xt7m0c4sjp0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4sjp0g/data/mets.xml Cave Hill Cemetery (Louisville, Ky.) 1901 books b98-59-43710584 English Courier-Journal Job Print. Co., : Louisville, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Cave Hill Cemetery Company. Cave Hill Investment Company. Cemeteries Kentucky Louisville. Registers of births, etc. Kentucky Louisville. Charter, by-laws and rules and regulations of Cave Hill Cemetery Co. (incorporated 1848) : and charter of Cave Hill Investment Co. (incorporated 1882). text Charter, by-laws and rules and regulations of Cave Hill Cemetery Co. (incorporated 1848) : and charter of Cave Hill Investment Co. (incorporated 1882). 1901 2002 true xt7m0c4sjp0g section xt7m0c4sjp0g ENTRANCF TO THE CEMETERY. CHARTER, BY-LAWS AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF Cave Hill Cemetery Co. 1,INCORPORATFD 184S- AND CHARTER OF garut +4 +1 R nuQstnivnt & . (INCORIORATED IS2. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. LOUISVILLE, KY. COURIER-JOURNAL JOB PRINTING COMPANY, 1901. This page in the original text is blank. Co ontents. ARTICLES PROHIBITED ON LOTS ............... BURIAL PERMITS ................ BURIAL RIGHTS.... . . . ........ BY-LAWS, CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY CARE OF LOTS. . . . CARRIAGE SERVICE .............. CHARTER, CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY CHARTER, CAVE HILL INVES TENT COMPANY CHAPEL. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . CITY ORDINANCE ............... COMMITTEES. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . FORM OF BEQUEST TO CAVE HILL INVESTMENT GATEKEEPER, APPOINTMENT OF ....... GATEKEEPER, DUTIES OF. HEIRS-AT-LAW. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF CAVE HILL CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT OF LOTS. INTERMENTS AND DISINTERMENTS ....... JOINT OWNERSHIP .... ......... LINEAL DESCENDANTS ............. LOTS AND GRAVE SPACE .. ......... MANAGERS, ELECTION OF ............ MANAGERS, MEETINGS OF.... . . . ... MANAGERS, TENURE OF OFFICE, ETC ...... MONUMENTS AND GRAVESTONES . .. .. . . MOUNDS. COMPANY .. 67 69-70 49-57 .. 6o . 46 .. 7-22 .. 25-28 .. 66 . 71 . . 6 and 52 .. 28 .. i52 OFFICERS AND MANAGERS, CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS, CAVE HILL INVESTMENT COMPANY OFFICERS OF BOARD, CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY . .. PLANTING OF FLOWERS .... . . ............ PERPETUAL CARE OF LOTS .................. PREPARATION OF GRAVES .................. PAGE 6o ...............56 20 and 70 29-48 59 67-69 ...... .......58 20andd69 .... .........58 49 51 49 63-65 6o 5 23 5'1 6o 68 68 .. .. . .. .. . 4 CONTENTS. PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT, DUTIES OF ......... RECEIVING TOMB AND PRIVATE VAULTS ........... RELINQUISHMENT OF BT'RIAL, RIGHTS RESERVED GRAVES .... . . ............... RESIDUARY DEVISE ................... RIGHTS ACQUIREID BV PURCHASE ......... . .... RULES AND REGULATIONS, CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY SECRETARY AND TREASURER, DUTIES OF ... ....... SEXTON. APPOINTMENT OF.. . . ...... .. . SEXTON. DUTIES OF. .... .. . . . .......... SHELTER TENTS, CHARGE FOR . . .. .. . .. SODDING OF GRAVES.. ... ........ ... .. .. SPECIAL CARE OF LOTS .................... SUPERINTENDENT. APPOINTMENT OF. . ... ...... SU-PRINTENDEN-T. DUTIES OF. TARIFF OF PRICES FOR LOTS. . .... TARIFF OF PRICES FOR SINGLE GRAVES.. .. . . .. TARIFF OF CHARGES FOR RECEIVING TOMB AND PRIVATE VA ULTS TICKETS OF ADMISSION. .............. TRANSFER OF LOTS . . . . .. . .. ..I....... ...... . VISITORS PAGE 52 65-66 ...... ...... 20and69 63 21 and 69 58 5S-72 53 52 56 66 6o 61 52 54 62 62 65 70 i9 and 58 70 CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. OFFtICE BROADWAY AND BAXTER AVENUE Bhaard of lzinagers. J. H. M. MORRIS, PRESIDENT. ARTHUR PETER, VICE-PRESIDED, R. H. BLAIN. E. W. HAYS. W. H. EDINC L. D. CARTER, Secretary and Treasurer. JOHN W. BARR. IT. A. G. MUNN. W. H. DULANEY. JOHN WHITE. GER. ROBERT CAMPBELL, Superintendent. COMMITTEES. FINANCE. E. W. HAYS. W. H. EDINGER. ARTHUR PETER. A. G. MUNN. J. H. M. MORRIS. BUILDING AND GROUNDS. JOHN W;V. BARR. A. G. MUNN. ARTHUR PETER. JOHN WHITE. W. H. DULANEY. J. H. M. MORRIS. FORMS AND RECORDS. W. H. J)ULANEY. E. W. HAYS. R. H. BLAIN. Wy. H. EI)INGER. J. H. M. MORRIS. JOHN W. BARR. JOHN WHITE. RULES. R. H. BLAIN. J. H. M. MORRIS. CHARTER OF Cave Hill Cemetery Company. Oaprr 1914. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CAVE HILL CEME- TERY OF LOUISVILLE. Be it enac/ed by the General Assembly of the Com- monweal/h of Kentucky: SECTION ONE. That L. L. Shreve, G. W. Bay- less, Jedediah Cobb, James C. Johnson, Wm. B. Belknap, and James Rudd, and their successors in office be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate in law, under the name and style of the "Cave Hill Cemetery Company," and by that name shall be able and capable in law to have and use a common seal, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, to answer and defend in all courts and elsewhere as natural persons, and may ordain and put in execution such by-laws, rules and regu- lations for the government of said company and the management of its affairs as they may deem proper, not contrary to the Constitution or laws of this State or of the United States. SECTION Two. That the City of Louisville shall have the right and power, nine Councilmen concur- ring, to set apart, donate, and convey to the Cave Hill Cemetery Company any part of the Cave Hill arm, not more than fifty acres, to be perpetually See amnendment approved Mch 9, 1854. CHARTER See amendments approved Feb. 9, 1P64,a nd May 28, iS96. See amendment approved Mch. 12, 1870. held and used for the purpose of a Rural Cemetery; and said Cave Hill Cemetery Company may take and hold any other land by devise or purchase, not exceeding one hundred acres, and may take and hold by gift or devise, money and personal estate, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars in value. SECTION THREE. That said corporators may hold the office of Managers until the first day of June, I850, and until their successors are appointed as provided for in this act, during which period they shall divide themselves into three equal classes: the first class shall go out of office oin the first day of June, 1850, the second on the first day of Junle, i851, and the third class on the first day of June, i852, and thereafter one-third of the entire Board shall go out of office every year, subject to re-election; and the Mayor and Council of Louis- ville, a majority of all the Councilmen elect concur- ring, shall fill all vacancies which may oc Cur from lapse of time, death, resignation, removal from the city, or from other cause, and all vacancies shall be certified to the Mavor and Council by the remaining Managers. A removal from the city or refusal to act shall be deemed a resignation of said office. SECTION FoUR. That it shall be the duty of said Managers to elect a President from their own body who shall, as such, execute all contracts and obligations in the name of the Cave Hill Cemetery Company according to the order of the Board of Managers; and said Board of Managers and their successors in office shall have power and authority to lay out and improve the grounds held by said corporation, to erect all necessary buildings, to em- ploy agents and laborers, to lay off and dispose of 8 CAVA HIIL CEMTgERY COMPANY. burial lots by sale and conveyance upon such terms as they shall consider proper. It shall be the duty of said Board of Managers to elect a Treasurer and Secretary, who shall execute bond for the perform- ance of the duties required of them, with such security and penalty as the Board of Managers shall require by their by-laws; and they shall cause a record of their proceedings to be kept, also an account of the receipts and expenditures of said corporation, and shall, on the first Monday in June in each year, report a general statement of said accounts to the Mayor and Council of the City of Louisville, with a list of lots sold, to whom, and at what price; and they shall have power and author- ity to make such by-laws, rules and regulations in relation to the duties, management, and appoint- ment of officers and agents, and their pay, and to make all other necessary rules and regulations from time to time for the government of lot holders and visitors of said Cemetery. SECTION FIVE. That the proceeds of the sale of lots in the Cave Hill Cemetery shall be applied to pay the costs and expenses of improving and deco- rating said cemetery, to the payment of officers and services rendered, and to refund to the City of Louisville moneys advanced for the improvement of the grounds, and the surplus arising from the sale of lots shall from time to time, when not ap- propriated as above, be paid into the City Treasury, and the Treasurer's receipt taken therefor; which fund thus paid into the City Treasury shall be a permanent fund on which the city shall pay to the Cave Hill Cemetery Company an interest semi- annually, not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be applied alone to the repairs, preservation, and See resolution of City Council & deed of City of Louisville, re- linquishing all rightsand fran- chises. See amendments approved Feb. 9, 1864, and Feb. iI, 1882. 9 CHARTER See City Ordi- nance for the protection o f Cave Hill Cein- etery, approved Dec. 29. IS99. protection of the Cave Hill Cemetery and its appur- tenances; and if the keeping in repair, preserva- tion, and protection of said Cemetery, and works, and buildings, andi improvements shall not require a sum equal to said six per cent interest, the city shall be bound to pay only such per cent as will be sufficient to meet the cost of the same. SECTION Six. That after laying out said lots and adopting a plan of said Cemetery, no road or street shall be opened or extended through the same or any part thereof. SECTION SEVEN. That the Mayor and Council are hereby vested with full power, and are required to pass all necessary ordinances with adequate pen- alties to protect said Cemetery and everything per- taining thereto from injury or damage; and said Cave Hill Cemetery Company shall have the right of action and recovery against any person or per- sons who shall in anywise injure any of the improve- ments, grounds, buildings, shrubbery, trees and walks within the boundaries of said lands laid out and conveyed to said Cave Hill Cemetery Company, and the recovery in the name of the city under any ordinance shall not be a bar to a recovery by said corporation. JAMES F. BUCKNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved 5th February, 1848. WMI. OWSLEY, By the Governor. ARCH. DIXON, Speaker of the Senate. W. D. REED, Secretary of State. IO CAVIE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. Qflrptrr 2T7. AN &CT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CAVE HILL CEMETERY. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- monweallh of Kentitcky. SECTION ONE. That the act incorporating the Cave Hill Cemetery, near the City of Louisville, be and it is hereby so amended as that it shall be the duty of the President and Managers thereof, when making their annual report to the Mayor and Coun- cil of the said city, to present a list of the lot holders in said Cemetery, and no person shall be elected a President or Manager of said Cemetery who does not own three hundred feet of ground or upwards in said Cemetery. SEcTION Two. That the charter be further amended so as that hereafter the lot holders in said Cemetery shall have the right to elect four, and the City of Louisville five, Managers of said Cemetery. GEO. W. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved i7th day of February, I85'. JOHN L. HELM, BEN. EDWARDS GREY, By the Governor. Speaker of the Senate, pro tem. JNO. W. FINNELL, Secretary of State. See resol u tion of City Council & deed of City of Louisville t o Cave Hill Ceme- tery Co., relin- quishing a 11 rightsand fran- chises. See amendment May 28, 1896. (Section 5.) See amendment Feb. 9, 1864. (Section 3.) I I CHARTER Qhaptrr 800. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY." Be it enacted by the General Assembly qf the Com- monwealthl ofj Kentuecky as follows. The City of Louisville shall have the right and power to donate and convey to said corporation any number of acres of land not exceeding three hun- dred, adjoining the lands now owned by said Com- pany, and the said corporation may acquire by gift, devise, or purchase any number of acres of land not exceeding three hundred; but all lands acquired by said corporation shall be perpetually held and used for the purpose of a rural Cemetery. CHAS. G. WINTERSMITH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved March 9, i854. L. W. POWELL, H. G. BIBB, By the Governor. Speaker of the Senate. J. P. METCALFE, Secretary of State. 12 CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. T-4aptrr 272. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF CAVE HILL CEMETERY. Bc it enacted by the General Assemnbly of the Com- mionwealth of Ken/uccy. SECTION ONE. That said Company shall not hereafter be required to execute conveyances to purchasers of burial lots, but may, in lieu thereof, issue to purchasers certificates which shall vest in them the perpetual right to use the lots purchased as a burial place for the dead, and to improve the same at pleasure, subject to the rules and regula- tions of the Company. And neither the lots hereto- fore nor hereafter sold shall be subject to execution, or in any manner liable for the debts of the pur- chasers. SECTION Two. Be it further enacted, that the lands of said Cemetery Company, and all the lots in the Cemetery grounds, shall be forever exempt from taxation. SECTION THREE. Be it further enacted, that all the Managers of said Company shall be elected by the lot owners voting in person; and that all vacan- cies which shall occur before the day of annual election shall be filled until that day by the Board of Managers. SECTION FOUR. Be it further enacted, that the duties of Treasurer and Secretary may be devolved by the Managers upon one person, and they may pay him an annual salary not exceeding........................... dollars. See amendment approved May 28, i8o6. (Sections i, 2, 4 and 5.) See amendment approved May 28, 1896. (Section 3.) 13 CHARTER See amendment approved Feb. FT, 1882. SECTION FIVE. Be it further enacted, that in pursuance of the contract entered into between said Company and the City of Louisville, on the 24th of March, 1859, the Company shall set apart one-fifth of the proceeds of the sale of all lots, and invest the same as often as may be convenient, so as to create a perpetual fund for the preservation of the Cemetery grounds, after a sufficient revenue shall cease to be derived for that purpose from a sale of lots; and the principal of said fund, so invested, shall never be used. So much of the fifth section of the Charter of said Company as requires the sur- plus of the sale of lots to be paid into the City Treasury is repealed. H. TAYLOR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved February 9, 1864. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, RICHARD T. JACOB, By the Governor. Speaker o]_ the Senate. E. L. VAN WINKLE, Secretary of State. lraptgr 174. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Com- mnonwZealth of Kentucky: SECTION ONE. That when the Trustees of said Cemetery Company may desire to acquire lands adjacent to their Cemetery for the uses thereof, and can not agree with the owners in respect to the price, they may, on motion in the Jefferson Court of Common Pleas, have a writ of ad quod damnum 14 CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. awarded, which writ shall be directed to the Sheriff of Jefferson County, commanding him to impanel a jury of twelve good and lawful men of the County of Jefferson to meet on the land which the said Com- pany wish to acquire, at a time and place of which notice shall be given by the Sheriff to the owner of the land. If said owner is a non-resident of this State, notice shall be given to his agent, if he has one in this State, or if he have no agent it may be given by publication in a daily paper published in Louisville for two weeks. The jury, after being sworn by the Sheriff, shall view the lands, and by hearing witnesses ascertain what will be a just com- pensation in money to each owner for the land pro- posed to be taken. SECTION Two. If the jury be not sworn on the day specified, or if they disagree and are discharged, or the case continued by the Sheriff, he shall exe- cute the writ on such other day as he may appoint, notice being given to the parties interested in the manner above prescribed. If the inquest can not be completed in one day the Sheriff shall adjourn the jury from day to day until its completion. When the inquest is completed it shall be signed by the jurors and returned by the Sheriff, together with the writ, to the Clerk's office whence it emanated. SECTIoN THREE. Either party may, on or before the first day of the next term of said Court after the return of the writ, file exceptions to the inquest, and the Court may for good causes quash the inquest and award a new writ, or it may overrule the exceptions and confirm the inquest. If there be no exceptions the inquest may in like manner be confirmed. 15 CHARTER SECTION FOUR. Upon the confirmation of the inquest and the payment of the sum found thereby to the parties interested or into Court for them, the Court shall make an order confirming the title to the land condemned to said Company, and a copy of said order shall be recorded in County Court as Deeds are recorded. SECTIoN FIvE. If the inquest be confirmed without exceptions, or notwvithstanding exceptions by the Company, the Company shall be adjudged to pay the costs of the proceedings. In all cases the costs shall be adjudged against the Company. H. TAYLOR, Speakcr of the House of Representatives. Approved January i9, i866. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, RICHARD T. JACOB, 8y the Governor. Speaker of the Senate. E. L. VAN WINKLE. Secretary of Stale. x6 CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. Xtlizirr t99. AN ACT To EXEMPT THE TREASURER AND SECRE- TARY OF CAVE HILL CEMETERY IN JEFFERSON COUNTY FROM ALL JURY SERVICE. Be if (nactLd by th/e General Assenbly of the Coin- nionzeealfh of AzcnuckF: SECTION ONE. That the Treasurer and Secre- tary of the Cave Hill Cemetery, in Jefferson County, be exempt from all jury service. SRCTION Two. That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. JNO. T. BUNCH, Speaker of the House of Representalives. Approved 29th January, I870. J. W. STEVENSON, P. H. LESLIE, By the Governor. Speaker of the .Senlote. SAM'L B. CHURCHILL, Secretary of Satae. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF CAVE HILL CEMETERY. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Comn- mionwealth of Kentuck)'. SECTION ONE. That so much of the charter of said Company as provides that the removal of a Manager from the City of Louisville shall be deemed a resignation of his office shall not apply to a removal to Jefferson County, but a residence in said city or county shall be a necessary qualification 2 1 7 CHARTER of a Manager of said Company, a majority of whom shall reside in said city. SECTION Two. This act shall be in force from its passage. JNO. T. BUNCH, Speaker of the House of Representative-s. Approved 12th March, 1870. J. W. STEVENSON, JOHN ALEXANDER, By fhe Governor. Pro fern. Speaker of the Senate. SAM'L B. CHURCHILL, Secretary of State. Tiapter 177. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CAVE HILL CEM- ETERY COMPANY," APPROVED FEBRUARY NINTH, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Cotm- monweal//h of Kentucky: SECTION ONE. That the Cave Hill Cemetery Company shall, from and after July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, pay to the Cave Hill Investment Company one-tenth of the proceeds of the sale of all lots thereafter sold by said Company; and that said payment shall continue until the fund belonging to said Investment Company shall amount to two hundred thousand dollars. These payments shall be instead of the payments required by the fifth section of the act to which this act is an amendment, and instead of the payments re- quired by the contract entered into between the IS CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. City of Louisville and Cave Hill Cemetery Com- pany on the twenty-fourth of March eighteen hun- dred and fifty-nine, and shall be in lieu of all payments due under said contract and section. This act shall take effect from its passage, but it must be accepted by the General Council of the City of Louisville, and by a majority of the votes cast by lot owners voting at an annual election held for the election of a Director or Directors of the Company. W. C. OWENS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved February i i, 1882. LUKE P. BLACKBURN, fly the Governor. JAMES BLACKBURN, Secretary of Stale. Accepted by the General Coun- cil and l)y lot owners. JAMES E. CANTRILL, Speaker of the Senate. Qthatrv 2!0. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CAVE HILL CEMETERY COM- PANY," APPROVED FEBRUARY FIFTH, EIGH- TEEN HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHT. Be it enacted by t/ih General Assembly of the Corn- mon-wealth of AKentucky. SECTION ONE. That the lot owners in Cave Hill Cemetery shall not sell the privilege of burying in their lots without the previous written consent of the Board of Managers of the Company. But they may by last will and testament, or by writing directed to said Company, signed by such owners and attested by two witnesses, determine who shall control the right of burial in their lots after their See amendment approved May 28, i8p6. (Section 4.) 19 CHARTER See amendment approved May 28, 896. (Section 4.) death, and such directions may be placed in or on the certificate of ownership of the lot. SECTION Two. In the event that no such direc- tion is made by last will and testament or by writ- ing, as hereinbefore provided, the right of burial in any of the lots of said Cemetery shall go and descend to the lineal descendants of the original owner thereof, and the husbands and wives of said descendants in the order of their deaths, should application for such burial be made to said Com- pany. Provided, however, that any of said de- scendants may release the right of burial for him- self and all persons descended from him and their husbands and wives, by writing filed in the office of said Company and attested by the President or Secretary thereof. And in case there shall be no lineal descendants of said original owner, his heirs- at-law, in the order of their deaths and application therefor, shall have the right of burial in said lot: and the determination and decision as to any and all such rights of burial provided for in this sec- tion, and the order thereof by said Board of Mana- gers, or by the President and Secretary thereof, shall be final and conclusive thereon. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. CHAS. OFFUTT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved February 21, i884. J. PROCTOR KNOTT, JAMES R. HINDMAN, By the Governor. Speaker of the Senate. J. A. MCKENZIE, Secretary of State. 20 CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CAVE HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. The Board of Managers of Cave Hill Cemetery Company, by virtue of an act approved March 22, i892 (Sections 879 to 883 of the Kentucky Statutes), having heretofore complied with Section i90 of the Constitution, adopt the following amendments to the Charter of the said Company: i. The Board of Managers shall have power to allow proxy voting by those entitled to vote other than the holders of certifi- cates resident in Jefferson County, Kentucky. These must vote in person, but joint certificate holders may designate in writing one or more of their number to cast the vote. 2. The Board of Managers shall have power to require nomi- nations for the office of Manager to be publicly made not more than thirty nor less than fifteen days before the date fixed for the annual election, and to prescribe such regulations therefor as may reasonably attain that object. 3. Vacancies in the Board of Managers shall be filled by the Board for the full term of such vacancy. 4. Where a lot owner shall die testate a mere residuary de- vise shall not be construed as including his interest in or control over any lot. In the absence of a specific devise or directions as provided for by Section I of amended Charter approved February 21, i884, the lot of a deceased owner shall, as to the power of voting and the general control (except as to the right of burial), pass to the surviving husband or wife, as the case may be. If there be no surviving husband or wife, then to the oldest heir- at-law, and in succession, so that it shall always be vested in the oldest heir-at-law; but the person having the present right may renounce the same in favor of the one next in succession, pro- vided such renunciation be made in writing, filed with the Sec- retary of this Company. In case the person having such right of voting and control is an infant, his or her right is to be exer- cised by the statutory guardian. This is not to change the right of burial as set forth in Section 2 of an act to amend the Charter of this Company, approved February 21, i884, except that said Section 2 is hereby amended thus: The surviving husband or wife of such lot owner shall have the right to reserve a grave at 21 22 CHARTER such place in said lot as he or she may designate to the Com- pany, and this right shall be superior to the right of any other person. The Company may prescribe the time within which such designation must be made to secure this right. 5. No person shall be considered a lot owner who shall not either jointly or severally own ninety or more square feet of ground in the Cemetery; and no person shall be eligible as Man- ager who does not jointly or severally own two hundred feet. 6. The Charter of this Company shall'not be altered except upon the approval of a majority of those voting upon the ques- tion of amendment at the time of a regular annual election for Board of Managers. 7. These amendments shall be without force or effect unless a majority of those voting upon the question at the next annual election for Manager shall-signify their approval of the same. Approved by lot holders, May 28, i896. CAVE HILL INVESTMENT COMPANY. Baoard of Lirrrrs. JOHN W. BARR, A. G. MUNN, J. H. M. MORRIS, FRANK N. HARTWELL, GEORGE W. MORRIS. A. G. MUNN, Presideni. J. H. M. MORRIS, Secrelary and Y'reasurer. This page in the original text is blank. CHARTER OF Cave Hill Investment Company. (Diaptrr 1u3. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CAVE HILL INVESTMENT COMPANY. Be it cnac/cd by the General Assembly of tlhe Commonweal/h of kAentucky. SECTION ONE. That there is hereby incorporated the Cave Hill Investment Company, who shall, when organized as herein- after directed, have full authority to contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, and have such authority and power as a natural person would have in executing and carrying out the object of its incorporation. SECTION Two. There shall be five Directors of said Company, who shall have the control and management of its affairs. These Directors shall be lot owners in Cave Hill Cemetery. The Presi- dent of Cave Hill Cemetery Company shall be one of said Directors, and the other four Directors shall be elected by the Board of Managers of Cave Hill Cemetery Company. The said Managers shall, at one of its regular meetings in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, elect four Directors. These Directors shall be elected for the term of two, four, six and eight years respectively, and the Board of Managers shall at the time of the election designate the term and time for which each Director is elected. The said Board of Managers of Cave Hill Cemetery Company shall, every second year thereafter, elect one Director in this said Company. The term of the Directors elected after the first election shall be eight years, and each Director shall con- tinue in office until his successor is elected. If a vacancy shall occur by death or otherwise during the term of any Director, the vacancy shall be filled by the other Directors of this Company. SECTION THREE. The Directors of the Company shall elect one of their number President of the Board, and shall elect a Treasurer and a Secretary, who may be the same person and need not be a Director. The Board of Directors shall prescribe the duties of the officers of the Company, and shall require of the Treasurer a bond with good security in the penalty of at least twenty thousand dollars. SECTION FOUR. This Company is authorized to collect and receive from Cave Hill Cemetery Company any and all sums which may be coming from the Cave Hill Cemetery Company and any other corporation or person. It is authorized to receive (lonations, gifts, devises and bequests upon such terms as may be consistent with the object of its incorporation. SECTION FIvE. It shall be the duty of the President and Directors of this Company to invest and keep invested all the money belonging to the Company in the bonds of the United States, the bonds of the State of Kentucky. or the bonds of the City of Louisville, but they may invest inl other good and safe securities, if the President and all the Directors of said Com- pany shall consent thereto in writing before said investment is made, and if a majority of the Managers of the Cave Hill Ceme- tery Company also consent in writing before said investment is made. These consents shall be recorded in record book of each Board respectively; and if any other investment is made except as herein provided, the Directors making or consenting to the same shall be personally liable for any loss arising from such in vestment. SECTION Six. The money and property of this Company shall be a sacred fund which shall be held and applied for the protec- tion, preservation, and ornamentation of the grounds of Cave Hill Cemetery. All of the income arising from the property of the Company, after paying the necessary expenses of the Com- pany, shall be invested and reinvested as provided in section five, and no part of the principal or the income arising from the funds and property of the Company shall be used for any purpose whatever, except for necessary expenses of the Company, until eight-tenths of the burial lots which are or may be laid off in the ground now owned by Cave Hill Cemetery