iHHHflHfff Al9HMffiPr"' ""wPBPsr'r'.T' f' Best Copy Available THE KENTUCKY KERNEL ARMISTICE PROGRAM Exercises Will Be Held in Memorial Hall Monday UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, VOLUME XX OF KENTUCKY, Play-byPIa- il DIRECTOR ANNOUNCES LIST OF ELIGIBLES Thomas L. Riley Will Produce Spring Play for Campus Dramatic Club fsr Amatuer Night, an annual event of the Strollers, studen dramatic organization of the University, was held Tuesday night in the Men's gymnasium. Three one act plays were presented. The presentations Included "Dumb as a Doorknob," with Dorothy Sewell "SllpplnV and Virginia Walrup; with Christine Johnson and Jack Smith; and VGreen as Grass," with Mary King Montgomery and Thco. Tebbs. The Judging committee consisted of Miss Willie King, Miss Helen King, and Professor Enoch Orehan. The committee decided that the play, "Slippln," was the best of the three offerings, and the cast was awarded two tickets each for "Local Color," a forthcoming Stroller production. Riley Announces Eliglbles Director Thomas L. Riley introduced the plays and announced those who were declared eligible this year. Only Stroller "eliglbles" are allowed to appear In any of the productions during the year. Tryouts for "Local Color" the next Stroller presentation started Thursday. The cast will be announced next week. Local Color, a musical play, will open December 16, at the Guignol Theater. The annual Stroller dance will be held- - November 30, In the Men's gymnasium. A tea dance in honor of the "Eliglbles" will be Tield on the afternoon of December 16. This dance will be held in the Women's gymnasium. "Local Color" will be directed by Frank Davidson, and the spring play will be produced by Thomas L. Riley. Stroller eliglbles, are: Dorothy Brown, Amelia Logon, Evelyn Gall, Opal McGuffey, Virginia Wardrup, Dorothy Sewell, Mina Pate, Horace Helm, James Johnson, Virginia Mills, Dorothy Compton; Serelda Bishop, William Kelley, Sunnye Allen, Bilfy Hubble, Joe Blackburn, Jack Stnbthers, Mary Moore Nash, Joseph .Allen, Virginia Reeves, Betsy Simpson, Lois Adams,-MarBosworth, Thed Tebbs, Mary King Montgomery, Alice urun- pr. 'PtpH Ttncnnlr Ohnrlps Rnnrimin. Evelyn Waltrip. Jack Smith, Nancy Johnson, Horace Minor, Russell . nuriRAn. Bpfctv TlaYfcpr. fJhrlsMnp Johnson, James Reagan, Gay Lough-ridg- e, Harold M. Martin, Charles Maxon, Drewsilla Steele, Slade.Carc, Natalie Bryson, Orva Ray, Florence Morris, Russell Lutes, William' Wilson, Margaret Douglass, Martha Walker, Elizabeth Eaton, Malcolm Barnes, William Humber, Alfred Jones, and Mary Prince Fowler. to his nead Tuesaay morning wnen he fell from an automobile driven b y William Oess. Caruso was taken University to the immediately dispensary, where he was found to have a fractured skull. Two stitches were taken In his scalp by Dr. Plri-nc- y. He was then removed to the Good Samaritan hospital, where he Is now under the care of Dr. Vance. The injury was entirely accidentwas unaware that al einrp np Caruso was 'on the car until he saw Tne him fall to the pavement. boy's parents were notified at once Clarksburg. West of. thPir homo in Virginia, by Dean Melcher. Although the injury was rauier serious, Caruso is reported to be doing as well as could be expected. NOVEMBER MILLER TO ENGINEERS Educator Talks on "Progress And Poverty" Under the Auspices of Politikon Relations Society EXPLAINS SINGLE TAX , mrorinn Initial Edition of 1929-3- 0 Legal Publication Has Many Articles Important to Stu- ' dents - The first Issue of the 1929-3- 0 Kentucky Law Journal, a legal publication issued by students In the College of Law, was released for dls- iriuuuon uua weea.. of Interesting legal contains 98 ,pages .. un -iViA 1 aai.wwI articles, uuu uuuiy uc dcui .u of publicatlon's business office In the basement of the Law building. The table of, contents contains such articles as "New Judicial Approach to Due Process and, Price Fixing," by Maurice H. Merrill, of the University of Oklahoma, "A Critical Comment on the Privilege by GabAgainst riel Wartels, New York attorney, and Basil H. Polllt, professor at tno New Jersey Law school, and "Equity as a Concept of International Law," by Lester Bernhart Orfleld, assistant professor at Nebraska Law school. The magazine also contains a note on the Kentucky Judicial Council, by David A. McCandless, and a note on Lord Coke, by F. R. Aumann. The Baldwin Law Book company, which prints thp Journal, has promised to include references to the Kentucky Law Journal in Its This will give much annotations. authoratative prestige to the legal magazine. The editorial staff of the publication is as follows; W. Carroll Byron, editor-in-chie- f; The O. Wright, business manager. comcase comment department is posed of E. E. Adams, A. J. Asher, Rufus Lisle, Robert O'Dear, E. D. Duval, W. G. Frye, and King Fike. Prof. George Ragland, Jr., who is a recent addition to the law school faculty, is faculty adviser. MONTGOMERY ELECTED Miss Mary King Montgomery, of Sonerset, Ky., was elected of the freshman class. She defeated Virginia Huber, of Bell-vu- e, Ky., who is enrolled in the coMiqt of arts and sciences. The sjMMtfsenent of the wtsaer was uphill because ef an eleetlea fraud. 1 Miilq Miller, of Lex ington, translator of ancient Greek poetry ana literature ana lormm instructor in English at Princeton University, speaking under the soc auspices of the iety, addressed tne seniors ui mo Rnirlneerlnff in Mechanical riniwn nf hall at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Taking as his topic "Progress and Poverty," Dr. Miller delivered the first of two addresses which have been planned for the seniors v TJon.Pniitllfon. and was heard by ninety members of the senior class and faculty. Dr. Miller, who was secretary to Henry George, when George ran for Mayor of New York In 1807, is an Brdent believer In the principles of "Single Tax." Henry George is tho antvinr nf nn imnortant book called "Progress and Poverty," which is recognized as equal to Auam Smith's "Wealth of the Nations" as an insight to economic conditions. Dr. Miller Is a follower oi Adam Smith, and a firm supporter of the principles taufht by. Henry George. Next Wednesday, November 13, the second of the addresses planned by will be dellverd by Dr. Miller. ,Dr. Miller a publication of creative literature of all ages, the fny toViIpVi Is splprted hv motorlal .John TCrskine. the novelist, and committee under him. He is also editor of "Great Debates in Amer- Innn Historv. Engineers Hear J. J. Clopton on Life of Jackson tne regular assembly tof the College of Engineering at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, ev. j. .t ninntnn. retired EDlsconal min ister, delivered an Interesting address on the "True Stonewall Jackson." The assembly, which was held In Memorial Hall, was attended by about five hundred members of the faculty and students of the engineering college and by several Confederate Veterans, Sons of Veterans, and Daughters of the Confederacy, whom Dean Anv derson had Invited. Reverand Clopton opened his discussion by giving sidelights on the actual life of Jackson. The great which later traits of character manifested themselves in Jackson, , present when he was Professor were .... t uuvu oj pouuem science u in guua inn tary Institute and during various occupations of his career, but other It. took the war to bring out these qualities, Rev. Clopton stated. Doctor Kelly, of the English department, entertained the. audience with various musical selections which he played on the organ. Doctor Kelly's rendition of On, On, U. of K. was especially appreciated. KnAQiHncr KENTUCKY LAWj JOURNAL IS OUT SPEAKS nt. Ateneo Castellano Will Present Play University Castellano, Ateneo Spanish Club, will hold its weekly meeting at 3 o'clock Tuesday afterA noon In the Guignol theatre. feature of the program will be a play "Ml Novlo Espanol," directed by Mrs. Server, of the romance language department. The play is of an extremely entertaining character and the entire dialogue will be given in Spanish. All members of the Spanish Club and all persons interested are invited to attend this play. The cast of characters will include: Emily Hardin, Stewart John Murphy, Kirk Mober-l- y, James Boucher, Martin Glenn, Martha Givens, Catherine Wilson, Eleanor Smith, Harry Dent, Kermlt Thompson, and Anne Jamison. Y. W. C. A. MAKES PLANS The Y. W. O. A. Cabinet and Advisory Board met at 4 o'clock Tuesday In Patterson hall, to discuss some of the work to be accomplished within the next few months. The annual bazar and faculty finance drive were disc meed and a report was made on the student finance drive. y Of Game Will Be Celebration of Golden Anniversary of Football in South GOVERNOR SAMPSON ISSUES PROCLAMATION Tribute to King of Sports Will Be Broadcast Over Extension Studio The Golden Anniversary of football south of the Mason-Dixo- n line will be celebrated on Stoll field Saturday, November 16, when the Transylvania College football team meets the Centre College eleven in a contest that was originally played on what is now Stoll field. The game will be marked by the color and glamor of former years, and will represent the Southland's tribute to the king of sports. Nearly 50 years ago, April 9, 1880, to be exact, Transylvania and Centre met on Stoll field, then known as City Park, in the first game of intercollegiate football ever played In the South. It was possibly the first game ever played west of the Allegheny mountains and followed by only a few years the first game ever played In this country. IncludThe Transylvania line-u- p ed such men as John Fox, the author; the late James Logan, eminent Kansas City doctor; the late W. K. Shelby, former educator of Lexington; J. L. Patterson (captain), a member of the faculty of the University of Louisville, and others who later became prominent. Names appearing in the Centre lineup were Ernst, captain; Fulton, Dunlap, Vaughn, Clark, McCartney, Cowan, Moore, Taylor, January, Skinner, Read, Barrett and McKee. The game will be broadcast between the hours of 2 o'clock and o'clock In the afternoon, 4:30 thrnucrh thp University's extension studio of WHAS. The two captains of the original teams, e. j. awer-,a- h and Edward Transvlvania. Ernst, Centre, will be in a special box over me rauiu. and will speak Brieny Governor Flem D. Sampson has Issued a proclamation setting aside November 16 as Golden Jubilee Day and requesting as many persons as possible to attend the event. A large number of prominent people are expected to be present, including James BreatLieutenant-Governhitt, an alumnus . Centre. f PROF.MGiRELAND WRITES ARTICLE University Professor Writes Historical Treatise on Statute of Frauds for Pennsylvania Law Journal report of the game Saturday will be given on the Grid-grap- h In the Men's Gym. The report of tho game will begin at 2:30 p. m. Admission to the Gridgraph cents for stuwill be twenty-fiv- e dents with their ticket books. For others the price will be fifty tents. This contest is the only Kentucky game that will be reported on the Gridgraph. of L. freshman The Kltten-game will begin at 1:30 o'clock Saturday. This game will be over before the Gridgraph report of the Alabama game begins. The Kentucky-Alabam- a COLLEGE OF LAW PLANS GRADUATE WORK NEXT YEAR Randall Will Teach Air Law in Relation to Property Interests Doctor CODIFICATION TO BE GIVEN LEGISLATURE New Course Will Make U. K. Third U. S. School to Teach Law of Air The College of Law is preparing to add to its curiculum a new course which will be taught by Dr. Frank Randall, and will be open to grad uate students next fall. The course will deal with air law as concerns property rights .which has been rap idly developing since the advent of the airplane. Thern orp nnlv t.van law schools in the United States which cive a course In the law. of the air. These schools are the institute of air law at Northwestern University, ana tne law school of New York University. A committee of the faculty of the College of Law recently met and decided to Institute the new course. Doctor Randall fs now collecting material for the presentation of the course. A large amount of the TOiii nrobahlv come from England aDJEiupeancountries. as me airpiane. xms iecu uscu muic extensively there "than It has in this country. Professor Randall said yesterday that he had no definite idea just whnt. dlrpp.tlon the course would take, as he has not made a thorough examination of the subject matter. He Is of the opinion that it will come into universal use In the near future as the airplane comes to be used more commonly. Any work done just now will be of a constructive nntiiro ns the law utjon the subject Is vague and indefinite. As soon as a thorough study has been made, the faculty of the College of Law will submit a coouicawon of It to the legislature and suggest that It embody it Ja a statutory form, Dean Evans said yesterday. Doctor Randall was of the opinion that the new law would run counter to some of the old common law on rioMx nf nronertv. It was the theory of the common law that a man owned from the surface oi tne eann to Its Innermost parts and also from ran fn tho highest realms of tuo heaven.. Consequently, when an lues across ine iauu aviator v,o ic cniiitv of a technical trespass, and subject to an action at lawy It Is Into these problems and will that, nnndall's study take him. and he expects It to be an interesting course ior me muughw., an.r.fHinr to nean Evans, prob ably' will be required to have the LLB degree. The November issue of the Pennsylvania Law Review contains an hi, rnf Rov Moreland. or the University College of Law. The name of the article is me Qum of Frauds and Part Performance. was rrv, i,cf statute of Frauds passed In 1677, during the reign of Charles tne seconu tu Prior to the passage of this act by n.iiomonf lnnrt had been trans- fered by an oral agreement and livery of seisin, wnicn consisveu oi pr giving a piece of turf to the under this condition fraud became prevalent in land trans ort actions and it was necessary vu ic-sto statutory methods to prevent it. Consequently, such transfers were required to be in writing. Professor Moreland's article is v,iQn,r n historical treatise which deals with the more important cases and the problems wnicn nave arisen out of the dilatory practices of the early courts. x mp contends that "cases should only be taken from the statute on grounds of fraud and not on part nerformance: that no matter how great the part performance, unless practically equivalent to iuii performance, relief should be refused In a fraud to the plaintiff." It Is in the problem of part performance that Professor Moreland's article deals. He Is of the opinion Hint the statute should be followed Was Former English rigidly In preference of the evasions Deceased And Journalism insvrutiui that would avoid individual HardAt the University; Died ships. He is Impatient with the historical Drecedent and prefers to After Long Illness make fraud the test as to whether tho case should be taken from the Cynthlana, whose Johni T. Price, ofwprn read at tne statute. o.Ikhe grave In the Lexington Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, by Rabbi Kolui, Given Miss was a member of the faculty of thei. University for two years as instnic-nnA lournollsm tv. Ec. Club departments. 'enrichdeath occurred at His nis nome m jyiiw MA.nini, onH was caused by an The Home Economics Club of the University held its first meeting of Illness which had confined him to year Wednesday, in the Agri- the Good Samaritan hopsltal in the cultural building. Phi Upsllon Oml- - Cincinnati. , cron, honorary Home Economics fra Mr. Price was porn in rans, rvy., ternity, was in charge of the pro- nA tnnir ie mitpcA work at Centre gram. College, where he received his first Miss Eudenah Hamby of Dawson two degrees, majoring in eaisuaii. Springs, was awarded a medal for He came to the University of Kenhaving had the highest scholarship tucky as an instructor in English record of any freshman home eco- and later taught journalism. nomics girl last year. This medal is He left the University to further given annually by Phi Upsilon Oml-cro- n his studies at the University of Wls- nncln unit totirrht thtm tWO VGarS to the sophomore home economics girl who attains the highest before becoming associated with the standing in her freshman year. American Book company. He conPlans were discussed and commit- tinued the last connection until his tees appointed relative to the "Little death. He was a memoer oi oignui Internatloaal," a live stock show Chi fraternity Centre College and which is held here at the University was affiliated with the local chapter sach year and which is one of the during his stay here. most important events in AgriculHe is survived by his parents, Mr. tural Collage as It is similar to a and Mrs. Lee Price, and a brother, Morris Price, a professor at Oxford. fall festival. ra JOHN T. PRICE BURIED TUESDAY Hamby Scholarship Award By Home SEE THE GRIDGRAPH 'Cal-'Ham- Game Will He Shown a At 2:30 in Men's Gym KENTUCKY CENTRE - TRANSY Gridgraph In STROLLERS HOLD Ferdinand Caruso Is Injured in Fall Gym Saturday AMATEUR NIGHT From Moving Auto TO MEET AG AIN Frosh Game Will Precede Ferdinand Caruso, Junior Report IN GYMNASIUM College of Law, sustalnca an In the ON STOLL FIELD injury Varsity Game Christine Johnson and JacK Smith are Awarded Free Tickets p NUMBER 8 8, 1929 'CATS ARE DUE SHAKESPEAREAN Purdue Dean Talks to Agriculturists on Home Economics IN MONTGOMERY PLAYERS GIVE SCENES TONIGHT Glen Eden Community Center Students of Lee County Appear at Guignol RICHARDS INVITED TO ACCOMPANY CAST C. A. State Meeting Will Be Present Delegates To Y. W. For Presentation Having presented on a road tour scenes from flvo of Shakespear's plays, a cast composed of 23 boys and girls of Glen Eden Community Center of Wllllba, Lee county, Ky., will arrive this morning to present their play before a Guignol theater audience at 8:15 o'clock tonight. The proceeds from the performance will be donated to the Glen Eden school, which Is one of settlement the most Important schools In the State and has grown rapidly since Its establishment In 1927. Wllllba was considered an Ideal place for a mountain settlement school. The present excellent establishment Is due to the interest shown at that time by Floyd Creech and Joe Chambers of Wllllba, who invited Miss Eliza Richards, a well known worker In the mountains, to look over the stluatlon In Lee county. Miss Richards concluded that it was an ideal location because It was thickly settled with a hospitable and eager people; with many young people eager to grasp the opportunities offered by an efficient school. The settlement school is the result of hard work, many sacrifices and careful management on the part of the directors. Miss Richards will come today 'to Lexington with the cast. The company will produce a scene from Julius Caesar, Merchant of Venice, Ror eo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbl-th- . The dramatic arrangements were made by a member of the school faculty. Members of the classes In Shakespearean drama, and groups inter-testIn social settlement work In the mountains of Kentucky should find real entertainment In the performance tonight. A party composed of members of the University Y. W. C. A. and guests who are In Lexington attending the state meeting of the Y. W. C. A. will be present for the presentation. THE KAMPUS KAT STAFF IS NAMED Publication Will Appear on the University Campus for Homecoming On Thanksgiving Scandalous Miss Mary L. Mathews, dean of tho College of Home Economics at Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., spoke to the students and faculty of the College of Agriculture, at a general assembly at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. The assembly was held at the Live Stock Judging pavilion. Dean Mathews stated that she did not think the men of today would like to go back to the former type of woman, who was placed on a pedestal, and who depended upon man for her thinking as well as her support; nor would the women of today like to go back to that type man the woman on the pedestal required, the hero. She stated that in colleges men and women Were able to form friendships and to meet on a plane of mutual understanding as In no other place. ROGERS SPEAKS MONDAY ON FLAG Armistice Will Be Observed By University Students at Convocation in Memorial Hall U. K. QUARTET WILL SING 'Armistice Day will be observed at the University next week with a special convocation In Memorial hall at 11 o'clock Monday. An excellent program has been prepared and the public Is Invited to attend the patriotic celebration. The address, "The Evolution of the American Flag," will be delivered by Chaplin Ralph W. Rogers, of Fort Thomas, Ky. Chaplin Rogers has delivered the address on numerous occasions and it has been acclaimed a masterpiece of oratory. Exact replicas of flags flown over every country will be used to Illustrate the address. The music will be under the supervision of Prof. Carl A. Lampert, head of the department of music, and will consist of patriotic numbers and a few selections by the University male quartet. Cadet officers, who will serve as ushers, are W. J. Brummette, H. S. Brumfleld, C. M-- Christie, C. E. Col-vi- n, E. L. Chrlsterson, and T. C. Conroy. MORNING Saturday's Rattle Will Be Outstanding Conference Game of Week TIDE REAL BARRIER IN WILDCATS' PATH Gamagc Takes 29 Players on Trip; Injured Men Are Improving Rapidly By ELBERT M'DONALD Tho University of Kentucky Wildcats, are duo to arrive this morning at 10:45 o'clock in Montgomery, Ala., and Saturday afternoon In tho Municipal Bowl' will battle the valiant Crimson Tide. It is the game of games for the Gamagcmen and every man left in excellent spirits for the battle that will unquestionably be the most outstanding game in the conference this week. With one notable exception the Tide-me- n have been the biggest of all stumbling blocks in the conference path of the Blue and White gridders since they started their annual feud on the gridiron, the cx- Kelly May Not Play That "Shipwreck" Kelly, the Springfield stoker, may not play game In the Kentucky-Alabam- a was the word received by The Kernel early last night. He did not leave for Montgomery with the team, due to being called home by critical Illness of his grandmother. There was a bare possibility, according to official sources, that the star bock joined the team at Louisville last night. Lexington fans last night were of the opinion that he would leave for the. game today. If tceiiv does not nlav. the Wild cats' chances of defeating the Tide will receive a material set back. 0 I- - in 1922 when the ception being Wildcats whipped the men from the "Bam Bam Bamy Shore" by a 6 to 0 score in the last game played on Stoll field. Yep I the exception was truly a notable one. Alabama came fresh from a victory over the strong Pennsylvania team at a time when.Penn was playing, football of a class that always kept it in the place otsho.w mpAey, with greatest teams of thej 'feat,' even i ThepK'tk-ascUjwsinWJonfcMno-sraal- l but for the Wildfor the Tide-me- n, Invocation Rev. Hays Farlsh. cats to down them the following Song America. Address "The Evolution of the week was an even greater feat. So American Flag," Chaplin Ralph great in fact, that the wearers of the Blue and White have never come W. Rogers. close to repeating this performance Song America the Beautiful. since that memorable occasion. Hays Farlsh. Benediction Rev. The Worm Has Turned In every game played since their first encounter in 1921,'the Wildcats have always been the underdogs and were not conceded a chance to (Continued on Page Eight) Fraternity to Initiate Ten Girls Saturday Members and pledges of Sigma Delta Chi, International professional honorary journalistic fraternity, met at 3 'o'clock Wednesday afternoon services for Theta Initiation In McVey hall, to consider plans Sigma Phi, national women's honorfor publication of The Kampus Kat, ary Journalistic fraternity, will be the only humorous publication at the. held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afterUniversity. The Kat is sponsored In the red room of the Lafayby The Kernel and Sigma Delta noon ette hotel. Following the services, Chi. Mrs. Enoch Grehan, an honorary At the meejtlng the discussion conof the fraternity, will en- cerned the selection of the staff and member honor of the the business organization of the Itertaln with a tea in initiates. "scandalous" publication. Edwards The following girls will be initiatM. Templln Is the present editor, Clarence Barnes and Martin R. ed: Louisa Bickel, Bernice By land, Glenn were selected as associate Margaret Cundiff, Frances Holliday, editors. These students were selectPhelps, Lois Purcell, Katherine ed because of their "nose for Swearlngen, Henrietta scandal" and their ability to unearth , Eleanor Margaret Treacy, and Billy all that is corrupt on the campus. Stone, Whitlow. Virginia Shaeffer, honor-.ar- y warren Llndsey, was selected to sophomore pledge, will be Inhead the? advertising campaign for next year. Membership Is the Thanksgiving edition. This itiated to juniors and seniors, and limited soliciting Is carried on mainly by prothe pledges of the organizations. is based on scholarship and The Kats will be sold previous to ficiency in journalism. The following will be present as the game at the downtown hotels. After the game the pledges will sell honor guests at the tea: President and Mrs. Frank L. McVey, Dean the scandalous publication at the and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd, Dean Sarah Thanksgiving dance. G. Blandlng, and the faculty memIt Is the plan of the Kat staff to bers of the journalism department, publication ready for the Mr. Grehan, Miss Margaurite Mchave the Thanksgiving football game when Laughlin, Prof, and Mrs. Victor R. the Wildcats meet Tennessee. The Portmann, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald most Important occasion of the year Griffin. has been chosen because of the opportunity to humiliate all who are connected with the "underworld" activities on the campus and who have a guilty conscience. Alma Magna Mater, organization of sons and daughters of former stu dents of the University, held its first meeting of the year at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Maxwell Will Twenty-fiv- e place. members were present. The October issue of the "KenThe Alma Magna Mater program tucky Alumnus." official magazine for the year includes a dinner to be of the Alumni Association of the given In December, at which time University, will appear on the camp- new members will be initiated. us today. Alumnus contains many Members of the club will also asfeatures which will be of interest sist Mrs. McVey in the annual to Alumni and former students of Alumni tea which Is given after tho the University. Thanksgiving game. The purpose of the club is to Homecoming Is stressed in this issue of the magazine. All Alumni foster loyalty to the University and are urged to join in the pilgrimage to its' traditions. Mudents who are which will storm Lexington Thanks- eligible for membership are request giving Day, to see Tennsesee and ed to send their names and addresses Kentucky battle for the football through the University postofflce to Margaret Frey, who Is secretary for supermacy of the south. Alumni are kept in contact with this year. the growth, progress, developaMAt GIKLS' BAND TO PLAY and life of the University through this magazine. The October Issue The girls' baud of tho University, contains articles on tho progress of the University under the dkectlou under the direction of Prof. E. G. President McVey; the history of Sukar, has accepted an invitation of Stoll field, which was the birthplace to ptey at the Little International for southern intercollegiate football; in the ateek judging pavilllon on NoveatlNr a& and many other features. Alma Magna Mater Holds First Meeting October Issue of Kentucky Alumnus Appear Today THIS DR. F. J. LIBBY SPEAKS ON WAR Noted Peace Advocate Tells Views in Regard to Disarmament and Legality of R. O. T. C. Fredrick J. Libby, executive secretary of the National Council for the Prevention of War, addressed the International Relations class at 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday night, on the question of "How Shall a Nation be Secure?" Mrs. Frank L. McVey presided. Mr. Libby discussed the problem of national security from the viewpoint of two opposing theories. The theory of cooperation as followed and enunciated by Brland and Stressmann on one side and theory of armament championed by Polnl-car- e and Hugenburg on the other. After the constructive speech the meeting was turned into an open forum. The question of the R. O. T. C and Compusory military education were soon thrust into the discussion. Doctor McVey sold that he saw no Inherent evils in the compulsory teaching of military tactics; that the student needs a certain amount of discipline, and the R. O. T. C. Is the only place in college that he can get it. Doctor McVey was also of the opinion that the question of compulsory military training was given too much importance in relation to the two theories elucidated by Mr. Libby. Prof. J. O. Jones of the political science department thought that there is a real evil in teaching mili tary tactics in our schools for the army officers do not stop with the teaching of tactics but engage in a form of propaganda. Prof. Roy Moreland declared himself a pacifist, but thought that the compulsory military feature should not be abandoned suddenly; that the reserves should be held for a possible conflict. PEP MEETING CS HELD A pep meeting was held by tho SuKy Circle at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon ia the Union depot when the Wildcats left for Montgomery. Alabama, where they will meet the Crjnsoa Tide Saturday afternoon, The cheer leaders and the band were oo hand to assist in giving the team a great send --off. *