xt7mcv4bpk4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bpk4x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19110731 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-07-may31. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-07-may31. 1911 2011 true xt7mcv4bpk4x section xt7mcv4bpk4x MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTMSM 1 The Board of Trustees met at ten A.M., Wednesday, IMay 31st., in the Trustees' Room. Mr. Clay in the chair. On account of the many years of faithful service rendered to the University by the Monitress, President Barker moved that the Board recommend to the Executive Committee to take into consideration the retirement of Mrs. TLuc' Blackburn and to make such provision for her and prescribe such duties for her as in their wisdom they may see fit. Said motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. A recess was thereupon taken by the Board for five minutes, while the Executive Committee met to consider this matter. President Barker stated to the Board that in his opinion the salary of Mrs. Marshall, inspector of dormitories, should be increased to $500. a year, and Pres- ident Patterson stated that in his opinion the salary of Calvin Lenighan, the book- keeper of the University, should be increased from $700. to $900 a year. Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the recommendations of President Barker and President Patterson were referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. President Barker presented a report from Mrs. Marshall, recommending that hot water be put in the dormitories, which report is as follows:- "The attention of the Executive Committee of the State University of Ken- tucky is respectfully called to the followian recommendations: 1. That the interior of the Old and New Dormitories be re-calsomined and repainted. 2. That hot water be introduced into the bathrooms of these buildings. May 31, 1911 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRLUTEES 3. That a room shall be fitted up in each dormitory which shall be used as a "Recreation or Lounging Room." Filed with these recommendations are the estimates furnished by Prof. Frankel relating to items (2) and (3). Respectfully submitted, Inspector of Dormitories." "Dear irs. blarshall:- "As per your request, I have gotten prices and made estimates on putting in hot water generators for furnishing hot water to the shower baths in the dormitories, and find that the same installed complete, controlled from the power house, will cost $583.20. In making up this estimate I am figuring on a system that will not require any fire in the dormitories, and these generators will be controlled by the steam from the boiler house back of the Lain Building. For the sum of i290.00 a hot water system can be furnished in each of the dormitories, but this system will have to be fired in the individual buildings by some persons assigned to this wiork. I do not recommend this latter system, or in fact, any cheap system. I would advise, if hot water is supplied at all, that the same be supplied by steam direct from the boiler house, as outlined in the first system on Which I have given you an estimate. To make a reception room of the veranda in the new dormitory, same to be com- fortable both summer and winter, will cost ,162.00. If you feel like handling this matter direct, we will be very glad indeed to co-operate with you, and if the money is appropriated, we will do wThat we can to have this system installed in the most substantial manner. Yours truly, (Signed) L. K. Francel." MIotion made, seconded and unanimously carried that this report be referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. MAY 31, 1911 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES President Barker presented from Prof. Anderson the following statement: "I respectfully make the following recommendations for the consideration of the President and the Board of Trustees: First: That an effort be made to secure additional funds for carrying on the work of the department. During the present year we have been confined to those things that are used almost exclusively for the mere operation of the department. Increased facilities should be afforded in the way of special apparatus. I make no recommendations in reference to the operating expenses of the de- partment,for I interpret the ruling of the Board to be that the operating expenses will be taken care of by the monthly meeting of the committee as have been during the present year. SECOND: That an appropriation of six hundred ($600.00) dollars be made for the purpose of putting into mimeograph form lectures and notes pertaining to every subject in the department. This work has been carried on during the present year and some excellent productions have been the result. THIRD: That an additional instructor, known as Instructor in Mathematics, be appointed at a salary of six hundred ($600.00) dollars a year. MUIM: That a fireman be employed at a salary of forty ($40.00) dollars per month. For several years we have been relying upon underclassmen to assist in hand- ling the boiler plant in the electrical and steam laboratories. Mr. Thurman who is our engineer, is unable to give time to this work, except in a very general way, as his energies are devoted to taking care of our engines and generators under test, and looking after the apparatus in general use in the steam and electrical labora- tories. We feel that we are taking great risks with our plant by not having a regular man in charge of the boiler, and this position that we want created is to remain at the figure of forty dollars a month, and we will supply vacancies as they occur from the ranks of our young men who are compelled to drop out of school for a year or more in order to secure funds to complete their college course. May 31, 1911 MINMUTES OF TH BOARD OF TRUSTEES By following a plan of this kind, the position wiill be one that will be a. permanent salary of forty dollars a month. FIMME: That seventy-five hundred ($750O.OO) dollars be appropriated to build an addition to the front of mechanical Hall; the building should extend to the north to correspond in dimensions to the south extension that was built five years ago. Our accomodations for seniors and freshmen are i.holly inadequate. It is intended that the extension of the lower floor be for the enlargement of our senior drawing room, and the second floor will be used for increasing the capacity of the freshman drawing room. SIXTH: That three thousand ($3OO.) dollars be appropriated for maintenance and equipment. SEVENTh: That one thousand ($1OOO.) dollars be appropriated for the purpose of increasing our facilities for research work. Yours truly, Director, College of Ihechani- cal and Electrical Engineering Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried that this report be referred to the Executive Committee, with power to act. A motion was made by mr. Wathen that the President acting with the advice and consent of the executive committee, be empowered to select a committee on legislation, and that this committee shall have full charge of all legislation relating to the University before the next Legislature. Said motion was seconded and unanimously carried. May 31, 1911 MINUTES OF THE BOAMD OF TRUSTEa 1 It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board to present to the first meeting of the Executive Committee after the adjournment of the Board, all matters Which were referred by the Board to the Executive Committee, and that this presentation shall be in writing. On behalf of the Committee on Finance, Msr. Nichols, the Chairman, presented as its report the statement of the Treasurer of the University, and asked that it be filed. A motion was made that President Barker be appointed a committee of one to recommend to the December meeting of the Board a complete set of by-laws, and that he report to the Board all of the actions of the Board which are still in force, with his recommendation as to wihether or not those acts should remain in force and that he collate all of the Acts of the Legislature governing the University and its predecessor. Seconded and unanimously carried. Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously that the absence of members of the Board from this meeting be excused. Mr. Wathen moved that a vote of thanks be extended to the Executive Committee for its valuable services of record, to the Board and to the University. Motion made, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn sine die. Secretery May 31, 1911 Missing report(s)