xt7m3775xc7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775xc7f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1974 1974 1974-02-26 2020 true xt7m3775xc7f section xt7m3775xc7f The

Vol. LXV No. 119
Tuesday, February 26, I974


an independent student newspaper


'Erotic Film Festival' stirs

movie series

Kernel Staff Writer

A resolution was unanimously passed by
the Student Center Board (SCB) Executive
Council Monday night to reaffirm their
support for the entire spring film festival
after a future movie was temporarily

The film. “Best of the New York Erotic
Film Festival“, is scheduled to be shown
at the Student Center (SC) Theatre Mar.
25. but may be cancelled because of
"pressure from outside sources“, said
several SCB advisors.

In the council meeting, Mark Lusk, SCB
cinema chairman, presented a resolution
supporting the film‘s showing after he
explained it had been cancelled im-

LUSK SAID he was not informed of the
decision to cancel the film and did not
know about it until four days later. He
added he was not consulted concerning the
action and improper channels were used.

The film was temporarily cancelled by
SCB program advisor, Charles O‘Neill.
Temporarily cancelled means the movie
may still be obtained until one month
before it is scheduled to be shown.

House passes
bill to extend




Kernel Staff Writer

News In Brlef


0 Hearst waits

0 Impeachment issues
ODouglas remains
0$imon refutes rumors
0 Extra gas allotments

0 Today's weather...


Therefore, if it is not cancelled by Friday
SCB will have to pay $375 for the film.

O‘Neill said he “can‘t find out where the
pressure is coming from" in opposition to
the film, but told the council he knew a lot
more than he was saying.

HE ADDED the movie was con~
troversialbecause it has previously drawn
attention in the Lexington area and
gathers attention because “erotic” is in
the title.

The film was to be shown at a cinema in
Lexington, according to O‘Neill, but was
not because police said it would be con—
fiscated if shown.

Films can be confiscated at the SC
Theatre by UK or Lexington police,
according to County Attorney E. Lawson
King. King said to his knowledge the
Lexington police have never seized a film
on campus.

Ll'SK I-INCOL'RAGED the council to
stand by their former decision approving
the movies and said there had apparently
been some pressure from unknown
sources to forbid the movie’s showing.

(‘ontinued on Page 8

FRANKFURT The house of
representatives Monday unanimously
passed a controversial bill that would
extend pension benefits for Lexington
Urban Government firemen and

HB 520, co-sponsored by eight
representatives. passed 92flafter a motion
by Rep. Don Stephens (D-Lexington) to
delay action failed.

The bill provides for retirement after 20
years‘ service and for cost of living in-
creases as stipulated by the federal
Department of Labor (not to exceed two
per cent), gives members the right to take
court action for benefits and lengthens the
maximum age at which dependent
children may receive benefits.

ABOL'T I00 Lexington firemen and
policemen were in the house gallery to see
the bill's passage. which was opposed by
Lexington Mayor Foster Pettit and the 15-
member Urban Council. A resolution
denouncing the bill as too costly passed

oIIILLSBOROL'GH, Calif. —— Trucks
bearing tons of free food streamed to
distribution centers Monday as Randolph
A. Hearst awaited word on whether a $6
million giveaway will win freedom for his
kidnaped daughter.

“There is nothing for us to do. It is
frustrating, just waiting,” said family
spokesman Jay Bosworth, brother-in-law
of Patricia Hearst who was dragged
screaming from her Berkeley apartment

three weeks ago.
OWASHINGTON — President Nixon

said Monday night “I do not expect to be

He dealt head—on with impeachment
when asked whether a full-scale im-
peachment trial in the Senate would not
permit him to clear the air and settle
Watergate issues once and for all.

“A full impeachment trial in the Senate
comes only...when the House determines
that there is an impeachable offense,"
Nixon said.

He said he does not believe the House
will reach that conclusion.

cky Kernel

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Nearing a 75-65 loss,

With 39 seconds remaining Kevin Grevey, Larry Johnson, Ronnie Lyons, Jerry
Hale and Bob (luyette take heed of Coach Joe Hall‘s strategy instructions.

(Kernel staff photo by Bruce Hutson.)

13-2 at the Council meeting last week.

Firemen and policemen held a news
conference Saturday and offered figures
which drastically disputed Pettit‘s cost
estimate for the measure.

Stephens, a co-sponsor of the bill, asked
that action be deferred until Mar. 1, to give
Pettit time to respond to Stephen‘s
request for current pension program

Bl‘T REP. William Kenton (D-
Lexington) said Lexington firemen and
policemen are the only ones in the state not
protected by law, because of the recent
merger of the Lexington and Fayette
(‘ounty governments.

The bill applies only to Urban County
governments. Lexington is the only city
with this type of governmental
arrangement in Kentucky.

Kenton said the matter should not be left
up to the “political whims of local
politicians.“ and that application of the

0 WASHINGTON — A major oil com—
pany sought and failed Monday to dislodge
Supreme Court Justice William 0 Douglas
from a case concerning natural gas

Shell Oil Co. asked Douglas to drop out of
the case, or failing that, for his colleagues
to take the unprecedented step of forcing
him to disqualify himself because of a
speech Douglas made, reportedly critical
of oil and gas corporations.

The plea was rejected in a brief, routine


.WASHINGTON Federal energy
chief William E. Simon today labeled as
“irresponsible and reckless" remarks by
the Shah of Iran that the United States is
importing as much oil now as before the
Arab oil boycott.

Simon told a meeting of state lieutenant
governors that such comments “just
complicate the problem we all have.”

He said the US. government knows
exactly how much oil is coming into the

home rule authority would lead to abuse of
the pension program.

LEGISLATION regulating Lexington‘s
pension program should be left up to the
local governments since added taxes
might be involved, Pettit argued.

The crowded gallery exploded with
applause, cheers and whistles following
Kenton‘s presentation. House Speaker
Norbert Blume warned the spectators they
would have to leave if such an outburst
occured again.

Rep. David VanHorn (D—Lexington) said
Stephens‘ motion was only an attempt to
kill the bill. He said Stephens would
request an additional extension if the
matter was delayed until Mar. 1.

“THIS IS only a dilatory motion. This is
not the first time we have heard this from
the mayor. Itwill be the same thing as long
as we continue to delay action on this,"
VanHorn said.

The bill now goes to the senate for ac-

0 FRANKFORT — Up to 4 million
gallons of additional gasoline is being
distributed to counties experiencing the
most severe shortages, state offic1als

Kentucky gained an allocation of 10.4
million more gallons for this month from
the federal government after it reported,
along with other states, a crisis in sup-

. LONDON - Secretary of State Henry
A. Kissinger began his new Middle East
peace mission Monday. He was arriving
here on the first stage of the assignment,
aimed at getting Israeli and Syrian forces
to disengage on the Golan Heights.

...warm er?

Sunny skies and not so bitter tem‘
peratures will prevail today as a warming
trend moves through. Temperatures
should reach the upper 305 today and
upper 20$ tonightwith little or no chance of
of rain



editorials represent the opinions of the editors. not the university



The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Caaat in 1094 and published conllnuoualy
as in: Kentucky Kornal since 1915. The Kernel Press lnc. founded 3971. Third class
palace pole! at Laxlnotan, Ky. auslnoss oflicaa are located In the Journalism Bulldlno on
the Unlveralty of Kentucky campus. Advartlalno. room now News Dapartmmt room
114. Advertlalng publliiaa naraln ls intended to help the radar buy. Any false or
mlsleaalna aavartlslno should be raportad to the Saturn.

Steve Swift, Editor-in-Chief

Moral pressures

Censorship is a four-letter word.

So called moralistic people impress their it-
ching desire to prevent the rise of prurient in-
terest on the public. Though the object of ob-
scenity is on a you-don’t-have-to-unless-you-
want-to basis, our self-appointed censors deem
themselves competent judges in limiting

freedom of choice.

Such a situation may be raised on campus.
Considerable concern has been voiced on
possible censorship of “Best of the New York
Erotic Film Festival” scheduled to be shown
under the auspices of the Student Center Board

Film Series.

The function of the University should not be
that of baby sitter for campus morals. Un-
fortunately precedent has been set by the official
Lexington baby sitter, E. Lawson King. He in-
curred the wrath of righteous citizens upon the
evils of cinema sex, thereby putting pressure on
the University’s decision.

Cinema sex and standards of obscenity are
difficult to fathom under our local obscenity
crusader. While the sexual promiscuity depicted
in “The Devil in Miss Jones” was considered
obscene and thereby confiscated, “The Exor-
cist” was given an “R” rating.

“The Exorcist” contained a scene depicting a
young girl masturbating with a crucifix while
yelling “Fuck me, Jesus.” The only redeeming
factor here was one girl out of her mind with
lust; the other out of her mind with the devil.
Clearly, local obscenity is judged by perceived
intent rather than content.

The University should not dictate what should
or should not be seen by students. Regretfully,
they have the power. We hope it is not exercised.

Nicholas Von Hoffman

Radic-Iibs discuss problems at energy conference

derstand that things are so bad in
the East that the New Jersey
Mafia has already laid off three
judges," one of the speakers told
the 1,000 people who‘d come here
from all over for this weekend’s
Citizens‘ Energy Conference.

Put together very quickly with
dribs and drabs of money from a
few of the more decent little
foundations like those run by J.
Irwin Miller of Cummins Engine,
this was the first time the radic-
libs have had a chance to talk to
each other since the national light
changed and the sky darkened for
Nixon. The fact that some who
automatically suspect all
national meetings even showed
up reinforces the idea that a new
timeis on us~a time in which the
baseline assumptions that have
held since 1945 are giving way.

moner spoke, as did Ralph
Nader. but they added nothing to
what they‘ve said before. Most of
the conversation about Nader
went-tom's recent TV appearance

on the Dean Martin Show. “God, I
can remember when he wouldn't
even talk on the air with Carson,
and now he’s making a fool of
himself with that awful clown,"
said a sympathetic someone
appreciative of Nader‘s slipping
power and his need to get new

Oregon Gov. Tom McCall,
possibly America’s most in-
novative politician, had his
energy consultant at the
meetings proposing a uniform
extraction tax on all energy,
minerals and raw materials
taken from “natural shortage.”
The purpose isn‘t to punish the oil
companies but to lessen con-
sumption in an orderly way. This
puts the Republican governor at
odds with his party. which is
encouraging increasing energy
consumption after the “tem-
porary“ emergency is over.

Along the same lines, others
proposed that the regulatory
agencies reverse the present
practice of lowering the elec-
tricity rates to high—volume
users. Others were beginning to

. ,1.




Letters to the Kernel




’. " mi’


s , .g. '

“I wish peeple would lay off“

I wish people would lay off
Mike Wells. He says, in effect,
that folks of a certain size shoe
aren‘t American, and. im-
mediately everyone who finds a
fit begins to shriek defensively.
Who does he think he is? Who do
you think you are? We‘re
Americans because this is our
home, not because Nixon is in the
White House and all is right with
the world. I know some people
say we should change countries
like we change our socks—every
time they get dirty. I’ve got an
answer for them. Just before
going to bed, wash out your socks
and hang to dry. In the morning,
sprinkle them with fungicide.
You’ll never get your foot in your

Larry Mahat‘fey
Computer Science
Graduate Student

Groan, sigh

Upon hearing the groans and
sighs of those who are unhappy

look again at the discredited idea
of public ownership.

It‘s still too early for these
people to agree on any common
platform or program of action.
They come from too many dif-
ferent places with different oc-
cupations and different
problems: independent truck
drivers, intellectuals, union

Angeles say Southern California
is only just beginning to ex-
perience the lines at the gas
pumps that the East Coast is
suffering. There and in Michigan
unemployment is already hit-
ting: but Mike Barnes, a com-
munity organizer from In-
dianapolis, says his people can
get gas but they can‘t get mort-
gages unless they pay 10.5 per

Judy Lightfoot, the “chairone”
of the National Organization for
Women, is in too delicate an
internal political position to say if
she thinks her title is slightly
ridiculous, but she lets you know

with the new open house policy of
Blanding Tower, I feel it
necessary to show the other side
of the coin.

Granted, the new policy is
strict. but such measures are
necessary to insure the main-
tenance of rules. I have stepped
from my room on many
evenings after open house was
over to hear the laughter of many
male voices and even meeting
some face to face.

These have even had the nerve
to say, “shhh. Don‘t tell anyone
I'm up here.“ I feel that having
some inconsiderate man walking
around my floor at 11 and 12 pm.
Sunday night is an inconvenience
I‘d rather not tolerate. I am
unable to study, much less sleep,
with the possibility of meeting a
stranger of the opposite sex on
my way to the bathroom. If the
men can conduct themselves in
an adult manner, they will be
treated as adults.

These new rules insure that the
men in Blanding Tower are

it‘s economics she’s worried
about. More women than ever
before, she points out, are the
principal breadwinners for the
family; and when times turn
sour, “women are very much
victims of the last-hired, first-
fired syndrome.”

You had what you might almost
call a new type of Left—Wing
political activist at the con-
ference. There were always a few
around, even in the maddest
moments of the ‘608, but there
were never many of the sort who
believed in local area
organizing—and knew how to do
it—as opposed to mobs in front of
the White House. One such is
Wade Rathke, who tried a few
years ago in Boston and learned
you can't build an organization of
welfare recipients.

MOVING TO Arkansas he has
organized an acronyn called
ACORN, representing farmers,
factory workers and all sorts of
low-income people. The mem-
bership pays enough dues to

guests of the residents. (me
Monday at 1 am. girls have been
followed up the elevators by
groups of men who had hopped on
the elevators in the basement.
There have not been any in-
cidents so far, but the whole
problem is an inconvenience and
a potential threat.

The whole idea of having
male guests in the dormitory is a
good idea. as long as they are

Mary (‘ash
Pat Butler


Dear Ms. Stewart:

I‘m a confirmed independent,
yet I‘m close friends with two
Alpha Delta Pi‘s. one Alpha Gam.
three Zeta Tau Alpha‘s. and I‘m
going with a guy in Sigma
Nu...And oddly enough, no one
has paid me a cent.

Nancy Niederman

takecare of the salaries of a staff
of 17 spread out around Little
Rock, Fort Smith and smaller
places across the state.

Rathke and the others like him
here are a different kind of lefty
than we‘re used to. They have a
stable organized constituency, on
going sets of programs and great
caution about windy
sloganeering. In Arkansas,
Rathke says, his farmer mem-
bers are running out of fertilizer,
but it’s too soon to know what to
do. This was a weekend for
making contacts, exchanging
addresses and getting ready.

Jenis Becker, the represen-
tative from the Albany (N.Y.)
Area Inflation Council, got no
argument when she said, “We’re
confronted our legislators, and
they say, ‘We’ll do it, but what do
you want?‘ I feel like a fool
because I don’t know what we

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King
Features Syndicate. .











opinion from

inside and outside the university community



Conceptions of conception

Regarding Bart Sullivan and
his Viewpoint of the 20th (Feb.)

Hey, buddy, I don’t see what’s
so ridiculous about giving rights
to the unborn. Wait a second! See
what you‘ve got me doing
already? I said “unborn”, as if I
were referring to something that
hadn't yet existed. But face it,
something‘s been there for the
past nine months. I mean, there
wasn‘t any “Magic! Presto!“
and all of a sudden a kid
appeared. Unh uh. No way.

You realize that just because
people have, for the past million
years, said to themselves that
kids aren’t here until they've
come down the chute, doesn't
mean we won’t change that
conception of conception (sorry,
couldn't resist) sometime in the

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m
all for abortion; it’s just that I
don’t like to see you ridicule
something that is quite a reason-
able and logical situation to
expect in the future. After all, we
only need a good PR job to
convince everybody that kids
start existing when ova and
sperm unite.

I mean, it’s all continuous, isn’t
it? As dust we’ve been here for a
long time and as dust we‘ve got a
long time to go. So what
difference does it make if we fix
your time as “humans" nine
months before our escape from
the womb, or, for that matter,
nine months or a year after.

Give it another millennium or
so, then we'll see who‘s laughing.

Paul (.‘hambliss










A flip of the coin shows the Greek side


This is not to be mistaken for an attack
on Miss Stewart or her article. Everyone is
entitled to their opinion and she has voiced
hers (Greeks: ‘mindless group creatures'.
Kernel. Feb. 25). I personally disagree
with many of Miss Stewart's
generalizations and would like to present
the other sideof the coin. I can speak only
for one of the many Greek organizations on
this campus. however, I would like to think
that the others are of the same opinion.

Greek organizations were established to
foster and develop high ideals, scholastic
achievement, leadership responsibility
and citizenship, contributions to and
participation in college programs and
objectives. well-rounded and responsible
character and personality. and
brotherhood for purposeful living.

A GREEK organization is a testing
ground and a learning experience within
an institution of learning. It is a testing
ground for one‘s ability to establish bonds

with others and it is an experience in
learning what we must give to relation-
ships with others in order to make these
associations worthwhile.

Group cooperation in such philan-
thropic projects as the Greek Work Day or
Adopt-A-House typifies the goal of a Greek
organization. Doubtless these same
participants will be active in community
service in later years through such
organizations as the Jaycees, Rotarians,
Woman‘s Club. etc. They have been made
aware of the gratification that results from
such participation.

1 do not question the fact that many
people join fraternities or sororities
merely for psuedo status or for the social
opportunities. Perhaps the majority do.
However, soon after initiation these same
people begin to see the true purpose of
their organization and the many benefits
to be reaped through active participation
in its projects, committees, etc.

I DO NOT question the fact that many
people join fraternities because of in-
secure feelings. However, if these in—
dividuals develop self-confidence and
direction as the result of brotherhood or
sisterhood, have they not made the right
move‘? Has the Greek system done a
disservice by helping this person prepare
for the outside world?

I am not one of those who feels that the
world would collapse without Greeks.
Greek involvement is not the backbone of a
university, neither is it the cancer. I am
personally thankful for the opportunity I
have had of belonging to a Greek
organization, however. I have been
motivated by those around me and have
gained many valuable experiences which
will be of utmost importance in later
years. Through Greek involvement I have
come in contact with numerous individuals
and situations that would otherwise have
passed me by. I personally have benefited.
Perhaps others have not.

I do not place myself above non-Greeks
or anti—Greeks. These are many who I am
certain would lose rather than gain from
Greekism; Fine. 1 don’t condemn these
people. Neither do I expect to be labeled as
an insecure, spineless juice freak, con-
cerned only with impressing others with
my Greek letters. I am concerned with
purposeful involvement and with making
,new and lasting acquaintances. For me,
Greekism has fulfilled my concern, and I
haven't had to sacrifice my individuality
or an excessive amount of money.

I SPEAK for one Greek organization.
However. on behalf of all campus
organizations, both Greek and non-
Greek—“Let's be objective in our ob-
servations‘ ‘.

Donald W. Moss is a pre—law
junior and Sigma Chi fraternity



Editor‘s note — Editor Reg. Mur-
phy‘s first column for the Atlanta
(‘onstitution since he was ransomed
for $700,000 is full of good humor.
Written for Tuesday‘s editions, it
also was made available to The
Associated Press.

The Atlanta Constitution

ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) — As I was
saying when I was so rudely in-
terrupted, the United States ought to be
a civilized nation.

It sometimes is not, as I have learned
the hard way, but it does maintain a
great sense of humor in times of
harrowing stress.

Last Friday Iwas scheduled to meet
with Arthur Deck, the president of the
American Society of Newspaper
Editors, and Joe Parham, editor of The
Macon News. We were going to tape a
television show.



AFTER I HAD gotten free from some
kidnapers and gone home Sunday,
Parham called from Macon.

“Art and I went on down to WG'I‘V
Friday for the show. Where were you?"
Joe asked.

“Well, there was a little delay,” I

“Yeah.“ Joe said. “I heard you got.
tied up."

AND THE Georgia Senate passed a
resolution which asked in the nicest
kind of way for my release. That didn’t
relieve the skepticism of people who
have grown accustomed to looking at
the Georgia Legislature with a jaun-
diced eye.

“I’ll tell you, fella, you better find out
how many senators abstained on that
resolution,“ a cynic said.

Though I didn‘t hear it, somebody
said that a local radio station made a

An editorial column worth $700,000

dramatic appeal for the environment.
The announcer is reported to have said:

“Help clean up America. Pick up the
litter in Reg Murphy’s yard."

MAYBE THE funniest thing that
happened was a wire from a newspaper
after I had written an account of the
ordeal. “Ur gently request that Murphy
rewrite his piece. We believe the lead is
in the twelfth paragraph,“ the wire

Hal Gulliver, the associate editor,
replied: ”In the unhappy event that one
of your staff is ever kidnaped, which we
fervently hope never happens, suggest
he write first-person any damn way he

Perhaps the most widely known
crack took place shortly after the ab-
duction took place.

JIM MINTER. our managing editor,
was on the phone. I was calling from the

trunk of the Colonel‘s car, bound hand
and foot, and blindfolded. I said I had
been kidnaped by the American
Revolutionary Army.

“Well," Jim said, not knowing what
had happened, “It could have been a
worse group."

And there were a couple of touches of
humor when I got back to the office
Monday morning. Trying to prove I was
still alive, I sent word to my secretary,
Mary Murphy, that I would collect
coffee money Monday morning.

JEAN THWAITE had put a vase of
buttercups on my desk. Attached to the
vase was a dollar bill and a note
saying: “How did you know I was

The way I figure it, you could laugh
or cry right now. I‘ve come close
enough to crying for a time.

And if this doesn‘tstrike you as either
funny or appropriate, give me a day or
two. I‘ll get serious again.




 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. February 26. 1974



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Crowded congregation

CSF increases church services

Kernel Staff Writer
()vercrowded church services
prompted the Christian Student
Fellowship ((‘SFl to add another
formal session. Now services will
be held at 9:45 am. and 11 am.

Sunday mornings.

CSF officers and campus
minister, Larry Brandon,
decided on two services after
attendance increased. Last year,
the average congregation
numbered 65. Brandon said.

TENTATIVE plans call for

expansion of the 502 Columbia
Ave. modern CSF church. New

construction will provide room

for 300 person services, Brandon

“Our latest attendances." he
said, "were 110. 118. 124 and 140

With increased interest in CSF
activities. it sponsored a folk
service Feb. 17. Informality. such
as guitar music ”to glory of the
Lord,“ characterize these ser-

Morc participants also attend
the 14 weekly CSF programs.
Most programs involve persons.
such as the sewing group “big
Sisters". CSF women meet with
the inner-city girls to make cloth

Some CSF girls also tutor
underprivileged children, usually
from downtown areas.

A (‘llOllt also started this
semester. After students
requested the group, Brandon
began work on their request. The
choir is the first to materialize
after earlier attempts to form one
were made.

Most decisions CSF policy and
program are made through the
student leadership. Yet, they
make no membership “ties that
bind.“ It is an “open" fellowship
where there‘s always room for
one more, Brandon said.

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Government interns

Students receive credit and salaries

in city and state service proiects

By(‘AR()I. Ml'NROE
Kernel Staff Writer

()ne'way to understand the functions of govern-
ment institutions is to work with them.Through the
experimental education office students obtain
positions as government employes while earning
college credit and salary in one urban and two state
government internship programs.

Eight students are now working with the
‘I,exington (‘ity Government Intern program in
divisions such as the police department, planning
commission, board of health, personnel and public

They contribute 20 hours a week at the Municipal
Building. earning $2 an hour and from three to six
credits for a semester‘s work.

RANDY MYERS. public information director
with Metro Government, has worked extensively
with sophomore Sharon Allen since the beginning of
the spring semester. Allen is second in command of
the urban county government newsletter, an new
publication circulated to its 1.800 employes.

”I needed a student to help with this project.”
Myers said. ”Sharon became coeditor and much of
her judgment has been used in putting the
newsletter together"

Myers contacted Dr. Robert F. Sexton. ex-
perential education office director, early last week
requesting more interns to work with public in-
formation. Students would write press releases of
actions taken at committee meetings.

“I (‘AN use two students right now to write press
releases for radio. television and newspaper access.
And I can use people this summer too—government
doesn‘t stop when school finishes a semester,"
Myers said.

In its fourth semester. the city Intern program
will start to recruit for the 1974 fall semester
beginning in late March. Applications and in-
formation for fall. and summer, 80d immediate
public information openings can be obtained from
Sexton. 303 Administration Building.

'lwent)‘ Kentucky college students work now

while the (ieneral Assembly is in session in Frank-

fort. Six 17K students participate in the Legislative
Intern Program



EACH INTERN is assigned asa special assistant
to a legislator or legislative committee. As em-
ployes of the state department of personnel, they
earn an approximate $300 monthly salary.

The intern‘s research and assistance at the state
capitol earns him nine academic credits. Two
seminars. which meet occasionally during the term,
add six more credits. Students study legislative
process. research methods and problems of state
government in the seminars.

The Frankfort Administrative Intern Program is
another service project which begins June 1 and
involves full—time placement of state government
agency positions. Fifteen Kentucky juniors or
seniors are chosen to live and work in Frankfort for
the seven—month term which ends Dec. 14.

It HATE!) CLASSROOM study and field trips for
theagencies constitute the minimum 15 credit hours
that can be earned through this program. In ad—
dition. interns are paid a monthly salary.

Interns register and pay required tuition fees with
their own university or college.


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