xt7kkw57hd88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kkw57hd88/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-12-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 2002 2002 2002-12-05 2020 true xt7kkw57hd88 section xt7kkw57hd88 Cool Cats to honor graduating player at this weekend's game I Prior.



Some like it hot,
while others shop |




Mllecember 5, 2002

Celebratin__l years of independece

UK launches class registration online

New service: Few students knew about the service;
students can get on a waiting list for certain classes

By Tracy Kershaw

UK launched an online
registration service Wednes-
day — but for the most part.
the only students who knew
to use it were those in the
Honors program.

Web registration. which

allows students to register
for and drop classes online.
is running until Dec. 11. On-
line registration also allows
students to get on a waiting
list for certain classes. When
someone drops the class. the
next person on the waiting
list is automatically regis-
tered for the class. a service

not available through the
telephone VIP registration

The Registrar's Office
opted not to publicize the
new service to students yet.
in fear too many users might
crash the system.

“I didn‘t even know
about that." said Ashley
White. a marketing and fi-
nance sophomore. “I think
they should have made it
known to all students so

everyone could have equal
opportunity to get on the
waiting list." '

The Registrar's Office
sent an e-mail Tuesday out to
student support staff and
student support faculty. who
they thought would tell stu-
dents about the service. said
Registrar Don Witt.

But interviews with
more than half of the sup-
port staff who received the e-
mail show that only students


Be wary

of thieves
who strike
at holidays

Break-ins: Cell phones,
CD players among targets

By Emily Hagedorn

Fewer daylight hours
mixed with holiday shop-
ping beckons car thieves,
said UK police.

The holiday season is
one of the most active times
for car thefts at UK, and UK
Police warn students to be
cautious this winter.

“When (faculty, staff and
students) go Christmas shop
ping, they sometimes leave
valuables in their cars,” said
Cmdr. Travis Manley, the
head of UK Police’s Commu-
nications and Information
Services. “There’s the poten-
tial for people to leave those
things, not knowing they are
providing the opportunity to
get broken into."

The majority of break-
ins usually occur in Com-
monwealth Stadium’s park-
ing lots or in the College
View Lot behind Memorial
Coliseum, police said.

Last year saw the high-
est number, with 21 reported
break-ins between Nov. 15,
2001 and Jan. 15, 2002, with
11 at the stadium and five in
College View. The four years
before, campus averaged 11
reported thefts. So far. this
holiday season has seen two
thefis, Manley said.

The darkness and cold- '

er weather lead to fewer peo
ple in the lots, leading to
more luck for the thieves,
said Sgt. Greg Hall, a detec-
tive with the UK Police

CD players, subwoofers,
clothing. radars, cell phones
and loose change are the
most prevalent items stolen.

While alarms may help,
Hall warns lower quality
ones aren’t irrunune to theft.

“I have even seen
alarms stolen,” he said. “If
you buy an alarm, make it a
good one.”

Thieves also go afier
“cars that advertise,” Manley
said. These include cars with
loud stereos and newer cars.

Manley and Hall sug-
gest locking vehicles and
parking in heavily-traveled,
well-lit areas such as under
light posts near the exits.

"It‘s more likely the
thief would be interrupted
in these areas." Hall said.

Also, don’t leave radars
in plain view. Don't assume
that if you have a detach-
able faceplate on your stereo
it won’t get taken, Hall said.

Most of the holiday car
thieves are caught. UK Po-
lice survey the lots often
and usually catch the

See CRIME on 3


program is

We just
want people
to look for
ways to
fund it.”

- Meagan Gibson.
linguistics sophomore

to Save forest

on the Honors Program list
serv heard about the service

When Honors Program
Academic (.‘oordinator Kate
Johnson asked the office how
students would find out
about the service. Michelle
Nordin. the associate regis-
trar. told Johnson she could
notify the students in the
Honors Program:

“Kate. We have purpose-
ly not publicized this yet be-
cause we wanted the activity

during the first few days to
be lighter than usual. You
may inform your students
(the system should come up
sometime tomorrow after-
noon) and once we believe
everything is okay. we will do
massive PR to get the word
out. Thanks!" Nordin wrote
in an e-mail reply to John-

Johnson then forwarded

See ONLINE on 4




Rallying spot
Student supporters of saving Robinson Forest from strip mining march from the Thomas Poe
Cooper building on campus Wednesday morning to the Patterson Office Tower plaza.


By Steve Ivey

About 50 students
marched across campus in
snow flurries Wednesday
morning to show support for
preserving Robinson Forest.

The marchers held signs
and chanted “Save Robinson
Forest" to bring attention to
a possible plan to open land
in the forest to strip mining
in order to fund the Robin-
son Scholars Program. The
program pays the tuition for
first-generation college stu-
dents in Eastern Kentucky.

Meagan Gibson. a lin-
guistics sophomore. joined
the rally. which moved from
the Forestry Building on Rose
Street through central cam—
pus to Patterson Office Tower.

Gibson said she took a
trip to Robinson Forest last
month to get a look at land


that had already been subject
to mining.

“It‘s complete devasta-
tion.“ she said.

Gibson said the rally
was more to show support
for preserving the forest
rather than protest the
Robinson Scholars Program.

“The scholarship pro-
gram is awesome." she said.
“We just want people to look
for alternative ways to fund

Ben Gramig. an agricul-
tural economics graduate
student. addressed the crowd
outside Patterson Office Tow-
er. He said he wants to see
the decision making process
be opened up to the public.

“Anyone outside the ad-
ministrative circle has been
left in the dark." he said.

Gramig said the admin-
istration faced a similar deci-

See FOREST on 4


United States was



UK computers
stressed by
hackers, traffic

Solutions: Policy will protect computers, users
when protective software is installed on campus

By Tracy Kersbaw


UK hasn't had the Big One yet.

But the small attacks on campus computer networks
are coming so frequently . at least 50 to 200 incidents a
week . that UK is looking into ways to better protect the
University's computers.

"We haven‘t had huge problems. just lots of little
ones." said Robert Tannenbaum. director of undergradu-
ate education. ”People can lose all of their work, every-
thing on a hard drive can be destroyed. private informa-
tion can be accessed."

Furthering UK‘s computer problems is the increase in
peer-to-peer file exchange traffic ~77 such as trading music
and movie files.

UK spends $500000 on Internet connections. but at times,
more than half of the University‘s bandwidth has been taken
up by entertainment file sharing. said Tannenbaum. who was
director of academic computing services for 10 years.

"We‘re not saying it's wrong to do this. we're saying
let’s get this into proportion." he said. "We're just trying to
balance things."

Yet sometimes when protective software is implement-
ed. he said. it can keep legitimate users from accessing
things they need.

A new committee has written a draft of a policy that will
act as a guide for determining and implementing procedures
affecting computer security and resource allocation at UK. :

The President‘s Task Force on Computer Security and Re -
source Allocation is seeking input on the policy until Dec. 9.

"It's intended to dictate what they must consider
and what steps they must take before they implement
technology solutions to these problems." said Tannen-
baum. who is chairing the committee.

The policy also details an appeals process for those
who feel security measures penalize them.

For example. if [K banned all peer-topeer file sharing,
the School of Music could suffer. he said. The school will
soon have electronic reserves of music its students can
download for classes. The ban would keep them from access-
ing these educational files. The policy reminds technology
professionals of the potential problems of security fixes.

"When you try to block something. you tnust balance
benefits with the cost to legitimate computer activity."
Tannenbaum said.

in 1993. UK was one of the first colleges to write a
computer usage policy. The policy was written after a fac-
ulty member was causing problems on a server. The policy
explains the rights and responsibilities of using campus
computers anti the penalties for abusing them. The pol-
icy has served UK well. Tannenbaum said. but the in-
crease in file sharing traffic and backing from outside the
University makes the new guide necessary.

To view the draft policy.


World survey: love us. technology. hate us. ideas

eight of the most developed The most common criti-


Falling out of favor: America viewed as country
with really good entertainment but really had values


the eyes of much of the
world. this is America: an
inconsiderate lone wolf that
has really good entertain-
ment but really bad values.
that wants war with Iraq
just to get oil but still
should remain as the only
superpower on Earth.

In a broad international
survey released Wednesday.
the Pew Global Attitudes
Project found that the Unit-
ed States is falling out of fa-

vor in 19 of 27 countries
where a trend could be iden-

The dislike was espe-
cially striking in Muslim
countries. Seventy-five per-
cent of those surveyed in
Jordan had an unfavorable
opinion of America. as did
69 percent of Egyptians and
Pakistanis and 59 percent of
Lebanese. In Egypt. Jordan.
Indonesia, Senegal. Turkey
and Lebanon. the vast ma-
jority said they oppose the
U.S.-led war on terrorism.

But ill will toward the

found in supposedly friend—
ly nations like Canada.
Britain and Germany:

"The biggest headline
is the slipping image of the
United States. not simply
that we‘re not liked in the
Muslim world." said An-
drew Kohut. director of the
Pew Research Center. "But
there is still a great reserve
of good will toward the
United States."

The surveys in 44 man
tries were conducted by es-
tablished survey organiza-
tions in each country be-
tween July and October.
with polls done by phone in


The Student N



countries and face-toface in
the others. The error mar-
gins ranged from plus or
minus 2 percentage points
to 4.5 points. depending on
the sample size.

A generally favorable
view of America is held in
35 of the 42 countries that
took part in the survey.
Among Russians. US, popu
larity has surged 24 points.
from 37 percent two years
ago to 61 percent today Sitti-
ilarly. 77 percent of Nigeri-
ans and 85
Uzbeks had pro—US. views.
up 31 percent and 29 percent

ewspaper at the University of Kentucky. Lexi

percent of

cisms of the United States
are that it acts by itself, it
pushes policies that widen
the gap between rich and
poor nations. and it doesn‘t
do enough to solve the
world‘s problems.

Americans don't neces-
sarily agree.

Seventyvfive percent of
Americans polled said US.
foreign policy is considerate
of others. But next door.
only 25 percent of Canadi-
ans said America is a con-
siderate world citizen. Per-
haps surprisingly. US. for-
eign policy was deemed con-

See WORLD on 4







The Low-down

I am
the ability
folr peace-
people 0
a process


to reporters
in a brief
about Iraq
and the war
on terrorism.

UK theatre to hold auditions

The UK theatre department will hold
auditions for a spring theatre production
based on Latin American Folk Tales. The
auditions will be held today and tomorrow
from 4 pin. to ti pin. in the movement studio
of Fine .-\rts Building liirector Nancy
.loties said she hopes students from differ-
ent areas of the university will get involved
with the production. which it ill incorporate
singing. dancing puppetry masks. acting
and movement. Jones said that the produc
tion needs people with a variety of talents.
including musicians and people who speak
Spanish If you are interested and cannot
make the auditions for any reason. contact
Jones at iiaiicyciones a .\ 'lIllilit‘tllIl.

UK providing basketball rides

I'K Parking and 'l’raiisptirtation Ser
vices will be providing shuttles for students.
employees and guests to and from Rupp Are~
na for all regular season men's home basket-
ball games. The shuttle services. which
will be available only while school is in 505.
sion. will be co sponsored by l'lx’ Athletics.
The round trip cost will be $1 per person

per game. For iiitormation on pickup denly a II“St 0'
times and locations as well as return Wind blew over a 1517,013-
trip information. please visit huge crane. Jew and Mossad,"

wwwukyedu parking liballlitm.

Military experts will speak Monday

The l'K Patterson School of Diplomacy
and international (‘oiiimet‘ce will sponsor a
panel of military experts who will discuss
the military aspects of a possible war with
Iraq on Monday. llec. it from limit pm. until
9:30 pin at ilie William 'I‘ Young Library
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