,' -. 'Z · Q ` ' /_ {H 4 wr. ·.‘¤i-· --· - j"";'i -4 _ _ PAGE 8 SECTION ONE . _ - _ , the Good Samaritan hospital. Miss I Gehring was the first superintend- ‘ · — ent of the hospital under that ‘ i name. The first staff was com- ` L " posed of: The late Dr. H. M. · Skillman, the late Dr. David Bar- 4 row, Dr. J. C. Carrick, Dr.- F. H. · , Clarke, the late Dr. B. L. Coleman, A """""*“" Dr. VV. O. Bullock, Jr.; Dr. John ‘ Success of Affair at Good w. scott, pt. w. B. Mociure, the · S . C M late Dr. G. D. Kelly, Jr.; the late · amarltan I ause ed' Dr. J. A. Stucky, the late Dr. .1 ting to Be Madg Annual Charles VV. Norris and the late . ` E Dr. John Y. Oldham. Five of the V · . vent members of the original staff now ..;..... are on the present staff of the hos- ‘ - pital. 'The late Dr. Thomas Stone . ‘ ·· . Lewis became the first interne on I, -—-— January 1. 1899. V _·Miss Lake Johnson, superintend- Thr; mst ciass Og nurses wagl ’ ent of the Good Samaritan hospital, mgantzcd in 1891, and Miss Sarah ; yesterday announced `that annual B. Rowland was the first graduate J · reunions of nurses, internes and in 1893. Miss Rowland now is - doctors of the hospital will be held Mrs. Mock. Dr. Redxnon described Y hereafter, so successful was the the growth Ot thg hospital fg its _ 1 first reunion held at the hospita1.present size with 22 graduate nurse` ’ - Wednesday night. lsupervisors; 75 pupil nurses, a staff . _. ` DI; L_ C_ Rgdmgn, whg became of 69 doctors and a total hospital ` the first lnterne of the Good Sa- staff of 174, and 242 beds in a hos- ‘·ma_rista_n hospital when gt was pital valued at approximately $1,- moved to its present location on 500,000. 1 ·- South Limestone street, reviewedl Members of the nurses’ classes - -.the history of the hospital from itslof 1893, 1895, 1897 and 1899 were ` founding by the ¥Vomen’s Guild of presented at the reunion. Between l the Episcopal church in 1888. Th€1105 and 110 graduate nurses at- hospital was founded in a, building tended, and nine former internes. · on’West Short street just east of In his address, Dr. Redmon paid V Deweese street, and at that time high tribute to the late Henry L. C V. ' was staffed by a superintendent Ott, president of the board, whose . · ` i and four pupil nurses. Miss Frantz generosity contributed largely to W, Scott, member Vof thc. original ` was the iirst superintendent. the rapid growth of the hospital. staff, and now chairmani of the ._ ;· The hospital was operated to and to the late Alfred Combs, presi· medical board; Dr. W. _G. Phillips, ` *1S99¤ as the Protestant infirmary. dent emeritus of the hospital.- I-Ie of Maysville, Dr. Clarke and others ·.Then ladies of all Protestant and'also complimented Miss Johnson, were introduced. . _ I `*'LTewish churches took over the ilriwho has been superintendent for Supperwas served on the ifronis ·. e stitution and it became known as the past seven years. Dr. John lawn of the hospital, _