xt7mcv4bs11w_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs11w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs11w/data/1997ms165.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms165 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Benjamin Sebastian papers Statement of expenses to I. Taylor - journey from Hagers Town to the Monohala text 0.37 Cubic Feet 2 boxes Statement of expenses to I. Taylor - journey from Hagers Town to the Monohala 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs11w/data/1997ms165/Box_2/Folder_7/Multipage35.pdf 1785 October 1785 1785 October section false xt7mcv4bs11w_14 xt7mcv4bs11w 7/712" flap // 2/455 “ 2497755.}.W M552 525/ [5.5% ”7555.5 - , /- 7 2’ 2}? V2 ‘5 559% 2/5 a: 7f“? 7 g: g” 52222:, .. , 27250779" 074%? 52554, 22/"? 323/9 '52 V 555., 25 . f/fl - . . 2 73/ ,4? £444,212: (V/‘2'W 56 / » ~ " x55"- p 5 4,75? flaky]; W. /L% V . . . (Z (,5. V5.5 5.2V? 57/ 5.5 5225 5225/» 7/2 /- / a" ' . 2:25 42:5, 5552/22», 57 25553 252 5257/5” 5: ' 75/ $455555 54 z5VV 2 5 2. 2} 7,5544 fizz/g7, , -_ V_ 3 w, 2.“ ”7/?” 22672:? %W%/ [a $5, 'y; .- 7w ‘ ;. ‘; 1-1? ZM7Q0 65/? W 4/4: My.” 2., / b _. f f" 72 22/2/55, 5 522/ 2:2 Z V a //,/aflw ‘2 I‘WZ3,Lg’/’ /_