xt7mcv4bqb30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bqb30/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19751219 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 19, 1975, no. 109 text The Green Bean, December 19, 1975, no. 109 1975 2014 true xt7mcv4bqb30 section xt7mcv4bqb30   f Qr
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Librarians everywhere will be ~· - G R E E N
‘ relieved to know that Green Beans
title doesn't vary (much). A B E A N
motion to rename the house organ (
was roundly defeated at a recent _
acu t ‘ . . ' · w ‘
.d€bateyp’;`§§§;Q§ a   °f umvsasnv or Kzmucxv LIBRARIES
motion - - NENSLETTER N0. 109 12/19/75
- proposlng that the Subtltka David Farrell Editor Ext 73831
“Un1versity of Kentucky Libraries ' ' __
Newsletter" be added, and this
motion passed. Hours later it was discovered that the subtitle»has
" been carried on the masthead since March 1974.
The newlettter's title has changed, however, from the earliest days
when it was simply called_Bulletin. Beginning with No. 29 (Dec. ‘73)
the title Green Bean was adopted, with the subtitle added somewhat
later. Old timers report that the name was bestowed in deference `
both to the green tinge of the newsletter's paper and to the pride
certain Kentuckians take in their vegetables.
The King Library is now the proud possessor of a suggestion box ’ .
located next to the public catalog in Reference. Both students and
faculty have been using the suggestion box since it’s debut last
Friday, and it appears to be quite popular. we've received over two
dozen suggestions already. Suggestions have included new items for
the library to purchase, comments on the temperature, comments about
periodicals, and one endearing statement from an anonymous student
who wrote, "I like the library just fine." _
The suggestions are picked up once a day and are distributed to_the
library staff members who could most logically answer them. ’If the
suggestion is signed with an address given, we reply directly by maiL ‘
If the suggestion is anonymous, we reply on the bulletin board over
- the box. In all cases we sign our responses in order to dispel the
aura of nameless bureaucracy which often pervades a library.
( E. O'Hara
The heat in both King South and King North will be cut back during
the holiday period when the Library is closed. Please call the
Director‘s Office to report any special temperature problems. Mr.
Wessels,who heads the Physical Plant Department, has given us a
number to call (7-3844) if we have any problems.
Emilie Smith (Cataloging), Gail Kennedy (SOLINET Processing) and
Lois Chan (College of Library Science) presented a continuing E
education workshop on "AACR Revised Chapter 6" sponsored by the
virginia State Library in Richmond, Va., Dec. 12. More than 100
librarians from throughout the state attended the all-day session ‘
devoted to the new AACR descriptive cataloging rules incorporating
the International Standard Bibliographic Description. _

 Smith, Kennedy and Chan presented the same workshop last May on the
UK campus to librarians from states as far away as Texas and Rhode
Island. J
The University Senate at its Dec. 8 meeting recommended the adminis-
tration the following:
1.· Smoking be banned from classrooms:
2. Merger of the Dept. of Art and the College of Architecture '
not be implemented;
3. Programs in Interior Design and Landscape Architecture
continue in their present organizational structure.
‘ B: Clotfelter
The report of the Planning Committee was presented at December's
faculty meeting by Adelle Dailey, committee chairperson. The Faculty
will discuss parts 1 & 2 ("collection Development" and "Facilities")
at its January meeting.
The`Staff Organization is again collecting money to be used to
purchase gifts for children hospitalized at the Medical Center over
the Chri tmas holidays. Boxes have been placed in every department
and branch; contributions can be made through the 23rd.
Any staff member planning to take a course spring semester should send
a note (with supervisor's approval on it) to Faith Harders before
January 14.
Openings: LT II CSR. If interested, please see Ann Short.
Librarian to develop new Technical College Library. Lexington
Technical Institute. Available January 1976.
Head, Public Documents. Duke University. $14,000+
Life Sciences Librarian. Purdue University. January 1976. $15,000+
Reference Librarians (2). Purdue University, January 1976. $10,000+
Director of Libraries. University of Houston. $32,000+ ("no maximumW
The House of Representatives attempted earlier this month to appropri-
ate for office space the unfinished James Madison Memorial Building

of the Library of Congress, according to a recent urgent memorandum
circulated by ALA. A compromise--wh&ch* may only be temporary--
was reached Dec. 12; LC will provide office space for Congressional
staff primarily engaged in research.
ALA Annual Conference
Chicago July 18-24, 1976 .
Detroit June 19-25, 1977
ALA Midwinter
Chicago January 18-24, 1976
Washington Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 1977
National Library Week
V April 4-10, 1976
The Chronicle gf Higher Education should be required reading for
every academic librarian. Published weekly in newspaper format in
Washington, D.C.,the Chronicle offers a wide spectrum of news of
interest to the academic community. A sampling of topics from the
November 17th issue will Prove the point: enrollment increases,
financial pressures facing scholarly journals, "weekend colleges,"
continuing education, impact of default on higher education in New
York, involvement of Boston colleges and universities in desegregation,
the costliness of federal government guidelines in higher education.
In addition there is a full page article on Lionel Trilling and
another in a series on the Ladd-Lipset survey of faculty behavior and
attitudes. The survey alone would make the Chronicle worthwhile
reading, but there are also eleven pages of academic job openings
(including those for librarians) and numerous announcements of up-
coming conferences. The Chronicle is available in the Newspapers/
Microtexts department and in the Education Library.
J. Graef
