I LHWVERSHY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40506-0032 0 UNWERSWYSENATECOUNCK 1 October 1987 IO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Members, University Senate The University Senate will meet in regular session on Monday, October 12, 1987, at 3:00 p.m. in ROOM 115 of the Nursing Building (CON/HSLC). AGENDA: 04" Minutes. Resolutions. Chairman's Announcements and Remarks. ACTION ITEMS: a. Proposed addition to University Senate Rules, Section V — 4.4.3, Professional Degrees. (Re-circulated under date of 23 September 1987.) Proposed change in University‘ Senate Rules, Section I — 3.3.2, proposing additional Community College representation on the Undergraduate Council and the University Studies Committee. (Circulated under date of 29 September 1987.) Consideration of the proposed reorganization in the College of Dentistry-—a recommendation. from the University' Senate to the administration. (Circulated under date of 2 October 1987.) Randall Dahl Secretary Note: If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact Ms. Martha Sutton (7-7155) in advance. Thank you. /cet 1890C AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY