xt7kwh2dbv1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2dbv1p/data/mets.xml Tunica County, Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Works Progress Administration, Service Division; Preliminary Edition; viii, 184 leaves: illustrated, 28 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/no.72/prelim books English Jackson, Mississippi: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, No. 72 Tunica County (Tunica) text Inventory of the County Archives of Mississippi, No. 72 Tunica County (Tunica) 1942 1942 2015 true xt7kwh2dbv1p section xt7kwh2dbv1p S S S i U 1 1 1
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i The Mississippi Historical Records Survey
s Jackson, Mississippi
Juno 1942
~r: OZ
F. H. Dryden, Acting Commissioner
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner li
Q. Edward Gcntlin, State Administrator
Jerome Sage, Director, Service Division
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{ The Inventory of_the County Archivcs of Mississippi is one of a numbcr
g of guides to historical materials prepared—throughout the United States by
Q workers on Historical Records Survoy projocts of the Work Projects Adminis-
? tration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of tho archivcs
Q of Tunica Cou ty, is number 72 of the Mississippi series.
i The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in thc wintor of
Q 1955-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy uncmployod
i historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers, In carry-
§ ing out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of
3 historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documonts and »
? records which are basic in the administration of local government, and which
{ provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social his-
; tory. The archival guido herewith proscntcd is intended to moot the require-
` ments of day-to—day administratign by the officials of the county, and also
I the needs of lawyers, businessmen and othor citizens who require facts from
the public records for tho proper conduct of their affairs, The volume is so
designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprintod
sources in the same way he uscs the library card catalog for printed sources,
A The invontories produced by Historical Records Survey projects attempt
S to do more than give merely a list of records - they attempt further to
§ sketch in thc historical background of the county or other u it of govern-
Q mo t, and to describe precisely and in dotail the organization and functi ns
5 of thc govcrnme t agoncics whose records they list, The county, town, and
E other local invontorios for the entire country will, when completed, consti-
§ tuto an encyclopedia of local govcrnmont as well as a bibliography of local
E archives•
f The successful conclusion of the work of Historical Rocords Survey pro-
E jects, ovon in a sirglo county, would not be possible without the support
5 of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups
j in the community, Their cooporatitn is gratefully acknowledged.
é The Survey program was orgainzcd by Luther H, Evans, who scrvod as
Q Director until March 1, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child, who
§ had boon National Field Supervisor since the inauguration of tho Survoy.
j The Survoy has operated as a Nation—widc series of locally sponsored projects
li in the Sorvicc Division, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner,
Q is in charge,
·; Acting Commissioner
i The Mississippi Historical Records Survey program was organized to in- 3
§ ventory State, county, and municipal archives, early American imprints,
gi church records, and manuscripts in collections. In Mississippi the Histori-
;° cal Records Survey was operated as a u it of the Statewide Records Project in
i the Service Division, and has been sponsored by the Mississippi Department of
g’ Archives and History and some seventy county boards of supervisors. The Sur-
5 vey is being discontinued in order that its personnel may bc diverted to ac-
ig tivitics which have a direct and unqualified relation to the war effort. Hew-
§ ever, this volume is being published in a preliminary edition, since all data,
§ except the subject and e try index, had been compiled preparatory to publica-
E The inventory of the records of Tunica County is the seventh prepared
g for publication. It is arranged so that the records of the executive branch p
§ of county government como first, fcllowcd by those of thc recording, judicial, L
l law enforcement, fiscal, election, education, health, and miscellaneous ag-
@ encies. Included also is a short essay on each agency of county government
g outlining the organization of thc agency in Tunica County, its present status,
3 the method of filling the office, and the term of office. Since these essays
; are limited, it is suggested that the reader consult the Inventory of the
T County Archives 2f_Mississippi, Q2. QZ, Lamar County, for more detailbdftk-
says than those found no the Tu ica Cou ty inventory. The records are do-
scribed by records series in entries whose style has been formalized to give
information concerning the title of record, dates for which available, quan-
tity, labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description of re-
Y cord contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording, size of
volumes or containers, and location.
g This inventory will be useful to officials, to students of research, and
g to schools. It will servo as a guide or catalog to officials who, because of
E periodic turnover in office personnel and because of the division of duties,
E can ot be expected to have a comprehensive knowledge of all the records,
3 familiarity with which is necessary to the efficient functioning of the of-
L fico. Writers of local history will find that the inventory is a ready guide
{ to all records reflecting political, social, and econondc development of the
Q county, and students of local government will value the inventory for loca-
§ ting the records and for tracing the trends of local government. The inven-
3 tory can be used by the schools to familiarize the students with the various
§ aspects of 10cal government, with the types of records kept in connection
, with the administration of local government, and with the instruments filed
Q and recorded to protect private property rights.
3 The survey of the records of Tunica County was made by Mrs. Ellen Farrell,
I5 a life-long resident of the county, and a sound student of its history. Mrs.
5 Farrell also write the historical sketch using as her principal sources the
,_ original, unpublished records of the county.
3h The Survey has followed general regulations and procedures applicable
i to all WEA project units in the 48 states. Mississippi WPA officials have
g given the Survey their cordial support and assistance. The Survey also ac-
§ knowledgcs the interest and cooperation of the Tu ica County officials and
i of Dr. William D. McCain, Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives
g and History.
§ The State office of the Survey profited in all phases of its work by
i the constructive advise and criticism of the National office and its rep- \
r? resentatives. This inventory in manuscript form was given editorial re- ¤
i‘ view in the National office by Louise Boynton, assistant editor, and was
V further reviewed by Mabel S. Brodie, editor in charge of public records
h inventories.
*’ The original plan of the Historical Records Survey was to publish the ;
ni Inventory ef the County érchives of Mississippi in 82 units, one for each
{ county in the State, with the units numbered to correspond with the alpha-
5 betical sequence of the counties. Thus, the inventory of the records of
Q Tunica County, herewith presented, is number 72. It is being issued in a
Q preliminary edition in mimeegraphed form.for free distribution to State and A _
g local public officials and libraries in Mississippi and to a limited number
y of libraries and governmental agencies outside·the State. The inventory {
§ was prepared for publication in the State office of the Survey by an cdito- E
§ rial staff headed by Nash K, Burger, Project Technician, and Andrew Brown,
f Assistant State Supervisor. W
E A list of the publications issued by the Mississippi Historical Records M
1 Survey appears on page 184. More than 1,850 publications have been issued
y by the Survey throughout the Nation.
S State Supervisor
Mississippi Historical
§ Records Survey {
lr .
ei .c . . I
§ 9 Bridges Building
Q Jackson, Mississippi
l June 1942
y, _ _ I
ji 1
ix Introduction '
jp Page V
fg l. Historical Sketch . ,...,..,,. . A...,.....,.. . ..A,.... . ,.......4...,,..,...... . .,..4_,. . ,..............._.4..,_4.c h .,,....A . »,..,,...,...4. H .4._.. li; .,,4 inkl. A4...,. . 4,..,cA., l a
·“ Outline Map of Mississippi ...i.... W .,........... , c......i...........,4,. . .,...,,..........4..A.... . ......c .. .... .,....... ,. cA_.A,.. --m.mnnW38 y
A w· Map of Tunica County ....., . 4,,.. lm ..,. . .....i4 U .c.. . .c..» . .,... . ....4..4 . .c.... _Mn ..,.c.........c, .,Wm- .... ._.,, -l_.l,, i.l-5O I
li 2. Governmental Organization and Records System .............»............... . ...`........,.......4..................4.............. 40
e Legal Status of the County. General Administration. I
n Registration of Title to Property. Administration of
§ Justice. Finance. Elections. Education. Public Health Q
{ Welfare. Public Work. Miscellaneous Functions. Records System. I
” Chart of Government ..............r.................................................,.........,.............................. , ............................... .........,.............., 62 `V
g 5. Housing,`Care, and Accessibility of the Records ...... .m ...,.., . ,....l..... . .,.. . ..,....l., r, ...,,... W-65 I
y Floor Plans.. ...............................,,................... - ......`............,................................r..................................................................................... 72 p
l 4. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes . ............ . ......................rr..........,... .. .,,..,..,..,.,...,,., -75 [
é County Offices and Their Records J
Q I. Board of Supervisors ....,.. i .....,...........,..........,.........................,.. .Mm- ....................................... -n, ..... all .... , ......,.. . .......,.....,,... i7B I
* Proceedings. Tax Exemptions. Maps. ‘
II. Clerk of the Chancery Court as Recorder MMM .....,..,. mm-N.-U .... . ......._..c M on 83
Real Property: Land Deeds; Tax Liens; Mortgages and Deeds of ·
_ Trust on Lands; Liens; Tax Sales; Redemption of Land Sold for
I Taxes; Land Titles. Personal Property. Miscellaneous Permanent
Records. f
§ III. Chancery Court ,..r. . ...,........ .. ...r., .l, .....,............ no ..... M. ..,... . ,...... . .,..... . ....,,......... . ........,.. . ...... . .......,.......,.,... . ..,............,...............,.... CO I
é A. Probate Court J
yl Dockets. Probate Proceedings.
% B. Chancery Court
y Original Case Papers. Dockets, Calenders, and Registers:
§ Chancery and Probate; Probate. Proceedings. Fees and Costs. I
§ Legal Publications.
y IV. Circuit Court . .......... M-; ...,... . ....... W, ......, .l ,.............., in .,.. . ........., -r .... , ..., no ...,, .WMmN ._...,... li"- ,.... .-mmmalOl 3
f Original Case Papers: Crnninal and Civil; Receipts for Case
Papers. Dockets, Calendars, and Registers: Criminal; Civil
I- and Crnninal; Civil. Final Records. Witnesses. Jurors. Fees
§ and Costs. Proceedings. Naturalization.
1T V. County Court ..,...... . ;.,..... .m ...,. . ..., , .......... . .,.,,.... . ....,..,. new .... .H .... .- ..... ,ml ...,.....,._..... -. ....,. . .......,,...· W. .._...._,... . .,.... , .... llO I
X VI- Clerk of the Circuit Court .,___.._. -- ._.,, H- .....,. . ......, U .,.. in ...,., ..l-.m,- ..,. ...., _ ,.... .l-.,.mn,.1l5
‘;. VII. Justices of the Peace ......r............ M .......................... -a ...... H .....,.... . ..,.....,.., , ...... . .....,. .ni. ,.._.,. . ....;. . ....,;_..,_,.. _ ,_,,,__.__ .wll5
Q VIII.; Grand Jury .....,.........................,.........r...............,....,...,.... . ..........,.,.............,..........,. . .......,......,... . ....,.,..,,.. . ..,.. M. ..,. , ......,.....,....... . ,.._.,...... .W.ll8
- vi 1 -
.§ Tahle of Contents
gg IX. District Attorney- ,........,,,.....4.._. . ._..4..e4 .. .._44 ,... 1. ,..,,,........ . .___.4.._._A,_. W. ...e..._ . n,A_.,A_._.,.,4e._.,. . 4.ee . ..,.........,.....4........4......,... 120 1
FQ X. County Prosecuting Attorney _,,..,..._.__._4.4.,., . .4.,,.....4.,C..4,. . ...,.,.A..4..A._.,..,.,......... . ..,..4...............,.....4...,C.......,.4.. . ....... 121
. XI. Sheriff ..............1...,.................................A...,t........_.....................1........................................................................................,............,....1... 122 N
p Process Dockets. Jail Records. Bonds. Fines, Costs. and
2;. Fees. Miscellaneous. Maps.
Q XII. Coroner ,...............,.......................,..............,...................................... - ........................................................................... - ..................... 127 y
1 1 .
j XIII. Constables ......,....,.........,.................................. . ............_............._.......,...,..................,................,............ . ............................................... 128 L
1 XIV. Tax Assessor ,.................................,.. - ,........,...................,..................................................... . .............,.........,............,........................ 129 1
1 1
“Q — XV. Sheriff as Tax Collector .................. - ....................................................................,......,..._,.... , ................. ,.131
·; Assessments. Tax Receipts. Register of Motor Vehicles.
L Cash Books and Ledgers. {
XVI . Treasurer ......,..,............ . ......,..... . ..,......................,.......,.... ,.,...._........,.....,,....,_.............,...... . .................,....,.....................,...................... 156 11
I 1
XVII. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors as Auditor .... -- .,,. . ,...,A_. --. ...,, --. ,..V... .. ..,,,, 158 Q
Bank Deposits. Claims. Disbursements. Ledgers.
2 XVIII. Registrar of Elections .,...........,...,..........,...,................................................,...................,...........................,.......,........... 141 1
j XIX. County Board of Election Commissioners .....,...................................,.......................... . ...........,........ 145 Q
1 XX. Superintendent of Education. ............. . ...................,.,....,......,.,. . ........ 1 ......, . .....,....,.........,........................,....... 144 L
1 General Administration. Teachers: Reports. Educable 1
é Children. Financial Administration. Salary Assignments. i
E Maps.
1 I 1
1 XII. Board of School Directors ................................................................................................,.................................. 149 Q
E XXII. School Trustees ....... . ,.....,.., . .......,......_.. .m .......,. . ....... .. ..,....,........... . ..., . ,..........,.....,...., 1. ..,......, - ,,..... M.. .... ..... .- ..... 1.150 1
if XXIII. County School Board ...... -1. ........... -wW .......... . ...... I ....... . ................................ . ........................................................ 152
I XXIV. Department of Health ............. . .......... - .......,............................................................. - .,..............................,......,... 154
{ Reports of Director. Disease Control.
; XXV. Registrar of Births and Deaths ...................................,............................................................................ 157
E XXVI. Pension Board of Inquiry .................................................................................................................................. 159
gp XXVII. Coroner as Ranger .................................................................................................... . ........................................................... 161
1 XXVIII. Surveyor ..................................................... . ....,............................................................................................. . .......................... . .......... 162
1 XXIX. County Extension Department in Agriculture and Home Economics 165
1 .
- viii -
Table of Contents
XYJ1. Department of Public Welfare, ,....A.4..44...A.... . ,.... 4 ...,. . ....._ ......4_A. . .V.4..A,..., . ...,...,.......,..,,....,...,...,,,.4........,4. 168 rn
Reports. Correspondence J
List of County Officials ..l................................,..,................`............... , ..... . ...................... . ............ ,. ...... l'72 ‘
3 Bibliography ...... .., ..............._....o... W ............ , .......... N .......... --, .......... i., .........., ....i., ..,. li-, ..... ..lo img
Publications of the Mississippi Historical Records Survey p
Projectsi. .»....,... ..-. ...,.r... -_ c...r., c._-_ .r....,.... --- ..... ...,____,_ ,. »..., _,__._ ll... ., _.___. ...., l84 I
l .
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yd (First entry, p, 79)
: 9 l
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Q Boundaries l
1 , ,, ·-
I x r; I
M gl . . .
fj Tunica County was established February 9, 1838, and is one of the 1O I
Sq counties forped in that year from the Chickasaw Cessior of 1852, the Treaty
{yy of Pontotoc. It tasqnamed from the Indian tribe of the sane name, the word l
se D · . , . u~ , N . F _ . , A
we meaning the people. The county new has a land surface of s4C square miles, y
yy out as originally established, it embraced an area of about 19 townships, or L1
pj eee square miles. Its boundaries were defined as follows: "Beginning at the '
,2, northmrstcrn corner of Tallahdtchie County, and running thence due north to I
It the dividing line between the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes of Indians; thence It
.y with the said dividing line to the Mississippi river; thence up the said ri- M
,1 ver, to the point where the line between townships 2 and 5 intersects the
f, same; thence with the said township line, tc the line between ranges 9 and Y
oy 1O test; thence south with the said range line, and from its terwinetion in ’
.3 a direct line to the morthor: boundary of Tallahatchie County, ard thence I
E west tith said northern boundary to the beginning."5 In 1573, p;yt gf Tuujgg
it County lying east of the Coldwater River was included in the boundaries of I
{ Tate County, ard in 1877 another portion, sputh of the line between totnships L
¥ 7 ord C ics trrns”· r d t= ”•’t¤t Ce *tt ` V
, and , .e. . 1 er- 0 r, will .....,.11 ..·u.1 , . .
Q w~
% Tunica County is situated in the ncrthve;tern part of the State in the
i Yazeo and Mississippi Delta, arf it is quite irregular in sh ¢·e1 pe. It is bound-
j ed by DeSoto County on the north and east, by Tate and lanola Counties on the `
ji east, by Quitman ard Coahena Counties on the south, ard by the Mississippi
,i River on the iest.5 ‘.‘‘
* . . . . zi?
in Physical Characteristics |
;*. The county lies in tie upper or northern rim of the great Shallow bowl [
Q 1 that holds the flccd—plain deposit of the lhssissippi P?ver.” This basin was
q carved from the rocks c` the Gulf coastal plain by the Mississippi and its .
.,1 tributaries, and it contains tho rich alluvial soil deposited by the rivers I
it throughout the ages. In cutting the basin, the river sdifted back and forth |
3 in its process of lateral planatisn and left scattered remnants of its old .
¤y channels. These remnants are new represented by hcrseshoe and crescent- shaped 1
»»·» 5 . . . . · . . . . .
§m ._. lakes, bayous, and other depressions, which in flood-time again goin the river? {
1Q al
.: _ |
1 I
I .............._...........;................-..............-..............................—..-............... (‘
` lv
I » I It
.» .
fl 1. L. H. 1856, p. 13; 7 U. S. Stat., p. Btl. *
AY. 2. Dunbar Rowland, listory of Eississippi, The Heart of the Sout , II, 840; “
Y hereafter cited as Rotland, ieart of she South. V
ygf 5. Dunbar Rowland (comp.}, Nirsissi gi - Cemprisirg Sketches of Counties,
t]» TosnS, Events, 1nstituti~xs rrd rrrscns Lrranl d in Cyeleptdic Form, I1, 1
""°""""" . ""**""""’"""°""""" " " ‘ "' '*""""""""' """'°"""""' ""“ ' """""°""'—`°"" °`—'; '
IQ} 4. Howland, Heart of the Bout., ll, Gil. {
5 ' E. CL
gf sources, p. Eli; hertnftsr sited as Lowe, Mississippi.
lj 7- W. N. Logan, The Soils t `iJsissippi, pp. 55-bi; hereafter cited as
~a- Logan, The Scils of Lirsisuiivi,
lid rl
li I v
- 2 - l ·
il l lr
Historical Sl:-.. tch (Firm; entry! P• 79) 1
' |
it V
lg A port of the county is generally 1 vol ond, mith tho exception§ of scot- it
Cjfg topodlndicn mounds, the vnriqtion in level dors not exc cd 20 feet. While 4
Q§§ the gvtrogr rtli f of thls r~gion is slight, the county does have higher lends, I
· jtj long narrof ridgcs that lie adjacent to the strrsns. The interstreum sreas
tu; are lot and svomty, and the lowlands profit grastly through dr;in;_e systcm$.9 j
ff l I
EQE The county as u mholc sloyes gently from north to south. This is shown
tht conclusivcly by the elcvutions of the town sites. In Sup ` s
ll? i
jg _ Ni
,;§ beyond the loam soil on the highest part oi the istcrstrcum srss§. It gen- J.
Yf§ erslly contains s high psrccnt of organic mstter ard is grcstly inprovsd by l
hr; thorough cultivsticD¤ lt is very yrodtct vs, but it is not ss rssily culti— I
{fj vstsd as the lcamy soil, because it rust bc slowed xhcn tLs noisttrc condi- T
léé tions src just riqht, sircc tTc mcldbosrd srrfscc of thc soil pudcl