THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Formerly THE IDEA State University of Kentucky LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, FEB. 3 1916, VOL. VIII. WILDCATS VAHDY 10 MEET IN DOUBLE COUNTY BILL LIEUTENANT BULLION '" VISITS UNIVERSITY AGENTS HOLD TCU No. 18 hl'M rifMinu IS EXPERIMENT STATION ANNEX ED BY STATE TO BE INVESTIGATED Llcutenant A. W. Gulllon, who has been visiting many points In Kentucky comWill Bring Farm Problems To Be Dis- mand before returning to his the Georgetown Again a Victim Friction Between Director pommodores in Texas, was a visitor at cussed and Plans of the Wildcat of Station and Federal Last Year's Team Intact University last week. Lieutenant GulMade Crew. Department is Cause To Meet State llon was educated at this University The county agents of Kentucky, and served as commandant dur- I S 3 0 TO PAPER PRAISES WORK GIRLS PLAY SATURDAY forty in number, met here Tuesday ing the two years precedinghere the ' The upper house of the Legislature open a ten days' session for the gime of Lieutenant A. R. Underwood, State opened her home basketball Local basketball fans will be given problems that con-- He has been mentioned as the suc- - season at Woodland Auditorium Mon- - last week adopted a resolution Intro discussion of farm the treat, of the season this "week-enfront county agents and to map out'cessor of Lieutenant Underwood, who day night by defeating the George-th- e duced by Senator Charles D. Arnett, as Vanderbllt will appear against the work which they will do during will leave soon to rejoin his regiment, town Tigers 30 to 22, thus making it providing for the appointment of a Wildcats Friday and Saturday nights the ensuing year. General discus- - however, it is rumored by some, who three straight for the season. George-slon- s committee of five to investigate the of farm problems will be hold are "on the inside" of Washington 'town was defeated 29 to 22 earlier In at Woodland Auditorium and an add- Experiment Station for "alleged fric ed attraction will be a game each day in which various speakers affairs, that Lieutenant Gulllon is in the season and Cincinnati was taken tion existing between the director of will give their views on farm work. line for a higher and more important into camp on her own floor. Saturday night, Kentucky playing Ten minutes is allotted to each speak- - appointment abroad. The game started off rather slowly the station and representatives of the the .University of Louisville. This er on special subjects, Federal Department of Agriculture," while general Lieutenant Gulllon recounted some and, increased in spirit and s will mark the first appearance of the will be held on the topic of his experiences on the Mexican asm, both on the part of the players and "the expenditure of moneys colgirls at home this season. discussed for a period of twenty min border during the Villa and Carranza and spectators as the affair proceed- - lected In the shape of fees." The Commodores come to Lexing- utes. When asked his reasons for the in ai fliehts. His rfltrimpnf nnon nartlol- v.ip nnin in ti, ton with their last years' team intact J. M. Paton, president of the N. C. pated, under his leadership, in a scrim- - 'State's favor. When the Georgetown troduction of the resolution, Senator and promise to put up the strongest & St. L. Railway, will deliver an mage with the Mexicans in which aggregation came back on the floor, Arnett said that he had been requestargument for double honors seen here address pertaining to the transporta- about fifty were killed. i'they started a vigorous rally, that cut ed to introduce it by Commissioner in many years. State with her last tion of limestone, used exclusively in down State's lead to 2 points before of Agriculture Mat S. Cohen. year's team was able to divide two soils. There will be no regular proThe resolution cites the fact that again'. , she began to locate the basket SHINNICK EDITOR double bills with Vandy, but this year gram Saturday, but the day" "will- be the director of the Experiment Sta line-uwere RECORD A few changes in the must present a new front. spent in visiting the stock farms of made by Di Tigert, and his move tion is not a farmer, but a chemist by Captain Cody who is Captain-elec- t the Blue Grass section. (Lexington Herald.) 'proved a wise one, as State gradually education and experience. -In an editorial in the Lexington Part ofthe program .fallows: pf, next year's football" teanH Is prob William s.a. ShlLiS.;, . a Junior in began to pull away from her oppon- ably the most prominent individual on Herald, the Experiment Station and Thursday, February 3. (the Department of Arts and Science ents again, the squad. Davidson at the other forDr. Kastle are highly praised for the at" State 'University "and a former, MORNING. Slg)a fi, ward position is well remembered for most excellent work they have been Meeting called to order 8:30 o'clock, member of The Herald staff, has been 8tandlng. light ln the , the electrifying form in which he and are doing, which in many cases called to Shelbyvllle on account of ly durmg J. H. Carmody. the flrst nalf when he threw played here last year. Reyer at conApple Demonstrations (varieties), the serious mness of his father, Ed. iQW fleld and four foul goals. has exceeded the work performed by fer, is like Davidson, completing his P, D. Shinnick, editor of the Shelby George Zerfogg and Longworth, two the Government. D. Brown, O. F. Floyd. four years of service on the team. In commenting further on the reso, , Record. During his father's illness Peach Demonstrations, D. H. ricanuicu wuu ncic neiii ui uui 1115 lution the Herald says: "The resoluTurner and Blair, guards, have played ''Bill" Shinnick will assume the duties played well. George the latter period, tion introduced into the Senate callJ;wo years, and Woodward, Plums and Cherries (varieties), W. as the editor of the Record. slipped away from his position at and forward, has won his letter in H. Clayton. ing for an investigation of the Exper' guard long enough to thrown one of previous seasons at basketball. iment Station and particularly of the ParSmall Fruit (dew berries), J. T. goals of the game. Durthe prettiest DOTED LECTURER TO ker, director's qualifications for the posiis the only man who Taylor. ing the contest he was badly cut on has not played regularly on a varsity Strawberries, M. O. Hughes. tion shows much bad temper on the the right cheek. Gumbert played exteam. All of these men have won part of someone." Cantaloupes, B. F. Boggs. ceptlonally well at guard. fame In other branches of athletics Dr. Kastle said, about the proposed Grapes, Wayland Rhoads. Tavlor demonstrated again that he at Vanderbllt. lnvest,satIon' Home Gardens, William Tye, A. Y. Hugh Black to Deliver is the star on the Georgetown quintet, State has three straight victories Finley. "i am pieasea to learn mat tne "America Through Scotch of the season back of her to add conSenate has appointed a committee Irish Potatoes, F. E. Merriman, H. Spectacles" Tonight his captain, Waller, showed up no less to conduct an investigation into the fidence to the attack which she will E. McSwain. conspicuously, when it came to playmake Friday and Saturday nights. Sweet Potatoes, J. R. Bird, W. J.' Dr. Hugh Black, noted Scotch ing the passing. game. His excellent affairs of the Experiment Station. Derrill Hart is playing a star game PIggott. "I shall certainly do all in my preacher artd lecturer, will deliver his playing prevented "Jim" Server from power to bring to the attention of this at forward and if Captain Zerfoss AFTERNOON. famous lecture, "America Through locating the basket very often. rommittee all of the facts that in any strikes his stride he is likely to toss Meeting called to order 1:30 o'clock. Scotch Spectacles," in the chapel of This second victory over the Georgeway throw any light on the conduct some phenomenal goals. Server got Dairying, Prof. W. D. Nichols, G. C. the University tonight at 8 o'clock. town five strengthens Kentucky's a late start as far as practicing goes, Richardson, J. R. Bird, G. A. Smith ; Doctor Blake has an international rep- and management of the Experiment chances for State honors. It looks but is improving rapidly and is ex- General Discussion. utation as a speaker and it is ex- from here like it will be a race be- Station and its relation to the United pected" to put up a stellar game at Smith, A. M. pected that the chapel will be crowd- tween State and Louisville although it (States Department of Agriculture, in Sheep, Professor center. Gumbert and Schrader will Casey, Wayland Rhoads; General ed to its capacity 'when he is intro- seems that these teams will not be order that the General Assembly and ' people at large, throughout the be called forth by Coach cusslon. duced tonight. given the opportunity to settle all jiie Tigert to watch the Vandy centers.! Horses, W. H. Clayton, S. Morgan; State, may bo fully advised of the Doctor Black tells Americans in a disputes. great work which Is now being done D. C. Cruise of the Lexington Y. M. General Discussion. humorous, yet truthful, manner how Summary: State Hart (16), for C. A., will referee both contests. Friday, February 4. some of their customs and institu-- ! wr,i. v 7nrfnss. enntsiln (a), for :by this Institution and of its immed,ato nnd 8ervlce to the The girls' team has been put MORNING. tlona appear to Europeans and there rd; Servor (4)i ,ceter; Gumbert through of the Commonwealth." some strenuous practicing Meeting called to order 8:30 o'clock. is no doubt that some of them will be (4)( guard; (0), guard; farmers Ireland since their defeat at Winchester, and Beef Cattlo, Prof. T. R. Bryant, Mor- surprised when they see themselves Schrader (4), guard; G. Zerfoss (2), GLEE CT TTR HAS is expected to be much stronger when gan Hughes, D. J. Hall, G. C. Gentry, as others see them. His lectures have guar(i; Longsworth (0), forward NF.W MEMBERS It faces Louisville. Coach Tuttlo an- S. Morgan; General Discussion. been enthusiastically received in this Hart made six points on fouls out nounced that the team would be Hogs, Professor Good, J. R. country and ho has been mot by of nine tries. Taylor made threo Moro than sixteen now members chosen from among the following E. Pittman; General Discus- crowded houses at every city ln points on fouls out of 4 trios. Adams havo recently beon added to the Gleo girls: Misses Heller, Bastln, Geisol, sion. which ho has spoken this year. Club of tho University and both old Innes, Flannory and Haydon. (Continued on Page 2). ;nnd now talont ,8 m.omjsln?. no. AFTERNOON. The Doctor Black came to the Uuitod games will be called promptly at 7:30 Meeting called to order 1:30 o'clock. States In 190C and since that timo ho roino from his pen. of under tho direction hoarsals o'clock on both evenings. Boys' Corn Clubs, B. G. Nelson, J. hns bocomo pastor of the First Athletic Tho lecture tonight is tho first of Charles Bennett with Carl Bernhart Coupon No. 9 is good for the flrst T. Taylorj W. R. Reynolds, J. R. Mc Church of Montclair, N. tho Lyceum Course which has boon at tho piano aro held every Friday game, to which outsiders will bo Danoll, D. J. Hall; General Discussion, T.. and professor of practical theology arranged by Prof. E. F. Farquhar. afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30. charged 35 cents, and the price of the Boys' Pig Clubs, Otis Korchor, F. E. Union Theological Seminary. Ho Lyceum tickets can bo obtained from P. S. Rico has beon chosen presidouble bill Saturday night will be 50 Merriman, J. R. Bird, William Tye; i'i also an editor of note, and many tho business office, freo of churgo, dent of tho club and J. H. Evans cents to '"torcstlng and jnstructlvo works have and all aro urged to got them at once, treasurer. General Discussion. It II uAia owdiun SCORE 22 re-t- o 1 d i co-e- enthusi-discussion- i F SffEBY . p -- r' m ... line-up- especial-Horticultur- Ful-lerto- sub-cent- m -' ' i I j $ *