xt7m901zgx4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m901zgx4k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1999 1999 1999-12-09 2020 true xt7m901zgx4k section xt7m901zgx4k EC



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‘Twas the night before
Christmas and
Santa's a wreck

How to live in a world
that's politically

Four reindeer had
vanished. without
much propriety.

Released to the wilds by
the Humane Society.

And equal employment
had made it quite

That Santa had better
not use just reindeer.

So Dancer and Donner,
Cornet and Cupid,
Were replaced with four
pigs, and boy that

looked stupid!

And people had started
to call for the cops

When they heard sled
noises on their

Second-hand smoke from
his pipe had his
workers quite

His fur-trimmed red suit
was called

And to show you the
strangeness of life's
ebbs and flows,

Rudolf sued over
unauthorized use of
his nose

And as for the gifts.
why, he'd ne'er had a

That making a choice
could cause so much

No candy or sweets
they were bad for
the tooth.

Nothing that seemed to
embellish a truth.

Dolls were said to be
sexist, and should be

And Nintendo would rot
your entire brain

Santa tried to be merry.
tried to be gay,

But you've got to be
careful with that
word today.

Something special was
needed, a gift that he

Give to all without
angering the left or
the right.

A gift that would satisfy,
with no indecision,

Each group of people,
every religion;

Every ethnicity, every

Everyone, everywhere
even you.

So here is that gift, its
price beyond worth

"May you and your loved
ones enjoy peace on

(c) Harvey Ehrlich, 1992

- Source:

- Compiled by
Samantha Essld/Ron


"TQM sycrfit‘y‘f;
A]? :1GE. :3; 1

4.9 4.2

Now it starts to feel
a bit more like winter as
the cold and rain start to
head into the area.




VOL. 8105 ISSUE 374


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:











JOHN PAYNTER | 111111151 51111

Pam Miller (above, second from left) tries on cloths at the re-opening of the J. Peterman Company Store.

Back from the dead: Lexington Mayor Pam Miller
on hand for re-opening of high-end outfitter

By Nicholas Hatch


The J. Peterman Company
Store is back. After declaring that)-
ter 11 Bankruptcy earlier this year
following disappointingly sluggish
Christmas sales in 1998. the store
has reopened with a new owner
and a commitment to Lexington.

The ttew owner is Paul Harris
Stores. Inc. retailer ofprivate label
casual women's wear. atid Wednes-
day the company symbolized its
commitment to the city by tnaking
a donation at the grand re—opening
of J. I’eterman's Lexington store.
0n the receiving end was (Ilen
Krebs. Chairman of the Lexington
Sister Cities Commission.

With Mayor Pam Miller on
hand. wielding a large pair of scis»
sors to cut the ribbon. Chairman.
President and CEO Charlotte Fis
Cher of Paul Harris Stores. Inc. pre-
sented a check for 35.000 to Krebs.

“I’m delighted to be here to-
day." said Fischer. as she presented
the check. “Since Paul Harris ac»
quired J. Peterman. we have been



dedicated to reopening the ching
ton store "

’I‘his sentiment was echoed by
Krebs as he received the check.
“We at the Lexington Sister (‘itics
Commission take the best of our
culture abroad and bring the best
of others back." a theme similarly
reflected in the .I. I’eterman philos
opliy of focusing on items inspired
by romantic places. remarkable
people. and a good story.

.I. l’eterman Company began iii
Lexington as a catalogue company
r1111 by John I’eterman. his wife Au-
drey. and co-founder Ilon Stalcy.
From their first item. a duster coat
designed after one that I’eterman
brought home after a trip. a 863 m il-
lioti company. with thiiteen stores
nationwide developed. before they
closed in 1998.

Across campus. students gen»
erally do not identify with the .1. Pc-
terman brand name or feel it is

Stephanie Shenefelt. family
studies senior. admitted she did
not know much about the

"I know them froin Seinfeld."
said. "Elaine Ilcnicc worked ther1 “

\11d(‘liris Shafftr at tiiglish
111d polilital science 111a lik' -s
tl1111 stuti. but Id bettei wot until
I get that student loan!"

\Iatiagcr Rebecca Wilson
hopes to attract more colli-gc aged

"W1 1e 1lly have a I1 t of things
foi them too. and some of them atc
priced as low as ten or fifteen dol

Miller was excited at the com
pany's return. calling .I. l’1-1er11ian
“synonymous with style." some
thing she feels belongs 111 Lexington.

"I'm just delighted that .I. IN»
ierman‘s is open agaiti in l.1-xing~
ton." she said.

J. Peterman's is located
in the Village Shoppes at
3094 Richmond Rd.

10 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon-Sat
12 a.m.-7 pm. Sun.



Dead Week still has signs

Some classes might be
cancelled in future

By Allen Silvey

and Kevin Thacher

Some students are finding out
that dead week does not quite live
up to its name.

UK designates the week before
finals ~ called “dead week" a
week free of any exams with the
exception of make up tests. But
what goes on in the classroom
does not always follow the rule.

Josh Ives. an architectural
sophomore. has tests in his major
courses this week. "I've got archi-
tectural tests due this week. then I
have finals in my university stud-
ies classes next week." Ives said.
“It has already been a tough few
days of studying, then I have to
study some more for the rest.
which will be pretty close to when
those finals are given.“

Jacob Dallenbach. a business
and finance freshman. must take
three tests this week. “I think it‘s

extremely unfair." he said. “I
should be getting ready for finals
instead of taking tests on new ma

Academic ombudsman Jeff
Dembo said dead week is like any
other week. with the exception
that finals cannot be given. Stu-
dents must have advance notice of
any work to be covered during
dead week.

“The intent of the policy is to
essentially forbid the moving of fi-
nal exams to anywhere but after
dead week.“ Denibo said. Assign-
ments and quizzes are considered
routine class work. and can still be
turned in during dead week.

Loys Mather. a faculty trustee
who was a member of the Univer-
sity Senate when the dead week
rule was passed. said he thinks the
rule is useful.

“I think it's made a differ-
ence." Mather said. “We had quite
a few classes that gave exams.
Thursday and Friday became
exam days, while other classes
were trying to cover course work.“

But Vincent Fields. chairman
of the Student Center. said the cur-
rent dead week policy gives stu-
dents false hopes ofa week to dedi-
cate to studying for finals.


of life

"There is nothing dead."
Fields said. “about dead week. It‘s
actually a hindrance on students
to expect to have a dead week and
then not have one."

Fields is Working with the
SGA 1111 a new dead week policy.
This policy will make the 'l‘hu1s
day and Friday of dead week study
days with no (lasses being held.
To accomplish this. the semester
classes must start on a Monday.

“So far we have got .1 lot of
support for it." Fields said

Ilallenbach said it is the pro
fessor's responsibility to cover
everything before dead week. "It's
a lack of responsibility and prepa
ration on the teacher‘s part." he
said. “This week should be used 111
preparation for finals."


budat 257-3737, or bycontactino the



Cats look to

defense to

stop the
bleeding I 3



Air Force ROTC



“Encouraging" and “inspirational" leader
calls it quits in order to work at museum

By Nick Tomecelt

1311016" [Ol'uR

I'K professor (‘ol
James Steven Parker. the
higliestrranking Air Force
officer in the state. is retir-
ing today. ending a
29Ayear career.

Parker. 50. was
professor of I’K‘s
Aerospace Studies
and mentor for its
Air Force ROTC

Since Parker‘s
arrival at the Uni-
ycrsity two years
ago. he has been
responsible for
leading the effort
iii acquiring new cadets.
This effort has succeeded.
with the number of com
missioncd cadets steadily
increasing. said Sgt. Scott
Russell. a I'K AFROTC staff

Parker brought his ex
periencc training leaders
around the world to l'K.
Many cadets say they have

"When I think of (‘ol
I’arker. I think not only of a
distinguish» d Air Force of-
l11ct but o a devoted and
gentious leader." said
Sarah ’I‘inunons. a psycltol
Hg} stipIa-ini-t'o 1111" third
class cadet. "To 1111-. he has
been nothing less than m.
couraging and inspirar

Parker was commis-
stoned iitto the United
States Air Force in June of



1971 froin the .-\FR()'I‘(‘ pro.
gram at the I'nivcrsity ot
New Mexico. He holds .1
postgraduate degree in his-
man relations and pilllll“
administration In the Air
Force. he served as a com
mand pilot. He received an
Air Force Accoin
tnodation Medal
with three oak t'l'l*~
tcrs. and the lit-
I’ense Superior Scr
vice Medal
Many say he has ir-
llucnced stu1l~nts
through his {it'lltills
and his example.
"When (‘ol. I’ai‘kcr
speaks, you can
hear 3‘1 years of ex
perience." said (‘adet (‘oL
.Ion Caldwell. .1 met It mica]
(iigineet ing sciiiot anti Ilc
mentots almost

Parker said he plans on
working at the Kentucky
Aviation Museum as the

head administrator of the

The museum runs
camps for kids to teach

them about ayiation. and
honors people within lllt‘
state who were inyolvcd in
aviation. He will spend lllt'
rest ol his tiiiic as president
of the Air Force Associa

Matty said he mil in
missed. " is going to be 1
great loss. liecatise he loves
his country. lies .1 great
aviator and has a liumani
tarian spirit." Sgt. Russell

Feeling stressed out?

By Allen Silvey
continent: no we FER

Multiple assignments. fi»
nals. holiday shopping and
gctrtogethci‘s crammed into a
three week period can over
w'liclm even the most stable

Stress can become a big
problem for sonic students if
left unchecked.

"Stress is a mental. emor
tional. and physical reaction
the body has designed to react
to some environmental
threat." Dr. Timothy Nolan.
director of Mcntal Ilealth Ser»
vices. which is a part of the
l'nivcrsity Health Service.

Prolonged stress is a datt
gcr to many people. (letting to
the poitit where stress be
comes a problem is a gradual
process Many students report
that as they loose sleep they
start missing tticals and exer
cise. Matty are not even aware
that it is happening

"I've been up until too
am. tiiosi nights and get 1111 at
8:01) am. for t‘lliss. I haven't
had a good meal or decent
nights sleep since 'l‘hanksgiv
ing. This will probably go on
until finals are over." said
lirent Bohannon. an architec-
tural senior.

"Headaches. fatigue. trouv
ble concentrating. difficulty
sleeping and decreased ap-
petite are the physical symp
toms of stress Depression.
frustration. short-temper. and
becoming academically inef-
fective are the emotional ef
fects. It is important to learn
to idetitify these first signs.”
Nolan said.

Nolan said stress preven-
tiott includes getting adequate
sleep. proper nutrition and ex


Larry Geiger. a niechani
cal engineering soplitiiiioi‘c.
has a novel approach to fulfill
ing his dietary needs. (Icigct
incorporates a reward system
for studying hard.

“I try not to change my
diet. What I do is reward my»
self with food for staying up
extra hours studying."

Michael White. a criminal
justice freshman. I1'1s been
dealing with stress by drink

"After last week. when
every professor assigns thosc
end of semester JIsSILItillli‘tils
and tests. I was
They're all over it 1111 nor. and


I ant finally ablw 1. 1-‘I:1\
lli'itikilig helped casi- .1.1 Itstcl,
to life."

Dr Nolan warns .12-1111s:
quick fixes like alcohol. dru: s.
atid the overuse oi stimulants
because they makt the siiua
tion worse.

l)r. Nolan says that it
physical and emotional symp
toms continue to manifest
themselves. it may be time to
seek ("lil‘t‘

Need help with your

It you feel that you need to
take that extra step and make an
appointment with Mental Hulth
Services at 323-55“.

They are open 8 am. to 4:30
pm Monday through Friday. Stu-
possible. They suggest that stu-
dents call as soon as they suspect
they might need help. rather than
with). Students must present
their student ID upon arrival.






 z | riiuiisoiiv, DECEMBER 9,1999 1 kciiruciiv mum


The Low-down

Conspiracy found in King killing

MEMPHIS. 'l‘eiin. .\tlll'\'l1~'.ll‘111‘_'.1l(l\\\'llll
filed by ttie Rt v, Martin Luther King .lrfs family
found yesterday that the ci\ il i‘l‘.’l11\ le.1der was
the \lt‘illil of a \.1st murder conspiracy. not :1


Solo rock stars
Eric Clapton,
Bonnie Raitt

Gov't seeks to narrow PC divide

\i'.\SHIN(}'l‘()N The Clinton administra-
tion is searching for ways to narrow a growing
“digital divide" in which minorities are falling
behind 111 their access to computers and the in»
ternet. President Clinton will devote his next
“New Markets“ poverty tour in the spring to
highlighting the problem and plans to issue a
number ofdirectives aimed at increasing govern-
ment efforts in this area. Commerce Secretary
William Daley said yesterday.


Students asked
to give to needy

The season of giving: The Lexington Feed
the Hungry Program gears up for charity

0 C O
lone assassin The King famih hail sued Loyd :"dl‘hmfs France contlnues BrItISh beet ban l
.lowei's. .1 retired businessman \\l1oi'l111111i‘tl siv "what“: 22:“ 1
years ago that he and someone other than James , ~ .. , . ,. , , .. , . _ .
‘ . l, .1 .1 _ 3 my, .. . the Lovin' _ PARIS l‘ianct yesterday (ittltltd tocoir 8 Nick Smith
1“”1 R‘l\ I” klll kill» 1“ All lllll‘ll\ 1“ l' lit) lh‘ IlnLMi ”S bvln ()n [gr'lt‘gh beef lmpUl‘tS ()Vpl‘tpzu‘g ()1 ‘ ~A7~ ”is- ~77
family‘s lawyer claimed that the Hit. (‘l.-\. the Spoonful, Earth, - 1 - i. ‘1 i. -. ~. L‘ , h, -. Hf '- 1”- l li't l commautmc mm
\1. t ltt 1 11' ‘v \ W 11 WW fl Wind and Fire mat cow discasi . scttingt cstagc oi a cga‘ m- t g ‘ ~
‘ “ "l ‘1'“ l‘ 1111 l “I ‘ H l ‘ i and the tie with London. In a statement. Prime Minister ; it is the time of the year

Soldier found guilty of murder

FORT CAMPBELL. Ky. .»\11 Army private

Moonglows will
be inducted into
the Rock and
Roll Hall of


Lionel Jospin's government attributed its deci-
sion to a “lack ofsullicient guarantees" on sever-
al points. France‘s food safety agency. known as
AFSSA. advised the government Monday that
new British and European measures reduce the


for generosity. The "Feed the
Hungry Program of Lexing-
ton" will provide food, clothes.
and other items to needy fami-
lies in the city. Students can

My figure xi“?[,1-(lilllliti llljlfi‘ 3:1#1)}:{$1139.23}? {I‘ll iliii‘lli(ljl‘\!;;: Ff??? run?“ risk of the illness known as mad cow disease but I donate food. clothes. and toys
lOOkS ( (l' ' . l ‘7‘ . ,h. . ‘ I .‘ ‘ .. . o cassa do not t’l'lldiFéitP it completely. 1 that are in reasonably good
111a beatingpioseiuiois said vias motivated by Tuesday. 1 shape 'it bitis in all the resi-
exactly his hatred ot homosexuals. l’vt l'alvtii .\. l dence halls ‘ ‘
the same Glover. 18. was toiiyicted of using a basoball Takyo StOCkS '3" 88.68 l “anything will be appre-
' bat to crush Pfc Harry Winchell‘s skull as he i ci'ited and will be put u‘) good
My 5it‘[)]l ‘1’”? fill” ”1 l‘lll‘ll‘ l‘lll‘l ( (illglillll'dll [)3211..l‘”(ik'\ 'I‘()KY() Japanese SlUCkS it‘ll modol’iltely i USP. Thpro are 50 many people
dmhes fit ' tint U Fwd-t1 'h 111111 3111111: liltiliil-iiir: lhelnmlo [hitisday followingan overnight ietieat on Wall 1 m ”“5 Citywwp dont realize
exactl I}. ”‘1‘”? .M.” .111 ll. l.’5 ' . .1.“ .f‘ h 511“?“ Th" N'kkf’l 510‘“ AWI'HW‘ Shf’d 8858 l the extra stress and strain on
y l."" “I‘M“ “ h" “ l“‘”' Mlll’h‘” ”M“ “J“ “' points to 18.31252 in early trading. ()n Wednes l the needy- they expect to have
the same. “’1 m‘l‘” day. the average closed down 192.76 points. _In gifts fur their kids." said Gin
All I lost . . . New York yesterday. the Dow Jones industrial ny Ramsey. coordinator ()ftho
W Israel, Palestmlans resumfllq talks average fell 38.53 points to close at 11,068.12. program.
as Jennifer ("rawf‘ord directs
9’ e . t . . - . x x“ ‘n - I ' ‘1 1 ' 1
$6,000. 11.111 Mimi want. ..1 51.1111 Barkley ruptures knee, career over? iflifiiiild‘filifi'i.li‘lliiii'fi‘gcgffilifli
Madeleine \lbrii'ht .iniioxnict-d \esii-idav that t -
m. .1 . .. uh, -. .. ~. ~ ‘ . 1., .. . hardshi )s facing the needy
_ If” ”“m‘m 1' I‘M.” \‘l‘w l M .11111 ll“? (17‘1“ ‘ [.14 I” PHILADELPHIA Houston Rockets forward this Chil‘istmas she said that
WW3. 1esume negotiations with [\siuael on 11‘. lil’it toluas; Charles Barkley ruptured a tendon in his knee medical bills and other bills
comite la" an “(““l'iln'llllj‘x‘ll’lllbhl "‘.l“"““lf” plenum ” ."j"l“f yesterday and will need surgery that could put go sky-high at this time of
“SS 23°". l‘l‘llh "MU” ll’ 9”“ hm“ "” “l "’1“ ‘lll'l I“ ll!" ". him out for the season. Barkley. playing his year. and that jackets. hats.
S u" en’y it"; ill Wm“ ‘lI‘ll‘.”,”l.'l‘”lli'll‘lf‘llll' 1‘“? :"l l”? l" farewell game in Philadelphia. was going up to gloves. warm socks. and good
usan, 0" ow an 15'2““ ““11”“ l‘ l’"”‘ " l’l“ ‘ "l“ l" l“, ”1““ NOT AGAIN?: block a shot by Tyrone Hill when he lost his bal- f 01‘. , 11 a r0 )ri t) items
she fEEIS SIX But neither -\l‘11'1eht not -\1"1tat Have any indica . , . . .s . - 0 (sarc. a Pit I a t
nths ft { ‘ ‘ c . , ' ‘ ”I . ~ 1 .. . NBCisioining ance and hit the floor hard with 4.09 left in the to give especially in these
mt)h ha er fill“ that the toilYn piloiiteths statitliitig 111 l 11 “a; the game show first quarter. Barkley. who says he is retiring after winter months. "Give some-
. avtng f’l “ “”f‘l “““l'l “ll ’5“ ’1 ””1"" ”' """l ’ 'N" crazeb resur- the season. did not put weight on his left leg as he h' , . . ll . -- h
llPOSUCtIOH l‘hese include \1‘1t'itsdent'111d111"" st'tte ‘yith Y t ”1% 30” “N“ “am. 5 9
d , ‘ , . . I ‘ . ‘y l “ ‘ ’ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ recting its was helped off the court and to the locker room. said. ”what you think is 3 ba-
one. its c apiial 111 , ei mi em 19505 hit Sixers team doctor Jack McPhilemy planned an sic need for winter survival.

Montenegro Airport blocked by army

l’l liltil ll