CK 33:} JA

Central Kentucky

Jewish Association

Vol. VII March 1983 No.3

The Matzah Of Hope

In our celebration of Passover, we relive one of the greatest
moments in the history of the Jewish people. When we sit at our
Seder tables we reflect on the great drama of the Exodus. We
remember that the drama began with one individual, Moses, our
teacher, in dialogue with G—d.

This reverence for the inditidual is paramount in our Jewish
tradition. Our belief in the worth of each individual —— and :he
responsibility of each individual —— continues to inspire and
guide us. So long as Jewish individuals in any place in the
suffer degredation, hopelessness or tear, our task is clear.
the tradition of Moses we must continue to struggle to make t
people free.

This Passover, more than ever btrore, Sovie; Jews require «ur
prayers and our action. Add a fourth matzah Lo the three that are
traditionally part of the Seder platt. When the leadtr explains
the significance of the matra, the “Matzah of Hope“ should also
be held up and our statement of concern and unity be recited.

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