xt7kpr7msj3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7msj3c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1981 1981 1981-11-18 2020 true xt7kpr7msj3c section xt7kpr7msj3c ,, 1, 1: , we . ’ 112’1111'".21;‘"7113151.11‘1'1'1‘1Ti‘1"‘1 ”"""’“ "' . " ‘ . 1" '1"'111'1”," 1? ' _ _ ' ‘1‘“ 1;: .1 11.111’7-1: .1;_"'1‘1i.’7."4""¥,"."}”1‘1”"1933.3’5? 1“”1‘" 11557515 1"'1I‘T‘i‘7’il1§5'211.; ~ '. 1 1 '
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,. 11.1} ' . HIGH Lows ~ 1.,
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.~ 1 the weatherman is calling for mostly . . 2.1
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' ' ' 1. ‘ Vol. Lxxxw, No.67 New,” “my m, m m Unlverrit of Kentuclt 1 Ti:
-1 1 1 _ ’ Wednesday. November 18. 1981 An 5 ' paw Lexingt’on, Kentuck; 515 ,.=
1 ' .1” ' I ,, I ‘I I i I II 5 .. L ,
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, .2 1 1,...11 1,1,. ,, . . ea [1 0 0 remova
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{I 1 :1. / I 6:7 \ A: 2);? 5 \‘w 11y! :5; t 1 (a '5 ' '7 - . 5 ' 5
V , 1 ” ’1'" i l 1 of nuclear mlssles in Euro I
f V. ' ‘g " 1 .. ., t , 3.
, . 1I ., 41/, I1. :91". . {$6111 .I . . , I 1’ it
-- . 1 ‘ 1, e 5' 1’53} , .,‘ ’ ' 5‘ ' ; 1" " 5' , ' . . . . . .i’
" 1 . ’ 1, 5 1 ”"751“? w“ ‘ '1, ' " , 1. ‘ .1 ‘ ,5 —— the Sowet Union, winch ls beheved that hp rope. to get the two leaders J1”: .
1. r . ,1 1 , ,Io .1, 1 Var! 1* 11 x 1 , r ,1 By “mailwflm” highly reluctant to destroy new togetherreciesr thesir on arms con. :1 _
. , / ' . fr‘" ‘ 1 lissoci weapons such as the 88-20. capable of trol and nuclear issues. ?;
, , .- 1 . —— —-—-—————~— carryingthreenuclear warheads. Brezhnev and Schmidt meet in '1"
"5?, ‘5 ' 5" - 5“ '1 . ' ' ' . ‘ 1. _ A more limited, fall back position is Bonn for a series of meetings beginn- .
’ ,, 1 ,11 i a _ ‘ . ‘1», ‘ ,5 . ,,’ ' 33888" Hi ready to W to the Soviet acceptance of the planned they expect a summit would take ’41
K J! '. , 1. "a." ' 11 ' . f ' .- ' " i , 59““ U019“ that both superpowers deployment of 572 American nuclear placesometimein 1m. 15
,1..- 3' . 1 ’1 1I, 1 . ’l . g1 .. Virtually eliminate nuclear missiles warheads on Pershing u missiles in The US. at the moment has no é
,, " ,4; , f; 1. ' 11 1 11 from the European theater, State exchange for the removal of more medium-rage missiles in the Euro- 1i}
. . I}. . .I I; «,1;- .. 5’ , é ,' 1 ,1 Department officials saidIyesterday. thanQOOSoviet warheads nowinplace w an”: but does have short- 1,
1 1 1 1» ' 1 " . 1,1 , ' 75'" ' ' “ "1. ' " f ’I‘iiepresident,itwas said,willusea on $40. 35-581“! SS4 missiles. That range tactical nuclear weapons such 5
’5' f ‘ 5a. . , 1 ‘1 1‘15 f ’ ,111 foreign policy speech today at the Na- wouldbeashift in force levels aimed as PershingIandume “segues, .
5'; ’1- . 1 1 . I, 3-,; I I. I . 'j'. 1 . tiona] PMS Club to embrace the 50- 8t "-0de 8 relative nuclear The Soviet Union already has f1 1
. , " 1’: ’1 ‘11 1 1 ““1"““1‘3'°*’P“°""lil’l”°“¢h,"18,"‘e balanceinEurope deployed substantial numbers of ss ,1
, ' ,1 1": 1 ,. 1 8°31f°rS°Vlfl1Amerlmn°8°tm°95 On a related subject. State Depart no misiles The United States is not 1‘1 1
: ' ._ Q "1’1 ,_ on ”attaining nmlw {crew 5n ment spokesman Dean Fischer 581d saw to aploy its medium-range 5
__ . . . . 1 , 1 1 \t Europe. Those talks open Nov. 30 in the United States remains inta'ested missilninEm‘opeuntil late 1983. The I
. 1 " I, I Q Geneva. . . in a possible summit meeting Soviets contaid thatother European- ‘ .5
' ' ; 5 \ ’ The Option COIISlSls 0‘ an exPeCted between Reagan and Soviet Praident be“ US, nuclear weapons, in- 1.
1 , V , U.S. offer not to undertake the plIann- Leonid I. Breshnevifthe 11W cluding those on aircraft and sub- 5,; .
. 1 1 . 1 1 ed deployment of new U58- medluin- ground workislaid” and tha‘eare in- marines, shouldbesubject tonegotia- 1
' . . '1' 1 "98¢ miSSilfi in Europe If the S°V1°t dications that a summit would prove tions. 51 1,
._ 1 1.; 1, 1. ‘ Union agrees to disassemble its own “fruitful and productive and yield The zero-basing option is increas- .1.
1 - , I , .1 f missiles, stationed in WSth Russm. results." My “Noam in WI especially :I’ "l
1 f;.,' ‘ aimedatEuropeantargets. . _ There are no indications Reagan in West Germany, where there is
r ; ,. 5 1 “Z" " ' 5 , However, there is deep skepticism will announce such a meeting in his mounting official concern over the
I 1 ‘I I . ‘1' 1'11 . ”'11" .11 . . 1.; 1 in US. arms control circles that such speech, despitestatements from w”: scope and impact of the European
. . ' ' ‘35,, _, "x; . , _, , _ 1.1,. , 1. 1I. i an RPPI‘OBCh will prove acceptable ‘0 German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt peace movement.
: . . I" ..1 V 1 ' I - if, . 3., 31," , I I
an. ' ‘ afigh ' ,3, ' 1'11» fi ,. . _ 1' , To. a I I I I ’
1" e i 1 . .11.... ""‘Mr. , . ' .
, Mining program accreditation .
r v. «1 . 1 supported y su ommlttee
. _ 3... .,,,,,,,, 1 . em 51,1, . j 1 —-——————- theCollegeofEngineeringatUK,will Accordingtollaley. therewill be
" ' , ' if!“ . , ago» 11 3'4, '5 $5,?! 1», ,*%e: W ,..1- \. lsinalfiIliivlai-‘erARLEY then come up with recommendations several steps necessary to get the at-
1 1 1 I.:,~1 1 % ’- 9'?!"- ' 1% $313,. 1%” 3V2" 1' '1 ,1“ {9:41 "a”, 5» .3, oftheirownas toexactly how toim- tempt to gain accreditation off the
, .- .1. . 1‘, , 1 . .11,»- 71» , , 3,. 1 .111‘?%W;%.fi§;g§, ,11.§;1¥":'11 . :figffi ~——-—-—— plement etIlIIle desired chansem and "midis “0f flaws? alieod .
1 y, I -, .211 9» ‘vt-'.§,. - , '1 “. , K1 "‘ 1 1:: :1 1*.1‘145-1‘, , m . gainaccr 'tation. wi renova' mining ,
5 '1 ' ' :1 'fl gfléfié‘g' "1.9.11 '1 '~ ’1’": 1Vit¥§:%§ 1 ' @335. Yesterday, the ““0th on The subcommittees report recom- building," said Haley.,inreferenceto , l
' 1" 1 ’ 3,1. 11"." 9,1149 " ‘1'~'.'*"1" my”: 5;:‘i. “"53” Q ‘ 2." '4» fl» 1w»- . at: 11‘5"“ fl ' “3W recources voted m “Tam.“ mends that UK establish a separate the construction project currently 1.
‘ ' ' 3"" 5'5"“ 1 ' ' '5’ ‘- ‘ f 5'" '2’ ' 5° encourage UK to upgrade “3 "“5" department of mining engineering underwaymtheUKcampm. 35
1 ' ”11' ‘ ' ’1 1111 1 “‘8 ”PM?“ program. and ‘0.“ and complete the renovation of the are thing Haley would iilre the
- ' 1 1 3:" $33038?“ accredita- mining lab. It also raccommended university to do is “acquire more
, 1 . . that the university should comtruct a faculty." He said there is a new in- '1.
1 DI D. n I By J.D.VANHOOSE/KernelStaff T055?” the summtmmwu‘gfi new $6 million mining engineering structor coming Jan.1. and “We’re '
”db lggln 53.“ n s W one building, and merge the department ioolnngfora department chair."
1 ' J°m5 Interim CognmlItqtet: 0'; with the Institute for Mining and A popularmyth. accordingtoRoger ,
. Joey Cochran digs his way down in order to install television cable lines for the new ambulatory care center in the UK Agrlc Mtg: f ulla zommitta: urn: Minerals Research. Eicldiorn is that UK’s Imining
. _ Medical Center's annex. Cochran worlrs for the Kennedy Cable Companyotiuchtield. Georgia. “9°”. ”‘1 . 1 “Oneof thethmss they covered was engineering program lost it’s ac-
. 1 00'4"“ '10 R08” Elcmmv De“ °‘ thehistoryofwhytheprogram wasn’t creditation, and wants to get it baclr. 1
5 accredited, said Ted Haley, a mining “It's not a question of getting it '
‘ ‘ ' g . . professor on leave from UK. Haley back," said Eichhom. “the status of
> ~ pres: ent rearranges ca met 111111111111me11 11111111111111»;
created by the Kentucky Society of Eichhorn said that while getting a
1 1' - __ up with the day-today operation of 'lhe position of director of student Centerstage, a television station, "“3”“ mm” m. Study. the 9"” “1.1111111111110111 3”,"? m.”
. By NANCY 5- PAWS the office, screen visitors and unwei- services has been vacant since Mike effective Nov. 1:5; will spend more PW?“ 5"th resulted m W 0‘ "58 M ”3’.“- " ls" “I“!
SeniorStaff Writer questions when I’m not available." Olliges resigned four weeks ago. time in the office, Brockman said. acIcreditauoniInJuly. 91m“? m with Igetting accredited.
, __________ aroclrman said Peta- Lang, present Brockman said he has no one in mind “He'll be here at least twice as much "The ”Mitt” In“? a firm P” "Flt! '9 if,“ “new ”lam 581d
, .‘1 dith 3‘ academic mmI will fill forthepost. as before." ml toIget the univemty to get the Etchhorn. By the time you get funds
1 in an effort to streamline his worlr one ofthe twoexisting administrative Condon McGlothen, director of stu- Clark will continue to hold an ad- "“118, $011,281 “Pd 36‘ "'6 W"; ‘°‘ ”W “c- W“ '5’ “mg ab”
- load and organize responsibilities, assistant posts. upswinberesponsi- dent affairs, is also on the debate visory position at Centerstage, “9‘11“? ”1" 5‘3”” .“’h°1 “a: WWW“; .t u,
. . ; Student Association President Britt ble for “keeping in daily contact with team and Brockman said, “Since he however, and some SA members do “19' his °.°m"“.“°e will help State “WW I? m e ’,
Brockman said he is rearranging his thedirectors and keep infonned on all has made an increased commitment not think his commitment to SA will umversityI m the" atth to. over- ”5;“ mqmmxl m“"".°"‘{ .
‘ executive branch cabinet. projects." to the debate team, he is unable to beenough. come their problems and gain ac- ‘3' tthey “IL-5““ INC-fin a te: ,
. ‘ “l’m tired of doing all the work The search for a third ad- spend an appropriate amountoftime “I do sincerely hope that he will mm“- 5” W" ““9“"
myself," he said. “I just don’t have ministrative assistant is in the works, with SA and I understand completely devote more time to the position that . . .
1 the time todo everything myself, and Brockman said. “I have some people whyhecan’t." the student body elected him to do." lngemflty Is a“ It takes ‘
1 _ Ineedpeople whoarewilling and able inmind,butldon’tknowforsurewho Brockman said Mike WhithCk. said Jim Dinkle, communications 1
._ towork." itwillbe." director of political affairs. Mariie senator. “Buthonestlyldonot (think _
1 Brockman said he has been think- Both directors of public relations Wham, director of women’s con- hewill).Seeingisbelieving.” l _
, ing about reorganizing his cabinet for are out the door, Brockinan said. cams, and Kevin Wanner. director of He stressed the importance of the
- approximately two weeks. “Darrell Williams (president of the minority and “I‘d-W16 affaii-s, will vice president maintaining contact .
- “In the past, I haven’t been able to Black Student Union) resigned all remainin their positions. with the senate and said that Clark’s ' ,
\ 1 administer the office and attend all becausetheBSUwastakingtoomuch “I am extremely happy with the position “requires him tobehere; not
' ‘, the functions that are mandated by ofhis time. Itisunclesr whether Ron directors of these departments." eight hours a day. btit he has to be ‘
my position because I've been tied up Kincaid wishes to renain in his posi- Broclmiansaid. here.” 1 . ' ‘ ; 1 ‘ ' 1 11
with specific PI'OJ'OCls. mostofwhich tion." Brockman also said he will put Dinkle also said. “This sounth ‘i-Jag. 1. 1: ,,§fi_'§§3:g:1‘"22123511.551555;
should have been delegated to Kincaid is a member of the UK Comptroller Will Dupreeinchargeof awftu suspicious (that he quit his 5}; 1 , ,_' ., -"5""1"1’:”*~=51.-..5".-'§Z'5?i5.:1.§. 1
otha's,”hesaid. debate team and much of his time is SA’s lobbying effortinFrankfort next job) around the time when several ,§.§ - - ‘ 1 ‘1 1 ' '1" 5.1535 '
Brockman said there are two taken up by team activities, semester. “He has had four years of people are jockeying for the presi- : W 'ri. " I,,:;5555:55555,-‘5555:5:;.~,.5,
reasons why he has not given others Brockman said. “He is very active in experience with the state General dent’s position." , Sun or Staff Write -; . E 3535555535§55;;55:51353555555§5..__
. the respomibility of directing such other things. He will have to make a Assembly. and I believe he’ll do an Senator-at-Large Debbie Barley 1 , 1,1 '1 5555555555555555555555555555535555 5:1,
. ’ _ major projects as the SA-sponsoreti decisionastowhetherhewillhave for excellaltjob." said many problems have occurred 1 - ——-———-———-————— 5 . 555"" “1._ “:5
“Rally to Save Higher Ethication” time (for SA) became in the past he Since Vice President Bobby Clark became “there just wasn‘t enough 1 _ .351. , 35515355555: 1:
. 1 andarecentbooksale. hasn’thadthetime." 1 quit his managerial job at communication , 1 If one " 5“?“ 5° exist on ‘ meal ‘ 555:5:55555 55
. 1 “One: there wasn't "one else to ._ Plan yet rm 1‘ he'd t° m 5:315:55: :5
1 delesnte “he mmflfity) to .. he Allen ' ' fi k" R I strictly from campus cuisine. whynot 55:55:55 5:
1 said. 11m two: lfeltuuufldjdn'tdo Imam m own to “m“ “gum” ,. :3. ,, H 55.
- .1 it,itwouldn'tIgetdonerlght.” _ w, c“ “@1333“? Qua-1;" j, 5535335335; 5;:
- v. WWWWM' last mher accordl to esman r1151“? or 1111111111 1111 1-1
. 1 - "1t. 1‘“ gnmflm .5," m 3mm,” unlimited amountdimen' uity. 11:53:; 1: 55551555555; 5;;
- maltmyself M ' _________ Betty Snatched. emits“ 2.3:? 523552355535 .521 1r
1 1- a ii i tai l K t ByMAUREENSAle 1"“ “1 6°“? W” W m“ i“ den" “’P “W “a“ “m" the m . We for realm hells. aid 3225?: Li; 53533555335535? .
‘ me man ' re n "3 ' y Wham“... several contradiction in official ac- to investigate when they learned of 1 stridents living in m are Mr. :3}; gr; 5535;552:535 .11
‘ 11 m.” 'fl““" “‘3‘“; counts since the incident involving theepisodeinSeptsmber. red to hm pen-13mm... in m 33;, 55553535555; 31
~ - ' " ———-———__—_— , “pod » 55:32:51 1533 ‘-:,:_~:,—:;:_: g,
. -- , .m..1~..mm-.s.i, venom — . m ...... histimi: 11- 111° isms-chime mm mam-111111.... V
1 1 involved in Gale ’l‘lchmor's Fifth m binnelf . ; -i:§:.;.;:§;:1..eg 1. 1
1 . 1 DbtfletemmcilnceJmtmwthntlhe day and said Praidalt Reagan was June. Department fa- .m . . - “up them in a. “decimated .3..." i:11§§?;§~;‘=§§gi§§§ii ,5; ?:;.‘_:j ; _
j , 1 , elections are ova she will be able to told in Sgtunber — not Int M - siMOhonor-ariumh-om twoJapansse However. he said the White Home " for-cooking ’ziiésii'iiéééiiiié .i ' i" i . -
. Wmm“ms‘mm' ., ""m'n'ummty‘mm reporters who interviewed Noncy followediroperproceolroslnnoten- Five years ago. ror-ry “she, a ..1:r?* ‘ ~11 ' .
' a" h” " 3" .W ”k‘ helns “W” m Mm Reason on Jan. 21. Allen said he put mumflnmvutlution. bow-cit " biology student at the University of ‘3:=:5:31 '593 '- ,1 “ 1 ‘ "
1 .- 1 m“ m“ to We! W“ M" tervlwof tltoflnt l-dy. about ltfordght months. lands of the Jmtice Department. “a... m mi... ally .mu m. . 1 . ,
; - I~ Hinylntheoffloellet'ltlhhto'mll 'lhe . worm-903mm GujalaldRooganrotsimm HessidAllenwninfmnedofthe “.m, shslstsroornpusd .. t} 1111.1,
I, , I. o a mum. lnvoussoon after the matter hid .: 1 herbestrecipsstntooboohtiusdne . ’1.
111; 1.1 1' l s I c All. has not M & Mun- already bssn refer-mo to the duties {ff-g”; 1......“ m1 Gila .. ‘1‘1 - ;,,§.I,1I,1;f11,j,"1
-; , 1. f. Mb“ Wt. 11-I1' _ MWWM- 1%; §\ «£55
- '. , ' ‘MAnIilspI-tornIthsns Alien, whosat in on the insiderlt‘s rat-{11152. ”comm" . , chairing},
, 15; 5 " 1 ,4“ UKWNMMNH 0"“ and chart“ with driving while m and some m ht b mood!!! My With Prudent fififii
,IIIIII. 1, .I. woodman” 7 “My“ mm M. Haws mud“ v“ .3: —-II— 3.15
:1 . -. in ."Gcgul . pecanpani Rugsn to 1
'II . IIII II TOGO)". editorial “~de Smock and ”PM”... Sam 1 '35:". a.“ m m . ng M go m m / / : w :51. ’5
53;; I ‘b 5 Q . s. . A, ' 1
1335113 % 55 1'13 '
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‘* Aggfizfi ? .
Maria; X45 .W‘”; H
3;“ ‘77:??? Bill atelden on; Ash Pampas Annemarie. . LlaaWallue _ M. Chandler-noun ;
“your“ "3. 7 I . m'm'm‘me‘ Bdnumlt‘dlw human-rt Sport-Editor humamtsdrtor mutter f
“A? 1 . balsam "
3511’: ‘f r pars “35'0” M“ “W“ uni kadaha Melanin-caldera Steven w. umber Leslie Michel-on WNW“
,- ~. . ' . , Assorrltel-Idllur(‘opy (‘ovyl‘ld'lor Arum mutter Asautantbrlartarnmentnditor MW
’5; "_ . . 1 . 5erin . Klrb f
~ Kernel [ mm mm“ ,
a *2 , . , ; Associate Editor News l
I ' . .3. me..." w.‘c__.~______ ' ‘ “"""_"_—’"‘"" H‘ ‘ ""_“” L‘hh—“*—U “——‘————. ®——*—~— .______—-———.__§_____.._ - l;
‘ C ' cl ' ' W88”
. uts in e ucatlon funding
f I I ‘ if
‘ .. , necessutate KSU closmg CO [V . 8} had
i . e o I 6 Ju _
The fate of Kentucky State University has Louisville), it has become the least valuable,
: been debated for nearly a year with no final and thus, the most-easily sacrificed. w r81» da ’
decision being reached. However, a proposal Reports of KSU’s falling full-time e 0 »
j by the Minority Affairs Committee of the undergraduate enrollment — down last year . .
Council on Higher Education may prove an ac- to 740 from a 1m high of 932 — and its increas- l‘ e '
curate forecast of its future. ing share of part-time students (who now out- m ’ ‘ ' 1
- ” The proposal, announced ata meeting of the number the full-time ones), indicate an in-
committee Nov. 11, recommentb stripping stitution just barely hanging on. I . .
‘ KSU of its role as a comprehensive four-year Also illustrative of the university’s plight Q whewl '
F institution and replacing it with a UK- are the growth of state revenue as a part of its ' aga‘n .
, , Operated “Capital Community College,” offer- budget and the fact that 90 percent of the ‘
‘ ing two-year degree programs in public ad- state’s black students pursuing higher educa- j
; . ministration and extemions of some four-year tion within Kentucky do not choose to attend I
{ UK programs. KSU. Not only is KSU no longer able to ade- .
E quately contribute to its own support, but its ‘ ,
i . As expected, the community college plan traditional role as thestate’s black university $5,552? ...::- ( t,
T has met with strong resistance from KSU ad- is on the skids. x M \ l
: ministrators and students. And the KSU Board With increases in state universities’ funding “V“ . \
, of Regents, increasingly frustrated in its at- unlikely for at least the first half of the 1982-84 // .i‘
:_ , tempts to preserve the university as a tradi- biennium and present CHE support for a V
. tionally black institution, apparently looks university budgeting plan which would cut all $3
I upon the committee’s passage of the proposal increases for KSU even if state funds continue "
, as an indictment of President W.A. Butt’s ad- to increase, it will take a virtual miracle for ‘
. ' ministration fin indication that, although the university to survive without / ‘
‘ ’ KSU has weathered crises in the past, this is permanently-crippling damage to its faculty /
3 one the university will not survive. and programs. ~ © 6‘ i i C [5/
‘ Kentucky‘s higher education decision- It is sad to see a university die, particularly
makers have obviously decided that KSU has one that has been so valuable in the past to the
‘ ‘ outlived its usefulness. Although the universi- state’s minority population. But the unabating S k ' um er than In"
* ty has a far longer history of state support economic crunch Kentucky is facing in this mm 50'“ B
: than many of the other statesupported univer- decade requires selective sacrifices to The ad said “Com He” JED - -~ it I." m Jed preach for m
} sities in Kentucky (notably Northern Ken- preserve the integrity of the entire system. If SMOCK preaching the Wrath of God years, He m d Godv. love for m, ‘_
tucky Univeristy and the University of a university must go, KSU must be the one. . . . Because He Loves You." Because 0 0 but hedoean’t preach love. 1
, . mowermmmgh ,, , disarmament l.
. . . ’m no sun “ e" Catholic . This is .
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