xt7mcv4bpj26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bpj26/data/mets.xml Meier, Adolphus & Co. (St. Louis, Mo.) 1880 books b98-46-42345056 English Adolphus Meier, : [St. Louis, Mo. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Cipher and telegraph codes Tobacco. American tobacco cipher, 1880 . text American tobacco cipher, 1880 . 1880 2002 true xt7mcv4bpj26 section xt7mcv4bpj26 iTOBACCO CIPilER. 19 9 1880 ag 633.7 M475 Meier, Adolphus & Co., St. Lo American tobacco cipher, 1880 SB273.M450 1880 alnt: or- using this C' her. To prevent mistakes by telegraph operators, begin each "Cipher" word with a capital letter, and leave a little space between words. Words to fill blanks in sentences, must be placed im- imediately after the "ciphers" for such sentences, in the order in which they should be read. When words in ordinary language are used, see that they (1o not occur in the "cipher"'; if they do, avoid them or begrin that part of the message with the "cipher" .N'arrator and before returning to "cipher," insert .N'tsal. On pages 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15 the increasing words, when used, should immediately follow the "cipher" to which they refer, thus: .4 broach Jd jzutant, means Buy 165 Hhds. On pages 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9, the increasing word should immediately follow the "cipher" to which it refers, thus: Bashaw Bettavir& means 26.50. To express an amount for which there is no "cipher" in the tables, use two or more "ciphers," the sum of which will give the desired amount, thus: Broadley Bedeck Bender means 1028.39. Office of ADOLPHUS MEIER & CO. St. Louis, January 2d, 1880. DEAR SIR: We have the pleasure to present you with tthis, our newly revised Telegraph Cipher, and trust -that it may be found convenient and covering the expressions most needed for transactions in Ameri- can Tobacco, at home and abroad. Thankingf our friends for past favors, and hop- ing for a continuance thereof, we invite the atten- tion of manufacturers and dealers to our market, and solicit their correspondence. The Warehouse capacity .here is large and charges are very reasonable. Owing to the competition of railroad and river routes, our shipping facilities are good, and for for- eign ports through Bills of Lading are obtainable. Thanking you to preserve this cipher and to use it when occasion for telegraphing offers, we are, Yours very truly, ADOLPHUS MEIER & CO. Our cable address is: Adolphtis, sT to W0s. MARKS FOR INVOICES, with telegraphic advices about same BAW- ... BEL. BIP ...... BON. BUT. CAT. CED. CIT ...... COK..... CUB. DAM ..... DEG ..... DIN ...... DOT..... DUP..... FAN. FEL. FIT ...... FOR ..... FUZ. (GAB..... GER .... GIL ...... GOV..... GUY ..... HAB ..... HEX..... HIN ...... HON..... HUS ..... JAY. JET...... JIB ...... JOY...... :EX I' ANSA T'IoN. Prefixing the syllable: RE- I J...... We have sold Invoice marked immediate shipimnent at I N . ..... Withdraw invoice marked----from the market, if sold, advise us by wire. CON ...... For Invoice markedc we are offerede Affixing the syllable: -ED ...... Invoice markedwe value at ING.... Invoice marked hhas been sold at - CONBAW CAtLORIFIC .... For Invoice marked B AW, we are offered 4 , pence. B.AWING C. LORIFIC .... For Invoice marked BAW, has been sold at 4- pence. :0: N()TE: Other three letter marks may be used for Invoi- ces, if they (10 not coffl;;Ct with the "Cipher" when Llbo)ve syllables are adcled. JUI).. . KXW .. KEY ... KIN.... KOS ... KUT .. . LAN ... LEG ... LIP.... LOV... LUM.... MAG... MEY... MIF ... MON... MUT... NAP ... NEG ... NIX.... NOL ... NUC) PAT ... PEL ... PIN .... POT ... PUF ... RAV .. . REB ... RIT .... ROM... RUS ... SAW... SET ... SIR.... SO(L SUP. TAP . TEX . TIN. . TOR . TUT . VAN . VEG . VIR. . VOL . VUX. WAG WET. WIN . WOR. WUL. I ..I ..I .... .... .... .... .... .... QUANTITY. IHogsheads (or Cases.) Aaron ...... Abacist.. Aback... Abacot. Abacus . Abaft....... Abana ...... Abascia..... Abase. . Abashed.... Abatable.... Abattis ..... Abatude.... Abbacy... Abbadia .... Abbess ... Abbott. Ab(dalla..... Abdera..... Abdicate.... Abdiel...... Abdomen... Abduce ..... Abductor... Abdusive... Abeam ..... Abelard...-. Abeling..... Abettal. Abhor........ Abigail ..... Abilene .... Abject ..... Abjure ..... Abjuring ... Ablaze ..... Buy Hhds. IBought Hhds. Sold Hhds. (or Cases.) (or Cases.) I or (Cases.) Abluent...; Abnegate.. . Abner...... Abolish .... Abolition ... Abortive ... Abraid..... Abrasion ... Abreast .... Abridge .... Abroach .... Abrogate.. . Abrupt ..... Absalom ... Abscess .... Abscond ... Absecom ... Absolutist. . Absolve .... Absolving . . Absorbed... Abstinent . . Abstractly. . Abstruse.. . Absurdity . . Abusable.. . Abusage .... Abusive .... Abut ....... Abutment.. Abydos. Abysmal ... Abyss ...... Acacia ..... Academy.. . Acadian .... Acaleph .... Acantha .... Acarus. .... Accede .... Accent..... Accenting . . Access ..... Accident ... Acclaim .... Acclimate Acclivity ... Accomplice. Accord. Accorded... Accost ..... Accosted.. . Accosting . . Accouple ... Accra ...... Accumb .... Accurse .... Accused .... Accustom . . Acetic...... Acetify..... Achates .... Ached...... Acheron .... Achieve .... Aching ..... Acid. Acidity. Ackerly Acklin... Acme ...... Aconite .... Acosta ..... Acoustic ... Acqua...... Acquit ..... Acquittal. . . Acrobat .... Acrobatic.. Across. Acrostic.... Actium..... Actopan.... Actress..... Actuary .... Acumen .... Acute ...... Acutely .... Acuteness.. Acworth .. . Adage ...... Adagio ..... Adaline .... Adam ...... Adamant .. . Adamite.... Adaunt..... Addicted ... Additory . Adelman . Adelite ..... Adelphl .... Adeptist.... Adhesion. . . Adipose .... Adjective... Adjourn .... Adjudge. .. ADJURE make quantity twice preceding figure. ADJUTANT " " 3 times " ADMIRAL " " 5 times " 44 ADMIX " " 19times g' 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 75 80 85 90 9 5 100 125 150 175 '!00 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 I I l I 2 II i i I e. ev .. v v f; . . . - S Pz: . e . . Q o sZ Q o v - Y Y Q H to w -g ' g t 5 . PiSLAXPwAPAU rU; 0 P. = w ed . Q , ds Cs = -_ ._ _4 _- ;- -!! -_ ,:Tl C) t- . . ND=.. .5. . . . . . . =- -t - ,=wioSt;o'. ;-" C) op -P Q V W P:D u 46a o-P r . 0 o o o- 1 : 05 0 _ = = " . . _ A Q Co Cs C. =. ;.Z; S : x- c; O- - - 44 41 1 4.4 4-4 4-) 4- g O V. 4 0 . 1= ) : cw I= _ C) I. 14 5:; Q X b C U bfi bDebD bti bl) U _ . . . . C) . . -4 O- 0 C! el CQ C,) ,- --leI ;: S: 0 e .,I -t -1 -.1 - -- . . _ . , ,; c3 Q S 4) Q .o = o ,:; , . c) . Y w . = 5_ z Co o 5 = _ _ _A; cm . .. O ;. N a) 4 .0 =5 E i , t I, -.1 - 4 4; : O r-) a : 2 4a o w 4. C ,w v_ A d E = L .!tt! -e . -- - .. la. 4- -. . - e Pr r_ - O --I. , - O ! 1-1 ;).. Cc = O O . . . . m ;: = D Cs _ - _ -11 --e -. -.0 r. .-. . . O; = I. - = ;:w w -- - O- - lo .- _1e IC .S. .D . .:- ,v- gI (, a:z b)= +. CZ' -! te .. . .-- . , . 4.4-., 74l C,, -, C! I-_ -1 -! -.1 -ei o C 10 CO UO t DO C) tO C) AM C) ) DO 'C, a:: (= If I I . 4 11 I I -44 1-4 0. .. I -4 O Uzb 4-a 0 0 ccW 4-' 4-a 5 P: :5 0 -r -- ,I - . . - . ,, Q 5 s:S.2. n =; r c t , e 5 tt' - - 0 0 - . J - .t S. = Sq C) G) t._ _ _ _ _ w w s tt " , W W l; r= =; =: O P1 -. . .. .. .. . . . . - = = Q c D X o o Q S- sZ o x v rQ UQ :5 5 e :: :: y p: 9 ko = -o: ._ Q: _ ._ _ : EW V O. - . - I.. e, w O - 0 , Cd ; =-. 0 E; O 0 0 6 . - -= wl fl S: 0 4-- 4-. 4- -t.! - . .. . ._Ow 0 : Q ..44 0 -4 0 4;4 w a k Z wQ = ..I:. Ir-- Fg oe - C- V4 P: P Il . V- 9 ce Ce O e 4-, 4-- 4. 4- C4-4 - , '4 ;.S- T- A. 0 :,Zbkr s s3 4-a -.2 + +-D 4C +. Cs. .. Cp. .. d, P.2 =. D. 0. ;nZ a wa ,; M ZW) w Z r VIa r &OID -4 ll (1) Q Z .114 I. --- C. 1- r.__.._4 ,..- _.;.4r- 4 -li m:1 Cs.13 0 - m - ,=, O.( i 1-O. C . -. -1 e 0. ) -- CQ C1pp= r zr, 0ru q SW 6 f- &O & L,.,. _4 w '. o -.- - 0._._ . &.;;;41. Lz,_---1Sz1 : . 5 4. 0O 4. E z C- 0 Z 1 a) W. . =.. . Z Cd C) ;: O1 ;:- ;6 .r-S-4 -.-I --!-! - O. . :3 =; - : Z' ;" Q -- e Co 4 -. I- I _- t4 00 0 zC4 O0 o-- _O _ 14 9' 3 ae S a C CO 4 2 to a: &A 0. .. . .. .. ,. . .. .. q . . q tY P-4 WC) m Q Cs Cs C adE P a) a) P . .. . - ; W ;t w I - 4 r0 ce 'i- " W a), = -" W ce Cs c CZ Cs a) P0 P0 P U) U) d) Ut U) .4 . . C . . WCs O) -' - . U) W r) UW U) Cs ce e ce ; pq = pq pq p I. . X 4 x, aS Y O :s 94 S: O O c3 P_ Q a: r g a = Y (P;, P0,0,0,0,0,0 a) a) .... _ . ,k: 0000 O '-' f000U) 4 ce_ Cs 03CZ; 0 : 1 o ce ce s v ; f a ----....- --- e ad d ce CZ Cs CZ O c C C ce c i j . . .. . . . . . . . . . I . = 0 g ,0 o 0 P P C.) C c P " e PO : Ca Cs Cs CZ CZ c3f e cZ ce CZ e s3 CZ cZ dl 1. Cl z .................. -.I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Z I -O : : I :3 : : :3 w :3 : a3 : rY : ss I I .. . . . . . . . . .. . ss . . . . , CZ - W 4 s s s s 3 Y :5 5 v: 3 Y .3 Q c: e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... o as Cs 3 a ) w w _. _O= )C, ;0- rlo;0 P P. ;P B Stc9 1 1- .0 4- -, -e - .. 0 1 LI V-4 cal . . U). Cs- C 0 1, I t I 0 ,._4 0 t ril 4 co z 0 0- 0 v z 0 )iI P: t4 C) 9 'o 0 r. 0 4a) Si 74--, C. C _- 0 W co C) - 1._, Fz 4 P-4 O So Q O 5 0 0 So0 l O to 5 50 0 A5 0 0 o8 o _- _ cq cq e4 cC =P . 4 10 to e=: cc t- t-x 4:0 W . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I i I i I i I I I I- AMA;CAN CUtRRNCY. 3 GERMAN CURRENCY. 5 lDollars.I cents. M MarkIs.I eiin. _ 1iBattery .... BefOBam .... Bengal. Biddy...... 2 Battle ...... BcfrAend ... Benighted.. Biferons . 3 Battling .... Befringe .. Benison.... Bigamist 4 Bauble. Beggar. Beiiumb.... Bigamy 5 Bawdily .... Beginner ... Benzine ..... Bigot . 6 Bayonet .... .. Begird .. Benzole .... Bigotry 7 Bayou ...... Begotten Bepaint .... Bijou . 8 Bazaar . . Begrudge... Bepinch .... Bilboa .. 9 Beach ...... Beguile .... Bequeath .. Bildad ... 10 Beaching... Behave...Bequest .... Bilious 11 Beacon.. Behavior ...Bereave .... Bilitio. 12 Beadle.. Behead.. .Bergamotr.. Bilked . 13,Beamy .. Behemoth Bermuda ... Billiards ..... B 14 Beard...... Behest.. Berrien Billowy .... 15iBeardless... Behoof .. Ber... wiBl. Billy . 16 -Beastly .. Belabor .... Beshrew ... Bilobate.... 17 Beaten.. Belaud . Besiege .... Bilsa . 18'Beatrix.. Belay. ....Beslave....... Bilston 19 Beautyv. ..Belch ...... Bespanglepg.. Bimana B 20 Becalm. . Beleague Bestial . Binary. 21 Bechance... Belfry ...... Bestow .... instBinasto 22 Becharm ... Belgard .... Bethel .BnBingham 23 Beckon . . Belinda .... Betide ..BoBinocular 24 Becloud. . Belknap.... Betray. . Biology . 25 Bedaub. Bellman .... Betrim Birchen . 26 Bedazzle ... Bellona .... Betroth .... Bisagno 27 Bedbug..... Bellowing.. Beulah -.. Biscuit . . 28 Bedeck . Belmont.... Bevel .BitBisection ... 29 Bedew ..... Beloving ... Beverage ... Bisentl. 30 Bedfellow... Beltane.. Bewail. .BisopBishop. 31 Bedford .... Beluga .. Bewilder ... Bishopric. 32 Bedlam......... Belvidere ..... Bewitch ..BiBismuth.... 33 Bedlamite... Belzoni..Bezant Bissell . 34 Bedouin.... Bemask .... Bianca .. Bittern..... 35 Bedridden.. Bemaul.... Bibasic Bitumen . 36 Bedstead... Bemaze .... Bible .Bivalve. 37 Bedtick .... Bemoan .... Biblical . Bivona. 38 Beechentz.. Benlow . Bibulous ... Bivouac.... 39 Beecher.... Bender. Biceps.. Bixley 40 Beehive .... Benedict ... Bicker .. Blackmail 41 Beeswax ..... Benefactor.. Bicolor . Bladder 42 Beetle ...... Benefit ........Biddle ..... Bladud JBlagnac twice the last word. Blanch 10times thelastword Blakely3timus " " " Blanket 100 I I " 44 lamon 5 time 66 44 9arme Mu " 4' 44 - , - -- - - Zl 61 AMERICAN CURRENCY._3 GERMAN CURRF:NCY. Dollars I ceuts. I Marks. I Pfennlige. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 :Blast. . Blasting .... Blaston .... Blatant.... Blaze ...... Blazing.. Bleach . Bleakly.. Bleared .... Bleed. Bleddon Blemish .... Blended.... Blessed Blidah . Blight. . Blind. Blindfold... Blindness Blinkard ... Blinker. Bliss ....... Blissful .... Blithe. 67 Bliven ... 68 Blockade 69 Blockhead.. 70 Blomary.... 71 Blondel .... 72 Bloodless . . 73 Bloodshed.. 74 Bloody ... 75 Bloom.. ... 76 Blossom.... 77 Blotch. 78 Blotter ..... 79 Blouse ..... 80 Blubber 81 Bludgeon... 82 Bluff ....... 83 Bluffing .... 84 Blunder .... Brweches twice the Brenham 3 times" Brentaxoo 6 " 4" Blunham .. . Blunt ...... Bluntness Blush .... Bluster.... Blyton ... Boarder .... Boardfing... Boast ...... Boasted.... Boastful.... Boatable ... Boatswain.. Bobadil .... Bobbin ..... Boberika ... Bobstay .... Bobtail. Bocardo.... Bodega. Bodeful .... Bodice ..... Bodiless .... Bodkin ..... Bodney..... Bogardus... Boggle. Bogus. Bohea. Bohemia ... Boiler. Boldly. Boldness ... Bologna .... Bolsena .... Bolster. Boltano .... Bolting..... Bolthead ... Bomb ..... Bombard ... Bombastic.. last word. 44 44 64 Os Bombazine Bombic .... Bombshell.. Bondage ... Bondeno ... Boneset Bonfire.. Bongoos. Bonham .... Bonilla . Bonmot .... Bonnily .... Bononia .... Booking .... Bookish .... Boosy .. Bootless.... Bossall. Boswell .... Botanical... Botany ..... Botched .... Bottled.... Bough ... Boulder .... Bounce. Bouncing... Boundary Boundless.. Bopeep..... Bouquet.... Borax ...... Borculo .... Boreal ... Boreham Borgia ... Borkas ... Borland .... Bormida.... Borneo..... Borough ... Boscage.... Bosbury.... Bosnia ... Bosomed .. . Bountiful. . . Bounty.. . Bourbon ... Bounssac.... Bovina .... Bowden .... Bowery .... B1owsprit Boydell .... Boynton.... Brabant.... Brace. Bracing .... Bracket .... Bradano.... gradbury ... Bradden .... Bradley .... Braggart ... Bram .. Brahman ... Bramble .... Branch ..... Brandoi .... Brandy ... Brasher .... Bratton .... Bravado.... Bravely .... Biravo ...... Brawler .... Brawny Brazen . Brazil ...... Brazos ..... Breaker.... Breakfast . - Breathed ... Breda ...... Breslau 10 times the last word Brethren 100 I Breton1000 " " " ;' i f6 Brevart . . 8 Brevet ... 871 Btrevier 88 Brevity... 89 Brewage 90 Brewery.. 91 Brewin,.. 92 I ribe .... 9)31 Bribing g4J Brick .... g5 Brickbat 96 Bridal ... 97j Briclewell 9)8 Bridget 9)9 Bridling I00 Bridoon.. 125 Birief ..... 150 Briefly . 175 Brienza. 200 Brigade 225 Brigand.. 250 Brigham 275 Brilliant.. 300 Brimfull. . 350 Brimstone 40() Brinton 450 Brisac... 500; Briscoe 55,J, Brisk .... 600o Brisket... 650 Briskly... 700! Briskness 750 Broach ... 80) Bro:ching 85') Broadax.. 900 Broadcast 950o Broaden . - 1000 Broadley. 2000 Broadness 300:() 1Broadside 4000 Brocade . . 5000 Brog-an... Bujxhall 1uxomX Buzzard I GKMAN (CURRENCY. Centi. I liroglic Broken . Broma . Bromine . Bromby.... Bronson.... Bronte ..... Bronzed .... Brother .... Brotherly. .. Browbeat . Browsed Bruges . Bruin ...... Bruising.... Brumal. Brunette ... Brush ...... Brutal ...... Brutality ... Brute .... Brutish Bryant. Bubble. Bubbing.... Bubona Buchu .... Buckler Buckling . Buckram... Buckskin... Buckthorn.. Bucolic .... Bucyrus.... Budalia .... Budaso..... Buddha .... Budget..... Budging.... Budina..... -Buffalo..... . Buffets..... twice the last word. 3 times "" " 5 " 6. 1 Marks. Buffeting... Buffoon .... Bughear.... 3uggabo.... Buggy. Bugle. Bugulma ... Buhl ....... Build. Building.... Bulacan .... Bulb ....... Bulbous .... Bulkhead ... Bulky ...... Bulletin .... Bullitt ..... Bullock .... Bulola ..... Bulrush .... Bulwark.... Bulwer ..... Bumpkin ... Bummer .... Bump ...... Bumping ... Bunasar .... Bunban, Bundling ... Bungalo.. - . Bungler .... Bunnell .... Bunting .... Burado ..... Burbage .... Burbank ... Burden ..... Burdening.. 7 Pfennlge. Burgess .... Burglar .... Burglarize.. Burgundy.. Burial...... Burying .... Burke ...... Burkint.... Burkton .... Burlap ..... Burlating ... Burlation ... Burlesque . . Burlesquing Burlish ..... Burnished . . Burmeese . . Burst. Burrows ... Bursting ... Burudda .. . Burucling... Burwash .. . Busaco ..... Busbach.... Bushlet .... Bushing .... Bushman ... Buskin ..... Buskirk .... Bustle ...... Bustling.... Bustmas Bustry ..... Butcher .... Butera ..... Butler...... Butman .... Burdock ... Butterfly ... Bureau ....Butternut..nt Burendo .... Button.... Burgall .... Buttress Bygone 10 timesthe lastword Byron 100 "1 s "s " Bylaw 1000 " " " " LIN UUf&KZJNUV. _ _ 8--............... - o. 0 0 cec3CscecasCsCs 3: ceasCaCacsCs c QQbVQQQQQQQJooVoQ : = c U 5 3 3 U ' = ,c r_ U- :00 c: aC 0 00 C3 .......s v s: 9:) . ........ - 5X O c:Q ow Oo tbUD 2 ._ _ 0 (DCe (1)00 -0 04-5 4. ) ) Z ; . -.- -.. 000 - z - -- - - - - - -- --- - IC anI 0 0 _ Z = cs o o o QQ QcQ--Q- X RR Cns ce C' SCOOs _ wi 133 0 3 s: :Y f3c I: - ZZQ CS tc C s3 el C3 Cs 0l Csc :: :t Z;- 4W4r- VO;VV VVVU VV - pE4zq- -I !e s 3Cs sIe .....C . ... - . e CZ0Ic e.-0 0 C 0 c3- nz -i -C ._ Oc O l_ 4 . Q 00 r) 00trr= te C4 00l 05 Cs c3s el c3 0 0 C Cs 0 ac3 .... -.... -.... r1l = 1. g m C) Os Cc , (7.1 as C -- c ce o, Cs ,w, Cs ccC C-, ,) u2 , U L) Q Q;c zc Rc II 4x ko e O I I I ;- 4-D C Q d rC- oY'XS el ol CsX c3 c10 Cd cl et cl 0: CZ C c, C0 o to d o- ZD O1 5aS,_aor c3 c ct c3 . 3c 3c3C- 3c: cl ;. z;4 ;4;- ;-4 ;4 s-4 _4 M ;n W ; z c3 c c3 P el, cl lC ce cd cl cm e4 m e4 cd e c: w _ R = 4; s = c5t b c bna wIM 1 ;;- 4 I=; ;w;_; _ cr3 c, C14 el, c3 ce c: cd c:4 cec "3 el, e4 el, c. V VVVVVVVVDVVOVVVV X-- 2ro..4 c:Z.5 ; f)C=) - 505 l 4 I O t t - C3 c 3 C t M CI C" 713 c",c c3 Ca c3 C1 c t c3 c3a Ca cd cl el 0 r4 w.- C . C. ;I ; ; i-4=P z I g e fl O = ; e cee. e, e 4 s I g H = = s o S:; z J St At; z; ato ICc3 lQ 3 ca cl e. :5Z3c 3 3c 5c Ca.e.-.. tQ _ 9 -i _ = 9 C4 -= ; I cl c3 l d ad 3 Cd ct c5i cl d cd c3 cl elc -4 I I H He, He,XC4 ,o see I Poul8ls.I Shillings.II Pounds. I Shillings. 1 Catapult.... 2 Cataract.... 3 Catarrh..... 4 Catawba .... 5 Catch ....... 6 Catesby..... 7 C(atfish . 8 Cathay . 9 Catholic.... 10 Cathode .... 11 Catlett . 12 Catoosa .... 13 Cattaro. 14 Caucus 15 Caudal... 16 Ci(aught... 17 Causel. 18 Caustic 19 Cavalho..... 20 Cavali'r .... 21 Cavalry..... 22,Cavaso .... 23 Caveat ..... 24 Cavern . 25 Caviare ... 26 Cavil ..... 271Cavity ...... 281Cavour. - 29 Cawood..... 301Caxton. 31 !Cayamb 32 Cayenne.... 33,Caylus. 34 Cayman..... 35,Cayuga ..... 361 Cazorla..... 371Cebenna .... 38 Cedar. 39 Cedron ..... 40 Cegama.. 41 Celebre.. 42 Celenza..... Celestial.... Celibacy .... Cellar. Celline. Cellular..... Celsius . Celtish . Cement..... Cemetary .. . Cenobite ... Cenotaph ... Censor ... Census ... Centaur . Centiped ... Central. Centuple.... Century Cephas..... Ceramic.... Cerano ...... Cerasus. Cerdena Cerigo ... Cervoli . Cesarea. Cessant. Cestona..... Cestus...... Chablis . Chadda . Chadsey.... Chaff ....... Chagrin Chain..... Chaldea..... Chaldron ... Chalice ... Chalky..... Chalons .... Chamber.... Chamois .... twice the last word. 3 times "" " 5 6" 6 55 5. 43 Chancel..... 44 Chandler.... 45 Chandos.... 6 Chant... 7 Chantor 8 Chaos 9 Chaotic. 0 Chapeau.... 1 Chapel... 2 Chaplainl.... 3 Chaplet.;... 4 Chapola..... 5 Chapter 56 Charade .... 7 Charger .... 8 Charity ..... 9 Chariot..... 0 Charles ..... 1 Charmed.... 2 Charry. 3 Chart... 4 Charter..... 5 Chased ..... f6 Chasing..... 7 Chaste...... 8 Chastise .. 9 Chastity 70 Chateau. 1 Chatham.... 72 Chattel. 3 Checkers 74 Cheddar.... 75 (,heeky ... 6 Cheerfull 7 Cheerless... 78 Cheering ... 9 Chelona .... S0Chelsea I !Chemical ... 2 Chemist .... 3 Chenuba .... 4 Cheque ..... Cherish Cheroot ... Cherub .... Chestnut... Cheval..... Cheviot.... Chevron . Chicane.... Chicken ... Chicory.... Chide...... Chidden ... Chidling.... Chief ...... Clhilapa .... (C'hild...... Childish Chilly ... Chilton .... Chime ..... Chimera ... Chimney... Chincha ... Chinese.... Chink... Chintz. Chipola. ... Chirrup.... Chisel. Chinsa..... Chloral.... Chloride... Chloro .... Chock taw.. Chokedl .... Chokiii. .. Cbholera.... Cholula .... Choose .... Chopin ..... Chorus..... Chorist .... Chronic 10 times the last word Chubby 100 " " " Chuckle 1000 "" " " Chowder Christen Chromo I 43 Chancel - .. - - Cherish - - - 44 Chandler.. - - Cheroot ... 45 Chandos - Cherub .... 6 Chant. - Chestnut. 7 Chantor - Cheval. - - 8 Chaos - Cheviot. - 9 Cbaotic - Chevron - 0 Chapeau - Chicane. - I Chapel. - -Chicken - 2 Chaplain.... Chicory. - 3 Chaplet.; Chide ...... 4 Chapola Chidden - - - 5 Chapter Chiding. - - - 6 Charade Chief ...... 7 Charger Cliflapa, .... 8 Charity ..... ("'hild ...... 9 Chariot - - - - - Childish 0 Charles ..... Chilly - - 1 Cbarmed. Chilton .... 2 Charry Chime - - - - - 3 Chart. Chimera - - - 4 Charter ..... Chimney. - - 5 Chased - - - - - Cbincha - - - 6 Chasing. - - - - Chinese. - - - 7Chaste...... Chink...... 8 Chastise Chintz - - - - - 9 Chastity Chipola. - - - 70 Chateau. Chirrup. - - - I Chatham. Chisel 72 Chattel. - Chi nsa 3 Checkers Chloral 74 Cheddar - Chloride... 75 ("beeky - - Chloro - - - - 6 Cheerfull Chocktaw. - 7 Cheerless Choked - - - - 78 Cheering Chokbig - 91Cbelona .... Cholera. - 0 Chelsea - - - - Cholula - - I! Chemical - - - Choose .... 2 Chemist .... Chopin.. - - - 3 Chenuba .... Chorus.. - - - 4 Cht-cine..... PhorNt -... STERLING MONEY. 10 STERLING MONEY. Pounds. 85 Church ...... 100 86 Churl..... 125 87 Chusan..... 150 88 Cibolo ..... 175 89 Cicala ..... 200 90 Cigarette... 225 91 Cimeter .... 250 92 Cimolis .... 275 93 Cingoli.. . 300 94 Cinnamon .. 325 95 Cipanga .... 350 96 Circuit ..... 375 97' Circumflex . 400 98 Circumvent . 425 99 Cistern. 450 Cleopas Clergy Clerical twice the 3 times " 5 4. 44 Pounds. Citadel . Cithern .... Citizen.. Citrate . Citron...... Civilly ..... Clabber .... Claclhan .... (lacked .... Claflin...... Claimant ... Clammy .... Clamor . (lamp. . Clapham.... last word. Clerk i' "" Clever " 4 " " Client 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 750 800 850 900 950 10 times 100 " 1000 " Poumds. Claptrap ... Clara ...... Clarifled .... Clarion..... Clarionet... Clasping ... Classic ..... Claudia Clavate. Claxby. Clayish. Clayton .... Cleave. Clematis ... Clemency... the last wor(l. i4 .. .. 44 . of FREIGHT. (5 Primage on Ocean Freight always understood to be extra.) Per To Seaport. Ocean. Through. 100 Pounds . Courtesy ... Cowpox .... Coyishly Ton of 2000 lbs. Cousin . Cowslip .... Coyness Ton of 2240 lbs. Coverlet.... Coxcomb ... Cozy ....... Hogshead ...... I Cowardice ... Coxwell .... Cozily. Case .. .... Cowlick .... Coxtrain ... Coziness ... 40 Cubic ft. (Eng) Cowper .... Coyanted ... Cozumel ... COZZELIA -All rail freight to your place, - 11 12 FREIGHT QUOTATIONS and 5 per ceut. Primage understood. Shillings. j aipllc. Crab .... Crabbed. Cracked. Cracking Cracon.. Cradle Cradlock Craftily Craftsmai Cra-red. Craggy.. Craminin] Crammon Cramping Cranberri Cranium. Crankle Cranham Crapaud. Crater.. . Craunch. Cravat Craven.. Crawfish Crawl ... Crayon... Crazy .. . Creaking Cream... Creating. Creator Creature Credence Credentia Credulou. Creeper Creggan. Crematioi Cremona Creole . . Creosote Crept . . Crescent Cresset.. ,Cretin. . . Shillings I Shillings I and 6 pence. I and 9 pcnce. Crevasse ... Cuckoo ..... ... Cribbage ... Cucumber.. ... Cribble ......Cuddled .... Cricket. .... Cuirass . ... Crimea .CuisiCuisine.. Criminal ... Culdaff. ... Crimple .... Culebra.... ... Crimson .... Culina y.... n Crinage .... Culloma .... ... Cringle. .... Culminate . ... Crinoline ... ICulpable ... C Cripple ...... Culprit . d . Crispen .... Culross. , Crispness ..... Culture y Critic ...... Culvert Croak ...... Cumber .... ... Croaking ... Cumnbering . ... Croatia .Cumbrance . ... Crockery ... Cunning.... ... Crocodile... Cupboard ... Cropped.... CCupica.. ... Crosby ..... Cupidity . Crossing ... Cupola..... ... Crotalo ......Cuprite .... ... Croton. Cuprous.... ... Croup.. Curable .... ... Crowbar .... Curacas.... ... Crowner .... a Curacy . ... Crucib)le .... Curate . ... Crucifix ... Curatie.... ... Cruelty . Curbed. .. ..... Cru lCurbing.... ... Crumbling .. Curbstone '1.. Crumlin .... Curdle ..... ... Crumple.... Curfew. ... Crupper .... Curian ..... Crusade .... Curiosity ... [i.. Crusading .. Curious .... ... Crushing ... Currant .... Crusoe .. . Cuo Currish . . ... .......Curry . Crutch... Curse . Cryptogam . Cursing .... Crysa.... Crystal Cursive ... .Cubiform. C Cursory (Curtab. Curtact .... Curtain .... Curtly...... Curtness Curtzell .... Curumba... Curvate .... Curvation Curwalt . Curzane .... Curzittle Curzola .... Cushat. Cushion .... Custard .... Custodian . . Custody .... Cuticle ..... Cutlass ..... Cutlet ...... Cutlock .... Cutpurse ... Cuttlefish Cutty. Cutwater ... Cuyaba... Cuyanga.... Cuyler ..... Cyanite .... Cyclops .... Cygnet ..... Cylinder .... Cyloster .... Cylumber Cymbal. Cymgaze UyniC ...... Cynical ..... Cypress .... Cyprian .... Cyrene ..... Czar ....... Czarina Czarowitch. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 FRENCH CURRENCY. F'rancs. I Centimnes. 1 1)abble .. .. D)andy... 2 D)abster... Dangle .. 3 D)acotah. . l)angling. 4 D)addy..... )anholn. 5 l)advola. ... l)aukara 6 Daffodil... Danube. 7 D)after ..... )aplne. 8 I)agger. .. 1)apifer . 9 l)aggett....1apper 10 Daton.... .)apple 11 l)ahlia. )arf ur 12 D)ahonmay. . . D)arien 13 1)aintily, . . . D)arius 14 D)ainty ..... )arken 15 aisy ....i. )arkness 16 )alberg. . .. L)arksom.4 17 DIalgety .... Darnac 18 Dalhai . ... D)arnell 1'9 Dallas. )arnley. 20 D)alliance . . I)aroca 21 l)alton..... )arowen 22 D)alwood . Darwin. 23 D)alzell. . . Dashing. 24 Danala .... Dastardli 25 l)amaran . . .)ataria. 26 Damaris.. . . l)attoli. 27 1)amask ... . Dauber 28 1)ambea.... Daubing 29 L)amery.. . . 1)aunt. 30 D)aian . ... D)auntles 31 1)amper. . .. l)auphin 32 D)ampish . .. .Davison. 33 D)amsel. . . Davoli. 34 D)amson. . . .)awdle 35 D)anaide. . . . 1)awkins 36 )anakil . . I. a )aw lish. 37 lDanby . . . )awning 38 I)ance ..... Daybreal 39 1)ancing .... )aylight 40 I)andelion .)azzle 41 D)andolo.... .Dazzling 42 Dandruff.. .Deaden, Diana twice the last word. Diaper 3 times " " Diarchy 5 " " "f " U ELANCRRENCT 13 I . . I . 'Florins. . Deadly .. .. Deafness... Dearham... . . Deeded .... Deeding.. Delhi .... . Delph.... . D Lelphian... . Delphic. Delta. . Delve .. I)elving. Ilemagogue. )emean . . .)emigocl. . D)emijohn Democrat. Denbigh .)endera . .)enford . 1)engue... .)enham . . .. l)enial... . lenounce . .)ensity .. l)ental ... . . 1)entary .)enting .)entist ... .)enver ... )cplete .. .)epleting .)eplore. .. .. l)eploy... Deplume. . .)eprave . . ..)epravity . .l)epth. ..l)erby. .eral . )errick... .D lervish... Cents. Derwent Descry .... Desha ..... Desmond. 'Despair. Despairing.. IDesperadlo. . ,Desperate . IDespise.. . . .Despoil .... .Despond .)espotic.. Despotism Destiny. . .Destitute . .)esultory. I)etach .... . Detergent.. Dethrone . .)ethroning. Detmold . . Detonating. Detract ... Detrude... Devana . .. Devastate Develish... Develtry... Devisor ... .)evotion.. Devouring, . Dewdrop . . Dexter .... Dexterity . . Dextral .... Diadem .... D iagnosis.. .)iagonal . .l1)iagram ... Dial. I)ialect..... D)ialogue. Diary Io tiites the last word Diatom 1,'0 " 4 44 " DiVolo 1000 " " " "4 _ f HOCLLA-NDQ eafness. . . Descry . earham. . Desha ..... Deeded.. . Desmond. eeding . . Despair. . Delhi ..... Despairin-. Delph: Desperado. . Delphian. .,Desperate. . Delphic. Despise. . elta Despoil.. elve Despond )elving. Despotic. Demagogue 'Des otism. )emean . . : Destiny . . )emigod... Destitute . einijohn . . Desultory. emocrat . . Detach .... Denbigh Detergent. )endera. Dethrone . Denford ... Dethroning. Dengue .... Detmold . . )enham Detonating. Denial . : : : Detract ... Denounce . . Detrude ... )ensity .... Devana . . . )ental .... Devastate Dentary Develish. )enting Develtry - Dentist .... Devisor - Denver .... Devotion Deplete .... Devourin-rr- Depleting Dewdrop - - Deplore. . Dexter .... Deploy .... Dexterity - . Depluine ... Dextral .... )epraNe ... Diadem .... Depravity . Diagnosis - - )epth. Diagonal - - Derby. Diagram ... erual Dhtl )errick. Dialect. Dervish. Dialogue. 14 j 'REiC CURRENCY. - HOLLAND CURRiNCI. FraDnc. I_ CeFtimes. Forhis. I Cents. 43 Il)ibdin . .... Dioptea .... Dislocate... Ditty . 44 1 D)ice ...... Diorama.. . .)islodge. . . Diurnall.... 45 1 I)ickens .... Diploma. . ..Disloy-al.. . .JDivan ... 46 D )ickering .. D iplomacy . ismally . . Dliverge . 47 i)ickey . Directness. . I)ismantel .. Divest. 48 l)iction .... ireful . . . l )isinast.. Divination. 49 IDictionary.. Dirge .)ismay .. . . 1)ivinely 50 I)ictum .... Dirillo. ismount .Dixiona 51 Didbury .... Disabliw l. . Disordeer . . . l)ivorced 52 Diedral . Disabuse. . . I ispassion. .1)iv ilge 53 I)ietary. Disannex. .. l)ispensar. . DIixey . 54 Diffuse . Disannul. . Dispersioln . .Dizzy. ,55 Digamma .Disarm. . . . Displace I)oat... 56 Digby. Disarming. . )isplanjt... )oberan 57 1)igest. Disarray . i. )isplode..iDobrota. . 58 Digestion ... Disaster . .. i)isplosive D. Docible. 59 Digital ...... Disavowal . s. I)isplme . I)ocile. 60 Digitated ... Disbanld . . Disport .. . J)ockets ... 1 lDigriiano .... Disbanding . L)isproof . . Doctor. 62 Dignit;iry... Disburden. . J)isputable. . Doctrine (;3 I)ignity .... Disciple.. . . Disquiet . .