The vitals
The Student Government
Association is looking
for organizations that
are interested in
earning money by
working the polls
during elections on
March 31 and April 1.
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An inside peek
into this year’s
SEC tourney I
Page 4
Sites are all over
campus and are
broken Into two- and
three-hour shifts. SGA
will pay $10.30 an
hour for two people
to man the tables.
Stop by the SGA
office at 120 Student
Center if you are
interested. or e-mail
Joe Schuler at
The Student Activities
Board will be taking
applications for all
executive and board
positions for the
1999-2000 year. The
applications are
available in 203
Student Center on
Monday March 8.
O In 1996 in the United
States, 5,412
pedestrians (mostly
young children,
elderly people and
intoxicated people)
died. Another
82,000 were injured.
0 Pedestrians account
for about 13 percent
of motor vehicle-
reIated deaths.
1 0 On average, a
pedestrian is killed
in a traffic crash
every 97 minutes.
0 Hit-and-run accidents
account for 18
percent of the
deaths among
O The situation is
Pedestrian deaths
per 100,000 people
decreased 42
percent from 1975 to
0 Alcohol is a big
factor in adult
pedestrian deaths.
, Of all pedestrians 16
” years of age or older
i who were killed in
3 night-time crashes
during 1996, 55
percent had blood
concentrations of
0.10 percent or
O In 1996, 70 percent
of pedestrian deaths
occurred in urban
areas. But the ratio
of deaths to injuries
is higher for rural
areas than for urban
areas because of
higher driving
5H7 . 3?
Rain, rain, rain. Is
everybody ready for some
VOL. 18104 ISSUE N113
News tips? -
Call: 257-1915 or write:
, - .gow>)
By Manish Bhatia
Bienvenue. Karibu. Bienvenido. Welcome.
Jewell Hall opened its doors to the world
yesterday with a spectacular display of food.
song and dance to celebrate its annual Interna-
tional Fair and Food Festival.
“This is the second year for this event.“ said
Judy Calvert. staff assistant at Jewell Hall. “I
was really impressed with the performances."
As a large. geographically diverse crowd
flocked to the dorms main lobby to sample the
scrumptious fare. Jay Jones. a music junior
from Lexington. entertained them with his vio-
E Viva la festiva !
Poster boosting attendance
good team“ helped this sea-
son as well.
The usual logo team
poster was pushed aside when
Judd agreed to support the
team and pose for the poster.
Judd was sent a white
(,‘ool (‘ats jersey for the photo
shoot after her cousin. who
rooms with several hockey
"Before the poster we
considered a couple hundred
attendants (to be) very good."
said Ward.
This season there was an
average of 450 people at the
games. and three games even
sold out. he said.
The Cool Cats had lost
much of their fan base with
Cool Cats team reaping benefits of having
actress, alumna as its personal cover girl
By Brandi Belchor
Alumna Ashley Judd
melted the hearts of ice hock-
Now that the team had a
minor finance surplus for the
first time because of in-
creased game attendance this
year. Cool Cats General Man-
ey fans this season when she ager Ian Ward sees the Judd the arrival of the Thorough- players. asked her if she
posed for the Cool Cats poster as a blessing for the blades. he said. Ward also
poster. program, stressed that having a "very See JUDD on 3 >>>
' I
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The Student Newspaper at the University 0 Kent, Lexmgton
near UK
Grad student, woman makes
three hit by motor vehicles
By Karla Dooley
In the two days after sociology senior
Stanley McGowan’s death after crossing
South Limestone Street on Saturday. two
more accidents involving pedestrians oc-
curred on or near campus.
Michael Labaugh. 37, a music graduate
student. and Yugiao Ping, 27. who is not a UK
student. were both in fair condition at the UK
Medical Center last night after being hit by
motor vehicles.
Labaugh was riding his bicycle south-
west on Rose Street at 11 pm. Tuesday night
when he was hit from behind. according to
police reports.
The vehicle. which witnesses said was ei~
ther a four-door maroon Ford Tempo or
Chevy Corsica. left the scene.
“As far as I know. there hasn‘t been any-
thing further on it." Lexington Police Officer
Pam Walsh said, “Not a lot to go on."
Ron Lloyd. manager of the Music Library
Listening Center. where Labaugh works. said
Labaugh told him during a visit yesterday
morning that the accident had left him with a
broken hip. leg. ankle and ribs. in addition to
one punctured lung. Lloyd said Labaugh was
on his way back from his other job at the Ken-
tucky Inn when the accident occurred.
“He is one of the most dependable. cooper—
ative and reliable student workers that I
have." he said. “This shouldn't happen to any-
one, but when bad things happen to good peo-
ple. it makes it even worse."
Labaugh has no family in Lexington and
lives alone. which could make the accident
harder on him. Lloyd said.
”These things are weighing heavily on
his mind right now." he said.
Ping was hit by a van while crossing the
intersection at Euclid Avenue and Rose Street
shortly before 9:30 am. yesterday, according
to an accident report by the UK Police.
Preston Dewey. the driver of the Inter-
state Brands Corps. van. said he was turning
from southbound Rose onto eastbound Euclid
during a green light when Ping walked into
his path, Ping. who lives in Lexington. might
not have been able to see the van. because she
was holding an open umbrella against the
snow. the report said.
No other information about Ping was
available at presstime.
The long
and short of
the pipeline
Water, water everywhere?
Misunderstandings rampant
By Michael Downs
sun wants ”I
People are choosing their words carefully
when they speak about the Kentucky Ameri-
can Water Company's proposal to build a
pipeline from Lexington to Louisville.
Lindell ()rmsbee. associate director of
liK‘s Kentucky Water Resource Research In-
stitute and a professor of (‘ivil Engineering.
said there are many misunderstandings about
the issue.
()rmsbee said he is not interested in mak
ing accusations of inflammatory statements.
nor does he advocate a certain position; he
just wants people to understand the issues in-
volved Both the media and the water compa-
ny use certain facts and figures from the insti
tute‘s reports out of context. he said.
“I want to add light to this situation. not
heat.“ (1rmsbee said.
The water company wants to import treat-
ed water from the Ohio River to supplement
Lexington‘s current water supply and ensure
water in the event of a major drought.
See PIPE on 3 >>>
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