xt7kh12v6014_692 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham Accident #227-C text Accident #227-C 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_154/2008ms006_154_5/58073/58073.pdf undated section false xt7kh12v6014_692 xt7kh12v6014 ' ` .B`.*&z;4. E, QQy• _
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' ' nf .;1E.‘h .;1·i,u21°   iii tiny' @1*6: wg giwi ,4;; .¤_j.i;umb r 35-, l9£L7. 'Bwy exc
E.i.yi2:{; in i$.;;·L·:m #1:   p;¤ :;4;:;t ci G.     1~:ic;;;zc3 ~; ast sircca the
;*g_1;J,..:r';J .;;}:1 J1 but ,3;: wkgil. Luz:   living  ich :f=»air ;_;l_.i;;,q1· ULL; ;- $1;-
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~ .Pax.;·0’;i: zcgmw;  ,431   t{;·‘ ;;> ,:1= 7.4, 391.5, Amd Juno 6, 1925, an cs ¤:zw1·§€1i$'S ;vi..·s.:l<, uw €>LG Iii} :4 bt cycarts 2:0
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606 SOUTH Macs-MGAN Avenue
January 25, l928
Mr. J. J. Burns,
Auditor - Wisconsin gteel Co.,
c/o International Harvester Company,
Eenham, Kentucky
J.Ju......     H H ,cTT   ..c,_   ..c,,   ....._,I,
We hereby acknowledge receipt of your communication
advising that this Company's certificates of stock, as follows,
have been ____ lost, stolen or destroyed:— {
Class Ctf. No. Shares also Name
Preferreo "7TZBO,n7 ly CIH—64407) James Parrott
" CIF- 75oB l( gIy-7g747) H M
ZZ é`%I3¤I·2é?Q”+ I 1 $1 J;
"‘   i 1 ··
We have placed a "stop transfer" notation on our
records against these certificates and have instructed our
eastern transfer agents, The Guaranty Trust Company of New York,
to do likewise. In the event that the missing certificates are
located kindly notify us immediately.
Our experience is that many such certificates turn
up, and as it involves some expense to obtain new certificates of
stock, we would suggest that a thorough search be made before pro-
ceeding~with the requirements necessary in connection with the
issuance of a new certificate.
Kindly sign the enclosed "stop transfer" form, also
fill out and return the enclosed applicatipn blank.
. f/ //\
_. ' ’ 0 A
B£f/ I V»7·/iff 4;/{
Assistant Transfer Agent"

 Mr. F. A. Steuert, February 2, 1928.
ith ;loor. .
I have your letter of the lst inst. with letter
of Nr. J. S. hurns, works Auditor, attached, and note the
circumstances involved in this matter.
Qeplying, I hes to advise that if James rarrott
was divorced from his first wife and legally married to
his second, the latter would take one-half of the surtlus
of his personal estate remaining after the payment of
funeral expenses, debts and costs of administration. The
seven shares of stock owned hy the deceased would be
classed as personal property.
If he was legally married to his first wife and
they were never divorced, then she would be entitled to
one-half of such surplus personalty.
The thine for us to do first is to ascertain
definitely the legal status of these two women with ref-
erence to their matrimonial relations with Parrott. It
is imnossitle to advise definitely until this is done.
The above statement of the law is only hypothetical as you
will ooserve.
I should be glad to advise you further in the
matter when you have ascertained all the facts in the case.
D. n. Jrebaugh

 A 285.—Revise¤I
606 $0uTH Micr—nGAN Avenue
RliQUlRIZl\’llCN'l`S l·`()l{ 'l`lllC TR£\NSlilCR (ll? (`()MM()N AND PRIZITERREI)
S'l`()(`l{ S'l`;\Nl)lN(L IN Tlrlli N;\l\illC Ulf .·\ l)EClZASl€l) PIYRSUN.
\VlrllCN l)l`C(.`lC;\SlCl) l”)llCl) lNTlCS"l`.»\'l`lZ, IiCS'l`A'I`lC IS SMALL
ANI) 'l`l·llCl{lZ IS Nt) li’l<(>l”’lCl<'l`Y RlC(_)l`lRlN() l’l<()BATlC.
1. Bond of idemnity signed hy all legal heirs. (lf married. widow or hushand, children and children of
deceased child. If single, father, mother, hrothers and sisters.)
2. An affidavit regarding heirs, assets. dehts. etc., pertaining to the Estate.
The required hond of indemnity and affidavit forms (in blank) will he furnished upon request; or,
furnished complete upon receipt of the following information:
.~\. Date and place of decedent's death.
B. Did the deceased leave a Last \Yill and Testament?
(V`. Names, addresses and relationship of all persons entitled, hy law, to share in the Estate. In cases
of minor children, give ages.
D. Market and par value and description of all personal property.
E. Assessed and estimated market value of all real estate. including that held in joint tenancy. In
cases of joint tenancy give exact wording of that part of deed indicating joint tenancy to enable
us to determine whether or not the phraseology thereof is the correct legal form of a joint tenancy
deed, to vest title in the survivor.
li. Detailed description of all dehts of the deceased including funeral expenses and expenses of last illness
and whether or not they have heen paid in full.
3. Illinois lnheritance Tax (`onsent (/if deceased resided in lllinois).
—f. New York State lnheritance Tax (`onsent tif deceased resided in New York State).
5. New jersey State lnheritance Tax (`onsent (if deceased resided in State of New jersey).
6. Fill in space on hack of stock certificate after words ‘"l`ransfer Unto" the name and address of person or
persons to whom the shares are to he transferred.
7. The stock certificate or certihcates must he signed hy all persons entitled hy law to share in the Estate
and their signatures guaranteed hy some hank or trust company or an official representative of this
8. Federal Documentary Revenue Stock Transfer Stamps in the amount of two cents per share must be
affixed to the hack of stock eertiheates and cancelled.
Transfer Agent.
july 1, t926.

FOR . .,. 4_ _ V D/ATE
&.r. U. Q. TBULHIS,
T Auditor - Wisconsin Stool Comosny,
gEPCv';TRNLiN ¤€q]V»p=¤ Y€¤·{;u~hV F¤»—T·v nw- V; low:
.. . .._...’ .. .,- KJLLY (_ Lj;,4,],(y*__.y F , ,,·,g(_,
YOUR LETTER { ` ’ __ {__
Eoorugxy 2, 192x
SUBJECT —~~;. ; · . —- -,     L -    T-
vw Fu-E~¤· !i.;>;A,i}i OF :.|AA·.}!..i: i’Ax.:L.L; —— DLL».,.§J.;p
M6? hand you L-lL?I`(E}”»`j.`Qi; oooy of   .u1G>.;.=’>T:$eimujzx ffozzi
gil".   .¤`~.. C`?1‘s9bp11&{‘i‘1 of C¤1.1fL`   D·€:>=¤f‘L;.mG2‘1“c, to·o;o_;i11;f: ‘ 2;mg; Lug
ouoszzon TPLTEQ in your lexcer. Tn oroer to gsooriain geiigitely
M16 l€gif@_l STJ2oT,L1S CFI too Belo *.‘~*r:.j;;_e;qgj_—j>;L   gg j*]_S
marrigte and divorco {vom his fivst viie end also the smazus of
1`ylfi —L(>,"‘£4.] j¥T1’ r`)f` ,5 Q Q ¤G·—.» R V»— w V. i .- ·»~ T`»»·—.»¤»— `»~. .·` '» A. .3 Q,. *1 J - ; ,
’*~ -   —·J -— #·—~~       —-:·     »=.·»L I`&V;.•r·J.'M O- 4;;].; .;i';;®I"{.3*;;OE;
·7;' ·¤ _` :_ _Q_\·r» .f‘ Q .»»,. 4.,- 7 _,,_`g ., ___ _ ~ —, V _ X . _ . .
...3.0Yh __,rOU`   V§i]*..}L.1rj uk/5 TG gg ;_ S ;,Q`[,~_L$ fj] fhg tk Q ;HE]I‘j_?r   ln  
WS will qivo tLs cass EUTZLGT c2:sid¤r¢:i¤m.
Y V·`» oy; vw y truly,
/yr/I ; 417 / _' , [ {
/ I/A.//l /,     //   /
V / r/ M »/C/» U
Trenzfor Agent
T"`! "'(
P ,A.Z]//J


 Bmhaem, Ky.
. ‘ April 10, 1928..
  E. A. L.t:u.v0rt, Emmfcr ..;;.mi;,, _ V
.;.¥;'§£&€2¤; GF J 2.31; PA {QUT?} ·· i}$C;.A;&.};IJ. ‘
  qimz V
. In lima nrfish   lcatmr dm id 1~‘@brw:a:wy S and fnllovayzg
  cmv 3.m:€;m* ..·£ Jaz;. .L;A —.4s·_5; 19, please bc r.dv'¤cd c at ;;.¤;· 1:-cul a;rt0;·z:»a;;s,
V ·.»;¤L;>:r<»x1szx1d ...;e1:3 _:.m;, 3..—.<;~ s0m;·cE z©d t cz 2011 A·1_ ~ gd Z§;;;·?.;g; £‘mm1;y r·p.;;·~g
:s.:a:<;>¤3¢s fam az ivozaw *20;;::-ri of 1;};.0 avi-ave: .axt;,· cmd   fizmt *=·§.fa,
__ J-mnzrz Parrott, to aéazrz ILO ms   ==;;.;;zt $*2, 1.907, and s¢:<¤~scd
3..%.1.1;; zsiizh OH L?@§$£»I`ElJ.·l’ 5,4.,, 2.913,   ;·¤’t0z· :2. €.%.;.1i{'··`Y?{.Z so 1·0’; tiny
· ears: :»·:*.?w 1.2;:;; ·;i;.=»;,; .4.     ·d vxzy ·u;.s;:<:z·d of s> Mvcxceza. V B0 is purtias
. ;a.·z·0 1- ¤.1»;;.,·:>c=<:=d Y, cm si mic! myc bc. zz   ·;·.~<:c:·d   ii;.
  Ft. 10::1::: ~.c·»;.·;r wz.}; 3,5.;:0 {4 at   sam an s.;.·2~:-»¤>z<.=,· xasztar on
:;L>z= ia 2.;   ci;0 1* ini; wifa  oa::..a,   a   we mC;h¤:1‘ cf mea 2-*-rea
@127 i’:.·~m who an az;].  um? ti.0 ay of M,. vraxs =:u-r?¤<·· em ;;¢pt.==;¤u;·
35, TL9!”?, fm a12._z11   ard   llviagj in L"=·.i`£' wvma Jczzécs >`5¤ •·r.ztt
4;:31:1 E12.: ¤:0c;c··d    1:1 cs   .‘m.·2=:·t¤;, {EO mm   was  
5:1.8 -3: 1925, <;·.‘:za*.; Y;   hmm r?i.vi·»:·r¤cciA 1.:5 1»;E.:~z s ::t..x=·—.:   21::9
  <»;.;~d was .; vu mia?   *;%:2i; .-;<2 E-::2:2 {1;%.921 :iiv·~:·ma:d   hh:-.¤ w’?.z~;.t
.*.:1.%,    .0 Q?0 féxt ..:2%, 321; ag as w tz hasn in tis
aca .4:,,, mv.: was zz .23.% .2;m$· of tm :2};;.3.1x:u 20 mk   ,.~,y me 11 t
c;1:t1....142d to :.2‘i;a.0 L2? Us qzzzzfc .»  
Aw pz-   25; zzfvimd, .1213.5:.2 .¢·¢;·F:0a=  *>3~·r·¤£:* .·ir;?#z Mm ·a
wm   at &=i.;0 1:5. 0 of rim fam]. sxzcscbazt Tas ?fX}»‘5S¢'3£:&iG¥1 of the
sw:  ?§;a;~»¤ pf i, " . .‘cxt:j¤;·_y {)2*.£f*33’P.-<.* naman, srvvd   ¤»¥v*zé¤;d me _
··;" 2.; ¢?=.·.: i ;..»3.,;x:¤i wave: z.§;€; :;.:0cLc as isa am lz *%;.2.::3   eu was ze =r·‘e:d
kiss:   R9;.i5~§ wad 1 c¤   Ys N-wt uw   ··=t¢i2:'L·;l tv so »i:?:i g fr Bar.
. _ £};¤°¥`:.*Z€’Z¥.% ;i.11}1:.>1;2iz*zg; Z`;-X21 zrzvc a?¢si& ztsscica ‘
` . Haaese be :;:12.-3:.00 :2::21; I av:-2 ·i;..¢a sywiél -·>i·+.·ici¤nd cbcck
::::3 i;E1<3 statvazuzwic of   vitzgs Acccm 1:, and gym may p msc? mivisa 6
, w .OU`=.C>1“ yzu wma?.   to cmmzimxa to 11423:: ’r?w¢;a f r av. im J1- sion d
_ i:3t·u;y @ rm  read so ;;..·:z1· 01‘V.a‘ic@ amuil chis enter is disposed ·£¤
@2.0 awva is all the im”·Jx~·azeat;i0n {hat wa have at tws $12*:8.
fc wi?}. lcwp gym. advjmncl fmm izixau to tim if wc can sacum ewgy 23 ».i; ditiyml
5. f0:z*··m tion tizais will 141.1.;: to .:1am* up this xraatcr, cmd in the ?T9$`£?II•
2;.5,::12   wg;_;;<;st that gym let ies L<;m..w what wc ma:.1 auvi sa Mxaase parties.
YOuJ.·.*s t21°ul;y,
· · SILSGOCT. N QT ...1L Jini;.-afs!
By"""‘“"` `‘‘‘   ‘*" “" ""* 7
*..0...5..;; AL . MO ..1.

>Mr. J. J. Burns,
FOR . . . ,_ ,‘ _ ~
Aud1tor - W1SCOHSlH Steel company, D"?
Benhem, Kentucky _ _
g?yg$§T Apr11 25, 1928
20 Apr11 1928
 ..QE.£x§21@2&;E¤%FiliQ'@Qrt-: 2452 Qéeiéii
We thank you for the information contained in your letter.
We have referred the case to our Lew Department and you may expect
to hear from us 11ter regarding the next move.
Y ’A
{ours epyptru1y,
  if 0 (
1 • '
Trenafer Agent

FOR Mr. J.   . Burns , ° ¤/me
Auditor - Wisconsin dteel Uompany, ·
°""°“*‘S . April es, mae
voun LETTER      
°"     _E€>L@!§.T.»*i¥. .0 F...éY;@¥!§;55-_?&1BB.O!YE`-.si   ·
In view of the probable contest relating to the property
of the above decedent, we have placed a "etop transfer" order against the
seven (7) shares of preferred stock regiwtered in the name of James
Parrott. This will prevent their transfer and will protect the intereet
of any contending heirs at law to the personal property until a decieiai
ie reached regarding a settlement of the eetate. We euggeet that you
be guided in thie matter by the advice of your local lawyers. If it
tranepiree that decedent made an actual gift of the eharee of etock in
question to Julia stolen Parrott and delivered the certificatee to hen
that will introduce a further complication.
Technically an Adminietrator should be appointed by the
Probate Court to eoneerve the aeeets for the rightful beire, but it may
be that your attorneys will find some way of dealing with the matter
to the eatiefaction of all concerned so that a full measure of equity
will reeult without the necessary expense incident to form¤£ly probating
the estate.
You way return to this office the check you are holding for
decedent. __ ;l
Youre vféykziuly, / j
/, { _;·   all Vx; L Z .
//7 / fl / V fl #(4, IT} / !   Jr- ’ ,  
L///i%{‘jy‘j'yg4/{r“y;e@ ¤g
~· w’ to ¤t~¤*¤ ~v v t ,
Transfer Agent
ras,/J _

 ~ .3 x‘1h·;¤:;z, K3;. Y _
. Jap :21 27, 19f 8•
. Liv. E. ».. ».L.u;w;*t, '£E'·.i1£.·I`·-i1`··L.·2¤i~ta ·
;4s.;L..i;——.i..-L2»¤l.Q§  ,»     {iff 1  £€·€  Ai;
, .V~. 0 zm . 7::
  ` ».G ·v0 gr ...1.* Lux; ir if »2_;.·il £;5», :2=;¤3 as . ·;;u;...,d
AG  ;¤.-·c     ;·e;.* .·~  ;g· hz.; -4;.. pix .:}·.».; Q: 3.11 i` vfyr —f     its   ctc 6
ago :11.;.;;     :,Z gy   ;.:.4;t; nf pills p·¤;··1;;,:'s wk L.`Z1Jf.’1iip ‘ wi
I v:.. 10.;’»; Eva; 8Ei;!·3.I;“ t fT»1* uc   ;· 1936.
V ` Y:} .   ';,1'1yi;f9
» *.1.} EIT *7 L Y Z'   VY
fw I
~   Mu ;z;;r·.
' I

Mr. J. J. Burns, »
MR Auditor - Nieconein gteel Works, DME
Denham, Kentucky
nay 1, 1928
YOUR LETTER     1    
We acknowledge receipt of your letter returnirg our
check No. 17842 payable to James Parrott - 264 — in the sum
of ;1O covering 5pecia1 Payment Account of Jtock Ownership and
Investment P1an.
We wi11 hold this amount together with the dividends
on etock registered in decedente name pending a deoieion on the
question of his 1ega1 heire at ; .
Youre se " uly, /
, /r
/ if f   //{/ _  
» _ V, /~'C/{   L,»
V Transfer Agent

 ` ~  
4 i , sj  . * x      
_ { g) J V! , ifn LQjgw ‘ I :» __V .- I
r = Y 5-, .5f p ` H ,’?' . ‘  ‘
> ki I ‘   wif?}-“
. A A, a-·F
'Fr. J. Qenry Taylor,
hT*OPH9§ nt Aww,
Finsvilie, Wy.
 9:*.1* ·¥·; yi
?¤ur istt~: GF fw@¤ ET ¤‘~2¤r¥s6 E0 th1¢ :¤m¤&my,wLt&
rsfwramcn tw the ¢~v#n ¢d¤ver af ¢;nck stcndins in the lFT° ¤f
Jemén Jarrmzt, n¤¤ havn rafcyrs* to we ?~r re*1y.
/ A
it the *umewt I pu¢+ si¤:¤ ih°? T qincavely h¢’c you
save H¤t w¤3i ‘y¤. J was Lnyynar ins ful? ~;xch¤¢¤ ~rice of in€s#
¤h#rv¢ 0f $@0ck, for &n¤ ?e¤*¤m than mberc Qeéws to he rave i·ub@
¤¢ tc whether ¤:v 1* tx? owns? ré 1l¤m *:5 ¢b;e t¤ #2ke w vplid
nrvnafar. Thi? y¤k;er Q? 2 to ~ur ¤2»t1:*z=‘c»5.;::2.
Fh~ ¤¤0cadur¤ F11? me La »;vv¤ cna wmll. i? there iz
wm?. or éwhermiwing who his ,eirv an £¤v rr¤ if ae djei ·.·` &n:¤¤c¤t2.
=¤ Guy invevfiq¤1i0¤ Shows. Ti ¢m ¤&w1n1@t2¤tsx QEE as ointci
¥·w0ul¢ be n¤cm¢¤¢wy za yvz ¤m créox of court for cnr 97i? *i
théne ®hnr@$, nr 3 und@xi:¤no *#ntucky €w#¢ not #utB0riwv v $$12
‘  bV QU ¤é¤in1#1r*i0r *~Lh*ut nn crder ci c=ur%. Fners wiznt ¤;a¤
E4 an inh¢:3t#mc¤ i°F *u· une °iRT$ nf ‘¢wLw@¥v, bun uni¢"* t¤@I¤
b·0Ln@r vrnwscfy in Lhe &¤t¤ts the e awwtiwn ¤mu}d mc-v than
¤¤v¤c ih@9e s·¤r@&. Bvcvawa wf tmp xmnuut invwlvai, &¤¢1¤¤im?t#Ey
iGl5.CW. ¤ud ¤3sn bacrusw ¢»r¤ ···· cf F~~rott‘a ¢wi}€r@n ¤r@ wimwys.
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mivhi CFYC owéé ¤r¤ rstiwfi¤d, tmis ©om¤~uy c0ul@ may ly Jxmswnze
with »dm1ni¢nx@ti0n in this OP@9.
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{0uyu very truly,

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 purch 20th, 1029. .
Mr. J. R. Tailor, imshicr,
Kurlan NuLiu»aL pmuk,
W@¤r iirz-
Jac ixcwgsiu licci Ju; any Hg; ;ufar:»i v we y¤A; 1n,;.;; pix; ¤—
fore cu Lu U yi; gg ic LJ $t s" .f ire ’nb¢yn;LLunuL " rv»-h©: Jum-
nuuy ·kLcn ,·.· =.s ;:,weJ L; ty; nr»> -.V_ .5 J4m·2 ;;yrnhL, l+e,;;um, gm; w;¢
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