xt7kkw57fm21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kkw57fm21/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1962 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 2, Autumn 1962 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 2, Autumn 1962 1962 2014 true xt7kkw57fm21 section xt7kkw57fm21 ;1fr¤nt'cr 3HtII‘S' g ézriy
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‘ An Annual Event for a Quarter Century
Published Quarterly by thc Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky.
Subscription Price $1.00 11 Your Qs
Edit0r’s Otiicc: \Vcn¢l0vcr, Kentucky
.. ..... _ _ -- - - z
voLU1v1E sis AUTUMN, 1962 NUMBER 2 3
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926. at the Post Ofiice at Lexington, Ky.,  
under Act of March 3, 1879." Q
Copyright, 1962, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  
& 1

 i c0NTENTs
A Sermon Preached on All Saints’ Day The Rei:. Carl L. Elmore 13
American Association of
Nurse-Midwives Helen E. Browne 40
Beyond the Mountains 45
i Field Notes 49
  ··o¤-an M. B. 28
  In Memoriam 41
  r Mary Breckinridge Day (Il1us.) Peggy Elmore 29
E   Vanda Summers 31
  Francis M. Massie, M.D. 37
; .· Midwifery Education for Nurses Carolyn A. Ban ghart 6
A Mission Not Accomplished Carlyle Carter 7
Old Courier News 9
Old Staff News 21
_ Our Mail Bag 44
  The Storke (Verse) 2
g The Week Before Christmas Lynne Hey 3
  Three Sisters and Their Three Babies A Photograph Inside Back Cover
i ' BRIEF mms
  A Big Fellow N. S. 47
  V An Answer to Inquirers 5
V   An Old Saying 5
»   Astronomically Speaking Forward 8
  Dangerous Travel Dinah M ulock Craik 43
I   Egging Her on The Countryman 53
Feathers, and Moss, and A Wisp
A \ of Hay (Verse) Jean Ingelow 48
Y Greetings Allan M. Trout 8
  _ Headaches Contributed 53
  Hospitality 20
i Modern Definitions The Nursing Mirror 20
Pointers for a Politician About
F _ to Make a Speech The Colonial Crier 27
g: Prize Pumpkin 8
·; Reptiles of the Mind William. Blake 6
it Sayings of Three Old Country Women 28
  Surface Need Arkansas Baptist 40
 I   Taking His Medicine 44
 T z= Welsh Traditionalists Keep 58—Letter
  , Town Name Science Digest 48
 » E White Elephant 54

Frem +he +|y|ea+ 0+ a Si><+een+h Cen+ury prayerb00k Kg
The s+0rke she r0se 0n Chris+mas eve '+
And sayde un+0 her br00de,
ln0w mus+ +are +0 Be+hlehem
T0 viewe +he S0nne 0+ (50d.
She gave +0 eche his d0le 0+ me+e. "‘
She s+0wed +hem +arely in, ii
And +ar she +lew arid +as+ she +lew
Arid came +0 Be+hlehem.
N0w where is He 0+ David`s line  
She asked a+ h0use and halle, yi
He is n0+ here, +hey sp0ke hardly,  
Bu+ir1 a maungier s+a|le.  
She +0und Him iri a maungier s+alle  
\/\/i+h +ha+ m0s+ H0ly mayde. ll
The geri+le s+0rke she wep+ +0 see  ·
The |.0rd s0 rudely layde.  
Then +r0m her pan+inq breasr +
She plucked +he +ea+hers whi+e and warm,  
She s+rewed +hem ir1+he maungier bed { 
T0 keep +he l.0rd +r0m harm.  
"l\l0w blessed be +he gen+le $+0rke  
F0reverm0re," qu0+h He.  
"F0r +ha+ she saw my sadde es+a+e  
And sh0wed such pie+ye. *
Full welc0me shall she ever be sl
ln hamle+ and in halle,  
And called hence+0r+h +he blessed bird S r
And +riend 0+ babies all."  E
First printrd 28 years ago in tl1r· Autumn 1934 Quarterly Bulletin  

l by
g LYNNE HEY, R.N., s.c.M.
  The week before Christmas started deceptively quietly at
p the Clara Ford Nursing Center on Red Bird River. On Sunday
morning, December 17, 1961, I got out of bed looking forward
to a peaceful day, our one day off. After a cup of coffee, I went
T out in the cold morning air towards the barn to milk Ellen, our
iu cow, and to feed the chickens and our four ducks. The two cats,
T- Charlie and Beelzebub, were waiting for their breakfasts too.
They had a long drink of Ellen’s warm milk, then settled down
to wash their paws and faces. My dog, Calamity Jane, was busy
pretending to hunt but Randy, Judy’s dog, was having a morning
i , in bed as she was due to have puppies quite soon. After break-
  fast I sat by the fire, thinking of the day before me and what
    I would do with it. In an hour, Fate had decided for me! The
  cowbell on the clinic door rang and there stood the husband of
  one of my expectant mothers. His wife was "sick." Would I
[   come right away? At 9:30 that night they had a lovely newborn
  boy called James. They had wanted a girl, but were just as
{ : thrilled to have a brother for 18-month-old Johnny. I left them
  admiring their new baby and drove home to eat and go to bed
  at 11 :30 p.m. So much for my day off!
t Monday started with a visit to the mother and her new
I; baby and then various other calls, a normal day. In the evening
gl I went to collect Susan, a friend from Hyden Hospital 15 miles
  away, who was to "take the night" with us. Just as I was get-
i ii ting into bed at midnight the cowbell rang again—another baby
, call!
— At 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, another lovely baby boy was
_ born safely. Arriving home in time for lunch, I had a few hours
. in bed, then visited my two mothers and babies to see that all
”_ was well. Back home again after supper Judy and I decorated
  the Christmas tree for the children’s party on Saturday.
` , Wednesday morning is clinic time at Red Bird, when our
 “ patients come in to see us. One of my babies, "caught" three
 Q p months before, came for his vaccination shot and to be weighed;
  a mother of seven came to register for confinement at Hyden

4 Fnomrrmn Nunsmc simvrcm
Hospital in May; and others with various ailments. After lunch  
I went to visit my babies again. I waved goodbye to the first  
baby and settled myself in the jeep to start to the second visit, Q
only to find that I had a locked wheel and couldn’t go anywhere!  
Muttering under my breath I went to find a kind neighbor who {
let me use her telephone. Judy came out to me in her jeep, to g
be a chauffeur until my work was finished, and a mechanic came  
to take "Nameless," the jeep, to the garage. That evening we Q
worked at filling the Christmas bags for the children. Each child  
has a toy and a bag of candy given them by the FNS, and how 2
they look forward to the party when Santa Claus gives out the "j
bags! For weeks the children had been asking when the party ‘
would be. As Judy and I have about 800 children between us, the
task of filling bags takes some time.  
On Thursday after completing my visits for the day, using g
Judy’s jeep, I went to collect "Nameless" from Hyden and did  
some last-minute Christmas shopping. In the evening, Judy and  
I got to work on the bags once more. Warm and drowsy in bed i
that night, I thought at last, we were making progress in our
preparations for Christmas.  
Mercifully, Friday was an uneventful day. Afterwards I  
realized that it was "a calm before the storm." For before 8 :00  
a.m. on Saturday morning mothers and fathers with their chil-  
dren began to arrive for the party. Santa Claus was a little late P
due to the extremely muddy road he had to travel, but he was i
soon hard at work demanding a hug and a handshake from each _!
child before they had their cookies and hot chocolate. The  
expressions on the children’s faces when they saw Santa Claus ·
were well worth the work to make the party possible. If only
the generous people who send the toys could see them! Fortu- I
nately we hadn’t miscounted and had a bag for every one who , i
came and even one for Santa Claus in thanks for his help.  
Whilst Judy started mopping up spilt chocolate and cookie _;
crumbs, I went to Hyden to fetch Miss January who was to spend J
the night with us. At the same time, I took the husband of one  
of my patients to see her in the Hospital. She had had twins that  
morning, a boy and a girl—just what she wanted. I had hoped 3. 
to be with her when they came, but they chose to arrive in the  -
middle of the Christmas party when I couldn’t leave. i {
' l

E As Miss January and I left Hyden, snow was starting to
Q fall and it looked like we were going to have a white Christmas
after all. Miss January jokingly said she hoped we had a baby
E call in the night so that she could come along with us. Sure
  enough, at 3:00 a.m., Judy woke me to tell me her dog, Randy,
E was in labor! We didn’t wake Miss January as it wasn’t the kind
  of baby call she meant. Randy had two puppies, a boy and a
Qi girl, her iirst litter. I was thrilled to see how puppies were born
  as I hadn’t had the opportunity before. After a couple of hours
gi sleep in a chair, I awoke to find it was Sunday morning once
i.. more and the Sunday routine awaited me. Everywhere was so
l pretty as snow had covered the ground and the trees, making
it look truly Christmas Eve.
At 10:00 p.m., Miss January, Judy, and I started out for
l. _ Hyden to attend the Christmas Eve Carol Service in St. Christo-
1 pher’s Chapel. The roads were icy and we had to drive slowly
{ but eventually we arrived in time to have a cup of coffee before
  going to chapel. As the age—old story of the Saviour’s birth was
read and the familiar, beloved carols were sung, I thought about
Q the week that had past and other weeks and months before it.
  I realized, then, how thankful I am to work in the FNS, with
li the people of the mountains, and how really worth—while it is to
  be a nurse-midwife.
Yes, you may get an autographed copy of Wide Neighbor-
_ hoods sent to you or, with your card, to a friend. Send exactly
‘ ~ $4.00 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Kentucky, and it
  will be shipped postpaid.
gi, "‘;""—;—`
 A "If you once drink of the waters of the Middle Fork of the
 » Kentucky River, you are sure to come back."
.  lg

6 FRoNT1ER NURSING smavicm  
Dean, Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery ,
Early in November I participated in a meeting of the Com-  
mittee on Curriculum and Accreditation of Nurse-Midwifery  
Programs. This meeting was sponsored by the American College {
of Nurse-Midwifery, and was held at the Maternity Center Asso- a
ciation in New York. Representatives from the six schools of 6
nurse-midwifery in the United States were present. Dr. Gordon  
MacKenzie, a curriculum specialist from Teachers College, Co-
lumbia University, acted as consultant to the committee.
Criteria were set up for the evaluation of nurse-midwifery *4
programs, stressing that the required core for all programs l
should be aimed at developing the ability to manage the normal  
obstetrical patient in such a way as to prevent the abnormal Q
whenever possible, to recognize deviations from the normal, and `
to apply proper emergency measures, if such are necessary, be- E
fore the doctor arrives. The publication of the criteria as set  
up by the committee will provide information for nursing and  
medical groups. The National League for Nursing has agreed tif
to help interpret nurse-midwifery through its publications and  
members. I
It is the desire of the nurse-midwife that each mother be ;
cared for as an individual, with respect to her pregnancy, feel- i
ings, family background, and culture; and that the birth process —
be a "family affair." This kind of care could one day be universal V
with greater recognition of the value of the nurse-midwife, and V
the subsequent establishment of more nurse-midwifery schools I
which are educationally sound. ll
——————-———— |
The man who never alters his opinions is like standing water ZZ  
and breeds reptiles of the mind. I {
#William Blake, 1757-1827 `  
' N

.: by
  Our mission—to transfer Flicka from the hospital to
  Brutus. A truck would take the least time. But Carol Lyman
i and I agreed that it would be most pleasant to ride-—she was to
a ride Flicka and I would accompany her on Kimo. Neither of us
_ were familiar with the trail but two reasonably intelligent col-
` i lege girls could surely follow a map.
We got up at six a.m., downed a hasty breakfast, fed and
groomed the horses, and set off on our trail ride around 7:15.
l, The whines and yelps of a raging dog iight accosted us when
E; we had proceeded but a short way. I was content to let the ole
l'? hounds settle it among themselves, but Carol, being a brave,
humane girl, leaped from Flicka, and succeeded in stopping the
t iight. We continued, shaken, but still enthusiastic about the ride
IZ which was supposed to be beautiful, particularly along the ridge
.2 traii.
  We were warned that the ridge trail might be overgrown,
r' but were not prepared for a jungle. It had rained heavily the
  day before and, as we foraged through the underbrush, we were
soaked. -
I Once free from soggy bushes, our dampened spirits rose.
L The half-way mark was reached ahead of schedule. After eating
lunch, which was small since the trip would not take more than
seven hours, we studied the map in order to complete our jour-
i ney. The first part was supposed to be the most diflicult so we
felt quite cocky and pleased. I told Carol it was thanks to her
sense of direction that we were so successful, but she modestly
  sloughed off this compliment, saying I was a great help. Just
l I then she chided me for reading the map upside down again.
“ Well we must carry on. The map said turn right. But
— where? This question perplexed us for three and one-half hours
` as we wandered through a wilderness, our minds alternating
 QI between gloom and hysterics. No house was near enough to ask
  directions, no traveler in sight. We could retrace our steps, but
 , each path forward seemed to lead further into the wilds of
.   Kentucky. Finally, defeated and weary, Carol and I turned back.

 I E
8 FRONTIER Nrmsme smavicm  
Flicka would not get to Brutus this day. In a short while, it I,
began thundering and lightning ominously, then sprinkling; and Q
alas, the downpour commenced. Sacriiicing safety for comfort, I
we took shelter under a tin mule shed. ‘
At six p.m. two bedraggled creatures, each leading a tired, _
mud-splattered horse, crept into Hyden, exhausted, hungry, and ‘
The next day Flicka went to Brutus-—by truck. Q °
from J
Allan M. Trout ji
"I well remember a story the late William S. Kaltenbacher, l
former Louisville Times political columnist, used to tell about
his Shelby County outfit. It was called State Guard then, and .
an inspector from the regular Army was approaching a soldier ·
on guard duty, who neither saluted nor came to attention. _
" ‘Private,’ snapped the officer, ‘don’t you know you’re sup- ’
posed to come to attention and salute an officer ‘?’
" ‘Why, shore,’ said the Shelby County boy.
" ‘Well, don’t you see these two bars on my shoulders ? They
mean I’m a captain.’  
" ‘Well, shore I do,’ replied the soldier. ‘But Ben Pemberton’s Q
MY captain.’ " I
—The Louisville Oom·ie1·-Joiwwial
September 8, 1962 .
The pumpkin used for the pies for our family party at Wen-  
dover on Thanksgiving Day weighed 50 pounds, 9 ounces. It  
» was grown in the Wendover garden. _,_·
"Astronomically speaking, what is man? Astronomically _
speaking, man is the astronomer I "  
-——Quoted in Forward, Summer 1954

it Edited by
[ From Jane Clark, Dover, Massachusetts-—September 4, 1962
`L, I have just returned home after two weeks in the Vermont
I" hills where I took in a one-hundred-mile trail ride. My mare did
. K. very well. She was out of training for three weeks before I took
` her up due to a re-activated splint, but she finished third in our
  division of twenty-one horses. I was thrilled.
% 1 • • • ¤
  From Emily Alexander, Bernardsville, New Jersey
V] ——September 9, 1962
It’s a grey, drizzly day and it seems to express precisely my
. melancholy at having to leave Wendover. You cannot imagine
· how grateful I am to you for letting me be a part of the FNS
_ for six weeks. It was an invaluable experience-—full of work
‘ and unprecedented pleasures, and full of excitement and mo-
ments of awe, such as the deliveries I saw. I do hope to return
sometime, and in the interim I shall mentally relive all the mar-
velous moments of my six weeks.
i From Helen S. Stone (Pebble), Long Island, New York
—September 15, 1962
L I am flying to California early in October for my Aunt’s
i eighty—sixth, I think, birthday. I tried to include Mary Breck-
* inridge Day in this trip but want to be here October sixth, so
. things just would not work out.
W. —October 23, 1962
r, Had a fine flight to San Diego for ten days and on to Cherry
‘ Evans’ for about five. Lovely weather, beautiful colors and
From Mrs. W. G. Ellis (Pam Dunn), Fort Leavenworth,
 ‘ Kansas—September 26, 1962
V; We had such a wonderful time at Wendover. I can’t tell

you how glowing the children were about our visit and how Q
thoroughly they enjoyed sleeping in The Hut.  j
Our life here is so different. Graham studies each evening g
for about four hours. I’m glad we have the horse to keep us l
busy. Right now, we’re preparing for a horse show October 7.  tl
I spend a lot of time during the day with the horse and then  
with the horse and the children. At night, I catch up on house M
work.  l
We certainly do like this part of the country. The land is E'
not completely flat and when you come on a crest you can see -
miles of farm land. Ft. Leavenworth itself has lots and lots of Q
big old trees and is generally shady and hot. I’ll let you know I
what the winter is like.
From Mrs. Timothy B. Atkeson (Paula Granger) , Q
Washington, D. C.-—October 18, 1962 “
Just a brief word to tell you that we have just had our I
fourth son, Nicholas, born September second [See Babies]. I
Timmy, our eldest, is almost five; and Chris is three and Andrew
one and one-half. Our house is very lively!
From Roberta (Bosey) Fulbright, Washington, D. C. T
—November 8, 1962 T
The first problem upon arriving home was to find a house- i
we did. But, with our landlord in Montevideo, procedures became .
a little complicated. Fortunately, due to the life of a courier, V
I was a little more "in condition" than usual for lifting, shoving,
and pushing beds, bureaus, desks, tables, sofas, etc.! And,
thanks to Liz Palethorp and those blanket bindings, I made tl
eighteen curtains! Also, due to the inspiration of Christine and  
Violet (Alabam being disqualified since she’s a professional and ~
not my contemporary) I have learned to boil water and proceed . A
on to uneatable French peach cake but not bad barbecued  
spareribs! I  
Just as much as the day I left, am I grateful for the experi-  C
ence and good fun you gave me, and what fun it was for once to ·
be able to tell someone else (who has tive horses) how to- care  T

 f` for a horse! Sorry to hear that Bess is down——the new mule
} sounds like even more of a handful!
 ( From Carol Lyman, Denver, Colorado-—November 12, 1962
 I It was wonderful to receive the Bulletin and settle down in a
j nice comfortable chair to read the stories and remember the
Y wonderful time I had with all of you.
 , I was really sad to hear about Bess and, somehow, I can’t
imagine Wendover without her. Oh, how irritated I would get
` when she would go one way and, of course, I wanted to go the
  other way. Or, when she was content to remain in one place
when I was in a hurry to get to another! The job of watering
1 the horses, for the couriers, will no longer be as challenging.
I Bess was a wonderful character and one who will be greatly
i missed.
`Q The University of Denver is great. The campus is very
attractive with a beautiful view of the mountains. They are
j impressive! My courses are interesting and stimulating and
seem to keep me quite busy. (There seems to be no need for my
talents in painting rooms or feeding pigs—very sad!)
, From Mrs. Harry P. Schriver (Linda Branch),
i Pineville, Wyoming——November 16, 1962
T I find myself quite fully occupied with Patrick, now 15
. months, and Lisa, six weeks old [See Babies]. Maybe I’ll get
somewhat of a routine worked out someday.
,' Enjoyed reading about Mary Breckinridge Day in Hyden.
It was a well-deserved occasion.
' g From Mrs. Marion E'. S. Lewis (Marion Shouse), —
{ Matamoras, Pem1sylva11ia—November 19, 1962
il, Always, at this time of year my thoughts turn to the hills.
  I am motoring down to Washington on Wednesday, stopping to
°Q- pick up Cuffin (my eldest nephew) at Princeton en route. I shall
g stay in town for about ten days returning here by December
 *4 first. It will be hard not to turn the car southwest instead of
 Q northeast. I could so easily come down from Washington in a
. I day! What a day!

‘ i
12 FRONTIER. NURSING smizvxcizz IQ
Ruth Harrison (Mrs. John Venable) of Winchester, Ken-  
tucky, and her horse, Union, together captured the Iroquois Q_‘
Hunt Club’s General Roger Williams Memorial Trophy, the Army ,
Remount Trophy, and the handy hunter class at the annual  
horse show in September. .1
Patricia (Pat) Doyle is attending Katharine Gibbs School j
in New York and is enjoying it very much. { .
Brooke Alexander Leddy and her husband are now living
in Boston. Brooke is working while Mr. Leddy studies law. ,
Barbara (Bobbie) Glazier Smith has undergone a laryngec— I
tomy and is making a marvelous recovery. We quote from a ‘
letter Mrs. Brewer received from a friend in Hartford: __
Last week at the Rehabilitation Center, I was talking with ,
Mrs. Barbara Glazier Smith who has had a laryngectomy and .
who now has learned to talk qui·te well by means of the special ’
"burping" process taught her by the speech therapist at the .
Center. She is so happy, that she is interesting other persons .
with the same problem in a "laryngectomy club" to —try to help
others. She is a real joy and inspiration to all of us at the
Center. She now helps there as a volunteer and she is anxious `
to tell her story to everyone. She says that her greatest problem
is making those around her comfortable as she talks! `
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Atkeson (Paula Granger)  
of Washington, D. C., their fourth son, Nicholas Atkeson, on l
September 2, 1962. I
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Schriver (Linda Branch) of ·
Pinedale, Wyoming, a daughter, Lisa Anne—their second child i
—on October 1, 1962. She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. We are  
delighted that Lisa’s parents have given us a little courier for .
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Trenchard Moore (Kitty Biddle) of _
Watertown, Massachusetts, their second son, Grissnell, on Octo-
ber 10, 1962. Kitty writes, ., _`
Very gladdening to us as we particularly wanted a lot of  .‘
boys. Paul is two and a half and barges around all day with the .»
energy of a cyclone and the strength of a tank.   p
A 4
‘ 1

VQ November 1st, 1936
  in the First Presbyterian Church
_’ Englewood, New Jersey
j* by the Minister, the late Carl H. Elmore
A Printed with the kind permission of Mrs. Elmore
We are gathered on this All Saints’ Day to remember grate-
fully and appreciatively our loved ones who have passed out of
E sight—to commune with them and to worship with them. It is
  no time to wrestle with arguments or to marshal convincing
proofs of immortality; for to us as Christians, the ringing dec-
-j laration of our leader, "God is not the God of the dead, but of the
f living," gives the right to believe that our dead live on, happily
’ and triumphantly. But the mere knowledge that they exist
Q beyond the reach of pain or sorrow does not satisfy the clamors
of our hearts. We want to know infinitely more about them.
From our inmost depths the surging cry arises, What did death
T do to them ? Where are they now? What is this new life of theirs
like? Do they love me there as when on earth? Can they see
  and know what happens to me? Is there any communication
  across the gulf that seemingly divides us? These are insistent
questions grounded in the very tenderest part of our nature.
` It is not sufficient answer to them to say, "Beloved, now are we
the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be,
- but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for
i we shall see him as he is." We want something more deiinitely
  tangible, more intimately reassuring than the traditional Chris-
i tian aiiirmation. We want to know whether we can go on living
  with our dead, whether we can still maintain a warm personal
' relationship with them, or whether we must dismiss them out of
` our lives into some vague distant abode of spirits, with only the
g+ memory of them left until we too are released from the iiesh and
 i 3 can join them where they are.
  Now the answer to all questions of this sort centers in our
. l conception of death. Much of our loneliness and distress in
  bereavement comes from the fact that we attach altogether too
 L much importance to this simple and obvious act of nature, We

 e sq
invest it with mystery and finality, with transforming powers, I,
which do not belong to it. One of the astonishing discoveries of W
modern psychologists is a prenatal consciousness which impor- g
tantly affects all our later life. Based probably on this discovery,  
a recent writer describes a conversation between twin babes as g
yet unborn. Both are conscious that some mysterious and inevi- ,
table event approaches. One says; "We have been very happy i  
and comfortable here for months—how tragic it is that all must ,s,
end." "Yes," replied the other, "Life that means anything to us  
will soon be over. Being born is a cruel necessity which destroys ,
all our hopes and plans. Would God we might escape it and live  
on always as we do now." But the birth which seems to these li
unborn babes so trying is not the end of all they cherish—it is 1
only an episode of life, the passing from a limited experience of q,
existence into a large and more beautiful experience of existence. l
The child does not lose the mother or its little companion, it has
them in far nobler and more satisfying ways after birth than 4
before it.
Now if we could look at it through the clear eyes of the
eternal, I am convinced that we would see in death exactly this
same sort of thing. It too is just an episode in life. It means for
all of us more life and not less—closer and more spiritual rela- _
tionships with those we love and not estrangement. It is just ,
the opening of a door, the passing from the seen world into the B
unseen. And when we are assured by the simple act of turning V
on a radio that the unseen world is quite as present in this room, s·
quite as close to us while we sit here now, as the seen world,  
then the awful loneliness, the sense of separation which makes  
bereavement almost unbearable, largely ceases to be. You and I Y
learned many inspiring things from our parents—they gave us ‘
a faith, without which at times life would be poor indeed, but J
one thing we got from them has never brought us anything but {
pain, the idea, the conviction that death removes those we love  
an immeasureable distance from us. That golden walled city  
with its gleaming pearly gates high above the most distant stars V,
is one of the cruelest inventions the mind of man ever devised.  in
I call you to witness that Jesus never gave his sanction to any . l
such place. It is that appalling distance, those interminable
leagues between our little world and the heaven where our loved  .,

ones are supposed to dwell, that have made death seem the end
i of all happy, intimate associations with those who have passed
, out of sight. How can we live satisfyingly with people who are a
, billion light years away from usf?
  We often think of science as the destroyer of religion, but
  science has rendered religion at least one service for which we
  can never be grateful enough—it has swept the traditional
V; heaven out of the skies and brought the unseen world as close to
i Q us as we are to the very thoughts we think. We suppose that we
` see our surroundings here as they are, but science tells us that
  these solid walls and fittings, these very corporeal bodies of ours
pl only deceive us—there is no such thing as substance—all that
; seems to us so substantial is in reality only arrested force, or
I spirit if you prefer the word. Science declares that we, these
y pillars, this building in which we assemble are only whirling
I circles of electrons, infinitesimal nodules of force, each as
widely separated from its neighbor as are the stars in the
heavens. Science goes even farther, it tells us that what seems
to us empty space all about us is vibrant with sounds to which
our ears are deaf, lighted with rays to which our eyes are blind.
In other words, I have all the authority of modern knowledge
behind me when I say that if this room were filled with shining
V. spiritual presences and reverberated with the sound of celestial
  voices, as I verily believe to be true, to you and me things would
, seem just as they do today. Our senses would tell us absolutely
, nothing about such happenings and such presences. Yes, it is
I; science that gives one of our poets the