xt7m639k6q9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m639k6q9f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 2004 2004 2004-09-03 2020 true xt7m639k6q9f section xt7m639k6q9f KENTUCKY KERNEL

Pigskin Preview :——:::::‘::








 PAGMZ I Friday. Sept. 3. 2004 | PIGSKlN PREVIEW

Defense changes attitude W” WW...

By Jeff Patterson
in: itmrucio mama

Louisville's offense can‘t
be stopped.

The Cardinals have otie of
the best quarterbacks in tlte
country. He'll slice up l'K‘s

Their ground attack
strikes fear II] the hearts of
defensive coordinators.
They'll run oyer lfK's line
and through l'K's grasp

The UK football team
headed into lioflfs Papa
John‘s Cardinal Stadium two
years ago with an eart‘ul
about how good the (‘ill'df
rials were. and how its de
fense stood no chance.

Then. the Cats changed
its attitude on defense
they believed they could stop
people on defense.

They battered Uotl. quar
terback Dave Ragone. limited
the Cards to :35 rushing yards
and 193 yards passing. hey
walked out with a 22-17 wm.
and a defense that had a new
and confident swagger

“I will giye the attitude to
that." said l'k’ senior defen
sive end Ellery Moore ‘Vle
had Ragone. we hit Ragone.
we punished Ragone basical-
ly the whole night. and that
set the tone for our season.”

Now the (‘ats are hearing
the same hype about the

“It's similar." said tumor
linebacker (‘had Anderson
"They have a yeteran tiuar
terback. veteran backs and
veteran linemen just like two
years ago.“

This time around the
hype belongs to senior quar
terback Stefan LeFors. junior
back Eric Shelton and senior
back Lionel Gates. Their
numbers last year warrant
the buildup.

LeFors passed for Li.) if.
yards with 17 touchdowns
Shelton rushed for 79o yards
and 10 touchdowns (lates
ran for 817 yards and 11‘

But the number that
helped break l'K‘s newt‘ottnd
defensive attitude was ill-3i
as in the score of l‘otlfs w in
at UK last year.

Everything L'K changed

(tool UK JUDIOI' linebacker Chad Anderson (55) stretches with the team at a recent practice at the Nutter Train-
ing FaCiIity. (below) lDetensive linemen Ellery Moore (99) and Lamar Mills converse at practice.

in goo: yanished in that
game l'otl. itished for 21o
yards as l‘lx’ struggled to stop
tiates and Shelton l'K
seemed clueless at times of
their assignments iii a new

The attitude front the ’7
team In 200;! w is .‘lillt'

“I think we all \\:illlt‘ll to
make big plays. we got .i little
selfish as a whole." Moore
said "That happens when
you hate a new st heme and
you got new eoathes and mu
w ant to keep your starter po~
sition "

It took the (‘ats' defense
two and a halt games before
they‘d regain the swagger

\fti‘l allowing 1 l9 rush
mg yards to lndi ant in th.
titst h ilt Se pt in. l K .lete n
sth- l‘otit‘tllliatttl‘ Mike
Archer laid down .i I'lltlllt‘llL'l‘
during halftime

"What I told Till‘lll was. I
am inst going to rall one de
tense We are goiit.v to play
one defense. one toyei‘. '
.ind ll you are llllill entitle};
to line tip ind twat them. yott
win the Latino. and if not. it
(ltllWlld who i. ililll't‘l'nt'r'
what lt ‘ Archer said

.-\.rt her other! same
llI’I“‘ll‘I' Illll‘ll


have" t: otfi

iilisst‘ssutlls. Illl'

managed lo yards

"That's all we
played iii the
third quarter. and
We turned the
game around.”
Archer said
"What it showed
was (that) you
can't triek people;
you can‘t st‘llt‘me
people You got to
be able to line tip
atid heat some-
body one on one

that‘s what the
game is all about.
We did that. and
it showed them
that they could do
H ..

.»\fter regain-
ing their confidence. the (‘ats
allowed all points iii regtila
ltoii one other time a :lolo
loss in Georgia (ill NM 32
the rest of the season .-\l the
end of the season the (‘ats
had the nation‘s "Hill ranked
pass defense and ntitltraiiked
"tlsh defense

While those numbers
weren‘t great. the l ats saw
iniproyem .-\nd now they
feel ' take it to the
m: \ t ]

\\. tit to deye -lop a little

lii' ol l\\\£ll i now lll” t ittse
we feel that we can at'hieye


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the goals we set." Anderson
said “ll~ we don‘t believe. no
llH(l_\' else is going to give as
th it sw iggei ”

Heading into Sunday‘s
game in Louisville. the tats
walk w ith that t‘lllllldt‘llt‘t‘.

All the while. they hear
thl= same things they heard
two years ago

“They are going to he
hyped until they get
stopped." Anderson said
“We just got to make sure we
can end the hype "

jpatterson .I A‘i'kernt'lt‘om










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Coaches: Ron Hudson. offensive coordinator: Ron Caragher.
running backs: Paul Dunn. run game cumdinator/ offensive line;
Steve Ortmayer. assistant head coach/special teams/tight ends;
Joker Phillips. ncmiting coordinator/wide receivers/ perimeter
game coordinator: Casey Waletich. graduate assistant/ offensive
line/ tight ends

Last year: The Cats were seventh in the Southeastern Con
fenence, and 75th in the nation. last year in passing offense. aver»
aging 202.2 yards per game. On the ground. the Cats weren’t
much better. finishing 11th in the SEC and 85th in the country
with 125.1 yards per game.

Players to watch: Shane Boyd and Keenan Burton. Boyd.
a senior quarterback, fits Hudson's offensive scheme. He has
waited for three years to run the offense and he looks to make
the most of his opportunity. He has shown that he is an im—
pact player rushing for two touchdowns, catching one and
throwing another in UK's 35-14 win over Ohio Oct. 18. 2003.
Burton. a sophomore receiver. had a breakout spring. and fig-
ures to be an All-SEC candidate.

Outlook: The (Tats' offense surprised many people in
2003. And that wasn‘t a good thing. The offense stalled many
times. Critics complained that former Cat Jared Lorenzen
wasn‘t used properly. Now that this is the second year for the
Cats in Hudson‘s complex offense. expect them to look a lot
more fluid in it. Remember. his offenses at Kansas State were
routinely amongst the highestscoring in the nation. Junior
running backs Arliss Beach and Draak Davis added muscle
and should shed more tackles than a year ago. Boyd is a good
fit for this offense because of his speed and powerful arm. He
doesn't have to complete 60 percent of his passes to be effec-
tive for the Cats this year Expect to see an offense that is clos-
er to the ones he ran at Kansas State.

Jeff Patterson

Left tackle:

72 Michael Aitcheson
76 Ernie Pelayo

Right guard:
61 Matt Huff
75 Micah Jones

Right tackle:
57 Hayden Lane
6') Eric Klope

Left guard:
70 Jason Rollins
60 Trai Williams

Tight end:
84 Jeremiah Drobney
87 Eric Scott

62 Matt McCutchan
58 Travis Slaydon

m nu more
UK senior defensive end Vincent "Sweet Pea" Burns will be the Cats
defensive captain for the second-straight year.


Left end:
91 Trey Mlcls‘ch
99 Ellery Moore

Left outside linebacker:
9 Durrell White
91.1(‘edric Koger

Inside linebacker:
3.3 (‘had Anderson
33 .lustin Haydock

Nose tackle:
15 Lamar Mills
(if Ricky Abrcn

Inside linebacker:
:39 Dustin Williams *
:11 Dennis Johnson

Right end:
518 Sweet Pea Burns
.34 H. Jay Parsons

m ru mm
UK senior quarterback Shane Boy_d will lead the Cats on offense this
year as the Cats' offensive captain.

Wide receiver:
4 Glenn Holt Jr.
13 Gerad Parker

7 Shane Boyd
3 Andre‘ Woodson

:3 Arliss Beach
26 Draak Davis

Wide receiver:
19 Keenan Burton
8 Lonnell Dewalt

41 Rock Johnson
25 Alexis Bwenge

89 Taylor Begley
95 Clint Ruth

Coaches: Mike Archer. defensive coordinator "outside line-
backers; Steve Brovm. defensive backs: Jake Cookus. graduate as,-
sistant safeties; Michael Gray. defensive line: Ron McBride. in
side linebackers

Last year: The (Tats were much improved on pass defense.
They were sixth in the SEC and 26th in the country. allowing
195.6 yanls per game. The rush defense finished next to last in the
conference and 85th in the nation. allowing 186.7 yards per game.

Players to watch: Vincent “Sweet Pea" Burns and Chad
Anderson. Burns. a senior defensive end. led the SEC in tack-
les for loss with 18 in 2004;. He makes plays. and he plays hard-
er from snap to whistle than anyone head coach Rich Brooks
has ever seen. He is recovering from having his knee scoped.
but will still play 15-20 snaps Sunday against Louisville An-
derson. a junior inside linebacker. tied with fellow linebacker
Dustin Williams for the team lead with 1:15 tackles last year.
He is one of this unit's vocal leaders he always has sonic-
thing to say But he usually backs it up.

Outlook: The Cats may have to rely on their defense to
keep them in games this year if the offense stalls. They re-
turn deeper at many positions. and that should help as there
Were many times last year when the Cats ran out of gas at the
end of the game. The (Tats front seven are as strong as any
they‘ve had in recent history Coach Archer should have no
worries about playing his second team as often as he wants.
Injuries on the secondary are the defenses biggest concern
But both Warren Wilson and Earven Flowers returned to
practice this week and should contribute Sunday at
Louisville As long as the defense stays healthy they can be
counted on to be a strength for the Cats.

Jeff Patterson

Free safety;
~13 Muhammad Alidullah
lo‘ Wesley Woodyard

Right outside linebacker:
so Raymond Fontaine
to Joe Schuler

Right cornerback:
Ill} I‘Iai'vcn flowers
It) Kill‘l If! N tki‘l'

Left cornerback:
Ills Antoine Huffman
21 Warren Wilson

92 Anthony 'l‘hornton
93 Sex in Sucurovic

Strong safety:
1 Mike Williams
2 Marcus McClinton


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 PAGE A4 | Friday, Sept 3, 2004 | PIGSKIN PREVIEW

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 5;) 2004 SEC PREVIEW


Coach: Mike Shula. sec-
ond season (4-9 in one season
at Alabama)

2003 record: 4-9, 26 SEC

Key returning players:
Brodie Croyle (Jr. QB), Wesley
Britt (Sr. LT), DeMeco Evans
(Jr LB). Charlie Peprah (Jr.

Outlook: The return of
favorite son Shula brought ex-
citement but few results last
year. The defense should be
solid again, but replacing RB
Shaud Williams and his 16
TDS will be tough for the of—
fense. especially if Croyle
s t r u g g l e s


Coach: Houston Nutt.
12th season (84-29 overall. 48-
27 in six seasons at Arkansas)

2003 record: 9-4, 4-4 SEC
(defeated Missouri 27-14 in
Mainstay Independence

Key returning players:
Matt Jones (Jr. QB). DeCori
Birmingham (Sr. TB). Arrion
Dixon (Sr. DT). Jeb Huckeba
(Sr. DE)

Outlook: In the off-sea-
son. Nebraska tried to lure
Nutt out of Fayetteville but
failed. Jones enters the season
ranked second in SEC history
in career rushing by a QB.
His versatility and size gives
the offense big play potential.


Coach: Tommy Tu-
berville. 10th season (63-44
overall, 38-24 in five seasons at

2003 record: 8-5. 5-3 SEC
(defeated Wisconsin 28-14 in
Gaylord Hotels Music City

Key returning players:
(,‘arnell Williams (Sr. TB). Ja-
son Campbell (Sr. QB). Travis
Williams (Jr LB). Bret Eddins
(Sr. LE)

Outlook: Last season.
Auburn failed to live up to its

lofty pre-season ranking (No.
1 in some polls). resulting in
the school’s brief pursuit of
Louisville head coach Bobby
Petrino to replace Tuberville.
The heat is definitely on this
season. and so Tuberville's
job may be riding on Carnell
“Cadillac" Williams.


Coach: Nick Saban. 11th
season (82-391 overall. 3913 in
four seasons at LSU)

2003 record: 13-1. 7-1 SEC
(SEC and national champi-
ons. defeated Oklahoma 2114
in Sugar Bowl)

Key returning players:
Marcus Randall (Sr. QB),
Justin Vincent (So. RB), Mar-
cus Spears (Jr. LE), Corey
Webster (Sr. CB)

Outlook: Defense won for
LSU last year, and with seven
starters returning for the
SEC's best defense, Saban‘s
formula should be successful
again. Randall, capable back-
up in 2003, has plenty of
weapons on offense, too.


Coach: Sylvester Croom,
first season

2008 record: 210. 1-7 SEC

Key returning players: Je-
rious Norwood (Jr. HB). David
Stewart (Sr. OT). Ronald
Fields (Sr. LT), Marvin Byrd-
song (Jr. LB)

Outlook: The hiring of
Croom, the SEC‘s first black
head football coach, returned
the spotlight to Starkville.
The only problem is a team
that ranked last in the SEC in
both offense and defense is in
the spotlight, too.


Coach: David Cutcliffe,
sixth season (40-22 overall in
five seasons at Mississippi)

2003 record: 103. 7-1 SEC
(SEC West cochampions. de-
feated Oklahoma State 31-28
in Cotton Bowl)

Key returning players:
Lorenzo Townsend (Sr. RB).
Mike Espy (Jr. WR), Danie]
Booth (Sr. DT). Eric Oliver (Sr.

Outlook: Junior QB

Micheal Spurlock inherits a
veteran offensive line. a big-
play receiver and a solid run-
ning back. He also inherits a
whole lot of expectations and
the long shadow of Eli Man-



Coach: Ron Zook, third
season (16-10 overall in two
seasons at Florida)

2003 record: 8-5. 6-2 SEC
(lost to Iowa 37-17 in Outback

Key returning players:
Chris Leak (So. QB). Mike De-
gory (Jr. C), Charming Crow-
der (So. LB), Mo Mitchell (Sr.

Outlook: With Steve
Spurrier out of the NFL.
fireronzookcom is in midsea-
son form already Zook needs
Leak to deliver a standout sea-
son, but even that may not be


Coach: Mark Richt.
fourth season (32-8 overall in
three seasons at Georgia)

2003 record: 11-3. 62 SEC
(defeated Purdue 34-27 in OT
in Capital One Bowl)

Key returning players:
David Greene (Sr. QB). Fred
Gibson (Sr. FL). David Pollack
(Sr. DE). Thomas Davis (Jr.

Outlook: With almost
everyone back from last
year's squad, Richt has no ex-
cuse to extend Georgia's six-
year losing streak to the


Coach: Rich Brooks, 20th
season (95-117-4 overall, 4-8 in
one season at UK)

2003 record: 4-8. 1-7 SEC

Key returning players:
Shane Boyd (Sr. QB). Keenan
Burton (So. WR). Sweet Pea
Burns (Sr. DE), Mike Williams
(Sr. SS)

Outlook: A young offen-
sive line and injuries on de-
fense will not make climbing

out of the SEC's basement
easy for the Cats.


Coach: Lou Holtz, 33rd
season (243-1277 overall. 27—32
in five seasons at South Car-

2003 record: 57. 26 SEC

Key returning players:
Dondrial Pinkins (Sr. QB).
Daccus Turman (Jr. RB),
George Gause (Sr. DE). Moe
Thompson (Jr. DE)

Outlook: The Gamecocks
ended the last two seasons
with four- and five-game los-
ing streaks. This season
should be no different.


Coach: Phillip Fulmer.
12th season (113-28 overall in
11 seasons at Tennessee)

2003 record: 103. 62 SEC
(SEC East cochampions, lost
to Clemson 27-14 in Peach

Key returning players:
Michael Munoz (Sr. OT).
Dustin Colquitt (Sr. P). Kevin
Burnett (Sr. LB). Kevin Simon
(Jr. LB)

Outlook: Questions swirl
around the quarterback posi-
tion. with true freshmen Erik
Ainge and Brent Schaeffer
battling for the spot. The suc-
cess of the Vols will be in
young, inexperienced hands.


Coach: Bobby Johnson,
11th season (64-56 overall. 4-20
in two seasons at Vanderbilt)

2003 record: 210, 1-7 SEC

Key returning players:
Jay Cutler (Sr. QB), Norval
McKenzie (So. TB), Moses ()s-
emwegie (Jr. LB). Jovan Haye
(Jr. DE)

Outlook: As strange as it
may sound. Vanderbilt is talk-
ing about bowls this season
with 21 starters returning
from last year. Still. most of
that hope is founded upon a
lateseason win against UK.

Tim Wiseman

PIGSKII PREVIEW I Friday, Sept. 3. 2004 I PM! A5


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Pm: A6 | Friday, Sept. 3, 2004 l PIGSKIM Primal


We? ”Wart? "aw

A look ahead

UK tans
see what
they want to.
whether it's
a bad call
from the oili-
cials. or a
blowout that
s e e m e (‘1
much closer
They see the
Worst in
every l'K
contest. Here
are sortie
ways they might see the sea-
son ahead. 01‘ not.

At Louisville

True Blue colored lenses
Shane Boyd has been waiting
three years for this. and he do
livers an upset of the ("aids

Color blind The mighty
Cards make losses to l’itino's
hoops squad look bearable

30 Eli \‘lSlUlll in a sloppy
game tilled with mistakes. the
Cats stay surprisingly close l'
of l. 28. UK 21


True Bliie colored lenses:
L'K plays perfectly; shutting
out the Hmsiers.

(‘olor blind: This is lndi
ana. How bad could it be"

BO ‘21) Vision: (‘ats struggle
before an annous crowd be
fore pulling away [K :13. ll‘ :1

At Florida

True Blue colored lenses
There are limits to optimism.

(‘oloi‘ blitid: A nightmare
654i massacre like iii 15m

20 till \isloti Ron Zook's
Gators have heard eiiotigli
doubters: they'll take it out on
[IK.L'l-‘38.1TK 17.


True Blue colored lenses
An easy night left only to dis
cuss L'K's throwback unis.

(‘oloi‘ hlintl No feat of
Bobcats here

21! 2o Vision l'K should
have its way against ()lTlU. Just
like last year. l'K 712. (lino to


True Blue coloi‘etl lenses
UK won't need 'l‘im (‘ouch and
(‘raig Yeast to topple the Tide

Color blind (kits cannot
stop the Tide from rolling
through (‘ominonwealth

‘20 3o Vision, This may not
be the Banizi ol' old. but it's
better than the l'K oi today
l'A 31. Hi i.





>> Reynolds lid.
[CB South

at, , .q§.;';.;zfafi-wzywfiwww..

South Carolina

True Blue coloied lenses.
Bowl talk begins with a solid
win over Holtz‘s Gamecocks.

(‘olor blind‘ Holtz could ‘
beat UK with any team (exA

cept maybe Indiana).

20 20 vision: The
doubters are probably right.
[SC 24. UK 21.

At Auburn

True Blue colored lenses
A road win against a solid
SEC team is beyond hope

(‘olor blind: Auburn back
(‘arnell "Cadillac" Williams
runs roughshixl over UK

3021) \'l'sl(ili‘ Auburn is
too good a team to stumble
against l'K. Al' 38. l'K 7

At Mississippi State

True Blue colored lenses
l'K niakes Bulldog head l‘lk'lt'll
regret he came to Starki'ille

t‘oloi blind Mississippi
State gets its lone Slit' win

an ‘Jii \'l.\lllll The Cats an-
al least a year ahead of the

basement Bulldogs l'K Ill.

True Blue colored lenses
This is when talk of a "goal
post game" begins

t‘olor blind l'K should
lieVet‘ think about tearing
down its goal posts Seriously

go :o \lsltill lietit‘L‘lll is
the real deal. and l'K is not
l’t't'lixl [MA ill. [K 1.1


True Blue t'olot‘etl lenses
l'K takes out the whooping
stick on that "academic
school” l‘iiitn 'l‘ennessm-

Color blind Vand\ con
tinues to humble [K

:21) Bo Vision. The (‘ats
avenge last year‘s loss to the
'l)til‘l‘.\ (K 38. \‘l' to

At Tennessee

True Blue colored lenses
Again. no l‘K l.t:i. no matter
how era/ed. «an lll‘i'lllt‘i .1 \\lil
in Kiio.\\ the

Color blind The Vols
pummel the l‘ats to .l steadx
soillitllt‘ut‘k' ol ”Rot‘k} 'l‘op"

‘Jo in Vision With .1
young quarterback. the Vols
are not the ~iuggei‘naui of
years past Btit they‘re still
the Vols. and they do not ltlst‘
to l’K. liter ("1‘ It}. l'K o

f." mud

to 1M "sun. A tlie'vie. mm

0, ‘3‘


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Krystal Ball Pigskin Preview

Sara Cunningham
Projects editor

UK 29, UofL 27
C010. St. 43, C010. 29

Stave My
Managing editor

[left 31. UK 13
Colo. St. 42. Cole. 14

Lindsey Keith

Staff writer

UK 24, UofL 21
C010. St. 21, C010. 10

Jeff Patterson
Asst. sports editor

Colo. 31, C010. St. 27

Derek Poore
Staff writer

UofL 31, UK 13
C010. St. 28, C010. 17

New lEX'I'IIMl
“all“ SEWGS
All lEXflIMl Iiidorsl

Q d5

for the weekend of Sept. 3, 2004

Ohio St. 35, Cincy 21
S. Carolina 55, Vandy 13
Miami 32, Florida St. 21
Wake 47, Clemson 41
Miss. St. 56, Tulane 49

Ohio St. 38, Cincy 21

Ohio St. 56, Cincy 7

S. Carolina 17, Vandy 7
Florida St. 42, Miami 39
Clemson 28, Wake 14
Miss. St. 31, Tulane 21

Ohio St. 35, Cincy 17
S. Carolin 19. Vandy 13
Miami 21, Florida St. 20
Clemson 27. Waite 18
Miss St. 24. Tulane 10

Ohio St. 41, Cincy1O
S. Carolina 24, Vandy 7
Miami 31, Florida St. 21
Clemson 17, Wake 10
Miss. St. 27, Tulane 14

Will] the


Asst. Opinions editor

UofL 45. UK 10
C010. 20. Colo. St. 17

Adam Sichito

Asst. news editor

UofL 20, UK 17
C010. St. 31, Colo. 24

Josh Suflivan
Staff columnist

UofL ‘28, UK 14
Colo. St. 35. C010. 10

Leslie Wilhite

Staff writer

UofL 27, UK 10
C010. 27, C010. St. 20

Tim Wiseman
Sports editor

UofL 28, UK 21
Colo. St. 31. Colo. 17

nit/tot: Students,
Facultll 8. Emmovees





There’s a Lot
Riding on

I“! .038... II. T” '0 "I. "O... m ”I. '0' .I I "‘0'“ IN".


Ohio St. 21. mm
S. Carolina 7. MIG ‘
Miami at. W SW
Clemson 21. Malta to
Miss. SL17.Tuime-13

Ohio St. 44, Cincy 6
S. Carolina 24, Vandy 13
Florida St. 31, Miami 28
Clemson 21, Wake 20
Miss. St. 28, Tulane 9

Ohio St. 17, Cincy 3 '
S. Carolina 21. Vaidy 17
Miami 42, Florida St. 35
Clemson 24, Waite 17
Miss St. 14, Tulane 10

Ohio St. 27, Cincy 7
S. Carolina 13, Vandy 10
Miami 24, Florida St. 21
Clemson 17, Wake 10
Miss. St. 14, Tulane 7

Ohio St. 35, Cincy 9

S. Carolina 17, Vandy 12
Miami 38, Florida St. 35
Cienmon 34. Make 2!)
Miss. St. 21. Tulane-14 -









 PIGSKIN PREVIEW I Friday, Sept. 3, 2004 | PAGE A7


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2004 Kentucky Wildcats Football Roster

Name Pos. Class 50 Raymond Fontaine LB Jr.
Mike Williams SS Sr. 51 Kamaal Ahmad LB Sr.
Marcus McClinton S Fr. 52 Justin Haydock LB Sr. ‘ .
Scott Mitchell WR Jr. 53 Richard Gray NT Jr. ‘ 3 377"“
Andre’ Woodson 013 Fr. (RS) 54 8. Jay Parsons DE Jr. 502‘863' 1060 P4 44 are Baths
Glenn Holt Jr. WR Jr. 55 Chad Anderson LB Jr. 877-296-3051 ( .iiur'iner Breakfast
Arliss Beach TB Jr. 56 Tedd Bullock LB Fr.
John Logan WR Fr. (RS) 57 Thomas Flannery LB Fr. “‘7“ ”77577577357777‘7‘70777
Shane Boyd 03 Sr. 57 Hayden Lane or $0, 7" "'
Lonnell Dewalt WR Fr. 58 Travis Slaydon C So.
Durrell White LB So. 59 Dustin Williams LB Jr. 9 _"
Karl Booker CB So. 60 Matt Bell LB Fr. '
Ben McGrath OB/LB Fr. 60 Trai Williams 06 So. “‘0“: lB‘DllJD‘BNA‘ 8
Joe Joe Brown 08 Fr. 61 Matt Huff 06 Sr. ‘
Dicky Lyons Jr. WR Fr. 62 Matt McCutchan C Jr. MAXWELL’S ALLEY
Gerad Parker WR Sr. 63 Ricky Abren NT Fr. (RS) . 120 W Maxwell Street
Dallas Greer FS Fr. (RS) 64 Cody Morehead OG Fr. (RS) 1 2524933 2524934
Trey Barclay OB Sr. 65 Eric Klope 0T Fr. (RS) ‘
Wesley Woodyard S Fr. 66 Jason Leger DL Fr.
Tommy Cook WR Sr. 67 Patrick Daly 0T Fr. (RS)
Jacob Tamme WR Fr. (RS) 68 Joe Brady 06 So.
Keenan Burton WR So. 69 Aaron Miller 0L Fr.
Dominic Lewis TB Fr. (RS) 70 Jason Rollins 06 Sr.
Warren Wilson CB Jr. 72 Michael Aitcheson 0T So.
Rafael Little RB Fr. 73 Jason Dickerson SN So.
Eric Sears WR Fr. (RS) 73 Alex Wells OT Fr. (RS) 4
80 Smith CB Jr. 75 Micah Jones 0L Fr. ‘ 131) \\"l \l ,\l,-\\\‘\'l‘l l \ l'Rl- lt'l~
Aleixs Bwenqe FB Jr. 76 Ernie Pelayo OT Jr. “1171””. \1 W. )R ('lClDl 1‘ ( 1mm
Draak Davis TB Jr. 77 Casey Shumate C . (RS) 7 l)l.\’l l\ UR CARRY 01“]
Gabriel Wallace LB Fr. 78 Kane Hannaford 0L Fr.
Tony Dixon RB Fr. 79 Gary Williams 01 Fr. - www.joebolognas.com
Russ Throckmorton SS Sr. Bl Dominick DeVastey SS Jr. ,, . .
Jarrell Williams CB Fr. 82 Kurt Jackson TE Jr.
Claude Saqaille SS Sr. 83 Kurt Myers TE So.
Earven Flowers CB Sr. 84 Jeremiah Drobney TE Jr.
Andrew Hopewell TB Jr. 85 DeMarcus Wood WR Jr.
Dennis Johnson LB Jr. 86 Maurice Marchman WR So.
Roger Williams SS Fr. 87 Eric Scott TE Fr. (RS)
Antoine Huffman CB Jr. 88 Jamir Davis TE Jr. _
Keith Shelton Jr. LB Jr. 89 Taylor Beqley K Jr. SAVE A HOKSE

CB Jr. 89 Sean Murphy WR Fr. (RS) ' ' ‘ 4:

Clem Fennell

Justin Sprowles FB Jr. 90 Cedric Koqer LB Jr.

Rock Johnson FB Jr. 91 Trey Mielsch DE Jr.

Muhammad Abdullah FS Jr. 92 Anthony Thornton P Sr. ' '

Ryan Schumm LB Fr. 93 Sevin Sucurovic P Sr. I

Brandon Kinq FB Fr. 94 Travis Day DE . .
or 4,









3 140111134 l’l//.-\ 4 (1112mm;


















Jon Sumrall LB . 95 Clint Ruth K Sr.
Lamar Mills NT . 96 Tyler Gray K Jr.
Joe Schuler LB . 97 Nii Adjei Oninku DL Fr.
Eric Mueller LB Fr. 98 "Sweet Pea" Burns DE Sr
Terry Clayton LB Fr. 99 Ellery Moore DE Sr.
Brad Booker LB So.







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 PAGE A8 I Friday, Sept. 3. 2004 I PIGSKIN PREVIEW

Late TD still riles Cats

By Chris Johnson

What would

Up nine. less than a
minute to go. you‘re in the
red zone against the hated
cross-state rival. with weeks
and weeks of practice for
this game under your belt.
against a tired defense that
has been unable to stop you
all day.

To rub it in or not rttb it

Louisville coach Bobby
Petrino called iii the play to
punch in a last touchdown.
tacked on the extra poitit and
beat UK 40-3-1 last year

All of l'K‘s players re-
member it. Some under-

you have

defensive end who tied a ca»
reer high with seven tackles
in last year‘s game. did not
take the late score personally

"You got to bury your ri-
val team.“ Moore said
Wednesday. "They got to un-
derstand. that day. that you
owned them."

Moore said if Coach Rich
Brooks calls his number to
tack on a late touchdown.
he‘d step up quickly

"Put the rock in Ellery‘s
hand. he‘ll take it in there.“
Moore. a 290-pounder. said
with a smile.

Keenan Burton. a sopho-
more wide receiver and one
of UK's primary big-play op-
tions. had a different take on
the game.

"It's stuck in the back of

stand: some do not. Some
take it personally: some do

All want to get on the
field Sunday in Louisville
and get it back.

Ellery Moore. a UK senior

my mind." Burton said. “I
won't forget . Coach won‘t
let me forget.“

Would Burton take the
late score if the ball came to


Burton said.

“They tried to embarrass us.
I respect my opponents. but
I‘ll do whatever coach tells
me to do,"

The freshmen, including
receiver Lonnell Dewalt and
lineman Micah Jones. were
in high school last year when
Louisville tacked on the
haughty half-dozen. Are the
players in this class. some of
whom are going to play large
roles in Sunday's game. emo
tionally ready to take on the
favored Cards?

"Honestly. on a day as hot
as today. we‘re just trying to
get them through practice."
said offensive coordinator
Ron Hudson Wednesday.
"Like Coach Brooks said. you
can't wait for them to be
emotionally prepared. 1 have
no qualms (doubts) that
they‘ll be ready to play. Will
they be prepared to play.
that‘s what we're working


Logic is no answerfor predicting Cats

l don't believe them.

I don‘t believe all the [K football fans out
there saying the (‘ats might go wiiiless or 1~
lH iii Boot

I don't believe them. because I am one of

This is an act of self-defense. and we are
all trying it. It's called lowered expectations.
We convince ourselves we don‘t think the
(‘ats will succeed. so we‘ll be OK if they

That logic has never worked for me. and
it won't work this year.

I have tried it in every big game the [7K
football team has played since I first started
following the (‘ats Lowered expectations failed to save me
from heartache during fourth quarter collapses against Flori-
da last year and Louisiana State two years ago,

You can see everyone in (‘onimonwealth Stadium try this