xt7kwh2dc06b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2dc06b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-04-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1984 1984 1984-04-19 2020 true xt7kwh2dc06b section xt7kwh2dc06b  

Vol. LXXXVl, No. l55


Established l894



University of Kentucky Lexington Ken'u(ky


Independent Since l97t


SGA campaign violations deb

Matt “l‘llt’l‘

The Student Government tilt-c
tioiis Board last night held hearings
on charges of Violations in the re
cent presidential election

Hpeniiig discussions centered
around charges that Tim Freuden
hertz. presidentelect. .lolin tain. se
iiior \ice presidentelect. and eight
other senators new In Hillillltlil ot
election rules uhen their photo
graphs and names “(To in a displa}
case behind a polling station in the
student center

the Phil


to speak on

lh it I if \( ll\ll'l'l
‘s‘.=.‘: \ltzh-r

charges “ere tiled ll.‘

Itoiotti; limxis \‘llitl.’".\1llllillllti'l‘it‘
\iitioiia} Reparations lliL‘.i

.'. speak Hit the case to:

ill}. ‘ii
:32, \ltlllt‘lll t ei1'ei' \ii‘,

”lb .1' T (I

ltit \ft‘uii’. \ii'wtt‘iat lit‘liii
I_-".lll‘,\ ”maturation '-\it\ touiideti .:
iH.‘ :t \e'.i \oik Ht}
Iii-riiatiotiai 7ritiunai on retrihutioi,
people i.". ’iie l tilt-<2
\‘.:'e\ said t ortiu‘. stain-rs the or

l'liltt'JlllE .o.
' n tilitt'tx

i::.:,‘;i'iou s newsletter editor
\l‘t'tll‘tlttlL‘ ‘o Nuiwrs the organ:
'-tl‘. twlwtes tha' the l lll't‘tf
“yes eoxei'iiiiient ii‘.\i‘> tilack pm»
v \l'. unpaid
i'mi arm: itittertiaitt liilwt‘ for 'lie
;» r' in! I'thl'llllfl tron: fhi ll‘flllllillii;
' \tt‘.t'l“ ll. ‘he lrzifed Mates to
.i.-_ sew-rm \tio,\ii.ei‘:c.iii schoi
"\ .- .'.i appeal-<1'i"iie'r:t~:iri.iliu
»-i1.i' ’lit‘tl.l.it‘_i't.‘~"_.¢t Mack {Lilli tint
and deter:

‘i‘sltvl 'i‘ir' it:

circui' I: I! ‘s' it‘s? in 'o ‘tir


I t t' \pt‘l. t‘it‘f lit

l P\ r'vp.ii‘.i‘ii".~

peoplt iis i
A!" tinnite til

H‘ \t‘.i\t‘l's xiinl

..i rs tn'tipli' lilit‘h


no A tit-wine 1H}, llt‘illlt' Mt Mont

or i'rons «1.1 .'It'lli‘tl'l">11~

"r N'ti'n'l‘s ih .iti "1

repaixi'mtis t'Itllltl
ll‘t‘lllt ii;


\it ill-lid;
”‘3". I,’ rum. the
~;»v:‘t i‘t tum-k \i-nmiie

'3‘. liti'ett il.l'~0‘ tit-o”.

I‘. it!» 'h,.

h tx‘wtili' mil} vlt't‘: lt' 'fltil slittw

itis' st"t‘."iil unit's

' \('ilt|1ll> lit’t‘tl 'tt itt‘ TV

and 'ha' Li
' schoiiii‘stiip Hittite). needs to tie a:

tor ‘lltllH'llldl‘ to attend the


l~ '1t“l certain iiu‘oiui‘f

ltoro'ti} Lexus is here to present

.i sctioliirl} tzistLton xthat the idea
reparations is N‘M‘ers
\ilt :s recogiii/ed in tier peers as a
n .«. llYtL" expert on liliick repa
' .:s For the past In tears shi
t'i.t~ heeii trawling suntan}: and re
seiit‘t'liitlL‘. litt‘ i‘ttst‘ th‘ illut’k I‘t‘pd

ftt .Hll>


Lexus also is .itiout to release .i
twink i'ir (tisc y‘.» Hid-tn Repti

it is one or the tirst hooks to he
.tritteii h} a lilack that detiues ii
strait-g} tor obtaining reparations
Maw-rs said 'lii this sense. it is a
historical book

i encourage uhites to come out
and hear Dorothy Lenis speak
N‘d\t'i‘.\ said ‘lt is to their material
and stK‘ldl interest to support hlack
reparations It is also \er} impor
Lilli tor young black students to
hear l)oroth_\ Leu'is' speak Black
people need reparations right no“
We are iii an economic plight Repa
Wu (‘H AIR“U\1~\\. [‘4ch



Blll Randell. after a year as Ken-

tucky's designated reliever. has
emerged as the No. l quarterback in
the spring practices. For more infor-
mation see SPORTS, page 3.

The Lexington Art Leane has found
a new home. the historic Loudoun
House. The League will move into
its new home on June ll. For details
see page S.



Today will be a little warmer than
the last two. asthere willbeazrad-
ual clearing of m. Highaareex-
Tonight will be partly cloudy with




Tailor. .i hill'lt'sfill‘t _e.v..itoii.t. t.“
didiite, illlll .liii. i’.i\i‘ .iz.

cesslul st‘lliilill lilii audition


thl‘ illltl [dulmt itw
N‘t'llltli 7 til \'i\ ’i.”
states that no it‘sii».
tised to suppoi' .i'
lt‘ss liltist’ l‘l'sli‘lli 0“
all candidates Ir.
quested lhii‘ 'tie

Kat} liaiiiitni. 2.: » '
\eriiiiieiital reia'. -i
counselor tor
charged so»:
"l‘hm re iieu'i ;.

i ""iitiv".lltilc

stwt'ti Hf 'fi . 1’.’


FM- -,






'l‘url' troops

“t ‘i'it

ls t"'.il ..

' lm'i .iti t‘lli~i' l i! ‘l‘
\t" :' 1']: 'H “tildtitiiii 'lit’

L'rt'lil.‘ thine |il‘l\¢"l

:zi‘gii’i'ilt .ilii-
\[l\ 't gtili‘
1‘ [it'. trot

.'it- itis' ’N'i

h'i ‘m-i


incur mm

A i‘ it"le'lt‘L'

to}, Piles to
p rt. i-i. \pi’.
'a Nuts Hie: 'tii"


l'- ‘ L A‘twi'
taxi: Ho"
-..or spoke! ,i r w i 1. "
riotitr- ’/ti‘: 'ru'
l'flosr. Lie:

.9 .Ktif r. .L

Camp a reprieve for children who have cancer


Viil‘ \‘vf "

\l lit!


.tith'iit ".i

lijexer «.m'
\‘dil‘ip «HUM
lint] Ht tin. s .rii.

.ltllit' has .'.»:
diaii Srinxrr.e'
K) e\is'~ "we
like liei Alli: '

[think .iit

‘t s a t‘eiissiir' :_,
child To x'itii};l ~99 . ,'
e s Illtt'llt-l

”X .i

New horizons

Students who travel and stud} abroad can receive University credits

H) ('llltls \\III.I \\
Statt \lritei

dCCUFdlllfl. to liar} \zzz
sistant professor of ‘ti«- t-iiizt

Farle). \iho hits tondzii'ted tr:ps
to England and lleuii..irk l!‘ past
years. will take a group at ,itu-u! .‘.“
to Austria this summer Although
some in the group “1“ l't‘t‘t‘:\e' cred
it. many are taking the trip :ii order
to broaden their horizons

The tour is designed to cite par
tictpants an oierall men «it mluco
tion and culture in :\ll..\ll'lil r‘iirle)
said that during the trip the group
Wlll attend seminars \‘lsll st‘llmils
and va nous museums

In addition to Farley s tour the
education department iitso is con
ducting a trip to France

Ruth Fitzpatrick. director of latio
ratory experience and certification
said that “looking at another culture
provides insight into our own cul
ture " She is coordinating a trip to
France that Will \‘lsll different
schools. including the American
School of Paris

The tour WI“ mainl) locus mainly
on education in France. With em-
phasis on areas of professmnal lit
termt and to indmdual participants

ttliil Ti.i'.ti

”teari. .itwti' "lt‘II
Lil'it". “\



In addition to the seminars and
school \isits. the partiCIpants “ill he
giten an opportunit} to sightsee.
shop and nstt places on their Win

The Spanish department also is
making its annual trip to .\lextco
According to Gail Gonzalez. coordi
nator of the Mexwan trip. the HOW

I Il\lil\\s .

uill first \isit Mexicv tit\ and then
toui the .\l.l}illl ruins

Students \klll he e\pected 'o sight
see with the class eiei'} other dd}
“hilt‘ ottda) acti\ities uill he
planned for those Vtho \Alsh to par

(‘roiizale/ said students will be pro



'2' spruh
To lion/ale;
fluxes ahoii' ’
i'Jt'iitt‘llllfl oitt: 'I‘r

i‘ht l-‘rerit l:
puiiuied a trip ’

, .iiiceied ilue
said .lean char: .

‘tie program

ltut tor illlll'~.:i.t
painting. the t'oiiegr
lilt‘l‘lng a painting
students \Hll he requirwt
and dra“ eight hours «. tin: '
riod ot twi necks atone
riiand} coast

The group also \sill Ms" who
seums and other French night: '«
during its slit) in France

in addition to these tours
others are planned. according
Kathleen Lynch. stud) ahroad .iti
\‘lSOl‘ The College of Fine \i"s ,s oi
tering a photograph} tour and .i the
ater trip An architecture trip rose
is planned

Students also can take :ndepei‘.
dent studies almost am“ here iii the
uorld t'K also is cospoiisoriiig tuo
internships in Edinburg. N‘Ulidiltl
and in Madrid. Spain

The internships \Alll allou stu
dents to work and stud} “hlle expe
riencing another culture. Lynch


‘Q‘\ 0': t

inursdoy April l9 l984

ated at meeting

( 'ommittcc
neu courses


\n ill, ‘4“ \\.I\ '.iht‘! "' .'tmt ‘fi‘tli’
or 'he luwersm i-urr‘wiiiuii 'i- ‘lt
\ tile in genera. studies courses

\lemhers oi the committee ml
address the Nude-tit «aneriimuni \s
sociation Senate at "s .'neetnp: tie-\t

\\ ed hes da)


 ms KENTUCKY Kenna My, Aunt II. nu
‘ i-(f’t



JJ‘ 5 Word Processing
APA Style Specialist

$1.00 page 24 Hour Emergency Service


-\‘J ."~~'..".1r~“a




\ i'l“ ' itk‘y l‘dit \‘llt'
ing i‘ltS Sunday Morning with
(holes Kiiralt. she said "it was
about a similai camp, the one in
Michigan. and I thought, "Wouldn‘t
that the neat it we could do the satiie
thing" So I called t‘harles Kuralt
and he sent tiie the y ideotape ”

-\«'cot‘tlilig to Sanis. there is hard
ly .tll\ ditterence between these
campers and healthy kids

‘I think there's a lot ot ignorance
about cancer in general This is not
a camp tot terminally ill children
These children are not dying cltil
drct: \lost ot these children are
far more .ictiyc than the counselors
thought they would he Sometimes.
you might iorget that they haye aii

Siiiis s on. th it more than halt ot
the iiill‘ipt'ls ate in remission. a
sytttplott‘ il't‘t' t‘t'spite troin the dis
he taking any

t‘dSt‘ 'll‘l
nlt'tllt .i'llll'.

"t Alice! is

int: i:i.iy

an e\pen.si\e illness.
t'iitancialfy etitotioiially and social
ly Saiiis s.Ihl \ lot ot times even
lllilt' illllilt'i‘l‘. teel some ot that. tust
like iy’iei‘ a maple goes through a
di\orci l‘hey absorh a lot. that
tens'oi an: I think these kids do

so); an.

medical prognosis tor
'r i lllit‘l is bright Sams
\m. an
do we. .iI-ii \Illllt «it
haw t- "It
than *l'lt‘ls lt, tact
starlet: his cattlp. three ot the chil
drei y.\ it c tlllt the tirst year hau-
tllt ‘tt that llit‘cllIS that probably
W.‘ " ei.’ --: are still with us
he coming back this

some who won‘t
the children
st'l'hltb torms ot cancer
since we

'.';t't t‘

v ..

lit .‘..

‘ i:\tu .\.l.

Friday Midnight!
and 9:.5 Sunday

Saturday Midnight!

Nicholasville Rd.
PHONE 276-5419

June 18th Exam

Classes Starting
week of

Lexington Mall









TONIGHT April 19th

. A1 ’g‘s,



v v'.

\t\\t IM. llti Sl()\l
IIltrlJtlltlilltl ice.

/ oniant the

IS \lilM l'

.I.Alr a M. \~





‘ ' i < a


ml“ CK“ M 271-
MOSCOW ON IN! “0050” 1']

“i iqs

i -’ ‘4‘ <





lou Bldg


Nice As New Shep

Consignment Clothing

from 9 10 90 Wild 8 have fun looking for 100 Easter eggs

that the Super Bunny has hidden all around the tavern

, - y
The eggs are tilled wuth prizes gifts and drink speciaTs!

One egg features dinner for two at Dudley 5 Restaurant'

So hop on down bring your basket and enioy the fun

Remember Easter egg hunts aren t lust for kldSl


Hours Yues Fri ll 6
50' ll 5

Closed Mon


“I think there ’5 a lot of ignorance about cancer
in general. This is not a campfor terminally ill
children. These children are not dying children
Most of these children arefar more active
than the counselors thought they would be.
Sometimes, you mightforget that they have an


Gloria Sums,

Somerset regional coordinator

‘lcho well ( 'ancer Network


Indian Summer was created.
Sams sand. to be similar to a normal
ay'erage camping progratn "\\e
have the typical camping actiy‘ities
like swimming and hiking. we have
archery and all kinds ot‘ field games
such as volleyball. baseball and has
kethall."she said

"last year the Porter l’aiiit
company from Louisville brought in
a hotrair balloon We bring tn horses
tor horseback riding The (K has
ketball team came the first year
They ~re always very popular

"We're going to have some spe
ctal ey'ents for teenagers this year
such as a pizza party and a dance
We try to combine some special
fun. neat things with typical. tradi
tional camping aCilVlllt‘S

Indian Summer was also designed
to give these children a sense ot ac
complishment. independence and a
sense of mutual understanding

"Sometimes the children ha\e
told me that when they have had
cancer. they have lost some ot their
friends. sometimes through sotne ot
the superstitions and the misconcep
tions that extst about the disease it
self." Sams said ‘This is a good
Chance for them to get together with
other kids that haie the same kinds
of problems but also haye the same
potential to share ideas to share
things ‘

Sams also said that the camp has
really given her some worthwhile

"(the ot the kids that tirst yeai
wanted to go home with me So l
suppose that s what I rememtwred
the most about it but I guess Just
the whole extx-rience was what
meant a lot Vie got to be so close to
the kids and to hear their coni'ersa
tions about what was important to

\M‘ got ittst heau'itiil letters
trom parents about how much this
meant to their child to be able to
time this kind ot tuti lt ey'er there
was any question in ii._\ mind ahoiit
w but we were doing was really .iii
portant I think those kinds ot thing
answered :t Sams said

Indian summer is
doors to more children

”We‘re opening the camp

opening 1's


year not oiily to children with can
cer. but also to some ot their broth
ers and sisters who haie special
concerns and problems ot their own
as being a part or that tamily situa

"\le re going to open it to children
who haw sickle cell anemia They
are being treated by the siilllt‘ phy
siciaiis who treat our kids and we
teel that they would tit iii \ery well
itito this setting. ” Sains said

Many people may tind that they
tit iii as camp counselors as well
Experience is itot she

'.\ll ot the counselors and at‘tt\
ities people are \oliiiiteers and a
tow ot the y'oluntwrs iii the last coii
ple ot years ha\e been students ot
the l‘hi\ei'sity ot Kentucky or anoth
er inator college who haye used
this either as a practicum asso
ciated with their mator or as an ex
perience they want to list their
resumes sometime in the tuture. ei
lhet‘ it) the areas ot social work «it
i'eci'eationor rehabilitation

It really is a good opportunity i:
you re a student to time a pt‘acti
can: that s kind o: unusual which i~
pt‘oytrteit to \llll at no cost because
we pay all the e\pense.s ot the
yoliii‘.teers Saiiis said

“t’l‘t' tat! looking tor somwiie
with a clitical background Satiis
said hot e\atttple. someone w ho s
worked a lot with medicine although
ot the \oliiiitu-rs are nursing
students who haye an otwioiis ititei
est ii. this type or thing \either
we looking tor people who ye tiad .i
aholc io' ot camping e\perieiice

'\\i' Kilttls lit people
Sometimes a ail ages ot peo
ple 'yh the range
iron: in or 17 years old to To in now
\H also like to haU' grand
mother types who kds It}
their laps atttl l'v'd‘t lho‘tt. it slut‘y ttl'
it . who know






need all
t' ltii\i'
tia'it- yoliitilts't's
«at. s:?
also nice to haye kids
ft v run and play gaiiies


as you loye kids and
to haw a
you pt‘otiatlly would entity
Ht t‘\ll‘l'lt‘[‘.t‘t-
-oiii.scloi's ti.

.\lcl)ow ell

as long
Lumif 'Ilnt‘

this kzr‘id

:kl‘ll Kl‘tt'd .'iH.\
Sanis said
it.ti't’t*slt‘tt t1. ll(‘("lllill.fi.l
NulllS al ‘l‘it‘

t." ttltat't
~\et w ork.


l 'ancer

Main Street. Room in Somerset
Ky 42501. for an application

'l‘raining sessions tor yoliinteers
are scheduled tentatiyely around

Fees for the catiip. a tioii piotit
program. will change this year be
cause some tannlies taniiot attord
the $50 charged in the pl't‘\!itlLs
camping sessions

"We've had a camp tee ot Soil tor
the week e\en though out
were probably S'Joo a wwk
said "\\c made it yery low
oy'er halt the kids who came
camp coitldiit eyen attoi‘d that Emu
So. we've totind scholarships in the
community tor those caiiipets illrlli
cty‘tc groups or pt‘i\ illt‘ sponsors

"\le re going to try something dii
tet'ent this year and ask toi a so reg
istt’atton tee tt‘oiii vain who
sends in an application 'o iaiiip and
then ttist ask theiii ‘o ||tllllll‘lilt
whatever they \‘.tt. intuit the
ot' a child‘s weekatiainy

“'l'hct‘e were .i few
could hau- \t'llll'llltl't'il moi.
33o hiit then it'iieis
whom Mo was a .o' ot ::
tact the) had
money toget tttianip

‘ “e H-
one and
child tron:
glad that
that policy

Seyeral gioiips ha.

.\ii oi‘gaiii/a‘m:
ty 'hat has lI'i-I. par'.
csted in this .s ‘tii lll't'.
sitt‘t)t‘ll\ slit mixi
tttl 'lh kttl>
.110“ .\t‘t"h‘ iL'v“
$9M! “e Ii“.-

"hat h‘l‘itl







. ..,-t\
[lint i.

Yttm uko'lt


tt‘yang ti- ire.
weye lt'\|'!
cottiii‘g 'o
di'h ll't'

\Ill:\ \.t..


lthi' '.. tit l2"
l;.t\t' 'II


to pay tot tiiis "
l‘or exiiiiipli-
son.- kitat to. 'tt
iatiip :s remit.
ltfl‘ y'o'o.


To see as r \p .‘

\itflu t',

t'tii'1stiiias par
t ."
llii' 'lli ,
.ioii. swim
illll t‘ i".t‘.‘y
'tiat 'hc‘

ALLAH. iititl

’tii'ti ‘

ll itm'S 'iiki
amt i'tlwt" in it

s ln‘t't suit.

litl eki'I‘leil'.
.it‘.(1 um t a'

\tiit the i l‘. . ..

(ouneu all I Meat-Ill nun I’uhln Rel-lions I "In.

Two campers learn how to swim at last ycat ‘s camp as then iiistiiictoi guides them along 'hc .\ .i'.‘


(ontinucd tiom page one

rations are seen as a rallying point
and genuinely achieving selfdeter-
mination They mean no more de
pendency' on the federal goy‘ernment
for survival "

Will conduct a

Lewis also

537 Euclid Ave.

for the

Entire Family!
Accepting Summyer
Consignment Clothing


Phone 266-4577
Juanita Ryker-Owner

workshop on "White America Black
Reparations" at H a in on Saturday
in ‘28 Student (‘enter Addition ller
Visit to [‘K is being sponsored by
the Black Student t‘mon. the ("K
chapter of the Democratic Soctalists
of America. the minority student at-

ttiattcellot ot
.tltdlt's llit'

and l’rotessional

lalt‘s ottlt'e the
minority student
Black (lraduate
Students group



Both programs
to the public

are tree and open


tot 'li’.\ll~.\l





[tut ttttliit 'I Hi

\l’H l;\l \Kll l5






ix around

mm pioiit
s )cm‘ he
iliUi iliilli'ti

prm rum

()1 {5w Inl‘
Ulli' cosh
ck Nuns

inn imi

l'.liiit‘ in
i iiM' inn
ups in tin-
iil‘i\ Hun.
Mimi: \iii
>i .1 5511‘):
Hum ‘KilH
“mtg: .tiiti

p Tim ('nx'

:rz‘fl» ,Hw
'iHic iimii

w'iit'i ‘~ iHi




'lllwns 4 Film

'clinx (Ii
mi the

mi open




THE KENTUCKY KERNEL "Hired-y, April 10, 1'4 - 3


Mlclxoy Pattenon
Spurn “141,:




lh \ll( kl'.\ l' \'I"l'l",l(§ll\
Spuris i‘.ti1iui‘

completed 387 percent n! his
throwing unlx lin‘ec

Knit-Hm; hp iiilili mi: .1. 'i
inter .ami (‘iolrmi‘nc ~x-H-H. i’..a:.~v
coniuici‘t ii. ilh .m if: My ' .1. '

ccpi mm

ins! )mr ill‘ am: like crinsumdle- 'i‘hc \tci'swupu-ui qllairrcrmck





Ransdell ready to ignite Wildcat offense on a regular basis

,. ¥h .;
{vi} 9 Jinn!» 'vv Ii

Dy. .n 7" E. :.


it'ilt“.t‘l i.1kv .: li.l\\ii I‘ciici piit‘il mien 1\ mm: m .l Huiii‘aii' {\pc 'iicu/iihfl rimw...’ .'..: iv”: . .-
vi mixinrt ii!‘,\iiiii.‘lii iiiii i{.iil>'lt‘ii the mini icmicr an Him ii1>[)ii"'\ in! cum-r im' i J...'~-:.' ow: m '- '
m-xci' lullit'ti In mii} l K upon cnicl‘ im H-nnmtm uni: inx '~\lli"i.\ ncuri‘. .m.‘ Vile ihiii 1' ,1 Mn": in ii. .' '
in: 'hr L'Aiii" \lmt nomhh «1an .n nth-z: .1.» ‘.\liii ins .1: Mons Ham 'i1.H\ mun-Hug? ir 1: \H'r. m." i‘. r" : ..
inuwz‘imuw- \‘iirlii'i‘. .tilli m 'iu- iluii rio-ii iiHArWt'i' iim-xni ii' min 'im' cumin; '» '.' !. .'.L' I "z. ,r 3 n; y
n: inmw i’umi .1L1.nli.\‘ \Kexv Virgin ”my: fimuui i‘~ u-“J; p! w
‘d i mam}; IiUi:' \ux ili|llii Ham .i!2xici‘~'.ir..: .‘ .- 1‘.
i'.,\\.-.._H;L‘ , I g”. ”-m “mi in“; [iv-i, ~.:.'i “in‘ii‘i my iii!” 'iic illili “ii if. I": i‘ii.’.i:'il‘i\:v ' ' v ' . :- .
it‘iin'diit‘i H.1fixtic'ii in” a \iiH' 1‘.‘ iiic [main rei.‘ me niicimw 11m- m war .«m-z, r . .. . ,, ,
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'.' i..:‘ I, iv'i.i\i'.‘\ :II\' L‘I ,; .3 ‘in win.“ incl". Lumti \urmq- .' i..:' .3.
.» il.. . :1.» “Mali”: .1» 'I- r.'H.\\ - quiz”; in :w 'in‘ mm: .H ; igy.’ ..;..: .~
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c N " ‘ f H "H ‘1 . - ’ 'v camco- wpiwzrwrv ‘ . ‘ < . . ,.

Claiborne hopes for competitive scrimmage

l'.\ iii:

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Nick 11mm.“

\lmz‘h‘. -W ' : Hui. x ':

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v‘ ; 1‘ l i\ .. .' v . i’.l~.\ '..‘itic.' ”mum \\.1.i.‘ "cm \i..':‘ . ' .m
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Applications Now Available

Kentucky Kernel Staff Writers

Fall Semester


Experience desired but not required.

Deadline for Applying: April 30, 1984
Applications available in 113 and 210 Journalism Bldg.



L18. coaches shoot for gold medal
in Olympic basketball competition


Radio Blood Donor Days

(.(I-Ipllll‘lll‘l‘d h}:
\‘ kl‘ll‘l. W l.-\I’ A“ A“ F“. WFHI. W »\.\l .
W BBLWNliW. 6'. \\ 'I‘Kl'
l cmrol Kenlucl‘} Blood 1 enter
\\ hcn: W ednesdn} . \pril l8
Thursdu). .-\pril 1”
Time: \oon-lllpm
l'lucc: \lcmoriul (Ioliseum (“est concourse)
lienlrul Kentuck} Blood (chter
(330 Waller he.)




\ll donors are eligible for a drawing for an;
\‘l/F‘l nudio receher and speakers. 1
Drawing for u Walkman Radio mery two
hour~ at both locations.
(iompetion between dorm floors. Winner will
recehe n pizza port} from Domino‘s.





"l ou‘rc got to girc a little"





4 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Thursday, April 19, 1984



Independont Sine. 1'1!



Establish“ I89.

Andrew Oppmanu

Llnl S Kodabo Stophomo Wollnm James A190"
inn. ‘ .etd '.1 NHw~ r " 1 ".113 Lid.“





British seek means
to properly answer
to Khadafy ’s work

113‘ 'l‘.1e.~11.1\ Vol \I 191.111.11'


dapped the world
'3111 race
‘1 :unniar; opened :::‘1 1 1'}. .1 >11Int1aeh1ne~gun
.111 .1 1'1‘111111 111 .11111 K11.1.1.1'_2 'T.1T1"I‘.~ The short burst
11: 11:21:11'11 \‘dIYIt' tron: .-.' 1111?...» .1;:11111\1 1n the I.Ih)'élll
entoa>>1 .11: louder. 11111111: '1; \1'.1t.1. .1311l k1Il1ng pol1eeuo-
.1'...1:'\ 1111:1111 I‘Ietehet' _‘.~
The 11re.1 1.1.15 >e.1;e1: 1:: 3.111111t1.1s.~1 >ur1'11unded
' ' .. 7‘111111111t1, and one ot the
~t '.'1 ':. 1111-1'1‘. 1t.11 had hegun



l“'111>e .::.~:1Ie 1‘..1‘.f‘1‘1


.~.‘t‘e.1'e\‘ po.:'.'.1‘.1.



I'. 3;.1\:111' 111:111111111';
l.;f1\‘.1 ."1.z_~1111t.'11r11‘ 1‘ 111;"1- .1111l1t5t111‘etg11
.".:.:‘1.\T:j\ 1’1.» .11>Ie.:~.: I...;e1‘ 1 1» ' \11th .1.". unpro-
111ke1.z .1i1.11‘1\ ’1'1- 11:25.1»; '1‘\' 11~ \11'31 nonsense and
::.‘,~::‘.:11r:11.1t:1-r. .121 '1 :1 e\p11‘1-: r Kn.111'.1r\ the uhole
' \Iltl‘11.1.". fit} 5.1I1‘llllt'


2111» l1.f1).tli gowrn
111;.1111.~t the demon
1: 2..Y11:'~ note that the
'.".\.'.1’ ‘ll\ .1i>' .11', Illt.‘ FCCIII‘

;~ T111111; '1111‘. 11:1».1 x11111eth1ng


3.1; (1 11.1;1pe:


renorfed '..";.:‘ '1'1 ‘ .\ ;111.1:'1"1:1e1" .1.1rned la’r1t
”th11r171e> I111? 1"1 ' ::11 111'"‘:\.". .111'I111r't1e\ could re
\I111t> I‘..11it1eer‘ : 11 11+ 11 ere named


hlittdaf‘. has e\p1'e\\1-: L.".1'.\ 21> :I‘.Te!17> to .1».1.\>1

I‘..11Tt‘ that. 11,211 1112' : 1.1111!‘ :11? '11 11w the ~I11eld ot






1:;11a1rtia'11' ..".11'1'..111;?\ '. ;1' 1.~ -. .1123. \ensme» Holenee
~1. 1 '\ t‘t‘ptl‘\.\'e .11 11e~

‘1\'e'.'1er l.‘..'1_\.11.1," ;1‘ .1. . 1 ‘1’. .:.~ 1111'113at1t_\ depend>
11:',1‘.11.'".> 111 the :‘e\‘ 11a- El: .111‘I111r1t1e.~ are de-
n'..1.'~1'r.; 'hat tho» 1.:‘1111 " 1 ' 1.1-1: ;- 11: the l.1I1\.‘111 ent
hm» hm 2111', pe.1.1f ' ' 1' 1 "1111"!:e~ t’l('.\pllt’ hax
1:1; "wt-11.521 In‘tet: 1; ~.:'. ‘1';1> the Ht‘lllsh
Erin-aw} 1:: l‘1'1p111' 11: 1 :1 ' to glue up the
L1.l."'.."f..1?'. \111‘. ‘111t't11111': »' ,~_ ; '11111'11 11.11 he no 11.11

:‘1-1‘.1t:on.~ 111th
1 1 '1 1 12.1 must he


. .
. 11.. . . ;

1. \1 .1

\ \k I
t ,. .1
1 '\ M
\1 k-\ 1 M

11.. 1. \u- ‘
11. .1 1k 3
1 n\ 1. l
1 ~

1 1... . . 1 ,1
1 1 1...v....\1. .
1x 1 \1~ n1
.\ 1. .\ 1... \ 1

\1 \ .. 1 1

1 1.1
\11-11 1111.11 1'11”

;;..__ M;,_;._ _ . _;.__;____J





1' 1
l \
l 1‘". .‘ 1
I 4‘11!th ;
l \ WEE 3161‘
l 1 («‘11s
1 . l. 13801.7
t . -; .
l -
I .__



\pp.1ren'1_\ '1h1 >'.111en' 1.1111-1'1;
ment \\.~111‘1.1t:11:1 :\ \!.l: 11'. the dark
.1ge> .1111: need> ~11n1e enligh'enna-nf
on the \1‘111111‘11 11f >'.1'1~: 11>

In Iaxt Fr11t.1x ~ \7111'1 .11111111 .1 1111;
tron-1x1. 111er 't11 1'1-';11.11’.111.1’1111 11!
.laek l)ut.1ortt. '111 current ~t111111nt
member 111 '.he Ken'uek} 1 111111112 111
Higher deut'a'tot. \11\ Preview
lta\1d Bradtorri 21911.41» 1111.111 \t.1

"l‘here h.1~ :11-1111 been .1 \111111-::'
‘1111' ha~ peer. :‘1-11ppo111te1l ’h1
11111111111 11. lltfiltt'!‘ I.d111.1'111:
Bradford ‘11.: ”I'I11 goxer‘s'w:
Broun tel” 11111 strongl'. 'I111'
wax a one 111.11 tern. .\Itn1111g11 .1111 .11
;~ quahhed 1111 1't111n1-e\ tor 111.11
p111:1tn1ent \111111‘11 he ~111: ‘1 :111111
\nd Itased on pl'ex e1t1‘11' ;' .1111Id ‘11

l‘llk't’ ltul1111r'h :\ -111.11 21111 \11.
:t1d1\‘11i:1.1l to hold {111- \llltltl,' pm.
'11111. Btueltord1.x11r.1'.1.1.11gh:\ 1'1111111.
\Ittlls than the 2.11-t Yh.1' \nge...
Ford lhtluor‘h x predeuwwr 1 1~
“.11' reappmnted t11 the (111.111. \1
xtudetrf 11t .11: r'\pe:‘::'..ett'.1. \1'


111.1'11.1j. .1I11111' 11111." \ununetx .11."-
1 friend 11t mine .1 ho platx pro 11w
tml. for the (‘Ie\el.1111l llr11‘.\:1> '.\.1~
1112\111u~ ~h11u n1e11 neu gadget he
1.111 ‘11>' purehawd son} '1\.1il1'.111.11.\
hm: 11>v heen ll‘ltl'ttdllt‘t’tl 11nd I11
~11t1'1t1en1111et111r 111t the men near
.111; 11' .111uld t1e grea' tor '."1p~ '1
.11.1.11 sank-1
l‘ 1lltlt‘1' 1.1111111111';tartan: 111.1111
me 111 ’1r_\ on the t:e.t1‘lpllt1.'te> ~;:11'e

ln‘ dl'A.11\ hurt. .1 t‘ItIIl‘tHhN'ttt‘ 41!



The 11111111111 1 tr11-11‘t1en1111: I ~.1111

Fantastic \11111111' I 11I1el1e\11
:1Ie ”Hon n1ut‘h1h1tit1ej. eoxt‘
lie \.leI '1tr1l1 .1t1out $31111 \111.

ought 711 get .1 par."

NIL} ' lie hml Ille Iterh' to ‘11‘1
I' 11.1.1 1111te 111111111» m1 uellhned
potket pro too'tmll tirend mold the
1111Ij. thwr.1l.;. 11 her IdlkITIL'
monej. For me the ".111 \Htl‘tl) g1. 1..
gether 11ke 11-11 1':11.1n111r1dor11on.~

l ealled timeout and told Inn; I
“as 121111111 l11'.\.11' t11t‘11 1ear11r ".111

L7 1"



1-12111 '.\';Il textttj get1er.1l1/.1t1on.~
lune-1‘. 1111 .1 \llltple 111 one exent are


Ir ‘:.1\ wruvular 1-.1\e there are
-'1‘r.1l x'e.1>11n\ uh) 111111.1111111 111a)
3-1 :11.1ppo11'.'e1! .stnle Ford ‘.\.1\ not
It11 .‘2!1'11111\t.1nee.\ are dltterent
I1'111111r't1t1.1.~1111l1 been on the (111111
'1 '1’ \11'.en.t1er tor .1 total ot >111




Nam :11 t..1~ 11nl1 I1.1d.1 t'lltlllt't‘ to
-;~' \Y.1'te<: 'he .ndmduah eon
',1-1-‘e11 :1 tit; '.'1e .1ppo1ntn1en? prove»

11. 1111111 1111-I1nett :11g1111h1n1a
.11... 11111113111111- II1.1.". 1t lluluortlt

’ .11} .1 'I1.1 't’I‘ti.
X31 'ImI 1I.?'1'It’!11t 5~ 'l‘.1' Ilit‘l‘t' f

.1 1'1 .1 41111-111111 1111'ern111 tolln‘.‘

11111111: .1t11111‘ l't‘11;1pt11l1llll('ll' 111.11

llex‘auM' 11! 'I1'~
liradtordk l‘t‘lt'l‘t’lnl
Ieged teeltng> I111.\.1t'1
that he inapproprtat.


men more ~h.11\_\
appeal to pl’u‘t'tlc':
tlt‘l‘lk‘t‘ 111.13. detertz.:.
.1 court 11: Iau
gqu-r11ator1a1 11111111.:1

I'K >IIltlt'III\ tlt‘\t'l
head State I 1111'
ernn1ent prewter.’

\hould proxide
tor Ins 1'h1111~1

1111-111 tothet 11111.1;


ased on doubtful rationale

:1111 1:111' :111'1111-1 5(1). President J1m
111111.111 11.111 .tlt‘t'atl) nommated Dul-

Inez. .1111 \11111e .11'1'eptal1le rea
111n~ tor Itradtord \ .11't1on

I11 1n.\t.111ee Bradford mlght
111111111 the .1I11ht_\ ot SGA Pres1dent-
I111" 'I‘nn FreudenIx-rg to work with
t1.l.111rth \1111'11 l)ul\\orth ran
.11;.11.'1~I rreudenherg tor SGA nee
prewten' 111 Whit Bradford Is 111 as
111-111! .1 poxlfton 11.x amone to deter

1 1: 'he {It‘u Std adnittmtration

. ....1111‘l\ 111thl|ulu11rth

l’111"."1.1p> Hradtord prefers the
2.411111 1-1Iu1‘.111on pI11lo>oph_\ of H011

; 111.111 that 11t ltulvorth II that is
'tte 1I1ttere111‘e.\ 1n ph1lo>ophy
1' he t1rought out for the stu-

‘1\1't; .1II IIIt‘N' plausible reamns.
.111111Ier~ uh]. Hradtnrd gaVe
.111 1111'11111plete e\planat1on tor





'1. ,. - . 1'1111111'H1g ('or"
,1~ . .11 11:111'1‘ xtadent and
,.‘>\. 1'0

0st to lightweight headphones


'11." Ute pt‘11'e '. t'nme dour. hetore
I 1111111141..) \1\'_\ \tt‘..t('kt‘r\tltrtttle
\111‘1' 11.111113: 1: 111.0 11\er .1 year
‘t.e pine 111. These hot Ilt‘llh 1le
11111111111 enough tha' \.111t.1 t'lau.\
11:11am? 1111‘ 111.11 \ltnough I had to

w'he to" 11 \I111‘.. I dtdnt nitnd hr
1'.111.\e .111 'he t1r.1:11L~ evenhod}

.1.» :1..1k1n;; 'nen: 111 mm sounded

'tm x.111.e to 1111' It eo>t $43. “hteh
".1111 hate t11.11;ree 1~ .1 I11! more rea

\> met“.oi:r ttrst e\perlet11‘e.\