xt7kkw57fm3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kkw57fm3m/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1969 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 1, Summer 1969 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 1, Summer 1969 1969 2014 true xt7kkw57fm3m section xt7kkw57fm3m VOLUME 45 SUMMER. I969 NUMBER I kp" Ji j . ,, K , , .·.` · `. '* I .• , » ‘~ ,s·· ' * ,., V ·,¥ ' ‘M`~l I- 4 H _ `,_>, "§··~§ F · .*~ 2* tv? ., · in ,--— 6 v,,¤,»~;~y•··»_- · V · ··-· ix , , . * » `jié. .4,2% fw *%-3+ I • 4 3. ~ , gv}, I6 J.; ‘_ ‘ · ~{ __ ‘ ,Q2{·""$‘ ' ‘ . “ - l ‘¤·~ ’ gitgr · _,,A. A ¢ _ A ;g»4· I ···•· . _. » V `°"€_,.- 4 »:~fl__. kw , xy', ._ ·· 9, , ,-iv _ Q _,_, ’*=1.¢_•;, ii. ·. A . . ew `{pgé , ° ;'*··"”. 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FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE QUARTERLY BULLETIN i 1 Published at the end of each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Lexington, Ky. { _ Subscription Price $1.00 a Year l E Edit0r’s Oiiicez \Vcnd0ver, Kentucky ‘ i . VOLUME 45 SUMMER, 1969 NUMBER 1 {fa,. Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ky. 40507 . Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775 Copyright, 1969, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. · 6 gw V l g CONTENTS Apuriciom AUTHOR 1-mem ff A Courier Comments Pat Lihatsh 42 V ( A Nursing Seminar to Discuss the · Family Nurse Practitioner (Illus.) P.G.E. 27 I r A Training Program For Development of the Family Nurse Practitioner GJ. and W.B.R.B. 34 Armual Report 2 Beyond the Mountains 51 Family Nurse Practitioner Project: The Co-Directors 32 Q Field Notes .53 _; Mary Breckinridge Hospital and I Development Fund: Progress Report 25 {Q Old Courier News 41 · Old Staff News 45 ' The Lure of the Hills Nora K. Kelly 17 ` · The Triplets A Photograph Inside Back ` V Cover { BRIEF BITS lp A Customer Complained . . . Modern Maturity 31 I A Holiday Is . . . The Bernard Bulletin 40 T Eificiency Expert The Bernard Bulletin 50 From A Teenage Girl’s Diary The Colonial Crier 33 é Headstart M odern Maturity 43 Too Careful The C'oantryman 58 ' What Kids Think of Vacations The Colonial Crier 44 {H White Elephant 59 { Witherets The Countryman 26 l 2 Fnonrrinn Nunsmo snnvion , i OWENS, POTTER & HISLE ; Certified Public Accountants ‘ 2228 Young Drive é. Lexington, Kentucky 40505 tsl vi.; K, ii July 23, 1969 ‘ To the Oiiicers and Trustees Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated g Lexington, Kentucky Ladies and Gentlemen: We have examined the statement of financial condition of A the Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated as. of April 30, 1969, and the statement of income and expense for the fiscal year then _ ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we consider necessary in the circumstances. I In our opinion the accompanying financial statements. pre- 3 sent fairly the financial position of Frontier Nursing Service, l Incorporated as of April 30, 1969, and the results of its operations l for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted . accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of 3 the preceding year. / s / Owens, Potter & Hisle OWENS, POTTER & HISLE QW i l , QUARTERLY BULLETIN ;; ¥ l FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT Q; of the *1 A FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE, Incorporated it for the Fiscal Year May 1, 1968 to April 30, 1969 ’ PREFACE As has been our custom since we were one year old, we present our annual report of the fiscal affairs and of the field of operations of the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. We have, as in previous years, divided our report into two ` sections. One section is about money, and one section about work. T Under the heading of Conclusion, we tell something of what the year has meant to us. i I. FISCAL REPORT Z Our annual audit is detailed and, therefore, we do not print it in full. The figures that follow are taken from the Exhibits "‘ and Schedules of the last audit. The arrangement is not quite the same as in former years since we changed our system of accounting during the fiscal year and we are reprinting pages Q directly from the audit. Rather than listing our Inventory, as if previously, we are reproducing the auditors’ report of all our _ holdings. The Report of Operations appears in its usual form. I STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION l April 30, 1969 Q ASSETS . April 30, · 1969 · CURRENT ASSETS: . Cash on Hand——Petty Cash .,..........,.,....,._A....A....__,._,,_____________________________A_____________ $ 860,00 Cash in Banks: *l First Security National Bank——General Fund ..,.._,.___________,___________________,__,_ 15,584.50 .'_ First Security National Bank—Socia,l Service _________A_________,_______A_____,,_________ -0- é. First Security National Bank—Staff Payroll ,,..______________,.___,._______....__._,_,,._ 1,000.00 Peoples Bank, Hazard, Ky.—Orga.nization Fund .,,_,._____________________4____,_,___ 5,562.77 U Hyden Citizens Bank, Hyden, Ky—Organization Fund _,__`_____,__________,._,___. 54,026.85 Hyden Citizens Bank, Hyden, Ky.—Mary Breckinridge Hospital Local Fund Drive ,...............,..............._.___.,_.,__....._,._,____..____,..___._ 2,843.85 Sub-Tota1—Cash .......................,..................................,................._............ $ 79,877.97 Accounts Receivable ......................,.....r.........,.............._..........._,.,_____.._._,._,,_._..._.... -0- Note Receivable-Hyden Hospital Pharmacy, Inc. (Note 1) ..,_. . ...........,....... 12,671.04 Investment—Mary Breckinridge Hospital Building Fund (Schedule A-1) ........................................................................................ 1,727,247.35 Total Current Assets .................................................................................. $1,819,7%.36 TRUST FUND INVESTMENTS AT ORIGINAL COST: First Security National Bank & Trust Company, Lexington, Kentucky (Schedule A-1) ........................................................... $2,083,067.51 Liberty National Bank & Trust Company, Louisville, Kentucky (Schedule A-1) ............................................................ 84,945.33 _ Morgan Guaranty Bank & Trust Company, New York, N. Y. (Schedule A-1) .................................................................... 229,232.89 Bankers Trust of New York, New York, N. Y. (Schedule A-1). .................... 137,496.50 , Citizens Fidelity Bank & Trust Company, Louisville, Kentucky (Schedule A-1) ............................................................ 175,000.00 Total Trust Investments ............................................................................ $2,7 09,742.23 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT: Property and Equipment (Schedule A-2) ..... . ..................................................... $ 698,924.44 ` Less—Accumulated Depreciation ........................................................................ 64,615.44 . Total Property and Equipment ................................................................. $ 634,309.00 _¢ OTHER ASSETS: Campaign Costs—Mary Breckinridge Hospital Building Funds (Schedule A-2) ...................................................................... $ 48,513.84 T TOTAL ASSETS ___,.,,,..._.....................,...................... . ............................................... $5,212;.361.43 ‘ l E U LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS ¤ A ril , A p196930 , CURRENT LIABILITIES: ‘ Accrued Payroll Taxes ......................................................,.......l............................. $ -0- Accrued Blue Cross Premiums ................,............................................................. 9.40 fl Total Current Liabilities .........,....................,.................... . ............................... $ 9.40 `» \ RESERVES: Liability for Contributions to Mary Breckinridge Hospital Building Fund .........................,.......................................................... $1,983,544.92 Liability for Gain or Loss on Investment of Mary Breckinridge Hospital Building Fund (Schedule A-4) .................................. - ......................................................... 31,801.38 Liability for Gifts, Endowments, Legacies in Trust Funds at Original Receipt Value , (Schedule A-3) ............................................................................................. 2,397,086.16 Reserve for Gain or Loss on Trust Funds (Schedule A-4) ..............,..,..........................»................................................ 330,369.67 · 1 Total Reserves ..................................»...... - ......».............................»..........»......-.. $4,742.802-13 { ;_ SURPLUS: ...............................,.............................................re...................».......... . ........ $ 469,549.90 i TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS ..,.. . ......................................................... $5,212,361.% 1 { STATEMENT OF ENDOWMENT AND RESERVE FUNDS { April 30, 1968 and 1969 ; . . . . s Designated Funds—Income Restricted: Aliggggo niggqlélgrlgtr Alilagsgo T Norah Oliver Shoemaker Memorial Baby’s Crib..$ 5,000.00 $ $ 5,000.00 ` Children’s Christmas Fund in Memory of » Barbara Brown ............................................»......,.. 1,000.00 1,000.00 ‘ Donald R. McLennan Memorial Bed ...................... 12,750.00 12,750.00 ` Margaret A. Pettit Legacy ...................................... 1,953.70 1,953.70 { Jane Short Atwood Legacy ...................................... 7,500.00 7,500.00 3 Mrs. John W. Price, Jr. Fund. .................................. 10,800.00 10,800.00 , Winfield Baird Foundation ........................................ 105,000.00 105,000.00 3. Elizabeth Canby Bradford du Pont J» Memorial Nurse ..................................................... 25,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 Mrs. Henry Shipman Legacy .................................... 23,810.00 23,810.00 Q Wilson Neel Memorial Baby’s Crib ........................ 951.85 951.85 Jessie Preston Draper Memorial No. 1 .................. 15,000.00 15,000.00 Jessie Preston Draper Memorial No. 2 .................. 185,000.00 185,000.00 Joan Glancy Memorial Baby‘s Crib ........................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Louie A. Hall Legacy in Memory of Sophronia Brooks _.__...._,.._..__.._.............................. 87,442.53 3,234.96 90,677.49 Isabella George Jeffcott Memorial .......................... 2,500.00 2,500.00 Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial .............................. 17.000.00 17,000.00 Eliza Thackara Memorial ............................ . ............ 3,720.90 119.70 3,840.60 Bettie Starks Rodes Memorial Baby’s Crib ............ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Jolm Price Starks Memorial Baby’s Crib ............... 5,000.00 5,000.00 Mary Ballard Morton Memorial Wing .................... 85,250.83 85,250.83 A TOTAL—DESIGNATED FUNDS- INCOME RESTRICTED ..................................... $ 604,679.81 $ 13,354.66 $ 618,034.47 Designated Funds—Income Unrestricted: Marion E. Taylor Memorial ...................................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 · Fanny Norris Fund .................................................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 Marie L. Willard Legacy .......................................... 3,127.36 3,127.36 A Mrs. Charles H. Moorman Fund .............................. 1,100.00 1,100.00 Lillian F. Eisaman Legacy ........................................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 · Lt. John M. Atherton Memorial .............................. 1,000.00 1,000.00 \ Mrs. Morris B. Belknap Fund .................................. 26,375.00 26,375.00 p Elisabeth Ireland Fund .............................................. 22,457.50 22,457.50 Elizabeth Agnes Alexander Legacy ........................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Richard D. McMahon Legacy .................................. 943.23 943.23 Mrs. W. Rodes Shackelford in Memory of her two children .............................................. 15,000.00 15,000.00 Hattie M. Strong Memorial ...................................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 , Beulah Bruce Brerman Memorial ............................ 2,000.00 2,000.00 . Anna Rosina Gooch Memorial .................................. 16,625.00 16,625.00 ` Jeannie B. Trull Legacy ............................................ 33,253.33 33,253.33 Frances Kendall Ross Legacy .................................. 17,100.00 17,100.00 Elizabeth Sherman Lindsay Memorial .................. 5,000.00 5,000.00 ? Helen N. and Beatrice A. Wilson Fund .................. 10,000.00 10,000.00 Sophia Cogswell Stiger Memorial .......................... 23,401.42 23,401.42 V Dr. Charles N. Kavanaugh Memorial .................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 ‘ Margaret C. Breckinridge Legacy .......................... 3,000.00 3,000.00 i Mary Hallock Armstrong Legacy ............................ 2,000.00 2,000.00 . Winifred Irene Leckie Memorial .............................. 1,000.00 1,000.00 0* Lena G. Anderson Legacy ........................................ 7,078.50 7,078.50 4 Lisette Hast Legacy .................................................. 10,944.00 10,944.00 i Edward S. J ouett Legacy .......................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 2 Herman Bowmar Fund .............................................. 1,000.00 1,000.00 _ Mrs. Henry James Legacy ........................................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 Jean Hollins Memorial Fund .................................... 5,285.67 5,285.67 j Anne Steele Wilson Memorial .................................. 2,838.17 50.00 2,888.17 Mary Churchill Humphrey Fund ............................ 1,001.00 1,001.00 ` ¢ 1 { STATEMENT OF ENDOWMENT AND RESERVE FUNDS = April 30, 1968 and 1969 x (contmued) AI103;30 Digiikéliizlézr Ali?-13930 F Mrs. Bissell Carey Legacy .......,................................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 i Dr. Jolm M. Bergland Memorial ...................i.......... 1,000.00 1,000.00 Edward C. Wilson Legacy ........................................ 49,250.00 49,250.00 Ann Allen Danson Fund ............................................ 3,431.92 3,431.92 · Helen Rochester Rogers Legacy .............................. 5,000.00 5,000.00 I Virginia Branham Memorial .................................... 10,578.95 1,570.00 12,148.95 Mrs. Herman F. Stone Fund .................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 Annie Wallingford Anderson Memorial ................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 ? Mrs. Edna C. Lapham Fund ...................................... 15,250.00 15,250.00 Q, Edith M. Douglas Legacy .......................................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 Y Adeline Shaw Martindale Legacy ............................ 76,701.80 76,701.80 3 Flora G. Fletcher Legacy ........................................... 30,000.00 9,753.26 39,753.26 Fannie B. Mcllvain Memorial .................................. 3,015.00 3,015.00 , Catharine Mellick Gilpin and Roger D. , Mellick Memorial ................................................... 1,481.00 3,340.00 4,821.00 , William Nelson Fant, Jr. Memorial ........................ 78,349.52 78,349.52 Lucie Wilshire Graham Memorial ............................ 5,476.86 2,174.26 7,651.12 , Elizabeth B. Perkins Legacy .................................... 152,971.86 152,971.86 , Eliza Davitt Hartley Legacy ..................................., 150,000.00 150,000.00 , Cordie M. Williams Legacy ........................,,.,.......... 458,254.25 458,254.25 , Margaret H. T. Hunt; for Caroline , H. P. Thornton Memorial .................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 , Anonymous (Bankers Trust Co., N. Y. Trustee).. 137,496.50 137,496.50 L Marion S. D. Belknap .................................................. 175,000.00 175,000.00 _ Elizabeth M. Anderson Memorial .....................,...... 4,838.96 4,838.96 · TOTALS—DESIGNATED FUNDS- INCOME UNRESTRICTED .,............................. $1,634,887.84 $ 21,726.48 $1,656,614.32 Reserve Accounts—Inc0me Unrestricted: Mrs. Louise D. Crane .................................................. 4,000.00 4,000.00 ) Mrs. Frederic Moseley Sackett ................................ 10,000.00 10,000.00 ? Mrs. Eliza A. Browne ..........,..........,.......................... 16,000.00 16,000.00 ’ Winfield Baird Fund ............,..................................... 550.00 550.00 ) Lillie McGinness ..............................,................... . ....... 4,797.06 4,797.06 ) Harriet; H. Grier ...............,................................... . ...... 5,000.00 5,000.00 ) Maurice S. Miller ........................................................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 ) Leila A. Morgan ...........,.............................................. 5,000.00 5,000.00 ) Eliza Davids ................................................................. 6,000.00 6,000.00 ) Bertha G. Wood .....,.................................................... 13,028.77 13,028.77 i Doris A. Farrington .................................................... 4,920.00 4,920.00 Mrs. E. A. Codman .............,........................................ 2,000.00 2,000.00 ) Mrs. Irving E. Raymond .........................,.................. 4,000.00 4,000.00 ) ~ Mrs. George M. ToeWater ........................................ 12,418.16 12,418.16 J * Mrs. Oswald Villard .................................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 ) Leila M. Weeks ..,......................................................... 2,469.16 2,469.16 3 Frances Margaret Bradford .....................,.............. 5,000.00 5,000.00 J . William E. Brigham ...........,............................,......... 10,000.00 10,000.00 D " Mrs. Polk Laffoon ................................................ . ....... 1,000.00 1,000.00 D Mrs. W. Garland Fay .................................................. 1,000.00 1,000.00 2 · Mrs. Louise W. Breckinridge .................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 D Miss Elizabeth R. Hooker .................,......,............... 5,000.00 5,000.00 3 Transfer from Trust Income Account ............. - ...... 2,254.22 2,254.22 O TOTALS——RESERVE ACCOUNTS-— 3 INCOME UNRESTRICTED ...................... . ....... $ 120,183.15 $ 2,254.22 $ 122,437.37 3 V Sub-Grand Totals .................................................. $2,359,750.SO $ 37,335.36 $2,397,086.16 0 “ Capital Gain or Loss on Trust Funds .............. 330.119.29 250.38 330.36957 ; ‘ GRAND TOTALS _______,______________________________,___..__.., $2,689,870.09 $ 37,585.74 $2,727,455.83 n Q STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE r May 1, 1968 to April 30, 1969 s INCOME: Contributions .................,.............»...1................,......,..> $165,203.46 Benefits and Bargain Box ....................»....... - ............ 10,500,00 Gifts in Kind ..............r..._..._._........_..._.,_.i_......_4,........... 4,260.00 , Trust Fund Investments ,,...._....,....i............. 1 ............ 134,023.80 Hospital Revenue .............._..........._............_..,_.......,.... 254,827.01 lp Clinic and Home Health Revenue .......,.................... 46,229.88 gy Other Income (Schedule B-1) ..................... - ....i....... 66,374.74 $681,418.89 EXPENSES: General and Administrative (Schedule B-2 ). .._,,.. $211,083.59 . Graduate School of Midwifery ................................. 28,408.32 Home Health Centers ................................................ 105,760.15 V Hospital Expenses: ` General and Administrative ............................... $ 83,151.59 Dietary ...........................................t....................... 51,061.85 Household Property ........................................l.... 60,264.61 Professional Care of Patients: 9 In-Patient ........................................................ 155,627.10 L Out-Patient ...................................................... 36,953.90 387,059.05 732,311.11 EXPENSE IN EXCESS OF INCOME .........................,.......................,................... $ 50,892.22 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SURPLUS 4 May 1, 1968 to April 30, 1969 { SURPLUS BALANCE, MAY 1, 1968 ........................................................................... $519,919.35 Add: Adjustment to Prior Periods Expenses ................................,............................. 522.77 $520,442.12 § lr Less: Expenses in Excess of Income (Exhibit B) ...................................................... 50,892.22 4 I SURPLUS BALANCE, APRIL 30, 1969 ...................................................................... $469,549.90 l E i i é. l CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the Year Ended April 30, 1969 ? Cash on Hand, April 30, 1968 .................................................,.......,..........,.._.................. $ 86,333,41 Sources of Cash: Contributions Applied Directly to the Reserves ........................... $ 63,418.86 ~ Transfer of Investments Directly to the General Fund ,......,_..__._ 17,713.60 ‘ Decrease in Accounts Receivable ...._,,............__,__,___,...,,,,,,,,,_,,________ 338.30 l Adjustment to Prior Period Expenses ....._..,,_________,_.__,,____,,____________ 522.77 , , Depreciation—Non Cash Expense ........................................,.......rl. 24,536.94 106,530.47 _ yl Total Cash Provided ......................................................................................................... $192,863,88 V P Application of Cash: , Expenses in Excess of Income (Exhibit B) .,__,_____..........,..........._._ $ 50,892.22 Increase in Notes Receivable .....,....................___,_____...,,....,,.....,...._,_, 12,671.04 ’ l Increase in Property and Equipment .........,.__________.____,__,______._________ 34,119.38 3 Increase in Other Assets ................................................................... 13,604.69 _§ Decrease in Current Liabilities ..__..____,.,........._.__._.,.,..,...,..,_,.,._________ 1,698.58 112,985,91 { M. Cash on Hand, April 30, 1969 ............................. . ............................................................ $ 79,877.97 , STATEMENT OF DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID ‘ May 1, 1968 to April 30, 1969 _ Benefits and V Contributions Bargain Box Totals , Baltimore Committee _,..,.______......_........__.....,....,,__,......... $ 1,329.00 $ 1,329_00 ,- Boston Committee ................................................. . ......... 9,168.59 $ 6,000.00 ]_5,]_68_59 3 Chicago Committee _.,...............,..........................._.......... 4,429.62 4,429,62 L Cincinnati Committee ........................................... . ......... 6,792.00 6,79200 l Cleveland Committee ...................................................... 20,042.73 20,04273 ..g *Daughters of Colonial Wars ................................ . ........ 1,918.90 1,91390 l -; Detroit Committee ......................................................... 6,113.00 6,113_00 - . Hartford Committee ..............................................r.....,. 3,221.99 3,22199 Z *’° °*‘Kentucky = ,, Blue Grass Committee .....,....................................... 6,744.50 6,74450 , Louisville Committee ............................................... 6,445.72 6,44572 , Miscellaneous State ................................»...,............. 1,565.30 . ]_,565_3() T Minneapolis Committee .........................................,....... 1,851.80 1,851,80 New York Committee ................................ . ................... 39,666.50 4,262.00 43,928.50 Z Philadelphia Committee ........,....................................... 5,337.75 238.00 5,575.75 Pittsburgh Committee ................................................... 13,751.10 13,751,10 Princeton Committee .,,..........................r..,.................... 1,291.48 1,291,48 1 Providence Committee ................................................... 878.00 878.00 5 , Rochester Committee .....,............................................... 4,019.94 4,019.94 , Washington, D. C. Committee ...................................... 13,208.35 13,208.35 7 ” Miscellaneous ....................................................... . ........... 17,427.19 17,427.19 _ sub-totals ____,__________,,.,,,,,..,...,,........,....... . ............._..... $165,203.46 $10,500.00 $175,703.46 2 ,,_ Transferred to Endowments ......................................... 3,510.00 3,510.00 r } ·· —···—— 2 { TOTALS __________________________,_________________,.__.,.,,.,.,....,,,...,....... $161,693.46 $10,500.00 $172,193.46 6 E *Donations from various state chapters Z l **Total for Kentucky ....,............................................. . ...... $ 14,755.52 $ 14,755.52 l 1 l PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT April 30, 1968 and 1969 April 30, "6‘3§?}.‘;“ April 30, ”°""?§i"°‘ ‘’'‘ , 1968 Yea-r 1969 Year , LAND AND BUHJDINGS: Hyden Hospital Center ........................ $193,448.78 $ 250.00 $193,698.78 $ -0- _ Mary Breckimidge Hospital ............., 91,936.85 20,779.32 112,716.17 -0- Haggin Quarters for Nurses .............. 59,320.00 -0- 59,320.00 -0- Wendover District ................................ 92,227.15 -0- 92,227.15 -0- ‘Q Georgia. Wright Clearing .................... 4,836.07 -0- 4,836.07 -0- 5 Beech Fork District ........................,..... 11,460.70 -0- 11,460.70 -0- ,, Red Bird District .................................. 14,547.48 -0- 14,547.48 -0- V Flat Creek District ................................ 12,546.75 -0- 12,546.75 -0- Brutus District ...................................... 12,040.91 -0- 12,040.91 -0- _ Wolf Creek District ................................ 39,200.87 -0- 39,200.87 -0- ‘ Totals .................................................. $531,565.56 $21,029.32 $552,594.88 $ -0- i EQUIPMENT: V Hyden Health Center ............................ $ 16,510.56 $ 4,743.18 $ 21,253.74 $ 2,125.00 Wendover District ................................ 1,676.05 200.50 1,876.55 182.00 ` Beech Fork District .............................. 478.00 186.85 664.85 67.00 ip Red Bird District .................................. 1,939.15 317.30 2,256.45 228.00 Q Flat Creek District .............................. 587.95 (5.00) 582.95 59.00 _ Brutus District ...................................... 1,432.45 -0- 1,432.45 143.00 Wolf Creek District .............................. 797.56 350.00 1,147.56 115.00 A Georgia Wright Clearing .................... 251.60 -0- 251.60 25.00 i Household—All Centers ........................ 13,418.11 952.26 14,370.37 2,872.00 { Dispensary-All Centers ...................... 8,673.85 41.40 8,715.25 1,743.00 _ Totals .................................................. $ 45,765.28 $ 6,786.49 $ 52,551.77 $ 7,559.00 , orrmnz Motion Picture Equipment .................. $ 658.50 $ -0- $ 658.50 $ 122.00 { Motion Picture "The Road" ................ 35,961.25 -0- 35,961.25 7,192.00 j Office Equipment .................................. 6,949.66 3,766.29 10,715.95 2,143.00 i Equipment for Horses .......................... 165.00 -0- 165.00 33.00 Motor Vehicles ...................................... 41,866.51 2,925.58 44,792.09 11,198.94 l Horses .................................................... 1,410.00 -0- 1,410.00 282.00 K) Cattle ...................................................... 463.30 (388.30) 75.00 15.00 1 Totals .................................................. $ 87,474.22 $ 6,303.57 $ 93,777.79 $20,985.94 GRAND TOTALS ...................................... $664,805.06 $34,119.38 $698,924.44 $28,544.94 V QUARTERLY BULLETIN 11 II. . REPORT OF OPERATIONS The data in this section are supplied by the record depart- Q; ment of the Frontier Nursing Service, by records kept on guests ll and volunteer workers; and by the social service department. `l 1. i INTRODUCTION Without the help of many of our friends in the medical pro- fession it would not have been possible for our two medical direc- H tors to carry the heavy load of patients who came to us for care H p during the year. We are once again grateful to Dr. William P. Q . Grigsby of Kingsport, Tennessee, and Dr. Charles Harris of ~ ~ Berea, for coming to Hyden on several occasions to give our two ` I physicians a little break. During the spring we were delighted to . have Dr. and Mrs. John Henningsen with their two children from I , Rice Lake, Wisconsin. Dr. Henningsen volunteered his services i to us as vacation relief for our medical directors. If any of our i 3 readers know of a general practitioner physician who will be i ` interested in spending some time in a rural area, we will be : ` grateful if they will refer him to us since we can always use more medical help. i V We continue to enjoy our afliliation with the physicians of l the Daniel Boone Clinic at Harlan. Dr. Elwood L. Woolsey and ) iv Dr. Herlocker have given us much help in the care of our obstet- i 1 rical patients and with our student nurse-midwives for whom l R they conduct the final oral examinations. Dr. David B. Stevens - 2 of Lexington continues to hold orthopedic clinics at Hyden on a V regular basis. ; We wish to express our appreciation to the medical special- ists in Lexington to whom we refer many of our medical prob- ; i lems. The Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati and the staff of the L . Kentucky Commission for Handicapped Children and of the Car- ) eg` dinal Hill Convalescent Home continue to give personalized care ) 1 to the children we refer to them. i Y 2- - HYDEN HOSPITAL I , Hyden Hospital—licensed to operate 16 beds, 12 bassinets, = 2 incubators—was occupied 9,001 days last year by 2,230 patients 12 FRONTIER NURSING smnvicn of which 282 were newborns. There was a daily average of 20.9 · patients, excluding newborns. There were 857 sick adults, 624 ‘ children, and 467 obstetrical patients. There were 24 deaths in the Hospital, of which 2 were newborn. There was no maternal _ death. The outpatient department, with the Medical Director’s a clinics, received a total of 35,996 visits. There were 93 opera- tions performed. 3. l DISTRICT NURSING In the 12 districts operated by the Service from the Hospital, Wendover, and iive outpost centers, we attended 9,692 persons in 2,261 families. Of these, 3,797 were children and babies. The district nurses paid 12,935 and received 12,393 visits. at their nursing centers and special clinics. At the request of the State Department of Health, the Frontier Nursing Service gave 2,195 inoculations and vaccines against typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox, whooping cough, polio, et cetera, and sent 11,388 specimens for analysis. 4. I MIDWIFERY Registered Cases A The nurse—midwives and the midwifery students of the Fron- Y tier Graduate School of Midwifery (under the supervision of — their instruc