘i;s `l.lO]l, ·:*‘>:»:.n·*·*-L, nu r""Liflcr"·’f,il¤>;l 0i` {lgJ;:r·`*i02*n :*~{w‘ ·l·.l ~;"v11i:Lrnj FiL‘71;j ;‘—m;T`OCl`lCL°'l fur une mf rwlre <;h¤rln;; {he CE1],Il¥l·"t]` j,·-;>¤11· ·¤:·:·v;i©z1;r in ’cZ;i in `·.‘[l`;.LTl1 the acklun is t,:;l=··;n rfwll l;·—.2 r;u.T;_'_i_ci»,nt, r·ni‘ rhnll hizzi. ull C‘>=·r¤t.< vs`, il. It ls heivxwhjr St;Lzu.1ln+1.·<\ incl r·r‘2¢·,r* by ‘th~· cnnfn ciingj gwrtiazrs xifplz 1*~:s;><1· #5 in F`w111n Ze(,·1l of TEM. Nzztirvrzwl lll)\1?`Ql1'lOllf5 C0:*l `fzntgjw yiri vrziint. lrzinci Eh}! 20, l‘>}_u3 (commcnlir Pnwn "r¢ W2 K2‘ui—Q·. `;’r;·- 1*2 ni), us; follows 2 Thi Og><:1*·‘lt.0n?:; :¤iv.j~·z’it¤1·y h;:rl;’L© ;1;j:·@<2 in 11r1Et¢ ‘f>Z`]’}'1n}'1`CfS into :=:1il/1 Fund ru; or l~».i`1·, Juli; l§Y, l*'Jh';’, 011 ¢,c<.:<>un‘t, of all chill ;:·v·¢>dun;·?vr 1i.·‘:» cr ssvlf. up to wud 1ncZ;a.=h'?, iiitlw zwsgy ct, to which n:1},#r;=s:nL, has nrplt Fm? z1<3?m‘· 1 br ien rw? , vruch ;mj‘2‘.»¤r·.1,,;¤ lu be wu hussin hmrbc, Nv nnial Op `l“‘7`l'·OI"'·` um.]? hh., nr·;;>vilr·i<,n:¤ of th: lii·u’t‘·-D ,:l:= .\;"r*i*s :*ijr;1·r€_·m·7,¤‘ h< r·;:1r·1> l¤..1’·;·l>j,f rxnouxuz ay? T<>1.m-v.; y z .· l·1:r1:;·;; ftnj,-· nn? wll ·rl=1.Lm io or ;i_xrk,»1·..;‘=+, in ;T¤C‘f/E‘1’..`!l"Li'* wwrle; _L;n+.;. :`“J_·;ciP;LJ:¤* *u1·.’. L?1llll!..I"Tl3ifiVl, cuff "·n`?'lf{~.f?*f] mn 1xn<;H·ll;j*·~nLr1T,¤,c`* hi: S:»c¢**‘.;L0n Mr") of thi: Krv1;{-—L·;vwj,:;* >`¤.g5r»i*¤;~*··r.ent. (El) Thu ;>¤wr+,i¤.:·:‘= hJtrc;t0 wgrrilz Lhrtt, thu bunt, lnt¤t1"·t:<1; of thu b<»n·,,-- iTic;L#=x·i »‘,l S uf? :*i·:irv;2.;I'10f ralwulr? tr¤r1sf¤;<1· such .fTunm