xt7m3775xf84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775xf84/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-09-81 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 81, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 81, 1992 1992 1992-09-81 2020 true xt7m3775xf84 section xt7m3775xf84 92



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCV No. 17

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Friday, September 18. 1992



By Tia Silverthorne
Staff Writer


l~'or roughly a deeade. Kerttneky' s
state-xupponed tiiiiyerxitiex haye
been niider a federal rnartdate to de~
segregate their student populations

in do this. traditionally white lll<
strtntions like l'K liaye been work»
trig to inerease their pereentagex ol
blaek xtnderits. \Vhile l'K‘s ability
to meet this ehallerrge has been
somewhat ineonxisterit. the xehool

NOW to hold

women’s rally
in Lexington


By Beshka Moore
Contributing Writer


in art eltort to raise awareness
abottt the iriereasing level of \‘io-
leriee against worneti. the Bluegrass
ehapter ot' the National ()rgani/a-
tion of Women will sponsor a rally
Sunday in l'n’arrgle Park

the rally. ealled " lake Baek the
Night." will toenx on the role men
play iii perpetuating \‘iolettee
against women a topie that is es-
peeially xigrritieant tor members of
lexrngtori‘x Nt )\\' ehapter.

In January. two irreri broke into a
larmhonxe iii rural .let‘terson
(‘onnty where xr\ members of the
Bluegrass .\'f l\\' w ere sleeping.

'I he women ltad been holding
meetings there during the day to
disensx the issues of the tipeorning
year. During the break-in. one
woman was raped as she was nui-
tiirtg to the telephone tor help. arid
several others were robbed arid as-

"It‘s ironie arid xrekenirig
when a group of women who are
working to eall atterttron to the
problem of male violenee ate. them-
selyes. assaulted by men." said (‘ar-
rrieti Murphy. president of Blue-
grass N( )W.

liistanees like these haye led
NOW to spottsor aetryttres like

See NIGHT. Page 5

has shown xrgrrrtreant gains in the
per'eentage of blaek students xrnee
the tall ot l‘l‘hl_ wlieit blaekx eorn-
ptlst'tl i4 Pt‘it't‘lll \‘l l'K'x tll-sllllt'

\irtee then. l'ls' hax iriereaxed the
pereeritage or blaekx by art .iyer‘age
ot l) (yi peteerit eaeli year for l‘l‘ll.
how eyet’. the gain met the pre\ronx
year ix nowhere near as large
only ill pereent

l’relirnrnar'y enrollment figures
released earlier tlirx irroritli show

that blaekx eornpi’rse aborrt \‘Jll or
l'K‘x |7.4tltl iii-state tiridergradir
dies 4 3 peteent l ttxl _\k'.ll.\ ltgr
tire was 4 7 per'eerit

llie new trgrrrex still show an [it
ereaxe ill the percentage ot bititk
students at l'ls'. bill they also rrtdr
eate the steam riiay be going out it
I'K‘x efforts to r'eertirt more rnrr
rtorrty nridergr'adtiatex

lint leny Steyerts. direttor \‘l
I'K'x minority altairx ili‘t‘l'dllirllx.
said it is more important to toettx
on keeping blaek xttideiitx who at

tk'.lrl\ are at l 'K

“i .irn not ax eoneer‘ned \\llll not
ll.l‘~lli'l the ntirttliers. as l am
pleased with keepirtg the students
weye got. twhieli er the real text of
the nnryersity'x reertrrtrnertt." .\te
Hells xilltl

\teyeirs said that he attributes the
small E‘.l|l| to an "oyerall deeline in
the number ot high xeliool gradn
the smaller
pool to reertiit tr'orn \‘-tlll the rrrtple
ttlL'lil.illrlll ol iinereaxtdi \t‘l stair
tlardx in the spring settlextet ol

.iit's til lllt‘ \l.tl\' i.litilI

l‘l‘L‘ whreli raised admissions \lilll'

l \en though blaek students lt.i\e
xeoied irteteaxritely better on the
\t‘l lot the past lt\e years. \le-
\enx said the iriiplenientatriyri ol xe
let‘tnt Llilllllsslilllx xllll .lllt‘\l\ l‘l.lt'k

"When the l'nryerxrty rarxex its
.tdrriisxrons eriteria ieyeri
thought the meta“ blaek .r\(‘l
txtorexl ttt.r\ be up the lltlllll“t‘l
lll.ll titll l‘t‘ titllxlilt'le'il ileereasex

tbeeauxtI more people an xeoring







( Hilts wru rt tit. »

WRFL-FM disc jockey Mark Tarter works on a new 17—channel mixing board donated to the station by Kentucky Educational
Television in Lexington. KET donated the board after building a new studio,











UK band members practice near the Student Center re-

PAM nonnngnwp m"

l8 l Gains in UK’s desegregation efforts slowin

around tht iri.itrniri i'tirt .tl-~
\lt'ullx x.ttti
like other i’l\ pit»~‘r.iirt~ llt. Ci.

partirrerrt s xtholtirslrrp pri- rt.:r ~l}i
lt‘tt‘il lllt' ltllt irl ilt‘it.‘.t I llek
ti\eriexx flirtttly retar. t it» TIttI t

“lllllt'l \kll\‘l‘l\ ll.l'.t littlt.t‘~eii

xeholarxhip rtor blaek students-
whereas we. ".lllltlllJll‘» this prxt
year. had to xtreartilttrt ours.“ xirirl
lrrtrrtet litunarn illlt'tll‘l or \tri

.‘it'i' ENROLl. l rip

£ditor pleased
with 1991-92


By Monica Bryan
Staff VVfth't


lltrti r.uxitr-' l‘1l' 'i':. .r‘
l‘lllll‘,’ llll.ll mantis .lrt ri~.l: tl fi'. ‘1‘.
ships and ~t it k “= tr "
all part 1-! til. i t. y;‘ it

llllt‘ \'l llit l\ ' i'xx ’ t lilii;

protesxionalx to teitt' lllle tit. :r t.
lege days is ‘.‘.llll lll l‘l‘ll ‘L' "l\.‘t.
ttltkian" yearbook axiirth tillkxvl
onearnpuxthr» » r


\ltldetllx \tlti' irril. l-'- :topri‘w. or

the new "lst'trttitkiart ' tart . \pttt it

to titit‘u.‘ .rl til.illilr ' .rllilrt - sown.
xtttd latk ll rxlr r it rctlr lllri p»:
etiology mllli‘l ~.i -lr'.»r 1::
\llltliilllt i" l ti 's

lllxlt ..i'.-i
Minibar}. lst lrls, .- -' " :ew

t‘iilllti‘MixLIi isst‘a

balatttt d it'pwitirtz‘

“llte tiiiprmtriimt or 1:. trim.
\‘l slitllt s is ‘.‘.ll.il it! ik. ‘l' .i‘l; 1!.
\t'lllll‘ll.\\t‘.t ‘ H.111 .tii

tltlrer \ltlllt'lti\ inn iltttlr tit,
l‘Nl ‘L‘ "Kerittitlrut' vti‘il'x’talnlttl“
lltlxli said are ttK 'lii ill-it‘ll

themes and .'illl|t|' ti: .' iat rt

book was ttti “in/t .1 ram m

\illl‘tllllll“ : i. 13" ,, . w.
1. it's trim in".
ll.ixli \trtztti. 3th: 3
twin tlr. yaw ' .i: ‘ . lr
blue in ill-ti . mitt. it:
tlrooxittj' tit t ‘.i' ' ' '1‘:


Ky. students perform poorly on new statewide exam


By Charles Wolfe
ASSOCEK—f) Dress




Student wants to begin photo club


By Sean McGuirk
Contributing Writer


l’am Monroe. secretary of the
Student ()rgariilations Assembly. is
looking around campus for some»
thing richer titan a “Kodak Mo-

What she is searching for is a
group of people who have all levels

of photographie talent and expertise
and who are willing to share the tri-
terest tlrroirgli .r new tampns pho~
tography eltrh

“llie photography eliib will give
everyone a ehanee to have ltiri and
to learn." Monroe said "It wouldn't
he like class,"

Monroe is looking for a variety

See PHOTO. Page 5

ll(\.\l\llll\'l K‘y lllt‘ iiixl
lexl xeoies ltottt tilt .tttll‘rtioti rm.
grain to lull-m the pertorrnartt rt
Kt'lllllt‘kk \tlliutlx \llir'.\t‘rl 51.1

than one ellrld Ill Ill wa~ prolr. t.rrt
in haste xnbietls

State l-dneatron (‘orrtrnixsrontr

Iliorriax llr-‘.-: it said the rt~tr|tx re
linixtil llititx lay showed .t need for

railrtal tll.ll|"t‘\ lit the \\.l'» tliiltlreil

it; l.rtl“ltl
Ha", shout-l tn~prre Ht!‘ll-!lll\ll\«.
lilxltlillri‘ lll'thll ml in l
r s \‘llllilkllk»‘ ll.ll‘~ltl\ l't'lllll
li Kerr. \l'lrlllllt‘i and thin lli‘lllil
lie eypres rrr:' llierttxtiws through

illt‘li sehtiol \‘n‘llll‘ell‘ .rritl xtliool
boatds H

llle one oi .r kintl program, .i key

Lifestyles Leadership
offers peer counseling


By Valerie Easley
Contributing Writer


[‘K‘s l tlextylex l eaderxhtp pro
gram giyex students the option to
diseirsx with peers. rather than .rtl
rninistrators. the pressures .lllll
problems eollege students tart

the program began three years
ago. alter a stir'yey eotldnt led by the
Health l'dtretitiori Department It
yealed that many students said they
would not go to teaeher'x rt tlie\
have problems.

'l‘he program. rriade tip ol stu-
dents aiid adyrxors. is art alterrratrye
to rtorriial health ediieatrorr tor stir-

It is designed to edtreate and help
the eampns arid eorttmnrirty with a
variety of issues inelnding drug and
aleohol abnse. date rape and eating

l~orty-lr\e xttidertt \olunteers
make up tlirs year‘s l’eei Indireatorx.
Students Against Drinking arid
Drry'ing. l’eer' x\\\l\ltlllt‘t' l ttltlt‘ts
and Lifestyle I eaderx I’lay'erx

livery person rnyolyed ill the pro
grzuri reeeives speeial trarrirng. rn-
eluding a weekend training sclllllltll
and weekly or monthly training. de-


They work very hard to
deliver a program that

will help others.
— Lisa Stofer,
Leaders adviser


pending on the group

lt‘l e\.llllPlt lll1l\t' lll\ttl\k'tl til
the PM x program work on ellee
trye helping strategies and t‘l‘llllllll'
rireatrorr skills

lrxa )xtoler. .rdyiser tor the pro
gram. said the students iri\ol\ed Ill
l rlextyle l eader's l’r’ograrn get .t lot
out of it

“they are axxrrred that they are
making a rlrller‘enee iii the Ityex ol
other students and that leaies tlreirr
feeling ‘-‘e r \ empowered." htoler
xttld "lllt work yet) hard to de
liyer a program that will help oth
r“ ..

NIru/r‘rtty rrztt‘lt \tt'ti n. pint/t r/tttt
me in or ire'frt‘frt true In lie/[r nil/t
ilrti of [In [true/trim y/ioti/tl ('it/l
iii/WU“ HI \iIt/t /t'\ {/lr' Ht'tl/l/i [JI-
ilt'rlllitll (ll/lit. {Vt I’illir’ltrtrl Uf-
flr't‘ Irvii‘i'l

e lt'lttt‘lll ill lllt‘ l‘lill' l‘\t‘llltlt k} l tlll'
r.lllttll l\'t‘lt\lltl \tt. was destt‘rud to
It st ~tndent» .r-'.rirr»l absolute.
.sl‘llil - lirxx st liltl.tlrl~. lit'l .r-Itirrrxt
-|llrl-. llix ill other state .

“A. are \eru intrth ill the middle
1I tltt puk llt tlit l.l\t with lllt text
it th totrtitr‘. " fox-err . llll ‘l 'n-

ltillllll.lltl\. the rest t-l ttrt ti‘llllll\

tx rtot iii the rate with the world ”
llre text results are to form part

of .rrr irrlorriratiorr baseline. or start


three years. Story, Page 2.

to the forefront. Story, Page 2.

ter for the Arts. Story, Page 4.
day. Preview, Page 4.





Wildcats try to reclaim Bourbon Barrel for what would be the first time in

After spending three seasons on the bench. Jason Todd punts his way

Lexington Philharmonic opens season tonight at Otis A Singletary Cen-

‘Greatful Dead of classical music,‘ Nexus, to perform on campus Sun-

Despite past troubles with national organization, UK United Way de-
serves students' support during annual campaign. Editorial, Page 6.
Pastor responds to criticism levied by columnist. Guest Opinion, Page 6.

Because of a writer's error, the score of the UK-Florida football game
was incorrect in a story in the Sept. 14 issue of the Kentucky Kernel.
The correct score of the game was Florida 35, UK 19.

Because of a writer's error. UK offensive tackle Chuck Bradley‘s posi-
tion was incorrect in a story in the Sept. 4 issue of the Kentucky Kernel.

A 90 percent chance of showers or thunderstorms today; high between
80 and 85. An 80 percent chance of rain tonight; low around 60. A 40
percent chance of morning showers tomorrow. then mostly sunny and


ttt;‘ piiitll. lot ".lll‘dllf' ill; '..‘_o to

year Pt‘lltrllll.tll\ it llliilylilllll

liiilqr rlrt l""- i on v .‘l
[\lll.\‘\\ x ~l «lint-l tli r" '11 WW l
eotilil :tt borne pi. that wild

be xatri ttotrt rl

\oint i-iiriIM» kt ritzmu. slilrltlli
Ill 'r.rtltx loiir. t‘lt'lll llltl l' we).

See KERA Page 3’)




much cooler; high around 70.


Sports ................................. ..... . ............................................... 2

Diversions .................................. 4

Viewpoint ................... 6

Classifieds ..................................................... ................................. 7




Stack-I concerns Hoosier mac/1


By Mark Sonka
Staff Writer



that I\ 111111 \\'1I111':11 1111:1111'rh111'k
1’1111k11' 111111'1 111'11'11111's l'K'~ .1111111-
211 111:111‘1111p 111111 111111:111:1. 111111'1111x1'
1111111111 111 1111' "‘11111111' 1111 1111' 1111111»
hon B1u‘r1'1"

"“1"“ 111' r1'1111_1 tor 111111:111:1 “'1'
1111111 1111' hard 111111. 1111 11111 \1111'.”
Jones \:1111 .1111'1 1111111111 \\'1'11111'\

l'or 1111' 111111 11111 11':u\. 1111' h111'r1'l
111 quexnon 11.1.1 1111111111111 111 1111'
Hoosiers 11' heat l'K 51341111 1'\-
11131111111111111'111111g11:11111 13-1111:1\1
year 111 11111111111111111111. 11111 1111' 11111
11'1111111111'1'11131'1111111111111r1'1111 11111111 .11

"11‘1 .1 1111 111;: 111'111.” 1111111111
1111;1111'1‘11211'11' R11111 11111111112111 \11111

“.\'1'\1 111 11'11111'\\1'1'. 11\ 11111
higgcxt 1‘11211r1" :111111'11 \1‘iiior 1111117
11111‘111'1'1 Reggie 81111111

”We 111'1'11 to 11111111 that hand
11.1111 111 K111111111." \1'11111r 11111-1

11111111111}: 1111'11.1111'111111111'111 1“”:
1111111 111' .111 1'.1\j1 lil\l1
11'. I 11 .1111'1 1111111L111;.1 311111111
1111' 111111 112111 111'11'11\1\1' 11.111111
1111111 :1 11' 1111 111.11 111111 ‘ -4 l lilxi
1111.1 1111111111111: 1-111111111111111'1111'1
111111111 111 1111(1111111'1 1111111
1111‘ ll1111sl1'l 111'11'ltx1' .1l\11 lt‘il the
151;; 11'111111111111.11|111.11'11111'01
"11111 .111' .111111111 1.1111111 1111111111'1."
I'K\11111( 11111 \11111 "1 111'1r \1'1'1111~
11.111 11 1'1111'1'11'111'1'11 1111'1 111:1} 1111'
11.111 1.11111 ”1111' 11111'11111'k1'1'x. 1111'1
11:111'.11.11'11'1_1 11111111'1:1;_'1'\ 11'11111'1-
"1111'1'11 3:1'1 11511111'1'1' 111111 pl;1_1 1111'
1111' 111'11'1111' 111:11 11111‘1111'r 1’111111111'1-
[1111.1 1.1th 111':111 111111111 111111111
\11111111'1 111:1) 1111'11. \1'1_1 \11'11'~
ll' 111:1111 11111 \111111111'. 1111111'11'r.
111111 111' 1\ 111111‘1'1‘111'11 111111111 1111
11':1111\ 1111-11111'1’11'111‘1' 1115111111 11[1111111
11111'11x1'x 11k1' I'K'~ 111'1111-111\I:il|1'11
81:11'krl \1’111'1111'
“111 our league."

l11‘ \.lltl. ”‘.\ 1511‘


9Q° (1*

011‘)“ Toyota on Nicholasville
S & 5 Tire






Fall Mud MadneSS ’92 -- The return of MCI) \r'Ol ,1.E\ BALL!
October 3 at 9 a. n1. in Clifton (.111 11'.

Di11sions for: Co- Rec, Men and Women. Six pla111rs per team.
Tournament open to all L K students, 1.1111111 and statf.
Appli1ation Deadlines: Septcmbe r 25(17arl1 R1 gisti'ation),
October 2 (late [(11,1strati11111
Registration Fees: Earlv Registration —— $1311 per 11 am;

Late Registration -- $42 per team.

Applications available at the Sturgill D111 elopment Building on
Rose Street. Call 257— 6255 for more information.

A scholarship endowment project of the UK Student Development Council.



l Kentuck vs. Indiana

Records: Kentucky 1 -0
Indiana i-—0 0

When: 8 00 p m Saturday

Where: Commonwealth

On the Air: Radio: Live on
Ralph Hacker. Dave
Baker. and Dick Gabriel

Television: Live on
WKYT-TV With Charlie
Alexander, Rob
Biomley. and D1ck

About the Indiana leads the series.
Series: 14~7-i Indiana won the
last rneetiri 13-10 last
season in Ioommgton


Coaches: Kentucky Bill Curry.
8-160 at UK
Indiana Bill Mallory.
45-468 at IU


11111 \1'1'111111 :11111111 option. 11's ~111111~
1111113: 111111'11'111 [11:11 1111111' 31111111
[111'1111r1' 1111'

"11‘1 1:111111:1pr‘1'~1'1111111111111111"

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“We 111111'1 11.111' 111.11 11111111111 111:11
11‘1"1‘1' 111111 111. 1111' past. 11111'11' 111'
rely solely 1111 111111" .'\11111111'_1 111111.
explaining: 1111' 11':1111\‘ 1111111111111 111
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211.11 )':u'1l\.


A fier three _1'ear.1'
on C (11.1" l)€ll(‘li.
Todd '5 diligence

finally pays off


By Brant Welch
Staff Writer


l)lll'lllf_‘ 1111' lifL'xL‘ihUll. 111' 1111111
111111 1'\p1'11\ 111'1‘1' 1.1111111: 11111 1111'
11111111111111111 111111 :11111 1111:11 111111111;

1111\1' 1111'11111 lllttgtll\ 111111 11111 111
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111111 1.11111'11 11111-11 111 1111' 111'11-11s111'

(1111' 111 1111' 11111'1111111 111111141 1111
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11;.1 1111' 11111111111: 11111111 \\1111 11 3:11
111:.1 111 1'1'111111'1' 11111 11'.11\ 111111111
11111 11:111k. 1111'} :1xl11'1l’

11111 another case 111 1111' \11'1'11111'11
1'\p1'11\ 11111111111111;1 1111-11 :1111111'111'1'

N11 N11. 1‘11111‘111'x. .11 1111\ [1111111.
:11‘1' 111111111: 1K 111 :1\i1 .11111111 111
\1111'k-l. 11‘11111'111111111111111'111111' .11-
1:11'11 1111' 11111111 1111111‘1111111'11 1K 111'
1111\111' 1111111 11:1~ 1111111111111 111111
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11151 week

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11111111113; ~111111111111’ \\'1'll. 1:1x1111
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1111'1'11 111:111111'1111

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111111 ,lztxoli." 1:1111 1K 111'11'11\1\1'
11111' :u111 \p1'1'1:1l 11211111 11111111 Bill
(11:1x1'1' “111' 11.1.\ 11':111_\‘ 1111111' :1 11111111

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111111 ('11111111. 11.1\ 11111111'11 14 [11111-1
11111 \1':1\11n 1111' R<11 1111111 111111 11





6; :Wtigmfiiof‘ep “”me
; “ 11 illésé, ““


Grand Opening Sat, Sept. 19th Check Us Out!



.\.\’.\ House this Friday
with the Hammerheads.





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on all Game Days

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From sophisti

cated to (asual Our
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Will 1‘r1'at1' the
perfut ha1r st1'l1' 1111‘
you. Want a whole
new look‘ A Matrix
Essentials l’erm‘
Matrn tssentmls
Hair ( 11lor’ (. .111
today for an





32.00 Off Haircut with Student ID.
Free bottle of 16 oz. Matrix Shampoo with chemical service.


For Hair.

Slam and Nails
2434A NlChUlil>VlllP R11 .


Lex1ngton.KY 111111277 1119]

September 2
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DANIEL VAN DALSEM ' «'1 n 8‘11“

Senior punter Jason Todd is averaging almost 40 yards per
kick in his first two games as UK's starting punter.

11111 1.111111111111111:11'1'1‘11111'

\\111|1' \111111' 111:11 111' ~iirprix1‘11 111
l1>1l1lix \IILL'L'\\. llimlx l~llil.

“l 111 11111 11.1111 x111111‘ix1'11 111 111111
111111 1.111111 11:1x 11111111" 11:111111 \11111
"ll1'11.1\:1|\‘.:i'1 1»111'1'111111:1r11’1111r111'1.
111111 111' 111111 11:1\ 111.11 11:11‘11'1‘R 1111111
11131111 1.1111111 111'111\ 111111 ”

111.111 111 1111' \11111111‘:1\I1'111 ('111111'1
1111.; 1111\111.11-ll11111.111k\.111111
11.111 .1 1111'111111' .11.:'1.1;.'1' 111 i" '1
1111111 111'1 punt fourth on l'K\

511. l111111‘x W" 111'1'111311' pl;11'1'x
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Golf team opens at Cincinnati Invitational Volleyball team returns

Cain makes
adjustments to
college game


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


Itxteniiig to the xhort eonvettxa»
tron heIIIeeiI eoaeh IoiII Stinpxon
arid itinioi' .~\ndre\\ I’i’tee. one
Itotild he eontiiteed thix Ix l/It‘ \‘I'Iii
tor the I 'K IIIeit‘x goll te;un.

Ihe phi'axe "pi‘oinixed land" uax
hetng toxxed around. the reaxon'
Ihat‘x \\ here the team Itantx to l’IiId
it.xell eonIe Iotii'naiIIeiII time

.-\tter tiIIIthng new to laxt III the
Settlheaxtern ('oiIlerettee Iotti'ita»
inertt Iaxt year. the learn Ix hoping
to learn liom It.x paxt inixtakex
.-\nd. \\lIIl all htit three playerx re-
ttii'iIIitg IIllx xeaonI. I 'Ix' hopex to re-
plaee Ine\peirent e \\llIl eonlidetiee

"We didn't pla_\ tip to our poten-
tial Iaxt year. and \\e didn‘t play
ueII II] the .\I ('.” Ntlllpxtlll xaid
"I axt seat; I think. we ptit too
Iiitteh piexxtire on otii'xehex "

Ihix year. houewr. the eiIIphaxIx
ix on a tiexh xtart tor pIa_\erx uho
Ixeie ItIellet tI\e Iaxt xeaxott

"We had Iotx ol prohlettix Iaxt
tear and a lot ol young plate-ix.”
\Iiiipxott xaid

IIlt' It'.t|lt ‘,\ lII jJ'eI .t t'ItallL t‘ It' \t‘t‘
It It taII oteieoitte xotne ot |;Ixt
_\eai'x prohletnx \tlieii It Il.t\t'I\ to
(‘ineinnati IIllx \Ieek'end the team
went through the qtiahlytng tourna—
merit the liixt ueek ol Septeinher to
determine the II\ e p|a_\eix uho \\III
xtai't II] t 'ItIeItIiIati

Ihe lite xtarterx are xenior (‘hrix
I met, xophoiitoi‘e Mark IaI onde
and Itiiiiorx Iohnn} ('aitt, .\Itttt
Melitttr‘e and .\IIdIe\\ I’i‘iee

Strong xtiiIIIIIetx h} ereI'aI
pIa_\eix hrortght eIIIhIixIaxtiI haek to
the program oriee again (‘aiti t'tii-
txhed liixt III the .\Iitheloh ('Iaxxie
III IoIIIxIIllt and ad\.Inetd to the
xeiiiilitialx III the \tate \Iateh I’Ia}
toIII'itaiIIeIIt Senior Mttixhall Iltitlei
Ixoiked to ittipIoIe hix p|a_\ during
the xtiiniiiei. and I llI ottde. \\Ilt‘
plated at latex ('i‘eek Iligh Sehool.
.‘llI\1lllt‘uI to the ltiialx III the \‘tatt‘
I’Iihhe I ItIkx totirnanieitt I met
alxo tirade xtridex thtx xtiininer It»
\\;lltI hettering IIIx game

Add I’i’Iee to thix llll\ and there ix
i’eaxoti to he poxtti\e. .\Ithotigh
\Iork' haitipei‘ed I’riee‘x xtitIIIIIeI'
pittettee xehedtile. \iinpxon xaid
I‘riee uax a ”tretnettdotix talent"
and "realh eaIIIe to the toietioiit
Iaxt )ear‘ "

Ihtx marked itIIpt‘m‘eIiIeiIt lioiii
liixt prIIIg helpx to make Iip tor the
onx ml .-\eadeinie :\II»:\lllCl'IL‘llll
Rohhie I)a\ ix.

”lI>a\Ixi \\;tx a great leatlt lead
LI ” Stinpxon xaid

He added that I>II\'Ix Irad to earr}
the team lot intreh ol the year

“\\e were a tea“) young team



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Wildt (its hope
extra e.x‘,r7eri'enee
will lead to titles


By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


.lohii (‘ttiti klltl\\.\ ho“ hard the
traIIxItIon ti‘otiI high xehool to eol-
lege ix. although htx adittxtinent
didn't oeetii III the elaxsi'oont.

It happened on the goll' eotirxe.

"I really tIltIlld e\peet thix high a
Ie\el ol pIa\ “he” I L'UI into eol-
lege It x ttken tire _I \e; itx to tip-
Iiie otit ho“ to pl I} at thix leul.
(ant xaid. “I had to learn ho“ to
loxe I had to learn ho“ to eoIIIe otit
and play the neu da) "

IIoIIe\er. htx gatne may he on
the llpfiklllg‘r xaid I'K eoaeh Ioin
Stinpxon. Sitnpxon xaid (‘attt had
one ol' the ittoxt piodtietne xtittt-
nieix on the team

Ill Ll xel‘lt‘x III three Mlt‘IlL'IIII‘
(‘Iaxxie goll IotIIIIaIIIeIItx held
aeioxx the xtatet (Vain eapttti’ed lii'xt~
plaee and 7th—plaee linixhex. ax \\ ell
ax a erIIIlitIaI appeaianee III the
\tttte Mateh I'I;I_\

Iltmet'eix thix xttiIIiIIeI‘ \Iax not
all good golt and eeIehiatiotI
(‘aiit‘x gtaiidlathei died III I\II_L‘II\I

“It xIlII\‘.x _\oti that there are more
IiIIpoI’taiIl thrIng III ltle than gollf'




Junior John Cain finally has made the adjustment to college life (
at UK. but it wasn‘t in the classroom. It was on the golf course. M

Iaxt year and made .I lot ot rookie
iitIxtakex 'I he} tried to play aggrexr
xi\e. delttiig all the oddx.” \llllp'
xoii .xaid

Il thix Ix the year to xtait making
a eoinehttek. the timing totiltht‘t he
hettei'. Ihe .\'(X\\ IIIdllll‘Ilt'lhIllpx
\\lII he held at (haiinioIIx (roll
('otiixe lll Ieungtott thix xeaxoti,
lot the liixt tIIIIe etei

\ii e\eeIIeiit opru-rttrrat. autaitx
the xtttiad (let Id. “hen II “III
late xoine ol tht hext teatiix III tht
Itattoti III the N(L\;\ I’itxieu.
uhteh aIxo “I“ he Pland at ( haiit
pioiix l'Ix' gained an alitoitiatit
herth h} heitrg the hoxl team. allow
iIIg It to Inateh tip agaiiixt the hext
teaIIIx III the nation

the NI‘AA \klII ahaiidoii the old
x_\ xteitt ol' detet'iiiitiittg \(V\.-\
herthx. \\IlIk‘Il Inehided eoiIIIIIitteex
that ehoxe the teaIIIx In the toIiIiIa
merit. IIII\ _\ear .I tornpaitx named
(ioletatx \HII meixee the ereetIon
prot‘exx I‘,\el"\ lettlti III the tlaltotl
\kIII xeird Itt Itx i'extlltx. .Ix \IIII the
eoiiiiiiixxioner ol eaeh eoirleietiee
Ihe eotiiptiter‘ their \\lII tahtilate
\L'Ult‘\ :tlltI e‘IIINIxe lIIe It'alltx [Iiztl
\\III eoIinete III the iIatIoIIaIx

(‘oaeh Simpxoii xaid thix IIt‘\\
x_\xteiII \HII loiee the learn to
ehatige Itx xt_\Ie xlighth lioiII Iaxt




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pnorocouatgsvortix spo . OM NICATIOM I III“ “III II IVIIII.‘ I‘III‘ II I“ P“

xpettne ..

aiti eaine to I 'I\' tioIiI \tllllt‘lxt‘l.
.\\lIIl a long |Ixt ot .Ieeoniplixh-
IIIeIItx. IIe uax a IIIlCL‘AIlIllC regional

-; . ' t ' I I; ' v
M H H“ ‘ ”‘1 'l “I” H" I ”I III-H“ IndI\idIIaI ehaiiipiott. uho eapttired

IIYIIIfJ to link” hm“ \hnl‘ ”ml ”Mk" tlitid plaee III the I‘Wl State (loll

”I ”NIH“ ‘1 ;[ “IkIl “:11 H H Meet and earned the I‘I‘Il,I I\en~
I; V ‘ L I ‘ ' ‘ ' '~ '

”IL “1‘ "In”? “L I H” I" ttiek) IIIgII .\ehool Athletie :\\\I>CI-

I r- ” .
\“I'Il'm H ”I“? aIIotI’I'epxI ( ola Male Athlete ol
, ; - -I.\ I J * »
L \ III I It lie xet ttllg x_\xItltt the heat ‘\\\.IIII

“I“ ”Mk" h" I‘I‘Ii‘u‘ ”1“” ““"I‘ III addition. he plaved quarter-
ol tlieti gainex and help them pa} h “k h” [m IIIETII WWW] loothaII
more attention to wane manage
IIIeiIt \Iiitpxott xaid thix )t‘zti'x teaIII
Iotnpaiex utth lItx I‘NR It.llll_
\Ihieh uax tht Iaxt I'K team to
make the lIiialx

“\Ve Il.’t\t‘ ax tittieh potential ax III
T“. or eteii IIIoit " \Iiiipxott xaid
He added that the teaitt Ix "|;i_\IIIg
the lramettoik tor a good )t'lll thix
teat arid a great year next ~\eai ”

\IIiipxon xaid the ke}x thix _\eai

teaiII. \\Illt'Il hix tatIIei eottt‘hed

“In high xthool plinttig looIhaII
\\.l\ a Lawn lot rite,” ( 'ain xaid

III laet. I .llll had tIeaII) ax IIIIILII
xtietexx on the leolhaII lIeItI ax on
the goll eoIIIxe He led \oIIIei'xet
IIIL‘II to the date litialx IIIx |IIIIIoI
jxeai and earned honoiahle mention
\IINIHIL‘ IIl‘IIl‘I\ I‘t'lt‘lt‘ Ile IIIII\Ilt'(I

afters six games on road


l'iit\eixit\ ol (‘Ltliloi‘ittahaiita
Iiaihala ('Iaxxit I.th Istekettd.
\\lII I'epiexent the Iltg IeII III the
.-\ltei pI;I_\iiIg Itx liixt xI\ IIl.II\II VII-IIIVII‘JV
L‘\ H“ IIlt' “mt ”k- I K \\.,|m“‘e IIlt‘ \( (- xt‘lIII~ lIIt \I.Il\I.ttt«I
hottte xettxoit tonight at .\IeiIIoIIa| Ix'IIIII‘IIh -HII\e thix tut-land
(‘IIItxetIIII III the ('oiileieiiee ( ‘IiaI

By Ty Halpin
Contributing Writer


eoiIIIiIg oll a |I~xx to I axteiti IIII

Iettue IIon III Iaxt net Lend.x IIIII\II.I Iii
Ihe ( onleietiee I halleiige tea \IIIIII““‘II
ttii'ex teaItIx hour the Mid \IIIIII'I II ”III“ Ill“ 1‘ III“

Anteriean (‘oitleitrtee the Ilie H1|I'\ \‘lllt tttl lietii tht \Iid

ten and the \IIdIIIlt t oaxl (on \HII'HIIIH IIIHIIIIIIH'

It'lt'llet' IIlt‘ I «Illlt‘lelltt I It IIII'II 'I III
laxt \\eek. the \\II|I\.|I\ (J j. L‘lII\ IIIII.I\ .\IIII \IItIlI".lII x~

t'tllllpelt‘tl til the II.tle_‘t't ('Ittxxlt. XII-III” III I‘ I1 I” ~II'II' I\ II“ \Ia

held at the I'iII\eIxit\ ol “I‘m” Ij~I.IIId at \ p Ill \t'rori I. xiiirttx

xiii [K “on met ta ”e [pm-p \JIIIIIItlk :It I’Itllll ‘.‘.I't‘Il \I.tl‘.

ittatehex \\lII| \Ittotiex oxei \\i\ Iand laux \IltIlI xiii I I\ I.1I.t‘\IIIl

eoiixitt and Iloxtliiiz.‘ (Ilt'ell \tate XII-”III «II III'I‘II

I'K'x oiIl\ onx III the IIllllllrlIIltllI \IIII‘II-IIIII -II'II \II-IIIII IIIW HM'I

wax again-d Nit ttllume at 1p III ”III I I, IllllxIlt'\ the In
Ihe .\IIehiI_‘aII \\o|\eiiitex III at I‘ [I III .t-‘aIIIxt \IIt hi mm

39. “Ill‘ toiiie to I’lx alter \l‘Itl .\II ".Iftitx \‘tlII he plaud at

lttlj.‘ lIleIi Iaxt tuo tiratthex iii the \II‘IIII'IIaIt IIlettttt,



“I“ he the plasetx‘ .Ihihttex to learn
to play xinart htit xIIII he ttggiexxite

“llIIx teaIII Ix \e‘l\. very eloxe
and eoIIIII he one ol otit hettei
IeaiiIx xrnee I Il:l\t' heeII here."
\Intpxon xaid



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