Arthur Graham Polyglot Press Collection


The Arthur Graham Polyglot Press Collection (dated 1969-2019, undated; 4.16 cubic feet; 5 boxes) comprises hand-printed poetry, quotes, religious passages, illustrations, and personal notes, all in a variety of languages, that document the work of Arthur Graham and his Polyglot Press.

Descriptive Summary

Arthur Graham Polyglot Press Collection
1969-2019, undated (inclusive)
4.16 Cubic Feet
Printing -- Kentucky.
Printing presses
Kredel, Fritz (1900-1973)
Collection is arranged by subject into 9 series: Fritz Kredel Illustrations, English, German, Hebrew and Yiddish, French, Latin, Italian, Other Languages, and Boxwooder.
Finding Aid Author
Olivia Rexford, Katie Cook, and Sarah Coblentz
Preferred Citation
2021ms053: [identification of item], Arthur Graham Polyglot Press Collection, 1969-2019, undated, University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Arthur Graham was the founder and operator of Polyglot Press in Lexington, Kentucky. He was born in New York and initially planned to be a chemist, earning a degree in chemistry at New York University. After graduating Graham decided that he wanted to sing or teach music so he earned master's and Ed.D degrees from Columbia University in music education and studied singing at the Julliard School of Music. He went on to be a tenor with the Metropolitan Opera, appearing in over 75 performances. Graham taught at the University of Miami at Coral Gables, Florida and Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania before joining the University of Kentucky in 1968 as a professor of Music. Outside of music and music education, Graham was passionate about printing presses and operated a private press out of his home. "Graham began printing in New York and continued in Pennsylvania and Florida before moving to Lexington. Printing as the Polyglot Press, he has brought fine typographic treatment to works in various languages. He has printed in Danish, in English, in French, In German, in Hebrew, in Latin, in Neapolitan, in Spanish, and in Yiddish, and his work demonstrates a sensitive appreciation for linguistic nuance. In addition to the variety of languages in which he prints, Arthur Graham has also assembled an enviable array of type fonts, allowing him to bring further suggestions of meaning and mood to the way in which his words are displayed."
Source: Burton Milward, "The Private Press Tradition in Lexington, Kentucky", in The Kentucky Review, Volume XI, Number 3, Autumn 1992, pp. 5-27
Scope and Content
The Arthur Graham Polyglot Press Collection (dated 1969-2019, undated; 4.16 cubic feet; 5 boxes) comprises hand-printed poetry, quotes, religious passages, illustrations, and personal notes, all in a variety of languages, that document the work of Arthur Graham and his Polyglot Press. The most frequently appearing language is English, though Arthur also printed his works in German, Hebrew, French, and Latin. Arthur often printed works that included woodcut illustrations made by Fritz Kredel, such as Aesop's fables, Tristan and Isolde, quotes from Candide, and various proverbs. The Polyglot Press printed original poems and quotes by Arthur Graham along with works by Arthur Rimbaud, Wilhelm Busch, Paul Verlaine, William Shakespeare, John Milton, Paul Holbrook, Marcus Tullius Cicero, and Dante Alighieri. Also included in the collection are short essays by Arthur Graham that were published The Boxwooder.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Fritz Kredel Illustrations, 2006-2013, undated

Six woodcuts for medieval latin lyrics by Fritz Kredel, 2009

  • Box 1, folder 7
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Fritz Kredel illustrations: "The Blonde Corinthian" by Herbert T. Cobey (2 copies), 2009

  • Box 1, folder 10
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"Man and Wolf" parable from Berekhiah ha-Nakdan's "Fox Fables" with woodcut illustrations by Fritz Kredel; printed in Hebrew, with English translation provided on ancillary note, 2008

  • Box 1, folder 22
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"Fritz Kredel: Woodcuts from Doctor Faust" (4 copies), 2006

  • Box 1, folder 32
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"Fritz Kredel Woodcuts + The Gawain Poet", undated

  • Box 1, folder 39
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Voltaire - Candide, "Tres amusantes et legerement titillantes illustrations de Fritz Kredel pour "Histoire de la vieille"", printed in French (2 copies), 2009

  • Box 1, folder 40
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"The Devil's Dictionary" by Ambrose Bierce, with Fritz Kredel woodcuts (2 copies), 2011

  • Box 1, folder 48
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Fritz Kredel - Woodcuts for fables of Berekhiah Ha-Nakdan (2 copies), 2008

  • Box 1, folder 64
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"Die Wasserkufe, oder der Einsiedler und die Seneschallin von Aquilegia" by Christoph Martin Wieland, translated by Rudolph Fellner, illustrations by Fritz Kredel (2 copies), 2009

  • Box 2, folder 12
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"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year: Artwork from even cards", seven woodcuts by Fritz and Annie Kredel, 2009

  • Box 2, folder 21
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"Proverbal Woodcuts", woodcuts by Fritz Kredel inspired by various proverbs, 2011

  • Box 2, folder 22
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"Samson", with line drawings by Fritz Kredel (color images), 2011

  • Box 2, folder 24
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"Samson" with line drawings by Fritz Kredel, in Hebrew and English (black and white images), 2006

  • Box 2, folder 25
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"Four drawings for poems of Heinrich Heine", illustrated by Fritz Kredel, German with English translation, 2009

  • Box 2, folder 26
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"Illustrationen zu vier Gedichten von Heine", illustrated by Fritz Kredel (2 copies), 2012

  • Box 2, folder 46
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"The Decameron" by Giovanni Boccaccio with woodcuts by Fritz Kredel (2 copies), 2010

  • Box 2, folder 50
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"Fritz Kredel - Woodcuts from the Offenbacher Haggadah", 2008

  • Box 2, folder 57
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"Selected Drawings from De Bello Gallico", Fritz Kredel illustrations from Eugene I. Burdick's reading translation "The Gallic War of Julius Caesar" (2 copies, one is a dummy copy), 2010

  • Box 2, folder 64
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"Aesop's Fables - selected drawings", drawings by Fritz Kredel, 2009

  • Box 3, folder 55
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"A Dozen Women - Alone and With Men", selected woodcuts and drawings by Fritz Kredel (2 copies), 2013

  • Box 3, folder 60
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"Tristan and Isolde", selected woodcuts by Fritz Kredel, 2008

  • Box 3, folder 62
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Woodcuts by Fritz Kredel for "Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard", "May Collin and the Knight", "Chevy Chase", "Edward", "Our Goodman", and "Robin Hood and the Monk" (2 copies), 2009

  • Box 5, folder 30
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English, 1969-2018, undated

The Polyglot Press Credo (2 copies), 2013-02-05T00:00:00+00:00

  • Box 1, folder 1
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"The Pardonder's Tale", prolouge lines 77-78, by Geoffrey Chaucer with a modern translations by E. Fletcher (2 copies), undated

  • Box 1, folder 4
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"The Ballad of a Barber" by Aubrey Beardsley, from the third number of The Savoy, with the original illustration and a self-portrait, 2002

  • Box 1, folder 5
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Quotations from television and film (2 copies), undated

  • Box 1, folder 8
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"Oft Misquoted" print (2 copies), undated

  • Box 1, folder 11
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"Poem Because of You" by David Verble, dedicated to "Margaret", undated

  • Box 1, folder 12
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"Kansas" by David Verble, undated

  • Box 1, folder 13
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"La Chevelure: a Macaronic Tetralimerick" by Arthur Graham (3 copies), 1999

  • Box 1, folder 14
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"The Wit and Wisdom of Elliot Vereker; Quotations and Drawing by Jas. Th. [James Thurber]", printed by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2012

  • Box 1, folder 15
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"Rimbaud", by Arthur Graham, undated

  • Box 1, folder 16
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"The 3 B's -or- Which is Which" by Arthur Graham (2 copies); note to reader included, 2007

  • Box 1, folder 21
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"De Senectute: Fragments for Consideration on my Ninetieth Birthday", quotes from four poets, undated

  • Box 1, folder 23
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Two poems from "Exact Description of All Ranks on Earth" [1568] by Hans Sachs with the original woodcuts by Jost Amman and translated by Arthur Graham, 2002

  • Box 1, folder 25
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Six Chansons de Bilitis translated from the Greek by Pierre Louys, illustrations by Willy Pogany, Englished[sic] by Alvah C. Bessie, undated

  • Box 1, folder 26
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Selected poems by Stephen Crane, 2001

  • Box 1, folder 28
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"Book Jackets: unclad tomes revealed in lurid rhyme" by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2006

  • Box 1, folder 30
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"Ashkenazen" from Zen Judaism by David M. Bader, 2005

  • Box 1, folder 31
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"A Dickinsonian Poem" attributed to Emily Dickinson, printed by Faux Facsimile Press; (2 copies, one with cover and poem, the other with cover but no poem), 2003

  • Box 1, folder 33
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"Grist Redux: typographic adventures, excerpted quotations, translations, Emily Dickinson, Polyglot limerick" by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2014

  • Box 1, folder 34
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"Holy Sonnets of John Donne" with four engravings by Eric Gill (2 copies), 2016

  • Box 1, folder 35
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"Beatrice Warde: five quotations in capital fonts" (2 copies, one noted as "dummy"), 2012

  • Box 1, folder 36
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"Over 45? on the depletion of male hormone" by Arthur Graham, edited by J. Ramon Jones (2 copies), undated

  • Box 1, folder 37
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Saint Joan: scene four, excerpt from George Bernard Shaw's play; caricature by Gregory J. Walters, typography by Arthur Graham (2copies), 2008

  • Box 1, folder 41
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Quote from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, illustrated by Fritz Kredel (2 copies), 2011

  • Box 1, folder 42
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"On the Healing Arts: attributed to Emily Dickinson", parodistic verses by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2006

  • Box 1, folder 43
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"Notice of Annulment" print (2 copies), undated

  • Box 1, folder 44
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"Rime Pauvre: a macaronic quatrain in Latin and English" by AG [Arthur Graham] and JRJ [J. Ramon Jones], 2014

  • Box 1, folder 45
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"The Horny Scottsman", quote from Samuel Johnson, LL.D., about James Boswell (2 copies), undated

  • Box 1, folder 46
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"Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir? Limericks inspired by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester" by A. Graham and J.R. Jones (2 copies), 2014

  • Box 1, folder 47
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"Non Sum Qualis eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae" by Ernest Dowson (1891), 2003

  • Box 1, folder 49
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"Beauty" from Cakes and Ale by W. Somerset Maugham (2 copies), undated

  • Box 1, folder 50
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Quote about federal prosecutors from United States v. John Cummins, Lexington Cr.No.91-9, E.D. Ky., undated

  • Box 1, folder 51
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Quote about perjury from a taped phone conversation in United States v. John Cummins, Lexington Cr.No.91-9, E.D. Ky., undated

  • Box 1, folder 52
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Debbie Long quote about Holly Hill Inn from the Lexington Herald-Leader, 2007-03-04T00:00:00+00:00

  • Box 1, folder 53
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"3 Questions", print, undated

  • Box 1, folder 55
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"Aesthetics", print; quotes from Baruch Spinoza, Alexander Pope, Susan Sontag, and George Santayana, undated

  • Box 1, folder 56
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"Thanatopsis: poems on death by Heine, Rimbaud, Hugo, Milton, and Douglas", printed by Arthur Graham (3 copies); ancillary papers with typed translations of Hugo and Rimbaud poems, 2013

  • Box 1, folder 57
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"Chapman's Homer Revisited: On First Looking into Chapman's Homer, a poetry contest", print with winning poem and two honorable mention poems (2 copies), 2012

  • Box 1, folder 58
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Psalm CXVII, printed in Hebrew, English, Latin, Yiddish, and German; copies are numbered "1/48", "38/48", and "11/48" (3 copies, 1 is an empty cover), 1990

  • Box 1, folder 60
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"Alvin Shemesh: the future medical illustrator, scientist and physician satirizes his college roomate's delusion of muscularity in two pencil sketches", 2002

  • Box 1, folder 61
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"Three Drawings: Aubrey Beardsley revisited" (2 copies), 2018

  • Box 1, folder 62
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"The Dead Poet" by Lord Alfred Douglas, undated

  • Box 2, folder 2
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"Sappho", a portrait by Charles A. Jolly and translations of "The Poem of Jealousy" (2 copies), 2012

  • Box 2, folder 4
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"Some Doubts in Translating" by Arthur Graham (5 copies), 1973

  • Box 2, folder 5
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Line from The People, Yes by Carl Sandburg, undated

  • Box 2, folder 6
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"The Graham-Keeley Motto" print, undated

  • Box 2, folder 7
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"Sinead" by Jane Egan Graham, undated

  • Box 2, folder 8
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"Seattle Slew!" poem, undated

  • Box 2, folder 9
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"No new steps!" print of notice from Australian Ballroom Dancing Federation president Barry Fife, undated

  • Box 2, folder 10
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Print of award of "Proofreader of the Year" to Raymond F. Betts from Polyglot Press, 2003

  • Box 2, folder 11
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Two cards reading "Happy Father's Day" in Latin and English, undated

  • Box 2, folder 14
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Print of "A Mother's Day Message for Children" from President George W. Bush in the October 2003 issue of Ladies' Home Journal, undated

  • Box 2, folder 15
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"Waste Not Want Not" by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 1978-06-06T00:00:00+00:00

  • Box 2, folder 16
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"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", abridged, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 2002

  • Box 2, folder 17
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"Naughty Helen", an excerpt from Wilhelm Busch's Die Fromme Helene, 2003

  • Box 2, folder 18
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Print of a Fritz Kredel illustration inspired by a Mark Twain quote about Wagner's music, quote printed inside, undated

  • Box 2, folder 19
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"That Woman: Warning! Adult Verse" print, 2018

  • Box 2, folder 20
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"The Rubaiyat: a study in translation; Edward Fitzgerald's poetic process is examined through close translations and rhymed idiomatic paraphrases of the Farsi quatrains. Nineteenth-century French and German translations are appended for comparison" by Shahriar Shahriari, 2007

  • Box 2, folder 27
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"Pitino", print of Billy Reed's quote on Rick Pitino at UK, undated

  • Box 2, folder 28
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Two prints of a play on the quote "Don't do the same work twice", 1989-06-21T00:00:00+00:00

  • Box 2, folder 29
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"Old Tuscan Towns: ode to the Castello di Tavolese" (2 copies), 2004

  • Box 2, folder 30
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Poem by W.B. Yeats, undated

  • Box 2, folder 31
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Print of Henry David Thoreau quote "I left the woods for as a good a reason as I went there" with names Henry David Thoreau, Dennis Carrigan, Bjorn Borg, and Arthur Graham interspersed in the quote in a different font, undated

  • Box 2, folder 32
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"Dirge" by Arthur Graham, dedicated to "Gay", 1980

  • Box 2, folder 33
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Proverbs 17-6, undated

  • Box 2, folder 34
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"A Mighty Fortress", portrait of Mark Twain by Charles Adams Jolly, 2018

  • Box 2, folder 35
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"Tedious and Brief: A Thanksgiving Play" by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2004

  • Box 2, folder 36
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"Perfection", quotes on perfection from Alan Brignull and Carmen Perreiah, undated

  • Box 2, folder 37
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"Dear Mr. Chairman", a tribute to Richard M. Nixon, culled from his letters to the Senate Select Committee and printed for Robert A. Graham on the occasion of his 25th birthday (3 copies), 1992 December 21

  • Box 2, folder 38
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"Fan", poem, undated

  • Box 2, folder 39
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"Should Old & Quaint [medial S] Be Forgot?" by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2006 August 24

  • Box 2, folder 40
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"Diagnosis and Treatment: ode of a Freudian slip", by Emma Eckstein, printed by Arthur Graham, 1999

  • Box 2, folder 41
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"Career", conversation between Doonesbury and therapist, 1996

  • Box 2, folder 42
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"Alcaic Ode" by Arthur Graham, 1999

  • Box 2, folder 43
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"Stephen Crane poems printed in memory of Jim Rimmer and Paul H. Duensing" (2 copies), 2017

  • Box 2, folder 48
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"Women Printers: quotation, doggerel, and woodcut" (2 copies), 2006

  • Box 2, folder 53
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"3 Sonnets - With Links to Foreign Languages" by Edwin Arlington Robinson, 2015

  • Box 2, folder 54
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"Award-Winning Writing - 20th-Century Students: a disrespectful gathering of quotations compiled by Arthur Graham, Ed. D." (2 copies), 2012

  • Box 2, folder 55
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"On First Looking into Chapman's Homer", poetry contest promotion (2 copies), 2012

  • Box 2, folder 56
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George Washington "To the Hebrew Congregation, in Newport, Rhode-Island" letter excerpt, 2007

  • Box 2, folder 58
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Fragment of "The Life and Times of Wolfram von Eschenbach", by John Wesley Thomas, 2018

  • Box 2, folder 60
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"On the Character and Duty of an Academick", by Samuel Johnson, LL.D., undated

  • Box 2, folder 61
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"Great Spririt", adapted from a Native-American adage, "So Sioux Me", undated

  • Box 2, folder 62
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"ΣAΠΦΩ", Illustration of Sappho by Charles A. Jolly (2 copies), undated

  • Box 2, folder 65
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"The Jewish Experience in America, explored through haiku...", undated

  • Box 2, folder 66
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"To Feste; in memory of Robert Egan", by Marlene Walker, undated

  • Box 2, folder 67
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"Rimes of an Ancient Typographer", 2017

  • Box 2, folder 68
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"Double Limerick", undated

  • Box 2, folder 70
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"The Bible on Martinis" (3 copies), undated

  • Box 2, folder 71
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"Unimpeachable and Irrefutable" excerpt of review from Robert Croan on Arthur Graham in Puccini's Manon Lescaut, undated

  • Box 2, folder 72
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"An Exercise in Comparative Translation", a sonnet by Juan Meléndez Valdés, 2000

  • Box 2, folder 73
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"Selected Lines from a Browning Poem, with additions by the Duke of Desha", undated

  • Box 2, folder 74
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"Sagesse III, vi by Paul Verlaine: A study in poetic translation", printed by The Graham Press, 1969

  • Box 2, folder 75
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"La Chevelure", a polyglot limerick, by Arthur Graham, 2005

  • Box 2, folder 76
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"Seven Types of Ambiguity: a monograph for typophiles", by William Empson, printed by Arthur Graham, 1980

  • Box 2, folder 79
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"How the Prophet Elisha overcame a baldness problem, II Kings 2:22:24" (3 copies), 1992

  • Box 2, folder 80
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"A Caveat for Dental Students", quote from King Lear: I, iv by William Shakespeare, undated

  • Box 2, folder 82
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"Christmas Greetings from Naughty Santa and His Nubile and Over-Age True Believer" Christmas card, undated

  • Box 2, folder 84
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"Seven Shakespearean Sonnets In Seven Faces", 2001

  • Box 2, folder 85
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"Three Sonnets by John Milton", 2002

  • Box 2, folder 86
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"Jewish Haiku", undated

  • Box 3, folder 1
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"Pepys, the Licentious Polygot", undated

  • Box 3, folder 5
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"Scenes from Opera", with drawings by Fritz Kredel, 2011

  • Box 3, folder 6
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"Wood Road", poem by Gerhard R. Schade, undated

  • Box 3, folder 7
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"A Poison Tree" by William Blake, undated

  • Box 3, folder 8
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"Un-Title-Less", poem by Arthur Graham, originally titled "Two Hours in Pittsburgh", dedicated "to my wife", proof copy, 1975 April 10

  • Box 3, folder 11
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"Classic Cawood", print of quote from Cawood Ledford's commentary on the LSU vs. UK March 1, 1981 basketball game, undated

  • Box 3, folder 12
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Print of quote "No recorders, no cameras permitted on this floor, per order of court 10-5-73", undated

  • Box 3, folder 14
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"Thoughts for Music Educators" from Feeling and Form by Susanne K. Langer (3 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 15
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"The Nine Deadly Sins" print (4 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 16
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Lines from minnesang "Tristan had no choice" by Heinrich von Veldeke, printed in English (2 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 17
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Print reading "Nobel Prize - Awarded, honoris causa, to the Class of June, 1946 for overweening pride in their connection to the Bronx High School of Science", undated

  • Box 3, folder 18
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"Characters from Canterbury Tales - Caxtonian Woodcuts and Excerpts Printed with F.W. Goudy's Medieval Type & Lombardic Initials", 2013

  • Box 3, folder 19
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"Miniver Cheevy: Charles Adams Jolly's depiction of the protagonist in E.A. Robinson's poem", 2017

  • Box 3, folder 20
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Blank Metropolitan Opera Tour Awards forms (2 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 21
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"Redundant Handset Type" (3 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 22
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"Honk if You Love Jussi", undated

  • Box 3, folder 24
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Print of quote from "Nick Yamana's Grandfather", undated

  • Box 3, folder 25
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"L'Heure Bleue" by Gini Anding La Charite (2004) printed on one side and "Danger in Handiwork" by Arthur Graham (1995) printed on the other side, undated

  • Box 3, folder 27
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Broadside of "Ed Poe Can Try Me, Pet - C.B." in Cement Poetry genre, by Arthur Graham, 1980

  • Box 3, folder 28
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"Ed Poe Can Try Me, Pet - C.B.: A Cement Poem" by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2007

  • Box 3, folder 29
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"Tuska Bronze", poem by Theophile Gautier, undated

  • Box 3, folder 31
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"Ten Coasters: Sacred & Profane/Clever & Inane", edited by Joe, Margaret, and Jane, 2018

  • Box 3, folder 33
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Promotional flyer for "Ed. D. teaching degree? or Condemnation to second-class academic citizenship?", a colloquium sponsored by the Ed. D. Defense League, Bluegrass Chapter, undated

  • Box 3, folder 34
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Print of quote from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream between Francis Flute and Peter Quince dedicated to John Jacob Niles on one side and a poem in Hebrew and English "for Cantor Samuel Greenburg on his birthday December 27, 1984" on the other side, undated

  • Box 3, folder 35
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New Years greeting card, 2004

  • Box 3, folder 36
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Pittsburg Bibliophiles meeting memorabilia, 2007-05-24T00:00:00+00:00

  • Box 3, folder 37
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"Günter Grass: on pronunciation of the German author's name and more", limerick by Arthur Graham, with Sumi ink painting of Grass by Charles Adams Jolly, undated

  • Box 3, folder 38
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Poem for Judith Kredel Brown's 80th birthday, written by Jane and Arthur Graham, printed by Gregory F. Walters, undated

  • Box 3, folder 39
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"Epilogue - spoken by Prospero" from William Shakespeare's The Tempest, undated

  • Box 3, folder 40
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Print of Ecclesiastes 12:12, "Ecclesiastes" written in Hebrew at the bottom, undated

  • Box 3, folder 41
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Print of a quote from Dainel Berkeley Updike, undated

  • Box 3, folder 42
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"MEWJ", poetry for and about Margaret E.W. Jones by Arthur Graham, edited by Joseph R. Jones, 2014

  • Box 3, folder 43
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Ethics in Kentucky - "family values" quote from Rowan County Magistrate Nick Caudill in the October 19, 1994 Lexington Herald-Leader, undated

  • Box 3, folder 44
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Birthday card to Jane Egan Graham, 1991-09-23T00:00:00+00:00

  • Box 3, folder 45
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Quotes from Monty Python's Flying Circus, episode 39 with illustration, 2003

  • Box 3, folder 46
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"Con and Pro: quotations on type design" (2 copies), 2007

  • Box 3, folder 47
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"Bass Rocks" by Bob Egan, undated

  • Box 3, folder 48
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Print of quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson on success, undated

  • Box 3, folder 52
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"On Amateur Printing", poem sent to Paul Holbrook, undated

  • Box 3, folder 53
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"Homage to Edwin Arlington Robinson", 2001

  • Box 3, folder 54
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"I Don't Like This!", quote from Ray Edelman March 28, 1992 in Philadelphia, proof copy, undated

  • Box 3, folder 57
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"Aquaintances", book of poetry printed in Middle High German, Neapolitan, Hebrew, and Latin with English translations by Arthur Graham (3 copies), 2017

  • Box 3, folder 61
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"Career Verities", select quotes on speaker's honesty about their work, 1996

  • Box 3, folder 64
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Correspondence, 1979-2013, undated

  • Box 3, folder 73
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Print of a quote about lawyers from Elbert Hubbard with a drawing by Charles Jolly, undated

  • Box 4, folder 1
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Cover for "Perseus: a broadside inspired by the retirement of R.F. Betts, scholar", undated

  • Box 4, folder 2
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"In Memoriam: Paul G. Forand, 1933-1984", eulogy by Michael H. Impey (2 copies), undated

  • Box 4, folder 5
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"Holy Sonnet" by John Donne, printed by Arthur Graham, 1978 March 20

  • Box 4, folder 7
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"Carolyn Reading Hammer", dithyramb by Paul E. Holbrook (1999) and portrait by Charles A. Jolly (2019), undated

  • Box 4, folder 8
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"American Writers: Faces & Words", sumi brush drawings by Charles A. Jolly, printed by Polyglot Press, 2016

  • Box 4, folder 9
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"De Profundis: A Polyglot Psalter", prints in Latin, Italian, German, French, and English, 1984

  • Box 4, folder 10
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"Elegant Homes of Lexington Kentucky, 1897", reprint of January 24, 1897 article from The Commercial Tribune of Cincinnati, Ohio with serigraphs by Grace Perreiah and quotations from Walter E. Langsam, printed by Arthur Graham; signatures from Grace, Walter, and Arthur in the back of the print, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 11
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Passage from the book of Numbers, undated

  • Box 4, folder 12
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"Evening Service of Roshashonah and Kippur", adpated from the first English translations for synagogue use, printed in New-York, 1761 (2 copies), 1995 June 14

  • Box 4, folder 15
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"United States v. Billy Louis Collins - excerpts from the transcript", 1994

  • Box 4, folder 16
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"Reuben Bright", by Edwin Arlington Robinson with drawing by Charles Jolly, undated

  • Box 4, folder 17
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Psalm 113, undated

  • Box 4, folder 18
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"Seven Types of Ambiguity", by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2003

  • Box 4, folder 19
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"Encores", reprints of photoengravings by Charles Adams Jolly, 2017

  • Box 4, folder 20
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"The Provenance of Broida's Law", lines from William Shakespeare's King Lear, Act II, Scene iv, undated

  • Box 4, folder 21
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Prints of Archie Bunker's misquote of 1 Corinthians 13:13 from "All in the Family", printed in French and English, undated

  • Box 4, folder 22
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"Kubla Khan", by Coleridge, undated

  • Box 4, folder 23
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Excerpt of Unetanneh Tokef, printed in English and Hebrew, undated

  • Box 4, folder 24
To top

"Pilcrow & Pilcrow & Pilcrow", a double-didactic limerick by Arthur Graham, 1975

  • Box 4, folder 25
To top

"A Woman of Valor: Proverbs, 31", printed in English and Hebrew, undated

  • Box 4, folder 27
To top

"A Printer's Progress", poem by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 1986 June 5

  • Box 4, folder 28
To top

"A Psalm of David, XXIII", four serigraphs, by Grace Perreiah, 2000

  • Box 4, folder 29
To top

"Sonnet", by John Jacob Niles, undated

  • Box 4, folder 30
To top

"Dean Smith", print of quotes about Dean Smith from Mike Krzyewski, John Wooden, Michael Jordan, and Rick Pitino; handwritten on back "proof 1/4", undated

  • Box 5, folder 1
To top

Print of quote about hand-crafted art from Carmen Perreiah, undated

  • Box 5, folder 3
To top

Portrait of Mark Twain by "D. Burg" and portrait of Emily Dickinson by "J. Egan", undated

  • Box 5, folder 4
To top

Three prints of quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr., 1991

  • Box 5, folder 5
To top

Drawing of four portraits of President Barack Obama as Mount Rushmore, undated

  • Box 5, folder 7
To top

"LINA", poem, undated

  • Box 5, folder 8
To top

Shomer Yisrael prayer, printed in English with Hebrew words interspersed, undated

  • Box 5, folder 10
To top

"Tristran et Yseut - two woodcuts and twelfth-century old French texts", woodcuts by Fritz Kredel, 2008

  • Box 5, folder 11
To top

Quote from "Seneca" by Chaucer on one side, excerpt from January 24, 1897 issue of Cincinnati, Ohio's The Commercial Tribune on Lexington homes on the other side, undated

  • Box 5, folder 12
To top

Quote from Ethics by Baruch Spinoza, undated

  • Box 5, folder 15
To top

Excerpt from Mesillath Yesharim by Rabbi Moses Chaim Luzzatto, proof copy, undated

  • Box 5, folder 16
To top

"Festchrift for Thomas B. Stroup", handwritten on cover "worst proof", 1973

  • Box 5, folder 22
To top

Promotional poster - "Tuska: Twenty-Five Year Retrospective" with artwork by John Tuska, 1989

  • Box 5, folder 25
To top

"Liber Primus XI" by Q. Horati Flacci (in black) and "Lyrick to Mirth" by Robert Herrick (in red), interwoven (2 copies), undated

  • Box 5, folder 27
To top

"Old Gipsy Curse" print, undated

  • Box 5, folder 28
To top

Cover sheet for "Kentucky" by I.J. Schwartz centennial anniversary re-printing, 2018

  • Box 5, folder 29
To top

Cover sheet for "Three poems by John Wesley Thomas", 1999

  • Box 5, folder 31
To top

"Evolution", undated

  • Box 5, folder 32
To top

"A Nighttime Stroll", undated

  • Box 5, folder 33
To top

"Homonyms" by Arthur Graham, 2007 October 24

  • Box 5, folder 34
To top

"Computer Haiku", undated

  • Box 5, folder 35
To top

"Le Tombeau De Fre 462 - ou - quel bateau est sans defaut?", printed in English, 1971

  • Box 5, folder 36
To top

"Vincenzo Russo's Last Song" by Arthur Graham, 1973

  • Box 5, folder 37
To top

"Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard", print, undated

  • Box 5, folder 38
To top

Untitled poem by Stephen Crane (3 copies), 1992

  • Box 5, folder 40
To top

"23. A Psalm of David", proof copy, undated

  • Box 5, folder 41
To top

Print of a quote from Jake Warner about a 9x13 Kelsey press, undated

  • Box 5, folder 42
To top

Two poems, originally rolled together: "The Poor in Church" by Arthur Rimbaud, translated by Jonathan Greene; "XIIth Century Church" by Eleanor Keats, 1973, undated

  • Folder 1, folder Unknown
To top

German, 1971-1977, 1994-2019, undated

Untitled poem circa 1190 by Heinrich von Veldeke (German with English translation), undated

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

"Faunsflotenlied" by Otto Julius Bierbaum (German with English translation), undated

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

"Heinrich Heine -Schoepfungsleider; Songs of Creation", German text with translation by Arthur Graham, 2011

  • Box 1, folder 9
To top

"Hebraeische Balladen", poems and artwork by Else Lasker-Schueler, translations edited by John Roger Paas, printed by Polyglot Press (German with English translation, 2 copies), 2010

  • Box 1, folder 19
To top

"Marie von Nazareth", poem and drawing by Else Lasker-Schueler (German with English translation), 2010

  • Box 1, folder 20
To top

"Gesammelte Weisheit uebersetzt auf englische Knuettelverse", by Rudolph Fellner and Arthur Graham (German with English translation), 2003

  • Box 1, folder 27
To top

"Seven Translations of Heinrich Heine's Still ist die Nacht", not on front and back cover reads "second", 2015

  • Box 1, folder 63
To top

"Spaete Gedichte" by Guenter Grass, translated and annotated by Richard E. Schade, German with English translations, 2015

  • Box 2, folder 3
To top

"Stages: line drawings by Frank Marino for a poem", German with English translation (2 copies), 2016

  • Box 2, folder 23
To top

"Tristian und Isolde - Two Woodcuts", medieval German texts by Gottfied von Strassburg and Heinrich von Freiberg, woodcuts by Fritz Kredel, undated

  • Box 2, folder 45
To top

"Transatlantische Elgeie" by Günter Grass, printed in German, English translation on ancilliary paper, circa 2019

  • Box 2, folder 47
To top

"Mythologie - Jupiter" by Heinrich Heine, printed by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2006

  • Box 2, folder 51
To top

"Tears of the Fatherland" (1636) by Andreas Gryphius, printed in German with English translation by George C. Schoolfield, 2012

  • Box 2, folder 59
To top

"Wandrers Nachtlied 1", by Goethe, undated

  • Box 2, folder 81
To top

"Am Akentishc", "Toast", and "Annonce", printed in German with English translations, undated

  • Box 3, folder 4
To top

"An Die Musik", text by Franz von Schober, printed in German with reading translation in English, dedicated to Naomi Broida, circa 1994

  • Box 3, folder 10
To top

"Urworte. Orphisch" by Johan Wolfgang Jon Goethe, printed in German with English translations at end, 1971

  • Box 3, folder 49
To top

"Poetic Aphorisms from the Sinn-Gedichte of Friedrich von Logau", by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, introduction and translation by Richard E. Schade, printed in German with English translation (2 copies), 2005

  • Box 3, folder 59
To top

"Mein Volk - Else Lasker-Schueler, with sketches of the poet by Miron Sima" (2 copies), 2005 September

  • Box 3, folder 65
To top

"Leck mir den Arsch recht schoen" lyrics by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, printed in German, undated

  • Box 4, folder 3
To top

"Mein Volk", by Else Lasker-Schüler, printed in German with English translation by Arthur Graham, undated

  • Box 5, folder 2
To top

Excerpt from "That Awful German Language", by Mark Twain, with portrait of Twain, printed in German with English translation, undated

  • Box 5, folder 18
To top

Excerpt for "Die Romantische Schule" by Heinrich Heine on the history of literature, 1977 November 12

  • Box 5, folder 20
To top

Print of the Bormann decree, from Martin Bormann, banning the use of the Schwabacher typeface (2 copies), undated

  • Box 5, folder 21
To top

Hebrew and Yiddish, 1982-1985, 2004-2010, undated

"Le Barde de L'Avon: Extrait Jules Cesar; traduit en 'Francais' par I.J. Schwartz", Julius Caesar printed in Yiddish with ancilliary text printed in French, 2010

  • Box 1, folder 38
To top

"Kentucky" by I.J Schwartz, printed in Hebrew with English translation and transliteration to Latin alphabet, 2004

  • Box 1, folder 65
To top

Micah 6:8, printed in Hebrew with an English translation, undated

  • Box 2, folder 1
To top

"Pseudo-Hebrew", showing the similarities between three different typefaces and printed Hebrew, 2008

  • Box 2, folder 44
To top

"Alter Knocker's Entreaty", Psalm 71:9, Hebrew with English translation, undated

  • Box 2, folder 69
To top

"Advice Concerning Work in Progress", printed in Hebrew with English translation (3 copies), undated

  • Box 2, folder 83
To top

"Morning Prayer", printed in Hebrew with an English translation, undated

  • Box 3, folder 2
To top

Proverbs 5:18-19, printed in Hebrew and English, undated

  • Box 3, folder 3
To top

Print of a "Yiddish saying transliterated palindromically", printed in Yiddish with English translation, undated

  • Box 4, folder 13
To top

Three prints of Ethics of the Fathers, chapter three, verse one; printed in Hebrew and English, 2007-2008, undated

  • Box 4, folder 14
To top

Print in Hebrew, undated

  • Box 5, folder 6
To top

Shomer Yisrael prayer, printed in Hebrew with English translation (2 copies), undated

  • Box 5, folder 9
To top

Rosh Hashanah blessing, printed in Hebrew with English translation (2 copies), undated

  • Box 5, folder 14
To top

Print of quote "When the burden of exile wearies, you, children, gain strength from these letters - consult them!", printed in Hebrew with English translation, undated

  • Box 5, folder 17
To top

Print of Psalm 137: 1, printed in Hebrew, German, and English, undated

  • Box 5, folder 19
To top

Elegy for Rabbi Moses della Rocca by Leone Modena, printed in Hebrew and Italian with a Latin translation, undated

  • Box 5, folder 24
To top

Prints of "Alef-Sof" (1 copy) and "Homo Novus" (2 copies) by Jeremiah Hescheles, with correspondence about translations and permissions, 1982 June, 1985 February-June

  • Box 5, folder 26
To top

French, 2008-2014, undated

Farcical dispensation print for O. Leonard Press, printed in French (2 copies); typed English translation by Rupert T. Pickens, 2008 December 2

  • Box 1, folder 29
To top

"Le Sonnet du trou du cul" by Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud, printed in French with English translation, undated

  • Box 1, folder 54
To top

Certificate for "Les Palmes Alcooliques - Dégustatrice, 1ère Classe" (2 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 23
To top

"Rime Riche", verse from Victor Hugo printed in original French with translations by Rupert T. Pickens and Arthur Graham (2 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 50
To top

French poetry quiz and answer key, undated

  • Box 3, folder 51
To top

"Trois Poemes de la Renaissance", imprimes avec les caracteres de civilite D'Hermann Zapf ["Three poems of the Remaissance", printed with Zapf Civilite type], 2013

  • Box 3, folder 56
To top

Excerpts from Joachim du Bellay's "Les Antiquités de Rome - III", "Les Amours de Faustine - ad lectorem", and "Les Regrets - LXVIII", printed in French with English translations, 2014

  • Box 3, folder 63
To top

Poem by Chrestien de Troyes, printed in French with English translation, sent to Jim Birchfield, undated

  • Box 5, folder 13
To top

"Talleyrand on Cognac", printed in French and English, undated

  • Box 5, folder 43
To top

Latin, 2005-2016, undated

"The Dance of Death", six of the Hans Holbein woodcuts - enlarged and printed with zape civilite and Goudy old style typefaces (Latin, 3 copies), 2012

  • Box 1, folder 6
To top

Print of an angel holding a scroll that reads "Gloria in excelsis Deo Et in terra pax hominibus", undated

  • Box 1, folder 59
To top

"Epigrammata", selection of epigrams by Marcus Valerius Martialis, Latin with English translation, 2016

  • Box 2, folder 52
To top

Print, "Hic Lacet Scammacca Sicilianus Eex Foenicia Obiit 212 B.C.", (Translated from Latin: Here lies Scammacca Sicilian, King of Fenecia Died 212 BC), undated

  • Box 2, folder 77
To top

"Five Proverbs of King Solomon", from the Vulgate and King James bibles, printed in Latin with English translations (2 copies), 2005

  • Box 3, folder 9
To top

Ephesians 5:23, printed in Latin with translations in French, German, Italian, Spanish, and English (2 copies), undated

  • Box 3, folder 13
To top

Excerpt from "De Officiis" by Marcus Tullius Cicero, printed in original Latin with English translation, proof copy, undated

  • Box 3, folder 26
To top

Prints of medical advice from Salerno, printed in Latin, French, and English (6 prints), undated

  • Box 3, folder 58
To top

Italian, 1994-2000, undated

"Finalmenti!", by Marco Scalabrino, printed in Italian, undated

  • Box 2, folder 13
To top

Print of quote from Mario Abbate "La Calma e la Virtu Dei Forti", undated

  • Box 2, folder 63
To top

"Marzo", by Salvatore Di Giacomo, printed in Italian with English translation, undated

  • Box 3, folder 30
To top

"A Guido Cavalcante" by Dante, Englished[sic] by P.B. Shelly, 2000

  • Box 3, folder 32
To top

"Testamento", last will and testament for Buoso Donati from "Gianni Schicchi", undated

  • Box 5, folder 23
To top

Print of excerpt from "Purgatorio" by Dante, copy 2 of 4, printed in Italian, 1994 June 10

  • Box 5, folder 39
To top

Other Languages, 2001-2007, undated

Quote from Jose Ortega y Gasset on administrators, printed in Spanish with accompanying poem in English, undated

  • Box 2, folder 49
To top

"Las Armas de la Inquisicion Espanola", quote from Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch on the Spanish Inquisition, printed in Spanish, undated

  • Box 2, folder 78
To top

"For a Woman Going to Miraflores Who Fell From Her Mule" by Juan del Valle y Cavides, two prints in Spanish with English translations, one with an illustration, 2001, undated

  • Box 4, folder 4
To top

"The Monk and His Cat" (original title "Pangur"), one print in original Gaeilge, two prints of W.H. Auden's English translation with drawing by Charles A. Jolly, 2007

  • Box 4, folder 6
To top

"The Little Wine Bottle of a Drunkard", a shaped poem in Ladino by A. Ben Guiat; printed in Ladino with Spanish, English, and Hebrew translations, 2007

  • Box 4, folder 26
To top

Boxwooder, 2003-2010

The Boxwooder, no. 413; "Fine Printing: The Other Printing Hobby" by Arthur Graham (2 copies), 2003 December 1

  • Box 3, folder 66
To top

The Boxwooder, no. 428; "Capitals for Text" by Arthur Graham, 2005 March 1

  • Box 3, folder 67
To top

The Boxwooder, no. 458; "Dabblings in Doggerel" by Arthur Graham, 2007 September 1

  • Box 3, folder 68
To top

The Boxwooder, no. 467; "My Taste in Typefaces: A Personal Adventure in the Purchase of Type" by Arthur Graham, 2008 June 1

  • Box 3, folder 69
To top

The Boxwooder, no. 474; "Some Favorite Lines of Poetry in My Retirement" by Arthur Graham, 2009 January 1

  • Box 3, folder 70
To top

The Boxwooder, no. 477; "Polygot Press Poetry" by Arthur Graham, 2009 April 1

  • Box 3, folder 71
To top

The Boxwooder, no. 488; "Kelsey Hand Presses, part 2" with essays by David Warner and Arthur Graham, 2010 March 1

  • Box 3, folder 72
To top

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

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