xt7kpr7msm3g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7msm3g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1997 1997 1997-11-12 2020 true xt7kpr7msm3g section xt7kpr7msm3g  





















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. . o council, referring to the Sept. ‘13 lidge said the probation was sion at the door," Hayden said. deadline. "the executive board
nte atemltj/ ounCZ enzey event. “He sanctioned them for “probably as final .is it can get.“ He also mentioned an earlier imincdiatelv canceled it .ind told
' . . an unregistered social function." In addition. each hotise iiitist party \\lllt a "superheroes"theme. all members who had guests to
81 Ch 8 E l “I can‘t believe that the “*3 sponsor 1‘“ AllCUltHl awareness In a letter sent to the council. call them," Rose said.
ngd 1, lg p apped S would convict us without one iota event forits members. Sig lip l’resitlent Brian Rose Sig lip said it never recenctl
of eVidence,’ said Steve .\lattis, The chapter adviser, a member explained the it‘.tlt:rl]lly"s attempt notification of the charges .iiid
By Ellen Lord to appeal last Monday. socral chairman of Sigma Chi. from the national chapter and the to register the superheroes party. missed the opportunity to appeal
Staff Writer “Officially the council said that “ They have one letter from a council hoard must be present to In a second letter, Rose coin» to the iudicial board. llavden said.
we have been put on probation for sorority saying there was central ensure member attendance. llay— planted that the summons was implying that the members failed
Fhe Interfraternity Council the calendar year," said Jeremy distribution of alcohol. It‘s not den said. simply folded and not sealed in an to check their mail.
put Sigma Chi and Sigma Phi Edie, preSident of Sigma Chi. like the L'niversity isn't hard The council charged the Sigma envelope addressed to the presi "'l‘hev supposedlv had sent its a
. hpSilon social fraternities on pro— “T ey say that three guys having a enough on us already." Plti lipsilon fraternity with holding dent. Rose was concerned that summons. Nobodv' got that, .iiid
bation Monday night for holding party andflbuying some alcohol is a Under the prol)ation,_ the fra- two unregistered parties this such otlit-ial notification was yisi- they won‘t give" tits .1 second
unre istered parties. Violation. ternities cannot hold iii—house semester. Hie probation \Hll last l‘lk‘ W IHL‘IHIWH “it” HH)’ Ittlsittv chance," said lason \lonev. Sig lip
. T e probation came after each “ I here was beer present at the parties but may have four out~ofl tintil the end of the spring sctiicslci‘. tcrprct the situation. vice president of programming.
- fraternity was notified of the (Sigma Chi) Derby party," said house parties, Hayden said, “ libe Sig lips had a booth \thii the oflicers reali/ed thev "\Vc have kl truv check it cverv
charges and given the opportunity Iony Hayden, president of the Despite the Sigma Chi appeals, party and were charging .idiiiis— could not make the I'L'LUSUJUUH other dav." ‘
' i y I
t I I
f f By Jessica Coy
By Brian Dunn my; H mo
t- Atrirtunt New Editor
1 Student Government \ssociation has its hands ftill
Entomology student Betty Kreuger shook the tree’s when it comes to preparing for therlanuary meeting
l' limbs and theJapanese beetles scrambled, then settled. of the ( Lotincil on l’ostsecotidary Education.
Some settled back in the tree. Some dropped onto .\ot ”"lV '5 Ih“ SGA ll’l’lW’IW l‘” ll“ P3553?!"





the limbs of other trees. And the rest landed in
Kreuger's hair. They must've liked her hair. she said,
but they liked her friend‘s hair more.

“\Ve’ve always wanted to test her shampoo,"

Kreuger said.

Kreuger, a second—year graduate student, has been
interested in bugs since fourth grade when she started
collecting insects for 4—H. Now, along with 26 other
graduate students anti 20 faculty members in the ento-
mology department, Kreuger is pursuing the study of

insects as a career.

“I figured this was something I've always wanted to
do," she said as she let a just-hatched New Guinea
walking stick scamper up her arm.

She first knew she wanted to become an entomolo-
gist when she was in the eighth grade. She was sitting
on the edge ofa dock watching crabs move along the

shoreline )elow her.

She soon noticed a preying mantis resting on her
knee. Fverv few minutes, the tnantis would hop off
her leg and chase the crabs away, then hop back on

her leg.

Throughout high school, Kreuger grew sure she
was going to become an entomologist.

“Everyone thought I was crazy.” she said.

In her undergraduate years, people gave her
quizzical looks when she stopped and picked up










“WE Bus Betty Kt‘ellseti a 59"0’7‘1‘JWW entomology W‘tldlmtc student. Ito/(Ir om‘ ”filter ‘I’t'ti. ‘ Site [My trill/ted to
rtudy insects time fourth grade. Tiz'o [mgr ("T on (lisp/oil (Ire/me) in the entottto/ogy lit/iv.

Program centers on the study of insects


By Becky Woods
Staff IVrtter

and spiders.

at UK.

Cockroaches, beetles, wasps

Some people would cringe at
the sight of these insects. But not
Rodes Arnspigcr.

He has a passion for insects.
That’s why he is majoring in
entomology, the study of insects,

“When I was 6 years old, I

country.” Arnspigcr said. “I guess
that same interest just came back
to me in college."

Arnspiger, a junior, said
insects’ relation to people and the

environment are a vital part of

otir ecology.

“Insects are responsible for pol-
linating flowers," he said, “which
in turn become a fruit which we
eat. We learn from insects."

No other species of insect
intri ies Arnspiger more than the
beet c.

“There are so many different
varieties." he said, “over i()(),l)()()
known species so far."

Arnspiger maintains a colony
of ladybug beetles at the ento-
mology lab where he works. In
order to feed them. he raises a
colony of moths that lay eggs.
The eggs are part of a diet for the

This hands-on experience has
helped Arnspiger learn more
about the field.


ofthe Student Financial :\itl Trust litind. but also
it plans to submit a proposal to revise the current
ttiition policy.

Hoping money from the Student l‘iinancial :\id
Trust litind will help offset the 33 percent tuition
hike. the S(i;\ is lobbying for certain criteria to be
set regarding the alloca-
tion oftlie funds.

"Seeing that over 83 t .
percent of our students
depend on some sort of

financial ‘ aid. and that For man),
rescarch— iased schools
such as L'K and the L'ni- first-genera-
versitv of Louisville were £10” (allege,
the hardest hit by the “M971“: tb“
tuition increase," said S(i \ money could
l’rcsident .\lelanic (Iruz. make 07. break
“\Vc are hoping that a tbeirfuture at
provision will be passed ’2 116 u
that gives iii-state stu- t (’60 8’8.
dents from these degrce~ V
seeking institutions _pri~ Melanin Cruz
oritv over students from SGA prtrident

regional, technical or
community collegcs
when it comes to the
allocations of the funds."

However. Debby .\lc(inffc_\. (:l’l“, director for
communicatitins and government services. said stich
lobbying. while commendable. may be prciiiattirc.

.r\t itsjantiary meeting. the council will discuss
specifics for the budget recommendations to sub—
mit to the (ieneral Assembly. .\lc(iuffey said.

The council will not discuss specifics for the
funds until later this year.

The council has proposed the trtist fund receive
funding in the amount of$7 million over thc next
two years, .\lc(iuffey said. On an individual level.
the funds will be awarded on academic merit and
financial need.

“\Ve arc itist hoping to utilize cverv resource
available that cotild help to offset the ttiition
increase." (Irtiz said. “For many first-genera—
tion college students. this money could make or
break their future at the college.”

Also on the S(;;‘._.tgend~ for thcjanuary meet-
ing is the creation of a proposal to revise the




used to collect bugs out in the

guidelines for ttiition increases.


little-known activist takes spotlight Ill speech

By TIM Mar: Gordon will talk about her for youth ages 18—25. researched this to ic for many “Harriet was not an adver—
Contributing Writer research on Harriet Watson. at Camp Bethune existed for years and feels a c ose connec- tiser. She did not work for
librarian and the administrator only two sessions before it was tion to it, because she grew tip recognition, but for the bet—

History rofessor Fon L. of Camp Bethune, which was canceled. Finding the reason in Pine Bluff and knew “"at- terment of the black commu-

Gordon wil present a speech
today titled “A Generous and
Exemplary Womanhood: Har-
riet Rutherford Watson and the
Bethune NYA Camp in Pine
Bluff, Arkansas, 1937-1940.”
The presentation will take
lace in the Peal Gallery of
ar aret 1. King Library
No at l2:30 pm.

3 I

at the site of AM8tN College.

In 1937 Camp Bethune was
one of three residential camps
designed to give training to
unemployed black women.
Aside from these camps, the
National Youth Administra-
tion (NYA) in 1937 created 53
other residential training cen-
ters, three of them integrated.


for this, Gordon said, is part
of her research she will con-
tinue in the future.

“Most biographies of black
women are those of famous
women,” Gordon said.
“Though most combine theo-
ry and activism, they recover
less of all the contributions.”
Gordon said she has


son personally.

“I had no idea that she was
the activist that she was. I was
too young to understand her
significance at the time.” Gor-
don said.

Watson was a role model to
her growin up. Gordon said.
Aside front Being tenacious and
hardworking, she was modest.


nity, and the community as a
whole," Gordon said.

(iordon attended lilmhtirst
College in Elinhtirst. III. for
her undergraduate study and
the University of Arkansas for
her graduate degree. After
becoming an associate professor
iii l989, she traveled to Lexing—
ton to begin her career at UK.



SGA is working with LY of I. SGA to develop a
more “stable" tuition policy.

“\\’e supported an amendment to the current
policy. which would have capped the ttiition
increase at 6 percent until the policy could be
reviewed at theJanu-ary meeting," saidJoe Schiller.
SGA executive director of Academic Affairs.

“That amendment was shot down for reasons
not made clear to us, but we had some supporters
on the council whom we will be working with on
our own proposal," Schuler said.

President Charles \Vethington has proposed the
current tuition policy remain intact htit that a cap
be placed on the percentage of increases.

Although SGA is not ready to lobby for this ro-
posal, it isn't ready to shoot the proposal out o the
water either.

“\Ve aren't saving that VVethington‘s proposal is
not an option,” Schuler said. “\Ve are inst trying to
come it with a plan which will be in the best inter-
ests of tlie student body as a whole."

i ‘ I








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‘Soul in the Hole’

explores dynamic
New York culture

By Dan O’Neill

Entertainment Editor

Within the cultural parameters of urban life
exist a distinct combination of music, food,
attitude and religion that define soul.

()ne abundant source of this funktified ver-
sion of soul comes from the slam-dunkin‘, rim-
hangin’, trash-talkin' and other hyphenated-
slang—adjective—havin’ world of New York City
street basketball.

From the minds of young documentary
filmmakers Danielle Gardner and Lilibet Fos—
ter comes this kinetic yet touching piece of a
Brooklyn streetball team, Soul in the Hole.

The film follows Kenny’s Kings, a Bad-
News-Bears-meets-Fat-Albert bunch with tal-
ent, and their romp through a long summer of
asphalt tournaments. Focusing its narrative on
two central characters — boisterous coach and
mentor Kennyjones, and 18-year-old street—
ball monarch Ed “Booger" Smith — Soul in the
Hole explores their relationshi as surrogate
father and son amid the highfir competitive
cult of streetball.

Kenny makes a living as a liquor store
employee and doubles as father-figure to a
team of misguided youth. The outspoken,
irreverent character spends his time and
resources buying team uniforms, selecting
logos and entering locally-sponsored tourna-
ments. He litters his pre-game motivational
speeches with four—letter words, playful insults
and, most prominently, an underlying burning
love for his players.

Booger is something ofa neighbor legend,
drawing huge local crowds to flaunt his palette
of no—look passes and effortless drives to the
hole. Using slick court abilities, charming
social skills and a proclivity for defiance,
Booger becomes the lovable, unpredictable
element in the lives of everyone close to him.

Through a series of candid interviews inter-
spersed with the on— and off—court drama, the
film develops rich personalities to navigate the
ultimately fulfilling story.

If success in documentary filmmaking
means capturing the idiosyncrasies of the sub—
culture, then Soul in the Hole wins the showcase
showdown. The players struggle to follow the


few and simple referee rules of not saying the
word “ni ger" during a game and keeping
shirts tuc ed in. Fights and death threats are

In the end, the film balances this hostile
environment with the stark contrast of
Booger’s small junior college community
“somewhere in Arizona.” The result is a rare
piece of raw, personal filmmaking.

With Foster taking on producing duties and
Gardner handling directing, the two formed
the independent film company Asphalt Films
in 1993.

Foster, who has spent the last nine years as a
freelance non—fiction filmmaker, said of the
film’s creative process: “Danielle and I had
mostly worked with historic documentaries
and we were looking for somethin more alive.
Her brother played street basket all in New
York and we thought it could be an interesting
subject for the company’s first film.”

She continued, “Although we shot the film
over one summer, it was really a five-year pro-
cess when you take into account raising
money, researching, shooting the film and
then trying to get it distributed. Luckily we
were successful early on with the financing.”

The other half, Gardner, began her career
working for British television titans Channel
Four Films and the BBC. With eight years
experience in nonfiction filmmaking, the Ivy
League graduate wants to attempt fiction filin-
making with her next effort.

“The documentary culture in England is
much more open. Here, it’s very difficult to
get non-fiction films made unless they’re
cause—oriented,” she said.

/ SUI. mu Ed
, , ‘Booger’ Smith is
* the central charac‘
ter in the streetball
' documentary ‘Soul
in the ‘Hole.’ The
film, playin at the
Kentucky heatre,
marks the first
release fi‘om the
' new Asphalt Films
company created by
Lilibet Foster and
Danielle Gardner.



Photo firnmbed

Due to the independent financing, Gardner
and Foster held complete control of the pro—
ject and thus claim Soul in the Hole as their
most rewarding work. With nothing but posi-
tive response, it has become a critic’s darling,
receiving national attention for its social

“It’s really weird to see your film become a
public document for public consumption, but
as for how it feels seeing it get a wider distribu-
tion and positive criticism I don’t really feel
it,” Gardner said.

Nonfiction films challenge the director to
tell the story as it happens without the aid of
performance to add spice. Luckily for Gard-
ner, the memorable mannerisms and incisive
dialect of Kenny, Booger and company made
dramatic direction a moot point.

“Many of the documentary filmmakers have
an end point in mind when they start and
therefore try to shape the course of the film.
\Vith this, we really tried to let the film devel-
op itself and never coach emotion,” she said.

For those wondering the “where are they
now?” question about the films stars, Gardner
says “Kenny still has his team together and
works at the liquor store. And Booger...
Booger is unbelievable. He’s now pla 'n for a
CBA team in Wisconsin, but he’s hadnal kinds
of trouble since we finished the film. He’s been
shot twice and has been through everything

Although Kenny and Booger face uncertain
futures, Soul in the Hole leaves nothing uncer-
tain about its validity. The final product is a
tightly—woven, accomplished piece full of the
urban energy better known as soul.


‘EVB'S Bayou’ misses mark






~Stretch your advertisin dollar.
>~ \ A vertise!



jackson ’s acting savvy fails
to save trite, melancholy film

By Matt Mulcahey
Smfl ' ( 17': t It

Confusing, boring and depress—
ing. These aren't exactly the three
adjectives you want in a movie,
but they perfectly describe Eve's
Bayou. You can also add plodding,
overlong and poorly acted. Any-
one who goes into Eve‘s Bayou
expecting it to live up to its Oscar
billing will be greatly disappoint—

The script reads like a poorly
written soap opera, full of seedy
plot twists and unnatural dialogue.
The story revolves around a dys-
functional Louisiana family full of
dark secrets, told from lO-year-
old Eve’s perspective.

The family seemingly appears
happ until Eve stumbles upon
her ather with another woman.

Their world slowly crumbles as
Eve and her two siblings discover
their father isn’t the man they
thought he was.

Most of the dialogue in Eve‘s
Bayou consists of unnecessary
voodoo mumbo jumbo and folk-
lore about the family’s illustrious

It doesn’t help that the charac-
ters spouting out this crap aren’t
all that interesting.

The dynamic Samuel L. Jack-
son accounts for about the only
plus in this muddled mess as the
family’s philandering father.
Jackson is way too good to be in
this movie, but he’s in so many
movies a couple of them have to
be duds.

The worst performance comes
from Debbi Morgan, laying
Jackson’s psychic sister. er part

basically consists of spitting out
long speeches about meaningless
voodoo crap in a spooky voice.

Morgan is by no means the
film‘s only weak link.

The young actresses
who play jackson’s
daughters pitifully
overact and Lynn
\Vhitfield, asjackson’s
wife, doesn’t have a
scene where she's not

Most disappointing
of all is watching tal-
ented character actor
Vondie Curtis—Hall
sleepwalk through his
part. Curtis-Hall is
about as lively as a
corpse and he sports
the worst movie hair -
since William Katt in

Eve’s Bayou’s problems don’t
end with the acting. The episodic
direction and sleep-itiducin
music sink the movie as welfi
Director Kasi Lemmons jumps all


over, refusing to follow any partic-
ular narrative pattern. The black
and white flashback sequences in
particular are very poorly done.
Lemmons even manages to make
the swampy scenery

look dull.
The music in Eve’s
Bayou reflects the
entire movie: tedious
repetitive. The

”1 ' and
film’s main theme con-

,. '
*1/2 ,

(m offivr)

sists of about five notes
and keeps being played
over and over again.
The son doesn’t fit
any of t e countless
scenes it’s heard in.
Only a clever plot
twist at the end and
the presence of Samuel
~ L. jackson kept me
awake. Eve’s Bayou
reinforces two laws of
Hollywood: Even the best actors
do bad movies, and critically—
billed films rarely supersede their



MOOI‘G breaks female stereotypes

By Toby Brown
Staff Critic

Abra Moore might look like
another angry female rock star.
She is, after all, the most recent
ultra thin, pouty ex rt of the
Acme Hot Youn Pe rrners Fac-
tory in Austin, exas. However, if
you have heard any of her songs,
you know that Abra Moore’s
Grrrrl Rocker a pcarance has very
little to do with her music.

Growing up on the Big Island
of Hawaii, Moore s cm her days
innocently playing oni Mitchell
songs on her guitar. But Moore
has certainly earned her chops as
an adult musician. As a student at
the Universitgof Hawaii, Moore
helped found oi Dog Pondering,

a band that went on to release two
recordings with
Columbia. She studied
iano and waitressed in
ew York Chg, and
even traveled to uro .. _
where' she sang on e '
streets of Paris. She has ' g /
toured with Matthew ' ‘ '
Sweet and Third Eye
Blind, and made several
dates on the Lilith Fair
tour this summer.
Strangest Place: is
Moore’s second album.
Her first attempt, Sin ,
though relatively we I
received by critics, was _,
in an entirely different, - .
softer, style. Strangest

Place: seems to have surpassed the



first effort, at least in a commer-
cial sense. Songs
from the album have
i been featured on
“Party of Five” and
“Melrose Place.”

For all her com-
mercial success,
Moore seems to have
forgotten the basics
7 of album-making.
Whatever influence
Joni Mitchell had on
Moore faded with her
Hawaiian tan. The
majoritypf the album
runs together.
Moore's failure to
distin ish t e son
from 8“each othgi'
results in a very frustrating, never-

ending tone.

The first single from the
album, “Four Leaf Clover,” is
very catchy, but in an annoyingly
happy way. This is, of course, pop
music, so I suppose the song
serves its purpose well.

The title track, “Strangest
Places” is the one stand-out on the
album, for it‘s “p0 ness” is well dis-

ised. Songs suc as “Don’t Feel

ike Cryin and “Never Believe
You Now“ benefit from cleverly
written lyrics, but are backed by
uneventful, monotonous music.

If you are in search of perpetu-
ally happ tunes with alternating,
meaning l lyrics, then Strangest
Place: is the rfect album. If not,
keep score ing for an even
stranger place.




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Cats exert Authority, 86-62

UK defense
finds second


By Bob Herhst
Spurn I'itllltll'

For the first 20 minutes,
L'k head coach Tubby
Smith‘s debut at Rupp Arena
\\;l\ 1] \lititile.

\\'iih some em ty seats evi—
dent. the \Vil cats sleep-
walked in their exhibition
against (Iourt Authority, 3

team with some players that
had recedin hairlines.

But the {Wildcats woke up
in the second half for an easy
86-62 win.

It might not have been a
game fans will talk about in
the coming years. but Smith
will remember it.

“It’s not like you're going
up against the Ralorbacks, but
I still have the butterflies,”
Smith said.

In a lackadaisical first half,
the \Vildcats didn't do any-
thing particularly bad. They
shot more than 50 percent,
turned the ball over only six
times and out—rebounded their

The Cats didn’t do any-

thing spectacular and took
onl a 58-30 lead to the half.

The difference between the
two halves? Defense.

A heightened defensive
effort by the Cats forced
Court Authority to shoot 32

ercent from the field in the
second half. Court Authority
also miSSed all seven attempts
from the three-point line in
the second half.

They hit four of eight treys
in the first stanza.

The defense was still not
good enough for Smith.

“I thought we were a little
tentative about trapping
because they hit some three’s
on us earl in the ante,"
Smith said]. “But t at is
because we didn't do a good
job of getting our hands up
and contesting shots in the
first half.”

\Vith two lottery picks on
this year’s Cats’ teams, one
unanswered question is who

last night’s game was any
indication, the answer is
senior forward Allen

Edwards scored a game-
high 20 points and grabbed six
boards. He also took double
the number of shots of any

“It felt like my high school
days,” Edwards said. “I feel a
lot more active, do a lot tnore
things, take a lot more

Smith at UK, it was also the
debut of sorts for senior guard

Jeff Sheppard. The Peachtree
City, Ga., native redshirted

will become the top Cat. If

While it was the debut of

[\eulmlry Aer/rel. H 'l’Il’lK'HldL .\u.‘ (who [2, [997' .


Sheppard was solid, shoot-
ing tive-of—six for l 1 points.

But the Shep ard UK fans
remember is t e Sheppard
who soars above the basket.
That Sheppard appeared fairl
early in the first half. With
7:57 remainin in the half,
UK point guar Wayne Turn—
er’s pass for an alley—oop went
high, btit Sheppard also went
high and was able to tip in the

It was also debut of Hes-
hiinu I‘ivans, who sat out last
year after transferring from
Manhattan. Evans scored six
points in 13 minutes of play.

“l‘m relieved now; I just
exhaled," Evans said. “My
first game, it being an exhibi-
tion, I was just happy to get
out there. It felt pretty

And it was also the debut of
fotir L’K freshmen. Myron
Anthony led the quartet with


six points, while Tubby
Smith’s son, Saul, scored
three. and both Michael

Bradley and Ryan Hogan had

Saul Smith received the
tnost tninutes of any freshman
with 15.

The other members of the
quartet played at least nine

“It was one of the greatest
feelings I’ve ever felt," Saul
Smith said about his first
game. “It’s what kids dream

“It was terrific going
through the tunnel,” Anthony
said. “Football rules down (in
his native Florida) so when I
attempt to explain it, how has-








last year in hopes of more
playing time this year and a
better opportunity to play in
the NBA.

ketball fans are up here, they
can't really get a grasp until
they cotne here and see it for



BY mm external}, ,




“P AM] I" Herb/mu [it'll/1s (ii/um t min/t In". I 'I\' ile/w/ :z‘H/t tn [WU/7X m I t‘ ”Ill/[llt'\ U/j/l/tll.
Point guard llltym' 'Ilrruei' I/r In trtpj’uul up Mr i/t'll'lltt’ m {In \t'tu/It/ Isl/fa: er lit/m/mJ Vie/ml


Former Bat commitments still up in the air under Smith

M etedlfe star
fP. Blevins to

By Brett Dawson

. l\"’t//llt']’l1ilf0r

It‘s a tough position for any
(ti'|t_‘l1 to be in.

l‘uhhy Smith, replacing Rick
l’itino as UK basketball coach,
enters his first November signing
period as a \Vildcat recruiter faced

with two verbal commitments
Pitino acquired.

To honor or not to honor
those commitments?

That is the question. The
answer, it would seem, is still up in
the air.

UK will receive a national let-
ter of intent this week from Met—
calfe County High School star].P.
Blevins. Whether the Cats also
intend to sign Bryan Station
standoutjaron Brown is unclear.

“I haven’t heard from anyone
at UK," said Bobby Washington,
Brown’s coach. “Nobody in that
basketball office has called me.”

Nor has the UK staff contacted

Brown, Washington said. At least
they hadn’t as of a week ago, the
last time the coach discussed col-
lege choices with his star player.

“He told me, ‘Coach, I haven’t
heard from them. I don’t know
what they’re doing,"’ \Vashington
said yesterday. “Everybody has a
different way of going about
thin , so I don’t know if it means
anyt ing, but they haven’t talked
to him.”

When Washington last spoke
to Brown, he said the 6-foot-4
guard was still interested in UK.

“He’s just confused right now,”
Washington said.

There is no confusion in Met—


Santoril, Hale return to lineup

By Mike Heppermann
.S/Jf] ll 'r'Itt'I'

L ' K’s top—ranked passin
ottense will receive added puncfi
that it has missed since beating
~\‘ortheast Louisiana.

Saturday marks the return of
tight end jimmy Haley and wide
receiver Kio Sanford from injuries
that have kept them on the sidelines.

'l he (Lats have not had a prob—
lem putting points on the board,
but Haley and Sanford put up
llilpl‘C‘~“~l\'L‘ receiving numbers
before their injuries, and the team
is looking forward to their return.

“It should help us quite a bit
heeause we’ve been missing them,”
(Io-aeh Mumme said. “Their spots
are places where we’ve had to dou-
ble tip some guys, so we shouldn’t
have, to do that anymore."

'l'hough they're anxious to
return. neither one is looking to
make up for their absence in just
one afternoon.

“I just want to 0 out there and
play the game," Sanford said. “I
can’t try to force anything. I just
have to go out there and relax and
have fun."

“I’m just going to do what I
can." llaley said. “I’ll push myself
like I always do and just lookat
my numbers after the me.”

The (Eats will look or contribu—
tions from anyone and everyone
against the Southeastern Confer-
ence's top-ranked defense in the
Commodores. Haley and Sanford
are expected to start in their respec-
tive positions and will see plenty of
chances to increase their receptions
(l laley has 22 and Sanford has 26).

“’l hey'll pla quite a bit,”
Mumme said. “B‘hey’ve had two

good weeks of practice, and

. ,



MW WT“ Kernel ruff

6M! N CIT“ The Catr’ running game will have some of the offensive
load taken oflir when jimmy Haley and Kio Sanford return to the lineup.

they’re back in the swing of things.
Kio is running well, so we expect
him to play the whole game.”

Sanford will see exclusive time
at wide receiver instead of switch-
ing time with punt/kick-off
returner like he has in the past.

“I got hurt laying special
teams so they'll lieep me off of
that,” he said. “I've just been run-
ning routes in practice.”

Sanford is likely to start along-
side Crai Yeast and Kevin Cole-
man, artg may switch out with
Jimmy Robinson or Lance Mick-
elsen, but Mickelsen is question-
able after sufferingj a separated
shoulder against LS .

UK’s off-week last week gave
Haley, Sanford, Mickclsen and
line backer Jeff Snedcgar the
chance to heal.

Haley and Snede ar have tried
pla ing through t eir injuries
e ore with mixed results. I‘Ialey
layed a little a ainst LSU, but
l'ia to come off e field after suf-
fering a slight re-injury. He hopes
that is behind him.

“In the back of my head, I’m
kind of thinking about that (a re-
injury),” Hal said. “But I’m trying
to put that be 'nd me because when
I start lettin my injury get to me,
that’s when start dropping balls.”

Offensive depth and experience
are vital as UK heads into its last
two mes, which the Cats must
win r any shot at bowl contention.

“We just plugged them back into
their old positions,” Mumme said.
“We’ll have older and more experi-
enced players there rather than a
couple of walk-ans.”


calfe County, where Blevins will
sign his letter of intent today.
Tomorrow he‘ll go through what
his coach, Tint McMurtrey, called
a “dummy signing” for the local

“He's got all the materials and
he wants to get that thing signed,"
McMurtrey said yesterday. “I le’ll
send it in before he does the pre—
sentation for the media Thurs—

In contrast to Brown, Blevins
has had regular contact with UK.
McMurtrey said.

“When Coach Smith first took
over for Coach Pitino, I told him
I didn’t want him to feel obligat-




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