xt7kpr7msh1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7msh1n/data/mets.xml California Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. National Archives (U.S.) 1940 4 v.; 28 cm.. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.3/no.5 books English San Francisco, Calif.: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Treasury -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- California -- Catalogs California -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III, Department of the Treasury v.1, no. 5, California, 1940 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III, Department of the Treasury v.1, no. 5, California, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7kpr7msh1n section xt7kpr7msh1n :' ' 4\mll\IMIWMI’IEHWM’IWNMRMNW ‘ IMHUNTORY 0E FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN ”IT-E STATES Prepared by 5,},‘ 11:.“- Survej; of Federal Archives I Division 01” F1:*r:=fassiona1 and Service Projects ,5 ,, . Elf-2.131}; 'é'bcojccts Administration ,- , 33c tic"- “1“».qu , ' Cooperating}: Sponsor I , , . ’,,‘,,,_._..._.——s—————--—'~'-—"' '11 *4 ~ * )WMMJWWW : r APR 8 1966 : , , l ' ' i fiAMM‘IARfi/IMB" i . . , -§ ' 1 u . .1 ,, ,- . SERIES Ill. T‘TE 315335151“: iTlfiEi-f’l‘ OF THE TREASURY '1‘." 7 no. 5. CAllTill-193331.:1. ,‘ , _ WET 1 OF 4 PARTS V ' San Francisco, California The at“ of Fodgwal .i‘lrc‘qives V 1940 1-1.. .4 ii } THE SURVEY OF 1“EDlP’e‘ul ARCHIVES E Philip 11".. Hamer, National Director : C ril E. Tannin Stats 231.1ncrvisor li'orthern California . . y ) .. 1 1 Edgar 1.. IlicRae, :‘iitate Supervisor, Bruithern California § * all- . . .. ., '7' DIVISION 0?? in>201‘,:‘1>;;.IO:IAL AND .DERVICE .-RO.IEGT.;= Florence Kerr, Assistant Geminisalons-r K . - '( . . . -~~- - . 1 . ' - ' '2 . Hose 1.. 07111111. State lureotor .-.-Io:;-i:.hern California , a . a . 3 Elizabeth E. Commlly, State Director, Southern. California 1 "JORK. TROJECTES ADNIIE'JISTRA’E‘I ON 5 l-loward 0. Hunter, Acting. Com.mis:-zioner William R. Lawson, State Administrator, Northern California Hm’bert 0. 1.9535, State Administrator, Southern California i : PREFQQQ iii The Inygntgry of Federgl_§r§hive§~in~th§_§§gt§§ is one of the products of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation—wide project of the Werk Projects Administration from Janu— ary l, 1936 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued in California since that time as a state project of that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of Federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, ‘ set C . ‘ For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general description of informa— tiOnal content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if 1 any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form.of the ' record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. . In California the work of the Survey was under the direction of Mr. Charles L, Stewart, Regional Director for California and Nevada, from its inception until June 30, 1937. From that time until September 1, 1937 the work was under the supervision of Mrs. Thelma Ziemer, State Director of the Historical Records Survey. Since then . . lhu Cyril E. Paquin has been in charge of the state project. This Inventory of the records of the Department of the Treasury was pre- ia pared in the San Francisco office of the Survey and was edited be— fore final typing by Mr. Erik Achorn and Miss Elizabeth Edwards of ' the Washington office. ‘ Cyril 3. Paquin, State Supervisor San Francisco, California Survey of Federal Archives , October 15, 1940 in California I ‘ iv .1 5 CONTENTS PART I . Page ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS, OFFICE OF THE COMEISSIONER 0F Los Angeles, Branch Disbursing Office .................... 2 Administrative Section .............................. 3 Adndnistrator's Records ........................ 4 Administrative Assistant’s Records ............. 4 Accounting and Bookkeeping Section .................. 4 Accounts Control Records ....................... 7 Disbursing Section .................................. 12 Assistant Disbursing Clerk's Records ........... 16 Pay Roll Section .................................... l7 Examiner of Vouchers Division .................. 18 Filing Section ...................................... 18 Storage Division ............................... 20 Mail Section ........................................ 21 ‘ Addresscgraph Division ......................... 22 . Project Section ..................................... 22 J Records covering Federal Music Project ......... 28 Records covering Federal Theatre Project ....... 30 5 San Francisco, Regional Disbursing Office ................ 31 . San Francisco, State Accounts Office ..................... 34 San Francisco, State Disbursing Office ................... 52 ‘ COAST GUARD, THE Bolinas, Station 312 ..................................... 60 , Eureka, Cutter Shawnee ................................... 61 , Eureka, Humboldt Bay Station ............................. 62 Los Angeles, Southern California District Commander's Office .............................................. 64 f Palos Verdes Estates, Radio Station J .................... 64 ‘ Point Arena, Arena Cove Station .......................... 65 San Diego, Air Patrol .................................... 66 San Francisco, Division Commander's Office ............... 67 (See the Bureau of Customs for Coast Guard records in the custody of the San Francisco Collector) San Francisco, Fort Point Station ........................ 70 r Fort Point Records .................................. 70 Records of Other Stations ........................... 75 ‘ San Francisco, Golden Gate Station ....................... 86 , San Francisco, Point Bonita Station ...................... 89 1 San Francisco, Recruiting Office ......................... 91 San Francisco, Station 313, Point Reyes .................. 92 San Pedro, Base .......................................... 94 ' v I Page I COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, OFFICE OF THE Sacramento, Office of the National Bank Examiner ........ 97 San Francisco, Office of the National hank Examiner ..... 97 , PART II ‘ CUSTOMS, BUREAU OF Andrade, Deputy Collector in Charge ..................... 100 Avila, Office of the Deputy Collector -.................. 100 Calexico, Customs Agency Service, Enforcement Unit, Customs Patrol .......................;............. 104 Calexico, Office of the‘Deputy Collector ................ 105 Eureka, Office of the beputy Collector .................. 105 Los Angeles, Office 0f~the Appraiser .................... 136 Administrative ..................................... 139 Appraisals ......................................... 139 Correspondence ..................................... 140 Customs Laboratory Records ......................... 141 Entries ............................................ 141 Invoices and Receipts .............................. 142 Liens and Bonds .................................... 142 Lists .............................................. 142 Protests and Decisions ............................. 143 Shipping ...... 143 Statistical Blotters ............................... 143 Miscellaneous ...................................... 144 Los Angeles, Office of the Collector .................... 145 ‘ Appraisement Records ............................... 147 Bonds .............................................. 148 ' Correspondence ..................................... 148 J Courts and Legal Eatters ........................... 150 V Entries ............................................ 152 Export and Import .................................. 157 Financial .......................................... 158 Manifests ......... ................................ 164 ‘ PerSonnel .......................................... 166 Seizures ........................................... 168 Storage ............................................ 168 Processing and Head Taxes .......................... 169 ‘ Transportation ......................n.............. 170 Warehouses ......................................... 171 Public Health Service .............................. 172 ‘ Miscellaneous ...................................... 173 K Subports ........................................... 178 ' Mailing Division ................................... 179 F Records in Storage ................................. 180 ’ _ vi Page , CUSTOMS, BUREAU OF (cont'd) Los Angeles, Customs Agency Service, Office of the $mmvmhg0mflmmAgmt.U.u.”.n.n.un.nru 2m. Los Angeles, Customs Laboratory (not surveyed) .......... 202 Monterey, Office of the Deputy Collector ................ 202 Oakland, Office of the Deputy Collector ................. 203 San Diego, Office of the Appraiser ...................... 203 1 Stored Records ..................................... 204 San Diego, Office of the Collector ...................... 205 Administration Division ............................ 205 ‘ Marine and Statistical Sections .................... 207 , Entry and WarehouSe Division ....................... 210 Liquidating Division ............................... 211 Eoneys and Accounts Division ....................... 212 Outside Division ................................... 215 San Diego, Customs Agency Service, Office of the Supervising Customs Agent .......................... 217 San Diego, Customs Agency Service, Investigative Unit Office of the Inspector in Charge .................. 218 San Francisco, Office of the Appraiser .................. 219 Administrative Division ............................ 219 Appraiser's Store .................................. 224 Examination Division ............................... 226 Chinese and Japanese Medicine and Japanese Food Section ............................. 226 European General Merchandise Section .......... 227 European Foods, Metalware, Tobacco and Toys Section .................................. 228 European Section .............................. 229 Household Goods and Chinese Food Products Section . 230 Liquor, Sugar, Oils, and Chemicals Section .... 230 hail Section .................................. 232 Oriental Section .............................. 233 ‘ Outside Division ................................... 235 Receiving and Delivery Division .................... 236 ' San Francisco, Office of the Collector .................. 244 Records in Record Eoom.............................. 245 Administration Division ............................ 301 LhmhmmngDfldfion..u.”.n.n..u.u.”.n.n.. KB : Deputy Collector's Records .......L............ 303 Chief Liquidatcr's Records .................... 304 Consumption Entry Section ..................... 310 . Drawback Section .............................. 310 ‘ Entry and Warehouse Division ....................... 314 Deputy Collector's Record ..................... 314 Entry Section ................................. 314 Warehouse Section ............................. 315 ‘ vii I Page ‘ CUSTOMS, BUREAU OF (cont'd) Marine Division .................................... 318 Entrance and Clearance Section ................ 320 Deputy Collector's Office .......................... 321 . Manifest Section .............................. 323 ‘ Registry Section .............................. 323 ' Statistical Section ........................... 329 Admeasurement Section ......................... 330 Moneys and Accounts Division ....................... 332 Cashier’s Records ............................. 332 Disbursing Office ............................. 336 Outside Division ................................... 341 Deputy Collector's Records .................... 341 Weigher's Section ............................. 342 Manifest Section .............................. 342 Filing Section ................................ 343 , Gauging Section ............................... 345 ‘ Inspection Section ............................ 345 Enforcement Section ........................... 346 Office of Boarding Officer .................... 347 Nail Division ...................................... 349 ' Coast Guard Records ................................ 352 1 San Francisco, Office of the Comptroller ................ 353 ' Accounting Section ..........,...................... 353 Manifest Section ................................... 364 Liquidating Section ................................ 365 San Francisco, Customs Agency Service, Office of the Supervising Customs Agent .......................... 374 Narcotic Unit Records .............................. 387 ‘ Customs Patrol Records ............................. 389 San Francisco, Customs Laboratory, Office of Chief Chemist ............................................ 392 ‘ San Luis Obispo, Port San Luis (not surveyed) ........... 398 I San Pedro, Office of the Deputy Collector ............... 398 (There are some records from Port San Luis in the custody of this office) - f San Ysidro, Office of the Deputy Collector .............. 424 Stockton, Office of the Deputy Collector ................ 430 Tecate, Office of the Deputy Collector .................. 431 / PART III I INTERNAL REVENUE, BUREAU OF Bakersfield, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of the Deputy Collector ............................... .434 ‘ Eureka, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of the , Deputy Collector ................................... 435 viii Page INTERNAL REVENUE, BUREAU OF (cont‘d) Long Beach, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of the Deputy Collector ...............I............ 436 Los Angeles, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of the Deputy Collector ............................ 43? Administrative Division ............................ 440 Office of the Collector ....................... 440 Chief Deputy Collector's Records .............. 441 General Administrative Files .................. 442 Income Tax Division ................................ 447 Audit Section ................................. 458 Cashier's (and Stamp) Section ................. 461 Corporation Section ........................... 462 Files Section ................................. 462 Information Section ........................... 463 Claims Section ................................ 464 Eanhruptcy and Lien Section ................... 465 Field Division 466 hiscellaneous Tax Division ......................... 474 Capital Stock Tax Section ..................... 476 Estate and Gift Tax Section ................... 478 Excise Tax:Ssction ............................ 479 Narcotics and Distilled Spirits Section ....... 482 Olecmargarine Section ......................... 484 Tobacco Tax Section ........................... 486 Processing Tax Section ........................ 488 , Processing Tax Refunds Tax Section ....... 491 Stookrcom ..................................... 495 line Extension Section ........................ 495 Los Angeles, Alcohol Tax Unit, Enforcement Division, Office of the Assistant Supervisor ................. 496 Los Angeles, Alcohol Tax Unit, Office of the Investigator in Charge ............................. 497 Records in Warehouse for Seized Goods .............. 507 File Section Records ............................... 515 Los Angeles, Alcohol Tax Unit, Permissive Division, . Office of the Assistant Supervisor ................. 523 Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries Section ...... 523 Retail Liquor Dealer Section ....................... 525 Los Angeles, Office of the Field Representative ......... 526 Los Angeles, Income Tax.Unit, Office of the Internal Revenue Agent in Charge ............................ 529 Administrative Division ............................ 530 Estate Tax Division ................................ 534 Conferee's Division ................................ 535 Disbursing Clerk's Records ......................... 536 Special Agent's Division ........................... 538 Los Angeles, Intelligence Unit, Office of the Special Agent in Charge .................................... 542 3 ix ' Page ’ INTERNAL REVENUE, BUREAU OF (cont'd) Los Angeles, Office of the Technical Staff Representative 547 Naps, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of the Deputy Collector ................................... 548 Sacramento, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of ' the Deputy Collector ............................... 549 , San Francisco, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office ‘ of the Collector ................................... 550 . Income Tax Division ................................ 552 Audit Section ................................. 552 Miscellaneous Tax Division ......................... 554 Narcotics and Oleomargarine Section ........... 557 Processing Tax Section ........................ 557 Prohibition Records ................................ 558 Miscellaneous Records .............................. 558 San Francisco, Alcohol Tax Unit, Cffice of the District Supervisor ................................ 574 Chemists' Records .................................. 577 Los Angeles Records ................................ 578 San Francisco, Alcohol Tax Unit, Enforcement Division, Office of the Assistant Supervisor ................. 579 San Francisco, Alcohol Tax Unit, Permissive Division, Office of the Assistant Supervisor ................. 584 _ San Francisco, Income Tax Unit, Office of the Revenue Agent in Charge ............................ 600 San Francisco, Intelligence Unit, Office of the Special Agent in Charge ............................ 603 Santa Rosa, Accounts and Collections Unit, Office of the Stamp Deputy ................................... 604 MINT, BUREAU OF THE San Francisco, United States Mint ....................... 606 Administrative Department .......................... 608 Abstract Division ............................. 608 License Division .............................. 614 Cashier's Division ............................ 618 Chief Clerk’s Division ........................ 622 Receiving Department ............................... 631 ' Assay Department ................................... 643 Melting and Refining Department .................... 648 WhmflsDwmtmm.un.nu.uu.uu.uu.uu.u 6M Stored Records ..................................... 669 Administrative ................................ 669 Receiving Department .......................... 678 Assay Department .............................. 686 Melting and Refining Department ............... 694 Coiner's Department ........................... 700 7 x ? PART IV Page NARCOTICS, BUREAU OF Los Angeles, Field Enforcement Division, Office of ' the Narcotic Agent ................................. 705 San Francisco, Field Enforcement Division, Office of the District Supervisor ............................ 70? PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, BUREAU OF Eureka, Division of Foreign and Insular Quarantine, Quarantine Station ................................. 712 Eureka, Division of barine Hospitals and Relief, Third Class R'silicf Station 713 Los Angelss, Division of Marine Hospitals and Relief, Second Class Relief StatiCn ........................ 714 San Diego, Division of Foreign and Insular Quarantine, Quarantine Station ................................. 717 San Diego, DiVision of Marine Hospitals and Relief, Second Class Relief Station ........................ 720 San Francisco, Division of Domestic Quarantine, Inter- state Sanitary District_5, Office of District , Engineer ........................................... 722 San Francisco, Division of Domestic Quarantine, Plague Suppressive Laboratory ............................. 728 ' AdministratiVo Records ............................. 728 Ectoparasite Survey Records ........................ 729 Plague Suppressive Records ......................... 729 Research Laboratory Records ........................ 730 San Francisco, Division'of Domestic Quarantine, Inter— , state Sanitary District 5, Office of the Regional Consultant ......................................... 731 7 San Francisco, Division of Foreign and Insular Quarantine, Quarantine Station ..................... 732 San Francisco, Division of marine Hospitals and Relief, Marine Hospital 19 .. ............... ................ 734 Hospital Records ................................... 735 St. Louis, Eisscuri, Records ....................... 767 Fort Stanton, New Lexico, Records .................. 767 Palo Alto, California, Records ..................... 767 Out—Patient Office Records ......................... 767 San Francisco, Division of dental Hygiene, U. S. Peni— tentiary Hospital, Chief medical Officer ........... 768 San Pedro, Division of Foreign and Insular Quarantine, ' Quarantine Station ................................. 779 San Pedro, Division of Karine Hospitals and Relief, Second Class Relief Station ........................ 784 l I V 7 1 xi Page PROCUREMENT DIVISION Fresno, Branch Procurement Office ....................... 793 Los Angeles, Southern California District Office ........ 794 Executive Office ................................... 794 Administrative Section ............................. 795 ‘ Bid Section ......................... .............. 798 Purchasing Section ................................. 799 Building Material Purchasing Section ............... 800 Chief's Office ..................................... 800 V Leasing and Utilities Section ...................... 801 Equipment Rental Section ........................... 803 ‘ Office Equipment and Supplies Section .............. 806 Traffic Section .................................... 808 Voucher Section .................................... 810 flailing and Mimeograph Section ..................... 813 Reading, Branch Procurement Office ...................... 814 Sacramento, District 2, Procurement Office .............. 815 San Bernardino, branch Procurement Office ............... 816 San Diego, Branch Procurement Office .................... 816 San Francisco, Office of District Engineer .............. 817 . San Francisco, State Procurement Office ................. 821 Santa Carters, Branch Procurement Office ................ 838 SECRET SERVICE DIVISION Los Angelcs, Field Force, Office of the Operative in Charge ............................................. 840 San Francisco, Field Force, 14th Area Headquarters ...... 842 l f g ‘ THE HW‘MLE ®€F ' i (w M m am a :0 gm 0F Amamllrgn J; BEPUSBTE» . 2 E , 1 . ‘ 1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND DEPOSITS 1 E LOS ANGELES 1 BRANCH DISBURSING OFFICE (A) Furniture Exchange Bldg., 1206 S. Santee St. ; (B) 939 South Broadway Bldg. E (0) Temple Emanuel Bldg., 635 S. Manhattan Place (D) Bess Dickenson Bldg. This branch office was established on August 15, 1935 to serve f Los Angeles County in the disbursement of Federal Emergency Relief j ‘ funds. It has jurisdiction over Los Angeles County. Reports and 1 some correspondence are sent to Washington. So-called useless E papers are retained until authority for their disposition is re— 1 ceived from Washington. 1. INDEX, TREASURY PURCHASE SYMBOL AND STATE RELIEF ADMINISTRA~ f TION, Nov. 1935 ~ 1936. Showing purchase order number, date of E purchase, name and addresa to whom sent, and full description of 1 article, equipment or furniture. Filed alphabetically,Eby name of 1 equipment. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards. 2 in., on desk. SE. ' . room. 2d floor (Bldg.C). (4799) 2. INDEX, STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION, Nov. 1935 - 1 June 1936. Showing purchase order number, date of purchase, name and address to whom sent, and full description of article, equip— E ment or furniture. Filed alphabetically, by name of equipment. ; (Never.) 3 x 5 cards, 9 in., on desk. SE. room, 2d floor (Bldg. 1 . C)- (4801) 1 3. CONSOLIDATED CROSS INDEX, Aug. 1935 to date. Supplemented ' with numerals placed after each subject, for reference to pages in 1 volumes containing letters and bulletins from Washington. Arranged alphabetically, by subject and name of each Washington official' 1 whose signature appears in the classified volumes. (Frequently, 1 official.) 8 x 10% roll book, % in., in desk. W. center room, 1 8th floor (Bldg.A). (3595) g 1 4- REGULATION AND PROCEDURE INDEX AND RECORD, Aug. 1935 to date. Of all authorizations, instructions, rules and regulations, emanat— 1 ing from Washington; a brief statement of the rule or regulation E southt, and also a reference to the circular number, manual number E and page, or other source of information. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 5 ft. 5 in., in wooden desk. 5th floor (Bldg. A). (3481) 1 ; Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Los Angeles 3 f 5. INDEX, REGISTER OF REQUISITIONS, May 26, 1936 to date. Show» 1 ing requisition number, description of item, and name of person sign— 5 ing requisition. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 145 loose—leaf book, % in., on desk. N. center room, 2d floor , (Bldg. D). (4686) { Administrative Section ‘ 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND GENERAL FILE, 1935 to date. Records of supplies, bills of lading, telegrams, leases, furniture and equip~ ment, power expense, pay roll schedules, stamp purchases, inter— office requisitions, and general correspondence. Arranged alpha— ; betically, by subject. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 15 folders, ‘ 1 ft. 8 in., in steel filing case. NW. room, 5th floor (Bldg. A). . = (3491) 7. ENCUMBRANCES, 1935 to date. Showing anticipated disbursements; ‘ notices of miscellaneous encumbrances; schedules of disbursements; ‘ public vouchers for reimbursement of travel and other expenses in— r '* ‘ eluding per diem, encumbrance cancellations, rents, and pay rolls. - Arranged numerically, by encumbrance number. (Daily, official.) ' 9 x 15 folders, 9 in., in filing case. NW. room, 5th floor (Bldg. ~ .‘ * % A)- (349A) ‘ 8. RECORD OF ENCUMBRANCES, APPROVED VOUCHERS, AND ADVICE OF , - ALLOTMENT, 1935 to date. Record of encumbrances and vouchers trans- ' mitted to State Accounts Office, showing date, reference number, ’ . " audited liquidation vouchers, authorized unencumbered balance of ' ‘ allotment and copy of advice of allotment. Arranged numerically, by encumbrance number. (Daily, official.) 9 x 15 folders, I in., -- in filing case. NW. room, 5th floor (Bldg. A). (3489) p‘ , 9. REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE OBLIGATIONS, 1935 to date. Daily ' ' - record of amount of encumbrance, personal service pay roll, sup- » 1 . 3 ‘ plies, equipment, telephone, travel expense, freight, rentals, and ' ' i' ' miscellaneous obligations. Arranged numerically, by encumbrance .~ ' number. (Daily, official.) 9 x 15 folders, l in., in wooden desk. 2 ' NW. room, 5th floor (Bldg. A). (3492) ' ' 1' _ 10. REQUISITIONS, 1935 to date. For supplies and equipment for “ > ' - the State Accounts Office, purchase orders, receiving and inspection j ‘“, reports, and public vouchers for purchases other than personal. - ‘ "‘ Arranged numerically, by requisition number. (Daily, official.) ‘r' ~, ~ 9 x 15 folders, 1 ft. 2 in., in steel filing case. NW. room, 5th ' floor (Bldg. A). (3490) . ll. PRODUCTICN STVTISTICS, Jan. 1, 1936 to date. Showing number « of documents handled daily as authorizations, allotments, requisi— ' “ tions, purchase orders, and miscellaneous encumbrances. Arranged " - chronologically. (Bimonthly, official.) 9 x 15 loose sheets, 1 in., . in wooden desk. NW. room, 5th floor (Bldg. A). , I § Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Los Angeles 4 , Administrator's Records ‘ ;' 12. ADVICE OF CHANGE IN EROUECT AUTHORIZATION AND ALLOTMENT, ‘ g 1935 to date. Showing character and purpose of work and total ' ' " amounts of allotments recorded. Arranged numerically, by authoriza— ‘ tion symbol number and official Works Progress Administration pro- ject number. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 loose sheets, 1 ft. 8 in., in 2 drawers of steel card cabinet. N. center room, 5th - > floor (Bldg. A). (3509) ' ' 13- MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, 1935 to date. Reports, vouchers, ‘ " ' check sheets, and confidential records pertaining to daily cash 7’9 ' position and balances of all departmental or agency accounts, ad— ) , ' ministrative pay rolls, overtime and all daily work of this de- 3 V partment, including transportation, expenses, and security wage _ _ scale. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 1 ft., in filing case. - - N. center room, 5th floor (Bldg. A). (3507) ' ‘v '4 14. RECORD OF REPORTS FORWARDED, 1935 to date. Giving date, ”' time, method of delivery, and name and nature of report. Arranged ' ‘”J ' chronologically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 1 in., on desk. ‘ N. center room, 5th floor (Bldg. A). (3506) 15. STATE EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION FILE, 1935 to date. Telegrams, correspondence, schedules, tabulations, and audits, per~ ~ taining to the State Emergency Relief Administration personnel ef~ - ' ' ficiency, and other confidential matters relating to the executive " administration of this office. Arranged chronologically. (Daily, ~ ~ official.) 8% x 11 folders, 1 ft., in filing case. N. center room, 5th floor (Bldg. A). (3508) , Administrative Assistant‘s Records \~»’ ! 16. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Aug. 31, 1935 to date. Telegrams, " reports, time sheets, and correspondence pertaining to administra» ' :' tion personnel, and general office business. (Occasionally, of~ .‘ xv ' ficial.) 8% x 11 folders, 4 ft., in steel filing case. N. center , : ' ~ room, 8th floor (Bldg. A). (3602) . - 17. STOP PAYMENT FILE, Aug. 31, 1935 to date. List of names . . . of persons or firms for whom payment on checks has been stopped, - because of loss, overpayment, theft or submitted in error, and 2 ‘ . ~ . proper authorizations for same. Filed alphabetically, by name of :2 1 person or firm. (Frequently, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 4 ft., ‘ - :" in 2 drawers of steel filing case. N. center room, 8th floor (Bldg. A). (3603) m.:‘I ., Accounting and Bookkeeping Section - '_~ 18. CHECKING ACCOUNT CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS, Apr. 1935 to - ' .’ date. Form 6599, showing name, address and title of depositor, date, Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and-Deposits, Los Angeles 5 amount deposited, name and location of depository ~ whether bank : or U. 5. Treasury, deposit number, name of officer to be credited, . i and certification by assistant cashier of bank or Treasury. Ar— . ‘_ ranged numerically, by symbol number. (Occasionally, official.) 9 b I 3% x 8 bundles, 3 ft., in wooden filing case. Rs. 704—706 (Bldg. . . B). (5635) ‘ ' l9. CORRESPONDENCE, Apr. 1935 to date. Correspondence and tele— ' grams pertaining to agents, cashiers, central office, Agriculture, General Land Office, Indian agencies, Internal Revenue, National . Park Service, Procurement Division, Veterans' Administration, and M . ' lost checks. Arranged alphabetically, by department. (Daily, of»~ , ' I _‘ ficial.) 9% x 11—3/4 folders, 5 ft., in 5 steel drawers. Rs. 704— "_ ,; C 706 (Bldg. B). (5622) ’ 1 ' 20. CURRENT ACCOUNTS, Apr. 1935 to date. Form 1019, showing ' name and title of officer accountable, department and bureau, sta— tion, class of account, period covered, appropriation, fund and ‘ ,' _ - account, title, balance due from last account, receipts, account— ‘ C _ able warrants, collections and adjustments, balance due United Stat