xt7m3775xd5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775xd5t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-08-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 09, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 09, 1981 1981 1981-08-09 2020 true xt7m3775xd5t section xt7m3775xd5t F tlll‘ qua IltGdSt Cl tLO ta'
By BIIJ. STEIDEN the Democrat majority in the House social services Reagan would of “abuse” of the loans, particularly However perkjn's aide claimed set of five “options" which the Ken- ‘
Associate Editor 0‘ Bcplesentativee elirmnate altogether. The house plan by students from high income that because the loans are given in tucky Higher Education Assistance 2
The WWW 1'9“wa SUP- 15 viewed 35 more favorable ‘0 the families. After receiving the low- bank check form. abuse cannot be Authority claims would “maintain ,'

The approximately 21,000 Ken- portPresldent Reagan’s budget plan, GSL program according to Rep. interest non-need loans. these documented. He also claimed that the viabilityof the GSL programand _. .
tucky college students who rely on Wl‘lCh Md provide for increased Car 1 Perkins, D‘KY- students bank them and collect on reportsofsuch misuse were “greatly would reduce federal expenditures in , ‘. ‘
Guaranteed Student 1‘9"“ for more defense spendlns at the expeme of All aide in Perkins' Washington, higher bank-rate interest instead of exaggerated." amounts at least equal to those pro . .
m“ “1 million m financuil 890181 WW. Mm financial DC office field Tuesday that 8 using the money to pay education After checking with government posedbythepresident."
assistancewillrecelvelasaldin the “1 Mb" 0‘ the “Willa! to costs, as stipulated in the loan con- experts an aide to Hopkins conceded One of the options, eliminating a -

. $013198 year - but in“ W much The Democrats, however, are which Jones’ proposals were first tract. that studiesofabuse were “impossi— six-month grace period on repay- 5', - 2
cesrelnainstobeseen. gaimng support for an alternate presented has recommended restor- . In order to limit such abuse, ble." ment of the loans following any loan » 2
,5! Ml. '1 budsetary and ad‘ budset submitted by Home Budget ingsaoornillion in planned cutstothe Hopkins said the loans should be Whichever group wins out pro deferment periods granted under the , ’
Wlflhve battle wluch may have Committee Chdirman James Jones. GSL program. which he said would returned to a need basis (they were posals for tightening the GSL system loan program was enacted in Oc- -‘ ‘

,‘ mm mm f“ the film D-Oltla.. which would cut the the “save"theloans. thrownopentoal] students in theear- are numerolls among both tober as part Of the Educational ‘ ,
“‘Wt financial aid is shaping “9 president's defense appropriations. However, Rep. Larry Hopkins, [1- ly 19005) withafamily income ceiling Republicans and Democrats The Amendments Act of 1980, The other I ' " r -‘
on the 1181in level between the It wouldalsomaintain—at slightly Ky., said larger reductions in the ofsaswooraneeds-analysis formula National Council of Higher Educa- options include '1 2 .'
Republican-dominated Senate and decreased levels — many current GSL program are necessary because to determine eligibility. tion boan Pr ams has re red a Continued on page 5 ' V

KE 'I'U KY 1
Vol. LXXXIII No.137 r , . . .' r '
' , L‘nIVEI’SIt)’ of Kentucky .

Thursday, Apr“ 9' 1981 an Independent student newspaper Lexin ‘0", Kentuck f f A. '

’ 2 " 7 “ ‘:‘: 15.? 5" Y . fr. 5' ~-
UK s lawyer turns Huber ‘ , Q’ .i

- . .. nor r y 2
e e e ‘ ‘ 1'
investigation over to x, =

‘- li‘ ‘ e f ‘2
C 1th tt s. — draws different types
~ ommonwea a orney 2 _ -. i 2 .1 .~ ;

Compiled from staff and AP dispat- “In the course of this investigation, i. '2. <3. \o.‘ .. , , . By PEGGY BOECK AIEIKBC is a till-romprotf: orgimzaftigrr; .

ches certain matters have come to light F“ 2.,“ o »\ {- Senior Staff Writer y moneyf e cen rbam: eswrth ‘ ,

which raise serious administrative "M m processuig e3: goes 8, m te 'e x 2
LEXINGTON — Fayette Com- concerns as well as questions of l"; , e e t. . . . p 5 ., ‘ People told me I would probably do organira ion pay 3r e cen r s ,,

monwealth’s AttomeyLarryRoberts possible violations of law," , ,5 ' . . . , ..- it sometime while I was in college. I operation, Presser Sal'bl f th _, . . 1

said yesterdayhisoffice would deter- Singletary said at the meeting, ed at -- h 5 , [h 5,“ 3 ’ fl £ ‘ 5-, never thoughtlwasthe type. . WKQQ tw‘as responSi e alt" e Tm: : _

mine whether criminal charges ding that the move does not reflect a Q 1 $2 5 ». Q s.- ' Types really dont matter though. Jority of e derby 5 promo ion. e . 2

should be filed against Dr. Gary L. University opinion about legal viola- “ ,._ ‘. 2 5 , ' . 5 1 . it :5 Just about anyone'can do it. I did. I station had live broadcasts from the , 1 .

Huber. who was suspended Tuesday tions. a some” 2'2.’ .‘ ' 2' . 3‘ / happen ‘0 be 0 P°sm"e‘ . wmdfr 0‘ “:8 3°l'seumi; five 33‘" 2 2' . ,

as director of the University of Ken- Dean of S, d ts J h B h ha 51,22} we '5 e As 1“ ' ,4 « 57°“ “‘9 935‘ 5“ days 708 “1‘ ."ee 3 bums ° ”“1 5 ad aw' 2; j

tucky’s Tobacco and Health bee u en osep _ urc ,5 , ~55" ‘ 2: .’ ‘2 . ,: I diViduals of assorted blood types ing for stereo spea ers an was i ,

' nnamedtooverseetheinstltutes \. f‘E‘Xeéi-‘tti'j-fijvmi“' ;.2tc. . , ‘ ,; strolled into Memorial Coliseum to l'eSPOllSlble for delivering 30

Reeearchlnstitute. dail adrmnis' ' trati res 'blit' . ‘ i" r V -' ' " “ ‘ ' Do ' ' ’ d ted to the dor- 1
mm said his mice was give“ Ay ordi to hillslledponm tsntsh l 5:1 n 2 " 5 ~ it ““9559 ”“5 O‘b‘mdm me WKQQ mm s'tfiltzhzahi (hm: ta of ‘ ‘ 1 ‘2‘

. the results of a preliminary in- etc ng P“ 1] ti repor ,. e . 2 j.-~::»:;: W :_ 2; 5 > ! 5, {.5 ‘_ . i blood donor derbyThe derby was mllOl'le e 8 ‘5 percen 89 j 5- ‘ ,

‘ veetigation recently conducted by finger senor]: a 88.8 on against ' l. «may! . / ‘ c,“ also sponsored by the Student donors. . ‘ , ' ‘ - _

John Darsie the University’s u was the med fraudulent ' l ' 5“ ‘ ”5‘3””. .3..,i“ . Association and the Central Ken— Prossel‘ sald She did“ mm“ the " 1

’ travel-expense vouchers. Huber said _ "52:: , 5 t k Blood Center. free albums and speakers were the 2 .

generalcounsel. hed 'edthe ha d thd . .. when; , ,2 “c y , , . . . h did _ ,
No decisiononthenwdforagrand . em c rgeun 53"“ ,“r' y are“ N 1,; ,.f Patty Prosser. public relations mam Incentive to donate. S e .. 1 .

jury investigation ha d been ma d e. inga March 31 meeting wrth Daisie. . ‘3: :c«_ y” _ coordinator for chc, and SA Allied however, say she thinks the competi- 1. x, ,. .‘

Roberts said. He declined to discuss Other allegations, many of which 3 ‘55 “we Health eenatoryclndy Woolum agreed “0“ .b‘fi‘wee“ ,dOrmS f0” "‘5 3° '2

the nature of the allegations against were made in anonymous letters to "“55; [2342‘ , to. - 1 1 t ._ .1 that this year s donor derby was a Domino splzza swasafactor. ‘ ,1

Huber, 42. Singletary, were disregarded ,,°i ', 1 ‘5' X : 2, ‘2. success.Woolum was in chargeof the The winning dormitory was Jewell, ‘

Darsie said last night that the com- because they were considered trivial, '21"; “ 5‘ 2 if; “a e ,, E2 donor derby for 55-- , with 20 percent of its refiidents :' '; ' '
monwealth’s attorney office has Singletary said. -' ' a, w“ :5? . Yesterdays dnve netted 3‘2 donating blood. Carol Stauble home i: -

“already been investigating. The The travel-voucher allegations 4“; r ' ‘1 . “i" pints, ““19 247 9"“? were. collected economics junior, won the ‘stereo “ I- ' ‘

University is cooperating with the ranged from double-billing the was t t r . 2- t Tuesday. Prosser said this is the best speakers. ’1,

prOperauthorities,”hesaid, University for job-related expenses , 5’ - ‘ 2. I a? 5' \. '~‘ g '. campus drive m three years. Last The student health organization I I ,

“Astothepossible violationsof the to being reimbursed for trips that " ' A year the total donation from UK “is donated money t0ward a “cash

law we were 80lfl8 l0 have no further either were “0t taken or were taken Memorial Coliseum was the site of the WKQQ Second Annual Donor ‘289 pints 0‘ bIOOd‘ AS of January . ““5 prize" to award the college with the ' " 5

comment. We aren’t making 8 0°“- for personal reasons, according to Derby. The two-day blood drive brought in 559 pints exceeding the year, UK has donated "348 pints, most donors. The College of Allied " ‘1 '1

clusion that there have been viola- published reports. goal of 500pints. Yesterday‘s collection of 312 pints set arecord. Prosser said. . Health was the winner in this area, ' ' 2

tions of thelaw.” hesaid. Singletary said he was convinced Above. Dean Garritson gives blood while a nurse from the Central The best year for UK donations to with 17 people donating: ,' ,2' .I " .

1 UK President Otis Singletary an- Huber had been “subjected to a per ' Kentucky Blood Center checks on the flow. Below. 3 sample of CKBCwas 197”“ when UK donated . l , 'f- ‘
nounced Tuesday at the Board of sistent campaign of harassment” blood istakentodetermine thedonor's blood type. By BURT LADD 1.599Pm‘50fb100d' . Martin. A] en, an entomology '- x; 1
Trustees meeting that he had “tem- since arriving at the institute from . , {Emmi 55‘“ he gave ”mu?" he “5.3 2. 2
porarily reassigned” Huber to the HarvardUniversitylastAugust. 7' . , human'm‘a" 3‘ heartv and 53m 1'
College of Medicine, where he is a Huber reportedly made several 1 0 , M 2 that the ”‘3? albums were “0‘ a .5,
tenured professor. Singletary also enemies at the institute because he A, ' . . ' ”355°“ f°r h‘s “mm” m fa?“ he 2' ’
said an investigation and audit of the slashed research funding and fired 20 '1': 1 .y said he was not aware albums were .2 . v]; .
institute‘s $3.5 million-a-year pro- employees in an administrative , g: 5“ , . X" beé'llgriwecnrsxgién an accwmmg ,- 5 ', 1
gramwouldcontinue. shake-up. ‘ 4 v «e. 2.22”" junior, said after hearing about the . 2h a: .

‘ 2 1, ._» drive on WKQQ she decided to donate ”. .l
‘ — '_' ————————"‘— 2 ‘2 M “ blood. “I just thought i would give 1.,»
Correction {is} 21‘ 1 , . .2 tr somek (blood; andi try to win the ,1
... ' ‘ " .. spea ers,"s esai .
. ‘ ” ' " -' ' . Presser said 95 rcent of the .3 '
In yesterday’s Kernel. a man in a The story concerned the dead! of ,~ ., 12st,;1-vi. 2 donors were UK stut‘ifnts and staff. '2.
photograph was incorrectly iden- Dickens, who was asphyxiated inhis so, i ' I‘M, ,3 She said students wanting to give . ‘. j
tified as’ Chimes Dickens, former automobile Monday night after he in- - ‘ ..*:' , Sit; blood can do so Monday through fii- ‘- r
assistantprofessorintheUKtheatre haledcarbonmonoxide. ‘ ‘5‘- " , - ., 22:72“ ' ' ‘ ‘7- .5 day from 8 am. to 9 pm. at the 2
artsdepartment. Thepicture wasof TheKernelapologizestoSmith and ’ ‘ f' ° ’& ”2 X,“ cxgc, 330 Waller Avenue. The .'_.2',‘,'
Raymond Smith, who is also an in- regrets the error and any distress it . “a? 1 ‘e . 1 a.“ 1»- .. center is also open Saturdays from 10 2.
structorlntheatre arts. may have caused. '~ . “ s ': a ' '- ’ a.m_ [06p_m' and Sundays from nmn i ‘. A" j
' . urinate” 1 . I . t05 .m. ' 3“; ,1 '~
5 O ‘ O ’ O '-: , '.
nonymous e y IS star 0 IUC -ll’l service
By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS plete with paws, and opened their Reynolds this night telephoned the P)’ Teddy. I’m wearing my TopSiders UK?“ he asked me. “I liked Bear play there,"he told us. ~ -' . .
Staff Writer service last weekendtorave reviews. Chi Omega sorority to make sure the and my lzod socks." School. I used to play bear football In the background there was . ' z -’ ,
The men brew a thermos of hot recipient was home. After be can I wasn‘t allowed to see who there." silent scream. Soon a woman cam ., ‘2
I never emsht when I became a chocolate. grab their teddy bear. a firmed that she was in, he went and Theodore was because, according to “What did I tell you?" Scott said. and led Theodore to room two, wher
reporterthat I’dbestandingundera Danish butter cookie and their story joined Scott and Theodore. Theodore Reynolds, “There is a mystique “When you get in the suit, you gt Linda Hisle sat in bed laughinl . . '
sh'eetlight one night watching so- book and head to wherever they are dressed under the streetlight behind about who the bear is and we want to wild." Theodore introduced himself. pour- ~' ' .
meone putonabearsuit.‘ 'told to go. “Birthdays, remem- the Alpha Gamma Rho Maternity. keep it that way." He would only say We stood inside the house waiting Hisleacupof hot chocolate and han -, _' ' ,
But here at UK there is someone brances, even if you are in the wisecracking as he got comfortable that Theodore is actually someone no to go upstairs. On the wall was a pic- edher the teddy beef to cuddle. ' : ' " "
going to dormitories and fraternity doghouse," Scott said. They have in his costume. one would ever suspect. ture of the UK of the past. Theodore “You have to drink your l .' ' .
houses dressed in a beer suit. His beenoffcampus onlyoncebut it was “Hi, I‘m Theodore, but all my We got in Reynolds‘ car and drove recognized it, though. “This is Can chocolate before I leave," he to < ' ,
name is Theoda'e. and he is the an experience they’ll both never frienth call me Teddy," hesaid in his over to the house, and Theodore con- tral Park, where I used to play witl her. “It‘s nice hot high octane hon y l _ ‘
mmhscildtof hwgmfifim forge; 1 f ther falsetto voice. “But tonightl‘m prep tinued to ad-lib freely. “Do you like grandpa Bear. All the little bears cocoa." Continuedonpagea . ~ , 1",
e .Reynol ve " gir's a went crazy,” 2 -.
started “Teddy’s Tuck-In Service,"e Scottsaid. “He thoughtherboyfriend e e o e e '7————-—-———" ‘5 .

. business raising money for SA which was inside the suit. He patted the suit I ”m [[1581 e ' .
has “really been taking off," accor- and said, “Jeff, is that you in there?’ ree wee ac leS In S g . . 2
dingtoReynolds. We left crying laughing." Randy Jenkins, UK's apparent

Theldee came to Scott during spr- “When you're in the suit," By SUSAN R.SAYLOR competitive atmosphere. winners, those with the greatest number one quarterback, is today‘s '. '5 2 .
ing break. He was at borne reading Reynolds said, “you know Reporter “The concept of Greek Week has number of overall points and votes, sports feature.Seepage6for details. .' , .
The Washington Post when he came everybody’s laughing and you get grown from a Greek Day, consisting will be announced Saturday during
ecrusanerticle titled “Service With scared but the fun we have a The 26th annual Greek Week. of a Greek Banquet and Faculty theGreek Banquet at theContinental Details on upcoming events which « '
a m-m." 1‘” Crude W” um“ I Wt time.” Which rum rm March a w MIL" said Assistant Dean (X Inn may increase your cultural 2 2
similar service performed on the They have met little resistance April 12. is well underway. Students Michael Palm, refen-ing to awareness are presented on page 4. ‘ ,
campus of Marshall University in except in the freshman girle’ dor- Thirteen activities, most obligated his first year atUKin m3. Several contests have been com- '
Huntington, WeetVlrginia. miter-la. Visitation is so limited, to charities, are planned to en- “Tth are more into it now,“ he pleted. Delta Delta Delta‘s “Run for | 1
“I was sort of fired up,” the Reynokh explained, that Theodore courage Greek interaction. continued, “and the aim is to honor the Children" mini marathon was mtsldg—_ 5 ‘ ;
generaletudieuophomoreuidofhle can't go into: girle’ dormitory. “'l‘he Six of the 13 competitive events men and women in these organiza- wonby Kappa Kappa Gamma sorori- 2
haimtorm. “solthlwm l'deleepon only other problem we see is people Spur Greek men and women to per- tions and to attract others to the ty and Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Mostly cloudy skies and a 50 per-
it. When I got up the next morning! not wanting the service," Beyonlda ticipate for Greek points in contests Greeksystem." The first-place winners of the Far- cent chance of thunderstorms signal _
callodRayvon." seld.“lftheydon'twantit,theydon't ranging from “Battle Ball" to Upcomingeventsthisweekinclude mhouse “Dance for Those Who a gloorny Thursday, but skies will '
The sophomore oculomics major hevetohaveit.” "Greek Feud." the Chi Omega Greek Sing at 7 pm. Can't" dance contest were Alpha clear in time for the weekend. High .
had similar reservation, so he too Scott noted a paradox in the sec- The other scheduled activities. Thursday in Memorial Coliseum. the Gamma Delta sorority and Kappa willbeinthemidom today, with low: '
slept on it. But when the pair came vice, W. "The girls all get up suchas “Greek Drive-4n" and an ex- Sigma Nu All-Greek Beer Blast on Sigma fraternity. TheAlpha Xi Delta in the upper 40: tonight. Mostly eun-
. beck m vacation. they had decid- after being tucked in to tell all their change dinner. are designed to unite Friday and the Phi Kappa Tau Mat~ “Greek I-‘eud" was won by Chi ny and mild Friday. with high in the 2 .
.4 we... detain-d o h...- mu «in. Men». amino "would the Greek communitv and cut the trees Marathon on Seturdav. The Omega sawitv and Delta Tau Delta. low 7m.
' " T’ ‘ e s u

 I I at
Steve Mule scum (“Mb ‘
lie d Ito r' a I s & 1 Editor iii-Chic] Editorial Editor Afiw gmtjgziwr 2:3;th "no: L:um:flol
i J.) rum: unfit-M DovHCoyle
i CO m m e nts I Muna‘lnfl Editor Angel.“ 3‘13.“ 0|"! M'GW'
. i itstmy Editor Pew I'll We lam 0‘ m“ ‘
I . chklltudd Ito-Ila]! Don-kw"! “MW-flue n...”- ,
i [be “Mluthrl Kernel welt times all Inim and optimum letters and opinion: should be typed. In'le- Day Editor J‘- m Au‘uam 500'" Edllo' Auittant Enltnalnmcnt EditO’ SWAVWII .'
i toured no mink rim. Ira-dun and swim ilk-minim»: including l l II) ltu «Menu and (I mfnfig‘.
t employees. lcllcn should he lintiIi-d In .‘W minds and "gallium and column!) to ”0 words. Senior Stqfl Writ."
icensmg 0 an guns would t, it?) .__. id . . . ;
' I l T" ' * ‘ t I‘
0 V ‘ l i * ‘ ‘ I ' ‘
domaegoodtlianbailiingthem ~ M *d '
I . . . ' ,' l“ mk it 1
k . I would like to examine the con- obviously disagree with its official [T u. L . M" ’ ‘
' tidoy'ersy over handgun laws A ma- stand against all handgun legisla- ' “m ”B ‘ I
. ‘ yor factor seems to he the attitude tion However, members of the J—L— - 1 ill U / ’ , I ‘l
, ' . w ith which handguns are Viewed NRA must be recognized not as gun ' l l.- “M ’
. ' A handgun is a tool (me which owners, but as careful gun owners. ‘ ' l v I M... m / - .t l k
. can. like other tools icars, They recognize that handguns, and 6 “(i' ’.' ‘. ; _;_' l« L; ‘ ’~:
' ‘ ' niedicine. electricity. etc: become rifles. are implements which I, «‘ “‘6’ m. ‘ ’ 7' I ~ / u . .
' dangerous is misused How can should only be handled by those ‘1 l — | ' ‘..' ,l, .
- such misuse be prevented" By. as with the prOper training. These (Q I '—-— / (1/ /
9 many believe. banning the sale of tools. whether used for sport (hun- Fr ' ’1 l {I r ’ ' I ‘ t .. t
. . ' handguns and confiscating those ting or marksmanship) or protec- t 3‘ if? ‘ 3 § ’ {7" ’ ,' ’ . 't t -
.' . . I now in private hands“ Perhaps that non 10f a home or business) must 5" ‘ ~ ‘t "l ’J‘Wc - / ///,‘ . 21/ i\ " 4! . h I
. . - I would ix. emit-live, but it would also always be dealt with carefully, us- ..lr /i d ‘ wr .-.’/// / ’ /,/. 5—1333" , . ‘ :lh .
" . 3 he like banning all cars because ed and cleaned correctly, and ’ Ax: 12W t"‘i ‘ ‘ A
.d ' some people speed or drive while stored safely. “I'd-‘(fl «x _.__. 1‘ "',“i
_ .' intoxicated Taking tools away Some proponents of banning han- ’o ._ -‘ L l’- h
.' I from both the responsible and the dguns rising crime statistics. Most ,, . V “ 12;: - -___:_:.— . ' L -
' _‘ l ignorant or careless isa very ineffi— of them. however. do admit that l “,3- ‘ - W7.) "3 I—~-—» _ . ~17
. l \‘lt‘nl means of achieving safety. under a ban criminals would still ' t l I’ lit. ‘7’ ‘d . ’0:
- . . . What alternatives must to a total have handguns. The supply would ‘ . '. lt- * ; ll . l 1/, t ‘
. him" (lllt' is a licensing procedure. besmaller, more difficult to obtain, W /i \khbf I l , . .» J .
. '. Make those who wish to own a han~ and more expensive, but handguns ”11W ‘ '13“ LL ’0: ‘ m . ‘ ‘ c > /
. dflun proud that they know how to would still be available in quantity 7‘ £1 t’i / » / ' ,
, operate and take care of it. Amaior _, 'ust as ill a] drugs are ' ‘ "*5“ ~ . /
’ I _‘ contributing factor to the number available todayegherefore, what Dlary Ofa runaway
. . ol handgun accidents is the fact good would it do to havea ban? The . .
that a person frightened by crime only major effect of a total ban ’
may go to a pawnshop or gun would most likely be to eliminate a ea y can worse an paren ears
. dealer. buy a gun and ammunition. large portion of the business of both ~
take it homi- load it, and stick it in companies like Smith & Wesson . . . _ .
a drawer It is then forgotten. until and small gun dealerships. which By "[70". J'FINDLAY depart from the" homes hke a Chhd because all I had .to eat was my any thing else. . . .
h thttd finds ll. ”someone gets mto would he had tor the nattonat Contributing Colummst running off to join the circus, in breakfasttand then Just two gulps of . Abunchof guys in suitSJust walked
, ‘ :in argument The handgun is economy. The business of those search 0f adventure and orange ”he? I got from a. couple 0f m and onIeIguy called this place
. - bought without the recognition of dealing' in contraband. however. Today‘s youth, more than ever, are “wanderlust.” But, unerringly, the SUV? that Pleed me up JUSt out Of funny-lookin - I think 1 W1“ 80 PUHCh
. . the responsibility involved wouldbeimproved. born into a world of conflicting circumstances that meet them are Lexmgton. . him.
» I Licensing would not totally Educating people in the proper morals, family deterioration. and those of a harsh world. AcoP stopped me at the Berea 9X“ I have 80‘ ‘0 Shit“? and get a
' t‘llmlnult‘ carelessness. as anyone care of handguns would achieve technological exploitation. w'th the The following is an actual diary 0f and told me that If the state cops $8.“, shower today at Jackie s. I hope she
. who watches the way some people more than banning them. with less threat 0f war looming everprosently 5“" a teenage troubador. It was his! they would probably throw me m letsIme take one. I m sure she w'h‘ '
. (hm, can attest But it would cut cost and less infringement of in the shadows and an administration found near Columbus, Ohio on In- Jail Right after heleft,a Home Im- She} really 0001- Spanish moss I15
I . down on “impulse buying" and in- rights. Licensing would at least be struggling to cope With the many pro- terstate 75. Perhaps his story can movements guy PleEd me up and lawns all Over the place. She said
, . crease the awareness of gun safety a steptoward responsibility blems our modern 5906‘)! brings, the lend insight into the minds 01' mph. me to the extt before last night that Sh? thought my Shh—
, ’l‘hose who msh t 0 own a handgun result among Juveniles and runaways, , . Williamsburg. I met two more burned nose was kinda cute, I
; . should be willing to Show a muttn The editorial editor would like to teenagers isaconfused and apathetic runaways at London. They were . HelLII have to move spots. I don‘t .
. , degree of responsibility for its pro- thank Laura (when physics outlook on life in general. . from Pontiac. I then gota ride from a like livmg like this. I haven t seen a ,
' . per use and maintenance, junior. for submitting the a'how This lack of concern is reaching April 3 — 1 came all the way to real queer. I got off at the first glass OfI milk in three days. Dumb j
. _ I do not belong to the NRA. andl commentary. seemingly epidemic proportions. Berea,Ky.,whereIspent the night in Williamsburg eXit and saw the two Jackie is gomg to try and buy me
' _‘ . ' ' ‘ Teenage runaways represent the a dorm of a small college. When I guys from Pontiac again. It was a breakfast but I won‘t let her. I think
‘ nucleus of our listless youth. Many woke up I was really run down really crummy exit so I decided to my whiskers make me look older.
- . chance it on thehighway. I had a cup of coffee this morning. i
I r I All contributions should be deliiered to In Journalism AS 509“ as I StuCk my thumb Ont I FirSt full CUP 1 ever drank SO far on :
- Building. l'niiersity iii kdntucio. Lexington. K\'.. testis. got a ride from the rock star Dave this trip I have smoked With two peo- ;
. . , . I 11 r to t he 2 I or TheIKernel reserves the Iright to edil for grammar tmd Mason. He was really nice and told ple, talked to three Jesus freaks, two -
. . I 311.312.3331;iiilflliifi‘i’ilfim‘ "'h'hh' ""d m“ “'1‘ me that he could get me a job on his foxes. and a couple of old men. It took .
‘ tours which started in Orlando on me23rides to get down here.My best i
. . . ' have been iven the 0 rtunit to serve in thi Thursday. He was a Jesus freak. He person so far has been Jackie. Whata I
. Thanks, PlCO Enjoy the Show. position. w: would likgptoo than: the people thast hought 1:: lunght 13d the; gave hrIne doIlI. . l I.
. I Just wanted to write a few Jim-5 in support of Most students spend four years (or more!) here supported US and made it all possible. Beadies all thzenei‘t tigenl 52w $5“ "Saga“? M33523: to totlhahydo “973% Dave 3
I. Mr, Pico's column of April 2 His opinion. with at UK without ever having heard of UK’s winn~ the people thatvoted for us,we would like togivea r r that henl at out of h' r t'on It' hit]: t e. esuIs bionven- ;
I which I concur. was beautifully and succinctly ”the“ athletic team ,, the Varsity Drill Team. special thanks to Mark, Laurie. Marsha, Lisa, 3&3"? oth It” r gold . k nIts ca lhool :n rda olhlragtlolhea ilngf 1r: 1’
'. .‘ stated Thank you for speaking out in a rational BU?“ Armory is full 0f trophies this team has W0" Mike, SCOt' Steve. JOhh‘ Kelly, and the many ' kin 9 ca w pic 8 up Sgr to tha k'dsythhteha ty' ee
. .‘ and ”“8thth manner over the years. As a member of the women's drill others who worked 50 hard on our behalf. Once quiz:- git th ‘ ked ' bout 5 “thy dhd ledl't" Id ‘tvlfnogol T ‘
.' . team. the Kentucky Babes. I would like to take again, we thank you all, and ‘00k forward to SCYV- f' rari' teen figtookme "11,1118 sevenycehts slholrt tLTm‘ ow. was
. Becky (‘orneti this chance to tell UK students about an upcoming ing as your senators in the upcoming SChOOI year. tit)?“ lighdosnathr haelglo -d:w:ly N0 Dat _ 1 hive nmjf d t f
‘ '. Education major drill meet this Saturday (April lliat Eastern Ken- r t out?! . h n ' e that J k? . . l t 0““ 0‘11 -
. . . . ducky University in Alumni Coliseum. Since we ”avid Bram“ evfii’ififlaflitp‘i'me‘ifirat girl to- than Iathollfghst lEn: £2ng :33? 3
« - ;. Protectmgmorahty first.‘t.:2":.:"a.:a:.i:i W... dd dddddddddddd ddddddt
' "I . -.~ I I I see their teams com dt Randy Rock Acola or howeVer you spell it. I love she smuggled contraband into the f
. . , Although I am not an expert in constitutional _ p‘ e. disrsfreshman her [really do. She gave me a great U.S. although she didn't know it was ‘
. law. as a teacher at UK lam compelled to correct reg'fgr gisfohlfih' Sgh‘hols atnd fh’hegest hf": B , d h . kiss when I left because I was with contraband at the time. ‘
~ : . some of the misunderstandin sin your editorial of 5 9 r ‘5 n "‘99 ~ W‘ a 0” 0 In" ' L
' _, t . .. March 25. "Supreme Cour? Rulings Prove It the“ entering “Md teams. The Kentucky Babes, e t e mlners her: ll dihy ling. we)?” :23]; his; calllzdntvttti $51,333:] :hwuiih: I JUSt ‘d
,v ‘ Shouldn‘t Rule on Moral Issues." The author of ”hhkh many women‘s teams. drill With sabers. An article in the March 12 issue 0‘ the Kernel t?) :02: lleié'leabilg‘fye'el “Seahave azl‘gti: are Lindagand Wen: Thle “2:2: .
. that editorial evidently believes that the Court rul- and we Wih he performing the sequence we used jumped out at me capturing my undivided atten- common. y pretty nice No morZ'are yialking :
' - ed wrongly in upholding the Utah law that re- When “'9 “'0" first Place at the University 0‘ "0“ I” ““5 arm‘eaqmm“ was’aised ”“8"" r i' ' ‘ dr ' ditch b Good t. th I -
. . . , “ . - - Dayton Drill Meet last month h . ' ‘ in wh 6000 coalminers shut down hundreds of .m S eepingI m a ainage .y' 0 see em go. am star
. -- .- quires women under age 18 and livmg With parents . ~ g ‘ T e competition g y ’ . tonight It‘s a little cold and damp but ting to get a decent tan on my upper
‘. ,. I to notify their parents before having an abortion. “h be tough. but we believe we can Wih' and mines and marched upon the White House lawnon that‘s okay I feel really bad about body
i 5 : That IS a matter for continuing debate, but to take would hk“ to "With any UK StUdede faculty . and March9. doing this to my mom I think that I just went and threw a frisbee
". ., . ‘. that deciSion as evidence that the Court should not friends to come out to EKU and see us perform Coming from this particular area and from a le are nice becausethis is the se- around with a few u s The ‘re
' \ ' . .. rule on moral leUeS lS blatant nonsense. and support our team. Although the meet W'l“ last Coalmining family! I would like to attempt an $23 [ml-Son to give me mone or from Indiana Nice gugs y . y
_‘ Evidently the editorial writer has little all day. the KentUCk-V Babes are SChed‘hed togoon answer to this question. The miners walked out for something y A string of cars Iyonly saw one
' ' ' ‘ knowledge of either the American judicial process at 4 pm“ and the men's team, the Pershing Rifles, a very 300d reason — proposed cutbacks in I really got sunburned today and 1 good group Two girls Blue Camaro
. '- ' g or of history The Court exists to buttress the the a” [0 go 0" at 6p m- “hes" “mes could be moved benefits (WhiCh I‘m sure everyone is aware 0‘ don’t 3 rove at all It stings like Inever fourid Jackie . .
, I. . . moral basis of our nation. that is, the rule of law, upifsome teams don‘t show. already). Yes, cutbacks in benefits that they have hell $0321“ on] two cars have come Iamd ingofthirst Icould get into
. V. r" the guarantee of fairness in the administration of EKUS team “”1 probably have [0‘5 0f support. every right to be receiving. The miners, not the along White éremlin and another some giryls I love the breeze and the .
' : -, " the law. and the protection of constitutional rights “9 h “hum he great if UK had a big turnout 3150- American Whhc‘ put those benefits in the fund one but I forgot what kind it was I ocean Sorry Mom I wish you were ‘
d. - of indivtduals Prior to the Supreme Court ruling “he" EKU is 50 C105“- Admission is "99‘ so come and they have every right to receive them, love Jackie A black van 'ust went here ' . ‘ V
‘. that sum. hm. restricting abortion violated the on out to EKU's Alumni Coliseum this Saturday Coalmining is a very important industry which b Suckers didn’t ick me) u The lam almost the only one left on the
.' - -' . constitutional rights of women. there was no such and enjoy the show! affects each and every one of us in one way or ggs station ‘ust turngd 0” theiihlights beach Sixty yards from anybody
.. .' ‘5. Huh law. because abortion was illegal in all another. However. I have noticed lately that sol‘m onnJa ton somedry nts Some-bag is looking for treasure .
. i‘ x. ‘7. MM Is that what the writer would prefer? The ham” “"0" miners are“ .“ppmia‘ed at a“ and are?" eve" Thurgday 3“ Right now i ampaeating right in front of me. The tide is com- .
I ','l I. Supreme (‘ourt has also ruled that parental per- Itentucky Babes thought of until thewaalk out for something they in a Lum’s restaurant. ",5 7:30 ex- ing in quite quickly. Much more and ,
- ' , mission is not required to obtain an abortion. over- C l t d] ' behev“ "" The“ hem“ 3"”de by the wa‘k‘m' act] lhaven't been to sleep et and I'll be underwater Two more girls
' ' , ' .’ turning another unconstitutiona‘. state law. Should onvo u e Ogle everyone starts worrying about when the miners I rezlly am bummed out fromyall the just asked me to play catch. . . ‘
h . ' the (‘ourt have stayed out of that “moral" issue In reference to Chris Ware‘s editorial cartoon of Win resume work, partying yesterday Last night was a -- - .
~' ', ' also" ' ‘ast Friday iThe Perfect Gun For Assassinst. I ‘ agree Whh Mr. Ainsworth when he says real bummer No ride no sleep just The author of this piece is I
-' .. To my mind. the L‘ S. Sliprnme ('ourt is the have one question for the cartoonist/philos0pher hazards “‘5‘ l“ 3""05‘ every occul’ahm“ but the walking oneoi the girls workihg in unknown It was found in the Spring
, ~ ‘ -