xt7ksn011r28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn011r28/data/mets.xml Louisiana Louisiana Historical Records Survey 1941 Other contributors: Bedsole, V. L. (Vergil L.); Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. Department of Archives; National Archives (U.S.); Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Library. [9 l.] ; 28 cm. Other Title: Report on the status of the statewide records project, and the survey of federal archives. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number CD3261 .R470 1941. books English [New Orleans s.n.] This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Louisiana Works Progress Administration Publications Report on the Status of the Statewide Records Project. Official project: 165-1-64-161. Official sponsor: The Dept. of Archives, Louisiana State University; the Survey of Federal Archives, Official project: 165-2-64-128. Official sponsor: The National Archives; official co-sponsor: Hill Memorial Library, Louisiana State University; Vergil L. Bedsole, State supervisor text Report on the Status of the Statewide Records Project. Official project: 165-1-64-161. Official sponsor: The Dept. of Archives, Louisiana State University; the Survey of Federal Archives, Official project: 165-2-64-128. Official sponsor: The National Archives; official co-sponsor: Hill Memorial Library, Louisiana State University; Vergil L. Bedsole, State supervisor 1941 1941 2015 true xt7ksn011r28 section xt7ksn011r28 e ; ,. , A E Ev . . 1 A »— -—-»- »~—~ . , I {J 1.INIVERS|TV`OFKENTUCKY` ` — _`A ` IWFIIMIIIIINIINIIWIWMIMII|1||H|W|11|| I || ; ; 5 I Ai I v· ’ 3 GMES 5El"iE|“}E}]1 [1 L` T = CD I 1 * | 3261 I" · , 1 .R470 I * · I 1941 4 ‘ L $7 w I I C H REPORT OI THE STATUS , { OF THE E fl STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT » ` OFFICIAL PROJECT: 165-1-Cé—161 V I 1 OFFICIAL SPONSOR: TEE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES Y · lLOUISIAHA STATE UNIVERSITY ` Q Amy mz , j' SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES S OFFICIAL PROJECT: 165-2-64~128 J Q1 OFFICIAL SPONSOR: THE FATIOIAL ARCHIVES ; [1 OFFICIAL CO—SPOESOR: HILL LEMORIAL LIBRARY g4 LOUISIANA STATE URIVERSITY I DECETEER 51, 1941 i Vcrgil L. Eedsole Sq , State Supervisor { { Q § ‘ i E 2 I!. T . . z § ~ V 3 ». ‘ ',· • " lx :`..‘·•’; `-V*T"‘ . * 7......,.j...;__, _ _,_______,_______l,i1 ). ..- -7 .i.77, ‘\ ‘ IITRODUCTIOET A _ ` rl }_:·‘;t This report is patterned after that of my immediate predecessor, J&u!"' C. L. Andreassen's REPORT OI THE STATUS OF THA STATENIDE RSCOHDS PHO- JSCT . . . AND THE SURVBY OF FLDLHAL ARCHIVES . . . , and covers the period from the end of that report {October 10, 1941) to the effec- tive date of my resignation (December 31, 1941) on the Statewide Rec- ords Project and the Survey of Federal Archives. During the three-month period, October-December 1941, both of the above- mentioned projects probably suffered the greatest personnel turnover of any similar period in their history. This turnover was due primarily to quota reduction, private employment, and the transfer of employees to WEE national defense projects. ln this turnover the work of the editor- ial units was affected to a greater extent than that of the field units. On October 10, 1941, there were 8 full-this supervisors and approximate- ly 60 certified workers on the Historical Records Survey unit of the Statewide Records Project engaged in editing publications; on December 31, 1941, there were 3 full-time supervisors and S certified workers on- ' gaged on the same tasks. Only parish archives had both supervisors and workers; manuscripts had only workers. For a period of four years and seven months 1 have been first, assistant state supervisor and later, state supervisor of the Historical Records Survey and its successor the Statewide Records Project; since October 10, 1941, l have served also as the state supervisor of the Survey cf Federal Archives. At the close of this period my chief hope is that a sufficient number of supervisors and certified employees will be avail- A able on the Historical Records Survey and the Survey of Federal Archives in early 1942 to complete not only the publications which have been suspended but to bring to early publication stage the large mass of materials which are in our project files and which only await final editing to be made available to the public in duplicated form. VBRGIL L. BEQDSOLEJ State Supervisor Statewide Records and Survey of Federal Archives Projects Official Projects: 16;-l-54-l€l 195-2-64-128 204 Old Criminal Courts Building Tulane and Saratoia Streets Lev Orleans, Louisiana Decenber 51, 1941 , V ·l I E ` ‘_.l , I 5.... __? ....` , . .... . —...j§`ii• ¤•` _f N wj uni — i ` ` Statewide Records Project Durinr the nericd October-December 1941 rreater enohasis was tlaced on .9 _ ‘:> I - the completion of many remaining odds and ends of the worn of the his- tcrical Records Survey in the parishes in Louisiana. In sone cases, the materials to be secured by a few days work meant the difference be- tween a conclete volume which could be nublished and an incontlete vol- l . 3 - ume which could not be published but must be shelved until some future date. I feel that this objective was carried out very successfully. As a consequence, a huge back log of material has been completed and will be available for publication in l942. After this Historical Records Survey material was secured, the employ- ees were transferred wherever”possible to records renovation and re- indexing jobs. This procedure permitted the consolidation of the work into compact units which resulted in a better product, more efficient operation, and a material decrease in administrative costs and super- vision. In manu oarishes the work on four or five `obs of the Histor- J I 3 L ical Records Survey was completed and all workers assigned to one job —- records renovation or reindexing. Since October IO, l941, the Historical Records Survey unit has published the following publications: IIVEETORIES OF STATE ARCHIVES Series III. The Executive V No. 2. The Lieutenant Governor. (v, ll p. mimeo., November 1941) IEBUSCRIPT PUBLICATIONS An Inventory of the Collections of the diddle American Research Institute: Io. 4. Maps in the Library of the Middle American Research Institute. (ix, 282 p. mimeo., November l9él) CEZDRCEE ARCHIVES PUBLICATIOIFS Inventories of the Church and Synagogue Archives of Louisiana Jewish Congregations and Organizations. (xvii, l83 p. mimeo., October l9él) lj / é-- ‘ ‘ ‘ . . * E I . " IRAISCRIPTIOIS OF P%RISH RECORDS OF LOUISIANA A Ho. 4. St. Bernard Parish: Series I. Police Jury Iinutes. Vol. 5. l895—191e. (xiv, 385 p. minec., October 1941) IESCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Louisiana Newspapers, 1794-1940; a Union List of Louisiana Iewsyaper Piles Available in Offices of Publishers, Libraries, and Private Collections in Louisiana. (x, 295 p. mimeo., October 1941) The status of other inventories follow: STATE ARCHIVES Superior Court of Louisiana. (Ready to be sent to project national office for editorial review) Other inventories of State archives nearing publication stage have been suspended due to loss of all State archival editorial personnel. PARISH ARCHIVES Lafourche Parish Archives. (Being stencilled. To be distributed in January 1942) Sabine Parish Archives Inventory. (Ready for stencilling) Webster Parish Archives Inventory. (To be stencilled in January 1942) Other parish archives inventories, such as Caddo, Evangeline, lbrenouse, and St. John the Baptist will be ready for editing and publication early 1942. The loss of all but one supervisor and one certified worker on parish archives has seriously curtailed production. MUNICIPAL ARCHIVES ~ Iewn of Ihibodaux (Io be submitted to Washington for editorial review) Preliminary List of Iunioipal Incorporations (To be submitted to Wash- ington for editorial review) City of New Orleans Io work being done because no editor is available. Io editorial workers are presently assigned to municipal archives. id— ditional publications in 19éZ will be consequent upon the reassijnnent of the municipal archives supervisor and one or xore certified workers to this job. / ` ,__, r I K _ »- .- , in - " EANUSCRIPTS Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Louisiana, Second Edition (At the binder’s and will be distributed about January 5, ieiz) Calendar of Jefferson Davis PostJJar Letters. (Final editing nearing completion. Stencilling to begin in January) Inventory of Eanuscript Collections in Louisiana State Iuseun. (Entry draft being recnecked) Inventory of the Manuscript Collections in the Tulane University of · Louisiana. (Suspended due to loss of worker) Vol. 6. Eavrot Papers (Mimeograpned. To be distributed in early January) Vol. 7. Favrot Papers (Being stencilled. To be distributed in early February) AMERICA] IIPRINTS INVENTORY PUBLICATIONS List of Official Publications of Louisiana lSO5—lQ34 3 (Being duplicated. To be distributed in February. Conpletion delayed because of shortage of niueograph paper) Prelininarv Checklist of Out—of-State Eewspaoers in Louisiana J \ - 1, (Stencilling to begin in January) Checklist of Louisiana Imprints. V {First volume in the Series from l764 to l876 being prepared) CEURCE ARCEIVLS Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations in louisiana. (Being stencilled. Probable distribution date: early February) Publications on the church archives of the Protestant Episcopal Church, the Salvation Armv and tho Volunteers of America are nearing final J: c form. Puolication to oe delayed oecause no workers presently assigned to Church Archives TEAISCRIPTIONS OF PLEISE RSCORDS OF LDUISIAIA Io. 24. Iberville Parish Police Jury Qinutes. General Index (Stencilled. Ready for duplication) Io. 26. Jefferson Paris; Police Jury jinutes. General Index (Being stencilled) Io. 4%. St. Bernard Parish Police Jury Iinutes Vol. 4. Duplicated and ready for binder's Tcl. 5. Being duplicated. Tcl. 6. Being duplicated. § a " J.) E $ » ", _4L_ppppp I ` ;;§S. mimeo., June l9%l) .; Series XV. `Works Progress Administration (v, IOB p. mimeo., § Jane 1941) % Series XVI. The Farm Credit Administration (iii, l3 p. S mimeo., April IQQI) V { Series XVII. Enscellaneons Agencies (vii, l27 p. mince., I i June lQ4l) EQ: il ‘i Ne. 25. MISSISSIPPI ¤ Series XIII. The Civil Works Administration (iii, 4 p. mineo., Q June lS4l) i Series XIV. The Emergency Relief Administration (iii, l7 p. V mineo., November l94l) V} Series XV. 'Norks Progress Administration (v, Sl p. ninec., 2 June léél) i Series XVI. The Farm Credit Ldninistratien {iv, 5 p. mineo., E Iarch IQQO) £ Series XVII. Eiscellaneous Agencies (v, 27 p. mineo., June 1 1241) } ` ‘ - 5 I l ..,, S Vi: ·é F; Lg ' · 2 sw Vx *7 1 f"\.'~¤"'*` Q (*$·' UO• [:l• .La3;L;T..JSOLrJ; " - ' PVT Fw. *T J.~· M 2 .‘--;,.:- 4.* . ’.· ·: QQ ., ~-:W.. maynes k.L. ihe ;@U¤:&¤s' Ld;;L.¤.ra,1en glz., up .. m.U¤©., Juma lEél) ·` —`-· '·"TT "” T`: T ~ » »· J ·,- 2 -‘ 7,. Y.-'-..,— . . S@z1¤¤ $»II. Lua .$sce-lan¤©u¤ ¤;0&c-es (Ul, C- M. Mnmgc., 2: .- j¤A’ ‘ &~ U L) . " J " ‘ I I V"`~` -9,- —-'» .,. .,. .7 Z2 AJ-' . 3 1.. J. ,.. .,.’»,. ,-.. .-1.. * LHB :.JllOw'»1fl5 .,*`|.»;J...LC€.a.1.0f`. LS .»G.;.£;. -..l-.x:'20;.;`E.,,~..€C.2 ·· p1 ;T•""FT¤ '¤7‘2,: ` -~.C• &.l.• 2 TW ‘- " ·.· »~,—». ' `--J-,- ' -”-··. J—J -- I uC>I‘--S f‘TO;.i`¤:>.> :.G;..---l;~'L».; 5..44.1 A ; ,_ q , A *\..~4 yn) Q J_V-» I TT . .Z...,, . ` " ’ ;.; A, ..1- 3.. .. . ‘ ....,, .1. ,,_,,.. I ..,*,": .;.! .- I ...;5 ..‘C~;..;C~.'¤";;;—. ULll'3.LlC5.~;...O;;S 2.;: .;-. `”.;B.f1.u~.·..u EUG. pp C-! 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