xt7ksn012t0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn012t0q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1992 1992 1992-11-12 2020 true xt7ksn012t0q section xt7ksn012t0q n l44b— .4...I


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,wWiza, ,


Vol. XCV NO. 54

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Thursday. November 12. 1992


Wethington urges officials not to cut funding


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


UK President Charles Wethington
has sent a memo to state officials
urging them to exempt higher edu-
cation if shortfalls in state revenues
cause another budget cut.

Numbers released Tuesday gave
some hope that there may not need
to be another cut.

“We understand and appreciate
the revenue problems of the state,“
Wethington said in the memo, “but

. we certainly hope that the dis-

proportionate share of the reduc-
tions which higher education has al-
ready assumed will be taken into
consideration and that higher educa-
tion will be exempted from any ad-
ditional cuts.“

State officials told the eight pub-
lic universities last month to submit
a contingency plan by last Friday
detailing each school‘s procedures
to handle a possible 2 percent re-
duction in state appropriations.

The memorandum was issued af-
ter budget directors announced an-
other shortfall in state revenue. The





past two times the state had revenue
shortfalls, the public universities re-
ceived budget cuts — including
more than $26 million in reductions
at UK.

A big jump in General Fund tax
receipts in October lessens the like-
lihood of a budget cut this year. but

cost-cutting measures will remain
in place, Cabinet Secretary Kevin
liable said Tuesday.

October's total receipts of
$344.9 million were ll.l percent
more than the satne month a year
ago. The increase means that for
the first time this fiscal year. Ken-
tucky‘s General Fund is taking fit
more money than it did last year.

The General Fund is now it}
percent above the same period a
year ago. But to meet revenue pro
jections for the year. the General
Fund must grow by 5.2 percent.


Snuff use
linked to

By Bryan Clark
Contributing Writer



Smokeless tobacco can result
in oral cancer. yet use among
baseball players and many young
men is growing rapidly, a dentist-
ry official said yesterday.

John Greene. dean of the Uni-
versity of California at San Fran-
cisco's School of Dentistry. said
young men start using chewing
tobacco and snuff because they
see major league players using it.

The Kentucky native. who
spoke at UK Hospital. based his
comments on his three-year study
of smokeless tobacco use among
major league baseball teams and
the recent increase in its use.

Greene said that after a World
Series game he called then-
comntisioncr of Major League
Baseball, Peter Ueberroth, and
told him that baseball had a to-
bacco problem.

Uebcrroth asked Greene to
send him a proposal that eventu-
ally led to the study.

The study was conducted in
Arizona during spring training of
1988, ‘89 and ’90, and included
oral exams of players from seven
major league and five minor
league teams.

The study found that almost 40
percent of minor league and ma-
jor league players used smokeless

“Most of them had started by
the time they were 15," Greene
said. “I understand now that they
are even passing (free samples)
out to some of the little league

Dr. Tim Smith, professor of
oral health science at UK, said he
was shocked when he heard that







some little league coaches were
handing it out to their players.

“Selling (smokeless tobacco) is
one thing, but when they start
marketing samples to little lea-
guers, that's when I get upset,"
Smith said.

The study also found that al-
most 50 percent of the players
who used tobacco had a pre-
cancerous lesion.

About 3 to 6 percent of such le-
sions usually result in oral can-

“They actually cook their lips
(by using tobacco)” Green said
of the players.

He also said that some players
are so dependent on the snuff, or
“dip," and chew that when their
mouths are sutured to close the
lesions, they go back to their


Although studies have proven that smokeless tobacco can result in oral cancer, its use
among baseball players and young men ls on the rise.

lockers and take out another dip
to relieve the stress.

The study found that the likeli-
hood of having a lesion was
much greater for snuff than it was
for chewing tobacco.

The highest percentage of like-
lihood for lesions using snuff was
about 84 percent. compared to 30
percent for players who use
chewing tobacco.

Greene said that Copenhagen
and Skoal are the two worst
brands of snuff. They also are the
most popular.

Year-round tobacco users pre-
fer these brands because they ab~
sorb more readily and have a
“kick." Greene said.

About 90 percent of the players

who use snuff year-round eventu-
ally develop lesions in their

mouths. btit this fact coupled
with pictures of oral cancer still
cannot get some players to quit.
he said.

Greene said Sl percent of the
players who use smokeless to,
bacco only use it during the sea-
son mainly because they see
their teammates doing it.

He also said many young peo
ple carry tobacco cans in their
back pockets just to forrrt a ring.

“It's such a fashion in some
parts of the country that the kids
take an empty tin and carry it in
their pocket." he noted.

Greene said that smokeless to-
bacco use is a growing problem
in the United States and that he is
going to continue to work with
baseball in help educate players
and deter young people front be
ginning the habit.



Hepatitis B spreading rapidly on campuses


By Monica Bryan
Staff Writer


Hepatitis B. a highly contagious
and potentially deadly virus, is rap-
idly spreading in the United States
.__ especially among the college-
age population.

About 75 percent of all cases
strike adolescents and young adults
between the ages of 15 and 39, ac-
cording to the American College
Health Association. During the past
10 years, cases of the sexually
transmitted disease have increased
50 percent, infecting 300,000 peo-
ple annually.

Even students who feel healthy
and perfectly normal can have the
virus, which is linked to 14 deaths
each day, said Pam Woodmm.
health educator and nurse practi-
tioner at the UK Hospital.

Symptoms include loss of appe-
tite, abdominal pain, yellowing of
the skin and arthritis, but, Woo-
drum said, 50 to 67 of infected peo
ple have no symptoms.

Of the people who do experience
symptoms, Woodrum said most
find that they show up gradually
and disappear. Others become ex-
tremely ill.



disease called cirrhosis

through sexual transmission

the ages of 15 and 39

est 10 years

as cirrhosis and liver cancer

SOURCE: American Hoalh Assoc.


Many times, the symptoms are
overlooked because they resemble
symptoms common to other infec-
tions and the virus goes undetected,
she said

Hepatitis B can strike silently

- There are 1.25 million carriers in the US.

0 About 25% of carriers develop chronic active he atitis, which
often progresses to a degenerative. potentially eadly liver

0 More than half of hepatitis B cases in the US. are contracted

o Condoms may not always prevent infection

- 75% of all cases strike young adults and adolescents between

0 Cases have incresed about 50% among the general ‘
ulation and 77% among sexually active young adults in the

o 1 in 20 people has been infected with the hepatitis B virus
0 14 people die each day from hepatitis B-related illnesses such


BYL HENSLEVr Kernel Graphics

and, if left untreated, cause irrepara-
ble damage to the liver. Woodrum
said that in the mildcst cases some
carriers of the virus will rid their
own systems of it within about six

Others become carriers for the
rest of their lives, spreading the vi-
rus. The American College Health
Association estimates that one in
20 people have been infected with
virus at some point in their lives.

The hepatitis B virus is far more
widespread and 100 times more
contagious than the AIDS virus. It
can be transmitted by sexual inter-
course, as well as by other types of
sexual activity.

Infection also can occur if some-
one is exposed to an infected per-
son‘s blood through cuts, open
sores or mucous membranes. or by
receiving infected blood products.

Woodrum said the virus also can
be spread by sharing personal items
like razors or toothbrushes. And
sharing any type of needle, includ-
ing those used for steroid injec—
tions, ear piercing or tattoos can
spread the virus. as well, she said.

Although there is no cure for
hepatitis B, it is preventable by vac-

The hepatitis B vaccine is basi-
cally risk-free, and Woodrum cn-
couraged students to get vaccinat-

See HEPATITIS. Back Page

With the slow start. the General
Fund must grow by 7.4 percent ill
the next eight inotttlts to meet pre-

llK's contingency plan. as out-
lined in the memo. is to continue
the l’niyersitywidc hiring free/e or-
dered by Wethmgton in late l‘Nl
and to stop all discretionary spend~
ing such as equipment purchases
and out-of—suitc trayel. Wcthington
also said hiring and equipment pur~
chases at [JK's' 14 community col~
leges' would be fro/en.

While outlining the l?myers‘tty‘s

proposals. \‘s'cthmgton‘s memo
argued that further budget cuts
would seriously harm the quality of
highcr education in Kcntuckv
"\\hilc our continuing objectch
has been to tmplcmcni the budget
reductions in the least damaging
manner to the l'mycrsity with thc
highest priority plated on protecting
academic progiatirs. l myctsity ctii
ployccs. and faculty and staff sala
rics. .. clearly. tlicsc reductions
have had and will continue to hay c


Raffle for United Way
to be held on Nov. 20


Staff reports


'l‘wo basketballs autographed by
(‘oach Rick Pitmo and two loot~
balls bearing (‘oach Bill (.‘urry's
signature are among the prizes of-
fered tn the final raffle for l'K‘s
I‘M.) l'niicd \Vay fund-raising

Tickets for the raffle. w lucli also
includes three pair of l'K basket
ball tickets. are $1 each

l’rtx‘ceds will benefit the lr‘s’” so-
cial seryice agencies of l'nitcd
Way of the Bluegrass.

“If everyone purchased lit chane
cs to win these pfl/t‘\. we would
meet our (fund-raising: goal." said
Susan Byars. L‘Ost‘llttlHHHllLlll ol the
[K campaign.

“'lhat's‘ only Slit to wirt an op-
portunity most of its don‘t lime. or
to help a neighbor ill need "

lTK‘s l'mted Way drive has ex-
ceeded its goal for the past Iii
years. btii so far this year. the carn-
paign is behind schedule with only
about “46.51)“ raised

()fficials hope to reach the
$400,000 goal in the less than two
weeks remaining in the campaign.

Sandra Shropshire of the l'mted
Way of the Bluegrass primarily
blames the condition of the econo

my for this year's shortfall

" l he number one reason is the re
cession. lhc national clet tion has
also affected this fund
raising campaign because it raised
voter concern for the future "


Sllk' stiltl \llc l‘t‘llc‘\c‘\ lllttl lltt‘
l'iiited \‘yay of America scandal
also has affected this year's effort.
William .-\. \ramony resigned as
president of the national l'rutcd
\Vay after tjucstions were raised
about his usc of funds

Raffle tickets may be purchased
in lilo lira/cc Hall or SIN l’ctcrscn
Scryicc Building.

life drawing will beheld \ti\ .‘ii
lit the Student (‘cntcr Great Hall

lhc l'ls' Hospital and .-\lbcr't B
(‘handler Medical (‘cnter also are
doing their part in the effort by
sponsoring a fall fashion show to
benefit the campaign

'lhc “Winter Wonderland ltisllr
ton Show scheduled for noon to
day in Int Health Sciences 1 earn
mg t‘entcr. will lctiiurcs fashions
modeled by l l\' employees.

Boy. lunches will be available at
ll: illa m. for \i.

Sales \\lll bt-riclit the l ruled
\Vay. especially the Human \‘ccds
l-und. \\ll|tll helps needy patients
who have been treated at l K lltisr

Sexual harassment forum
set for tomorrow afternoon


Staff reports


A national teleconference, titled
“Confronting Sexual Harassment
on Campus." w ill be held tomorrow
in the Student Center Theater from
l:3() to 3:30 pm.

Throughout the program. people
at UK will be able to interact with a
group of panelists in Washington.
DC, by phoning in questions and

The teleconference. wluch is
sponsored by the division of Stu»
dent Affairs. will attempt to answer
common issues that surround the
topic of sexual harassment on cam-

These include the definition of a
hostile environrtient. the extent of


From 3 Bruce Springsteen concert to the opening of Spike Lee's
“Malcolm X,‘ the next two weekends are filled with arts events in
Lexington. Story, Page 2.

Classes Guy. Column. Page 6





Diversions ......................................
Sports ............................................
Viewpoint .......................................
Classifieds .....................................

........................................................ 4
........................................ ..............6
.......................................................... 7

the problem on campuses and steps
universities can take to eliminate
sexual harassment

(‘zirol Randolph. a former talk
show host and \‘y'ashmgtori. l).('..
attorney, will moderate the broad»

from V‘s!) to 4 p m, a spcrial
panel will be .t\r‘lll.ll‘lt‘ to help dc
fme l'K's situation.

Some of the rtiembers of the pan
cl mcltidc l)r. \largarct 1 Bali.
vice president of student affairs at
Northwestern l'nivcrsity: arid l)r.
Bernice R. Saridler. senior associate
of the ('cntcr for Women Policy
Studies lll Washington. l).t .

'l'he teleconference is presented
by the National Association of Sin
(lent Personnel :‘\tltiitnistr;ilot\.

Columnist wants to begin fan club for Carl Nathe. The Registering for

UK men's tennis team competes in the Region lll Indoor Tournament
today in Knoxvrlle. Tenn Story. Page 4.

Almost a 100 percent chance of rain today; high between 60 and 65.
Breezy and colder tonight wrth lingering showers. low around 35. Partly
sunny and cool tomorrow. high tn the mrddOs

...................... 2



. 5.13.;


' ‘0
9'\ I ‘
3.3 v. u WK .
o ' : \
Lipid“. ,3 .

2 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, November 12. 1992



filled with

great events

Staff reports



Nest weekend is one of the
biggest. etitenaininentvtise. that
Iexutgton has had III a long mm
(in Not -0 Spike l.ee s "M iILolm
.\." an epic 1no\ie about the slain
ei\'tl rights leader‘s lite. “I“ open
across the nation.

Also on No1. lit. .\‘orman .leui-
son. director of “hi (‘otiiitr_\."
”.\Itxinstrtick" and "1 )ther l'eople‘s
Money." “I“ \'l\ll the Kentucky
lheatre at (1: it) put

Bruce Springsteen is \isitittg
Rtipp Arena Nos. II at s p Ill , ior
one of his marathon concerts

Ihe Rupp Arena creu hareh \Hll







"“‘C “m“ I” 1““ ‘1‘“ “mm”? MC" The Cincinnati Percussion Group will be the featured soloists during a performance with the

III order before Mar} (‘hapiiis
t‘arpenter and Vince (hit. the
t'ountry Mtlslc ;\\\t)e‘l.’l[lti[|\ te- pied this weekend as the [K lllctt-
male and male roe; ilisis oi the \ear Ire Department opens “51h oi liily.”
storm mio Rupp at -:‘/)/' ’i )/?/D /D /)


This Buffalo is no dumb ox. He
knows how to have fun. When
he grazes, it's Buffalo Chicken
Wings in a spicy or BBQ sauce,
Pocket Pizzas, Weckburgers or
” Beef-on-Weck. When thirsty, he
aps up one of his favorite draft
suds (12 taps to choose from) or
law-3‘ 5 popular Beer- of- the

Month. And musictames this beast That's why he
2’ goes where M-TV and VH- i are. For a friendly,
relaxing place where you can pull the tables to-
gether- Go Party with the Buffalo

/’8.'~ \ ’;\

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\fOf $2.25, \Single Wing Order

Volta only with man. Na VIM only with mp”. No
\nm with «Mysore-1o. Vlhd m Char spam.
mp1.— 12mm. rapin- 1211i m.

in” 'U
— 1——








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\d\;inceine11t oi t‘oloietl l'eo-
l e\iiigioii is lit lot a treat to ple. speaks.

night uhen the IiIm “Saitii'tlin Rug-”cut in spring too:~ [hc

\lflllL hl'll‘ld.‘ “Will”? ”I! iiliii Will} the Blue Rihhoii .it the

lr.i\e|s oi (tillcllltllllll Moore" American 141." IL-Liimt the
“I“ I‘li'.‘ -” ”'9 Kentucky “Wt" (iolden (iate :\\\Lil'tl at the San
“1‘- l-iancisco International l iliii

Hlk‘ ml” “4“ dll‘fl'l‘s‘tl l‘.‘ ls“ l‘t‘fllvtll. and it had a great re—
iiigion filmmaker I oiiis (ititdti \ie\\ in the I os Angeles llllle“
who. litt‘ 1“ with. “US l‘k‘s‘“ (itiida. origiiiallyliotti Arkan-
“lilklllil films ”‘4” “VI" I’“ sas. alsocompleted a film called
NUCN particularly MlN‘W‘I‘l "All Night atid All Day." which
|)C|l1ll‘llk‘~\- chronicled blues on liealc
(iiiida‘s latest ollcmly s‘i‘ll' Street. the et|llt\:tlettl ot l1
()iie night. “lllle singing at pm-c -
the (‘luh Del isa iii (‘hicago (muiu‘c ne\t eIIoI't \\lll con-
.\looie suddenly ieIt inspiration cern the Kcnlucky |)erh\. .111
and broke out utth "Shine on Wm.” irom [hc-hlucs (ltlt a
me I \ionder it the lighthouse time K
“I” ‘hllls‘ 0” ”10-" H14” “11‘ ”1 l‘or iiou. hou'e1e1'. don't llllss
I‘M". the I e\iii:_‘ton premiere of "Sat-
Moore immediately began his “rduy NighL Stindax .\loriiiiig:
traveling gospel ministry. \Nllle‘ll 'l‘he' Iraxels m '(iatemoulh
he continues to this day (ioing 310mg" It‘ll m fresh?

from haplistns in it Delta church ”gapiulm \iQ/II. Sum/m
to the Beale Street hlties. (itii- Homing; l'lit' I‘i‘iiitI/x ,,/ (iii/e-
ila‘s Iilm e\plores .\loore's liIL' mil-”I1 timing mini/iii. Ii
andiimes innit/”g in {to/1m. {i't/iH iii

Blues greats lili King. AI ,/,(./\'(,,1,m-t\ Hum“
(ireen and Rufus l'hoinas all






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UK to pay $300,000 for help in fundraising


Associated Press


l-‘RANKI-‘UR'I. K}. 7 l'K will
pay a Hall consulting t'irin
5300.000 to teach coininunit) col<
leges how to raise money.

l)on (‘lapp. yice president t'or ad-
ministration. told a legislatne coin-
inittee 'l‘uesday that the contract is
worth the price.

lileyen ot' the 14 L‘Ullllllullll} col-
leges will each conduct lurid-raising
ciunpaigns in the coining inonths
turd (‘lements & Associates ot‘ Salt
lake (‘ity will help them. (‘lapp

Clinton must

Associated Press



\V.i\Slll.\'(ilt).\' :\s presi-
dent. Bill (‘liuton will be t'orced to
deal with one or the most e\ptosiye
issues al‘lecttng the iuihtar} in dec—
ades . tltc l’eiitagon‘s ill-war bait
oti homosc\uals and liis promise to
end it.

('linton has not said when or how
sticli a policy change would be iii-
stituted. And tew- inside the l’enta-
gon hzne begun to prepare the iiiili-
tar_\'s l 8 million members toi such
a major change, olticials sa)

But I aw rence Korb. l’entagon
personnel c‘lllL‘i during the Reagan
adiiiinistiatioii. predicted. "l-xen it
he doesn't act which he could
by signing an e\ccutixe order
the c'ttttl'ls will make the I’cntagon
tilt ll ..

.ltist luesda}. a tederal iudge in
los .-\iigeles realt’irined his order
that the Nay) reinstate a hoinoseyu~
al sailor. though the iudge did not
rule on the meta” issue ot whether
the iuilitar) ban is legal utider the

hpeaking to reporters yesterda)
in little Rock. ('linton said. “I
don‘t think lhtil]lt)sL‘\tl.’tlt status
alone, in the absence ot soiiie de-
structne behayior. should disquali~
1} people" trout serx iug III the uiili-

lhe president-elect said he iii-
tends to consult with iiiilitar} lead~
crs about “the mechanics" ot’ a
change in policy. but did not sit)
when that might occur.

Spokesman (ieorge Stephano
poulos said (‘liuton “understands
the opposition" btit is committed to
the change.

Adm. William (‘rowe the retired
chainnan ot‘ the Joint (‘hiet‘s ot‘
Stall atid a (‘Iinton adyiser on de-
l'euse issues. said iii a separate iii-
teryiew that he has told the govern-
or to more "carelully and I
wasn‘t toking when I said cai‘et‘ul-

(‘rowe said he was specit'icall)‘
asked about the issue in a meeting
with (‘linton and that he told huh “I
didii't necessarily agree with the
gmernoi‘" l'hc_y agreed to discuss


Free Tickets



A Salute to American Music
The Percussion Group
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Singletary or Student Center
ticket office from Wednesday
until noon Friday.





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"We're saying a signit'icmit
amount of money t'or each ot these
colleges as opposed to doing it one
at a time." (‘lapp said

(‘lapp said the l'iiiyersity does
not haye the expertise on its own
stall to take on such lurid-raising

The lliiiyersity has .i t'uIl-tiine
deyelopinent ot‘t‘ice with ‘4 people.
whose job is to raise money for yar—
ious l‘niyersity campaigns and pro-

And, according to Ben (arr.
chancellor ot~ the L‘Ullllltlllllt) col<

lege s_\ stein. itiost ot the local
schools haye someone whose rob to
some extent inyolyes raising iiioii-

liyeii so the l'nnei'sit) has gone
outside t'oi‘ other big hind-raising

The $20 million campaign to
btiild a new librar} is being handled
in part b) (‘Ieiiients ck Associates.

(‘air said the llltIlHtIllttl coininu-
titty colleges will use the money
they raise tor their own protects.

And the actual t'und raising will
be done without the help of the

deal with military’s ban on

it further. (‘row e added.

Reiokiiig the ban would be one
of the most tar-reaching social
changes imposed on the armed ser»
\ices since l’resideiit lithium or-
dered blacks integrated into the
iiiilitar) in 1045'. l’roponents ot’ a
change in the polic) ha\e e\-
pressed hope that t‘liiiton will re—
1110\C the ban in his lirst days iii ot-

About H.000 men and women
have been kicked out ot the sL‘l'Hk“
es during the past llt _\cai's because
tlzey were honiose\ual.

In the past. the courts ha\e
backed the l’eutagon diicctnc that
states that “honioseuiahn is in
compatible with iiiilitai} sci\icc"
and that the presence ot hoinosc\u
als in the niilitai} inipcdcs "disci
plinc. good order and morale ”

.\nd two ot' the l’ciitagon‘s iiiost
senior ot‘licers lien. ('oliii l’ow-
ell. the chairman ot’ the loiut (‘hiets
of Staff. and (ien, ( iordon Stillman.
the chief ot~ stalt~ ot the .i\l'lll.\
haye repeatedl) declared their op
position to any change in the [titll'

Both lotir~sttu generals who
are expected to continue iii sen icc
under (‘linton , contend the issue
allects troops‘ battle readiness. nio-
ialc and rights to pi'nac}

“It is difficult in a lllllllttl'} setting
where there is no prnac}. where
you don't get choice ot association.
where you don‘t get choice ot




1 1 Wolff Tanning Beds
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where )ou |l\c. to introduce a
group ot indu iduals who are proud.
bra\e. loyal. good ;\lllL‘l‘lc;Ills htit
who lawn a hoiiiose\ual litest)lc."
Powell said in congressional testtv
iiioin eailier this )ear. “I think ll
would be pi'eiudicial to good order
and discipline to tr) to integrate
that in the current iuihtai_\ sti'uc»
turc "

to ask honiosesuals and hetero~
se\uals to share latrines. barracks
and showers would create ”\ei}
ditticult nianagenient piobleiiis."
Sullnati said in an intcr\iew se\er-
al months ago

Siilliwtn said he on cs his soldiets
"a certain amount ot pinacjs atid
st'ctii‘it} "

\nd pi’isatcls. othci top iiiilitau
otliccis s.i\ thin atc concctncd
abotit a w.i\c ot icsiguatioiis and
disruptions should the bait be titted

“it would be .t wrenching
change." said one tour-stat gcncial
who heads a sei\icc biaiicli. speak
mg on condition ot aiioiniuin
"We're not lc‘tttl} toi it (iood peo-
ple will tune the Illllllttl} in dio\cs
met this "

(hie senioi otticci said a niaioi
education pi‘ogiain should be put in
place to intoriii tlic- llllllldl} about
the lioinosc\ua| litcst_\le and how
to adtust to ll

“We lia\c been allowed by
law to become homophobic.“
the otth‘er said


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”“ e plan to do the campaign on
our own." ( ‘aii said

(‘ari said lla/ard t‘oniniutiil}
(‘ollege used the same l'tah t'ii'iii a
lew )eai's ago toi a tuiid»iaising
campaign that biought iii more than
\1 million

The consultant was paid 60.000
lot that woik \o specitic goals
ha\e been set lot the coining cani-

"It thc_\ could do that in lla/ai'd
in a yer) L‘Cttllttllllc‘dll} depressed
area. we ought to be :thc to do bet-
ter." Carr said




ls’estructuring Task l‘orce


tional structure."




From: Pete Noyember, SUA l’resident
Member, Lexington Campus ls‘ealigninent cc

Re: Your ideas for changes on the Lexington Campus

Chancellor Robert l lemenway has created a task force to
make recommendations‘ to him by the end ot. the tall se-
mester regarding how we can make the university work
better, both in the way that it is structured and in the
way that learning and administratiye processes are han—
dled. The input of students is yery important to this ef-

lliis is your opportunity to be a part ot this eltort. Please
take tune today to t onsider and answer the questions ht"
low. Simply clip out this lorni and return it to the BOA
ott'ice, Ill) Student (enter. The iiniyersity yery much
needs your ideas and suggestions.

I. What concerns you the most about the Lfls' organiza—

2. What organi/ations, units, programs, or functions
could the | esington (ampus or the L'niyersity do with—

}. How can We make it easier for students to register and
be ad\ isod, get t'inant ial aid, pax bills, two and eat on
campus, and, in general, be successtul in obtaining their


Korb. now with the lli’ookings
liislittilioii iii \\ashingtou. said.
“lhe l’cntagon gencials will inst
lime to pio‘.e thcii lcadciship on
this one lhc_\ will tune to help
then troops giappk with this is
sue .. lt is not an instntuountablc
piobleni "

lhe tact that the page in Ios
:\ll_L'c‘lt‘s [Ltd It' Isstlc .1 until itldt'l
[it lt‘l't'k' lllc‘ \.t