xt7m0c4sn632 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4sn632/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 29, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 29, 1980 1980 1980-04-29 2020 true xt7m0c4sn632 section xt7m0c4sn632 I
H t' b ' ' 9 f0 b k th'
By KURT LAUFENBL’RGER deal with eight to IOstudentsconcern- rush of students selling used books disciplinary action.‘ He said that “WWW“? student only the “suspicious-looking“ ones.
Mon" ing theft of books.“ Williamson said. back to the bookstore. Because Kennedy s Bookstore is not “i“.b‘V suspetided for a speCific period He said you can sometimes tell a per-
adding that all types of students have Both local bookstores have refund located on school property and there- of time. and sometimes a student WIII son is selling stolen books by the type
Toward the close of every semester been caught stealing books. policies for students whose‘books have how out Of the UhIVCISItl3 Jurisdls- get PiflCCti on Pmbahmhdcl’cndmg 0" 0900'“ they bring "L
when money is scarce. some students He said book thieves tend to been stolen. Kennedy‘s will return a lion. they have the option of having a the situation. .You can almost spot a stolen book
resort to stealing books from other increase their activity during the last stolen book that has been sold tothern student arrested. . He said any student caught a second before a person tries to sell it. Eblen
students and selling them to book- two weeks of each semester fora var- if they are notified before the sale is 10h" ‘(- Butcher. manager oi llmt' W1“ automatically be suspended. 5ald~ .
stores for quick cash. iety ofreasons. One. he said.is because made and the student can identify the Kennedy 5. said that they usually refer However. that situation has not yet It appears that neither bookstore
T. Lynn Williamson. UK dean of the end of the semester is when many book. . . the students“ to 4.63" of .SlUdim.” happened. . plans to change the” book returning
students. is responsible for dealing students run low on money and need Bill Eblen. manager. of University because they feel it s the bniversitys Eblen said he has not caught a any poliCies nor the method of checking
' with students involved. “It's a prob- some ready cash. Two, books become Bookstore. said he WI” return any WOW!" . 0“" Pm?" “me .. for Sioie" boo“. . . .
lem.“ Williamson said. “with which more accessible as students are using stolen book that can be identified. He WlihamSOh said the mm! common "i (hm WHO“ people caught 51031108 _ Williamson 5?“? ”‘9 ”Spomlhl‘hw

f there are no statistics.“ Neither the their books more to study for finals. said because of the large volume oi sanction placed on a student caught back in the store. lhey are personna lies with the indiVidual student. Stu.

‘ dean of students not Kennedy‘s or Three, some students havethemiscon- used bOOkS 501d back to the store. It IS stealing or 56“”‘3 5‘0"?) property '5 an “(m grata. Butcher 53"" , den“ ate generallyucareless with the”
University Bookstores have any avail- ception that since they are graduating no great loss to return some books undated supension. . lhe student is Bookstores hatethe optiontocheck books.' he said. Leaving them on
able record ofthe number of students or going away for the summer. they Students caught stealing or selling excluded from partICipation in any every student sellinguscd books for tables. inthe Studenteenterand atthe
involved or the number of books can escape the consequences of steal- stolen booksare usually turned over to University activity except for the identification but often they don‘t, library for some it‘s too great a
stolen each year. ing. Four. a person will less likely be the dean of students to decide proper attendance of classes. Butcher said that Kennedy s checks temptation.

“I would estimate that each year I checked for identification during the
Violence, safety very bad KEN I UCKY
in state jaIIS, lawyer says
By KEVIN OSBOURN did and it ended up in a horrifying
Staff Writer . W ’ {I ' ' '
Matias: {his :23 togxxt'iggfigw "11:22.? tzzzzztz
Second of a three-part series also getting burnt in the face with a u I). p ' '" ind°p'"d°m "“1"“ "“9”" V

, Kentucky will be forced to spend cigarette. I am really hurt emotional- __ —
nearly $50 million to solve the many I ...l'm scared. I couldn‘t tell the
problems facing the state prison sys- ayuthorities because I hate to be a rat. I TWO arreSted,
tem. including the areas of violence need help!" ' .. -
and safety. Anderson said that the level of vio- 20 Signs fOUNd

According ‘0 LIOYd Anderson. the lence in Kentucky‘s prisons is bad. He .
attorney representing the La Grange said that he would guessthat someone ’ . V" ,. " k d
reformatory inmates. the problems of is stabbed on the average of once or .V. a . . 7. over wee en
violence and safety are extremely bad twiceaweek. but he addedthat it is dif— ' V" W! ' 3" DALE 0- MORTON , V
in Kentucky prisons. He sald that ficult to prove what the exact level of ’4 ~ VW‘ V , V y...‘ 5”” Wm“
rapes and stabbings are commonplace violenccinthe risonsare forthesame ,V ._ 5:23- ; :7 l ' - - '
and prison authorities can offer little reasons it is difficult to prove how W”. V.‘ , in V 3’ / we:reg:VVc:nddrrch:::::::ugems{Sis
protection for the inmates. many rapes there are. Much of these V V V .t' V . é? matelv 70 si ns in a round-u eprf’ti: t:
“I believe from the investigations we incidents just go unreported, he said. . ' i _ , . ' i x locate 3-0 migssing campus sigpns valued
did that it (rape) is an extremely Anderson also said that the guards ' ' . , , 2‘ a : .3 at $7.200.
serious problem."he said.“Rapeisdif- in our prison system are undertrained. T” V ? f ;VV :61, 4’) David J. Rickert 18 an anlish
ficult to prove because most of it goes But. he said. the uards are in a ver I ' ‘ ’ .VVV'j: Z .- . . i V V V _
unreported. lfsome guy comes up to precarious posititgm because if the: '4 .. if :3? V. iietHVinVinleV9aVari:tVufiVeiVitTerVngzaIEaxziVn
you and rapes you. there is not much fight back “they haven‘t gotachance." wt“ 2 a? f If} ,2 52;: V”; CV3 KentchkyV University were arrested
you can do. If you report it to the “The guards at La Grange are 3 "g' «M-% - i V .'V q? a? .Vf lor receiving stolen piopertv
authorities. the friends of the guy will almost helpless They‘re not armed. an?" <( 5% w ‘ / 1:2 ' 3% V' In four separate events'ihis past
get you...another alternative is logo and at present. there is only one guard a ’45". ' . ”c’.” .. a 3 ., t P " g" ”of N weekend. UK police collected stolen
’ into what they call protective per dormitory.“ he said. "He‘s sup- thtqi a “55mg. “ _ 2 f" r" “M“ f ”.7 _ ) signs from the homes ofUK students
. cuiiiViVoytVecme cugmd‘ IS in inmates Posed todcovx “‘0 “005333 four . k i a E -' '- a.) . - and apprehended two men after they
. ' ‘ ' . Wln s an on e avera e 0 men. ’ -¢.“u.0.-.'="='i: -’ ° 4 . ' - .~ " . . . ~ ‘ . . ‘
who for one reason or another. can‘t lt cfn‘t be done.“ g E .. «V M [5% ’ . ‘  V’ «f ' . safety director g p

“WI." minor phenomenon until recent them." he said. “He didn‘t even know V VV ' ' 1:353: .. V He said some leads were available V

yearsfiaccordinlg to Colgumbia Univer- what key opened the fire door. After \t V . . ‘- -Vf’V3":- V _.., , pertaining to the location of some of

my istorian )avid othman. who he finally found the key.hewent tothe . . ”away?” ” ~ ~'

, told Newsweek magazine that the law‘ door from the inside. and there was no casuawwyggfgfifififzzafim 2*...ng ‘1: . ; M 3 . [heljsliggzlizghzgtVngeVrViO/VAreiilaeligoiit:aid
OIIIIC prisonjungle no“. permitstough IOCk because the door IS SlepOSCd ‘0 . m. . ...¢,Miy. ...~tw..va..z...;-~Ws. . . . ,t .. 2v 8‘ "\\ ID ( (n It“, Kern“ sue: he expects some of [he campus signs
cons to extort all kinds of favors and be unlocked from the outSide.“ - V back before the end of the semester
compel comparatively weaker men to Kentucky is notalone in its poor fire Hot a'r “We think these signs areVout ofthVe
fight. safety standards. In Mississippi. l.000 state “ Anderson said Ohio isa 055."-

' For example. one Colorado inmate felons are waiting for room in Parch- bilitv he added Anderson and Harri-
‘ . wrote a friend this note: “I was thrca- man Penitentiary. A I978 study found Early yesterday afternoon the local fire department IIIS- department was summoned to correct a problem that son ' Vboth believe the si ns were
tened to get beat up and possibly killed that two thirds of these jails are fire- wered ' “ll 1' TOM‘S Billiards. located “I the corner 0f originated in the air conditioning unit. Two trucks were Vprobablv taken as a prank 8

: if I didn t go to this man scellto v.5.” Continued on page 5 South Limestone and Pine streets. The fire vehicles needed to correct the incident. Continued on page 5

‘ F m /'t' tb k H C d'll' '//’h'k' ' ‘

, r0 p0l I08 0 00 S, arry all I IS SI'I t In my
By KEVIN OSBOURN speak with him ~ especially students. him ~ no question about it." Caudill repeatedly calls l'orachange myself as being against my own PCO'
Staff Writer K Caudill said that students should Caudill said that it will be the top in the American culture. He said that ple. I thought there were some things

. work hard at their studies ifthey have students who will run the country in they should insist on sending high to be said. so I said them.“

When Harry M. Caudill. one of any desire to achieve high accomplish- the future. He said that the country is quality people to run public affairs. Speaking about the coal operators
' Appalachia‘s most influential writers. ments and find' the best jobs. He already run by scholars. and thus , in the Appalachian region. Caudill
came to UK three, years ago he said it 20 . strongly urges students to get a good emphasizes the importance of grades A said that none of the companies go
“was an opportunitytostimulate some post graduate education to broaden “Grades are extremely important.“ _ V beyond what the law requires ofthem
new thinking about this region.“ their knowledge even farther. he said. “When you leave this campus. ’ 55V , ' VV in their concern for the environment.
. Caudill. a history professor. won . “If a student comes here and spends if you are really ambitious about top- ’J .__ a” . “As the law has strengthened and as
fame 1" 1963 mm hlsiinghtcomCStO in particular for 0V“ 20 years. endless hours watching television level accomplishments. that transcript ”N I. ,. ' the enforcement ofthe law has grown.
the Cumberlands." an attack on the BeSIdes getting‘a law degree from down inthe Student Centerand count- means everything.“ he said. "If you if; 6% very definite improvements havecome
coal and timber industries in Appala- UK in 948. Caudill was elected to the less other hours going to sports events don‘t have excellent standing. many ' a V ”135) .. in mine reclamation.“ he said.
chia. He gained additional recognition state legislature in l954. I956 and I960. and avoids the library or goes there doors will close.“ i ‘VV / . , “Anyone who passes through fth
in I968 for: “My Land is Dying." a He spent much of his time denouncing only minimally. he might as well have Professor Caudill was born in Whi- a 9 VV region) can see the old mining places as
book denouncmg strip~mine operators coal operators and ridiculing state stayed home for all practical purposes. tesburg in I922. one of four children of , / ~. " compared with the new. but it has been
and since then has. written several officials for not spending more money In the competitive world of tomorrow. Crow Carr and Martha Blair Caudill. V Vt; crammed down their throats. YOUIUS‘
other books. including “Watches of on schools. Caudill. a native of Whi- just the possession of a degree won‘t His father was a businessman dealing -V' V don‘t find responsible operators
the Night.‘ a l97o book telling howthe tesburg. Ky.. also served as the Com- amount to much." he said. “But if he in coal. among other things. He and )L except in the rhetoric ofthe industry.“
Appalachian region has progressed in monwealth‘s attorney of Letcher comes here as a student and he reads his wife Anne have raised three . Caudill warned againstallowingthe
the past several decades. County. intensively and extensively. and if he children. HARRY M' CMVDIH‘ 003' and 0” companies ‘0 mine Wi‘h‘
Caudill has a'n-impressive set of cre- Despite all the controversy that has grounds himself in his field that he is At least one member of the UK "This is not to say that e\erybod_v out being required by lawtoleavetheir
dentials in addition to his fame as an surrounded him. Caudill has main- taking and goes ahead to post- Board of Trustees is known to have who has been in state government is areas in good condition. He said the
outspoken critic ofthe coal industry in tained an easygoing manner. He is eas- graduate work and becomes a top- opposed his coming to UK. In Whites- crooked." he said. “but the pattern of l977 strip mine bill has beena tremend-
general and the strip-mining industry ily accessible to anyone who wishes to notch student. the sky is the limit for burg. Tom Gish bought The Mountain corruption is very widespread and we ous help in restoring mined lands. but
Eagle. Whitesburg‘s local paper. and just ought to evolve culturally to the he added that he was disappointed
Oda began using his news and editorial pomt where we would not tolerate it. because he heard no one in the recent
The nine-nation Common Market ended a two-daysum- columns to attack the coal industry. We would insist that our school super- state legislature session defending the
. m" plum“! solidarity “”1 “the SOVCThmeht and people of Gradually. people began lumping intendent be honest. that ourjudges be next; for mat ."33 He said all he heard
natlon ”"3 “mm 5m“ in "1“" present time 0‘ "ial-VV Caudill and Gish together as honest. that our governors and law- were complaints about the strip mine
PRESIDENT CARTER. breaking the self-imposed iso- THE SOVIET UNION and Iran yesterday greeted news troublemakers. . makers be honest." . . regulations that were too tough,

lation that has kept him In Washington or Camp David for of the resignation of Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance asa Caudtllsaid thatasa state legislator. AI a result OH aUd'” s work. Appa- VV” the coal industry. the Oil '"d‘ls‘ry
months. traveled to Texas yesterday and donned a surgical 5,3,, of disunity in the US. government. European leaders he saw corruption in Kentucky politics lachia became the center of national and the extractive industry are given
mask and gown to visit men injured in last week's ill-fated were saddened and the dollar fell as the MM reached world th‘" “’35 widespread. He wrote a sen- attention 35 environmentalists. IOUT‘ free reign they WI" turn (Appalachia)
attfmpt ‘0 tcscuc thc American hostages in Iran, money markets. sational account. for Harperir maga- nalists. film crews. writers. VISTA into a desert." he said. “No doubt
mdgurre 5:3): 3:1”an VrVrViirViinioch‘thC derttstot at;pr:ciation.grati- In Moscow. broadcasts lauded Vance as: realistic states- zine. on how Kentucky elections were workers. researchers and others des- abOUt it. They‘ll mine ll ‘10an ‘0 the
rm injured mm at am “cab“:mzrfi'h :;;:i;":‘: ”‘1 "L'W‘i’m :7“ be? 'dVthPCd V'“ "'9 “it by the Carter bought and sold. And that didn‘t gain cended upon the region. . bedrock for everything that .lt con-
look at ”m" and speak m them .. n eii Brlxlnlstl'l tort an at is resignationcearly was a result him much 'plopularity among court- ‘ Despite all the attention. Harry tains. If the people of'the nation and
- 0 mm“! "1""er PrOVOCIUO“ aim“ "in house pOIltIClanS. (audill remains humble about his Kentucky insist that it be preserved.
WOI'Id weather “Our government at the state level at‘t‘tttllf‘ilsitmt‘nh siii'vntz he has had a that it be both mined and perpetuated.
. has never been CIVIIt'lt‘nl. CIIL‘t‘lnt‘ o.- ‘rzwnv : . ' \-- . .. ' i‘t him— then we'llreclaimthe strip lands. We'll

‘hxfizlgrgfirl‘12P:::0:ECA£;:::?";¢:‘[It-new“ 0dCLOhlVDS :VONT IE GOING Wily too?! Rainislikcly clean. Kentucky has always been self as a litdlL‘di Ithidi fighting against revegetate and reforest the lands."
May l7 unless "desisive progress"is made ‘our'dnfmi? ‘2: IlOs.IbV\vsnt)::i $383: that logging: inhtheSOSto near reveled With corruption. and Kentuck- the‘establishment. . Caudill said that as it nation we are
53 American hostages. They also called for new U.N.efforts ersV Vand cloudi‘ness shoiil: corVitiniVuetomorreoiiv wigtghhow ians CXpect Vl' They expect " at the (audill told Scene magazine. “I gomg to have ‘0 change our culture
to try to win the capttm- "taut mm in [he mm 50: m mid 60! ”W" courthouse and they will elect. ulnhes- never thought of myself as any great and adapt to the fact that we don‘t
' itantly. the most corrupt people in the liberal I don‘t believe greatly in tags have the super abundance of natural
counts in fill their .mmtx ..‘~ - » «. " i‘ . t ' ‘i we“! of (‘ontlnued on pages

. —

KENTWKY Debbie McDaniel
h/iior in ( ltlt'f Muir (.‘reen Kim Aubrey Thom-s ( lurk John (1., (Sun hnders
Jay Fossett Bob ('ochnne Lnieriuinnmii Liliior Spam [,1] U, Din-riot o/ Phoiogruphi
(‘Iry Willis 4mm lule‘ hliion Paul Mann
Managing tilt/or (indy McGee !s. i. Robinson Brim mam; David Mnynrd
"i“ Dousnrd Juli Rudd Aisiviuni ei\\l.\lunl Sports iii/rim Pholo .iiwiuk’t”
Steve Muse) I‘d/”WW h‘l’m’ (II/H h/riim f,IiIe‘r/tlmnh'h‘l film»!
editorialsfiacomments MW e
4iiii‘laril fill/until filiior
I .
Reformation WW9”
CReDlT cRoNcH? .
BLOWDOWN?.-va\\hhl. '- .. f . ,2
Pr' 0’ ' d h NtietorFACtIM v - ' “J ‘*
ISODGI'S an pr ISO/73 I799 C 3/7963 6TARTlNC7 A NEXMT ‘3‘,th .’ . ' ‘ “eta -
v~ ' - N. '
NW.... ... '1 ’\'I: i
‘v [a 419‘s
, With inmates callingforprisonreformsandthefed- effort. Studies show that prison violence consists of . ‘ :‘w ‘ .
eral court system enforcing reforms in safety. recrea~ violence between inmates. not between guards and , , \ . _‘ _
‘ tional. educational and vocational programs. there is inmates. \ is“ ‘1. .:
hope that the American prison will become more Placingalargenumberofinmatestogether.withlit- \ \1'.“
rehabilitative than punishment-oriented. tle or no supervison. is definitely an invitation to the ' 3;... 4,253. ‘hh‘fi‘a\ ;g‘
Public support for prison reform has not been sub- “tOUghs” to force their criminal subculture on new \ I ‘ x’w‘ a; withhif‘ “5..
stantial in the past. It rises alter prisoii riots. such as inmates. . ,2; 63‘” \“yh‘rgrh (I, A /
the VNew Mexico State-[tonitentiary nonpublic outcry Reforming inmates involves helping them accept ‘ c J « ‘/ a0 £2942 /
against poor conditions dlCS‘ when OffIClilis say the mores and laws of society over the mores and .\\\“"" t \; 1:13ii".,:-" / \ a J}? i
reforms can not come without financial support from unwritten laws of the criminal culture. Accepting the . ‘Wlt; . o o . d, / -
‘hChUth ‘h‘hc form “‘ tax dollars. . values of the mainstream culture is difficult when W \ " f '5?- ”5?) ’//,
. .\ow a "Filo" ‘hcrhi‘lh ‘h 1h“ Kentucky hmoh ‘3‘" inmates knowthereis no escape from the tougher cons / .~ ff . ‘ mum-Yam Q
_ . tem is predicted following the ruling by l .S. District until they become eligible for parole or probation. w o
Judge hdwardJohnstoneina lawsun won h} inmates (ioing with the flow until the time to leave prison w . O " '
at the Kentucky State l enitentiary and the Kentucky comes may save their lives. .. .-
State Relormatory. '
Jerald Kendrick. a former inmate at the Kentucky ‘1 he prison population f5 “01 composed only OfPCO- v m —~u‘7~-2—~~— ~m~~~~ .__.,,_._
_ . State Penitentiary near iddyville. listed overcrowd- ple who violate American law's; it is composed 0fpeo~
ing as numberoneona list ofproblemsexistinginthe ple who were (WK/1’ viola/mg American laws. ‘10
' state's prison fuClllIlL‘S, .lohnstone signed a consent deprive ”1056 people ofthe educationtheymay lack or /, 7/ fig: «1. ._ y , .
decree April 4 to force the state to speitd nearly $50 ofthc chance to learn vocational skills so they can :1, _ ”5”,, ’ WW, I’MW’éZ 2 /
million in the next four or five years to correct the afford ‘0 “(Wk at 11 legitimate 10b when they are 2“I‘//f” 'f/ lNDuS \géj, \
problems listed m Kendrick‘s report. released. instead of relying on extralegal means to ”1/ 3% I“? 3 'l 277/“ REMEMBER SON...
‘ V II is easy to say prison conditions are unfair and supplement IhClT income. is further PUHiSthhI it? gig? 5:. s“:~ «5 ll I?! RESPONSIBLE‘ TRUCKERS
, ~ . dangerous to the physical and mental health not to addition to the deprivation of freedom and liberty. " ”if? 55;"; '» ~3, r- 2% NEVERUSE DIRTY WORDS
2 ‘ mention the lives of the inmates It is easy to point Protection for inmates from each other may be one 4" J, .. its; . I 5/ QVEP THE C.B.‘...LIKE ~
'. . 2 fingers atovercrowdedfacilities. tinsanitaryfood con- outcome of the Kendrick case. However. before ”a” ‘. 5‘??? .‘f’ m,‘ ill‘ 1%?» WTWON.
ditions. substandard or minimal medical care. inmates can be protected. overcrowding must be allie— ' V \ . ' . ' 3% ' MHZ;
. But it takes money to correct these problems; to viated. more guards must be hired with the training ";. ‘i‘ «ll ;1 iu ‘ I Q ~ 6‘ ~ ".5 .» ‘
- - place more doctors. psychiatrists. psychologists. and background to handle a large number ofinmates l? 2 “\ "' E ‘x \ ._ (\__ fig, 9%.
, , guards arid prison administrators on the staffs of pri- and safety plans must be implemented. 4‘ ““‘il . .. fl ,1. \Wrtlyi ’lWLRiQ
~ 3 ‘ sons. Toallieviateovercrowdingthe state must either it istime f0r progress in Kentucky‘s prisons. Refor- ‘Hi‘ . “ah/12,77 / 2 9J\ a" ' “WM/V ”? 47/ \c l J ‘ "
provide more facilities. increase the number of matories should be more than just places where men “.F'hfiiszi'l?! :§%.§5:’/J‘j‘é“£s ’ > .I,, w H ‘$;:x» a? @ f‘ 1],; '
‘ ‘ inmates placed on probation and parole programs or and women exist for several years before returning to ff“: 4“?“ (W ;{3‘ ,7 ‘ $1 ~~m , é a; 1hr“ ifift he ‘
advocate shorter prison sentences in the courts. society. Depriving those who violate the law of their i: . $5 . . ‘i\ 95$ 1.." W30”: Nk' With” [hi A“ N
i 3‘ _, l.a (irange Reformatory‘s open dormitory set-up. freedom is punishment; but to deprive them of a “ ‘ Z ’3? i~——’?\“Qk{n- 3.3;.- .‘SE\ hf“:3‘:‘~>~\\‘—“'.:’f'§f N” h 1 _
which allows prisoners access to one another at night chance to reform is a crime. ‘7‘ 33:7 =’Mha~\e\;;‘n .- $7: 7 MM“ .
‘ with no guards or supervisors present for protection KCMUCM ‘15 being forced ‘0 COTFCCI hSCOYTéCTlOD-‘i 2 _ g L ~-"“"‘_‘: c"h\t§\3§\‘:§§€§§ § ' ,4, ‘ ““ 1“. re
against physical or verbal abuse. rape or theft is program.and (iov. John Y. Brow'n..lr..must helpthe /—Q§ i ‘Q’IIWKWI‘, “(Vs o .»
2( extremely dangerous and detrimental to the reform 51818 lumVC hS prison facilities. 0. , g - ‘ ‘i‘g f‘h‘l‘folyl‘y. . o ’0 ,
' ’ ' ' K \‘QVa/h l‘hhh‘l‘h h": j [a g 12:33:.m
' ' ' The Penta on iS full of 'fat cats ‘ ‘/
. . . 9 E“—
. . ‘ l
* ” who are swollen from feedin ’ Lever ‘0 the Editor
_ 9 N
. ‘ . . no way. shape. or form compete with out a single show. and this is in a hall .
. ; Misconceptlons Entam and Rupp Arena. Entam has “htCh only seatsXSO people. lfthere is s
, ‘ . Politicians say the darndest things. stuffed from gluttony like suburban itary base that recently bought several th FCSOUFCCS and me CODHCCIIOHS (0 an “Udl‘ChCV out there '0" quality.
,~ ' Why iust last week ('ongressnian Mnettca on an endless lhanksgiving hundred color televisions rather than bring “ll-“5‘0 1«Cthb’hlh thCOhCC” 1°55" hh‘mh ““5 we have 3“” ‘0 see
Larry Hopkins had a peculiar turkey dinner. [hey are nolongercap- return the leftover money to the lhe l‘K Concert (‘ommittce wishes Committee could never afford. and any C‘ldChCC 0f h~ _
- . response to the aborted “rescue rnis- able of clear thinking or swift action. 'lreasury. 1 ‘0 clear UP WWW] misconceptions many oiwhom WOUId hhdth‘? “Chili“ h‘ the student bOd.“ wants ‘0 see ~
. ‘ si'on“in lran He was concerned about and their soaring blood pressurciscyi- The shape of things to come m the which were created by' the Kernel edi- in Memorial Coliseum inadequate or quality iii-‘15 on campus at reasonable
‘ y . ' the rash of eqUipment failure that dent in the frustrated covert and overt l980‘s is lean. compact and stream— torial 0f WthCSda)‘ April 33 and SC\- unacceptable. ln particular. the (‘oli— prices. then we suggest students press
‘ ' plagued the operation from start to military operations they order from lined. with function valued overform. eral letters to the editor “‘thh seum has ”0 capability 1" suspend the University [0 provide funding for
‘ finish. leaving helicopters. airplanes “me to tttne. The military can learn an important appeared hm “Cd‘- equipment from [he CClth- a WWW concerts currently the practice at SC“ ‘
‘ . and American hodics in the lraniiiii *\nd when the check for this enor- lesson in survival by simply observing The CthC” (‘ommittee agrees “hh ment for many major ShOWN eral other Kentucky schools. If the l
_2 desert. moiis meal arrives. the cold warriors the manner in which the rest ofsocietv Entertainment Editor Clark that the Entam can alsoafford to takelosses (‘oncert Committee had funding. W9
‘- Rep Hopkins. a l esington Repub- PU“ 01” Iht‘ [5- ITCHSUr)‘ Charge card copes with conservation of resourvesi. sound 3‘ ‘h" 1010 concert “‘15 ‘0” “h a f9“ 5h0“5 ‘0 make money in the could bring major artists to campus at
I. lican. says that the pftihlglns fagcd and put it on the tab. When the It istime the armed forces conformed loud. hUl unfortunately the ('ommit- long run. The Concert Committee prices below those charged for RUPP
,‘ ~ ‘ . , during the Iranian mission prove that monthly bill comes. they take the to a changing America. a coutry that tee has no control over such matters. receives NO budget from the Student Arena thM and. on occasion.present
-‘ . ,. we ought to increase our defense mOnt‘)’ OUl 0' lhe average fumlh“ no longer believes in carrying a big ‘rhCSOUdeaSm'XCd‘0‘1‘01035P8Clh' (‘enter Board 0‘” parent hOdY- (‘Oh‘ a memo“ likethe Bluegrass Festival.
‘ “ spending. ('old warriors are a lot like budget. then blame tax woes on wel- stick. pushing its weight around or cations. not ours. Our only complaint sequently'. we can notafford to present
; . . .4 . weekend athletes. they like to blame fare. education, and important socral blocking school house doors with axe regarding the concert review was the any show that loses money as we have Jack Drago
. their equipment and partners for programs. l‘hey loosen their belt a handles. small ammount of space devoted to no money to lose. lfaconcert does not A&S senior
‘ ‘ defeat lhey complain about the con— notch for dessert while asking us to go This new America survived the past the Toto review comparison to at least break even there may not be
. - _ ._ - ditions and thelow priority they are on without and tighten outs. two turbulent decades by makinga lot reviews 0f P3“ RUPP Arena concerts. another one. Eric Ringo
. ‘ , ' ‘ ‘ someone‘s budget lhe charge that government spend- of promises to dissatisfied groups of most recently Cheap 'lrick. We “'9”? The Remy/Ts contention that 0““ EhZIiSh sophomore
. 4. E mg is the cause of inflation. if true. cttlyens. Blacks. women.youths.Mex- also disappointed that the ls'crne/ Lexington becomes accustomed to
, , « . .y . . applies best todefense spending. Whe— icans. Latinos. prisoners. farmers and printed no review of the excellent and quality acts audiences will grow is not Jeff Compton
, . y .. gl'lff/n reas soCial programs tend to support the elderly haveallbeenappeased with hREh music presented ‘1‘ the ”(D {UPPQHCd h.‘ “UT experience Our AGR senior
, ‘ 3 ‘ depressed areas and marginal busi- governmentspendingintended to ease Bluegrass Festival. Spotlight Jan series has brought l0
'~ . .- .‘ nesses. militaryspending leadsto cash the anger caused by years of inequity. The concert Committee regrets ‘0 30p name la“ “‘5 ‘0 campus in the (""3 Gerros
‘ 2 .' . ‘ ~ x— excesses inthcsectorsthe pull pricesto Now these funds are threatened in a inform the student body thatw'e can in last two years yet we have never sold A&S sophomore
' r In fact. Hopkiiis'reasoning offends inflationary peaks for the average showdown over the true budgetary 7’
.‘ , . ' . the common sense approach taken by American. priorities of the people of the United .
. 2 y ’ ' most American consumers When lherc can be little doubt that we States. Some would slash taxes and Letters 0/,0
. 1 .‘ . * automobiles and appliances we buy sent out best on this raid in Iran, ’l he funds for the schools and welfare pro-
‘ ~ ‘ :hurlha‘m‘ ‘h h‘ ‘Emhm‘ he d‘c‘r‘gh‘h “‘h ‘sh‘hhd‘ ‘mhhh were callednrand grams. b“! vote once more R" The Kentucky Kernel welcomes all contributions Letters:
. . . ged at the manufacturers w the “fits! eqmpment was dispatched. increased defense spending. What is ' - . . . . - ' ~
, . refuse m hm the mm. brand m.“ lhoscwho bla _ . , . . . from the UK community for publication ontheeditorial ShOUldb€30hn¢50fl¢553hd nomorethan 200words.
_ . . , . meour lossesonthe low more appallingthc failedraid onlran » ~ They should concern particular issues concerns or
, ,' . time. and shop more carefully once quality. all volunteer troops are wil be used asjustification forthis and and opinion pages. . ‘t lev nt to the UK communit' ‘
. ‘ .; we‘ve been burned by a bad product only kidding themselves, Better men other cold warrior policies. - ~ d 2 b d even S re a “
. But Hopkins and the minority of his could not have been drafted form the Military strategists are fond of sav- Letters. opinions an commentaries must ‘C type
‘ ' colleagues in ('ongress. confronting lvv league and the military" schools ing that the best defense is 3 Id and triple-spaced, and must include the writers Signa-
“ ' ~ 2 ' ' ‘ goo ddrcss and hone number. UK students should
. . the same situation. think we out to combined. We picked the cream ofthe offense. I‘ve never understood why. It turc. a . p . ' - -
mm“ mum bwnw mmcdm. - . , - ~ , , y . . , include their year and mayor and UniverSity employees OPINOM- -
._ , . ction of crop. they practiced their task 30 hasnt been working for us. so we , . ~' Sh ldbe90l‘ ‘ '
~ , . . . . should list their posmon and department. 0U ms or less and should give and explain
the makers of the faulty thIpmcnt lt times. and they were unsuccessful. ought to try a good defense. slimmed a osition rtainin to to ical ‘s f‘ t h
. . is this attitude that created the prob- Spending more money definitely and trimmed for fitness, Maybe then ~ - - uh commti‘h‘it g p I sues 0 m cm‘ ‘0‘ c
' . Iem in the first place lhe manufactur- will not buy the l'nited States a better we can take the offensive in the war on The Kernel may condense or rejectcontributions,and y‘ ‘
,i -' ers of the helicopters. for example. defense posture Perhaps spending less hunger and inequality. The military frequent writers maybcltmitcd. Editors rescrvcthc “8m 7
have no incentive to produce a better “.1” industrial complex has failed to PTO: to edit for correct spelling, grammar and clarity, and
, product lhey know we will