xt7m0c4sn70v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m0c4sn70v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1986 1986 1986-09-04 2020 true xt7m0c4sn70v section xt7m0c4sn70v WW __ .._._. .
E P Vol. XCl. No. 7 Establlthod 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky lfldOpondont since 1971 '1' hundoy. Wt "86 l ' '
JaCkSOH SGA t t b ' ”
“fin , voesorlng
4 calls for , ‘ , . . , .~ , .
. good sex doctor , _' I .. ..1 ~
U S . “at 1- ' l ‘ v ' . " I 1..
// .- . . ."" '1 .
n, .ioixnownn , a 3- O U K in Decem er , . ..
:XxStK‘lated Press . f, 3’ N d h . D R h “I h . - " ., '. ' ,
‘.‘.'.\SHINGTON The Rev. Am . I, , . etc I erapist r. ut est eimer .. .-
Jackson called on the United States , - ‘ . . ' l . , 1‘. 1-. .‘ _ -‘
yesterday to develop a new African .3 fiL/” . 1" Will speak at the Center for the Arts "
policy that would isolate South Afri- If V» , '. i r ’A - A. .'
. . ca while giving its black neighbors " . I: V" B} JAY Bl..»\.\'l‘0\ Senate support for the Westheimer ,' "_ ;
. A . . economicand militaryaid. .' , 1a News Editor lecture was equally as positiw \en- .1 ‘— " .' " " . fi-
”"1...“ mm id 3“" need t” “hm?“ the datum. . --.. 7 7-- 1 f , . c .- aior at Large Keitii t‘lar} saiti he i ‘:' Al“; { .
‘A: “W engagement With South Africa . .,» 49;: . M ” The Student Government Assoc-ta thought the lecture was ".i great .13.". A; i". .'
y and form a constructive engagement 3 {in ( .. ' , tion voted unanimously last night to idea ’, '. ' .A fi ‘if: A‘v‘ .1.
.' "Hm the front-line states. end apart- 'F-: ‘32,"? f 4' at ”v ”t bring the "good 50“ (10001". Dr "Who knows." Clary said some ’ 3- .' I 'r'.'. .l
3 held Md assume 0” “Eh“?! place ./" T 3 . 3/ J . ' Ruth Westheimer to t'K for :1 lec of Ll) might learn something " 1': ' 5:." .A“
' “5 leader 0f the free world. Jack- I If " .- ‘ . — 0 A turein December In other senate business l 55':
t sonsaid if " ~ J /" i Westheimer will appear at 8 pm ,sGA formally passed its budget '5' 1., g 1.;
: (“mswumlve engagement. the ‘ 2” f: V Dec. 5 In the (.‘enter for the Arts The interim senate tentatively ' "‘ '~ . . A‘K" - A‘
: mime the. Reagan administration ' .5 Westheimer has written two best pa5$9d the budget last summer with “A . h ._ 1,324:
. “mm“ for ”5 50““ Afr‘canpomy t“ .. > . selling notch and 1> national!) rc- the stipulation that the budget be v".
. “ML “tressed the used Of diplomatic ' l. ., l T ”A1", E \, nowned for ht‘l‘ S} ntllt’att’d l‘ddlt) and gubmitted to the entire senate for its .' I .‘ .‘A'i‘A r’
I 3 pressure 1” persuade the White gov- . : :3“ as; I television talk shows approval This year. StlA‘s budget is 7” ' , ('3'
. "r“men‘ll’en‘lraClalsegrega“°n , 5 ‘ 1' SGA. allw‘i'ed Sltsw- t“ "ring $lt)7.t‘;0tl Th1" budget is .iihnnt "1‘: ff; ‘1'
t Jackson said leaders m black- _ , ‘ l Westheimer ‘0 CAMPUS 5033 ”ml doubled from last war because of ii's-u- “lb”:
. "U“‘d nations around South Afnca. 1" get for speakers approaches 823.000 an $8.30 actntties fee increase NH " 1"}.3.‘
. the socalled front SKIN tn w. ‘. ‘ "‘ 33.. 'A
”Wit-1h because SOUth Amt? has (’7', ‘ ' U ‘ 1t} speakers who would attract a any one organization StlAt i\ an " 3 ‘."J\
. 5“K‘kplled a decade's worth ”l sup 3 93' ~, larger atidiencetuz‘iiout StlA committee that can '..~.;ait_- 1' 1' 7 “
MI” and has developed synthetic fl ; . f ' In} I "If you go Oh" dWl ‘I’t‘lttl 4* mil" money to organizations requesting .' ’. Z -.
ltlt’ls .lackson said . If», «f '9” 1 ' ’ ' bit. ‘ he said. "you get a rt'lc tiualr monetary assistanCe .“i '. A
He said the l'nited States should 7 .3 ,- —-’” 1. l r if ’ lt‘\~ . y , 1 ,. 1 , All ASGA 31"” expanded ”5A iegal "_ 3A", 3 ‘-
i pour economic and defense aid into « ' :‘tm%c i ‘ . , 5‘1"“ A} "\‘dlnmflfla V‘I'Wt‘n“? 'l :‘lr‘vlce The service. “hwh F’WAHdCfS V . I“ . ' “
.. , . the front—line states to help them ’ V¥$W§é¥§rt .3 ‘ f dddefilv‘ljmnl‘yfi” Pb”, A.» ‘AJAAI'dA ‘r‘ff' legal counseling "0 stutans. 1. l; .‘ ‘_ .t "
' rebuild the infrastructure. which he 3 i ’g"; 3% . g , , ”1’ 3mm”; Y‘hn.”Ellis-hum“,Ml: ‘1‘“ {“2 “Hi 11”“ lldwt‘WHmKlItIUF-‘ . ' . ;- - . ..
said has been destroyed by South Af— _ ' ugh?“ , I, . -1?!" tiring.“ t tiaigliiiiiiig “til xess (”.1 Durlhg the t8“ and spring 59m?“ , A i j .
rtt-a smilitan y ”3“». _ , price tame dour. scieiul thousatm tel-s the legal service will be pm» 3 ._‘ -» '; i. _
- . . @331; c “r t? @9236 151% dollars vided seven hoursa week ‘ .- '- _ " ; . ‘
' ‘ttur approach to the apartheid . 5 3:31.“; ‘ 3&2”. . 12?; In short art-crown \tlltl ~ht"~ .1 /5li:\ sent a hill back to commit~ "’ t 1A ‘1 "
_ ' system mugt be regional" s’dld ‘3 .l ‘1 ’ “,5. ' " steal ' tee that Called tor senate approval l‘ ~ .. t” .
A Jackson. who estimates that Preto— . - f E ’l'ieM-(El‘ _‘ . , ’5” "”'" Rothstein saitl 'bt‘ weaken our of all noii-t'niyersity accounts SGA ‘ j A' :
, ria has bombed more than $10 bil- A Ja’éfib“ ,- .3 /’ we” reau usually tries to lTV'ItltJ. one bit: holds The bill was in direct ret'er- «A ;\ '» -
lion worth of railways and shipping ‘l J 34‘» ‘ .Aytg'A‘f»§vz“ ” name" speaker “1 \‘LIYHPKL‘ WC“ \0' ence to a checking aCcount SGA cur~ ' ,, 5‘ ' ‘
‘ ports in Angola. Zimbabwe. Botswa- . 9 ’ .: 3A ’ r mester Last year. St‘iA brought \\a rentl} holds Z A'.’ ' Z:
~ ltd Zambia. Mozambique and Tan» ' 33% fi“ ‘ s: tergate Hid-‘lt'l'li‘hll‘l it ‘i'IHl‘W: The checking account was set up . A1 ' g A-
-. Anna a fin?“ 1 led.‘ dml 1‘13“)" liUll'i‘V'Al- ”Ul‘i‘m‘ 3):» last year s president John (11111 ‘3‘ . .. f .
‘ . . « {Ar ‘3 A . “3.! Mike Farrell tt) t‘iiliipus 'l‘iiv‘ total Money ti” the account was taken r ,, ,'
. “ltllOUt Lb ald' the lrontline M “a W ' cost for the tut"- lectures :- a,» alttm‘l trom'protits received from the tele- :1 I. 3' 1' . h"
t 5151““ would suffer catastrophically ’ . ’ $11,ooo phone book StlA publishes annually, \ . V '
from santions against South Africa. F". . Th) ,. w .h. . 3, AA, ont- ‘ wikcr . . A A , A . 1? , ., .
. Jackson said . “ . (Tl <1“ 1 1A.: ”ft .‘ l ‘A .- Questions had new raiser. ton- g: . .1
. thin your heart). matches the U)l.. Cprmng the way the account was es~ . . '. .3
'I‘ht‘ Regan administration says it qua-u ttomoisoau bined cost ot the N0 \Pt‘dkt‘l" liN tablished Some senators had com- ‘
‘ " opposes harsh economic sanctions Ladder to success yearis Silllpl} national recognition plained that While the account was . (' _ '
against South Africa precisely be; (lreenitcll said that according to legitimate. it had been set up in a . > ' .' -. ‘5,
cause of the ne atiye bommeran . . s ‘aker bur-cans \ll:‘\ .ir trciachcd. manner that left the SGA executive i - ’ '.
cttccton the frontgline states R James Gounce . left and SCO” Clark Of the Commonwealth Stadium yesterday. UK w'” Iflddx and Farrel; .wre till! the na- branch open for questiom concern- .' '. f .'. ;. ’ *
. Reagan A5 against a blockade of Physacol Plant Dwnsnon paint the scoreboard at face Rutgers on Sept. 13. tionally recogtii/ctl speakers that ing Ab LiCt'OUllLahlllt} to the senate I, v:
South Africa Westheimeris illlt‘l its constituents ., i’- ‘.'. g g
C m t ff 1' from park'ng oes
B) FRAN STEWART Voges Said she comes early to her Young Sald the t'niverSIty ShOUld "There's not a lack of space; 1) sfifi“ ‘ ‘WWW mf“ » 3 :j " l I." f " 3"
~ . I-Jditor-in-Chief 2 o'clock class to avoid the parking have planned better for the loss of there‘s just a lack of convenient R - - ‘ . _ ‘4) .1;_ , . [A2 .‘I i; {fit-‘1'.-
‘ situation Yesterday. she arrived at parking spaces the construction space,"hesaid. A _ w ’ Ammo? f ; "__ - _ .3 ,f/"Ag l.‘ .. . 3
Commuters Circled the parking lot about 11a m would cause Thornton said his office has had . 4 'v ,N « 2.. $35, , _-— v" 5 " ‘ A’ '1“ ‘,A.‘ ‘A
behind Memorial (‘oliseum yester~ (‘huck Young. a finance Junior. . . -. . . some complaints from faculty and ’7. w ~~ , " w ' ff 1‘ .,' .tj_
day. searching in vain for an open also drove around for about 15 min? f Tilt Angerytfy has 105:1 about 300 staff members about students ille- ‘4’ w ' A... . ‘t . 'Al‘Ai
space to park. utcs looking for a ”'“t parking spot at: l anf Sh‘l Affif‘j’s 1le odcg?‘ gallyparkingin "A”and “B" lots ;' S 1 . '7. A'. f": 1/ -
Some gave up looking and drove As he paused waiting for a space “New“ 0. t e acu " C u :nb 'lde “But that's traditional." he said . A ‘5‘ 1. ' f. "
off in quest of the same goal in an» be said his luck hadn‘t been “too mining and "Enfmls researc u1 - “Ithappensevery year." ‘ V , -‘ . . . , - if , 1' ,-AZ
other place. Others sat in wait. hop- good." ing AnoAther ‘43 factulty 351d AstuAElent The parking problem will start _. . ' ‘ .§ . 5- " ‘.'- .'- 'Vg'r- U
i mg someone would soon come to tine unidentified student pulled 5:80“ 33;? Some [0‘33 “fox-.1?“ calming down about mid‘September. ». . s A. m, 3‘ I 3;? I N 1 l‘f 5 .
. . inovetheircars, her Oldsmobile (‘utlass Supreme t e “e“ oot a raining 3:1“: y. Thornton said. “It takes us that long 5.3 I 3.x: :3.» “$.35" f"? .. , ‘ ‘- .- .‘z\ . o:‘ ‘ t 1, '. , .t '3 -~ .' 3"
' And still more came into a recently vacated spot. She and [about 136. spots were en to sell all our permits. After that ev- N _ ._ :455‘te‘l ix 3\ l I o ".3 ‘1‘?" .‘ " .‘A‘ TL‘ "
' "I don‘t understand this parking said she was late for class “That's away at Seatont enter. erything pretty much calms down " 1‘“ gegw2391\\ ’ . .t. ‘ ' .1;
. situation at all." said Donna \‘oges. why I took a compact tgpacel." She The parking problem. however. is Thornton said the parking dcpart- _ ‘ 3;" ”sf ,~\ "' - I A .51. 1.." t
A, a telecommunications scnior. said "ljustcan‘thelpit.“ less a matter of lack of space than a ment has the construction problem A, . 1- - >. , * Z; ~ “ l A. " l” ' .l' .
' ' "OgQ-‘iwm Pa‘dWlF’racmmul‘ Mention parking at UK and people malls? of unauthorized student ““dercomml- - " * ‘ , ~ . \ , i' -' “l
t'r parking SUCH? sald She drove start telling wigs of wasting 15 to 45 parking. said Don Thornton. asso- "Nothing was sprung on us." he ~- . .' ‘ ‘ ' . ' 3 fA ‘1 . .2
. 1 around for 15 minutes before cre minutes searching for a space and ciate director for administration and said. “If we know what goes on. we . 3 g . . . '1. . ~-\\ .« , ". fl'l‘itJA
. . , ;;1:E\h:;0(:\::A§:rAl$nS space 011‘ Of a then walking from the omepreaches transportation can pretty much workitout." ‘: " .' .«f. .2 - J,"- .V . A
. in.» , . . _. .. t '. ,.: '.\’
“There's not one space open in the 0f campus to get [0‘18” ”It's this way every year." Thorn- To compensate hm the Spa? IhOSt " " ~‘ ‘ L ‘ i' i. ‘.
lot." \‘oges Sald "I bet lget a ticket Students pomt their finger at con- ton said. “A lot of people are willing to construction. t e UniverSi -‘ as . . . . “"m""“""°” 3 . . . a ,A '
for parking in the grass .. struction being done on campus to take chances now." See PARKING. page; Commuters try creative parking at Memorial Coliseum yesterday. ' .- : .- ,‘ i A
Rhodes program offers ,: mares Iran seizes two Sov1et ships , . ,. . .
O O O ' '.
Aflm' Out of Lexington , . ' -‘ ~.
Chance ‘0 StUdy abroad .. confiscate car 0 officmls sa ~ “
opens its third season to- 9 ‘ . . . . . .
in nomnwouu‘ii (‘enter for the Humanities on East "‘9’" With “limit“ PM" ‘ .- . . €'
Staff Writer MaxwellSti-eet.hesaid, wright Athol Fugords' "A By NABILA MEGALLI spokesman Gennad} J Gcrasimov Scores of ships of many nationali- ~ , ‘
be "The t'niverSity has a very large Lmn From Aloos." Fof o Associatedes confirmed that thAe 11.7:Ai-tonAAPyA0Atr ties Air: known :3: have been t
Applications are "0W "1% 80 number of eminently ualified stu» mm Yemtsov was " ctain " o e searc Since ran ganintercept- ' ' _1
ccpted for anyone interested in “the dents.“Betts said. q Iprovlosw. 5.. DIV , ' MANAMA, Bahrain — Iran coast of the L'nitcd Arab Emirates ing commercial vessels early in ' _'
‘ most prestigious undergraduate Rhodes scholarships are awarded W ' stopped two Soviet ships in the “fit but did not mention the Tutoy Ban 1985 '
scholarshlpmthe world." annually to 77 students from 18 action against Iraq's main arms dar Abbas is about 120 miles east of (‘apt Mohammed Hussein Malek- - . - ' - "
That‘s what RaYmond Betts. di- countries. The United States. which UK'I ”"07“" and cm“ supplier since the Iranian navy the L'AF zadesan. the Iranian navy com- . . -. ~
"(‘(‘mr 0f the UNVGFSIU HODOFS PFO- receives 32 of these awards. is divid~ ‘ began searching freighters for mili- GeraSimoy said he believed the mander. was Quoted earlier this * ‘ ‘_ , '
gram. called the Rhodes SchOl- ed into eight districts. with each dis- ‘CWMW looms ’M‘" ml“ tary cargo early last year. shipping freighter was carrying a load of ce- week as saying his warships inter— , " .
arship trict receivingt‘our Mthoiarships this your going IMO lholr sources said yesterday. ment. He gave no information on the cept 15 to 20 commercial vessels a _ '
A dozen students gathered yester- The scholars are awarded two 1906 seasons. For previews, Iranian warships chased the P39" size of its crew day to make sure they do not carrry . ’
dd.“ afternoon ‘0 (“501155 application years Of graduate SlUdY at 0X10"! ,“m p°9.6. Yemtsov in the southern Persian Despite the Sonet rule in supply- cargo that would benefit Iraq's war . ‘
procedures for the Rhodes Schol- lTniversity. with all educational ' Gulfon Tuesday. then forced It into mg Iraq during the six-yearold effort.
drship» an award "‘3‘ Sim 32 5‘“ costs. as we“ as a maintenance 3" ..«tt :we so!" the "am" P0" °f Band“ Abbas ‘0 "antraq “a" 5'“?ng some“ “"1 Most detained ships are allowed to
dents in the United States the oppor~ lowance for term time and vacation Ag 3" besearched. weapons or other military 800$ resume their trips after searches I -
tunity ‘0 study at (“ford University expenses, Paid b." Rhodes Trustees “is?“ i ’ . ..salfi Shipping executives. “th spoke on were unlikely to be shipped on Sovi» Others have been taken to Bandar
m England. “We were very encouraged to see ,1 «m,_ . _ , y. 1.1.4 imam condition of anonymity. said tile sec- etfreighters through PerSian (1qu Abbas. where their cargoes we", un-
The general orientation for Rho— several juniors among the group Todo will b. mostl c” .A snifidavmsidwiadserftfl‘i’ggdonllsfabs 3’31 “We believe the Pyotr Yemtsov loaded andconfiscated.
dcs Scholar hopefuls was held ”to who came out and thought they 7 y 9A y a l ) was loaded Wlth construction The American freighter President
talk with students abOut the nature might apply next Fear-U Betts said, with ° 6° porcont chanc- d 1‘11 0». . material. but the Iranians consider . nd bo ded ‘
- , “ ' ' h w ll be to rain and a bi h around 00. The PW" Yemtsov. meh be' " i. t Taylor “as Stopped 8 ar,
of the program. its adyantages and This kind 0‘ {”9518 t 1 9 l to USS R-Bl k Sea Sh' . such commodities t be an asse for OUlSlde the Strait of Hormuz iast .
the general conditions of applica- their advantage " Tonight will b. cloudy M”! a $850 l .was seizzfl during $31)": the Iraq military effort." said an ex January on a voyage to the United
tiorts." Betts said. TheAUniverSity sets up a commit- low around 55. tomorrow age from the Black Sea PO” of Niko- ecutive basedin Kuwait. Arab Emirates port of Fujairah. In
, Daniel Rowland. 3 history profa. [99 ‘0 '"lemew and 59'9“ "I“ “and" will b. partly sunny with a tayev to Kuwait and was being un- He noted that several Kuwaiti \‘85- May, US. warships in the Indian
sor. and Robert Rahel. associate dates. he Sflld- Interviews WI“ begin w POW.” chant. of rain loaded yesterday at Bandar Abbas. sels had been intercepted and their Ocean prevented the interception of
professor of the classics. also at- the week Olsepl 1" “a”... around” according tothereports. cargoes of steel rods and other con- another American cargo ship. the
tended the discusSion at the Gaines secRHom-‘s. met ‘ in Moscow. Foreign Ministry struction materials seized President McKinley

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WMLGF W Those selevted ml! go before the ther from their state of rwdence or
5 ,u.: . . ~, w" 3,. . [I ...me Lyn.» * . 4 ~ . r. n I I
_ : : 5 x, m state committee, “hit-h performs a from their school sstate. ‘ ,
“"5 oxfiagtsQ..:-; “‘ fi’i‘iifi‘ “‘«s‘ ""“ ' “ L r “:5“ "‘“‘“”“‘*"‘“ similar procedure. 89th said Two Interested students should contact ,. .
. om ”117‘... " " ' . . ' "7‘7""??? ”3'7"”. , - -—~—~‘~~~-- ~~~ - finalists Will be selected to represent Bette, Rowland, Rebel or Nancy .
.u. it" ‘ A, _. om __ _ , 5W «emf .. -- _, - ~ My w "5 .g . . . the state at the regional competition Dye. assoctate dean of the (‘ollege of , , .
“55“": 5 .955.» " * ‘. “Mk 0‘ w ‘ In (‘hicagomlkcember ArtsGrSCIences. '
Wt “s. “ “WIN“;N t - V '~ji5ii:.,1‘s.3"~'?'€" ‘5‘.“ = . . 4; oi‘ ' Kentucky applicants WlII compete The scholarship IS "a remarkably ‘ ‘ ' '
.'”-‘-‘ j?» N,” ljwhj. '* : 133:?“ “I" ~' ._ not With those from Michigan. Wiscon- good opportunity for anyone who . ,. '
w. w “ .. 1 . 5 . _v,. -. _ .1... - sin.lllinois.lndianu anrttlhio wants that cultural experience," he . '
I “it; smM-‘flow 5“ ' _____.. __I I “ r Ilh Betts said students may apply (’I- sent - " ’ 1'
oi s .._ ’ o f '5:
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, a. .. .w .- .i. ._ . ., . Wf‘mi 45-4 *~ 5 *‘5 10:30, Win Some FREE Stuff ...- . ,o.
. ;: ._ r f» “xv . 1552's“ .;~;*:«-5--‘ .i - 72:; {33. sea-g, I i“ 5. , ‘ _. .5 .' ; .
€15"¢;};~1‘2o“o2‘¥§o-fi m 1.5;. y; _. km; W (W I WY” '"1' —, ”P’IM’.‘ a . I .- If “ I“ “-5-. ‘
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1‘ ~33 n'“‘9‘ 5 . ~\"”"5‘{5o"-“§:“‘“ ‘_ ..I . v 7:" . 1‘1"? _‘.‘-' “J ‘5‘ I"
for COOI CI'H'IS‘I'ICD Cats! Sim": {"13" .‘5", 5."
WTW’T- . . ' 5 3.: :1.
; ‘ v A w”... .- - 1 v“ . ¥ , . .- ._a'~'v.'r‘.a;_..'a ._ L, .3 o- ..,., M . .. . . : . ‘5- _v':.~ "ffl'fl’. 4‘ 1'
If you llke U2. Simple Minds, Stryper...Amy Grant, in '. g .'~r':.-'"-.'_.;
95'“ ... w - 5 ”u. . . .:: ,o ”GET-52's.} so". "9:5: ' ‘ - - - t“ 5 '“ . '~ .' - 5
we. www mode. *- .o .. s. . 5 I: I ’5‘“ ' 5“ “W‘m””'"“ “'““ M 80b Dylan, Denlse WII'IOmS- 1‘... -.5 V"; “3' .‘
. ‘ “do-“ "MW, '55 223.....5. * a. _ .51, A ,- - ~ \ , .‘ ., . t’ -"{'_' 1"." 5»:- .; . 1,
“I'm: l”. P” , ,, u L. "~.L I """M Come 8 Check the rest on Friday, Sept. 5 from 7 ,‘a ‘L’J'.
CLAVOWIN Kornolsta“ .o ' ~' " ‘.~.‘ ‘ '
“ ' ° p.m.- lOp.m.atBEREANCHRISTIAN STORE .. .“r‘ Hayfi-
. Walkmg a tm lme l - .n: ,~
.‘ 'I.‘,5“‘} '.‘:
.11"“5“ “(L‘
. ‘ :li‘o' '.. 2.5" ,5" ’
Jae Bona, an employee for Volunteer Floor In Knoxville Tenn. ers have been busy getting the