xt7m3775x88c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775x88c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201002 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2010 text GLSO News, February 2010 2010 2019 true xt7m3775x88c section xt7m3775x88c — A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number 2 99 Lots of Hearts & imperial Court of Kentucky BOdy Parts Th I 'al C f KY ill b - a y" e mperi ourt o w e Valentme S BaSh." @ having two fabulous events this month. In celebration of the most romantic Coming up first on Feb. 10th. will be holiday Of them all, the GLSO and the the Miss Gay Valentine Pageant. Join Lexington Pride Festival 2010 Planning them at Pulse Nightlife, 257 W. Short Committee are proud to invite everyone St. in Lexington. The doors open at I to the Lots of Harts and Body Parts 8:30pm the pageant is at 9:30pm; the Valentine’s Bash! This event Will be cover is $5. This is a preliminary in the held at Pulse Nightlife on Thursday, new ICK Entertainer of the Year series. February 11th starting at 8pm. Only two pageants left before the Big Plan for a ton of fun and festivity Finale. including; raffle prizes, ‘love’ shots, The following week on Tuesday, drag performances, live music, couple February 16, the Imperial Court will be photos or photos with the deity of love, hosting the annual Mardi Gras Ball. A himself, Cupid! There will be a $5 do— number of community organizations nation at the d001, With all proceeds are assisting in this production. It will benefiting the 2010 Lexington Pride be held in the Downtown Hilton Ball- Festival. So dress up, or down, and room, 369 W. Vine St. in Lexington. come out With your friends and part— Tickets will be $20, the doors open at ners to celebrate. 7pm. The 2nd Annual Dress Lexington d TaIEZWilgl b: aucfiyourli favorites: . . r s , 5 en an on, ve music, Pnde Festival Logo Contest anzga costume contest. The event will The Second Annual 2 . benefit AVOL, GLSO, Lexington Fair- Dress Lexington Pride 1 l 3 i ness, and Moveable Feast. Come out in Logo Contest winner is ; 5 support of all these organizations and Anthony Mejean. His l have fun doing it. winning design concept ‘31 was created "based solely JUILVIERY 3i} 3;:r;hetcn‘flo[:i 112:: Q . ' U ' Sponsor of the Month binin the ele cc and ride of our - local 311““ mfg“, with?“ colorful Dr. Ted Richardson O.D. boldness of Lexington's Pride Festival." - In addition to bragging rights, An— 1757 Alexandrla Dr. thony will receive a free 2010 Lexington _ _ Pride Festival t—shirt, a full-page spread 859 278 4201 i ”I“? in the 2010 Pride Guide, and $100 cash! Awesome job, Anthony! Get regular 859-277-4684 I ”I“ e) updates by following us on Facebook, or going to LexPride.org. GLSO: Movmg Forwarb GAYand 5,, mm me O . Lesbian Services g o o The GLSO has had some positive / organization accomplishments over the last few months and we are moving forward with plans for Incorporated as more ways to support our community. , , _ This month I will focus on the GLSO Gay The Gay Servuces Organization Straight Alliance for Youth. g In Janu we held a GSA Network— P.O. BOX 1172 Lex., KY 40588 ing meetingaaity the Pride Center for high 8 “MM! school students. Matthew Hufford Chris— 0 .glso.org tian, a member of the UK GSA, helped lan the event. He sa 5: a 6‘50 New P “We hope to inipire and assist stu— t‘ Volume 32 No. 2 dents, teachers, and administrators to S overcome the obstacles associated with P News Editors and Staff gfing high school a more accepting ti Mary Crone, Judy Sutter Other UK GSA members, Vincent V‘ Ginger Moore-Minder, Purcell, and Matt Layson, joined Matt in Marc Blevins, Dennis Wheat/9y presenting ideas about leadership, facili— Sarah Phillips, David Spencer, and tating decision making at meetings, and Jackie Cobern attracting new members. They taught us a a great game, fulfilling my goal of having Y _ _ _ fun! The high school students benefited t‘ Off'c? AdmImStrator from their ideas and positive energy. t‘ 3'” Chandler Matt and Vincent were instrumental i1 859'253'3233 in starting GSAs when they were in high ti _— school and were also members of the : GLSO GSA. It was a pleasure to watch GLSO BOARD them working with younger students, . _ passing on What they have learned. a Denms Whealfley’ I?resudent Those in attendance represented sev- a Thomas _C°"ms V'ce Pres' eral different high schools and took away _ Jane MInder, §ecretaw with them materials and new ideas. They Ginger Moore'M'ndera Treas- also had a great time meeting new people Mary grone, GSA and made plans to get together again. JaCk'e CObern Another networking meeting is 0 Mark JOhnson planned for February 20th, at the Pride 1‘ Jessica Sucik Center. We also will visits local high “ DaVid Spencer school GSAs to support their efiom and “ Samantha James to teach similar organizing . _ GLSO is also sponsoring a local t] Next meetlng-Feb.18th, group discussing becoming a C] 7pm at the Pnde Center PFLAG chapter. You can email Sandy at Linville at kylinvillesS@insightbb.com :1 ( ' v.':—-:: ‘ "f; ' ‘ “ flu-(n ‘ ‘ IUD F LGBT Radio Show PFLAG . Announcing Kentucky’s only L GBT bl.Tlllliere is a group interested in es- radio Show, OUTloud. The show airs on :1. 1s dsng (:1 llocall PFfI.AGb.(Parentsi, Wednesdays from 8am to 9am on WRFL, rren an y 0 Les lans an i 88 1 fm You can also stream the show Gays) chapter. The fit“ meeting WI“ 1 online aiwwwwrfl fm be held on February 4, 7 pm at the i It will be based as talk show model PridepfezteergfiliflWaéla: dAvePin ville at and they are hoping to eventually be able 1' ill . . h y . to take calls on air For now listeners kyrnv esS@1ns1g tbb.com If you are i can phone in comments off air at 859- interested in helping With the PFLAG ’ . . 1 257-9735. Congratulations to Vincent organrzztronal. meletrngs. T15), plan for , Purcell, Bo Burnett, and Watson for get— a sectgrncrenetiflzg :2: life “may thi ’ ting this underway. For more info. see will b y g f ’ s outsourceou tlou d or group e a great resource or peo— t ' ' g- ple who need information and support 1 African Drumming as well as a way to give support to i Joan Brannon teaches Meditation EGBT frliends and family memberlsl. We , , ope to ave two meetings a mont . i and African Drumming to adults and , youth. Along with the traditional cul— Grief Su Ol't GI‘Oll [ tural approach, the drum is taught as a A f . f pp p tool for meditation and healing. Work— . ree grle support group by Hos- in with the drum in this wa hel 5 ar- plce of the Bluegrass for GLBT people I .g. . y p P whose partners have passed away will l t1c1pants open a gateway Into the“ per— be held from Feb 4— Mar 4 at Hos ice : sonal spirituality. She can be reached at of the Blue ass. 2312 A'lexan driap Dr Drum4spirit@yahoo.com or 859 684—0458 gr . . ‘ GLSO would love to have I 'n Lex, KY. For more information and to i a part of Pride Month activities. 80, takE register for the group please send an a class and consider performin for us email to wmorgan@hosp1cebg.org, or - g ' call 359—277—2700. ' SisterSound ~1qu , ,~ , VI 0 SisterSound had a wonderful winter 5' . axe...:.:.:m::'f$:$,°m i concert on Jan. 23. The sanctuary of St. “PW" "'“m'bn- dunner- _ Michael’s Episcopal Church was packed ’33:": L with friends and supporters. Great job /" Teresa Combs l women. "'~ ' Realtor, ARR, GR]. QSC SisterSound is starting rehearsals for A 1 their May concert. This is a non audition Cell/Text: 859-489-1150 Kym L chorus. They have a great time together 33;: 1:25:54?!st gram“ net , and ofl'er beautiful music to the commu— web;materesacombsrealéormm _ Creative Ream nity. For more information send an email [EEK-5 '5 to info@sistersound.org. Page 3 Hours |0am to 3pm PM 389 Waller Ave., Ste. |00 Phone 359-253-3233 Bible Study Group Transkenfllaéy A gay affirming Charismatic Christian TransKentucky is a support, social, bible study will be meeting every Sunday and resource group serving Lexington at the Pride Center starting Feb. 7th at and Kentucky. The group provides a 1030317“ You can email Karen at ktay- safe place for transgender individuals lor@fewpb.net, or call the Pride Center and people who feel they do not fit into at 859-253-3233 for more information. the standard gender norms to express their true selves. DIICUIIION GROUP While the - - group is not therapeutic Every Wednesday at 7pm in nature, we can provide information, Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100 advise and share resources from our All Are Welcome unique experiences. Family and friends are invited and encouraged to attend Insl ht Grou meetin to 'n understandin and be g P 8? gal . g This month on Feb. 5th will be a bit supportive °fthelr loved ones. different. We ask that you bring light TransKentucky meets 0“ the first snacks such as popcorn, chips, pretzels, Saturday 0f each month at 7:30pm, cookies, or fruit. We Will be having a doors open at 7pm. Meetings are free games night as opposed to a potluck and you may dress however you feel and movie night. Then on Feb. 19th if comfortable. For information contact this goes well we will start having a TransKentucky@gmail.com or Q” 859‘ games night on the third Friday of the 9636606- month starting in March. Bluegrass Women’s Network GLSO News Oil-Line The Bluegrass Women's Network To receive the e—newsletter send an email if a social group for women .Wh" iden- addressed to: newsteam@glso.org. Put tify as lesbian. Membership ‘5 free and “on—line newsletter” In the subject line. there are no obligations. We use . a Yahoo group webSite to announce There is a request for a $20 a year _ . . events. We also have a phone list. donation but you can receive the e— , _ . . . Members plan a variety of activ1- newsletter With a smaller donation or _ , free ties such as potluck dinners, plays, There will be advertising possibili— mov1es, parties, and games and what- . . . ever else we manage to dream up! Our ties, we hope to have a rate sheet avail- , , . _ able soon goal is to enrich our lives With great ' friendships. Lex. Lyons Levi & Leather Club Interested m J°mmg g0 ‘0 httPW groups.yahoo.com/group/ Monday February 8th at 7 Pm at thebluegrasswomensnetwork/ and ap— The Pl‘lde Center, ply to join. Facilitators are Debby 389 Waller Ave., Ste. 100. Hemstock and Lynn Matlock. Dr. Ted M. Richardson, 0. D. The Most Thorough Eye Exam The Highest Standard of Eye Care 24 Hour Emergency Service Immediate Appt. For Emergencies Member American Optometric Association I ”I'll, 'Illlll. Gardenside Plaza 278- 4201 1757 Alexandria Dr. 277- 4684 Monday through Friday 9 to 6 Sat. 9 to 12 Late Evening Hours by Appointment Medical Cards Accepted We will complete Your Insurance Forms Bluegrass Shield - Option 2000 HMO Kentucky - Humana Medicaid - Medicare Vision Service Plan VISA — Lexington Fail-"e” activities that help ensure the LGBT . community is treated equally and repre- By Craig Cummach sented fairly. This includes citizen lob- Over the past year, I’ve found my- bying training, how to 1°.th your legis— self in the public spotlight, fighting lators and fight for fairness “1 Ken- against Kentucky Senate Bill 68 tucky. The 2010 legislative session has through my Facebook activism, orga- begun and we all have a duty t? fight nizing and attending rallies, participat— for our “Shh“ We hope you Will )om ing in the Lexington Pride Festival and “5’ along'with other Kentucky fairness eventually joining the board of Lexing- organizations, during the Fame“ ton Fairness. My activity in the com— LOth Day on February 24- . munity has increased dramatically and I We 1001‘ forward to hearing your am excited to continue finding ways in voices and recommendations on how which we can all come together and Lexington Fairness can make an impact make a difference in Central Kentucky. 0“ your hfe and the lives 0f everyone 1h Now, as newly—elected Chairman of our community. Our organi-zation ‘5 Lexington Fairness, I find myself in a here to S“FPO“ ouncommunity. We new role, but still reaching to you to look forward to forming new collabora- help increase fairness in Kentucky. You tions, working Wlth other “83111739th have read our articles in this newsletter and groups, to serve the community 5 and know plenty about our organiza— needs. We are here to stay and, with tion. But as time ticks, things change. your help, will continue to ensure eve— We want to engage you and show you ryone in Central Kentucky is treated the many ways you can become in- equally and fall“ _ . ' _ volved with Lexington Fairness. . _ Volunteer activ1ty ‘5 an important Over the past year, we have joined c1v1c duty. We would truly love to have a new Statewide Fairness Coalition, Y0?! sapport to help nfake our 9rgam- produced results during a Fairness Ad— zation stronger. Ensuring equality and vocacy Day in Frankfort, participated fairness in Kentucky is not a one person in the annual Lexington Martin Luther 0" one organization l°b° It Will take all King, Jr. Freedom March, worked with OI: us eoming together and working to like-minded students and passionate fight discrimination. We hope you Wt“ activists at the 2nd Kentucky Fairness become an active Lexington Fairness Summit, held our annual Lexington volunteer. Fairness Awards, participated in the Please introduce yourself the next Lexington Pride Festival, built a float time we meet 01' Yoh can connect With for the Lexington 4d: of July parade and me in the soc1al media world at: reached out to UK social work students WWW.tWitter.com/craigcammack to educate them on the inequalities _ faced by the LGBT community. or find me on Facebook by searching This is just a portion of what our for Craig Cammack. Also, please make organization is all about. Lexington sure to follow the work of Lexmgton Fairness has never strayed away from Fairness at: making a difference in the community www.twitter.com/lexfairness But, we want to do more and we hope _ _ _ ' _ you can help us! and by loming the Lexmgton Fairness This year, we look forward to par— group on Facebook. ticipating in community engagement The Imperial Court of Kentuckypresents... Ase“ £65 I my « ::; lane E] ii ii in e w" C Join us for our next Preliminary Pageant in the new ICK Entertainer of the Year series”! Only two Pageants left before the ._. 3Q... Big Finale!!! _ . Q . Q. ,' .\\.\ 1’, \‘x ’ ’9” _ Wednesday, Feb. 1 0th ii I a. Q Door @ 8:30pm Q Pageant @ 9:30pm i Q Q $5 Donation @ Door i i Q l Pulse Nightlife } Q Q l Net proceeds to benefit the charter The Imperial Ceiit of Kentucky k Imago Therapy with Jessica Bollinger I’m _ Jessica Bollinger, LCSW, has been i h an advertiser for GSLO news for many é ’1 years. She does individual, family and couples therapy. Jessica is a certified Imago Relationship Therapist. In her relationship work with couples, she has “Keep the Love you Find, seen how this approach can transform ,, both the individual and the relation- Get the Love you want‘ ship. Jessica offers workshOPs every Jessica Bollinger, LCSW "Tomb “Sing Imago Relafim‘sm? “cl" Imago Relationship Therapist niques. The next two sessions Will be in February: Friday 5th through Sunday EMDR Trauma Work 7th, and in March: Friday 26th through Couples, Family, Individual lSunday 28th.- WEIkShOPS' inclgde brief Imagoconnection.com ectures, movre c ps, music an oppor- tunities for private reflection. 859M5526533 Participants work privately with their partner at various intervals during Monthly Workshops for Couples the weekend. Couples are never re— check web site or call for information quired to share their personal informa— tion with the group. They can share with the group according to their own News/cttcr5ubscnPt/on comfort level. The workshops can be effective for Name couples that are just beginning their journey together, relationships that —— have become too routine, or relation— Address ships that are at a breaking point. You will learn communication techniques C' fly that you can use at home. Are you unsure if this workshop —— weekend will help your relationship? State Zip Do you have questions? Feel free to email —- —— her at jessica@imagoconnection.com. She can give you contact information if Email; you wish to speak to her 0 n the phone. We are looking for new subscribers. Please send the form on the right to: 1 yr. Couple or individual G L so — membership and newsletter P. 0' BOX 1 1 72 Additional donations are Lexington, KY 40588 welcome. Thank you. e 61.50 Th RAINBOW SPONSOR The 'mpena' court 0f Kentucky ............ImpCtKY@aoI.com WPeflalCothean org GLSO NEWS MONTHLY SPONSORS SisterSound... .859-806—0243 Diverse Music for All Women Richardson Vision Center ..............859-278-4201 1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Ctr. KCHIP 877-524—4718 kidshealth.ky.gov Debra Hensley |nsurance......... ...859-276-3244 1513 Nicholasville Rd. Mohua “Mou” Das... ....859-554-5090 Financial Advisor Lexington Lyons ......1-859-468-6371 Levi and Leather Club Lexington Fairness... ..859-951-4450 www.lexfair.org Moveable Feast...... .......859-252-2867 474 Silver Maple Way Unitarian Universalist Church...... ...859-223-1448 3564 Clays Mill Rd. To become a monthly sponsor of the Newsletter and have your group or business advertised here for a year, have a full page ad once a year, plus other ways to advertise here and online please email us at Sponsorships@glso.org, or call 859—253—3233 and leave your contact information and we will send you a sponsorship packet. fljrtcan JAmertcan trusting .Month wit: and a beautiful deep singing voice Sojourner Truth that was frequently part of her presenta— by mary crane tion. She was never taught to read or , write but she nevertheless composed Historians are a _‘.j powerful speeches with time given to not inclined to label 3:, “3.331;: logical, biblical, and personal argu— people as gay, les- V twifiiwfi ments in support of her cause. bian, bisexual, or iv {3; The speech she is best known for, transgender. As "I“ J35» “Ain’t I A Woman”, was delivered at historians, they want 3’ “HM,“ the 1851 Women’s Rights Convention to be sure of What 3:: ., $30.3} in Ohio in 1851. The earliest account they are reporting. ' $25.}, of her speech was written by Marius But to assume every— ,is ‘1' , ‘1’)"- Robinson, a recording secretary at the one is heterosexual ' l convention, with whom Truth was re— by default does not seem right either. siding during the convention. Robinson In discussing our foremothers and presented Truth’s three arguments for forefathers, I have found that many Afri— women’s rights as women’s physical can Americans claim Sojourner Truth ability, her intellect, and the Biblical and Harriet Tubman as family. Historical support for equality. His rendition of accounts of Sojourner Truth seem sup— her words was in standard English, not port a view of Truth that encourages me in a southern or black dialect to claim her as transgender and a mem— The speech which has become a ber of our GLBT community. popular icon, however there was a ver— My favorite books about Truth are sion written and popularized by Fran— Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol, by cis Dana Gage, twelve years after Truth Nell Irvin Painter and The Narrative of gave her speech. Gage’s version was Sojourner Truth, first published in 1850, written in dialect, with incorrect Eng- was written by Olive Gilbert. The Narra— lish. Gage also reported that Truth tive is largely a transcription of Truths faced a hostile crowd that day, some— words, but also contains his views. thing that no other accounts of the con— Truth was born in rural New York vention mentioned. about 1797 and given the name Isabella. In her book, historian Painter asks She was owned by a Dutch farmer and that we look beyond this misrepresenta- grew up speaking Dutch. She was sold tion of Truth and get to know the ac- away from her parents when she was 9 tual woman that she was. Truth dedi- and endured months of beatings because cated the last forty years of her life to she did not understand what was being the pursuit of justice and voting rights said to her. She gradually learned to for women and for blacks. speak and understand English and even- Truth was almost six feet tall with ,_ tually became proud of speaking gram- an imposing physique, lean and muscu— i matically correct English although with a lar. She was said to have a masculine ‘ Dutch accent. voice and a forceful style. She was often i Isabella took the name Sojourner heckled and accused of being a man l Truth at about the age of 40 when she pretending to be female to make herself began to travel, speaking on behalf of sensational. One time she bared her women’s rights and the abolition of slav— breasts to prove that she was indeed a cry. She became one of the most re— woman and, with her intelligence and nowned orators of her day. She was sharp wit, managed to make the heckler known for a powerful delivery, a quick look foolish. e The assumption that she was male gender queer or transsexual? We can — was not only made by hecklers. For not know. However, I find her gender r ecample, the St- LOUiS Dispatch PUb- variant presentation to be a delightful l lished an account of her visit to Kansas discovery. ) and said: There is a lot more about this com— - “Sojourner Truth is the name Of a plex person to ponder and to celebrate. man now lecturing in Kansas city. He As a young woman, freed herself by , could only be called ‘sojourner’ there, making an agreement with her owner I for the truth could not abide in that which he did not keep but that she I place longas a permanent resident-” forced him to acknowledge when she I Painter notes how Tl’IIth was re— walked away from his farm to live with ; peatedly seen and described as “other”, Quakers she knew to be abolitionists. : someone who’s physical appearance She sued him a few years later for vio- - and way of Speaking was outside the lating New York law by selling her son 1 experience of even the abolitionists and to slave owners in the south. The court .' feminists who supported and be— agreed that he had broken state law and l friended her. She was called ‘grotesque’ her son was returned to New York. 1 and ‘bizarre’ even by those who liked She challenged other feminists to F what she had to say. broaden their conception of women’s : Truth was darker than other Afti- rights. In addition to her Narrative, she can American orators, such as Frederick traveled with her “Book of Life” that L Douglass, who were working for the contained letter people wrote to her and , abolition of slavery. Her blackness articles written about her, and signa- , drew comments. One writer said she tures of famous people. . was born into an African tribe and had After the Civil War she met with ; tribal scarring across her face. President Lincoln and expressed her ‘ Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote an concern for the freed slaves who were essay, “Sojourner Tl'llth, The Libyan poorly equipped to manage their free— Sibyl” (a Sibyl is a PI'Ofit 311d truth dom. Truth lobbied for programs to teller), in WhiCh she portrayed Truth as assist them and spent years working for a native Afiimn Who spoke With a land grants to be offered to freed men “barbaric accent” and quoted Truth as Who were willing to move west. saying, “Honey, I h’int heered much As an elderly woman she worked to bout Jesus”. integrate street cars in Washington DC. Truth responded to Stowe’s ridicu- She sued one cable car company and lous portrayal in a letter to the Boston won. They eventually integrated the Commonwealth in which she corrected street cars but often required African her place 0f birth, suggested that her Americans to stand or to sit at the back. :» self—published Narrative would be a Sojourner protested that aim; on one 1‘ more accurate source of information, occasion she hit a streetcar conductor _ and says “I don’t make use of the word with her cane when he refused her a 7 ‘honey’.” seat. I From my perspective, SOlOUIIICI‘ If you belong to a book club, I Truth, at nearly six feet tall, muscular, highly recommend you read Nell with a masculine voice and a command- Painter’s Sojourner Truth, A Symbol, A ing presence, was “other” in a way that Life. It reads as easily as a novel and I understand to be transgender. If she will give you an in depth look at one of lived today would she welcome that our foremothers, a transgender person label? Would she perhaps be lesbian, of note. Sandi/flit (in HM (Brim/[Mal (Dam/11. .. town. Her favorlie number to perform , is the female verSion of the old Dobie lw 9/4401er yflumflmslwf Gray hit, “Drift Away”. She dreams of Hello again eve— performing someday for Ellen De- ryone, I am so . ,_ ' Generes. ' pleased to be getting _5 W _ :4, .Her most embarrassmg moment was feedback from you ., '4 . .. j;_ during a performance when her son was in the community. "i 7' ViSiting. She was doing the number So many of you have fa" . :‘Clumsy” by Fergie. Suddenly, she real— come up to me at -‘ ind her heel was caught in her dress, Imperial Court ‘ which happened to be during the part of shows or at Wednes— ‘ the song that says ‘you got me trippin’ day Karaoke and and stumblin’, and, as she tells it, “my told me that you look forward to this ass 1'“ the ground”. “It Still didn’t stop column each month and can’t wait to me from gettin’ up and finishing the see who the next month’s spotlight is number.;,. after all, the shost gotta go shining on. Thank you all for your on baby, she laughs. , . , encouragement and support. I am al- . Her favorite charitable organization ways open to your suggestions of people Is the Imp erial Court 01: Kentucky be— that you think deserve to be recognized. cause she says it touches home. She loves Our February spotlight is shining what the court stands for and all of the on none other than Miss Karen Kollett. people that they help. 'She has been m— She originally hails from Monticello, volved, on and 0H; “nth the court for Kentucky but has been in Lexington for many years and she has shown 1,1“ coin— 21 years. On January 23rd she and her mitiiient most recently by helping With partner, Doug, celebrated their 22nd the “Elk Ribbon Ball” where proceeds anniversary. They share their home were raised for breast cancer research. with their two babies: two Shi—tzu’s , HH: What Is the biggest misconcep- named Patches and Dusty. tion or false rumor about you? Miss Karen, or “Mama” as many of K: “I am not the oldest girl on the the girls call her, has been performing show chSt'" and I’m NOT: “.11in W1}? is for 21 years. Her first show, 21 years so don t ask me baby, but it ain t me. . ago this month, was when she won MY FAVORITES” .musw _ Claim- Miss Closet Ball and she has been going cal; €01“ — purple; mov1e — The C01“ strong ever since. She says her drag Purple; TV show _ The Young and the mother and inspiration when she began Restlessg. actor .— George Clooney; actress was Judy Jetson, who painted her face _ éngelina 101m; dream vacation — Ha— the night she won. wan; current book that you are reading — In addition to her Miss Closet Ball children’s stories for my 5 grandbabies. title, she has also formerly held the ti- . H: If you were stranded on a desert ties of Miss Bar Complex, Miss Gay island, who would be the 3 people you Lexington, Miss Gay Firecracker, and would want to be there With you? she was the first Miss Derby Pride. She KKz. Of course, Doug would be my u is also a Hall of Fame recipient. She first chaice but after that, I Just couldn’t says that her partner, Doug, designs choose. I have been so blessed with many of her outfits but she has also many ,d ear friends m my life, I just gotten things from Juice, Jenna Jive, couldnt choose. They 'would all just and several of the other girls that sew in have to come-to our htde island.” HH: Miss Karen, I’m sure you would find enough palm leaves and want to be remembered for... always coconut shells to have Doug make you a being myself-u 11h, Karen always being fabulous gown to entertain us all. herself... uh... oh hell, you know what That’s a show I’d buy a ticket for. I mean.”HH... You are a hoot girl, both on KK... “The world would be a bet- and off the stage. You have been noth— ter place if... everyone just worried ing but supportive to Miss Helena and I about themselves and not be so worried think you are a true asset to Lexington. about what everyone else is doing, espe— You help People to love life. You are cially if it doesn’t concern them,” “I sensational. Thanks girl... for the inter— strive to make the world a better place view and everything. Ilove ya! by... setting an example of treating peo— *** Contact me at Advicefrom— ple the way I would want them to treat Helena@aol.com and let’s be myspace me. Like Aretha said, It’s all about ‘R friends. LOOk me up at http:// E S P E C T‘ baby.” “I would most WWW-mySPace-com/helenah . NE - ' 2°10 India’s ancient epic Ramayana gets a i, 2:3".- g3 p - J Film fresh, funny makeover in this award— “ .5 :. A _“~ I . winning animated film. Using songs :51: :5 i' “"473: f FQStIVCI and humor, director Nina Paley juxta— ff; . ,A , Q i". Feb 25 - poses the split between Rama and Sita " A” ? ... i: 5.. h" March 28 with her own divorce to tell “the great— “' _.. 1 :4 «1“.-.fi- Free est break—up story ever told.” Original BEE ‘EE‘.::.§§§§*:‘§§ . . 1920’s recordings of singer Annette .... ' ....-- ‘” ...;;;:.......... Admmlon Hanshaw give musical voice to Sita, the star of Paley’s tale, while arnusin Departures shadow puppets provide the narratiofi Japan, 2008 for the colorful story. Japanese with Subtitles (130 min.) Thursday February 25, 5 and 7:30 pm The Garden . Kentucky Theatre USA, 2008 (Not Rated) Departures won the 2009 Academy Thursday March 4, 5:00 and 7:30PM ' Award for Best Foreign Film. After [05— Kentucky Theatre ' ing his lOb’ young cellist Daigo Filmmaker Scott Hamilton Kennedy’s 3 (Masahiro Motoki) comes to the reali- Oscar—nominated documentary follows i zation that he needs a new career. Re— a group of low-income families strug— ' turning to his hometown, he trains for a gling to protect a 14-acre urban farm in ‘ new professional role as a nakanshi, or the middle of South Central Los Ange- " one who prepares the dead for burial. les. Their struggle drew the attention of t Tsutomu Yamazaki provides comic re- notable activists and politicians includ— l lief as Daigo’s eccentric mentor in di— mg Dennis Kudnich, Joan Baez and Los h rector Yojiro Takita’s drama about find— Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigoisa. ’ ing your bliss. [ . . . l Sita sing; The BIUCS 'll‘lhere wlll bl: :glht filrtns in March. For t USA, 2008 t e entire sc e ego o t Sunday February 28: 2 and 4=30Pm www.0neworldfilmfestival.org Lexington Public Library Theater 1 !W_W V W WW‘WW .V _ . , W WWWWWWW. ...,.,WWWW.,.,,WWWWW‘ i 3 1 1 3 a i: ‘ ( \ k L ‘ \ ‘. \ < ) ‘ i i , x * ‘ ,7 ‘ , ‘ \ ‘ ; \ < \ } : . \ \ \ u ,, i k \- ‘ i X k \ , i ‘ \ x ( ‘ ‘ 1 ¥ \ ) ~ 1 x j s , K .« \ x E L x ‘ ‘ i ( . i l p Y. | . - , '_ . weflhflg 1 1 ‘ aFunde/ a i \. \ 3 6 ., (Kw. , 13“ . ‘5? ngh m gel; harms ”specialize nautuorderatooureustmu specificationsUud-A as all natural grass fed, etc.) We offer quarters, halts or whole beefs. Locally rise: or. the fazily farm 11: quality and hLTEZE‘; conditicns. in”: 2::- certifieo‘. All Natural‘ We use :2 grszrth henna. no EEClbiOZlCE, and no “ T artificial additives. \{Xg‘EgLG Pricing is based on the current market plu: " , additional factors, dry-aged beef does cost a bit ANGUS BEEF” more. am, if you have em tasted the supreme flavor, you know the cost is worth it. i1? ,/=.‘,~;