xt7kpr7mr20c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7mr20c/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_570 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 570 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 570  2014 true xt7kpr7mr20c section xt7kpr7mr20c By

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n 11

1 Much time and money are spent each year trying to establish
and maintain attractive lawns. It is indeed discouraging to see such
well intended efforts hindered by insect pests. Fortunately, many
I pests can be satisfactorily controlled if correct identification is I
made and then proper control methods used. In the following l
presentation, descriptions and controls will be given for some of the
more important and common lawn pests of the state.
Insecticides (insect killers) are sold commercially under various
trade names in several package sizes. Usually, the trade name is
not as important as obtaining the proper pesticide. Large packages
of the material often are much more economical than similar con-
centrations sold in smaller containers. The user must, however, con-
sider his needs and the convenience of the small package. Most
formulations of pesticides offered for sale are stable and will not
noticeably deteriorate if stored properly for a year. Even so, it
is not recommended that the home user keep pesticides from one
year to the next.
Insecticides are commercially available as liquids and as
powders which can be added to water and applied as a spray. If
wettable powders are used in water, frequent agitation is needed
to keep the chemical distributed in the water. The label on the
pesticide container will specify the amount of a formulation to be
mixed in a certain amount of water.
Oil solutions of pesticides which are not mixable with water
should not be used on lawns. Crass and other desirable plants
are likely to be injured by the oil base, especially if the solution T
is applied during high temperatures.
Insecticides as dusts are not recommended for lawn insect pests,
because they are likely to drift and are difficult to apply to turf.
In addition to liquids and wettable powders, granulated formula-
tions of many insecticides are now available to the public. These
ready-to-use dry preparations have a low concentration of pesticide
applied to a pellet with a consistency near that of quartz sand. Mix-
ing granulated insecticides with sand will increase the bulk so that
the proper dosage can more easily be applied.

1. No pesticide should be stored near food products. Pesticides Ca]
should be kept away from children, incompetent people, and pets. to
2. Be sure that the pesticides are properly labeled. Follow care-
fully the directions on the label as to the necessary precautions. Never
reuse pesticide containers. Instead, safely discard containers as soon ft_
as they are emptied.
3. Avoid unnecessary inhalation of pesticides and contact with Om
the skin. If a toxicant is accidentally spilled on the skin, wash the
area thoroughly with soap and water. am
4. Let the grass dry thoroughly if a spray is used before per- gg
mitting children to play on the lawn.
5. Do not allow pesticides to contaminate fish ponds or the eating mc
utensils of pets. Empty unused spray mixes in areas where there {66
is no danger of animal contact. P0;
6. In case of accidental poisoning, call a physician at once. In-
form him of the chemical name (printed on label) of the pesticide ers
involved. reg
7. Use only the recommended dosage of a pesticide. Too little
material will probably not give adequate control, whereas too much
material may be wasteful and injure desirable lawn plants.
Commercial Applicators pai
The type of equipment is not as important as even distribution
of the correct dosage on the area to be treated. Chemical control
of some insects can most easily be obtained by adding the pesticide up
to water and applying this mixture with a sprinkling can, but better 2  
results are usually obtained when a sprayer is used. léi}
Many commercial sprayers are available for applying pesticides.
Most of these sprayers when properly used will perform satisfactorily.
. All such equipment has its limitation, and usually effectiveness and
durability will vary with the initial cost. Perhaps the best sprayers _}
for home use are hand-operated, compressed-air sprayers with a 1%*
capacity of 1 to 4 gallons. fw
Hand-pushed fertilizer spreaders can be satisfactorily used for  
applying granulated pesticides. However, an equally effective method  
of application is to broadcast granules evenly by hand (be sure to t `
wear rubber gloves).  
Calibration of Equipment pl-,
The simplest method of applying the desired amount of pesticide
as a spray is to add the required amount of chemical to a relatively
large amount of water and then repeatedly go over the lawn until
all the water is used. After the Hrst coverage it is best to go croSS- be
wise to the preceding spray pattern each successive time. A

 This procedure can be too much work for a large lawn, s0 a
es calibration of the water may be desirable. Use the following steps
to calibrate a sprayer:
re- 1. Measure water (example: 3 gallons into sprayer).
ier 2. Measure an area of 1,000 square feet in size (example: 25
on ft. x 40  
3. Spray evenly with the water until the area has been covered
ith once.
he 4. Measure the amount of water that is left and subtract this
amount from the original amount. (Example: 3 gallons—1 gallon ;
er- 2 gallons, the amount of water needed for treating 1,000 square feet.)
5. Put the necessary quantity of water in the sprayer, add the ,
Hg recommended amount of pesticide necessary for treating 1,000 square
ere feet, and spray the lawn in 1,000 square—foot—areas at as nearly as
possible the same speed as originally used for calibrating the sprayer.
ln- Usually calibration directions are furnished when fertilizer spread-
ide ers are purchased. The setting with the smallest openings is often
required for applying granulated insecticides.
  Care of Equipment
After each use spray equipment and measuring utensils should
be rinsed with clear water and dried before storing, as some pesticide
formulations contain corrosive materials. Light oiling of movable
parts is advisable. Do not use measuring utensils for other purposes.
100 2,4-D Contaminated Sprayers
TGI Sprayers contaminated with 2,4-D may be used for all pesticides
lde applied to the lawn. However, since it is very difficult to remove
iter 2,4-D completely from equipment, do not use sprayers contaminated
{GS with this herbicide for treating fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants.
  The common soil insecticides have been shown to preventothe (
I A re-invasion of subterranean insect pests for several years. Foliage
treatments are less enduring as the treated grass is removed by mow-
for illg, and the insecticide is subjected to weathering. Certain insecti- p
md Cides normally have a longer toxic eilect than others against insects, l
  to Malathion and lindane in comparison with most other recommended
insecticides break down more rapidly, but in general are quicker
acting. All modern insecticides eventually lose their insecticidal .
properties, and insects and related pests may then re-enter a lawn.
Util Lawns having high fertility may unfortunately have insect pests,
05* lJ€Cause many insects thrive best on vigorously growing plants. Also,
il weedy lawn does not necessarily attract more lawn pests than a

 weed-free lawn, since bluegrass is one of the preferred food plants T
of some insects. Good lawn management can, however, encourage mon
a vigorous growth of grass that has a better chance of overcoming gree
insect injury. on 2
How lnsects Get in the Lcwn the
Many adult insects can readily fly short distances. They lay eggs, Calif
and the offspring infest new areas. Some adult wingless insects, such
as Heas, depend on man or other animal hosts for transportation. W
Immature insects in lawns do not have wings, and most do not whe
crawl far from the place where they hatched unless there is a short- The
age of food or some disturbance. smo
Some insects have several generations or broods in a year and wor
can become more numerous as the growing season progresses. Others plan
have one generation per year. A few require more than one year to sten
pass from the egg to the adult stage. pref
Grubs plat
Grubs are the immature or larval stage of a group of beetles T
(Scarabaeidae). They are usually about Vg to 2 inches in length the
when fully grown, depending on types, and are white or gray in
color. Many will curl into the form of a “C” when taken from the
_ ground. Grubs can seriously damage lawns by feeding on the roots
of grass within about l to 2 inches of the soil surface. Sometimes
grubs in a lawn are indicated by areas of grass which brown and
die until the turf can be rolled up like a carpet, especially during
hot dry weather. Mole burrows can also mean a grub infestation,
as the mammals which make these tunnels feed largely on insects
such as grubs in the soil.
Some grubs feed about 10 months before entering a non-feeding
resting stage (pupal) in the soil, whereas other types may be active
for 2 or 3 years before pupation. The adult beetles, which emerge
. from the pupal or resting stage, mate, and the females lay eggs
which hatch into another generation of grubs.
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Fig. l.-White Grub. (left) Lurvo or grub which is o notorious underground pest ol pig`
grusses. (right) Adult or Muy beetle which con also injure plants. Adul

 ; The adult stage is the only one found above ground. Some com—
z mon names for the various adults are May beetles, ]une “bugs,”
; green ]une beetles, ]apanese beetles, and others. Many beetles feed
on above—ground portions of the plants, but the damage caused by
the common types in Kentucky is usually not as important as that
7 caused by the grubs.
1 Wireworms
Wireworms (Elateridae) measure about % to 1% inches in length
t when fully grown and range in color from yellow to reddish brown.
- They are probably called wireworms because of their hard, slender,
smooth bodies which somewhat resemble small pieces of wire. Wire- _
1 worms live in the soil where they may damage grass and other l
5 plants by tunneling into the roots and underground portions of the
3 stems during their feeding activities. Seedlings may be attacked in
preference to older plants. Although wireworms can cause grass to
wither and die, their presence in a lawn is seldom noticed unless
plants more susceptible to their attack are introduced into the lawn.
s The wireworms transform into pupae, which in turn change into
h the adults or click beetles, so-named because they are capable of
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°l Fig. 2.—Wireworm. (top) Lorvo which is the most injurious stuge to plonts. (bottom)
Adult which is culled u click beetle und does no noticeoble domoge.

 making a clicking noise when trying to upright themselves after being full g
placed on their backs. The adults are not important as pests, as their are n
feeding is difficult to detect. Some wireworms in Kentucky complete are l
their life cycle in 1 year, while others require as long as 5 years, prefe
depending upon the kinds. T
Ants lawn
Ants (Formicidae) are considered social insects, and some live aud
in colonies under the surface of the ground. Most do not eat grass grass
leaves but may disfigure and destroy large areas of turf by loosening grass
the soil surrounding the grass roots and by covering the foliage of grow
grass with mounds of dirt around the entrance holes to the colonies. struc
Grass seed may be prevented from germinating because ants have mmf
stored it in the underground chambers of their colonies. Some ants b€C0]
nesting in the lawn enter houses in search of food such as sweets fmdl
and fats, and thus become household nuisances. Some ants are capable  
of inflicting very painful stings to people who disturb them. feedl
The ant workers are responsible for obtaining food and caring
for the colony. These wingless forms are the only members of the
colony seen above ground during most of the year. Under the ground ·
surface will be found wingless queen ants which lay eggs. The eggs
hatch into cream-colored larvae or grubs, which, unlike the beetle
_ grubs, do no damage themselves. The workers feed and care for
the larvae which later enter in a resting or pupal stage. Most of
the grubs develop into more worker ants. However, under certain
conditions winged females and males which appear above ground
may be produced. After mating, the males soon die while the females
lose their wings and go underground where they become the queens
of new colonies.
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  _  __`v wn{M‘=°'€:;   lawns.
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Fig. 3.—Ant. The busy adults cun keep people busy combutting them. The egg, Iurvu fl yea
und pupu ure ull found underground. ill tlln
Sod Webworms
Sod webworms (Crambus spp.), the larvae of some moths, are C
light brown in color with fine hairs distributed over the body. VVhen of va

 g full grown they are about Vg to % inch in length. Sod webworms
ir are most likely to be pests of newly established lawns, but old lawns
ae are by no means immune from attacks, Bluegrass is probably the
s, preferred food plant of most kinds in Kentucky.
The pest is likely to be worse during dry years, especially if the
lawn is regularly sprinkled. The webworms feed mainly at night
8 and may cause irregular growth patches on the lawn where the
_ rass is shortened at uneven hei hts. The nests do not molest the
,5 ES _ g l
g grass roots but instead feed on the tender green portions near the
)f ground. During the day they may remain secluded in shelters con-
S structed of grass clippings held together by silken webs (hence the
Yé name webworm) and located at the base of the plant. As the larvae ,
_ become older the can ra idl crawl backward as well as forward
th Y P Y
ts and will often thrash wildly about if touched.
le After gorging themselves on grass, the larvae go into the non-
feeding, resting stage in the soil. Later, from the resting stage
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Fig. 4.— Webworm. (top) Adult which is a common moth seen erratically flitting about l
lawns. (bottom) Lurva which damages the leaves and stems of grasses.
emerge the pale, brown adult moths, popularly called lawn moths,
millers, or snout moths, which do no damage to the grass except ‘
indirectly by laying the eggs which produce the larvae. The moths
may be numerous during the summer around lawns and shrubbery
where, upon being disturbed, they will Hy for a short distance in a
rapid zig-zag pattern. Most sod webworms have at least two broods
W a year. The insects go through the winter as larvae which hibernate
in the silken tunnels.
Cutworms and Armyworms
re Cutworms and armyworms (Noctuidac) are larvae, or caterpillars.
en of various moths. The larvae range in length from about l to 2

 making a clicking noise when trying to upright themselves after being full g
placed on their backs. The adults are not important as pests, as their are n
feeding is difficult t0 detect. Some wireworms in Kentucky complete are l
their life cycle in 1 year, while others require as long as 5 years, prefe
depending upon the kinds. T
Anfs lawn
Ants (Formiciidae) are considered social insects, and some live and
in colonies under the surface of the ground. Most do not eat grass grass
leaves but 1nay disfigure and destroy large areas of turf by loosening grass
the soil surrounding the grass roots and by covering the foliage of gmm
grass with mounds of dirt around the entrance holes to the colonies. struc
Crass seed may be prevented from germinating because ants have mmf
stored it in the underground chambers of their colonies. Some ants becol
nesting in the lawn enter houses in search of food such as sweets and l
and fats, and thus become household nuisances. Some ants are capable  
of inflicting very painful stings to people who disturb them. fecdl
The ant workers are responsible for obtaining food and caring
for the colony. These wingless forms are the only members of the
colony seen above ground during most of the year. Under the ground
surface will be found wingless queen ants which lay eggs. The eggs
hatch into cream—colored larvae or grubs, which, unlike the beetle
grubs, do no damage themselves. The workers feed and care for
the larvae which later enter in a resting or pupal stage. Most of
the grubs develop into more worker ants. However, under certain
i conditions winged females and males which appear above ground
1nay be produced. After mating, the males soon die while the females
lose their wings and go underground where they become the queens
of new colonies.
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Fig. 3.- Ant. The busy udults can keep people busy combutting them. The egg, lurvu fl yell
und pupo ure ull found underground. lll thr
Sod Webworms
Sod webworms (Crczmbus spp.), the larvae of some moths, are Ci
light brown in color with fine hairs distributed over the body. WVheu of va

 full grown they are about % to   inch in length. Sod webworms
are most likely to be pests of newly established lawns, but old lawns
are by no means immune fro1n attacks. Bluegrass is probably the
preferred food plant of most kinds in Kentucky.
The pest is likely to be worse during dry years, especially if the
lawn is regularly sprinkled. The webworms feed mainly at night
and may cause irregular growth patches on the lawn where the
grass is shortened at uneven heights. The pests do not molest the
grass roots but instead feed on the tender green portions near the
ground. During the day they may remain secluded in shelters con-
structed of grass clippings held together by silken webs (hence the
name webworm) and located at the base of the plant, As the larvae ,
become older they can rapidly crawl backward as well as forward
and will often thrash wildly about if touched.
After gorging themselves on grass, the larvae go into the non-
feeding, resting stage in the soil. Later, from the resting stage p
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Fig. 4.— Webwcrm. (top) Adult which is a common moth seen erratically Hitting about l
lawns. (bottom) Lurva which damages the leaves and stems of grasses.
emerge the pale, brown adult moths, popularly called lawn moths,
millers, or snout moths, which do no damage to the grass except {
indirectly by laying the eggs which produce the larvae. The moths
may be numerous during the summer around lawns and shrubbery
where, upon being disturbed, they will Hy for a short distance in a
rapid zig—zag pattern. Most sod webworms have at least two broods
I a year. The insects go through the winter as larvae which hibernate
in the silken tunnels.
Cutwcrms und Armyworms l
2 Cutworms and armyworms (Noctuidac) are larvae, or caterpillars.
1 of various moths. The larvae range in length from about 1 to 2

 inches when fully grown, and in color from green to nearly black.
Some have stripes extending almost the length of the body. When
numerous, certain types can devour the leaves and stems of grasses
down to the ground. Other types clip the grass while feeding near
the ground surface and the damaged leaves fall over.
Armyworms characteristically crawl en masse to new feeding
locations, hence the common name. Most cutworms and armyworms
feed mainly at night and stay hidden near the base of the plants
during the day. Thus, their presence may go unnoticed until feed-
ing damage has become extensive.
The adults, or moths, which do no direct plant damage are
common summer visitors around lights at night. With most of the
common kinds there is but one generation a year. pig_ 6_-
pale gren
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      A · damag
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  A It Ea     Adi
   Z - or D \ extern:
Fig. 5.- Armyworm. (a) Eggs which are laid on plant stems and leaves by the female adults
moths. (b) Larva which hatches from an egg and increases in size as it feeds on plants. tlO1`1 fC
(c) Pupa which is the non-feeding, resting stage during which the insect transforms from gums
a larva to an adult. (d) Adult which is a moth commonly seen around lights at night. OH
Leafhoppers The S(
P Leafhoppers (C»icaclellicZae) are tiny wedge-shaped insects rang-
ing in color from yellow to dark gray. Most species in lawns are
not over 1/5 inch in length. The young (nymphs) and adults are
very similar in external appearance differing mainly in size and the _
presence of wings on the adults. As the common name implies,
leafhoppers are capable of hopping for short distances on the foliage
of plants. In addition to hopping, the adults of many species readily
fly when disturbed.
Because of their small size and agility, leafhoppers are often not
associated with the plant damage which they cause. Both the
immature and adult leafhoppers can, however, seriously retard thc
growth of grass by sucking the sap from the stems and leaves. New Hg 7_
seedings may actually be killed because of leafhopper feeding. fee;] gn

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Fig. 6.- Leafhopper. This small pest is usually wedge-shaped and varies in color from
pale green to dark brown. The young look very similar to the adults but do not have wings.
The pale areas in lawns caused by leafhoppers are often mistaken
for drought damage.
Most species of leafhoppers build up to their largest, most
damaging populations during the hot, dry months of summer and
fall. Even if leathoppers cause no plant damage, their presence on
lawns would still be of concern because they annoy human beings
when they are attracted to light in and around the home.
Adult fleas (Siphonaptera) are small, wingless insects feeding
externally on a wide range of warm-blooded hosts such as human
beings, dogs, cats, rats, chickens, and many wild animals. Most
adults will readily jump or crawl from one host to another. In addi-
tion to causing extreme annoyance, ileas may be carriers of certain
germs causing diseases.
On the host the females usually lay eggs which drop to the
ground, floor, or animal bedding and in a few days hatch into larvae.
The scattering of the eggs in this way may cause a flea infestation l
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l Fig. 7.— Flea. This is the adult stage which does the biting. The larvae or young do not
· feed on animals and are seldom seen.

 to be spread over a comparatively large area. The larvae are usually
not noticed, as they d0 not bite animals but instead feed on organic
matter in the dwelling place. Later the larvae enter into a resting
or pupal stage before they become adults. The adults may live for
as long as a year and are able to go for months without food. Thus,
when people go on vacations and take their pets, the fleas left at
home await their return with increasingly ravaging appetites.
Chiggers (Eutrombicula alfreddugesri and other species), or red Fi9· 9
bugs, are the 6-legged larval or immature stage of mites. The tiny l"""°f
chiggers which are almost invisible without magnification can be
very prevalent during the summer months in grass and weeds. They to tl
do not noticeably damage the grass but are important because of legs.
their annoyance to man. They readily get on humans and other A
animals when the opportunity affords and attach to the skin, often thou
where clothing comes in contact with the body. \Vhen they feed notic
on people, they inject a fluid which can cause extreme itching and how:
produce inflamed reddish welts. Continual scratching may incite espet
secondary infection. less
_ seem
  5 cong
 E; mg {Y! __ they
 .. b_{.*;y{ d__,___, age l
‘   of tli
. 5 U: V { L if cr
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Fig. 8.- Chigger Mite. Shown is the tiny larval or six-legged stage which is more often larly
felt than seen. The adult hus eight legs und is not believed to bite P€¤Pl€- form
Many animals other than man serve as a host for chiggers. After the U
the mite has become engorged on its host, it drops to the ground fof 6
where it transforms into an 8—legged nymph and eventually iut0 being
‘ an adult mite. The nymphs and adults do not feed on man but iu- nig 5
stead probably subsist mostly on vegetable matter.  
2 > e
Millepedes when
Millepedes (Diplopoda) belong to a group of animals closely re- less Z
lated to insects. They are sometimes called thousand—legged worms _ B°
because of the two pair of legs on each of the numerous segmcutS tllnes
of the body. Some people also call them cement worms or “\Vl1'(" Since
worms” (not to be confused with click bettle larvae). \Vhen fully gum l
grown the common type of millepedes in Kentucky is a dark browu. L’4’E
slender, cylindrical, hard-shelled creature which reaches the length gmsx
of about 1 inch. A young millepede is very similar in appearance G

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gd Fig. 9.— Millepede. Note the muny puirs of legs. The pest often curls up when disturbed.
my Immuture millepedes look similur to the adults.
be y
gy to the adult except it is smaller and has fewer body segments and
Of legs. It probably takes a year to complete a generation.
er Millepedes ordinarily stay hidden in moist places where they are
en thought to feed mainly on decaying vegetation. As they do not
gd noticeably damage the lawn, millepedes would not be of importance; l
id however, in the fall of the year they tend to migrate into the house,
ite especially when the house has recently been built. Millepedes are
less likely to invade homes after freezing weather arrives. They
_ seemingly can enter the house through a minute opening and will
congregate on porches and in window wells, apparently because
they are attracted to lights. Millepedes do not bite people or dam-
age household furnishings but are objectionable in the home because
of their appearance and offensive odor. They also will stain fabric
if crushed upon it.
Other Animal Pests
Some types of bees and wasps construct nests in lawns, particu-
l°“ larly if the location has a terrace or sloping bank. These insects may
form mounds of dirt which interfere with the growth of grass; but
H the main reason for objecting to their presence is that some of them,
nd for example the cicada killer, may inflict painful stings to human .
lm beings, especially if the nest is disturbed. For control, spray the nest-
H_ ing sites thoroughly with an emulsion of either aldrin, chlordane,
l dieldrin, heptachlor, or lindane. Use 2 fluid ounces of the emulsi-
liable concentrate per quart of water. Treat at night or if possible Y
when the temperature is below 5()°, as the wasps and bees will be
_€_ less active and less likely to sting.
Us Bees visiting the blooms of white Dutch clover in lawns some-
lts limes sting barefooted children when the insects are stepped upon.
_C_ Since insecticide treatments are temporary in this case, the best solu-
ilv lion unless clover is desired is to use a combination of 2,4-D and
HL 2,4,5-T. and to fertilize the lawn until the legume is replaced by
th glass. I
be Crasshoppers are notorious pests of grasses but are seldom a

 problem in frequently-mowed lawns. These insects prefer to inhabit
somewhat rank vegetation. Therefore, chemical control of grass-
hoppers in lawns will not be necessary unless food plants in sur- Z
rounding areas have been eaten or are not attractive because of
Earthworms sometimes become numerous in lawns, especially
if the soil is high in organic matter. Their presence is usually con-
sidered desirable as they do not feed on grass to any extent, and
they may aid soil aeration and drainage through their tunneling ac-
tivities. Seldom will chemical control be necessary. Most of the tg
insecticides applied at dosages sufficient to control insects will not E E
kill earthworms. K}  
Cluster fly maggots are parasitic in earthworms. The adults do 2
no damage but can become extremely annoying because of their ,‘L'
seemingly constant buzzing when they enter houses in large numbers j
in the fall. No effective control has been found. 5
Moles commonly burrow in lawns and obtain various insects, Q
earthworms, and related animals for food. They do not ordinarily 4
feed on plants but may loosen the soil around the roots and cause E
grass to die when the soil moisture is low. Also, the mounds of $
dirt are unsightly and may cause difficulty in mowing the lawn. Z
Treating the lawn for soil insects will often discourage mole ac- §
tivities for long periods of time, but the results are slow. 5  
V/ith proper skill moles can be caught in traps such as the choker- x  
· loop or diamond-jaw trap placed in active runways. Moth balls or E  
crystals will act as repellents to moles when inserted at about 1()- Q  
foot intervals into the main burrows. Carefully close the openings 9 `5 E
through which the material has been placed. Cyanide dust is effec- E  
tive in the runways but should be used with extreme caution. Pois- 5  
oned grain baits are commonly used but usually give poor results. §  _J§
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