`1 · ·· · . §*¤I§¤, ssa—s-az-xm 1 4 ` STONEGA COKE AN COAL COM NY — l ‘ N INCORPORATED _" _ »""';»·, i“XQZ"·»,l LESTER R JESSEE »’/ ` ?—¥—? { W %"· · . ,-2; ,,»·" " ’ /1* 'L. CLAIM AGENT Iii,} ~'I/'_,’/ “"\?`\_,,·' x' ” c_ E ' BIG STONE GAP, VIRGINIA fg / [ge Q { °a\»·"'i mx f /"" I ,` ,_A ,,A§I?;;' 1·~ \ L, A ·’ `*» * fic ,xj"‘yo;. /*.:5 t 5 ` `_ \ F-·*` M ·"{ Cifjr —, ~\ ·,_r January 26, 19755*% ‘»`_L»"' ' if _\; J'! H1". J, . Yowat, J#"il]fWlOf,'I!l“Ellt} T.'·2ntJ4‘5er, ·· isconsin titeel Company, Beimazti, Ziezitucly Dear L$ir:·— Re; LLL; Ferrell v xstonera ilolze °;_ Coal Uomnanrz ‘.'!hen Tir. dine was over to see you srynetirtie alto regjardinjg the above case lie `orougght with him a copy of telegram received from `I. J`., C‘ncL-;er and copy ol` report of TJ. ll. lfletty; also a copy the notice of e~n··lo;;:ieiit. Zie appreciate this inforznation very much, and I am zieretvith returning: to you the three OZ”j~§i113l papers, com of rrlzich we have made lor our file. it the tiiie I.-ir. dine was over there he tells me that you did not have complete records on the case, and that 37ro`o;1`oly by this time you have found some more ihforma- tion. If you have I ¤·/mild ireatly aivoreciate 3 G,i· our sending it to sie, or copies of whatever you may have. Je have talked to `Y/. Yi. Bord, who was E‘errell’s section '1"¥l‘€lG£2l'l, and is nov! located at Linden, Virginia, out he states that he does not re» member an_;rthin;g about this accident. fir. dine failed to {get in teach with Lmrus Jarves, llssistant Foreman to ·`ord, who is still located at Elenbam. It it U .·‘. onld not be aslzinry too much I should amisciate your talizingjs to this zion and ;{Tindin;; out just wiiat he lanozvs alrout i»‘erroll' s disability from Jizwie lst to June 15th, 1925. Tie appreciate this information very izmch, and ii the occasion arises · we wisii to assure you that we snail be more tiian glad to rociiirocate at any time. {ours vox?/‘ truly, {fw /7: __ _ · L¤CC].Q.1f“`l ligsf J. ; if , to égé Vi - ‘ LKJ /]'11T1`D _