xt7kpr7mq246 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7mq246/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19631117 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-11-sep17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-11-sep17. 1963 2011 true xt7kpr7mq246 section xt7kpr7mq246 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, September 17, 1963. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Presi- dent's Office on the campus of the University of Kentucky at 10:05 a.me, Eastern Standard Time; on Tuesday, September 17, 1963, this being the third Tuesday of September as provided in KRS 164. i70, Present were: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, vice chairman, Judge J. A. Sutherland, secretary, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. W.F. Foster, Dr. H. B. Murray, Mr. Clifford E. Smith, Mr. Floyd Wright, Mr. Gilbert W. Kingsbury, Mrr Robert Hillenmeyer, and Dr. Lewis Cochran and Professor Paul Oberst, nonvoting faculty members. President John W. Oswald, Vice Presidents A. D. Albright and W. R. Willard, Dr. R. D, Haun, Mr. Clay Maupin and Mr, George Kavanaugh were present as representatives of the University administrative staff. A. Meeting Opened In the absence of Governor Combs, Dr, Ralph Angelucci, vice chairman, called the meeting to order, It was determined that a quorum was present and Judge Sutherland was asked to give the invocation, B. Oath of Office Administered to Mr. Wright Dr. Angelucci administered the oath of office to Mr. Floyd Wright, who had been reappointed by Governor Combs under date of September 10, for a term ending December 31, 1966. C. Minutes Approved On motion by Mr. Kingasbury, seconded and passed, the minutes of the Execut ve Committee of the Board of Trustees for July 26, 1963, and of the Recessed Meeting of the Board cf Trustees of the University for August 24, 1963, were approved as published. D. Dr. Oswald Welcomed On behalf cf the Board of Trustees, Dr. Angelucci welcomed Dr. Oswald to his first meeting with the Board of Trustees of the University and expressed the appreciation of the Board for what he has done and pledged the support of themembers to him as he leads the University "over the threshold" of greatness. Dr. Oswald responded by thanking the Board for the great trust which they have placed in him and stated that he considered it a great opportunity and a great challenge. He said he was _kieoking forward to working with the Trustees in making the University of Kentucky a very high quality institution. He then indicated that he was instituting a change in format in presentas tion of materials to the Board which he would like to follow in this and all future meetings. His first presentation would be a president' s report which would capsule University activities between meetings of the Board, thus keeping the members informed of outstanding achievements of the faculty in teaching, research, and service. In the future all routine matters will be summarized with a recommendation from the president as to desired action and mailed to the members a week in advance of the meeting. Then at the time of the meeting, unless the Board wished to discuss any of the matters in greater detail, the entire report could be accepted as a whole, Those matters which require dis- cussion before action will also be summarized and submitted to the members in advance so that they may be familiar with the background of the problem. Through such procedure Dr. Oswald expressed the hope that valuable time of the Board might be saved to discuss more substantive issues and policies. E. President's Report #1 Copies of the President's Report to the Trustees were made available to the members of the Board and the press, Dr. Oswald went over the items contained in it commenting briefly on each one, Following his presentation, the members of the Board expressed their appreciation for having this information made available to them and the report was ordered made a part of the official record of the meeting. PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES 1. Fall Enrollment at an All-Time High University of Kentucky enrollment for the fall semester is the highest in the institution's history. Including students enrolled on the Lexington campus in the ten colleges and Graduate School, in the five community colleges, and for credit in extension classes and the evening class program, the total is 12, 112. This compares with the il, 321 enrolled for the fall term of 1962, the previous high mark. Enrollment on the Lexington campus is 9, 190. A breakdown of enrollment figures for this fall by colleges: Agriculture and Home Economics, 579; Arts and Sciences, 3, 139; Com- merce, 931; Dentistry, 62: Education, 1, 338; Engineering, 1, 372; Graduate School, 1,047; Law, 224~ Medicine, c 29, Nursing, 160; Pharmacy, 109. Enrollment in the community college system totals 1, 801, as follows: Ashland, 382; Covington, 625. Cumberland, 194, Fort Knox, 331; Hen- derson, 269. 3 In addition, students taking work for credit include 650 in the evening class program and 471 in extension classes (additional classes scheduled during the semester will add to the latter figure). Several hundred students also are enrolled in correspondence courses. 2, 356 in August Graduating Class The University of Kentucky awarded 355 degrees in August--179 at the graduate level and 176 at the bachelor's level. Included in the graduate degrees were eight doctor of philosophy, one doctor of education, two specialist in education, 23 master of arts, 10 master of science, eight master of science in agriculture, three master of science in civil engineering, one master of science in electrical engineering, three master of science in mechanical engineering, 72 master of arts in education, 25 master of science in education, six master of business administration, 15 master of science in library science, and two master of music. Fifty-one bachelor's degrees were awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences, 12 by the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, 17 by the College of Engineering, 68 by the College of Education, 26 by the College of Commerce, and two by the College of Pharmacy. 3. One-Trip Renovator Developed for Pastures A solution to easy, inexpensive pasture renovation work may be provided as the result of an experiment started this year at the UK Agricultural Experi- ment Station. The researchers are Dr. Timothy Taylor and Rankin Powell, agronomists, and C.K, Kline and E.M. Smith, agricultural engineers. Research is in the early stages and an experimental machine is being designed. The research team hopes to develop an effective, economical, easy- to-operate device that will quickly and efficiently lay out some sort of narrow strip or trench through a field; drop legume seeds into it in a uniform manner; put a band of fertilizer under the seed; and perhaps apply a herbicide to the strip-area to cut down grass and weed growth. Why develop such a pasture renovator? Kentucky is a grasslands state, with about 6, 000, 000 acres in grass. Many of these acres are in justfair shape. Legumes have gone out, weeds have invaded, Farmers are reluctant to destroy a usable low-yielding grass pasture and start a new one because of high costs and the hazards of getting a new stand, Give the farmer a machine to renovate efficiently in one pass (or close to it) and he would save money over present methods, Marginal pasture would be in better shape. 4 4. Spore-Forming Bacteria to Be Studied A study of methods for identifying clostridi.a--spore-forming bacteria that grow in the absence of air--is being initiated at the University of Kentucky under a $27, 353 grant from the National Institutes of Health. The study will be directed by Dr. Ralph H. Weaver. professor of microbiology. Some species of clostridia play an important part in making the soil fertile, and some are used in industrial fermentation processes. However, certain species produce wound infections and other disease conditions in man and animal. At least two are responsible for some of the more serious types of food poisoning. The research grant is for a three-year period and will be a continuation of work on the development of methods for rapid identification of bacteria con-. ducted at UK by Dr. Weaver and fellow researchers over a period of twenty years. 5. Two Courses Offered for Credit by Television The UK College of Arts and Sciences will offer two courses for credit by television and "play back" another course on radio during the fall semester. One of the courses, Plane Trigonometry, is being carried by WLEX-TV, Channel 18 in Lexington, and is conducted by Dr. A. W. Goodman, professor of mathematics and astronomy, Dr. Arthur L. Cooke, Professor of English, is conducting a course entitled "Survey of English Literature" on the same station. Both of the tv. courses are presented "live" and are produced by Ronald Russell-Tutty. program director, Department of Radio, Television and Films. Approximately 120 of the students enrolled in each course for resident credit gather in Studio A of McVey Hall to watch the televised classes on sets scattered throughout the room, Others watch from elsewhere in the building. Recordings of Dr. James W. Gladden's sociology class, "The Family," are being presented three days a week by WBKY, student-operated FM radio station at UK. Dr. Gladden, professor of sociology, discusses such topics as marriage, divorce, and family budgeting, 6. Program Trains Rehabilitation Counselors Ten University of Kentucky graduate students will receive stipends ranging from $1, 800 to $2, 000 as the result of a $36, 475 grant from the United States Vocational Rehabilitation Administration to the College of Education. The stu- dents are enrolled in a two-year master's degree program designed to prepare them for careers as xehabilitation counselors. 5 The UK program is the only one in Kentucky, and is set up on a regional basis. It is not restricted to students receiving stipends, and any qualified graduate student may enroll. Most of the trainees, upon graduation, will find positions in government agencies. Others will work in hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, and other government and private facilities. 7. Geological Maps of Kentucky Are Produced Nine new areal geologic maps have been produced under a cooperative mapping program carried on by the Kentucky Geological Survey at the Uni- versity and the United States Geological Survey. The single-sheet, colored maps contain geological information and outlines of potential mineral wealth. The new maps in the series are: Lynn Grove (parts of Calloway and Graves counties), Fountain Run (parts of Allen, Barren and Monroe counties), Bowling Green South (part of Warren county), Crutchfield (parts of Fulton and Hickman counties), Gamaliel (part of Monroe county), Gradyville. (part of Adair county), Parrot (parts of Jackson and Laurel counties), Tyner (parts of Clay and Jackson counties), and Water Valley (parts of Fulton, Graves and Hickman counties). Eventually the entire state of Kentucky will be covered in more than 700 areal maps. 8. Ground Broken for Education Annex Formal, ground-breaking ceremonies marking the start of construction of the $1, 187, 500 addition to the College of Education were held on August 27 at the construction site on Scott Street at the rear of the Taylor Education Building. The three-story addition to the Education College is being constructed by Sullivan and Cozart, Inc., Louisville, it will contain 61, 500 square feet of office, classroom, laboratory and conference space. 9. Geographer Develops New Approach to Map Making A University of Kentucky geographer, Dr. J. R. Schwendeman, has come up with a solution to a problem that has always bothered cartographers: How to map a sphere on a flat surface with as little graphic distortion as possible. Dr. Schwendeman's projection combines the good features of established systems for showing all of a globe on a plane with mathematical scaling modifi- cation of his own design. Ten years ago, Dr. Schwendeman, Head of the UK Department of Geography, began pondering how mapping data of worldwide extent could be improved. He believed that a mathematical composition of the earth, 6 or any large area involved with geographic curvature, could be devised with emphasis on drafting simplicity, ease of plotting, and space saving, page and paperwise. Now, after two years of intensive investigation supported by the Kentucky Research Foundation, Dr. Schwendeman is ready to present his new approach in the science of map-making to the geographical profession. He has titled his method of projection "Geomatlic.I1 10, Ground Broken for Seventh Community College Construction has started at Prestonsburg on the seventh unit in the Uni- versity's system of community colleges. The $882, 000 building that will house the Prestonsburg center is to be ready in the fall of 1964. It will include 12 classrooms, three laboratories, a library, a multi-use room for band and meetings, a seminar room and a director's office, The college will have a 33-acre campus. 11. Effects of Sugars on Nervous System Studied A project conducted by Dr, T. Z. Csaky, chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, Medical Center, will seek to find the effects of sugars on the central nervous system. The study concerns the factors that act as agents in allowing foods (specifically, sugar) and drugs to flow from blood to the brain. The five-year study is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, The current year's grant is $23 760. 12. Physics Department Gets $24, 870 Grant The National Science Foundation has granted $24, 870 to the Department of Physics in connection with the foundation's undergraduate instructional sci- entific equipment program. The money is to be matched equally with Universi- ty funds for the purchase of scientific equipment. Administered by the Kentucky Research Foundation, the funds will be used to expand instructional facilities of the sophomore physics laboratories and to improve equipment in the depart- ment's advanced undergraduate laboratories. 130 Swope Collection Goes to UK Library The papers and books of the late King Swope, for twenty years a Fayette County circuit judge and a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, have been given to the University of Kentucky Library and are being cataloged for the Swope Collection. 7 The collection ccntamns newspaper clippings, significant correspondence; campaign material from Swope s days in the political arena, and books from his personal library. It represents only the second collection of Republican Material the Library has in its archives. The collection of William 0. Bradley, Kentucky's first Republican governor after the Civil War, is the othe r , 140 Associate Degree in Nursing Program Planned The W. K. Kellogg Foundation has awarded the UK College of Nursing $61, 900 to be used in the planning and development of the Associate Degree in Nursing Program. Subsequent awards are anticipated over the next four years. The new Associate Degree in Nursing Program is being activated at the Northwest Community College in Henderson, Its purpose is to prepare graduates of the two-year terminal program for competent bedside nursing functions and for licensing as registered nurses, The aim of the new nursing program is to encourage more qualified Kentucky young people to enter the profession. Surveys of nursing shortages point out a need for 300 nurses per 100, 000 population. The United States has only 254 nurses per 100, 000 people. Kentucky's situation is much worse, with just 126 professional nurses per 100,000 people. 15, Pharmaceut.cal Chem..stry fiets Grant The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry plans to use a $4, 000 grant it received recently from the Smi-th Kline and French Foundation, together with $1, 600 from the University Research Committee and $900 from depart- mental funds, to purchase an infrared spectrophotometer, The instrument will be used in the department's research program in the synthesis of new drug molecules, 160 Pediatrics Center Established A special center, headed by Dr. James Rackley of the Department of Pediatrics, is being established to provide a "registry" for children born with defects at the Unkversity Hospital, and for those with defects who are admitted to the hospital after birth, Principal purpose of the program is to insure that those with defects continue to receive adequate medical attention after they are discharged as inFpatients. The $20, 500 to be used for operating the center is being provided by the Lexington chapter of the National Foundation. It will be used to pay for laboratory assistants, a social wcrker, and follow-up investigators. 8 17. Southeast Center Sponsors Ccnce-ts The UK Scutheast Center at Cumberland is sponsoring a series of nine community concerts to be Dresented during the fall, winter and spring in Harlan and Cumberland, In addition to a number of University musicians and musical organizations, the series will feature renowned folk, singer John Jacob Niles and the Louisville Orchestra. 18. Gifts and Grants to University Total $397, 676. 62 The University of Kentucky Medical Center has received gifts totaling $376, 906. 62 during the period from July 11 through September 7, as follows: Research and training grants--$279, 469. 72. Contracts awarded--$94, 206.40. Scholarship and miscellaneous gifts--$3, 230. 50. Since the last meeting of the Trustees, August 24, $20, 770 in gifts have been received, all of which are for scholarship purposes with the exception of one $2, 500 research grant. Total gifts and grants to be approved by Board of Trustees on September 17--$397, 676. 62. 19. Honors and Recognition Staff members of the University have brought honor and recognition to the institution, as well as to themselves, on several occasions since the last meeting of the Trusteeso Dr. Rvkdolph J, M .:el-ing, Jr., chairman of the Division of Legal Med- icine and Toxicology? Medical Center, has been named to serve with two national groups. He has been appointed to the Medicolegal Subcommittee of the National Committee on Vital Health and Statistics and as a member of a panel for the study group on Medicolegal certification of deaths, a branch of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics of the National Center for Health Statistics. Richard C, Miller, extension specialist in Animal Husbandry, has been made an honorary fellow of the American Society of Animal Science. He also was presented a plague and a $1, 000 award for his contributions and service to the national livestock industry. A member of the UK staff for twenty years, he is the first Kentuckian to receive the dual honors, Six books by four mnembers of the History Department faculty--lDr, KThomas D, Clark, Dr. Clemenat Eaton, Dr. James F, Hopkins and Dr. Holman Hamilton -have been selected for Inclusion in the White House Library. 9 Dr. R, A. Chapman, head of the Department of Plant Pathology, has been appointed chairman of the Plant Nematclogy Committee of the American Phyto-pathological Society. He also was named to the society's advisory committee to the American Type Culture Collection. Dr. Doris M. Seward. Dean of Women, served recently as the National Education Association delegate to the World Conference of Organizations of the Teaching Profession, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 0, Leonard Press, head of the Department of Radio, Television and Films, has been appointed executive director of the Kentucky Authority for Educational Televis9.on, Ronald Stewart,. technical director for the UK Broad- casting Service, has been named chief engineer for the project. J.E, Humphrey, agricultural extension specialist, recently was elected a Fellow of the Poutltry Science Association, He was one of five persons to be so honored, Paul Oberst, professor of law, has been appointed to a seven-member commission created by the 1963 special session of the General Assembly to act as general adviser to the State Government on Kentucky's prisons and parole system. Basketball coach Adolph Rupp has been appointed a member of the Hon- ors Committee of the National Basketball Hall of Fame, 20, Significant Achievements cf Faculty Dr. James H. WeU'.s, assistant professor of mathematics, has received a $6, 800 grant frocm the National Science Foundation in support of a research project entitled "Convclution Theory. 1" Dr. W, F, Wagner, professor of chemistry, has received a contract renewal amounting to $1i, 319 for research he is conducting in extraction of rare earths under sponsorship of the Atcmic Energy Commission. Dr, Marvin B, Qui'gey. associate professor of anatomy and oral surgery, was one of 2?9 dental h-.stologists invited to attend a four-day meeting at the Royal Denta)i School in Malmo, Sweden, August 29-September 1o Dr, A, Lee Ccleman, head of the departments of Sociology and Rural Sociology, served as program chairman for a meeting of the Rural Sociological Society at San Fernando Valle.y State Cc.llege, California, August 23-26, Dr. William D, Ehmann. as~occiate professor of chemistry, recently presented a paper on his research -.n radir-chemistry on the program of the Congress of the International. Union of Po.re and A.'.-lied Chemistry, in London, England, Dr. Lawrence S, Th-mp A ieon, director of libraries, is the author of a study entitled "The Librarises of Colon.al Spanish America, " which has been published by a firm in Amsterdam, Hcl.:and, 10 Dr. James E. Douglass, assistant professor of chemistry, has received a National Science Foundation grant of $19, 400 to conduct research in the effects of boron atoms in organic compounds. Dr. Marion Pearsall, associate professor of behavioral science, is the author of a book published recently by the University of Kentucky Press, "Medical Science: A Selected Bibliography. " Dr. Wasley Krogdahl, professor of astronomy, has received a $9,445 grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to study man's efforts to gain additional knowledge about the sun. Dr. Prasad K, Kadaba, professor of electrical engineering, is directing a five-year research project involving microwave absorption of gases and liquids, under a $10, 600 grant from the National Science Foundation. Dr. Laszlo Zsoldos, assistant professor in the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce, is the author of a book just published by the Ohio State University Press, "The Economic Integration of Hungary into the Soviet Bloc, " Dr. Katherine Sydnor, assistant professor of medicine, is engaged in a research project, "Metabolic Studies in Tumor in Susceptible Rats" under a $53, 341 grant from the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Alvin L, Morris, dean of the College of Dentistry, has received a $48, 852 grant from the Public Health Service to conduct a study of the effects of food debris and calculus on the perodontium of the dog. Dr. Jiri T. Kolaja, associate professor of sociology, presented a study this month at the 20th International Sociological Institute Congress at the Uni- versity of Cordova, Argentina. Dr. Doug'-as W. Schwartzjdirector of the UK Museum of Anthropology, spoke at a faculty convocation at Carson-Newman College on August 30. He said that college students usually participate in sub-cultures, smaller groups which share values that are most important to them and which help to shape the lives of their members, Dr. Schwartz has been associated with the UK Creativity in Learning Seminar for the past two summers, Dr. P. P. Karan, associate professor of geography, is the author of a book, "The Himalayan Kingdoms, " just published by the D. Van Nostrand Com- pany, Princeton; N,. J. A research project entitled "A Study of Physiology and Therapy in Renal Failure" is being conducted under the direction of.CDr. Benjamin F, Rush, Jr.J, associate professor of surgery. The work is made possible by a grant of $34, 731 from the Nat-onal Institutes of Health, 11 F, B.ennium Repcrt for 1961-63 Distributed Dry. Oswald called attention to the Biennium Report for 1961-63 prepared by Dr. Dickey; copies of which were gi'Zen to the members of the Board. In calling attention to the report he indicated that he would like to take advantage of the opportunity to express his appreciation to Dr. Dickey for his help during the past three months and to Dr. A, D. Albright for the magnificent manner in which he had managed the affairs of the University during the period between Dr. Dickey's resignation and his assuming the duties of the presidency. G. Citation Presented to Colonel Alcorn The Undersecretary of the Army had requested the president of the Uni- versity of Kentucky to present on his behalf the Army Commendation Medal to Colonel James P. Alcorn, the new commandant of the University Army ROTC Unit, for meritorious service while serving as an assistant to the Undersecre- tary of the Army during the period June 1961 to June i963. Colonel Alcorn accepted the medal from President Oswald and received the congratulations of the Board of Trustees on this honor, H. President's Report #2 Copies of Recommendations of the President having been made available to the members of the Board, on motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Kingsbury, were adopted as a whole and ordered made a part of the official record of the meeting. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT A, FINANCIAL REPORT Recommendation: that the financial report covering the two month period from July 1, 1963 through August 31, 1963, be accepted and made a part of the record of the September 1i7, 1963, meeting of the Board of Trustees. Background: The balanced fund groups which set forth the financial position cf the Unv.iclersity on August, 31, 1963, are presented on Pages A, B, C & Do The 'enera.l fund statement of income (page E) shows the estimated income for the fiscal year, the amount received through August: 3i, and amount to be received for the remainder of the year. The amcunt of income col'ected is 30, 3 per cent of the total estimated income and is in accordance with origina.l. projections. The General fund statement of expenditures shown on pages F & G is 19. 1 per cent of the total appropriations, a normal percentage of the total for the fiscal period, and reflects purchases which were made for the school year, Plant fund operations for acquisition and improvement of fixed as- sets are shown on pages H,' ., & K. The Sinking fund reserves for Revenue Bond issues are stated on page 1. The statement of other Fund Transac- tions on Page M Includes Restricted, Loan Endowment and Agency funds, Thi.s exhibit sets forth the fund balance on July i, 1963, income received and expenditures made during July and August and the fund balance on August 31., 1963, by fund and combined totals, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY September 9, 1963 Dr. John W. Oswald, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Dr. Oswald: I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the University of Kentucky for the two months ended August 31, 1963. This report contains a balance sheet and related financial statements which present a complete financial picture for all funds of the University. The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the period reflect income realized for educational purposes in the amount of $8, 696, 299. 16 or 30. 3% of the budget estimate of $28, 692, 192. 96. The expenditures, including encumbrances outstanding amount to $5, 679, 667. 86. This represents 19. 1% of the total Current General Fund Appropri- ations of $29, 715, 974. 13. Respectfully submitted, Director af a University of Kentucky Balance Sheet August 31, 1963 ASSETS Current Funds: A. General Cash in Bank Available Balance, State Appropriation Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer Inventories Deferred Charges Accounts Receivable- Hospital- Net Due from Capital Construction Fund Unrealized Income Accounts Receivable Total General B. Restricted Cash ir Bank Petty Cash Advances Investments Accounts Receivable ( Net ) Professional Service Plans Total Restricted Total Current Furids II. Loan Funds: Cash ta Bawk Due From-Urnied AMd Fund Notes Receivabie Inh estmeats Due from Federal Government $ 700,805.73 4,296,562.54 1,786,938.51 1, 127,788. 19 7,666.20 530,025.27 285, 000.00 19,995,893. 80 323.28 $ 28, 731, 003. 52 $ 1,034,904.74 47, 100,01 3,502,591.48 70,503,74 4, 655,099.97 $ 33,386,103.49 $ 6,301.26 1,000.00 912, 280. 46 26, 500. 00 353. 31 Total Loan Funds _946, 435. 03 b University of Kentucky Balance Sheet August 31, 1963 LIABILITIES L. Current Funds: A. General Reserve for Departmental Requisitions Reserve for Inventories Other Liabilities Appropriation Balances Unappropriated Surplus: Division of Colleges Medical Center Agricultural Experiment Station University Hospital $ 2,401,455.68 1, 127, 788. 19 7, 666.20 24, 036, 306. 27 $ 701, 667.76 391, 550. 83 60, 874.59 3, 694.00 1, 157, 787. 18 Total General B. Restricted Outstanding Check Liability Reserve for Accounts Receivable Restricted Fund Balance Total Restricted Total Current Funds II. Loan Funds: Principal Balances- National Defense Education Act, 1958- Federal Government $ University of Kentucky Accum. Interest Income NDEA Total National Defense Education Act Principal $ University Student Loans University Special Student Loan Fund United Student Aid Fund Expendable Balance $ 28, 731. 003. 52 $ 19, 187.97 70, 503. 74 4,565,408.26 4, 655,099, 97 $ 33, 386, 103. 49 789, 795. 41 80, 060.04 4, 391.42 874, 246.87 29, 939. 96 25, 748. 53 1,000. 00 $ 930,935.36 15,499.67 Total Loan Funds $ 946,435. 03 C University of Kentucky Balance Sheet August 31, 1963 ASSETS HII. Endowment Funds: Cash in Bank Cash on Deposit- Trustee Investments $ 20,944.59 32. 97 328,046. 13 Total Endowment Funds IV. Plant Funds: A. Unexpended Plant Funds Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer $ Available Balance, State Appropriation Investments Total Unexpended Plant Funds B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds Cash in Bank, Due