xt7m639k6g80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m639k6g80/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19110413 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 30, April 13, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 30, April 13, 1911 1911 2015 true xt7m639k6g80 section xt7m639k6g80   •
Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., APRIL 13, 1911 No. 31 I
R .     made. We realize that we are only tal in securing the Carnegie emiow- ]_ |_      
here for a limited time and for a ment which made the present well
THE c0.0pEgA·r|gN gp THE 81-U, specific purpose, but surely we have equipped library possible. He was al- -—-——
pEN1· ggpy Nggpgp |N wggK enough of love for that which gives us so a stockholder and director of aha
gp 5EAu-rgpymg K_ g_ u_ the opportunity to better our posi- Security Trust Company and ot zhe REPRESENTATIVE OF PATTER-
_ gRgUNpg_ tions in life to build up, rather than Fayette National l¥·m'¢. SON SOCIETY DEFEA-rs U~_
Que 0; the mst exclamations that 8 to mar its natural beauty. Think ot In religious belief, he was nr Epis-
_ gtpgnggr utter, when he Sees our cam. what a scene of beauty this could be cnpalian, and was well known for his ION MAN ‘
pus is, ··what a beautiful location". made with the aid ot a few tiower liberal, but unostentatious charity. ——-
1 This is true even to the superlative beds and ornamented with shrubs. Both physically and mentally he was One of the Best Contests in Year;.
I degma N,_tm·e_ it would seem, mould, Some of us remember the landscape well preserved, although almost 83 ___,
ed this symmetrically sloping mound gardener (?) who once was here, now years old. He had a wonderful store Qu Tuesday at Chapel vhOur’ the
h fm- no other purpose than the location if wé would only show an appreciation of knowledge and fund of anecdote Imepgociety gum,-ical Contest be
I of g great institution, for the ¤9·t¤¤`¤] b€¤\1tY 0f UW ¢¤¤1D¤¤. Bild was 3 Dl€8$¤·¤t» l°V¤bl€ ¤¤d €0¤·‘ tween the Patterson and Union Socie-
  Nowhere within the comers of Om. there can be I10 doubt but that those panionable man. ties was h€]d_ I\Ir_ H_ H_ Moore, of
· state can WB and a better site, u0_ in authority would sec to the artificial The entire city of Lexington lost a the College of La“·’ represented the
where can we mm a mm luxuriaut bewifwhins of it- useful wd h<>¤¤¤‘¤d f¤‘i¢¤<1 by his Umm;. and Mr. J. 1. M111€r,0r the cm.
growth of our mpfamed blue gmsm Really fellows, d0n’t you think that death. All who knew him miss his lege of arts, upheld the hmmm. of
making a Soft elastic cushion upon we owe it to our Alma. Mater to quit pleasant smile and cheerful greeting. the pattersom
w·hich Cupid wounded youths strolling this childish habit? Don’t youuthink ——A Student of Campbell Hagermau Almost every Student of the UDL
barbed mom without the discord cf ¤f ¤¢¤¤¢v i¤ ¤ wv f¤r<=·v¤¤· ? If ¤¤· -———··•····—· .,aS displayed by both mum, and M_
But, as we look out uw. ..113 mm -———~——— 0**- °'X°” A °°M"LETE i1$.';T’° “‘°“ "“ "““ “`°“" ‘“ “ ‘°“g
ot natural beauty our aesthetic souls OBITUARY SUCCESS Mn Moore was the mst Speaker,
cringe within us to sera the many up- —-— ____ . ,,
ly scars extending hither and thither There seldom lives a. man of whom HG delivered his Omtiom Life_a Suc-
WILI- RETURN ‘N NEXT YEARS cess or Failure", with unusual abili-
over the erstwhile beautiful surface. after his death, it may be truthfully ,
COURSE. ty and earnestness. From h1s manner
S0 numerous are these that they re- said: . , .
mind one of the spider webs seen in UNOIIG knew thee but to love thee, —-·—-— if deliver)? ltb“;S_q§1¥€ aspémng tha;
the early light of a froszv morning None named thee but to praise? G*'¤¤¢f¤| |¤¤‘°d¤¢*i¤¤ bY P*‘¤*· Spam'- h? earnest y Q lem m t e Just ce 0
lf one versed in appreciative lore Such a man was Mr. James M. Duff, ——— is Cause' _
were asked to designate fha dominat- whose death, March 30, 1911, saddened Dr. Frank Dixon delivered his lac- Ml" Mmelns Subject was ttintemgellt
ing philosophy of this insthution, he the hearts of all who knew him. ture, "The Man Against the Mass" PaU`i°uSm"· and the absolute Smmess
would unhesitatingly answer, "utili- Probably no man, not actively engag· on last Monday evening to one of the Of the audience while he was speak
tureau", and he would be right in his ed in educational work, was better most enthusiastic audiences ever as- iI¥g· bo"` unmistakable t°stim°ny of
answer. S0 economic are we iu the known to the students of Lexington. sembled in the college chapel. From ms DOW"` as an °mmr‘
use of our time and so careful arc we Since the founding of Campbell-lla; start to finish, he held his bearers if was ¥h€ 0¤‘iSi¤3h¥Y in the ¤‘€¤¥·
to use as much of the pleasenm as pcs- erman College in 1902, he had mam mmpwtgny, and swayed [hem from of the subject which was so striking
sible, derived from walking upon the his home there and was a staunch the serious side of life to the humor- am <'0¤Vi¤€i¤g·
blue grass turf, that wc always take friend of the girls and their friends-- ous and back again, at will. Mr. Miller not only had a firm grasp
the "sh0rtest cut" to our destination of all young people. One of his last The theme of his l€C'(llI‘9 was the upon the subject, but showed remarka-
Would that it could be said that this wishes was that on his monument discussion of Socialism, and, in a mar- ble skill in the logival arrangement of
is the philosophy of the students ai- should be inscribed this sentiment; velous and lucid manner, he revealed thought.
one, but not so. Often, yea, more than "A cheerful man who loved the child- every phase of this many sided ques- __\l-tm. me (.U,m.SmmS had mlish€d_
often, I)rOf€SSOrB may be S€€n taking YPYIH. Th€P€   be Rdd(‘(l° “al](l ti()]]_ His dQli(•8,[€*, Subtle h\llll()[‘_ hiS the judges rtltirtxll for consultation,
these "shu1·t cuts". These unsightly whom all young people loved? sound logical reasoning, his somewhat and l.£.tm.m,d in A yew m0m0ms_ de-
paths remind one of the injury that Mr. Duff was born in Virginia in novel and original phil0s0phy—t0- Hamm Mu Mme,. Im, wimm
may be doug to a spotless life by am 1882, moved to Kentucky durlnsx the gmher with a strong personality, ren- Hom mln]; mw uw {0 be w“gmm_
evil-minded throng of gossip moug- Civil War. and had since made his dared his lecture the best of all those mlm mlon [Mw m.m_tS·
ers; for now a stranger does not sw home in Lexington. Much of this *im9 delivered in this course. _ _ _ '
a broad expanse of natural beauty he was engaged in nxerwannrilv busi· Ir is almost definitely settled that !’°}h had {uw °lMT°·h°° and' as
but }i€ OUIY $898 Wllal OIICG W8S S0 n9ss_ in which he amassed 4; consid- hg wi] (ind one of the nunlb(3l•S in ·IW!¥*` M¤\1¤¤u¤»· muh “°h*`u he
Thi} (|ll€B[iOIlS \\'hi0h [10W Q()]][°[’(_)[]f5 gpable f0ytun€_ Since hjq ppgiy-(»“]py`( the L).(_Ou]“ Course next year- 1J.llll0\lll&‘t’h1 H10. T\'lllIl0l', ll\9l‘9 {IFC Il0[
us are: shall we continue tn make from active business, he had given "mm “m""I.Sm°S that can moduce
more paths, or sha.. we, since we generously of his time and moans to Um mm WH0 ‘_m"° lh" lmwtjl to dw
possess reason, decide to co-operate pduegtimml and philanthmphio work. The- Daily P¤·in<~etouizu1 has created HW" sum Ormmus as (h°S°‘
with ll8tul‘€ ill restoring und main- Fm- many years ho had hold the ami- a great deal of ex4·itmm·ut by pub- N1'. NliU¢‘1‘ will !`¢‘\>\`¢‘S¢*i1i ih? VUV
. taining the natural beauty of the cum- mm or Som·e=tary and 'l`ro·nsur3· of the lishing the fact, in un editorial, that \‘¤‘¤‘Si¤>’ hi \h¤‘ ‘¤¤i=‘¤'·(`0U<‘¤i¤Y*‘ *`°“‘
‘ IMS? L¢*Xll\}.tI0ll Pllbliv LibI‘!1l‘Y. \Yilh fh? the Phi Ham, Kappa is u useless or- Ivst. \\'hi<‘h will bv hvhl ul U&l1\\'iU€
li is high iillw f0¤‘ 8 dG<‘iSi0l1 Y0 hv Into (*01. Uroustou he was i11sn·uu1<·11- gnnization. 50**** *h“*‘ ""i‘hi“ UW “°‘x‘ “‘“’“‘h·

 2 T H E I D E A '
A.; Your (grocer for- LOUISVILLE GAME ahh insIillI1ng themf withm hh; Iiner
,` po nts 0 te game or w c e s 80
Dona Forget Hoe cake Meal COACH mates same. ASSISTED 1 lt """"*"""'· ""` "“'":"“ M*"“*g°“·
Made ny sv Ms. FOUNTAIN, AN ol.¤ f' S "°""“· °“ ';"’i';`(;°‘I"‘§;'“ dwp; ‘ .
_ _ MICHIGAN PLAYER. or olle game, ant ap. ea ors ,.
Lennmon nc Mm. co' men can capture this game, it will \ ·· —
—·#· T ‘*··—l_‘—_"‘ The 1911 Squad 18 more than 1O1.111h_ give them a prestige sinch that no oth- \\ 1,
M A R C H ate in being coached by not only one ei game played this year can The CLIFTON BEDFORD Y
but two Of the best men ever mmm Wolverines are going strong and with |$§ln.high syginaltgll
out of the University of Michigan. Such men AS Campbell' Verheyu and The New   4
GOOD FURNITURE, ·l·lln,— ann ont- t-ognlat noaolt, ur. In- ?"‘““ ‘“ ‘“° b;"‘· °’*` ""'““g up “‘° Notch COLLARS ‘
glen, and Mr. roontaln, a friend or “‘°S‘ g“‘“° ° ““Y ’°“‘“ ’°¥”`°”°“*‘ in H. in C1 mh, bod hc Mw. `
c8·YP¢t$, wan P8·P€'r and 8t'°v”• his. who is 8101,1,1,1g Over 111,11] M191- mg the, U¤iV€"Bl*Y °f MlCh§*·¤· C°*°h   ,
  tllo big game wltn lulonlgan. §i°:)‘§i “C"‘°;‘ I"*‘YW0h;° ‘°;"· V°“° I
Mr. Fountain while in College was Gr ’ en m' AA em °s€rve’ "
    th b I . h Id 1 . Ann and Kyl State on this trip and the
_ _ 9 QS m 9 M Mgr wen m outcome of this game will form a ba- ,
..The T·1l°1. That Satngun Arbor. He stopped ov er in Lexington
ou his way to Peoria, where he has Sis ff"` a gocd comparison of the Un" I
UTEAM wd DRY cLEA'Nm’G• signed up for the coming season. At. versity of Kenmckfs team with  
, A these other teams. State will proba-
• Chll t,M.F tin
1°° °°“"‘ I‘““°“°°° g;$hlu:l$dissThow?h1; g On last Tuesday nlgnt the ··stnoll. cn nv Mini Cline Metti Wglgll & Murray llrlrmng (lo
u n I
C0 ,5 ers" had as their guest for the reher- Tho oomoollm port cf Tulbv An' Ioooroomtoo
l · ° Sol of nnrown of Howard--, Mo Hen- derson is played by A. J. Gude, and he F R I X _T_ I X G
t _ should certainly bring down the
_ SMA of ry \\oodrul‘f, who played the origin RUSH WORK A BPHOMLTY
al rein Brown, it-nen the play was n¤¤¤<> by ni¤ nsculiv ¤¤¤¤=— Tnc eoee eeonee
.     mot ol.odhood’ Miss Cohouy, of Hom_ rolllcrkllng jolly college hollow Lglahp- 24-l28 N. l.lME$TONE . c LEXINGTON KY
_, llton College, and nin, Foxnall Dain- PY ¤’Si°¤· ls V6'? can Y Pay Y  
'   gernold, the playwright' Roy POI`t€T‘. ORG of the h8l"d€Sl, p8!’l8 P I A N O S F R E E
  All of these people expressed them- ln :1l“;{i’laY· tllottoli lhobwoskllng “;l'
TALCUM POWDERS selves as highly -pit-ased with the re- {sank sllhyasg scf sbigkez bg; gsm: FROM
3 Ao,. COST hearsal and spoke very compllmen- · ·
l tary or the ditrerent ehannotene. miss inc vert cl the jlcrennv ccech A N Y D E F E CT
-— nin. Woodruff took charge of tne to ‘B¤‘¤ n S vm t<> vcr- Thoth “,h,_, wh gh, when .
` ll I! ' ‘ ‘ •  
T/gg Boy; Hot Chocolat; m woro won h his oh ootioho It "heavy°’ certainly makes the line of _ _
· g y gg v" t c it t- l F T ni MOIlI8llt l‘0-Rltllllll MUSIC C0
` the Cgfy seemed that every one in the cast was lo cr jo cn S om loo · · · · l os .
trying to do better than everyone lo tho 'olo of John C"twl`l$m· tho
h ——— else and at tne eloae of the rehearsal s°°'°i°’Y °l ills l·°¤*l·°·H°¤'l Club  
• Mr. Woodruff expressed himself in °°rt°‘iolyRpl";‘ySPEh° inn wxh mol ml l
saying that he had seen many profes- toroso o o ostor as aoagor °   I  
    C0; sional oomhamoo that wom not hoo!. the Harvard Crew takes care of the
, _ as good as the ··stt·ollei··· in their ln- "°°° in °‘lml"sl’ls mls- wants your picture since you left
PIIGH! 154 YOIIT Afllfljl Dfllg More terpretation of the   The best character mak9.up.p0lut· hOuhe__S0 doe. your
  · ln the play are taken by W. C. Cross,
The play wll be produced on next _  
Thursday evening, April 20th, ln the es Miles O Hom" the boat house keep` _.,__   oooo gg
Lexington Opera House. All the pre gi Jew old §l°o"f`s_;"a“· bi Ron CALL Arr
liminary arrangements have been mth· and Ju)? —l‘ls as t o ro` , •
mcclurb Gum & c0_ eoinpleted and everything notnto to f<>Sl¤I_j· jen lllfsisl as manager of Hllmphfgy S Stlllllg
I the playl as being the biggest and tho hmlstlsll of`; vsooisf so mol that dl I
V nccorporated boot ovor ottomotod by Collogo ooo_ onethni lo .00 {lice S: orc; Y0lll1li;l· an et his!) hle p Kola make mother
No A vow plohsihg momohto of tho ie a l VIS a p ay an no. rea le. appy an aso ep yo.: to win
will dg your Society and Com- play has been devised in the form of ‘ Fhliaslgioll as lioynoioshgho lilut an your
a souvenir program which has been cer am y ooo Jus loo o o C °‘m°`    
menccment Invitations and Pro- gotten up in a truly artistic niannei-. ;?’ lil llls (fscsllll ’“s;“°'· Mliss H°*‘ with nemo of those
S .1 _} h h d IG l oan as . rs. enyon, s very
grams better than Othersn fogecsxis bosgtffgtionasandeeigl :)l:,scu:;S_ fer/plrlng in hgr prgggrrratlgu of the gc.    
t th D f -1] t h I k cietv nlarton `lliss Alice Cary Wil- Special roto. to Stuo°°tS’
pec e per ormance Wl no e ac - ‘ · · ·
No, 152 West Main street mh ih homo Tho ohm ahhohgh hot ll?.l:lS·8S EdithtSinc;air, hhe ainletlo 341 WEST MAIN ST. Faye Phone 1635;
· glf , IITIDEYSOHH QS er C 8.raC er u  
Lexington, KL a musical one, has several songs in It l
that odd much to tho plot. Tho omg really a professional manner. OV:ExRP::|::2=|
ing is strictly of a college nature and Last but nnl l€¤Si· Evelyn Kenyon.
  will be enjoyed by all. Claxton Madden by Miss Ginn. will ccneiniy bring
played by “rm_ ThleSing’ has the ra- dOWTl the house algd H0 Oflé Call blafflé
mous Stein song of Bullard and it Tom Brown Y0? nlllng in l°V€ with
l     should score a hit. Tom Brown, who ins (li-llnl5' llslnnrs EVslYn· Tns
[ ` ls played   Ernest Becker-. has two Harvard (`l`€W ls (‘Of'fl[)OS€d of the fol- TRADI MARK.
Q l     SohgS_ (mo, nwhon Love is Young", lowing men: Ollsthuizen, (Capt.), c°'vI:1¥g:::_l;$&c
Th , · - sung with the Collej fellows and the S¢¤ii· 'l`lil€Sl¤g· Héiidéii. Hari- mak- Anyonehendlngnnheten and denonlhtlon nin,
C Ollly Hl‘$t class Sl’\Ol) lll LCXHIQIOH . quickly ascertain ollr optnlon free w ether an
.   fr. Below and COHIDKS. \IlV6l\[l0nl| probably patentablg, (`tiulmumco.
a U ' o Ollll IC Y Oll OD . Oil IBD
  I)0mp do rdspeglalty . ` in an nv · {lent {l';g.t£)l§OIt¤:     B:)8llllt·
X B. FOTbCH, Proprietor ;.· S'i“°·sn · lhs mascot- also has llnss wrgmlllgtétllzllulgaolhhhrgguhlitgacg. l-•eel'v•
ill the play and handles them natural- ’ ’
play are gg follows; College men, Absnduomelytllustrated weekly. Ilanzest clr-
—'l‘Hl'»— Menon nogtet- nga.-ie gt-nlm ig, Gow- $‘$}3‘}°£$t§’t'n‘i35t¥J?¥i.‘°§ol§i“t§`}‘2lln'§3l'.i‘2l.&l£
I I I p u
Spinks and Kohllllorst.   § cu.“m'°“*"’   
P. F d The Society Girls Arg Mlgggg Mc. Bomcb m°°•¤Fs¢»W¤hI¤gtol1,D, ,
    S   Chesney, Haynes, Elliott, Hayden and
May. W  
· cslc . 
  Too much credit cannot be given y  
N Alwgyg tho Bgst 8how_ Mr. G. B. Merchant for the able man- .. 
_ ner in which he has built the produc- `
I olways tho Samo Pn°°• tion. Everyone has helped in this   -`* ..  { o
h UWs·Ys moan- AlWn·Y| ¤°°d· Lexington, - - Kentucky play and barring accidents, there is   S W __ ¤‘ _;
Often Out-Talked- no reason why the house should not n
, N Outd ed. The scale of l)l'ltt:‘S ull be __ _
    fron]     to ORC 'lllll (llll\' ()ll(\ llprfor-   \v0rk bulst (oluss and Lllllllflllteed
B 8h0W8 D¤·l]y—-3100, 7230, 9:00, with Ihe Mllward Co.   " _' H · _~ ` I_ Lllve me acllll.
mance will be gilt-ll. lhc lllktllh will zu L2 EASY MAIN STREET
- TRY TO GET IN.   W_ Mall; Bolh Phones   be placed on sale Monday lllorllillg, your o tomoo

 I I a
4 T H E I D E A   _
   A The dramatic club deserves much ·
• praise for the faithful work it is     I
Publlsiiied evan- Thursday by zlhe stuezlont body of State University ot Kentucky, doing in preparation for "Brown ot '" f‘`‘ " ”` ·
or the benem of the stu entghéisugagrtilty and alumnae of that Hm,vm_d’.. The members of that can _ or _ MI
THE IDEA is the official newspaper of the University, and is issued wekly arp all sacrificing much time and lab ‘ I
gurgrbzithe coélege yfarni Itsiizhtef 0¥>j$c{ is itc give the college new; ofrslfentuckya 01* and they should be given the cred-       vt)
n 1 t ereto t ves ems 0 n ere. on in th 1 tl
come. fi? me Umdgsiate. and cmu. ° °"’ ‘ ° °" “““° °° °“ it that is due them- They are wide ................-- ’ , i
  · k t d I  
Entered at Lexington Post Omcoas second class mail matter. 0f them made an envmb Q refcorni ist — AND · I
  year in the presentation 0 " c e- ’*
WILL H. TOWNSEND, Edtt»0r·I¤-Chief. ___  W   I I
R. W, TINSLEY ........................ . ............ . .......... Assistant Editor   ,
F. L, MARX .......... . ....... |......·... .... ... ....... . ....... Athletig Edhgr  ‘—"_*—‘;
E. L. BECKER ........ . ..................... . ........ Assistant Athletic Edlotr
Q. C. EBBERT, Buslnets Manager      
F. L. MARX, Ant. Business Manager. J. B. SAND1£Rb, Aut. Adv. Mgr. PHONES
THEO. SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURI'P.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr.
V. L. DOWNING, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr. New {312 QM 236 O
——-—————-————————-—————    UI'
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be "
pared by the following members of prepared by the following members ot _
'I'h• Idea Staff: The Idea Suit: B I (   :   E
    ‘ 0. Everything for College Men
from head to foot.
 """ ~·—.-2 1 36 & 138 S. UIIIBSIOIIC
“|F \       LO, I d ` , i · V  
HE     " figs O" ll hIs S[)ll‘l{S \N€I`€   And "Th€P1accth€   Comes t'rOm!7
· in the early uays, when the success of  
_-—_ tl , ` t * ' d -___-·
With the last stirring words of Dr. N pmlec “ as In 0ubt’ the gloomy
Frank Dixon, on Monday night, the atmosphere produced by the m°I°·u'   I I    
State University Lyceum Course of choly faces of those creatures who
me collegiate year, 1911, passed into are ready to "quit e’er they have be-  
¥h€ &¤¤¤lS Of hiswryi) Itdwm long be gun", was always illuminated by the 7HE COLLEGE MAN’S STORE
remembered-remem ere be-muse it Smik of the man Mm b I. d .
’ * th
was the first venture of this kind to nn I {__ h f h_ Q level m e   Chu. L. sewn. ‘9s - - · M•¤•g•¢
be successfuly established nt our in- a Hump 0 IS muse"
Smution ’€<>¤¤*d€¤i¤g Ehcdfagi IIT; Whén an unavoidable obstacle Oifgrg frag iuilign in all depart-  
the Plan ““ °“Iy °°“°"’ "°_ a‘ *" l<><>m€d UD in his pathway, ments except Law to graduates of
U¤¥`1SYm8S h0Ud&YS» that *‘1d» and th? “;h<>l·? *;"¤°“*€‘ g°t‘ ter? Did he? Parish the thought. prepared to enter che Freshman
mn Unger Way Wllhm ·a "ew "·'€*’kS· Instead, he just "hauled" off his coat, Class. I
the ¤lt¤m¤¤* Outcolne ls mug Short after the manner of "Rai1road Jack", Each county in the State is 011- ·
Of m8·"V€u°“S· and keeping in mind athletic achieve- titled t0 send FREE of tuition
. . ’
"H0w could such interest have been YUQHYS of f0I`!T1€I` Bhd DI‘€S€I1t days- Ul2ltI‘lClll8lZ10f1, ]&b0I‘8tO1'ya]’1d 0th-    
aroused within nw short space uf clambewd Over the aforesaid obsm- GP f€€S, OM Or m01‘<> ¤DD01¤’¢€¢S·
time? How was it possima to secure C16 and €0¤ti¤¤€d his 50¤¤`¤€Y- UH- Necessary expenses moderate.
Su(;]I`{I()[€d lecturersl ns Dixon, ‘;I`ay· I;;]•iaghil§€£tlm€¥;h€0f hthe allopufar For full information regarding  
lor, iwupp and Ma..sh1,¤ upon sho., no- . Y new o re e w·s gong appolntecsh courses Of Study, cost
nee? -—these are now some of the and he **88 Certainly °"' hm Wal/· of board, etc., apply to
• • ¤   , , V ° I *
1nqu11·1ng· comments. In answer us dear readers mas. the H. S. BARKER’   for the (genuine
thereto, It will first bra observed that Séémly lmposstble accomplished, PRESIDENT
at the bebinning of unyfnin: of this and it was none other than Prof. Rob- · LBXingtOu’ KY  
nature, there must always me 11 lead- evt H. Spahr, of the Department of ’ ‘ `
  No       oricinated Plym. who did it FAYETTE BARBER Sll0P
wi-* tipqeloped witzou; havnt: i¢·h¤r·d Th d h _ I _ I I . .
it 3 man of zealous tmrgy and mm be me golehé Scilixseéguiai onfy {Inlet H You Want Under Fayette National Bank
, ¤ . S
determination. To such an mama- Sling has been the mms   awa: _ COGSWELL 8 BYRON
ua1——to the quiet, unobtrusive youth, . . , Prmted Matter ~· · · ` .
_ enmg enthusiasm tor the Finest Hair Cutting and bhavmg
who came to us from the halls of his- work A means of mwidi Y , _ Parlor in the Ct
t0ric· old \Vashingt0n and Lee, we owe ` I _ ug a “ay WIIICII Compels Attentmn I y
our thanks for the S lendid course whereby every student will have an _
_uSt Closed D opportunity to hear the most promin- We know where you can g€t· It
J ` ent lecturers on the American plat-
VDO!} rlisvoverimx OUP ¥1€€dS. €0m· form. lt is quite certain that every-
prelwnding our want even b€tf€l‘ than one will heartily join with Prof. Spahr       I
we ourselves, he set 0ut Sim-{I6 hand- in making this course of next year a • H
ml and without support t0 accomplish t-ompletw sucvess. We will have ab-   8   c0• EVel,yth· f- t 1 I
the \ll1l`I>0Si? Wltivln he hill} lll Illlild. out one l(’('Il1l'€* eavh month and we w -1Dg Irs -c ass to eat"
'l`l1(· 3\'(¥l`(·;l};¢é |»Pl`S()ll \\'Oll]d l1&\'€ pan Il]Pl]' iugtggd Of g[((»]](]iug Mugi-   I駀{1chtDr1p Coffee} Oyslers any
been swaunpvtl by the tlvlusw of 4liS· val (‘tnnt·tiit·s as the only form of rev- 0n¥y€f?rStuc];I;OI];I-(inf: SI1‘g’t‘“"£ me I
t-ourugxiniz zulvi¢·e· and (ll$lll8l Dl‘0]>l\¢·· t·e·nti¤»n (‘()Illl)lll(’ t‘lllOl'l1llIlIll(*lll with _ S u 0 Dun er m
. . . ’ , ,. t} . '
**1*5 \\'h1¢‘l¤ WHS (li\5I1*‘(l l1l>011 llllll. BM. in»trn¢·tiun in lwvotnitn: tnniiliar with D0 Utlly 'lltztl lxllld dg;] iglgtgigfstd of the city' Open
to hill],   ‘lli$ \\'U.$ as \\}ul(’xr l}0u]'('d lII(· ]|I()s{ Yhul I)[‘()bl(¤n]S of [hp (lay as ( ’ •
\l]\Ull thv lm<·k 0i` lll•· l»t‘0\’<*l'bl8l. ¥l‘tiH· •lis<·u>;st·tl hy ¢·;1pal»lt·_ sonntl-thinking W• S-   I
qnil·inintle·tl dnvk. \\'hile· otlwrs wwe: nun     Corner Mill and Bolivar I

 ' I I
I y rn E IDEA s
I   lleu", whlle all, we believe, will ac- of the broad paper plume, serenely ... ,....
I   ..VV_   quit themselves none the less credl- suspended from the rear end of her  
II   *   table in the play this year. In fact, stately -————-——. I
`I `Z- ‘‘‘   ` ‘ `‘‘`   Q. · 4 ’ everyone is enthusiastic at the pros- A smile broke over the faces of the  
I   I.I__·- Y· .-.‘. W , ~   pects of the comlng attraction anti a good natured Senior men, even the  
      great. success is assured. solemn eyed Prep-lets ventured to
    I I I ’ " /   A decided dramatic ability ls shown smile a wee-bit, but with one eye
I ‘_ ‘ I _.P. I by the members of our dramatic fixed faithfully on her honor-——the _
I     club and we are all proud of them. Dean. I
I ‘·:# 5  I I   r     Students and faculty, we are going would have thus been exposed to pull- I c n
  °;<·?`   ° ‘ to stand back of them with loyal sup- lic ridicule, I dare not say, had not a Q Q
    if  /   port. and encouragement. and they are sharp-eyed colleague, deserted sudden-
I- · ’”` I I going to make good. We are going ly the waiving plume. With ill-timed
I   { ,_v down to the opera house and tax the ire in her eyes, vengeance in her  
    (QI? available seating capacity; we are go- heart, and angry threats on her
l - ing to pack the house so that they tongue, she quickly removed the or-
  wlll not be allowed to play to any namellt, and breathed in a tone, full
empty seats. Are you with us in this? of wrath and passion, "this insult &  
‘ L Do you want to see the greatest ama- shall not go· unavenged." g
I teur play ever produced in Lexington? Il. (S
THIS     I Then come out to see the State Uni- ’Tis midnight; in a room, situated I T Iglcgsxs
versity Dramatic Club present on the remote "third", are three I to ‘ ' W umm')
"tlrown of Harvard". girls huddled together in deep cou~
0 G     -;.-·•..-..-... sultation on the bed. I HEADQUARTERS
Y UN A NAnnArlvs IN THREE mars. The rnem is dimly lighted by esnd- I FOR. ALL
les, whose flickering beams peopled I
I _ _ _ It was ten ryclcok of 8, bright March the walls with weird shadows. I A •
that doesn t believe m sh<>w¤¤s morning, slowly and with reluctant "S0¤l€thlllg- methtnkth will happen I    
Older menls clothes in young feet, the students were filing into the t0lllght»" seld the leader- She PauS‘ •
_ gloomy old chapel, The Vicg.PI•gg{. ed to take a bite of a lettuce sand-
m€n,SSlZ€S· dent occupied the seat of power, sur- wich- I  
rounded by tne faculty, wno looked "l~lst·l