Vol. 1 December, 1939—January, 1940 U _ No. 13
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VV. D. Armstrong, I-Iorticulturist, Editor · UTR
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THE SPE C IAL HORTIGUL- fruit has been favorably accepted
TURAL APPROPRIATION in the central markets in thepast.
The work that has been eamea U<>i~‘<>~‘~¤: St¤¤1`Z1Ct1CCS that will protectlthe good ·
A must by the U¤*m‘St*t>‘ of tEEII$£i’·"? I‘i?5Jl$€E€$?EZE1LiE§dti3€
Kentucky for the continuation of in Hx i . asi _ ti
this appropriation has been made P I f'_°C tic luiirg Pg Conga ' A
and is subject to the action of the 10} wm 0 mr pw ucmg STC Ons`
General ASS€mb]v_ Growers are also expressing the
' need for a wider use of inspection
itlltl gfittllllgl of St1‘£t\\'l)€I`I'1€S HI i
Slllllplllv DOIHTS. 1‘·€(l€I‘3.l-Stiii.8
H. B. PRICE, Head, Department of SITPPIUE pomt mSp€Ct1O1}’ by a' CQ`
Markets and Rural Finance, Agri. operative arrangement ot the Agri-
cultural Experiment Station eultural lixperinicnt Station With
stra,vbmy_gt—OmS of Kentucky §lQ§€T;\_,;· ;,’,?g}§‘QQ‘;i‘§,Q,‘§ $§l§;;‘;1,; (
are g1v1ngser1ous thought to means mink in Kemuckv both in 193;
of improving the marketing of Tmd 1,,.;,, The Seiwice proved SO V
Stm“`b€m`1€S` RQCQMITU Tcctmgs helpful both in providing a better
gg sgsmetg we $¤l