xt7kh12v6014_714 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006.dao.xml Benham Coal Mines. (Benham, Ky.) 151.0 Cubic feet 302 Boxes The Benham Coal Company records (151 cubic feet, 302 Boxes; dated 1911-1973) focus primarily on the early years of Benham Coal through the 1940s, including office files, Employee Benefits Association records, files on accidents and safety, and photographs. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Benham Coal Company Records African American coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal miners--Kentucky--Harlan County Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region Coal mines and mining--Appalachian Region--History. Coal mines and mining--Kentucky--Benham--History Company towns--Kentucky--Benham 1944-1945 text 1944-1945 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kh12v6014/data/2008ms006/2008ms006_157/2008ms006_157_8/59148/59148.pdf 1944-1945 1945 1944-1945 section false xt7kh12v6014_714 xt7kh12v6014 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT l
E',§'\°},‘§,'§KS Coal Mines C 'CAGQ "—'—·· {september 6, 1944,
FOR MR- E. D. Sturgill
We received your letter of lxugguet 30 amd also received 21 copy
of .:Ir. Sampsonhe letter to you under date oi` September 2.
fic assume that it is your desire to offer settlement based
upon 257; dieebility of toe leg, which is slightly more than the esti-
mate of disability made by Dr. falullen. In   of all the clrcumstences
in the case, we ugree with {Ar. 5empson’e oyinion end suggest that the
case be closed out on that `cesis:.
A Lq , T A
. /r{r   6 /(,,»/'. ~ "`I  
évl ,((i l' ` 7 ..  
C. G. Gregory
I r
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 GAm2 ~zea A;v.mbur 7, 1L44
Ja F. • OW';it
Hcrann dshbryuk • Acc. y47&·D
Dr. 4u1lem’s Latter VT »cVQL£P lc una »¤r;a¤n’s uepcrt of
_c‘0p4r 16 1:dic ta that r. uhbrunk was i»_ur, on Vczobcr 12,
$:00 a. m. The ctuer rwpwrze wm Ln. i;&a indicate nhut the i;_nry occurred
,§ 1:00 a. m. mm »c$0b;» 15. nhrcx is qrructi
if pv. iuhhronx was 1 mr 6 an »cnw»er 13 at x:OC a. 2. und
£Au but tat;2L at the bagimuigg 0V his : Af; ut 5:60 p. n. z an u?ccr~
;,;o», .v;cxww* 16 is the I€Tk»E J y of dis¤bi;iuy. 4i`. Tg .ahbr¤©k w;s
i.v,r,& on »ch0bar 12 at 2:UU u.m. and did nat cu Q zu vcrk that ¤1:ur—
z¤ n, het ·· ; ber 12 is sue first @.5 »f d1s¤biL1ty. in peivgm; c4se
w pld vczcbgr l& be cna First deg cf dzsjhixity uuluns Mw. Ashbrook
y r aq , 3;; V; can £¤;L.Aiu» bq; 3;_pxg,mn1eA, b¤c;¤se uf its manure
age 5cv»rity; we in ;0t thiyx cribs cansiagrgzibh.
klaun; :L¤;s up .;@ JiscrapQncy in ;L;¤ j;L¢.
JJ ;!ji.d

 J ;,·f$€,*Qj‘n~ \\
# FX Q; ~i:;{j:2;*Z§ .
Coal Highs November 22, 1944f '“: ;
      ` ° NOV]   1044i
  /D._.~"5'Z`LLk'gji..].l /·%/ / .) s M L IJ  
“ Y / ‘ > ‘:@#! xm,. 9
  _` E1f.~".¤f.Z}   ».,»Z{ — . CC. #.473 z__m *2* ‘ {égq. n IV
bimce ix. Asg;r;¤4 »-s ;nj;v;J t ;:DJ e... un Oaz». g lj, 1.ich
wwis Yuki ¤_JM t ,»»jLyu1in;, 3:3eJ ,. 1. cxxnjuieievx L2, 1;1L,:;;s Ay; ;1,* ·, n _t
j:jU ,.-¤, &Mve;»¤r lj, ».;c4 is ‘.¤ .·Q2 L ua; ui ..; . T;:,··v~ ; t.ouyh
he uorkvu some t;ae an 1h-t :»;¤Mw.; 4.Lc. T»;: cqu »:»4 wQL; uq; jr v.q4s
Lnubrgqt; us, y..LLc ; zly JLL4 ;u¤ q ;M». qi ~~L;,. .4,. H .j; 0. W;. .;‘iLy
51,1, V; T-cl 111 L3;0   .*1 :0;   1: Ln, ·.c~;L. .~.11t ,‘LQ·—·l)·.
dn T4..L .i.pa» ¤;,;‘_»"ur. ~»·y ge »_-u »=; »Vq-».,e ‘-.~ . ._ D =·ena
i1:...j.i_.-.1l·m.a; L5;} 1...%*0 T. ;.Ll. ;,     1. ‘L..=2   .:;1 . ‘   .4 Y,/L;6·.:,;{h
isa Agn xus in .n¤ .5- iz 1 ¤n M ;iL 4, .¤¢ U_;iL lg -.. ygwi Q on Pqmn
I.¤. T5 LB ‘;n» L.¤t Au; 0f »L; l»;LQz] .;b.;U .. iv. ;0.J4 ~1H t-. Un L- t
qqy. Juv ¤¢Q,»pL;un in L-.i Url ».- ;..L . ~.L 4, L.e . - of L.e ;n—
juyy, ;= 4.awm A nge u.n» e. ;MJm;j ui , Jil li, L1. L·1¤ ci ; Lava zu
war., mg_n;t cn nnuu ;s M 1e‘ cg »;s ~L;;1y. Tne L0;z ;;,e ug i- L c.;e
w.s 420u A mil 3 ze A ;;L LM, ;¤¤...; », ;;¢ ug n._»e-Ma ._;,s' · ,·, — ;;5.
Xg ware und.; Lge M}`I·LSAQA ·i~& 41 ¤*-;L* J .» caw .u. ». !m»r—.- i_s'
weegs b%¢ q;@ jyril li ;n¤z .M on L -1 L; w.: » .¢.,,. ·s 1. 7;:1 »-y
ci ;;¤.»Llity.
In $16:: ;.t`1;;’L'u1;`b =.:...~‘€;, 1.;, ¢\!.;iL¤i <;;J;;i...,L.¤,·a¤_, f_._¤ ;1.0.‘L     ; .:,1;].d
0»,-n, »s sp Luv u·q ‘.v% 0, nith O¤;;l-T lj y;; ce; Qmuc L, Lge i.' }»f0 e
tue mgn y;;xrns tc :0rK. TA; wz;;€u; ykriug qu ;ei» J gis C·Qh#5[; of
tnw s.w~n 4ajs Yrqm Ouz0W¤r L3 as Q;nsx.r ln, ;u¢L4n-‘2, .nd “r. s..ys0x
ia EAQLELBL L3 c;.y»w5M1L0n for Uct;Y@y ZJ.
La w»&Lii¢; cf uu;;;2» T;.L 11 - »;n ~¢;;» g»ss L.x¤ . g` a
siift s.fJ;¤ Jjuun;liLy b~A;n;, ;t ;; -¤e _: La.,= 3d .,; ,__, ;.;- _; —;¤¤
for Eau ;.¢» i.et .,`» ¤-L;t wvyius ¤ . »= .m 2.4u,J z. L ;.»» ;; AJ cv; - ¤. q ps
m da; of Loet ¢-nm in Q4; .¤m;.4¤; .;_ LL J·e. Aww 1};; is Q;x#, Lge
mauuxyb And n»» Elph; Le ovt Ln~;c-.¢ zwft 0; ,v.. ·;»¤ M.; ,;;; n.;d
{ey iwe }.st du, .0x. Q, int i.;2 is ;nL u¤u:.;;¤ , ¤iu~» i;u ;,Xw » ¤‘s
T,_;;:1fL Lie; j,i`1jL1...?i.. :.4:.;; .-).L'.Qa}i'.i zsui i ..i.   q uz;   .. 2   , wt;} QL 5.;; ..,;»-
p zcxi 1.ki A i y's cma;»w--2Lwu 15 w Tw` y.;¢ ;n: icq ;V,¤ of Lnjuxy.
gm is uJL Ella; 2L.L td .~ .; TQ; ¢»LflL~L  ~n. A. ©.r Ln»z.4c—
L-©nw in L.Lu w.u~ gmc Lg Lys P. il -u.yx u·s@. ALL » . a ;;2-_hL¤ @0
no in Lu z.sw Lge ;uL4¤l < Q: o; pig; l zzj .up ine .t;4-l q v,,‘ ; for n.1ch
c¤;y.vxU&;;n is ;»id.
J. J. icwermott
cc Mr. J. S. Burns — ;¤¤'2. s;,'z. — Q©¤1 Times
..~~ ,,.· ~Hr. J. H. Howat — Ind. Lol. Agn.- ” ”
Mr. §._ Tvwnt — PL nt 5 iety S¢y·1 ·..» Mawr — Cohl $1n.s
Hr. J. C. Bali¤xd_;WAuCiL0r — Coal Hines
}·,.:.l· B :.2:111 T¤=-¢ ;.[L t.Ln¤s""` ~ ,

 Industrial Accidcmts ucvcmncw 13, LQ44
;.·.c.£.#c1·rrcctt ·
gcvcmbar 7, 1944 gcciécut Ic. 48u
Harman Ashbrook
Hcfsrancc ic made tc yc.r lct‘cr rc vrdin; the date cf 1:1wry and data disability
bcdan in thc chown cmcc. Tho day nf 1 jury Tc correctly x1va* cn our 5. F. 1 h,
[imc;. I?<`#I‘%'If:?`·'N.IE;" fcrxrx ami! c-ur 42. E'. 4. Dm dctcm yivenr,. in the E3u1~,.;scn'B lricpcrt
cad Dr. .u1l0n'c lcttcr are in crrcr, Mc dc cvt several ; rczy on the fcdicci Wcpnrt-
mast fer uccurctc dctcs of cc idcAta, cut ca cmd worm cu fcrcman'c rcacrtc cud in-
vmztimnticws demo by the »¤faty iupcrvianr,
Lr. ichhrcck wcc injured at 2 ¤. -. cc £ctcbcr.13, vcd vc 5ub%1ttcd m;r rcpcrts show-
in; that d1c»;i}1ty wasn: Acta cr L4, cr the d y frllcwin thc da; wcrxad as thc first
day cf disc ility.
`Ycu ctmtcé that if »r. ~chhrcnk was injured cn Cctcccr 13, at E I. L. c»c did net
rctur: at thc c wixn1n~‘cf ais ckift at $:3C J, L, th4t afternoon, r¤zc»¤w 15 12 the
fi!‘8T7 (icy ff ¢1iPsr;.`=$.1ity`.
Er Submitting cur rcpcrtc wc fcllcwcé ,cur iratrwctin a of ucvcrbcr ll, l»4* given
in ccnnccticm with 4cci%c;t hc. 15-L, curl innrk, frcn chick vc quctc ca follows:
”Qcmpansct1cm in cha ctctc cf dcntucxy ic ccayutcd on c caicnd r wsea »as1s. It is
almost c univcrsal practice t;rm; bout tha ;tatca tc c0nsi»c» the dc; following the
last day wcrkcd as thc first day cf disubilitg, cnc the cvtc ;rcc¤d1n» the rcturm tc
work as the lust day cf dtswcili g. It other cc dc, rcfcrriny tc tha Fan: I. ¤. D.
7& issucd in this case, April 4th ia cntcrcd as the Acct cc; cmplq c worked. If
April 4th wc: the i~nt da; an which the cmplcwc w·- awlc tc mark, Aprii Sth vcmlc be
considered as the first Guy cf dia :ilitg.”
I wcnicr if you have ccncidcrcd all the implications tnvclvcd in using thc fctcbcr
» 13 data cc first dc; of cisaéility. Tris would mckc it necessary when mrking cut
c the I. A, D. 79 tc show Cctcccr 15 cc "Lcst Lay cnplcyc wcrkcd,P as well as 'First
Pc; nf c$cc¤i1tty," cu ~. F. 1 A, 4. 3. 4 crc cur wicca fc?wcr3ix_ form.
cc used ta do this but you ccjcctcd tc it cnc tue practice ccs dicccntinued.
Bate cf cchbruch cacc bcc cc L adjusted iw accordance with your last instructions.
Zlcmcc advice.
.- { _  j ·
he D•   {lr? 1.
Cc ·- lair. Tx·cr;tt
Fr. callard
A »ulc¤ and Hcgulcticuu

 Industrial Accident
November 20, 1944
, Mc Dermott
ll-17-44 y Accident go. 467-D ‘
Stephen E. Pile
Mr. Pyle wss lnj red e out 12:50 L. M. September 22 but did not
report the injury it edintely. He worked the followln; shift
which be en at V;30 P. H. 9-28-44 end ended shout 4 A. M.
Cnr understandin; now, according to your recent letter in another
case, is tnwt dlsexllity should he considered beginning ss of the
following shift, which in this instance, started at 7:30 P. M.
September 23, the same dste of injury and on w ich dete nr. kyle
has credit for e full shift of tlxe posted on the payroll.
Cur medical deportrsvt issued s return to work notice effective et
7:50 P. M. Cctoher 2. If disability started on September 25
then we believe Cctober l should he ccnsldered the lest dey of
- disability. In this case e total of 9 days nes lost end 2 days
temporary total ccrpensstlon is due. instead of l dey es stated /
in your letter.
. we have reouested final nedlcel reprrt but Dr. zullen feels th·t
he should further observe the injured befo e closing the cese.
Under these circumstences we cennot issue final receipt, but if
you wish we shell he {led to psy the tQgporery total ccmpen et on
due, using voucher I. A. 78, of course.
Please advise.
KL /M l____., I
Cc- J. C. Ballard
J, W. mowet 1

~   ¤ · . cH1cAG0, u.¤.., ~ H » - .·
SQAEIEEKS LOCLI ullncb Jgnuury j;) _I_—;Jj,_*;
MR MR. J. C. Ballard, Auditor
Y°“E LETTER 2;1B$EgT~¤. ?·i.:;DLC»L, »»U;L=Zs}Q£JJI}.. im.; i1£3qs.’}`.LLL  
C.e3.I.·..Zi‘€D1w. TZEQMZ @91,1,
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O!`LLL.' »a:~#.pam>:s <2;;a;.;·{;c:d Lu aLcu;.»,.;·;L auvmwras LJ}.-12,, lux;-B4
;;3.·»C, L..¤§2—A,   34.2-~;3.
'!`i.i,;s L; me miuei; ;:ul>1h.;¢;£j.¤n you iI..¤m i`uzu1Laskm~v?Y/»‘”` ’ /?/#3
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  ` U
Id)CPTNSE;__·- CAL`·IHIJ.ig*2 YTJXR 1944.
Salaries amd ?I;dmnuo¤ of Com5mny'a Physiuiams: _
Salaries amd *.)T}D€eI' Attondonts $18,608.59
Physi 01 om $72.58 . oO
Nurses 7792.58
Clarks amd Jarxitors ‘ 3557.41
Dentist · —·
Buggical amd Radi ca]. Supplioas and 1\.ppar».t.us,
including 1·epai_rs1 and I'€3I'l6’»‘J£11S 18,].2525.82
Medical Suoolies 15447.17
Mis ca llzmeao us 268g._g;
Board, Attond: nts Ima Othor Expense ’ 4,955.46
Miscsilamoous I 49255.-16
Building Rox.i;·1l -
Fees ond (xbhor a2q;»:·msos of Eiurgeoans, Physjicizms
amd Other A*cT.<::xd{uzts . — 1,408.09
Profcozdo; all ?3erv1u&·.: Ouiuiale { 298.\G<3
Hospital Accoumzs " ` 7.60
N » Undertakers V 57 . OO
T1‘¥5IV¢'>l1I1{§ EX..:‘.!1E£F» -· Doctors and Nurses 98.05 _
Docto1·s" Cars; 928.99 _
h Trzzvealimg   use -· ..’&ccou11t Acazidsnts 38.00
` Pgyrmnt -· %‘io:<·k;m<.m's C0m»<2n·¤ati0¤. Bri. of Ky. 19.55
` $4:s,0as.9s

r ¢£.!•¤
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 }_.. ~ ‘ *
C'.; , A " V "· "   fir V _ I ·‘   A `
._ ` _   'e Month ~   Season, .
‘. vat [lj · ·‘    :_:w
60l Medical Supplies   i· ‘ if _ ‘ j *_   Y   rp ·,,_,;   ·~ ;> 2    ,·
602 Rent (Dgprecietion) V _
605 Laundry . l· `,'· _  e° , Y ;~ if.- ‘~’,»’
604 Salaries _. _» 7   wi u 1 Z ‘ A A- ;. c C   = ` »',· ’   V
Doctors , A C » - -~   i i rl   · ’   /-· *7 h
\ * ; 4 · ~_ ;, __ . _   3 » ' ‘ _, —/
Nurses p , .,  _; ·, , ,  p I .  ,p_' -· t_ V   _ _ ,   /— M
Other . r _ (   V ·-/ ” .  ;__ ’ C v 2     ,r
605 Pootors’ Cars ’   __ p _» _A »· 4 - y ’'e» r_   C <. _/~
606 Rgpélirs and l·»1&Linten2mce ·V   r     , · .   ri =,     /,.»
607 Miscelleneous Suyjnlies p j ~ _ _; ¤   ·. - i/g, \ » if 1 Q p   , , _ I L_   /·
608 Light and fewer ‘ » C » l _ -, p if { ~ »~   0 =   V
609 Fuel w Y _ _ I  . , _, _   `le __
610 Water »_ _ _, _ zp I · , ,_.' __ T   C ( E  
fill Traveling Expense ·   , ` i   /
Total Expense _ _ ». E ' » ·. - ¤:;J.. =·ii,II€ is CHICAGO, ILL., j*n*A!_:(‘1}‘_;"`,' _],_,*} _L_V!gnQ
on womL`I .,.. ih;-I ·Z~ ;,»u;·l¢’·T&.%'. ;I&_;".,‘j_f_`f
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---7-7-7-77 ·7·7·7·. -‘_ 777- SUBJECT.77!77`7l‘777E-..7.' T '   ' - *   I · `” !~’ =‘-‘-7.+
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 5§1;‘$;J?§ZfIi;€Q;I .Y,¤     M EM Q R A |\| D U M
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I\AR;_ I_A_IA______I_I_I___IIIII_ I_I—     I A I » x - XI · _- — II, I   SUBJECT    
~ XI  I I II  

   ‘° ‘ " MEMORANDUM
n::‘r=u m ux1rsr·.:1nt·¤ nr mmxcn
; Z ` L — 4 ` { I _.
_ 4   ’ 2;-- ---4- --4--   _     4--r, 5, - - -____I9;_
  `   POINT OF ORIGIN , Q V _ Q! ,\
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  INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT   E.E§:fsi..3;;e;-;r;_,,..  
l 'I   *‘ #‘ ".;?‘;m  
§§Z §N"" Coal Mines ¤»ucAGo,nLLw May 24, 1945 Ey&&*I °*‘ ?*'3 ’’E'
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I\/1R. A_.,4,_.Al_,-,,. 4   f    1 __     _ su BJEcT.-,QL _ 4# M?__-__A___

BRANCH ($081 MINES CHICAGO, 11.1.., July 6, ].9A.5
Fgn MR_ J• wv ?¢1OI·&`€.`.`b Y
v0uR LETTER suaazcr GI111.!{II°ICE CIJID ·- RCC, ;;’55Q-D
- on F . -_. , ,,, . ,
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I L.   PAYNE   V
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\ """Q V ` Q: — · ·   '}.;:—
. Please e¤uI»;=¤iI... the T‘F.C&`.C€C2'i`f7 ¢»i·<·i¤`:·n+ 1=e=»»c;1**L:‘; cm inhr; sa¤n_Ii»jec·t·
caseexas aa]..©ng; init.!] any r>‘EI1a1· }`*?3"·'JE‘IE· you may Ensure   The filfs. All we
have is := ms;c€.ic:vl re»f1.x (mem, ;,‘€?#iG·D is ac. ¢·E.A1Ae=»<·cG ¤c<:i·Fr>rL am} thee -'
ru ·m·`%,@ newrs mv 3 iw? to beau ,e:;=tei=;·da_,A. ’  
Qur file in {Aviv L, J., r»¤yrz¢ sacclé-2:%*;, i,~ 54'?·-E7, rehovs 1,12% the ,
- fil:-2 was £`¤=:·2 »=·z·GsvX%,m`.<*, we phi il ‘c~ Liv? to '1`°iI'31i,Sh QGQXGNB. ‘
Indnzssb nl fwlsaf-ioixs mzznzegezr ; J
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E Nfésr ` ·w ·· ·» ·.· , -~ · r—y w
QRZ§§,~· bO&i MLUGB cHrcAG0,|LLu duly lx, lJ45
FORMR_ J. L. dallaru, Auuitor
YOUR LETTER 5U3J5CT L5».}[J.)l.AVl4xu.yl··lJ L'lli1tU.14.t.u l;{.Q}.'UlL{J. - [»LNT>L}(.;ixY
DR FILE N0. T_ _ _ 1 ` , Lg - · _ —- .~
u¤.t11t¢ go, ring, to July l, 1*;%,6
r 4 mnoloscu ylcuS€ fino copy or a letter from the
` Actuary or thc worxmon's Uompenontlon Board of Kentucky
duteu July 5, lO45, together with form for royorting
the estimated payroll for the Coal mines for the coming
fiscal your Juno BU, l945, to July l, lO4o. Plcasc
furnish the requirou infornzticn to us in the Sumo form
as in tho past at your cnrliest convenience.
Thunkln; you for your attention to tnls matter, we
fours very truly,
U. G. Grcgory
{ Cnhxzhhi

 ·i ` C O P Y
·\‘ `
Frankfort, Ky.
July 5, l945
International narveeter Uompany
ldd N. Michigan Ave.
Gnioago, ill. Qi}
  yea.? no aoeeesuxelxtr was levied aigainslt Ovm
dine Marrlero lor our Maintenance funn, oecauee or Lno
fact that the balance to our credit on June jo, l944 was
over @loJ,uuo.oo. noweve-, on; oalance in tnio {GHG on
June jo, l945 was less than ¢loJ,uJd.UO, and under the law,
Lo: tue coming Liscul year, oeglnning July l, liaj; we
will have to collect the customary aesessment for the
maintenance oi tniu board. Tnereiore, it will be necessary
Ior you to euomit to this ofrlce on toe original of tne
pay roll Borm encloeeu witn thie letter, your estimated
pay roll from July l, LJ45 to June BQ, l}46, We tnon will
calculate the amount of money you will owe for our
Maintenance rand duriné tnin comin; year upon that Estimated
Pay roll.
The board wlll ayyreciate it very much, if you
will eend your completed Estimated Pay Roll to us promptly,
so that same can be calculaten, anu settlement made with
the finance Deyartment.
’·`~»· ·~ V`- +q`~I r
.LL,..aL .1; ‘e·slJ ui u..;_:· ,
U. L. Lally,

, . 7 ’ L4 `.. - _ _ VV V Q V · "' V`V — ._
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 — LG
. l,
Clerical General Cu el Total
Q5 lébi;5 JO +L..L‘5'i€> in lféwl'?5   ltbfeh'?5  
Q5 l56%3'? wi} -}5‘?€b5 2;) ].·QT='?7`»3 TJO L.I$‘7EQi)5 UU
gg e MLS UO _;¤.i'i,b .·Ji7€} Vi} }.T5&5<3l4 UO -14790 CEO
V 46 15;.87 OO ¢kl.$'?\$5 L10 l.3E§'.°5i.5 CEO z;2L5;;·Jf> OO
  }.4»5J.-5   ¢L;.Li=‘f5 LBO   Q75 CU 4,10575 ;·O
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Us bei:. estiwkted only. ~
{mst. Auditor
C. L. 3:*14;:35 ` H¤r1¤¤
e Kentucky
with July 45
Hsuglan Kcanmcizy
June *7, 194.9

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