xt7kwh2d8h4w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2d8h4w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19281116 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-11-nov16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-11-nov16-ec. 1928 2011 true xt7kwh2d8h4w section xt7kwh2d8h4w Mrinutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Friday, November J.S, 1938. The Executive Comnittee of ulhc Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky mret in President McVey's office at 11:30 a. in., Friday, Noveci'ber 1, 1928. The following persons were present: Robert G. Gordon, Judge R. ,J. Stoll, James Perk and Joe B. Andrews. M.Ieeting with the Committee were President Frank L. 1cVey and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board. 1. Renort of the Business Agent. The report of the Business Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes.. The report was as follows: 2. EXHIBIT "B" Statement of Income and Expenditures IMonth of October 1928 Previously Reported Current Fiscal Month Year To Date General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750.00 State Tax 91,596r91 Int. on Liberty Loan Boncb Int. on Endowmient Bonds 4,322.25 Student Fees 54,941.28 Student Fees - Sum. Sch. 32,5293.95 Student Fees - Un. H.S. 1,676.25 Student Fees - Un. Ext. 2,380.30 Miscellaneous Receipts 1,435.95 General Education Board - New Education Building Rentals 725.00 M* en's Dormitory 3,862.60 Total 235,984.39 Expenditures Instruction 146,115.67 Adm, Exoense & MIain. 65,276.29 Addttions and Betterments 63,393,98 Total 274,785.94 187,685.47 850.00 3,079* 37 55.25 251. 25 4,263. 91 1,388.44 1,652.40 245.00 70. 30 199,541.39 71,120. 74 27,716 34 27,693.06 126,530.14 42,750.00 279,282.38 '850.00 4,322.25 58,020.65 32,349.20 1,927.50 6,0844. 2J. 2,824.39 1,352.40 970 . 00 3, 932. 8C 435,525.8_. 217,236.41 92,992.63 91 3087,04 401 s 315e08 Excess of Income over Expenditures Patterson Hall Income Board Miscellaneous Receipts Room Rent - Summer Sch. Total 17 ,164. 75 26.00 4 2 (25. 75 21,456. 50 Expenditures Expense 7,1777.96 Additions and Betterrnents _ - Total 7,777.96 34,209 70 592.6C 102.15 25.00 719. 75 5,130.42 285.00 5.415.42 17 ,757.35 128.15 4,290.75 223176,25 12 , 908. 38 285.00 134193. 38 (38, 801, aa5 73,011. 25 S3. Excess of Income over Ex- pendi tures General Fund Incoimle General Fund Expenditures 13,678.54 257,440.89 282,563.90 200, 261.14 457,702 ..03 131,945.55 414.,509.46 Excess of General Fund Income over Exoendditures(25,123.01) 68,315. 58 43X192.57 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for Gen- eral Ledger Accounts 21 ,372. 49 (27,340.53) (5,968.04) Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund (3,750.52) Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditur.es for the fiscal year to date - General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 - General Fund Cash in Bank October 31,. 1928 - General Fund Trust Fund Income Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Total Receipts w'penditure s Expense Student Notes Total 1 023.48 1 ,633.99 2,657.47 141,00 . 1,095.00 1,236.00 Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditiiures 1,421.47 73. 28 699. 17 772. 45 52.00 932.00 '984.00 37,224053 63 957. 715._ 101,182.283 1,096.76 2,333,.16 3.429.92 193.00 2,027.00 2, 220.00 (211. 55) 1,209.92 Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank October 31, 1928 - Trust Fund 40,975. 05 1, 209, 92 1,295.60 2,505.52 4. EXp~eriment -Station Incone Hatch - Fed. ADpro. 3,750.00 iMilk and 3utter - Casa Rc. 4,079.17 Beef Cattle Sales 43587.20 Dairy Cattble Sales 378.36 Sheen Sales 183.52 Swine-l SZl1es 05. 69 Poultry Sples 530.88 Farma Produce Sales 175.97 Horticultural Sa.les 532.65 Seed Test 6.00 Rent-als 355.00 Miscellaneous 1,317.00 Fertilizer Fees 42203.75 Feeding Stuffs - Fees 14,270 .56 Adams - Fed. Appro 3,750.00 Serum - Ssles 1,583.29 H - Virus Sales 96.90 - Live Stock Salos 2.28 - Supply Sales 40.80 - Miscellaneous 13.29 Creamery - License Fees 6,330..00 - Testers Licenses 1,326 .00 - Glassware Tested 420.32 H - ~Miscellaneous 168. 58 Purnell - Fed. An-,ro. 1,500.00 State Apnro.-Patterson Farm Purchase 30,000.00 Nursery Insoection - Fees 700.00 Cream Grading 1,500.00 83,577.21 Expenditures Expense 98,930.30 Additions and Bettcrnients 1,479.16 Total 100,409.76 3,750.00 7,500.00 1,411.96 5491-.13 4-, 857. 20 79.68 458.04 183.52 343.15 848.84 295.37 826.25 42.41 225.38 775.80 1,308.45 6.00 135.66 490.66 7,755.00 9,072. 00 1,525-00 5,728. 75 5,3326.00 19,496.56 3,750.00 7,500.00D 459.78 2 ,043 G07 14.75 1110v 8.25 10.E3 23.60 64. 40 6.00 19r 2 61.50 6 ,391 5( 112-00 1 ,438. 0; 92.34 512 S'S, 160. 5 12,500.00 25)000.kC) 430.00 300.00 39,105.25 31,805.50 356.03 32,161.,53 20,000.00) 1,130.0^, 1,800.00Q1 1221682. t;_ 130,736. 10 1 ,835. 19 132,571. 29 Excess of Expendituras over Income (16,833.55) 639413.72 (9,888.83) Excess of Expenditures over In- com-ie for the fiscal year to dat e - Zxperimaent Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 - Ex- perimnent Station Ca.sh in 3Dnk October 31, 1928 - Experiment Station (9,888. 83) 31, 399.82 21, 510. 99 - - - P - = S - 5. ixtension Divicion Income FederDl Simiith-Lever Fedcral Supplementary Federal Capper-Ketchum. County and Other Total Ependitures Expense Excess of Expenditures over Income 76,120.65 27,321.28 76,120.65 27, 321.28 10,000.00 870 26 1i-3.70 1,013.96 104,312.19 10,1-A3.70 1143455.89 87,476.72 29,674.41 117,151.,13 16,835.47 (19,530.7: (2,695.24) Excess of Zxpenditures over Income for the fiscal year to date - Extension Div. Cash in 3 nk July 1, 1928 - Extension Division Cash in Bank October 31, 1928 !.xtension Division (2,695.24) 41.48 (2,653.76 ) Summary General Fund Incorie Trust Fund Income Experiment Sta. Incolne Extension Div. Income Total 357,440.89 1,023.48 83, 577.21 104, 312 . 19 446 - 353. 77 200,231.14 457,702v03 73.28 1 ,093S 39,105.25 122,682.43 10.143.70 114,455. 9 2249,583.37 695,937,14 General Fund Expenditures 282,563.90 Trust Fund Exrenditures 141.00 Exp. Station Expend. 100,409.76 Ext~ension Div. Ex-pend. 37 473. 72 Totall 470,591.38 131,945. 56 52.00 32, 1031. 53 29, 3 7-1. 4 1 193,833. 50 414,509.46 193.00 132, 571.29 117, 151.13 664 * j24. 88 Excess of Inco-ile over Expenditures (24,237e61) Excess of Expenditures over ReceiDts for General Led- ,er. Accounts 21,372.49 Student Loan Fund - Notes 538.399 Excess of Receipts over Expen- ditures for the fiscal year to date - Combfined Fund (2,326j13) Excess of Receipts over Ex- Denditures for the f-iscal year to date - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and. on hand July 1, 1928 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand Oct.. 31, 1928 - Combined Fund 55,749.87 31,512.26 (27,340.53) (5,968.04) (232. 83) 306.16 28 173. 51 25,850.38 25,850,38 98.394.65 124,545.Q03 0.~, Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expenditures as "Excess of Expenditures over Re- ceipts for General Ledger Accounts .5,9S8.04. " Debit * Accounts Receivable Insurance Pn. id in Advance Sundry Accounts Notes Payable 1,573.10 1,31 2-41.A 213,000. 00 28 ,814. 34 234846. 30 5, 968. 04 Credit 22 , 8430. 30 22, 84O 30 2. Purchpse of Lots iround Memorial Buildinz. President .McVey indicated t , he Committee that certain land in the vicin- ity of th'.e I1emorinal luilding should be nurch.ased in order to relieve the congestion. *The matter ras discussed and a ..otion was riadc, scconded and carricd authorizing the President to pur- chase such land as is available for this purpose. 3. Inquir of State Purchasing Comr:issicn. President M c- Vey read to the CrmrAttee a. communicition from the State Pu-- chasing Commission about the erection of ;; ca the Uni- versity camlpus, e e stated that he had piven tho Comnission tGhe information called for. 4. .1an's Dlo-ermitories. The matt er oL :-on's dormitories and their erection by the Security Trust Company was taken up -and discussed. .r. WIarner of thre firm eif Jrner and MUitchdl'.i. was poresent. The r.ster was discus~zc- at length. 5. Sale of Cafeteria Zquipiient. Prosident MicVay stated to the Comnittec that inam-iuch as new equirment is being purchas c fo- the. crafoteria in MicVey Hall the o, (scnt equiprent will !Je obsolece anr. reauested authority to 'sell the cquinmcnt. Ac ticn ras mado, seconded. and carried ;L-author.%zing the Prosiden.- to dispose of the present ocqdiptrent. 6. Roeuest of State HhiGa o Ce... msson for Rght-of-way. .X corunic tion :.,.s read frorm the Ot.;ae o.igh.'ay Commission re- questi-ng a right-ocf-way through University property in Perry County, for the construction of a road. The i:iatter vas dis- cussed and motion rwas made, secondedc and carried thoat M-r. el-- ham Johnston be requested to prepar3 a dead Un conformity writh the University rig;hts to that nrororty. 7. Purchase of Land at Princeton Sub-3tation. A letter Was read frcCL Do.neT Coo-ier to President I-AcVoy indicating that in accord-nce wi-L : thc aut hoi ization of the Executive Comrclittee at a aprvious ;^etinthe otract of land at the Princeton Sub- Rxp rirmcy;t Station had been rurchased; that 'lp6.E33 had been oal'd to MIr. L. E. O'Hara and that '6,500 had been paid to Mr. Luttrell; tha.Jut a note for 06,OOQ had been given by the chairrman of the .xecutive Corarmit.;e beo-ring interest at 5 ner cent and payable semi-annually. . rt IocVcy also presented a letter from IMr. John C. Gates, ; m,;' at Princeton, indi- catling that the title was clear. o - was rmade, seconded and carried anProving of the action of the chairnan of the 3xecutive CoRIMittee in c.:ocuting thc rut;e. A lettcr vas al.so oresented fron M.Ir. John C. Gates, at- torney at, Princetcn, indricating that t'h.e title had been prop r-* ly executed .Rnd prolierly delivered. Prc.'idont I.-'cVey was au- thlorized to nrocure orc':' Dean Coopef a letter showing that the deeds had been Dronerly executed. l{4 8. 8. Audit of Extension Division and Experiment Station Reports. A motion wnas made, seconded and carried that Mr. E. B. Web'b and Louis Hillenmeyer be appointed as committed to audit the accounts of the Experiment Station and Extension Division, the audit being required by the United States De- 5artment of Agriculture. 9. Purchase of Motion Picture Machine. Motion was made, seconded and carried to-nurohase a motion picture machinc fcr the memorial building. 10. Library Bu7iding.:. President ...cVcy presented to the Committee the question of plans for the Library Building. The matter was discussed at length and progress reported, 11. .iphting Fixtures for Memoriaxl Building. Mottion was made, seconded anr. caarried authorizing the President to pur- chase lighting f-ixtures for the IUerio-ial Building at a cost approximating ].500. 12. Chairs for the Stock JidgaiT.r Pavilion. President McVey recormmended to the Committee that a sufficient number of chairs be purchased for use at the Stock Judging Pavilion, Me0-- tion was made, seconded and carried that the chairs be pur- chased through usual channels oQf the State Purchasing Commissiw.... 13. Retirement. Pl-ans for retirement of faculty mer.ebers wo&:n presentcd to the Board for discussion. The mattor was considered and request made that the wholc question be taken up with the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. 14. Qjointments. Resignatiors and Increases in Salary. The follow W ng a-pointmients, resignations arnd increases in sal- ary were presented any_ on motion dujy seconded approved. Appointment of Mr. Homer G. Tully as assistant in the De- partment of"Vetcrinaay Science in the Eoxpariment Station at a salary of $90 a month, effectie- Za.er~bt-r lJ?8 Appointment of MIiss Sophia Combs, clerk in the Department of Farm Economics, Extension Division, at a salary of $80 a month, effective November 1, 1928. Appointment of Mr. C. J. MIlepin, Field Agent in Poultry Improvement at a salary of 11400 a year, effective November 1, 1928. Appointment of Miss Nora Spencer, secretary, Department of Physics, at a salary of $75.00 a month effective November 12, 1928.I 9. Continuation of employment of Gilbert H. Karnes, County Agent, M4on-oc County at a sai1.-y of $150 a month, effective October i, 1928 to Sep terber 3O, 1928. Increasr; in Sala.ryi Increase in salary of !.Miss o;atrice Jacobs, stenographer in the Deoartment of University 1-2xtension, frorm :B75.00 to 985.00 a month, effective November 1, 1928e Increase in salary of Miss Bethel Lipps, stenographer in the Department of University Extension, from $75.00 to $85.00 a month, effective November 1, 1928. Resignat ic.n.s Resic-nat ion of iss Ellena Hunphries as secretary in the Departraent of Physics to take effect Novermber 10, 1928 was acc epted. Resignation of IMr. Howard Hagan in the Department of ,3; cteriology w-as accenited. Respedtfully submitted Wellington Patricl; S 3cretary