xt7ksn012x6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ksn012x6w/data/mets.xml Wood, William (of Lexington) 1918 99 pages, 2 plates, portraits (including frontispiece), 20 cm. Call Number: BT480 .W6 1918 books BT480 .W6 1918 English Quo Warranto Pub. Co Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection Jesus Christ -- Resurrection Russell, C. T. -- (Charles Taze), -- 1852-1916 Antichrist The Antichrist Identified, or The Resurrection of Jesus Christ From the Dead: Was It Fact, Fancy, Fable or Fiction, Which?, ©1918 text The Antichrist Identified, or The Resurrection of Jesus Christ From the Dead: Was It Fact, Fancy, Fable or Fiction, Which?, ©1918 1918 1918 2024 true xt7ksn012x6w section xt7ksn012x6w The Antichrist Identified
m The Resurrection of
Jesus Christ From

The Dead

Price $1.00




P. R., Pastor C. T. Russell.
R. V. Revised Version.






Apostle John vs.




Charles T. Russell





WM. WOOD, Advocate
For the Apostle John

Court of Divine Record
The Apostle John Plaintiff
Order of Record Herein

C. T. Russell Defendant




 The Antichrist Identified or

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

From The Dead



Copyrighted March, 1918
By Wm. Wood, Lawyer and Author.
Lexington, Ky.

Published By
Lexington, Kentucky, Box 109


Price Postpaid, $1.00.






How we had not come across any attempted evidence worthy
of notice before, as disputing or denying the resurrection of
Jesus Christ, we cannot tell. Yet, on or about September,
1917, we noticed a book notice in which approval was given
by the reviewer of a book published in this United States by
one who had spent much time and means in Palestine, travel-
ing and inquiring as to the faiths and opinions of the people
living there now, as also their traditions of the past and pres
ent still entertained by the people, as to the life, death and
resurrection of Jesus the Christ.

Had the writer been more anxious to find the facts, he might
have stayed nearer home, and in any place or district in the
United States he would no doubt have found better, more suf-
ficient and more reliable information than he was likely to
receive from the Jewish and Mohammedan peoples now living
in Palestine from the time of Christ till now, 1918; and a
people Whose faiths in any and all religious matters are direct-
ly opposed to the knowledge and spread of the Christian re-

In his book he tells us that, according to the traditions of
the people he found, that in addition to the account as given
in the New Testament, of the stealing of the body, by the
disciples, We have it emphasized as a fact, that everywhere the
infidel belief is further strengthened by asserting that although

evidence went 'to show that such a man lived, yet he did not

die on the cross, but that his disciples came and took him down




from the cross before he died, and took him to a sanitarium,

where, after a stay of some time, he recovered, etc.

Thus making a strong attempt to nullify the truth of the
Gospels as to the plain facts therein related surrounding the
life, death, burial and resurrection of The Christ as therein
set forth, and making the apostles and all other witnesses, as
to that fact, upon which our hopes are built, liars and false
witnesses. -

That such a book should be published and sold in these
United States in this late age of the Christian era to thwart
and overthrew the New Testament history as to the resurrec-
tion of Christ, we thought impessible. Yet, here it was; and
meantime, the socalled theological churches Were clamoring for
more “Men and Millions,” for foreign missions, and to foreign

; countries, to convert the heathens to Christianity, and a belief

in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as that fact lies at the
very foundation of the Christian religion. While a man with
millions of his own is spending those millions if necessary to
disprove and deny the Whole question.
: At the same time, more by accident than otherwise, we found
that a great many in the professed churches were using the
term in a very careless form and style, as if it were a matter
of very little importance as the present and preceding century
churches had so advanced in many things that it had, as it
were, outgrown the resurrection, as a fable or fancy, as also
many other things of a like character.

Further, we also found that a very great and prominent sect
set forth and taught as one of the leading doctrines of their
faith, that “There is no resurrection of the flesh.” That the
said church has made more success than any other during this
last forty years, not in this country only but also in foreign
countries; especially in Japan and among the J ews,vif their
report is correct. And in all their writing and preaching they
make a full and free declaration of their faith, as contained in

{*‘d T!)



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the New Testament, according to their interpretation thereof,

as set forth above.

We therefore, at once, with these and other facts of a like
nature before us, came to the conclusion that, as we did not
have the means to bring forth a fuller work, that we would
divide the various questions demanding attention at this time,
into “Letters for the Public,” upon the various questions as-
sailed, by any party or parties professing faith in the Scrip-
tures as being the “Word of God,” and write them in pamphlet
form of about fifty pages each, in paper cover.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ being the foundation and
central power of truth and revelation, we take it up first, and
hope to clear away the mists surrounding that most sublime
subject upon the minds of many.

The second will follow as soon as possible.

Thus we will try to lift the veil of prophecy upon the ques-
tions hid, during this Christian age, in speculation.

We wish distinctly to be understood as contending that all
Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is (therefore)
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction (in all mat-
ters of doctrine) for instruction in righteousness (as to all our
conduct in the church and in the world) that the man of God
(any and every professed believer; there being new no in-
spired teachers) may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto
all good works. 2 Tim. 3 :16-17. Therefore, whenever we find
any Scripture statement apparently contradicting some other
Scripture statement, we come to the conclusion that we do not
yet fully understand the teaching upon that particular subject;
and hence our position is to bring the subject into fuller inves—
tigation upon the apparent contradictory question or subject,
all Scripture, upon that subject; so that by prayerful research,
until fully understood, or found to be an untaught question.

We generally find that apparent contradictions were only on
account of» our limited knowledge, and that when fully inves-





tigated with an unbiased mind in the light of All Truth re-
vealed upon the subject the Truth upon the subject would ap-
pear evident and clear.

In following the above rule, we have never yet failed to find,
in our experience, but that the truth upon any and every sub-
ject would be found. We therefore invite your most earnest
reading and investigation of the following thesis upon “The
Resurrection, of J esus The Christ.”

Hence, once again we throw our banner to the breeze in-
scribed with our motto: “The Bible alone triumphant in mat-
ters of Faith and Religion.”


'We do not intend this letter as a review of the writings 0r
theories or teachings of any party or parties, as to disproving
their theories or teachings upon the Antichrist. The resurrec—
tion of Jesus the Christ from the dead is so associated with
the Antichrist so that in as far as we are compelled to do so, in
order to embody the necessary facts to a fair and clear under-
standing of the various questions, we will confine ourselves to
the resurrection and its accompaniments. We intend this let-
ter rather as a review of the Bible upon various subjects, how-
ever much we may be compelled to introduce and refer to

'writings by any other party or parties. We are after the ' L

solving of any or all apparent difficult questions, and a unifi-
cation of the teaching of all Scripture in the Old and the New
Testaments, as fully showing that all apparent contradictions
are only apparent, from the facts of our own failure to fully
search and grasp the subject as a whole, as set forth in the said
Scriptures of truth, as a complete revelation from God.

Not that we set forth any superior knowledge upon any sub—
ject; in feet it is the opposite, for when we were confronted
with the declaration of Pastor Russell, “We do not believe in
the resurrection of the fies ,” and others of a like character,

 r 1'6-

Th e


; or
, in
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we came to the conclusion that we really knew little about the
subject, as we ought to have known; which led to a fuller and
unbiased investigation of the subject, for our owu personal
benefit first, and you have in the following lines the outcome
of our unbiased search after the truth, and which We give to
you as herein contained in full.

You have now, therefore, the privilege to investigate the
outcome of our investigation, and if in anything we have erred,
we shall be more than pleased to have an outline of your find—
ings and give it full and careful review. Yet We believe that
our unbiased investigation has brought the Scriptures forth as
a whole and as identifying the Antichrist, and a complete
synopsis of The Resurrection of 'The Christ.


As We intend this writing to be confined to short space, we
will just refer to those only which will answer the critic’s
question in Paul’s time; and referred to by Paul in his first
letter to the church at Corinth. 1 Cor. 15 :35. “With what
body do they come?”

The first direct statement is made by the man of patience.
Job 19 :25-2’7. “Though after my skin worms destroy this
body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Here the question was
brought to Job in a very forcible manner, on account of the
great trials and troubles he was called upon to endure; par—
ticularly that which refers “to the sore boils from the sole of
his foot unto his crown,” (Job 2 :7), with which he was af—

. flicted. Yet as one of God’s afflicted ones he viewed the future

and spoke the words quoted as showing that, notwithstanding
his great suffering in the flesh, yet in a renovated body of flesh
and bones, which as yet he could not, we presume, fully under-
stand or perfectly comprehend it, not having been then re-
vealed. Yet in that renovated body of flesh and bones, he, Job,
would see God in the resurrection of the just.




Again in Psalms 16 :9—10 we have David saying, “Therefore,
my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth: My flesh also shall
rest in hope. For thou Wilt not leave my soul in hell ; neither
Wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption.”

It seems from the quotation of this passage by Peter, Acts

’ 2 :26, 32, that David had a clearer view of the matter than Job;
and of the redemption of the body from the grave through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ as the first fruits thereof.

Then in Daniel 12 :2, “And many of them that Slept in the
dust of the earth shall awake (in a body of flesh and bones at
the resurrection), some to everlasting life, and some to shame
and everlasting contempt, (according to their works).

In examining the above, we think that it sets forth very
clearly the hopes entertained by Patriarchs and Prophets of
the resurrection of the flesh and bones; especially when with
'it we hear the voice of Jesus Christ, when attacked by the
Sadducees (Matt. 22 :23, 33), “Which say there is no resur-
rection.” But as touching the resurrection of the dead have
ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, “I
am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of
Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living?”
Thereby confirming forever the said hopes of patriarchs, pro-
phets and Job, “yet in my flesh (and being) I shall see God.”


Said Jesus, Luke 14 :14, “For thou shalt be recompensed at
the resurrection of the just.” And again, John 5 :28, “Marvel
'not at this: for the hour is coming in the which all that are in
the graves shall hear his voice, (29) and shall come forth; they
that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they
that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”

John 11:24, “Martha said unto him, I know that he shall
rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

It is needless to state, so as to prove, that the whole of the






Testaments stand or fall upon the truth of the statements
therein contained as to the resurrection of Christ from the
dead. We shall take the fact as proved or believed, in some
form by Christendom, as declared by Paul (1 Cor. 15:3-4),
“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also re-
ceived, how that Christ died for our sins according to the
Scriptures ; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the
third day (flesh and bones) according to the Scriptures.”

The unbelief rampant in the apostolic age in connection
with the resurrection might be classified as of a twofold char-
acter. _

First—Those who did not believe that Jesus Christ came in
the flesh, but just as a man, or a spirit being clothed in flesh. ,

Second—Those who, while believing the facts as to his being
come in the flesh, yet denied the resurrection from the dead.
Hence says Paul, “How say some among you that there is no
resurrection of the dead?” Their query was, “With what body
do they come ?”


IChrist, to the disciples whom he had chosen gave, as to the
resurrection, sufficient evidence to rest the question forever.

Yet, as doubts existed then, and it seems still exist, we will
show that from the beginning of his (Christ’s) ministry he
taught a resurrection from the dead which embodied Within it
a resurrection of flesh and bones; that same body in which he
labored, suifered, died, and was buried in the sepulchre of
Joseph of Arimathea. And from which he was raised up
the third day, according to the Old Testament Scriptures; as
prophesied of and concerning him.

As also his own teaching concerning himself to his disciples,
(Matt. 17:22), “and While they abode in ‘Galilee Jesus said
unto them, The Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands
of men; and they shall kill him, and the third day he shall
be raised again.” Matt. 20 :18, “Behold, we go up to J crusa-






lem, and the Son of Man shall be betrayed unto the chief
priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him’to
death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and t0
scourage, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise
again,” (in that same body in which he lived, suffered, died
and was buried). Mark 10 233-34, “Behold, we go up to
Jerusalem; and the Son of Man shall be delivered unto the
chief priests, and unto the scribes; and they shall condemn him
to death and shall deliver him unto the Gentiles; (34) and
they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit
upon him, and shall kill him: and the third day he shall rise
again.” J ohn’s Gospel, 5 :28, “The hour is coming in which
all that are in their graves shall hear his voice and they shall
come forth; they that have done good to the resurrection of
life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of

The preceding is sufficient to show the teaching the twelve
disciples were receiving from ‘Christ during the time of his I
ministry, from the time of their invitation to be disciples, until
the facts set forth as to the resurrection itself; and even in the
hour of trial in the garden, and the kiss of Judas, etc.


John 19:12 we read: “They crucified him and two other
with him on either side one, and Jesus in the midst.” Luke .
23 :39—43, in giving an account of the crucifiction, not only re-
lates the above, but in addition thereto he gives also one of the
most touching events of our Saviour’s life. Yes! That Saviour ,
of sinners who had sufiered indescribable suffering from the
time he entered the Garden till the moment he heard the -
voice of the poor repentant malefactor, “Lord, remember me
when thou comest into thy kingdom.” The words breathed
faith in. the crucified. one, and listen! ”Verily I say unto thee,
today'shalt thou be with me in Paradise.” No sympathy had? '

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been showu to himself. Yet, no sooner had he heard the prayer
than there was the response of sympathy and forgiveness.
Such an ending to such a life of mercy, to suffering, repenting,
trusting humanity; certainly declared him to be the Son of
God with pOWer. Yes! The power of Divine love and mercy.

Such also was his act in the garden towards Malchus, whose
ear Peter cut off, yet hear his “Suffer ye thus far,” and he
touched his ear, and healed him.

John 19 :26 : “When. Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the
disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother,
Woman, behold thy son! (2'7) Then saith he to the disciple,
behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took
her unto his own home.”

Thus his last act of kindness was toward his mother in a
way peculiar to himself.


Nature lifted its voice against the atrocious acts being per—
petrated against Christ: hence we read that about the sixth
hour, there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth
hour, during which the sun was darkened. Being about 3
o’clock P. M. The time of the offering of the evening sacrifice,
the time when Jesus died, having offered up himself, “And be-
hold the vail of the temple was rent in twain from the top to
the bottom and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; and
the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which
slept arose.” What a testimony to the Jews certifying to the
fact that they had been guilty of crucifying their own Messiah?

The vail menioned is said to have been 60 feet long, 30 feet
wide and about 4 inches thick, and to which no doubt the
Apostle refers. Heb. 9 :1, “Then verily the first covenant had
also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.”
*‘ * * “But into the second went the high priest alone once
every year, not Without blood, which he offered for himself
and for the errors of‘the people.” * * * “How much more shall




the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered
himself without spot to God.” * * * “So Christ was once oifered
to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall
he appear the second time without sin (a sin offering) unto
salvation.” Yes! The way was opened up once for all by a
priest forever after the order of Melchisedick.

“After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accom-
plished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.
(29) Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled
a sponge with vinegar. and put it upon hysop, and put it to his
mouth. (30) When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar,
he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the
Ghost (expired).

Thus publicly, and as a public spectacle to all men and
angels, good and bad, the Saviour of Sinners dies! Yes, his
friends and disciples, who thought and “trusted that it had
been he which should have redeem-ed Israel.” Yes! The Son
of God dies: condemned for doing good. “Which of you con-
vinceth me of sin (wrongdoing).” John 8 :46. To which there
was no answer. Because he always spoke the truth and acted
the truth. But now we hear the judgment gone forth, (John
19 :7) ”W e have a law and by our law he ought to die.”

Strange law to condemn one to death for doing good.
Strange lawyers who would be found to seek, and demand,
and compel its enforcement. Stranger still, the judge realizing
that he had before him one accused of the crime of doing
good. Yet, Who (Matt. 27 :24) “When he saw that he could
prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took
water, and washed his hands before the multitude (of religious
fanatics) saying, I, (a heathen judge and ruler) am innocent
of the blood of this just person.” I cannot and will not be a
party to condemn a man to death for doing good. Yes! Where
religious fanaticism lays hold upon one, or a people, it knows
no education, no profession, or occupation, from the president


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to the peasant; but to condemn the truth and crucify every
principle of righteousness, justice, goodness and truth. Such
has been the history of all ages: and the worst is not yet! But
the worst is just at the door. For said the Christ, “then, (just
before I come again) shall be great tribulation, such as was
not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever
shall be hereafter.” Matt. 24 :21—25.

Yes! It is finished! Yes! Victory is won in death. And
such an achievement had never been known in earth’s history
before, and never will again. Rejoice, O heavens! Be as-
tonished, O earth! And take a lesson, to live by: for said the

‘ Triumphant One: “In vain they do worship me, teaching for

doctrines the commandments of men.” The same truth holds
good today!


We cannot overlook the most important institution the
world has ever seen or known. The old Jewish dispensation
was full of ritual from first to last. The new, or Christian,
has only two. ' ‘

1. Baptism, as an introductory institution into the Church
and Kingdom. “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, bap-
tizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things what-
soever I have commanded you (apostles), and lo, I am with
you (apostles) always (in your teachings) even unto the end
of the world.” Matt. 28:19-20.

2. The Memorial Feast. Matt. 26 :26-30, Mark 14:22-28.
Luke 22 :19. “And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake
it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body, which is
given for you: This do in remembrance of me. (20) Likewise
also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the New Testa-
ment in my blood which is shed for you.”

We also find, (Acts 2 :42), that with many converts at their
first preaching it is said of them: “And they continued stead-






fastly in the Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship and in break-
ing of bread and in prayers.” ‘

Acts 20 :7, “And upon the first day of the week, when the
disciples came together to break bread (according to divine
teaching and example Paul embraced the opportunity) and
preached unto them.” Paul also (1 Cor. 10:16) “The cup
of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the
Blood of Christ? The bread which we break (in the mem-
orial feast) is it not the communion of the Body of Christ ?.’
As he (Christ) taught us apostles, “so we observe in all the


Meantime (John 19:31) “the (leading) Jews therefore, be—
cause it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain
upon the cross on the Sabbath day (for that Sabbath day was
an high day) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken,
and that they might be taken away.” The facts in con-
nection with the oz'ucifiction show the utter lack of any human
principle on the part of the leading Jews and the soldiery.
(32) “Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first,
and of the other which was crucified with him, (Jesus), but
when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already
they brake not his legs. (34) But one of rthe soldiers with a
spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and

water. (35) And he (John) that saw it bare record, and his

record is true; and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye may
believe. (36) These things were done that the Scripture
should be fulfilled, a. bone of him shall not .be broken. (37)

.‘And again another Scripture saith, they shall look on him
Whom they pierced.” And further it is written and prophe-

sied, (Psalm 69:19-21) “thou hast known my reproach, and
my shame, and my dishonour: mine adversaries are all before
thee. (20') Beproach hath broken .my heart.” And we do not
wonder as we read the events of that terrible trial, from the










 , in break-

. when the
to divine
nity) and
“The cup
ion of the
the mem-
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all before
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from the


garden kiss of betrayal till the insult of the jeering crowd and
the dying thief. Yes! The soldiers’ “dead already!” Yes!
Reproach hath broken my heart!


1. Matt. 27 :54. “Now when the Centurion and they that
were with him (how many We cannot tell) watching Jesus, saw
the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared
greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.”

2. Matt. 2’? :57. “When the even was come, there came a
rich man of Arimathea, named Joseph, who also was Jesus’
disciple: He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus.
Then Pilate commended the body to be delivered.” Knowing
from the testimony of the soldiers, their captain and the cen-
turion, that, the hated Christ was “dead already,” when they
went to break their legs, to expedite death, at the request of the
ruling Jews. “And (further) Joseph, having taken the body,
he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth (witnessed no doubt by
undertakers with him also) and he laid it in his own new tomb
which he had hewn out in the rock: and he (with the aid of
his employees) rolled a great stone to the door of the sepul-
chre, and departed.”

3. At the same time, “There also came Nicodemus, which
at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of
myrrh and aloes, about one hundred pound weight. (40 )' Then
took they the body of Jesus and wound it in linen clothes with
the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury.” (John '
19 :38-40).

4. The guard placed by his enemies, (Matt. 27 :62-66).
“Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation,
the chief priests and Pharisees came together 'unto Pilate;
(63) Sewing, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, While
he was yet alive, after three days I will rise again. (64) Com-
mand, therefore, that the sepulchre be made sure until the




third day (is past) least his disciples come by night and steal
him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead:
so the last error shall be worse than the first. (65) Pilate
said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure
as ye can. (68) So they went (and the matter being now in
their own hands with their accomplice, Apollyou) and made
the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone and setting a watch.”

5. Luke 23:48: “And all the people that came together
to that sight ( but took no part therein) beholding the things
which were done, smote their breasts and returned.” Realiz-
ing, no doubt, that the Jews had been guilty of crucifying
their own Messiah.


The disciples, including the women, had been watching the
whole movements ; at first, “stood afar off ,” but as the crowd
began to disperse they drew nearer, until his mother could be
spoken to, as well as John also. Luke 23 :55: “And the
women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after,
and beheld the sepulchre, and how (and where) the body
was laid.”

His immediate disciples having taken the above precautions
as to the matter, were in a position to know and ascertain the
facts as to his promised resurrection. But the facts of their
faith and hopes semed to be far short of what they were to
experience. Yet, they remained in the path of duty, and the
path of duty is the path of blessing with God.

The guard were the first to experience the introduction of
the resurrection power and glory. Matt. 28 :2: “And, behold,
there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord de-
scended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from
, the door, and sat upon it. (3) His countenance was like light-
ning, and his raiment white as snow. (4) And for fear of him
the keepers did shake, and become as dead men.” Meantime
.we are informed further as to the watch verse, (11) “Some of

 ht and steal
11 the dead:
(65) Pilate
ie it as sure
ling now in
l and made
me together
' the things
L” Realiz-

atching the
; the crowd
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“And the
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duction of
1d, behold,
3 Lord de-
stone from
like light-
ear of him
“Some of

















the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests
all the things that were done. (12) And when they were as-
sembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave
large money unto the soldiers, (13) saying, say ye his dis-
ciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.”

For a Roman guard to sleep on duty meant death. But
these parties prepared for that, with the large money, and the
influence. Hence, (14) if this come to the Governor’s ears,
(as to you sleeping on duty) we will persuade him and secure
you. (15) So they took the money, and did as they were
taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews
(and also the Mohammedans) until this day.”

We will now give a detailed experience as to the resurrec~
tion, by the disciples.

1. Matt. 28 :1-4: “In the end of the Sabbath, as it began
to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magda-
lene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre, (2) and, be-
hold,” (see soldiers’ experience above). But ’the women’s love
and faith in their master was above being overcome like the
guard. Nay, the very angel’s voice and words seemed to give
them assurance, for he said, (5) “Fear not yet: for I know
that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified; (6) He is not here:
for he is risen, as he said. Come (be ye not afraid, or in
haste, make sure: the stone is away) see the place where the
Lord lay, (7) and (having satisfied yourselves as to your
master) go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from
the dead; and behold, he goeth before you into Galilee: there
shall ye see him: Lo, I (a heavenly messenger) have told you.”

Their great joy indicated their firm faith (at that moment)
in and as to the resurrection; although of course the mystery
was only beginning to unfold itself in God’s time and way.

However, they did run to bring his disciples word. (9)
“And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them,
saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet,








and worshipped him. (10) Then said Jesus unto them, BeE
not afraid. go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee andE
there shall they see me.” -
2. Mark 16 :-1 8: “And when the Sabbath was past, (theE