xt7kwh2dc20x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2dc20x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1997 1997 1997-02-10 2020 true xt7kwh2dc20x section xt7kwh2dc20x  

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By James Ritchie
Senior Stafl~ H 'nter

The plus/minus grading scale may not
encounter as much opposition when the Uni—
versity Senate votes on the issue today as it did
when the grading system was proposed for sev—
eral undergraduate colleges.


proposal: “Since the grading system within
graduate level cotirses is riiore abbreviated due

to minimum (il’.«\ require-
ments, the need for finer disa
tinctions is necessary to more
accurately represent student

“I think it's a different animal," said Senate The proposal for
(.hair jan Schach. “I don't anticipate a great plus/minus grading in the
deal of resistance.“ Graduate School was

Plus/minus grading wouldn't affect gradu-
ate students the same way as undergraduates
for two reasons. Schach said:

VC is a failing grade in graduate school. So,
professors grade on a two—grade system, any-
thing else is unacceptable.

V(lrade point averages aren't as critical in

graduate programs.

ln a “terminal" program, students aren't
concerned with getting into the next level of


approved unanimously by the
Senate Committee on Aca-
demic Standards and the
Senate Council.

The (iraduatc Council
and the graduate faculty also
voted in favor of the propos-
alhut that doesn't mean the
move won't go unchallenged.

“l think it's insane that we
even have a grading system at
all( on the graduate lc\cl)."



the debate P8988 on...

The Universay Senate is voting
to implement the grading policy in
the Graduate School today.
These colleges have plus/minus

VCollege of Law

VCollege of Architecture
VLandscape Architecture
VCollege of Fine Arts
VCollege of Arts and Sciences
VCollege of Communications
and Information Studies



WEATHER A lastly cloudy

8 tomorrow, big/J 3 5.

PAN: ARISE U K men's liasketball tram

bl '2," out No. I 8 l'illanot'a in Rupp xlrcna

today, bigb 30. Alon/y cloudy

tonight, low 1U. .lloxtly cloudy

yesterday. See Sports, page 3


one in place at some Ivy League schools, where
graduate students iiitist achieve a certain |e\ el
of accomplishment but do not receive grades.

After approving
plus/minus grading proposals

in 1996 for the colleges of

arts and sciences and commit»
nications. then denying sinii
lar proposals for social work
and human environmental
sciences, the senate in
December held 21 discussions
only meeting on plus/minus

No motions were allowed.

Students voiced near
unanimous disapproval. \\ hilt-
the faculty was divided.

'l‘ornblyn and S(i:\ l’l't'sl'
dent Alan Aja presented the
results of a survey of .iri S( i \-
sponsored pliis/iiiinus grad



February 10, 1997

o ('laurticib 9 tritium/r 4

l (ltmuu'il 9

l)! ‘t'i Horn 7


Slut)!» 3


l it'srpoint 8


to vote on Grad School plus/minus

According to the Senate Council‘s official

Vocal S GA senator and professor
find alternative to policy

By James Ritchie

Scum Still} ll'riti'r

\Vlienever the
plus/minus grading
.it kngct‘slty Senate

year, one graduate
been lighting it all the way.
Student (ioverninent :\ssoci.i»
Michael 'l‘omblyn has been one of
the most vocal opponents of the
plus/minus grading scale.

tion (iraduate

'l‘oiiiblyn litipcs
issue once and for

all in March.
Together with geography l’rofcs
sor Michael Kennedy. they ll.l\t'

The student's focus is on obtaining the
highest degree available in their field.

With such a limited scale, manv professors
would like to have the flexibility of more grad—
ing options, Schach said.

Chinese ring
in new year

Diverse crowd attends

By Brian Dunn
Sta/j H’riter

About 300 people gathered at the Baptist Student
Union Saturday night to celebrate the Chinese New
Year. the year ofthe ox.

Chinese, Americans and several people froin
other countries enjoyed food. dance and laughter as
the Chinese Students and Scholars Association put
on a party to say “Xin Nian How," or “Happy New

Participants had 25 Chinese dishes to Choose
from and had many varieties of entertainment to

“This is the bi gest time of year," said Heng Ban
who was holding is 8—month-old son, Steven.

“It is a time to celebrate





family or at least communi-
. ‘ “Especially at UK where
there’s really not a big pop-
Tbis is the ulation,” added Ban, who
- . works at UK’s Center for
blggc’i’tItlnte of Applied Energy Research.
1“": t ’5 a “At least we can get togeth-
ttme to cele- or,"
bratefamily or A taped satellite feed
at [em-t mm- from China brought the
munity. v traditional Chinese new
V year to the party.
People gathered around
Hana Ban the television to watch
CenterfbrApp/ied many colorful scenes of
Emrg)’ Rattan") how the party was going in
("P/03’" China. Also people danced
and sang with the karaoke.
Several small children

were running around the building as adults sat or
gathered to talk and to catch up.

Nine-year-old Ann Zhao, who was born in the
United States, said she enjoyed Chinese New Year
because she likes the food and she gets to stay up all
ni ht.

gLast year, Zhao made a holiday card for her
grandmother in China.

Her mother, Zhen Feng, said, “We should
express our respect for our families. Tonight, we
can say ‘best wishes’." '

Youling Xion , a professor in food science, said,
“(Chinese New Tear is) more for kids. The adults
still have an obligation to have parties for kids to
pass tradition on to the children.”

But, he added, the party Saturday night did not
replace the traditional Chinese New Year.

The party was more American and less formal,
he said. But, he said, “When in Rome, act like the

The party helped a lot, though, Xiong said. “(It
is) a time to get together and to reflect. It is friend-
ship and fellowship.”

Shortly before dinner was served, the 300 tickets
sold out. ‘

After dinner, however, nobody was turned away,
said Lijian Cai, an organizer of the event.

Chemistry graduate student Yue Liu said he and
other organizers worked hard for two weeks to set
up the party.

About 50 of the 300 participants were not Chi-
nese, but were from a number of other countries,
including PolandJa an and Zambia.

Howard C. Van Woertjra a worker at the Ener-
gy Research Center, said he came to the party to
earn more about Chinese culture.

He said the celebration promoted happiness and
well-bein .

Darshfita Patel, a freshman from Zambia, said
the party was the first time she had visited a Chinese

She said she wanted to learn more about not only
Chinese culture, but many different cultures.




said Mich-ac 'l‘oniblyn, Student Government

Association's (iraduate School senator.
'l‘omblyn said he would like to see the

(iraduate School adopt a system similar to the



the University Senate. Sixty~nme percent
opposed the system. ll percent were iii favor
and 10 percent had no opinion.

The Senate did not react to the survey

ing survey of 4M students to






JAMES CRISP Arum" ~J.;"'

BAN” BEAM“ UK students and ”'ylltlt'fll jam aflcdionatcly display Kentucky Kernclrfi'attirrng tbe annual ( in
Cary pager. The pager contained special instructions for reactions by fans- to Villa/mm ‘3' starting [Inc/([7. Fire tl'rm-
rand extra copies of the Kernel were prmtcdfiir dii'tribution in Rupp Arena. UK handily tic/rated ll’t’ li’ig Iiait'i TN»-
rion oftbe lVi/dcat.r 93-56 to tbe delight af‘tbe roti'dv Big Blucfaitbfiil in (be rtandr. A


fliiicc studios disability issues

Not all buildings really

wheelchair accessible

Editor} note: 'l'lrit it part one ofa raw—part \'t’7‘1€.\‘gfm‘ll.\‘lHg on
the .i‘cn'im arm/able to and problnnrjacing disabled .i'tudentr
on a daily [mm at tlvo Uniz'errity.

By Capri Cicero
Staff W'Iitn'

Minorities rarely recognized in the learning corn-
munity of UK are students with disabilities. They
are the invisible, yet most visible —— the unheard
with many needs.

In 1973, Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilita-
tion Act changed the lives of many students with

Since then, the much- heralded Americans with
Disabilities Act has also helped to open doors for

()fthe estimated 600 students on campus who fit
the permanently disabled guidelines. around 300
never come to the center.

The majority of the students served by the eel»
ter. said Karncs. are students with learning disabili

In these cases, the office is valuable in officially
verifying the disabilities for instructors and even
providing instructions for professors in case a stu‘
dent with a chronic illness has a sci/iirc or other
related problem during class.

“The worst scenario is a student with a hidden
disability who is embarrassed about it." Karnes said.

The center is also a valuable resource for students
with physical disabilities.

When mechanical problems occur. such as the
breakdown of automatic doors or elevators, the cen-
ter is the place to contact.

It is also the office to call if students have a
request for modifications to buildings.

Karnes said the chancellor’s office authorizes


students, literally.

Section 504 states that no one,
regardless of disability, may be
excluded from or denied participation
in any program receiving federal

financial assistance because of that It i5 (”‘78an that White Hall Classroom Building, for
disability. students with dis- instance, is wheelchair accessible.

What this means for universities, abilitigs become 4 But that accessibility is limited: ()f
according tojake Ka'rnes, director of pan ofwbat the more than 20 doors around the
the Disability Resource Center on w one (In do“ » building, only one is an automatic door.
campus, is that all programs at the "y ' Some mornings, when it is cold, the
University must be accessible to stu- ' door may break ( own, or a student may
dents. JO” Kama: be faced with the problem that the

What the section does not mean is director the building operator has simply forgotten

that all buildin must be accessible to
those with disa ilities.

As a result, buildings such as the
Matthews Building, which houses the
Career Center, need not be
wheelchair accessible, as long as the program can
come to the students.

Started in 1970, the Disability Resource Center
is a valuable place for studens with disabilities.

Although some students would like to see it play
more of an advocacy role, the center has helped UK
advance by leaps and bounds concerning students
with disabilities, Kames said.





Dudbility (some


$10,000 annually to help students
improve the campus if needed.

This does not mean, however, that
everything students want or need is

to turn the door on, Kames said.

These and other problems are a part
of every-day life for students with p ys-
ical disabilities.

But it is not only the architectural
barriers that must be overcome; social barriers must
also be addressed.

“It is our goal that students with disabilities
become a part of what everyone else does,” Karncs

But before they can participate, they must be able
to get to school and into the building, and that can
be the hardest part.





-- J - . “AM“...

crafted a proposal that makes
grading consistent for the whole
l'niversity. l'iider this proposal,
instructors would have the option
of using a scale that has pluses, but




iioriiiiiuses .'\ll \.
plus would not
t\l~l llic plan is
the same one that
the l'iiiwisity of
South Carolina

plan would be a
"win/win" situa-
tion. instructors could
grade with more precision, but
students could not be harmed
with niiiius grades. The Senate
\\lll vote on the proposal March

'l‘oinblyii cstiiiizites that he has
put in riiore than 50 hours of
research on the topic, including
organr/ing the S( RA student sur-
vey and studying other schools

topic of
has come up
meetings this

student has






,s‘enati rr
- because

to settle the


Pop culture celebrated
at English contcrcncc

By B.J. Shacklelotd

( rlrlt'll'ltllng: ll tittr

“X ‘l‘illtjs... l'il\'ls and evci‘ytliing in between were
towred this past weekend as his hosted the WW"
Connections Conference on popular culture.

The conference. sponsored .iiid organii'ed by
the linglish (iraduate Student ()rgani'latiori.
brought together nearly lllll participants from
across the toiiiitry .iiid t'k. ()pen to the public,
"( .oiinectioris" created many different foruiiis tr.
involve people of all disciplines so they could dis
cuss popular culture. submit jiajit’l‘s and \ icu iil'lajl
rial fihii dociiiricntai li‘~

“Pop culture is an up .iiitl~triiiiiiig tllSt iplinef
said (ieoff Denncs, toiifereiit c coordinator:

“He wanted to invite people of all disciplines to
participate. \Ye are all doing similar .itid lllljflll'ldlll
work,“ said Rebecca \\'e-aver, one of the confer
ence coordinators. “I think it's important that we
share our work With each other so that we can fur;
ther our work and have a sense of community."

The weekend of ex cnts covered a t’l'USS'SCL‘IltIll
of popular culture with papers and panel tllSt'llN‘
sions on “Looking liack iii a Post ()._I. Simpson
\Ytirltl," “The X-l‘iilcs’" and aliens. body nioililitxr
tion, alternative cultures and dark nights. Two
original film documentaries were also given [lit‘lr
first screening: TLC: .-l l'i'ar Il‘lll‘ tbr Ia'albcr (Ila/r
about the gay lifestyle and clubs, and Soar/tern by
the (irate oftiod, a movie about (Livil \Var recnact

Beyond the usual seminars. conference partici
pants were treated to a coffee house poetry reading
Friday night with key speaker (iiirney Norman
and a Saturday night banquet at the Singlet'iry
Center with speaker Dennis l lall.

Proceeds from the coffeehouse were given to
the l‘lnglish department journal Limestone. The
conference offered many people the chance to
whet their intellectual curiosity over a wide range
of subjects from the normal to the paranormal,

“Science fictioii/faiitzisy is perhaps particular l\
appropriate at an academic conference, betausc l'
serves as bor'dci'land where our need to know Lilli
fronts the unknown," said _liilie (lary, “Xel‘iliesi‘
session chair.

\Veave said org-ani7crs wanted the conference
to be more than strictly academic.

“\\'c wanted to invite the public to come to Hit
conference, so that we could share our Work with
people that aren't in academia so that they could
see the importance ofoiir work," \Yeavcr said.

This event represents a year and halfofprepar

“The linglish department graduates have truly
distinguished themselves by organizing such a pro
fessional conference." Nomian said.

“It’s exciting to see the seriousness of people at
this conference," Norman said.

“I‘m impressed by the quality of the presenta—
tions. This is one more indication of the high posi -
tion UK holds in the national literary conimunii




Woollen studies cunnetitlon tor laughs

NEW YORK — Chris Rock ap iroaches cortic-
dy like a sporting event, carefully scouting the
com )ctition.

“f study the market comedically," Rock says in
Sunday's New York Daily NeWs.

“I look and I say, ‘W’hat's everybody doing?’
Then I try to figure out what they’re not doin .

“’orking on his own HBO variety show, ock
can also be seen in the hit film, “Beverly Hills

“So I might as well use this opportunity that I
have right now, because I don‘t know how many
shots I'm going to get."

Compiled from wire "pom.

“-9»4~ ‘

.cu._-,--.-._.... a 1.. .



‘SGA senator opposes

2 Mmuiay, February to, 1997. maul», Kernel

bet, he said, lobbyin the profes-
sor is OK. The debate over
plus/minus grading is far frorn
over, and 'l‘omblyn will continue
to be in the middle of it. When






Tournament WllBBlS lll Champions

ti i
g . . . l S, ~ d" I f By Jay 6. Tate the confidence to do what 1 m
changes 112 gr {111m g fldcgmufi: ‘25, $252”;ng wow Sports 5am domg now,” Hartsek said. “I start—
ed out taking night classes and it

From PAGE 1

that use plus/minus grading sys-

So to hear 'l‘omblyn say, “It’s
sad that the faculty and campus
leaders are spending so much
time on this issue when there are
m many more important issues,"
comes as a surprlse,

But it turns out plus/minus
Isn‘t the real issue for 'l‘omblyn
.lfter all. Creating a pro—active
student government is.

“I just wanted to show that
with a little bit of energy and
n-search. it is possible to make a
I I fference. "

\Vhen students began to take
mile wlth plus/minus gradin r,

professors cornplnined bitterly
'll.ll students had never made
lllt‘lll aware" that they disliked
'lll.‘ system, 'l‘omblyn said.

lf a student knows a professor
u ho is .i L'niverslty Senate mem-

before the senate last semester,
he said the extra )recision in

rading would not be necessary
if all instructors took advantage
of the full range of grades.

Instructors in the hard sci-
ences such as clictllistty and
physics use all the grades, he
said, while instructors in the
social sciences and humanities
award virtually all As and lis.

The grade point average
inflation this has caused over
time can’t be corrected with
plus/minus grading.

Tomblyn wil speak out
against it today but for different
reasons than those. which cause
him to oppose the scale for

“You have to prove that the
actual learning is going to be
bolstered by the ciange,"
Tomblyn said.

“They have not shown that it




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JAMES CRISP Kernel rmf]

“P Hill tililtlis '12.; basketball players fight for a pass in tbe Bluegrass Invi-
tational lVbeelcblrir Basketball Tournament. Twenty teams participated in
the annual tournament.



Don’t call it a comeback.

Wheelchair athletes from 12
states and from Ontario, Canada,
converged on the Seaton Center
this weekend for the Bluegrass
Invitational Wheelchair Basket—
ball Tournament. And though
thin, grippy wheels may have
replaced the high-dollar sneakers
seen at most basketball games, the
game is the same, the attitude is
the same, and the s eed — well,
these players have t c benefit of
an axle.

But throw away any visions of a
assive weekend of exercise and

And don't feel sorry for them.
As far as they're concerned, you
can leave the charity at the door.

“I am an athlete,” Lexington
Community College senior David
Hartsek said. “l just happen to do
it from a wheelchair.”

Hartsek. a computer informa-
tion science major and 17-year
veteran ofthe BGIT, was injured
in a car wreck at 18 leaving him
with virtually no use of his lower
extremities. Physical recovery
time in the hospital went by
quickly, but psychological recov-
ery was not so easy or so fast, as he
wrestled with the realization that
he had taken his last steps.

“You go through stages like
depression and periods of suicidal
thoughts —- time when you just
don’t care anymore," Hartsek said.
“But you have to come together
and find a reason to live."

It's a process, Hartsek says, that
most people who suffer similar
injuries go through. And just like
Charles Darwin’s theory on the
survival of the fittest, soliie adjust
to their new lives. Others don’t.

“Some people never challenge
themselves,” llartsek said. “You
have an injury like that and all
your dreams and goals seem to go
down the drain. But they don't —
you just have to adjust things.”

Sometimes, adjustments indeed
work for the better. It was that
kind of re-arrangement that led
Hartsek to UK. His early aspira—
tions of being a diesel mechanic
faded with the accident, but new
dreams were born and now, nearly
20 years later, only a few hours
separate llartsek from the college
degree, which once seemed to be
in the. realm of the impossible.

“Ten years ago, I didn't have


a free service which appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel.
must have all information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 one. we



just began to come together after

Though much in his life has
come together nicely, things at the
BGIT didn’t turn out quite so well
for Hartsek.

After all, in order to be under—
stood and enjoyed, success can
happen only so often. For Hartsek
and his Kentucky VVheelcat team-
mates, success apparently had the
weekend off this time.

The late '805 saw many a
Wheelcat victory, as they consis-
tently competed for the tourney
championship. The 1997 BGIT
tourney, which boasted two US.
Paralympic team members and
several others regarded as the
creme de la creme, saw the Ken—
tucky team go 0-3.

Despite the defeats, all is not
lost. Though the competition is
fierce, there is more to the game
than X5 and Os, nagging injuries
and the drama of a last-second
game—winning play. Sports is life.
And for many, life becomes sports.

“\Vheelchair basketball is a life—
saver for people with disabilities,"
former VVheelcat Coach Stan
Labanowich said. “It‘s a great
chance for them to get out there
and compete and achieve some—

Labanowich, an associate pro-
fessor in UK'S kinesiology and
health promotion department,
spent nearly 22 years as the corn-
missioner of wheelchair basket—
ball’s governing body, the Nation—
al Wheelchair Basketball Associa-
tion. He also won two NVVBA
championships and two Olympic
gold medals with the US. Nation—
al team. Students in his “Sport and
American Culture" class were
awarded extra credit for volun—
teering at the tournament. In
keeping with the theme of the
class, the tournament provides
another manifestation of the
immense societal importance and
impact of sport.

“Most of (the students) can't
conceptualize the activity, stamina
and speed that these )layers exhib—
it," Labanowich said. “(The play-
ers) have such great basketball

And in the end. that's all ”art-
sck wants to be known for. Not
that he's in a chair. Not that he's
another “comeback" story.

It’s his skill that matters.

All rcgiistcrcd organizations wishing to publish meetings, lt‘.( lures,
ck prior to publication.













MONDAY 2/ l 0 Sill Board Meeting 5:00pm. 203 Student Ctr 269-4505 all fie ennli'vs. South Alabama (Indoors), 4.1K Men's Tennis vs. Mississippi State . ,3 ‘

GAB Contemporary Altair! Committee. 80A, :‘ 6:00pm;1g;dngtoii,m (Indoors). 1:00pm: Lexington, KY 2 ' r
W V, - or UK Senate Faculty Council Town Council m "~' , 1!! Women’s Mm vs. Honda. 7:00pm; 41K lineball vs. Stetson, 2:00pm; Deland. FL
-LCC Dental Hygiene Program Pre-Admlssion's Meeting: Gender 7:00pm w ham Theater . . " “m- Ky '7 4.1K Men's Basketball vs. Florida (J-l’), ;
Conference. 7:00«‘5=00pm. 109 Moloney Sludenl‘co ' figs"? ' “mm“ Tm“ @ vanderbflwnmri «W53 Baskeibmvs LSU tJ-I’) 8~00pm~ Lexington.“ “2 . ‘
building; Open to any interested applicant. no «Baptist Student Union ‘ -:-1i’ua‘c‘lay flight 25°F“ ”ashv‘m’" T” . - ‘ i mm" KY : ' ' ' ' -Ult nanny, ;_ y _, . midnight; Lexln
reservation is required ' Together, 7:30pm. 429 Commitm- 257- W ’ g: 5 KY ’ ‘3’” " ,5 3;

3989 , ' “ " ' j ' .

ay 2/]






Model United Nations an!» Meeting. 8:00pm, , _ W
W 365 Student cu.- 225-6469 «ea = .~ , W . , 3., -Je . «atom-Wilmer Sund l
‘ Mammal” 3" appl'cm ”“5"“ * l’o - i '. Din ‘ athe norm 5:30pm, , . ,;

-SAB Rasdall Gallery: Paintings by Elsie Kay
Harris. Sculpture by Pattie Hood. 257 Student
Ctr (thru 2/12)

defiee in college dean‘s office

-Last day to submit’appliration and all required
dOC'Iimcnts to the Registrar's Office for change
of residency status for the I997 Spring


I o lioom; 2553548. All are wel-
" ’ -EXHIBIT: Chess Sets from the Hoskauer

'COIlection, UK Art Miseuni (thru 6/8)
-|.exington Community Orchestra: Jonathan
Roller, conductor, 3:00pm, Singletary Ctr,


Center for Computational Science. Brown
Bag Seminar: Mary Bond 'Mathematical
Modeling of Electronic Rediflers.‘ 12:00pm,

, ;tiit now. a: UK LAMBDA presents:
Hawaii'- 'I'rccdom of Marria’ge' a



Semester _ ' . .
.newman cu Catholic Mass every weekday. 327 "(l/EV ”a“ br° m? “WWW” 39‘3“" °“ same“ Concert Hall ran:
12: 10pm. 320 Rose St; 255-8566 Donovan Scholars Program: Safety sex , 6:Wm. 230 Student Ctr Center for Contemporary Art: Group


Afil§ g flQVIES
Chi Omega/Kappa Alpha Greek Sing,
7:00pm, Singletary Ctr, Concert Hall: Paid

Prevention,” Officer Clary Wilson, 4:00-5:00pm, "
230 Student Ctr " '
«all UNIX lecture Series: 'Using Tcl and the Tk
Tool kit.’ 4:156:00pm, 119 ASiecc Bldg: 257-

Exhibition, works by students from 50. Illinois
Univ. _ ru 3/16)

"'rRiiDAY 2/ l 4
g Tine .. . graduate clasmmatestlmes-fees
vary: Qlloj’


Career Center Orientations: Mon-M..8$Oam .
.. 2, 96-7831 to register (thru 4/18)








8‘ 2:00pm llhlu 2/2 ll 257'2746 s 596l Johannes Mm ununnial Celebration 5A3 Itasdall Gallery: Oswald Competition, 1.:
'UK Career Ctr Workshop: 'Don't - ' “Y?” Festival presents '88 Plus: Music for Two Pianos Set-u 257 Student C" (thru 3/04) s ,
5"”l*"“5'”“5 WWW" om ’7 " ‘ and Four nands - 8:00pm Singlelaly cu Recital-so mules presents a program of violin and 3
Math?“ Bldg; 257-2746 _ f n -U|t Ballroom Dance Society: Dance Lessons, . Hall I ' at; . w‘ "piano music, including 'l‘antasla Fiorentina,‘ UK mm Catholic Mass, 9:00 or i 3
2;: ' 7:00-8:00pm Beginners) 8:00-9:00pm . . ' ‘i‘ f School or Music, 12:00pm."real Gallery, King 'irmnebm 8 8:30pm r
W Intermediates. Bud! Armory Dance Studio. ‘ ;; Library North; FREE CW Strident Fellowship University

Praisi’fiervice, 11.00am. 502 Columbia Ave;

-Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity Alternative
Spring Break Informational Meeting, 7:00pm,
106 Student cu,- 2258144 “to..- .

CALL Jim 2574947. Ballroom a: Latin Social
Dances-Partner helpful but not required
fencing Club, 8:009m, flumni Gym Loft; 257.
15812 ’

5A3 Spotlight Jae Series: Joe Williams.
vocals, 8:00pm. Slngletary Ctr.. Concert Hall;
$19.50. $15, 310.- 2578427


-Aikido Club, 8:009:3OPrn, Alumni Gym Lott:
2694305 ' ‘ ’

’J ..




m sufggtkgzwfip "“"Sday ”2'9" HEW -Aikido Club. 1:00-5:00pm, Alumni Gym Loft; Eu
- . ~ . Live Meeting, : m, 2 umbia Ave,- 55- 7‘2 .
-The Downtown a.“ . gm m 4! Men's Tennis vs. I‘Iotre Dame (Indoors), ’ 0313. p .. is: _ international W Whip Meeting. 2694395 ;"l
cry. ’ > ' ' ‘ 1 . I .' 7:00pm. Itoinonia House corn ’of Rose St. . ._ ,l‘
Campus Crusade for Chmt Weeklygfleeting »


_ .g’ " ,o 4
-UI tigers-ll vs. Stetson... 1:00pm: Delandtrt
at IoIeII's Median ”6 Mississippi state

S md Rose Ln.


‘97, sponsored by the UK Mignon“; ”It 2:90pm: Lexmgton, KY

EXHIBIT: Jacob (3%:an .* , D DAY 2/ l


7:30pm. Student cu Worsham Theater , .
on lambda Meeting. 7:50pm, 251 smart:












L’Ouverture Salon, 1860-1910. . x W “+3344 - a also .

the ill. rung ennui on, man Ola-bu Music Society: Quinlc Boonie; *dlows-ip 0k... fistian Athlete! W ~ . rt" .« 1‘
3/230 " . Singldaryar. ltectnl fiall; $12.50.- rltao for UK Meeting . . 1 christian Student I'e "
mm; remodel mm m . Students ' ‘ a Bldg. 502 Colombia-Ave: 266-2946 ’

mopedndlneoecowvem ‘ *‘ *

~ " ' W10 51.0! alumna? Try M- it worltsl, Ame... [imam



. . . , . . Program resent!
' on! Hedlngfimllpm, 231 Student Ctr Annex p

Woodson Lecturer,



Art Rosen- tthni 6/9”?


.:‘. u r .' .w.‘


mm; in: Marti: .. »- / , ._ 33* 11:50am-1:30pm, 124‘" ?
Earth. Alt, line. and mm the . “s” ' Donovan Scholars n ' ‘



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Student Ctr ,
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summmoan~w.wmlfltngm . u .



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Will] "A: the last Lexington high school
produit to play for the l’Vi'ldtats?
‘uoiwis (mag moajxn a: saw.) oqoz ‘uidml “MI-9W z"

Wildcats trounce

By Chris Easterllno


ond chances on the afternoon.



l] uni... lit-Ilium ."I. I‘m 3

“WE Gill out—e:'etfythirigal. l'rum unit/ting

to playing to _Y0!l-Ilillflt’-l!, it out there "

Arum. A‘s Ai'r’ui i.

Steve Lappas.

l'i/lanow [vein/twil' alter ”and.” 'i .iml-uili III Ruin],

Gym Kats tall at Alabama

The No. ‘ l l\ (iim Kats led by lreshmin
Kristen llotiirlm stoied .i Wt. 525 but dioppt d
liiday night s meet .it .\( .,\ \ dc ii titling tli. iiiipioii

llocfci‘lin hail ('.ll(‘t‘l .iiotiiid








N. ‘llv r .‘ i."



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