xt7m901zh386 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m901zh386/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1958-03-20 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Dr Lawrence Thompson, March 20, 1958 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Dr Lawrence Thompson, March 20, 1958 1958 1958-03-20 2023 true xt7m901zh386 section xt7m901zh386 4%



March 20,1958

Dear Dr Thompson:

Many thanks for your letter of the other day, and for the books which Mrs
Hammer has sent me. I can not tell you how grateful I am for the chance to borrow
such useful books from your library. I am sending three of them back today, and will
soon be applying for more: The new Arciniegas book on Latin America is particular-
ly good. I understand you have aparticular interest in that field. I am studying it
from various angles. Do you know that the complete poems of Neruda have been pub—
lished recently in Buenos Aires? I hope to get the volume from New Directions
as I will try, if time permits, to do a study af Neruda and perhaps translate some
of his verse. That is all very tentative. Another particular interest of mine is
Jorge de Lima, the Brazilian poet who, I think, is very fine.

I notice your volume Let us Praise Famous Men (in many ways remarkable ,) is
marked nBrowsing room" I flaking special effofis to finish it quickly and get
it back.

Younmay have had difficulty identifying the galley proofs I sent in the pile
of material with Mrs Hammer. They are proofs of my new book, Thoughts in Solitude.
I am completing the gift with the proofs of the front matter, which I enclose.

I am very happy about the printing job—- Prometheus. I look forward to seeing
how it o omcs out. Soon also I hope to be able to send you a limited hand-printed
edition of the Tower of Babel printed in Germany with woodcuts by Gerhardt Marcks.
I am assuming tmill send me anrextra copyt

Remember you are always welcome here. Just tell the Brother at the gate that
I am expecting you, if you drop by. Father Abbot has long since given his permission-
or perhaps sometime you would like to Come over withthe Hamers. I will be sending
along some other foreign editions soon.

With very best regards to all of you,


Sincerely yours in Christ

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