xt7kpr7msk6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7msk6p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1992 1992 1992-03-27 2020 true xt7kpr7msk6p section xt7kpr7msk6p  

Spons Editor

trum beamed blue, it blushed ma-
roon, then finally, it burst into blue
again and the UK Wildcats defeated
the Massachusetts Minutemen 87—
77 last night in game one of the
NCAA East Regionals.

The No. 2 seed Wildcats (29-6)
made the first eight field goals of
the game, led by as many as 21
points in the first half and withstood
a furious Minutemen comeback to
hold off No. 3 UMass and become
the first team to gain a final-eight
spot in the tournament.

UK advances to face Duke in the
East Regional Final Saturday after-
noon. Duke defeated Seton Hall 81-
69 last night.

UK sophomore fonivard Jamal
Mashbum scored a game-high 30
points and grabbed eight rebounds.
At the half, he had 17 points and
helped push UK to a 67.7 (21 of 31)
percent field‘goal percentage in the
first half. And perhaps,

more importantly, he pleased UK
coach Rick Pitino.

“Our teams were very similar in
talent, but there’s a difference and
that difference is Jamal Mashbum,"
Pitino said. “I told Jamal that in or-
der for us to win tonight, you have
to play like an NBA All-Star. You
must be the difference in both teams

tonight because you are."

Mashburn, inspite of Pitino’s la-
bel, is just a college sophomore and
displays little professional arro-

“Our offense works perfectly for
that," Mashbum said of UK's in-
side to outside attack. “They
(UMass) tried to front me in the
post and my teammates just did a
great job of lobbing the ball to me,
and I just went and got it and

“They’re a tough defensive team
in the post, and they did a great job
of it."

But despite UK’s hot shooting,
UMass only trailed by eight (50 -
42) at the half. UMass senior Jim
McCoy hit 70—foot three-point shot
with 1.4 seconds remaining to push
the momentum in favor of the Min-
utemen. McC0y, who scored 21
points, hadn‘t made a three all sea—
son. He was 0 for 12 before sinking
his first.

UMass opened the second half
with the same new-found intensity
and twice managed to cut UK‘s
lead to two points — 60-58 with
12:25 to play, and at 70-68 with
6:15 remaining. But UMass could
draw no close: and with 5:47 rc-


Kentucky Kernel

, Vii-‘15:"; : .1; awn! since 1971

ttflMinuemen 87 -77 in Philly

GREG EANS I’Ksmet Stall

Coach Rick Pitino gave Richie Farmer a piece of his mind in a game earlier this season, Last night. the
Wildcats advanced to the final eight, defeating the UMass Minutemen 87-77.

maining, Minuteman coach John
Calipari received a technical foul
for leaving the coach’s box.

UK, which had possession of the
ball when Calipari drew the techni‘
cal, hit the two foul shots, scored
six consecutive points and built a





Chancellor tor the Lexington Campus Robert Hemenway and anist Richard Hunt gathered yester-
day to unveil Hunt's piece, ”Pass-Thru," which will remain at UK tor a year Story, Page 3.

JEFF BURLEW .Keinet Stat?



76‘68 lead.

Yet, Calipari failed to blame his
team‘s defeat on the technical.

“If I stepped out of the box then
he (the official) had the right to call
the technical," he said. “The offi-
cial did not lose or win the game

for us. It cost us two points."

Calipari, however, said th‘s
quick start and the inside play of
Mashburn did hurt the Minutemen.

See NCAA, Page 2

Friday. March 27, 1992

Fans gather
at coliseum
to see game

Contributing Writer

While the Wildcats played far
from the Bluegrass last night, UK
students who couldn‘t make the
trek to Philadelphia gathered to
root on their team.

Several hundred students went to
Memorial Coliseum last night to
watch the game on a large screen
television, and listen to the (Tawood
Lcdford. voice of the Wildcats.

This event was well—rcccivcd by
students. which was eyidcnt by the

“I think it s .i great itlca.' said
Heather Mohr, an education sopho«

Pant 'lhoinpson, an accounting
senior. said showing the game at
Memorial Coliseum was a good
idea for students who stayed in
Lexington because of thc convcn~
icnt location.

“I think it‘s a great idea . it‘s
perfect lor us who can‘t be there.“


Two—time Belmont winner
buys Calumet for $17 million

Associate Editor

Nearly 20 years ago. chryk dc
Kwiatkow‘ski came to Kentucky to
buy his first horse. He drove by
(.‘alumct Fartn that day and said he
would own it someday

A stable of 200 horses latcr. de
Kwiatkowski bought the larm lot
317 million yesterday in an auction,
a move many hope will end the leg»
endary thoroughbred organi/ation‘s
spiral into bankruptcy court.

After winning a tense round of
bidding,th Kwiatkowski said Calu-
met was “what l‘ve always want-

To the delight of the crowd, dc
Kwiatkowski said the farm would
“remain exactly the way it is, bc~
cause that’s the way I tell in low
with it."

De Kwiatkowski, who owns an
international airline serVice, entered
the racing business in 1975. Since
then, he has risen to the top of the
racing world, with two Belmont

Controversy surrounds UK guest artist

Senior Staff Writer

Everyone from campus feminists
to mainstream students seem titil-
lated about the Student Activities
Board’s performer planned for Sun-
day night.

artist Karen Fin-
ley’s reputation
for exposing her
body during
has preceded
her arrival here
at UK, and its
community is

uh WI“ dCl‘i- FINLEY
nitcly prove to
be interesting,“ said Byl Hensley,
chairman of SAB‘s performing arts
committee, who has been preparing
for Finley‘s UK performance since

Finley often appears nude and
smears various foods on her body
during her performances to symbol-




ize the violation against women, in-
cluding rape, incest, alcohol and
drug abuse and child abuse.

SAB‘s flier advertises Finley as
“our generation‘s most controver-
sial and visceral performance art-

“We’re not trying to brush it un-
der the rug that her performance
could contain some explicit materi—
a1," Hensley said.

Because of the subject manner,
no one under 18 will be admitted.
In addition to warning labels on the
fliers, ticket distributors have been
instructed to warn purchasers of the
perfomiancc's content.

Michael Overn, Finley‘s husband
and manager. said she has not yet
decided what to do for Sunday‘s

"Each perfonnancc is different."
said Ovcrn in a phone interview
yesterday. “it‘s like doing a paint-
ing. Sometimes you don't know
what's going to happen until you sit
down at the easel."

Finley originally had planned a
perfonnance similar to "We Keep

Our Victims Ready.” one of her
more well-known performance
pieces, but the University did not
have enough space, Ovcm said.

Prior to her performance 8 pm.
Sunday at Memorial Hall, Finley
will give a talk tomorrow at 4 pm.
at the Student Center‘s Worsham
Theater on her work.

Finley, a Chicago native now liv-
ing in upstate New York, first be-
gan performing at 21 as a student at
the San Francisco Art institute.

Her style of performing evolved
during the 1970s “when much of
the performance art was non-
feeling,“ Ovcm said. “Karen‘s style
is not unique to performance art
history but unique to the art world

When booking Finley, however.
Hensley was concerned her style
might be too unique for Lexington.

Whether Finley‘s performance is
artistic is left tip to community
standards, according to a city ordi-
nance, btit Hensley said there
should be no doubt.

”1 don't think there is any ques»

tion that Karen Finley is considered
an artist." he said. “But it's hard to
tell about Lexington."

The ordinance limits public ex-
pression of various sexual acts, in
cluding bestiality and sodomy, if it
is not of artistic value and/or ac—
cessible to minors.

A local performance of “()h. (‘al-
cutta!" in 1977, where several ac-
tors danced nude, was interniptcd
by police. The performers were ar-
rested but not charged.

But Hensley said because a pro-
duction including full nudity was
performed at ArLsPlacc this tall
without consequence. he said he
felt comfortable wtth Finley per
fortning at UK.

Ovcrn said Finley pcrlormcd at
Louiswllc's Center for the Arts a
couple years ago with no complica-

“it sounds to me like it would be
constitutionally protected." said Al
vm Goldman, a UK law professor
“Mere nudity can‘t be penali/eil.

See FlNLEY, Page 2

Stakes victories to his credit

“i think it‘s a storybook ending
to a sad chapter that we had to go
through." said John \\'ard. the
farm's president.

With lcars ahoundtng that thc
lartn no Izittgt't would lit‘ l.’l thc Li,
ing business, dc Kwiatkowski tit-
cidcd yesterday to tly irito l cyim:
ton front ill\ home in the Bahamas
to buy (‘aliiinct

“1 would like to .isstirc all you
neighbors that 1 lots horscs. dc
Kwiatkowski said \\'hcn I saw
this placc being dismantlcd ll was a
personal offense to me. And i as-
sure that no grass w ill be changcd."

Dc Kwiatkowski said hc did not
buy the farm to resell it: He \ktlllis
to pass it on to his seven children.

“it is tboughti with the \t‘llst‘ my
children and their children. my
grandchildren. will be in a position
to retain it." he said

Thoroughbred Times writer Da-
vid Heckcrman said that is a com
mon dream of horse men.

“I believe that he carries lhc

drcani that so many people do 111 the
horse business w inch is well sci tip
a breeding opcration, wc‘ll turn it
into a dynasty and our children will
tiikc it from thcic ‘ llctkcrnian said.
liiit the diltitulty is kccpin; that
tilt'tl’ll .lilxt‘ ll‘ iii'llli' an itt‘lJilt‘ll‘ ol
thc family

Ironically it was Alli! .i ~iniiiar
intent that \\illi.int \\right bought
tlic Ltrni Ill l‘UJ
was the prcniici brccding and rat ing
opciation lll .\lllt‘llt;l it has l‘rcd
ntnc Kcntiitky lk-rhy winncts and
owncd cight. including lriplc
(town wtnnt‘rs \\liir|.ty\.ty ‘l‘tlli
and (‘itation t to;x._

But some ol ill\ dcsccndcnls
didn‘t take ,in llllc‘fc‘\l in thc tarni,
and lct it bc tiii~.niattigcd. -\Itcr thc
tlcath ot the limits hunting sirc .»\l\»
dar last tall. (Lilunict tollapscd
when it couldn't pay oll loans

He said it; didn't know whcn ltc
would have horses on the farm. or
when it would resume racing.

Hc said hc iltipt‘s to bring il;lll\'c

(‘Liitinict i‘tlllll

See CALUMET. Page 2


News Editor

As the Wildcats battled the
UMass Minutemcn in Philadcl
phia last night, the candidates
for Student Government Assot l‘
ation president battled tor the
endorsement of the newly
formed University Political :\c~
non Committee.

But unlike the Wildcats. who
saw the final score and felt lilt‘ll
victory immediately. the l|\t‘
presidential candidates who
were present must wait iititil
Sunday for their decision.

Although UPAC voted on thc
endorsement last night. the name
will remain confidential until
Sunday. after the (ircck Political
Action (‘ontmittee dcbatc

Questions from the nine or
gani/ations represented ranged


UPAC holds its first
presidential forum

lroin areas ol laitiily litalth tiitc
to the seriousness that is taken
when addressing minority |\\llC\

'l hc dcbalc began w hcn (‘oin
tnutcr Student Board rcprcscnta
tivc Janet Stansbt‘riy asked how
each candidate as S( i;\ picsidcnt
would attempt to add .i siipiila
tiott proy tding tar; to c hildicn ot
students to the torrent Spoiisc
llcalth ('atc polity ollcrctl by
Student llcalth

“I think it will be tough right
now because ol the ailininistra
tion budget cuts \kc can look

See UPAC Page 8











Mike Tyson sentenced to six years in
prison, but UK students don’t think it is
enough. Stories, Page 5.


In conjunction with “Women With a Past:
Women’s Historians and the Future of His-
tory,” an exhibit will be shown at noon in
the Peal Gallery. Admission is free.

Complete NCAA

Sports, Pages 6,7.


Diversions ...................... 4
Sports ............................. 5
Viewpoint ....................... 8
Classifieds ..................... 9





 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Friday, March 27. 1992


Continued from page 1

Kentuckian Woody Stephens hack
to be his trainer at Calumet.

“He doesn‘t know yet that i
bought the farm." dc Kwiatkowski
said. “But years ago. when we were
together and he was fit. he told me
that his idea was to retire to a farm
like this one, and I hope he would
do that."

Other American trainers de Km-
atkowski said he works Wllh iii-
elude D. Wayne Lukas and Charlie

The bidding opened at Slt) mil-
lion and climbed to the final price.
Throughout de Kwiatkowski was
composed and grinned often as he

sparred with five other bidders.

Once he was announced as the
victor, de Kwiatkowski said he
wouldn’t change the farm -—— and
instantaneously he became a folk
hero. with repeated applause auto-
graph seekers.

De Kwiatkowski spent $17,385
million for two tracts of land and
the name of the farm, which was
sold separate of the property.

He paid $210,000 for the name
after he originally said “OK, that’s
it," when bidding reached

De Kwiatkowski said he eventu-
ally may live in Lexington at the
farm, depending on the climate and
a number of other factors.

“lf I manage to improve upon the
house the way it was in the good
old days,l will be living here in it."


Continued from page 1
who ended their season at 30-5.

“We are a bit tentative in the way
they play they come out and stun
you right away with about seven
knockout punches,“ Calipari said.
“We were on the ropes about three
or four different times. We just
didn‘t go down.

We caught our composure in the
second half, but the Minutemen
never caught the Wildcats.

“We couldn’t play any better than
we did," Pitino said. “It was a val-
iant comeback by Massachusetts.
They had a great season."



Continued from page 1

and the use of coarse language can—
not be censored.“

But Finley, also a sculptor and
author of short stories, is no strang-
2 er to censorship. She, along with
3 four other artists whose work in-
; eluded strong sexual images. were
j denied grants by the National En~
. dowment for the Arts in 1990

“Most of Karen‘s critics are
. those who haven't seen her work."
I he said. “Many expect something
, shocking. but when they see her
1 they find their feelings aren't much
j different from her perforiiiancc‘s


Because of Finlcy‘s non-
traditional approach, Bonnie Cox.
director of UK‘s Women‘s Studies
program, said she expects the audi-
ence will “at the least be chal-

“Women have to be allowed to
stretch boundaries of expression be»
cause boundaries have traditionally
been set up by male domination,"
Cox said.

“Women are free to create the
image of women."

Having toured for four years
now. Ovem said universities have
been an inviting outlet for Finlcy‘s
ix‘rformances. as opposed to many
theaters that were nary of the con-
troversial material.

He said he and Finley were excit-
ed to come to a “university in the
South like UK."

Finley, 36, performed at the Uni«
versity of Colorado in Boulder last
week and is scheduled to visit the
University of Michigan after her
UK performance.

As part of Women‘s History
Month, the performance is spon-
sored by SAB, the Women’s Stud-
ies program, WRFL-FM, the De-
partment of Theatre and the
experimental video/media laborato-

Tickets are still available for $5
for students, $10 for the general
public. Tickets will be available at
the door for S l0.


Continued from page 1

into it now and lay the groundwork
for the future,“ said Arts and Sci-
ence Senator Jay lngle.

Reed Good, assistant hall director
for Kirwan Tower, agreed that mon-
ey will be a problem, but said or-
ganizations like the Student Health
Advisory Council — of which he is
a member — that can be accessed.

Alan Vick was not present at the
debate. When contacted after the
fonim, his ninningmate Nathan
Baker said he was diagnosed with
strepthroat yesterday and Vick had
to work last night.

Using Board of Trustee member
Wallace Wilkinson as an example.
Graduate School representative Ste-
ven Enkemann asked what steps
candidates would take to ensure
that the Board of Trustees does not
jeopardize The Graduate School at
UK in its efforts to improve under-
graduate teaching by reducing re-
search interest.

“It's like cutting off your nose
despite your face," said Kirk
Haynes as he agreed with Enke-
mann that research is a vital part of
the University.

Haynes and SGA Comptroller
Pete November both spent the ma-
jority of their alloued time agreeing
with Enkemann.

Good and lngle said they would
battle the Board of Trustees to see
that UK remains a research institu-
tion, while Easley said teaching as-
sistants must be screened to provide
“good caliber education."





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Ervy L. Whitaker ll, president of
the Black Student Union, made a
personal plea with his question to
the candidates.

“lf you have not made it your re-
sponsibility to personally talk to
and interact with those groups and
students that are lost within the
mainstream of what UK and society
calls the majority until time for our
votes. why should l vote for you
and what tangible evidence can you
provide to ensure us that our con-
cerns and needs will be addressed
and taken seriously?”

lngle agreed that SGA does not
meet minority needs but posed no
specific solutions.

Haynes also did not answer spe—
cifically, but said, “It's our respon-
sibility as students to take advan-
tage of l00 percent of the

Good said his involvement in
Residence Life has exposed him to
many situations with many different
kind of people.

“It‘s a learning process and we're
going to continue to learn," he said.

November shared a personal ex‘
pcricnce to answer Whitaker's

“When I listened to Spike Lee, I
sat in that audience, I was in the mi-
nority and l didn‘t like it. So I think
l know how you feel and 1 don't
want you to feel that way forever."

UPAC‘s founders Graduate
School Senator Adrian Jones and
Senator at Large David King said
last night‘s forum was held in hopes
that students will be provided with
more of a voice in student govem-
ment than the Greek Political Ac-
tion Committee provides.

During its four years of exis-
tence, the GPAC debate, which will
be held Sunday at 7 pm. in Wors-
ham Theater, has been the only de-
bate held for SGA presidential can-
didates. GPAC is made up of two
representatives from each of the 17
social sorority and 20 social frater—
nity chapters at UK.

Jones and King said GPAC is not
representative of all UK groups be-
cause it is composed entirely of
members of the greek community.

“(UPAC) is not to take an anti-
greek stance," Jones said earlier this
month. “But this group will choose
the best candidate regardless of be-
ing greek or not.”

Traditionally, GPAC has en-
dorsed a candidate who is a mem-
ber of the UK greek community.
Also. every candidate receiving a
GPAC endorsement has won the
presidential election.

In addition to UPAC and GPAC,
an on—air debate will be held Mon-
day night at 8 on WRFL-FM. How-
ever, the student-run radio station
will not endorse a candidate.

WRFL Program Director Bill
Verble said the forum will be held
to provide listeners with informa-
tion about the candidates.

Student Organizations Assembly.
Student Organizations Assembly.
Commuter Student Board, UK As-
sociation of Non-Traditional Stu-
dents. UK Black Roundtable, Inter-
national Students Council,
Residence Hall Association, LCC
Association of Students, Disabled
Students Union and the Graduate
Students Association each was al-
lowed two voting members on
UPAC. The groups were allowed to
ask one question, and candidates
were allotted one minute to answer
each question.

UPAC voted on the endorsement
of a candidate after the debate last
night but his identity will not be re-
leased until Sunday in the Student
Center Free Speech Area after the
GPAC debate.

Jones said the committee will fol-
low an honor code, asking all mem-
bers to keep secret UPAC’s deci-
sion until Sunday.

The official endorsement was
sealed and is being kept by Assist-
ant Director of Student Activities
Rhonda L. Strouse, who also was
the moderator for the forum.



Continued from page 1

Education sophomore Emily Can-
tinna added: “It supports team unity
for the players and the university.

This free informance for
UK. students, faculty and
staff includes a discussion
and slide presentation of
Ms. Finley's work in
performance, painting,
recording and
installation, followed by a
brief question and answer
period. Ms. Finley will
later be signing copies of
her text, Shock Treatment.

, March 28

Worshom Theater, 4:00

Vou must present U.K. ID at the door



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.15ch 27, 1.982- uttaw/i 27, 1992



It’s a great idea.”

As tipoff time approached, the
excitement began to build. When
John Calipari, UMass coach, ap-
peared on the screen, many people
in Memorial booed in protest.

But when Jamal Mashbum, the
UK cheerleaders and the UK pep
band appeared on the big screen.
the crowd responded appropriately,
cheering heartily.

Once the game began, each Ken-
tucky highlight brought more loud

The atmosphere of the tourna-
ment came through and was felt
throughout the gym.

Ed McGee, a history senior, said
it was “definitely amazing“ that
UK had gone this far so soon after
NCAA probation.

Paul Konye, who is pursuing a
PhD. in musicology, said he
thought it was “a wonderful dis»
play," and was “very excited abut
it. It's a lot better than watching it
alone in the apartment."

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Kentucky Kernel, FrIdey, March 27, 1902 - 3


Artist unveils new sculpture at University

Contrbuting Writer

UK's steel drum hand rolled out
the barrels to welcome pruninent
American sculptor Richard Hunt's
unveiling of his work “Pass-Thru"

The sculpture, located in the
grassy area between the Otis A.
Singletary Center for the Arts and
Memorial Hall, is the latest dona-
tion to the “Sculptor on Campus"

program and will remain one year.

“(Hunt) has been known for
many, many years as being the pre-
mier metal sculptor in the field of
contemporary sculpture. He'll go
down in terms of the late 20th cen-
tury as being probably one of the
modern masters," said Jack Gron,
associate professor of art.

Hunt first became involved in
large-scale public works in 1968
and since then has completed close
to 70 public commissions.

“lflwas goingtoschoolandwas
interested in sculpture today. I'd
probably come here rather than
there (Art Institute of Chicago),"
Hunt said. “I would rate it very
highly among an departments

Hunt graduated and later taught at
the Art Institute of Chicago. He also
has taught at Yale, Harvard and oth-
er colleges.

“The contribution of Richard
Hunt certainly adds luster to this ef-

fort but also shows us I think why
this is an effort well worth perpetu-
ating. lt’s an indication that this
University's arts program intends
to be competitive with any art pro-
gram in the country." said Chancel-
lor for the Lexington Campus Rob-
ert Hemenway at the unveiling.

The Sculpture on Campus pro-
gram includes 12 sites on campus
where student and faculty display
their works. The program currently
is in its third year.

College of Medicine ranked seventh in nation

Assistant News Editor

A US. News And World Report
survey has ranked the UK College
of Medicine seventh in the nation.

The college was given 92.5 out
of a posible 100 in the March 23
issue. Thomas Jefferson University
in Philadelphia and Brown Univer-
sity in Providence, R.l., for first

This year’s competition was

BOD ’n Weave

based on more comprehensive en‘-
teria than in years past, Dr. Emery
Wilson, dean of the College of
Medicine, said yesterday.

Last year, the competition was
based on primary care emphasis
and programs.

Although Wilson has not seen
this year’s criteria, be said he was
told this year's competition in-
cludes clinical care education and
research evaluations.

Deans from the 126 medical
schools across the country and Res—
idency Program directors made the

Wilson said it is difficult to com-
pare one medical college to another
because the programs have different
missions, and UK’s mission com-
bines research, education and care.

“Our mission is a balanced one.
and 1 think that's what the other
deans saw." he said.

by John Morrow and Jerry Voigt

Another factor, Wilson said, may
have been the $2.5 million Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation grant
UK received last month.

UK was one of eight colleges in
the country awarded the grant, de-
signed to restructure the college's

Wilson said the ranking should
reaffinn students‘ confidence in the
program and will be an asset in re-
cruiting faculty.

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