xt7ksn01086c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn01086c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19300823 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-08-sep23. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-08-sep23. 1930 2011 true xt7ksn01086c section xt7ksn01086c Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken- tucky for its regular quarterly meeting for Tuesday, September 23, 1930. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular quarterly session in the President's Office at the tni- versity on Tuesday, September 23, 1930. The following members were present: Governor Flem D. Sampson, State Superintendent W. C. Bell, Mr. James Park, Mr. Robert G. Gordon, Dr'Y. WY. Wlash, Judge R. C.- Stoll, Mr. E. B. Webb, Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer, Captain J. R; Rash. Meeting with the Board were Frank L. McVey, Presi- dent of the University, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board. The minutes of the June meeting v.ere approved as published. (1) Graduates of Summer School, The action of a. special committee of the Board on August 22, 1930, in approving a list of graduates of summer school at the University was adopted as the action of this Board at this meeting. (See Minutes of Special Committee filed. in Board of Trustees record of that date), (2) Audit of Booksi The report of the auditors of the Uni- versity, Peatj Marwick, Mitchell and Company, was received. and motion was made3 seconded, and carried that the report be filed and made a part of the Minitoa of the Board by reference. The Business Agent was instructed, so far as possible, to carry out the items respecting the recommendations as to the-operation of the Campus BQok Store and the University Cafeteria. A bill for $750 submitted by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company was ordered paid. (3) Settlement with J. T. Jackson Lumber Company. A report was made. by President McVey regarding the settlement with the J. T. Jackson Lumber Company over a controversy of certain items due them. The President indicated that the matter had been brought to a point where it seemed that settlement should be made with little difficulty, and a motion was made, seconded, and carried authorizing the President of the University to settle the matter on such terms as he considers advisable0 (4) Insurance of Teacher Training Building. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that the President of the University be authorized at his discretion to have insurance placed on the Teacher Training Building in such an amount as may be considered proper under the co-insurance plan. 2. (5) Auditors of Experiment Station Books. The chairman of the Board appointed Mr. Louis iillenmeyer and Jamles Park to audit the report of the Extension Division and Exoeriment Sta- tion. This is an annual requirement of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. (a) Business Agent's Report. The report of the Business Agent was received and ordered incor..orate- in the :inutes. The report was as follows: EXHIBIT "A" Balance Sheet as at June 30, 1930 Assets Combined Fund Current and Working Assets Petty Cash Account 2,000.00 Notes and Bills Receivable 3,400.00 Notes Receivable - Student Loan Fund 27,282.48 Accounts Receivable - State Tax 73,946.57 Accounts Receivable - Basket Ball Building 32,872.46 Accounts Receivable - Stadium 21, 500.00 Accounts Receivable - Le.morial Building 67,074.74 Accounts Receivable - Miscellaneous 7,513.99 University Commons - Fixtures and Supplies 13,108.72 Campus Book Store - Stock and Fixtures 50,686.39 Departmental Material and Supplies 58,000.00 Total Current and Working Assets 357,385.35 Insurance Paid in Advance 33,334.02 Total Comobined Fund Assets 390,719.37 Endowments, Bequests, Etc. Land Grant Endowment Fund 144,075.00 Peabody Endowment Fund 40,000.00 C:u= Bequest 763.87 Bennett Bequest 525.51 Class of 1917 Chemistry Librery Fund 100,00 Brent Fund 1,000.00 Sullivan Fund 200.00 Total Endowment, Bequests, Etc. 186,664.38 Real Estate, Buildings, Equin., Etc. Property Accounts as at June 30, 1930 4,119,693.02 Total 3. Liabilities Combined Fund Current Liabilities Bank Overdraft Notes Payable- Patterson Farm Notes Payable - First National Bank and Trust Co. Accounts Payable Total Combined Fund Liabilities Surplus Balance as at June 30, 1930 Total 7,860.77 50,000.00 100, 000.00 14,589.07 172i449.84 4,524,626.93 4,697,076.77 EXHIBIT "'B" Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of June 1930 Previously Reported General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42)750fr00 Ed. Bldg. - St. Appro. 75,000.00 Ed. Bldg. - Gen. Ed. Bd. 148,347.60 Special Agri. Appro. 30)000.00 State Tax 929,023.69 Interest on Liberty Bonds 1,700,00 Interest on Endowment Bonds 8,644.50 Student Fees 135,416.18 Student Fees - Summer Sch. 36,661,35 Student Fees - U. H' S. 4,537.00 Student Fees - Univ. Ext. 23,453.22 Miscellaneous Receipts 15,732.15 Rentals 2,897.50 Men's Dorrnitory 17,825.08 Dairy Building - St. Appro. 74,472.84 Summer Sch. - St. Appro. 10,000.00 Vocational Ed. Board 12,042.28 Total I-.568, 403.39 Expenditures Instruction 807,646.89 Adm. Expense and Maint. 306,703.41 Additions and Betterments 548, 513.T Total 1 662,883.66 Fis cal Current Year Month To Date 42,750.00 75, 000.00 148, 347.60 30, 000.00 128,930.82 1,057,954.51 1,700.00 8, 644.50 348.10 135,734,28 36, 661.35 10.00 4,447.00 1,880.40 25,333.62 1,313.17 17,045.32 397.00 35294.50 177.25 18,002.33 527.16 75,000.00 10,000.00 14,541.34 26?,583.62 148,125.24 1,716,528.63 73,245.26 880,892.15 44,535.84 351,239.25 26,114.05 574,627.41 143,895.15 1,806,758.81 4. Excess of Expend. over In- co.-ne (104 460.27) 4,2300_ (90,230.18) Patterson Hall Income Board Miscellaneous Receipts Room Rent - Summer School Total Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Income over Ex- oenditures General Fund Income General Fund Expenditures 10,620.23 1,844,015.89 1,727,855.93 (6,544.05) 149,616.00 1,793,631.89 151,929.96 1,879,785.8a Excess of General Fund Exp. over Income (83,840.04) (2,313.96) Excess of Receipts over Exp. for Gen. Ledger AcctE. (30,135.64) 116,310.92 Accts, Receivable for Current Year (73, 946. 57) 1928-29 Accounts Payable lioui- - dated during Current Year (45,406.7a) Excess of Expenditures over Receiots for the fiscal year to date - Gen. Fund Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - General Fund (86,154.00 86,175.28 (73,946.57 (445,406. 78 (159,332.46) 40,050.39 (119,332.07) ( 119 ,332.07) Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 - General Fund 72,311.10 Cash in Bank June 30, 1930 - General Fund Trust Fund Income Student toan Fund Student Notes Paid (47,020.97'1 2g370.25 ,30651.3 8,675. 38 1,003.27 245.70 1, 245.97 3, 373.52 6,547.83 9. 921. 35 70, 622. 29 569.21 4 4421. 00 _ 75,612.50 62,979 14 2,013.13 64,992.27 1,400.70 92.56 (2.5o) 1,490.76 7,636.21 398. 60 8,034.81 72, 022.99 661. 77 4g, 418. 50 77,103 26 70, 615. 35 2,411. 73 73,027.08 4, 076. 18 Expenditures Exponse Student Notes Total Excess of Expenditures over Receipts (999.37) 617.97 (381.40) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Ca-sh in Bank July 1, 1929 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank June 30, 1930 - Trust Fund (381.40) 1, 376.51 995.11 Experi'ment Station Income Hatch - Federal Appro. Milk and Butter - Oash Rec. Beef Cattle Sales Dairy Cattle Sales .Sheep Sales Swine Sales Poultry Sales Farm Produce Sales Horticultural Sales Seed Test Rentals Miscellaneous Receipts Fertilizer - Fees Public Service - St. Ap. 1, 000.O0 2, 47 !28 5,509.25 1, 602,.43 1,303.60 2, 367.26 2, 503.33 4, 35T,58 2, 426.40 53.00 5, 910.40 3, 436,41 56, 309,50 18, 333,30 U1 ,. - fMisc. 15.00 Feeding Stuffs - Fees 54,504.22 Adams - Federal Appro. 15,000.00 Serum - Sales 2,816.12 - Virus Sales 160.98 - Supply Sales 154.83 " - Miscellaneous Rec. 27.97 State Appropriation 48,568.84 Creamery - License Fees 5;866.50 " - Testers Lic. 2,182i.00 - Glassware Tested 686.20 Robinson - State Appro. 16,249.98 W. Ky. - State Appro. 17,385.11 W. Ky. - Misc. Receipts 10.00 Purnell - Federal Appro. 60,000.00 State Aporo. - Patterson Farm Purchase 20,000.00 Nursery Inspection - St. Appropriation 2,170.92 Nursery Inspection - Fees 1,735.00 15,000.00 1,257.28 14,504.56 5,609.25 1,602. 43 146.35 1,449.96 239.06 2,606.32 314.90 2,818.23 432.42 4,784.00 36.90 2,463,30 53.00 110.67 6,021.07 3,500.00 6,936.41 906.25 57,215.75 3,666.70 22,000,00 15.00 4,090.90 58,595.12 15,000.00 126.30 2,942.42 8.40 169.38 2.00 15S.83 27.97 1,431.16 50,000.00 440.00 G,306.50 350.00 2,532.00 60.64 746.84 8,750.02 25,000.00 5,614.89 23,000.00 10.00 60, 000.00 20,000.00 329.08 2,500.00 5.00 1,740.00 5. 463. 50 9,211.25 9,674.75 43.00 585.00 628.00 506.50 9,795.25 10, 02. 75 6. Cream Grading Abortion Test Cooperative Poultry Apiary Inspection - State Appropriation Total 4,192.85 2,222.50 2,410400 68.91 388, 881.67 325.00 320.50 63.48 32 5237.91 4,543.00 2,543.00 2,410,00 132.39 421,409.58 Experiment Station Expendituxes Expense 357,855.83 Additions and Better- ments 14.535.23 Total Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 372, 391.06 _16 90.16 _ _ 25,020.12; 19,124.09 44,144.21 (11,616.30) 382,875.95 33,659.32 .416,535.27 4,874.31 Excess of Income over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 - Experiment Station Cash in Bank June 30, 1930 - Experiment Station Extension Division Income Federal Smith-Lever Federal Supplementary Federal Capper-Ketcham State Smith-Lever County and Other Total Expenditures Expense Excess of Income over Expenditures 1928-1929 Federal Smith- Lever Balance transfer from Surplus to Income Account 152,241.30 54,642,56 37,291.95 119,775.50 22,465.80 36292.95 362.50 367244.26 22,828.30 337,780.64 50,810t32 29,463.62 (27,982.02) 152,241.30 54,642.56 37,291.95 142,241.30 3,655.45 390,072.56 1,481.60 (3,083.63) Excess of Expenditures over ReceipT s for the fiscal year to date - Extension Division 26,379.99 (27,982.02) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - Extension Div. (1.602.03) (1)602.03) 4,874.31 30, 317.60 - 35,191.91 Cash in Bank July 1, 1929 - Extension Division Cash in Bank June 30, 1930 - Extension Division Summary General Fund Income Trust Fund Income Experiment Station Income Extension Division Income Total General Fund Exoenditures Trust Fund Expenditures Experiment Station Exp. Zxtension Division Exp. Total 1,6444,015.89 2, 370.25 388,881.67 367,244.26 2.402,512.07 1, 727 X855.93 463. 50 372, 391.06 337,780.64 2, 438,491.13 149X616X00 1,793,631,89 1,003.27 3,373.52 32,527.91 421,409.53 22,828. 30 390,072.56 205,975.48 2,608,487.55 151 , 929.96 1;879,785I89 43.00 506.50 44,144,21 416,535.27 50,810.32 388,590.9C 246,927.49 2,685,418.62 Excess of Expenditures over Income (35,979.06) (40,952.01) (76,931.07) Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Ledger Accounts Student Loan Fund - Notes 1928-1929 Accounts Payable liquidated during Current Year (33,219*27) (2,906.12) (45,406. 78) 116,310.92 83,091x65 (342.30) (3,248.42) (45,406. 78) Accounts Receivable for Current Year (73.946.57) (73.946.57) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - Comabined. Fund (117,511.23) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for -he fiscal year to date - Combined Fund (116, 441.19) Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1929 - Combined Fund 110,580.42 Cash in Bpnk and on hand June 30, 1930 - Combined Fund (5,860.77) 7. 4,575.21 2,973.18 1, 070.04 (116,441.19) 8. Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expenditures as "Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Ledger Accounts $83,091.65." Debit Accounts Receivable Insurance Paid in Advance Sundry Accounts Notes Payable Surplus 48,033.98 100,000.00 3,083.63 51,117.61 134,209.26 51,117.61 83, 091.65 Credit 24,036,79 10,172.47 9. EXHIBIT "0C" Statement of Receipts and Disbursements June 30, 13O Previously Reported Cash in Bank and on hand May 31, 1930 Treasurer - General Fund Treasurer - Trust Fund Treasurer - Experiment Sta. Treasurer - Extension Divisicn Petty Cash Total Caash Current Month (87,071,36) 377.14 46, 808.21 30,955.20 , 000.00 (6 930.81) Receipts I' General Fund Income Trust Fund Income Trust Fund - Student 1,644,015.89 2, 370 25 Notes 6 305.13 Experiment Sta. Income . 388,881,67 Extension Div. Income 367,244.26 General and Sundry Ledg. 326,348.99 Total Rec. 2,735,166.19 Total Expenditures General Fund 1,727,855.93 Trust Fund 463.50 Trust Fund - Student Notes 9, 211.25 Experiment Station 372,391.06 Extension Division 337,780.64 Accounts Payable 45,406o78 General and Sundry . Ledger 359,568._26 Total Expenditures 2,852,677.42 Cash in Bank and on hand June 30, 1930 Treasurer - Genexal Fund Treasurer - Trust Fund Treasurer - Exteriment Station Treasurer - Extension Division Petty Cash Total Cash Total 75,669.43 1 003. 27 242,70 32,527.91 22,828.30 115,878.37 1 719, 685. 32 3, 373. 52 6, 547. 83 421, 409.58 390, 072.56 442,227.36 248,149.98 2,983,316.17 241,219.17 151,929.96 1,879,785.89 43.00 503.50 585.00 9,796.25 44,144.21 416,535.27 50,810.32 388a,590.96 45, 40678 (432.55) 359,135.71 247,079.94 -3,099,757.36 (47,o2o097) 995,11 35,191.91 2,973,18 2,000.00 _5 860.77) 241,219.17 Excess of Expenditures over Rec. for the fis- ca~l year to date Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1929 Cash in Bank and on hand JunQ 30, 1930 (116,441 19) 110,580.42 (s,860.77) Fiscal Year To Date 10. Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of August 1930 Previously Reported Current Month EXHIBIT "B" Fiscal Year To Date General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750.00 State Tax Interest on Endowment Bonds Student Fees 47C.56 Student Fees - Sum er Sch. 39,536.70 Student Fees - Un. Ext. 1,096,60 Miscellaneous Receints 1,556.71 Rentals 397.00 Ments Dormitories 1,622.30 Total 87,429.87 Expenditures Instruction 56,677.61 Adm. Expense and I-ia.int. 24,003.29 Additions and Betterments 66,322.30 Total 147,003.20 64,725.43 4, 322. 25 105.06 618.05 416,86 258.36 T50. 00 83.00 70,679.01 47, 076.64 22,226671 37,703.78 107,049.13 42,750.00 64,725.43 4,322.25 575.62 40,154.75 1,513.46 1,815.07 547. 00 1,705.30 158,108.88 103,756.25 46,270.00 104,026.08 254,052.33 Excess of Expenditures over Income Patterson Hall Income Roord Rent - Summ.-er Sch. Expenditures Expense (59,573.33) (36,370.12) (95,943.45) 4,247.25 170.00 4,417.25 1,482.40 1,410.07 2,892.47 ErcCss of Income over Expenditures 2,764.85 (1,240.07) 1,524.78 General Fund income General Fund Expend. 91,677.12 148,485.60 70,849.01 16a,526.13 108,459.20 256,944.80 Excess of General Fund Expenditures over Income Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for Gen- eral Ledger Accounts (56,808.48) (37,610.19)(94,418.67) 75,019.82 (7,032.67) 67,987.15 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - General Fund 18,211.34 (44,642.821 (26,431.52) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 - General Fund Cash in Bank August 31, 1930- General Fund Trust Fund Incoe Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Total Receipts Expenditures Expense Student Notes Total Excess of Receipts over Expenditures (26,431.52) (47,020.97) (73,452.49) 870.68 498.00 62.56 320.00 . 933. 24 818. e00 1,368.68 382.56 1,751.24 40.00 80.00 120.00 590.00 50.00 640.00 630.00 130.00 760.00 738.68 252.56 991.24 Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Ba.nk July 1, 1930 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank August 31, 1930 - Trust Fund 991.24 995.11 1,986.35 Experiment Station Income Hatch - Federal Appropriation 3,750.00 Milk and Butter - Cash Rec. 1,170.GO Beef Cattle Sales 221.60 Dairy Cattle Sales 5.00 Swine Sales 54.00 Poultry Sales 304.91 Farmr. Produce Sales 23.75 Horticultural Sales 20.30 Seed Test Rentals 159.67 Miscellaneous Receipts 23.04 Fertilizer - Fees 118.75 Feeding Stuffs - Fees 4 847.00 Ada-,,s - Federal Appro. 3P750.00 Serum - Sales 246.43 - Virus Sales 15.15 - Supply Sales 10.25 1,085,28 130,92 44. ?2 197.08 181.93 44. 45 6.00 189.67 119,27 1,431.25 7,193.50 2x6.90 15.60 4.50 3, 750.00 2, 255. 64 221.60 136.92 98,22 501.99 208.68 64.75 6.00 349?34 1412.31 1,550.00 12,040.50 3,750.00 482.33 30.75 14.75 12. Creamery - License Fees 6,375.00 it - Testers' Licenses 1,654.00 it - Glassware Tested 104.05 Purnell - Federal Appro. 15,000.00 Nursery Inspection - St. Ap. . Nursery Inspection - Fees 115.00 Cream Grading 1,325.00 Poultry Improvement 730.00 Veterinary - Blood Test 124.00 Total 40,151.26 Expenditures Expenses 51,440.25 Additions and Betterments 66.33 Total 51,506.58 96.00 198.00 66.01 341.67 155.00 325.00 239.50 12Q 300. 75 31, 751.67 3025.e88 3A4 777. 55 Excess of Expenditures over Income ii Excess of Expenditures over Inco-.m.e for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station 6, 471. 00 , )852.00 170.06 15,000. 00 341. 67 270 00 1, 650.00 730, 00 363. 50 52,452.01 83,191.92 3,092. 21 86, 284.13 (33,832.12) (33,832.12) Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 - Experiment Station Cash in Bank August 31, 1930 - Exneriment Station 35,191.91 1, 359. 79 Extension Division Income Federal Smith-Lever Federa.l Supplementary Federal Capper-Ketcham State Smith-Lever State Canner-Ketcham County and Other Total 76,120,65 27,321 .28 18,645.97 295.83 122, 383.73 29, OO 00 67.50 717.59 29, 785 .09 76,120,65 27,321.28 18,845.97 29, 000.00 67 50 1,013.42 152,168.82 Expenditures Expense Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 21, 315.68 101,068.05 Excess of Incom.e over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Extension Div. Cash in Bank July 1, 1930 - Extension Division Cash in Bank August 31, 1930 - Extension Division 34,824.15 56,139.83 98, 028.99 96,028.99 2,973.18 99,002.17 13. Summary General Fund Income 91,677.12 Trust Fund Income 870.66 Experiment Station Income 40,151e36 Extension Division Income 122,383.73 Total 255,082.79 General Fund Expenditures 148,485.60 Trust Fund Expenditures 40.00 Experiment Station Ex- penditures 51,506.58 Extension Division Expend- itures 21,315.68 Total Excess of Expenditures over Income Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for General Ledger Accounts Student Loan Fund '21, 347.86 33,734.93 75, 019, 82 (92,00) 70, 849. 0i 62.56 12,300.75 29, 785.09 112, 997.41 108,459.20 80.00 34 777. 55 34,824.15 178,140.90 (65,143.49) (7,032.67) 270.00 162,526.13 933.24 52,452.01 152,168.82 368,080.20 256,944.80 120.00 86,284.13 56,139.83 399,488.76 (31,-08.56) 67,987.15 178.00 Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 1 08.662. 75 (7 1 _0_ 36. 756.5 Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1930 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand August 31, 1930 - Coimbined Fund Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Exoenditures as "Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Ledger Accounts $67,987.15." Debit Accounts Receivable Insurance Paid in Advance 2,455.05 Sundry Accounts _3455_05 5,959.42 36,756.59 (5,860.77) 30,895.82 Credit 73,946.57 73, 946.57 75,959.14 6371 987.15 2 (71,906.16) 36. 756.59 14. (7) Report of the President. The President submitted his quarterly report in writing to the Board. The report was as follows. During the last three months the office of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, a.s well as -my olm, has been busy in rounding out and completing the Drog:-am begun two years ago. The edifices occupied by the College of Education and Associated Schools are finished and the organization of the college is now located in these buildings. The equipment authorized in the ap- propriation of $30,000 by the last Assembly has been purchased and most of it installed. It will be seen also, in looking at these buildings that the area around about has been graded and seeded and walks put in place, and drives are now being construct- ed in the rear of the buildings. Much, however, remains to be done before the area can be used satisfactorily for the college and associated schools. The expense has been heavy a.nd the com- pletion of the work is now held up by the lack of earth to cover the present level. Grading has also been done around about the men's dormitories, so that the appearance of these grounds has been much improved. The dairy products building authorized by the Legislature of 1928 is completed and now occupied by the various departments of the agricultural staff. The work on the library building has gone forward rapidly and the contractor reports the building will be fully completed and ready for occupancy by the last of March. This fact anticipates our budget requirements consider- ably, in that a portion of the cost of constructing the library was left to the budget of 1931-32. The plans for the agricultural engineering building on the Experiment Station farm have been completed and are presented to this meeting for consideration. These plans call for a build- ing with a frontage of 163 feet, the central portion being two stories and the remainder one story. The observatory plans also, are completed, the original plans being modified to neArly the amount available for the erect on of this building. The domne for this building will cost almost as much as the building itself. The order for the plans for the dome has., been placed with the architects, Towner and Sellew. In making this statement it may be said that the construction of these buildings completes what the University has in mind at the Dresent time in the way of construction. All surplus funds from University inco-e are mort- gaged by the construction of the library for at least another year. However, with the growth of the student body and the new demands being made upon the University other buildings will be required in the near future. I may enumerate for the sake of a memorandum: a new dormitory for women, a student building to care for the activities of the student organizations, engineering shops and recitation buildings, laboratories for so-ime of the sciences, and a building for the departirent of home economics. The University must look forward also, in the near future, to the erection of an 15. armory to take care of the activities of the R. O. T. C. and the indoor work of athletic teams. One other construction matter may be brought to your atten- tion at this time, and that is the use of the warehouse on South Limestone Street. This building has been purchased and the plans will be presented for its utilization as soon as the depart- ment of buildings and grounds can Drovide them. The building should be used to house the department of buildings and grounds and to take care of a number of other things. In discussing the financial situation of the University with the Business Agent, he assures me that in his opinion, the income of the University for this year will be maintained; that the ef- fect of the drought upon the assessed valuation and the payment of taxes will not come before next year. What the situation will be then no one can tell, but it is likely to improve rather than get -worse. As indicated a few minutes ago, the University has financial obligations that project themselves into the future for sone time. These financial obligations are due to the construction of the library cut of income, the payment of annual amounts, which in a period of time will amortize the cost of the men's dormito- ries, Kinkead and Breckinridge Halls, and the purchase of the ware- house opposite the campus. In addition to these, advances have been made from University income on the construction of the Memori- al Hall and the stadium. In the case of the Memorial Hall the Greater Kentucky Fund was expected to cover the cost of its con- struction, but the erection of the building together with the organ cost about $47,000 more than the constributions to the fund and the pledges of the guarantors. There is also due from the Greater Kentucky Fund and the Athletic Council approximately 55o,000 on the stadium. The receipt of these amounts would ma- terially relieve the University from the financial difficulties in which it finds itself at the present time. Meanwhile it will be necessary to hold expenditures as low as possible this year and next, in order to meet these financial problems. On Saturday afternoon, September 20, 1930, the actual attend- a.nce at the University was 3,039. The accompanying chart which covers the period from. 1915-1930, shows student attendance as of October lof each year. It should. be kept in mind that fig- ures of a given date are more indicative of the differences than the aggregate figures of a yea.r. It may be said the s tudent enrollment irn 1930 is more than three times what it was in 1915, and the numbeT registered in that time shows an increase of 214 per cent. In this connection, it may be observed, the increase in students at the University over last year will amount to 11.5 per cent. In a time of depression it is a. matter of surprise to many that the enrollment increases, but the fact is, in periods of depression students go to college. This accounts for the in- crease. Many of these, however, are badly pressed for fuids to go on, and the University finds itself forced to furnish employ- ment and secure a.s much iiel. fro-m friends and the community as possible to keep the students on. 16. One of the requirements of the University is that the fresh- men shall report several days in advance of the regular opening. This year the students came on Thursday and were carried through a rather strenuous program. The purpose of this program is the orientation of the student to his university. The program was satisfactorily carried out this year, due to better leadership and better arrangements for caring for the students. One of the dangers that confront any institution is that of hardening and routinizing the curriculum. It is necessary that the f acuity constantly keep in mind this tendency and as a resalt, study the curriculum, so that it may be adjusted to the times and to the student. For many years we have talked about a personnel bureau and something has been done in a minor way. This year the budget made allowance for an executive secretary, and to provide opportunities for the students to learn about their own qualifi- cations and particularly to find out those things that will assist them not only in their college course but in finding a suitable career. This is the second year of the operation of the new men's dormitories and for the first time they are completely filled. The Dean of Women reports that the woment's dormitories are crowded. The stuident body is more than three hundred larger than last year and the problem of housing students confronts the University again. Whether it is wise to spend mc'e money for more residence halls for men is a question, but it is practically a necessity to make additional provisions for housing women students. Along with the increasing demands for housing facilities comes the re- quirement for recreation areas. The University sooner or later will have to open new playing fields, not for varsity teams, but for student recreation activities. Something has been done in this direction in providing tennis courts, but fields for base- ball, football and other sports must be provided in the near fu- ture. I have suggested in previous reports that a part of the Experiment Station farm ooposite the men's dormitories be used for that purpose. Perhaps the most pressing problem which the University has at the present time is to make provision for graduate work. The demands in this field are far beyond anything that could have been anticipated. To develop graduate work which the University ought to undertake there must be more and more adequate provisions in the way of