xt7mcv4bs246 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mcv4bs246/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1981 1981 1981-02-06 2020 true xt7mcv4bs246 section xt7mcv4bs246 VOLLXXXIII. No. 102 K 2 r 2 l l'niversily of Kentucky ' . I 3 3
Ffld'yi February 6' ‘98! an independent \iudem newspaper Lexington. Kentucky " l '
I _ — l I: u, 4
O . . "" ”fi” ’- .;' ‘
Dramatic tax cuts ‘ , ‘ \ ' “ “ / 3 ' + "
\I! l .,_..A.»“"’ _,,_ v.3 . ”M l A ' (v - V— ' 1; l '
needed for ‘mess ’ ‘ '
. e i “ ‘3 y 3 :1.
Q . s. . '-' .
eagan te s nation 7
By JA3MESGERSTE3NZANG dustrial nations have." 33 e ,, ‘ fly?
Associated Press Wl'ltel‘ “It is time to recognize that we . .- 3 '
have come to a turnin int." . ' ‘ ' . ' ‘ ‘
WASHINGTON _ President Reagan said. “We are threatened . g i“ . "
Reagan. declarinsjhat lhe nation is with an economic calamity of ’ ,.
:‘fejeirggcfrtjhmelg “£0135; economic tremendous proportions and the old f. } -.'

l e rea pressmn. business as usual treatment can‘t ‘ " . ' . . ' ..‘ ‘
said last night that the government save “53" ' _3 , .. .-
must make dramatic cuts in taxes Seated at his desk in the Oval Of- . . “ at “ 1‘
and SPehdlllS because the economic fice,the president sought to portray ? ' ' -'
"deaths... .0... i... “a one »

s n a c, rso . . . » -' .
responsible for the situation and uThe‘regr :33; give? "gm" ‘ - ~ ' L I"
said his remedy would mgiHWlth met-jeans caught up m tm mr. 3 I .. l, ‘J‘
33:: {seigz’étgnlziegcezsiwfiégéf sonal indignity and33lluman tragedy 1* I 3"; ‘ i “33 .
“0335 3 t ll pe “Gd C of unemployment, the president » 3 . N 3

t" l? V" ua y every epart- said. “If they stood in a line — ” , ‘ \ .. "I
misstated... "an“ smitten" - ' i “ ~ '

. 3 - — e inewo reac rom e . . .» . .. ~
gsgfgyeeagtggcgrgesnngl Olfltoi coast of Maine to California." - I l '

. . l S "'5 He used a chart to illustrate in- _. 3 r . 5‘ , ' '
gaggiallyevzrgaaggasséllizgogeteuahge creasing tax revenues and govern- ' ' I :1 i " . d

‘ l ' t di d . . z « ,. . , .3
ment day. We no longer have that Erggfitfgfifii’o? U S currency , I I ‘ '1 .
lufigys'é 3vcli’e 3331: :21; 03:33:81) I was He saoldia the 1:30 dollar is worth 36 L. By J.D. VAN HOOSE/Kernel Staff -
p...-..d.........o.....i....d 5:3: iaiiéidizeesilstii lght beams
3513?:lfrmeglofildfnnisdzizgfignlfgg: Be weigh 33 quarter. Tefn yelars 351033i Ewell Chism. of Lane-Hargett Construction Co.. Lexington. inspects a walkway canopy that will be part of the Student Center's new addition. ‘

v - e y e 3. ' .
won't like it, I didn’t like it, but we owni'homgf: gaffngflfigach ' . I
all mag 31:32 n2231::3z=313r3i3¢3ldthengoto dolltasr earned; today it takes 42 S I l to ell [- k l b

- cen . - ‘ ‘

..Andmkemmismkeaboum3.. Govérmemgulam mm D . . ran re a [OHS WI 1 e y 6 resumed $00”,
Zioufiided “We can turn them ded $666 dollars to the cost of an . .

- automobile, he said. h t b k M d l’ :1" “ ‘

R ' It l l ' ' ‘-
Mufgggsjicgdfufghggffigfifg 3333331 Tim iii? re “wig "le idea says (/1 K professor W 0 er e 00 0n 1 em 'I ~ .

. . . - e au presen 0 me 3 .-
He said those Will come when he - - . . . .. i '
unveils a legislative program to {Eggfgggzgei‘émysfifi fgfr 3:: By {\th CROlJCH 3 book “In Memory of Mohammad community so far has “been good,“ 3: 3‘ ' L
CongressmFeb. 18. economic troubles .Pfiesaid SeniorStafanter 3 ' Mosaddeq (who triedtoestablisha Olson said. “I've bad calls from . 3

“It will propose budget cuts in The speech was delivered four ‘ 3 nationalist government in the 195(5 Princeton and VGA. among 3 (-35.7
virtually every department of years and three days after The authors 0‘ the “(75 En- 3x. 3 ‘ x and was overthrown by the CIA), others." i',
government,” the president said. Reagan’s predecessor, Jimmy cyclopaedia lintanmca articles on 3.3 $3» - 3 . . ‘Ali Shar‘ati (the theorist of the Olson. himself a mid-eastern ex
Moreover, Reagan said his Cabinet Carter, wearing a cardigan Iran and Iraman history concluded .3 revolution). and Seyyed Mahmood pert, also commented that the '3 ‘
Wlll search out waste, EX- sweater, delivered a fireside chat thellf P1995 Wlthi There 153 a “W ‘- ‘ ,- Taleqani (another religous leader). revolution has “sharpened the ';‘ ' 7

3 travagence and costly ad- and called for a sacrificial effort by confidence among its 3(Iran s)3pe0- _3 ' The pieces were originally ideological cleavage and tension ‘-3.',,’ .
"ggitrativxveihead to produce the nation to help fight economic ple, who now enjoy international 3333‘ a 8 presented at the first American between the supporters of the US . '3 ..
a “.htlotrllia r uc 3l3ons. d ‘ problems and energy shortages. respect and freedom 3°?“ foreign W 4' ‘ symposium on the revolution in policy toward the Shah and similar _.3’...3

3 e same “he we are 0th . _ subjugation and explmtation. 3 3 , June 1979 at Centre. They include a regimes in Saudia Arabia and the '- " ,
tlus we must go forward Witha tax Reagan t°°k a different ap .. ' M ‘

-’ . i, . .. roach reflectm hi ll - Oh the haSlS 0t PaSt fix... - survey of Iranian history,economic opponents of thatpolicy.
relief package, he said. I shall p , g 5 overa Vlew hi ts f t t ._ ~ .- ,
ask for a 10 percent reduction, that the economic system is ac evemen33, u ure prospec sap- .3 333'; 5.333 :3 trends,3the role of women in the Despite the trauma of the Past
across-the-board, in personal in- capable of solving its own problems pear bright. 3 . "Air" revolution. the theme of revolution hostage criSis. Olson is optimistic
come tax rates for each of the next once the role of government is Yet four years later ‘1 religous ~1- in modernist Iranian literaturethe about future Iran-U s_ relallons "l '7 , 3-
three years.“ He did not say when reduced. leader, Ruhollah Khomeini. over- at? if first critique in English of the go against most current talk , ;" .
the tax cut would first take effect “Our aim is to increase our na- threw the assumed 0mmP°tent revolutionary theorist Shari‘ati, a because I think they‘ll be back on ~
under his plan. tional wealth so all will have more, Shah. Alldln November 0f the same marxist view of what the revolution track in a year to 18 months." he -- 3:

Asexpected, Reagan said he also not just redistribute what we year. l'hllltahts stormed the U35- ROBERTOLSON mist do to succeed and future said. "It's in our interest to have -‘3
will submit to Con ress a re al already have which is just a shar- Embassy m Teheran and mo" "5 scenarios of the revolution. relations; a fragmented lran would , -'

8 P POs . . . 4 ,

. for accelerated appreciation mg 0‘ scarcltY- We can begin to occupehts h035t88e 3 3 produced sincetheRevolution, like “The book is not a polemic," be prone to a leftist or a Russian 313:,”
allowances to give a tax break to 1‘ eward3hard work and risk-taking, Despite thlS lengthy relationship The Fall of the Peacock Throne. as Olson said. “It‘s mainly a scholarly takeover ’«3‘ " _(
businesses that invest in next bl’ forcing this government to live between the Uhlted States em! Iran, lacking”scholarly interest." work, to be ised particularly by “If the revolution had not oc~ 3'
plants and equipment. Wlthln ltS means, he said. public knowledge of Iran Is. in Uh To fill the gap. Olson and Ahmad universities for courses on the Mid- cured it would have been more dif- . ‘._

Japanese Steelworkers out pro- 3Reagan said the federal budget hIStOl'y professor Robert 015°" 5 Jabbari. former economics pro- dle East." fiCult for the RlBSlanS t0 mOVP into 2 _
duce their American counterparts “is out of control and we face words, “very poor. What was fessor at Centre College, have Arepresentative of the Universi~ Afghanistan and even the Polish ‘; . '_
b3y about 325 percent, Reagan said. runaway defiCits, of almost $30 known was the glamour and glitter edited Iran _ Essays on a Revolu- ty Bookstore agreed. and Larry situation would have been dif- 3 l ‘3: "

T023132" tlfifcngghthgz 1:32:31; $513915 budget year" that ends of tl3ie Shah’s recline. h 3 tion in the Making (Mazda Lewis of Kennedy's Bookstore ferent." he added. l’ ’.
\wvorkin "m . ' ~ “ t‘S surprismg omew l’PeOP e Publishers, $4.95), seven essays predicteda sale of 10 to 15 copies —— “In many ways these years are ‘ .
an onegin thinwgfidwgdlaw‘ :33th H: haesdpletlgedto seek a 2 per- don‘t 3 want t0 Prohe belund the which detail.the forces that ended “a good sale for a serials. nonfic- similar to 1945-1947 when the
git/3e them the mode m £0];an £3386: 33cm? mt the current headlines,"Olson 581d 3 theShah‘s rule. tion book.“ critical areas were again Iran and It?"
equipment that workers in other 3333 about .33: gaggle 0 a savings of Olson also characterized books Olson and Jabbari dedicated the The response from the academic Eastern Europe." '3 9‘ 3 3

e e e o 0 0

1 1 4 mil hon bid accepted for medical addition s


2- :

By PALE G. MQRTON He said construction of the center .«Construction of a dental tain. for three years now." he said. Blanton said approximately 300 Blanton said the W may he tar- o.“ ‘
Senior Staff Wnta' will be funded by sale of state moduleandlabratory; “W 3 parking spaces near the old College ther away from the Medical Center 3. 3331f
3 3 3 revenue bonds. The center is yAl‘OOf-topplaza; e3have had a "3““fo of Nursing and Porter buildings than the present lots. “but at least ~.3‘.3. ..

An 3311.4 nullion bid for con- designed to improve the quality of ,An overhead walkway to delays Wh‘d‘ p“? interfered “nth will have to be moved during con- it‘s alternative parking." .‘ :3 .

. struction of UK’s Primary/Am- patient care and enhance the Medical AnnexNumber 2; the rate (0‘ thtlltlhfll the Pl‘O' struction. He said these spaces will The center is one of final weds . 3.3-
bulatory {Zaire center was accepted teaching environment of medical ,An overhead walkway to let; 3:323“ said, 8‘1de the be temporarily relocated in a m L'K's Medical Center cgmllex .3' ‘
hyUKOftlmalSlh Frankfort yester- students, said Peter Bosomworth, Medical Annex Number 4; rm)?“ n “mp three state gravel lot, across Limestone The com let ed $7 0 million C03 £3 ‘3: 3..

- day. _ vice president for the Albert B. ,An overhead walkway to the 93“ aturts before final approval Avenuewhere the Perkins Pancake of NuI‘Sthg and "Health semi; ' .3.?!

Monarch 00!“thth Company Chandler Medical Center. Sanders-Brown Research Centeron was obtained. House used tobelocated. . '* .
“Cinclm‘tiw” awardedttlebld- - - - - ' “(The center) '11 "def Construction f thi i t h uld Lemme center and me ”3 - " -

The bid on the center was $16 The proposal was dllhded "“0 51" Aging. dec . w‘ pro“ ora . . . o S o S 0 million Sanders-Brown building ‘ "

3 3 3 3 . of nstruction: . H . _ ompresswn of a very crowded been Wlthlh the next two weeks. 3 - ' - _ ' . .‘

llion be] the 312 ll ”“3 9° Bosomworth said multiple set . . ,. . were included in the original com 3 .3 .
ml3 ow 3mi ion backs"were experienced in obtain- Ambulatory Care Cents," he said. Blanton said. We hope (this lot,l plex . i.
estunate obtained from Univerlnty ,APrimary/Ambulatory Care ing finalappl‘ovalforthecenta “It is an opportunity to improve will eventually be made perma- ' .3 .3- 3-,3 .
architects to i978, said Jack Blen- Center for initial health care treat 33 3 3 3 3 '3 education for ambulatory care nent“ from funds obtained through Blanton said ground-breaking ‘ 3- :
ton. Vice president for busmess af— ment and a isoopace patient parit- Basically it s a prelect we ve students and improve the environ- a new parking proposal by UK's for the Proiect should occur within 71 3
fairs. ingstructure; been WWklnS on, and trying to 0b- ment and care for patients." Division of Public Safety. . the nextaodays. -‘
—_——_— 3~J 3 '

Inside D 11‘ e Strall‘S tu ent government pI'CSl ents rom state colleges . .- -~

gagging: 333mm traveling to Louisvflle to discuss budget cuts ' -

an articleon page 4. By BILL STEIDEN Sturgeon said the presidents will meeting. meeting will help publicize the pro- plaining," said Sturgeon. “We want 3» h i

“If trul 'sh to dc to d Senior Staff Write- also draw up positions on next However. UK Vice President for blems facing Kentucky's public them to know that students will do ‘ - ’ i .

the age?“ of il'iflviiltion (1‘3” hither year's expected tuition increases of Bmineos Affairs Jock Blanton said universities. their part to help in this financial ' , .

withthebankers ask dhousewife .. The financial plight of Ken- 15-25 percent and potential reduc- last week that the announcement “We want to make sure w ha situation.butthestate government, .

a contributing‘ columnist tells tucky‘s higher education system tion: in student financial aid bythe would probably be delayed until im ct "said St N? d V: university administratiorls3andme . . . 3

President Reagan in letter. See will bethetoplcofdlscmlon when Reaganadministration. March becamethedegreeofshort- gainful of figmw. g" citizens of the Commonwealth of ‘-

page 23 the student government presidents “Our main goal is to make sure fall in the second half of the state‘s in what dmga: Jshis e Kmtlley Should do their Part. . . ‘ -

from the state's eight land grant students know early what they’re biennial budgetwu ctlllunknown. :18“;th tan is in!“ our gher too." _ 3 »

————"—_—' | universities meet Feb. 9 in going to have to pay next year," he Figures released from the state ys ' ‘ ‘

m § Q Louisville. said, pointing out that unless final budget office indicate that gem-rel He said the presidents expect to Stlldeht government presidents ‘ l -' .

SA President Brad sun-goon said tuition figures are made public in revenues will have a shortfall formulate a report stating the from the Eater" Kehtlley Univer-

Students plennlmtocemp out for thegroupwlll discuss Gov. John y, thenear futuremeny students per- somewhere between 8150-200 overall position of the student sity. Kentucky State Univerity.

basketball tickets can expect llttllt Brown's existing and expected cut- tlclpatlns in financial aid programs million in new your in, which government presidents based on Morehead Slate Unlvenity. Mur- . . ~ ~-

Wi '8 lanpmm continue to back: in university budget: will have difficulty filllig out ne- will beginanuly. Theltatehuex- the Feb. 9 meeting. “hopefully to ray State University, Northern

mnein near freedm. Hlflhl the resulting from state revenue ehort- quest forms. perlencede $114 million shortfall in be released Tuesday (Feb. 10)," in Kentlley Ulllvel'Sltyi the Universi- ‘ - .

afternoon should reechthemld 30o. falls.’lhegroupwlllmeetfrom9:30 It had been expected that the gene‘al revenue font for this tuneforulemeetingoftheCI-[E ty of Louisville, and “'93th Ken- -

Clouds slimld diminish mud to 11 em. in the edmlnstration CouncilmHigher Education would flecelyeer. tucky UniversityaswellosUK are

evailngutanpu'om dlptothe building of the Unlvq'gity of mke the amount 03f tuition in- 3 “We want them to know that this expected to attend the meeting, ‘

3 Iowa. Wile, creases known at its Feb. 10 Sturgeon “Kl he hove- the is not jut a lot of students can which willbeopentothepublic.
. (3 i b I \

 ; ,, , - ., . ,,_,,*,.c__ -, V..- ,,_.__,v,.,.w_~_———‘_________fi___.____
; I I
' l edltorIOIS & i SteieMesiiey Steam M“ many CerleIlh 'l'omMcre-
; Editor in»Chre! Editorial Editor maul. Sporte Editor Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
l Aeeoclate Editors Devil Ceyle
CO e nts J” F090“ ‘ ChiefPhatograpner
I I II I I Mandel"! Editor Ale: (mu the" um Use Well-cc
- Vicki Peek I. IIIII Donal! WIN Aeeietant Entertainment Editor Dan (‘Ilfloed
_ Auietont Day Editor J‘- Little Assistant Sport! Editor 5341/ A rtiet
‘ lhe Aenlucli Item“ welcomes all kllrn iind opinions. letters and opinion should be typed. triple- Jacki M ”Ohm
‘ spiked end include mime. residence and proper identification including [A ID for students end l I Day Editor mm
3 l unplmen Ieilen should be hunted to 200 words and opinions Ind canine-Is I0 I00 node. 5"“0’ 5“!” Writ,"
. 7 7 WV 1‘“ __ . __ -M .
\ 17w r wrllfly ““““l‘*-~ s \ «item \x
- s W W i. i, - s are
~ ~ ° ° \ t' \\ ano You're 9" ' x s \\ '
. ‘ - James Galbraith and economists stand ready W 5 “l“ s Fit-60' \ s s
‘ - ‘ ‘ . to undermine R s financral no ' l \\ \ i 5°“ 6“ s
. -.« eagan p \i Busine’éts . \ \\ :\ \ . am goon s
- . , 3. WASHINGTON ., ' President take over the joint economic panel. §:\\: i\\\i\\\§ \\\§\\\s\§§\\\s\§\\\\\i $3? “ \\\\‘\\\ .iixs\
. , . « 3 Reagan had better use all his o'en In the past. joint committee \§\Q\:\\s\\\\ \K \\\\§\ . \3 \\\§ w \J -— .. i s . \§\\\ \\§\
. . - Hollywood talents when he delivers chairmen such as Rep. Wright \\\\\ \X; \\\\ i\\\: :3 . Q .
. , _' his economic proposals to the na- & Pattman of Texas, Sen. William N ‘\ \\\\:\\\ _ i {i m ' z \
-- 3 -' - tion this week. lle'll need them to Proxmire of Wisconsin and the late \\ C: i \
_ “ .- . '. . win overa liberal economist named Shearer ’ Sen, Hubert Humphrey have used V W R
. - ‘- ‘ A' . Galbraith» ‘ . ‘ its helm to push pet projects and - ‘P“\\ . ‘ "
’, , ' e No. not John Kenneth Galbraith. . promote their political visibility. ." ”N‘ss. . if. “13;; _
3' ~ . Iht‘ famed economist and COh' J ‘6] While the panel has no jurisdiction " *‘ _\‘§\ R *‘ 4‘ :3 .E '
' ' -' = . scrvative's enemy. it‘s his 30-year- over legislation. that fact allows its - vi; \ 1 ' 'lrl “Iv—T—
’ . , ' old son. James, who recently members to take bolder positions é . / ‘ if) s \ s‘? ‘l i §§\\\
3 ’ ' ; became staff director for the pea] to the Democratic Party." he on policy. [A l i \ \ ' 9 § ‘ i _ i i ili‘. _ .' " \i :
~' ' 1 Democratic members of the Joint said in an interview. “If there’s a Reuss. who will retire in 1982, ' , s “ .E if s: i i I» s\f i: i“ \
. 7 Economic Committee. who are place where constructive debate wants to carry on this tradition. “If , 3 km; ‘. \ i § :3 O \ 3 x
1‘ :' seeking to ambush Reagan‘s pro- and policy development is going on, 1 don't tell the truth now. I never ‘ _ ’ \Q ' ‘ §§ : ., ‘ E
. '. '3 '- grain it‘s here.“ will,"hetoldus. ‘3.“ \ \\\\\\\\‘i( l i \ ‘ . .3 .
. ' ’ ' ('“llSl‘lemd (lill’lll’l llill‘s ShOUld lhe Reagan program PFO- “We want to do something about : \ I 7. A :; s}
_ fi _. economic think tank. the joint con» ve unsatisfactory. the red-haired interest rates and inflationary ex- \ . flljj 3 :82; 5:1 1 \§:\§E§\
.. gressmnal panel will be the first Harvard grad added. “We're going pectations and make sure tax and \\ . 1“ \x \\ _‘ \1\ W: l ' six
'. - ' ~' , h0d." l0 (lltltfil and respond I” the l0 have to come UP Wllh a coherent Spending cuts don’t get accomplish— \ 2‘. ' ‘ i ' M :3 § i\ 'm W
. . .l. new administration‘s program. alternative." edtotally out of the hides of modest- \ {\ ‘ j ’5 l _ m g . _
. 3 Despite all the dire warnings that From his basement office in the income people,“ Reuss added. Con- * ' I \ \\\ . . I ‘ ‘ ' . ' ’ K
. . the l'nited States is on the verge of Senate's Dirksen building. trary to expected Reagan policy.he \ ' ‘ .v '5 ‘ ~ ‘ : ° *NCMfi‘, ‘bl
. 3 an "economic Dunkirk.” what lht‘ Galbraith is coordinating the work would loosen monetary policy, in- E‘Emga
‘ ' if conunillt‘o Buys mu.‘ SHIP-ill lh“ 5m” of some 46 researchers and voke short-term wage—and-price said the congressman. Galbraith Jepsen. a first-term Iowa By selecting Galbraith as staff
7 09» or failure “l Reagan‘s hm analysts. and conferring With controls and reverse increases in added, “I don’t think the Republican who has become the director, however, Reuss and col-
; program Democratic members. These the social security tax schedules. Democratic Party should launch an committee‘s vice chariman. He ad- leagues Edward Kennedy and pro-
' , . “’lllt‘ lh" lX‘illllWl llhlhrallh responsibilities have yet to over- Moreover, there will probablybe all-out attack on American mits to having no economic train- xmire have warned the commit-
ht'lu‘r' llllll‘ "N‘lli‘ih‘l‘l't‘ ‘0 hls whelm lhe young economist. who pressure for long-term economic business.“ ing of his own. tee‘s contingent of relatively
-' - 3‘ . lanky ia[h(*l'_ ill('\.lllli.ll"l) of their was one of George McGovern‘s measures that promote revitaliza- Of course, there willbeobstacles “It's time for someone else unknown Republicans that the
.' '. ‘ ' Phlltlsllphl“ l‘ *3“ ””1 “hm“ (‘llh‘ .VOUlh dlr‘JClOFS during the 1972 tion of cities in the Cold Belt. small~ to the Democratic ambush. It will besides the bookies and professors Democrats are willing to use big
’ " M‘l‘illl‘l‘ ”Whlht‘l“ ’h“ *lllwrs Pfl’Sldt‘nll‘dl campaign and worked scale energy conservation. family- be difficult enough to wield a con- to try to solve our economic pro- names to make sure the Reagan
‘ ' Like hl> father James Galbraith for the House Banking Committee owned farming and job creation. sensus on economic policy within blems,” Jepsen told us. “I’m not program doesn’t get shoved down
. V '. ' is errn'tl lhul fhl‘ WW llt‘iluhllcim all” earning a dOClOFale from Reuss and Galbraith contend the their party ranks. Moreover, the going to be intimidated. We need to the peoples‘ throats.
' . “ paCkiirlt' mil.) Ml‘rlll‘?“ lll“ ”“15 ”l Yalfi Democrats are ready to com- once Democraticcontrolled com- hear more from mainstream
.' ' -‘ lh" l’l’l’l‘ ellld llllldl'rill“'l”com“ Galbraith's background was no promise on some issues. “The mittee is also now split 10-10 with America." Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer
; ' ' Americans for the sake of the rich insignificant factor in his selection Democrats have had purged from the Republicans. Indeed. there will probably be an are nation'allly syndicated colum-
' amlt'hrlwl‘dll‘llh h)’ llt‘p Henry 5- REUSS 0f their souls the idea of endless “Reuss and Galbraith are going effort to hear from a cross—section nists working out of Washington.
. 3 ”I’m very r-rimmlllt‘d to putting Milwaukee. who gave Up his bank demand-side spending as a road to to be taking a hard look at supply- of America, from scholars to in- 0.0. Their column appears every
, .1 _ “ together a program Wlth broad ap- mg committee chairmanship to full employment without inflation." side economics," said Sen. Roger dustrialists to consumers. Friday.
’ ‘ ” 1- ' Reagan’s best source
' ‘ C O O . Q
' ”mm ”mam" Bm‘g bac" 1’“ng the American consumer
~ . ' - Like many other Lexington residents I have followed the debate over As loyal readers of the Kernel, we’ve grown accustomed to being sub-
_. ' '- ,' ~ the proposed rate increase by the General Telephone Company Of Ken- jected to sometimes less than inspirational journalism. In the past, For some unfathomable reason, I economic thought adopted by
. 7 \ tucky Wllh lllleFSl formed by the effects °l an imposing and ever- we’ve been able to justify our loyalty through the one reliable, redeem- find it hard to envision Ronald the new administration will.
, inflating economy and the feeling of resignation that eventually this “’0 ing factor contained within your otherwise semi-professional pages ~ Reagan eagerly awaiting his daily on the other hand. affect the
f . 5 ~ will become yet another “bullet Wthh we have to bile" . . Puggie. You’re trying our loyalty. Jeff Greer captures a part of UK stu- copy of the Kernel. Nor can 1 con- lives of each and every one of
. . ~' ' l have remained unconvinced that any Of US Will receive anything dent life in a way that no one else can. He makes us laugh and he ceive of him reading this column. I us.
. ' - = more 1“ “3" ms Ol new “WW5 0" improved quality or service “'0’“th deserves to be paid for it. At times Greer‘s art is more accurate and am, after all, a liberal Democrat Like so many other ex-
' ' revenues pFOVlded by the proposed rate increase “'1‘“ lhl§ morrung, more revealing than any photography or news copy contained within and as our new president has perts. those in the field of
i ‘* . ' . “he" at last the veil Wthh had obscured my perception was lifted, and I this paper. It's unfortunate that the Kernel dries not appreciate Greer‘s already proved, you can’t teach an economics have given
. - ’fi clearly UDdeFSlOOd how we Wlll benefit from the proposed rate increase. work enough to pay for it. As it is. it's the readers who are paying the old horse new tricks. Would that I themselves over to quan-
, f : v. \ I explain this admittedly clairvoyant interpretation by relating my own most. had Mr. Reagan’s attention, if only titative analysis. To a point,
' h interaction With GTE . . . for a moment, I would give him the this type of research has its 3
‘ 3 . L'pon arrivrng lll Lexmgton last June. my wife and I immediately con- Bring back Puggie, following advice: merits. but charting a
J ' -" ' ' " ; traded With GTE for phone semce' Which was quickly prowded (SUb' This letter was signed by 52 undergraduate students Mr. President, phenomenon is not an end in
‘ »‘ ; ;; ject only to those provisos already debated in the community concern» Over the next several days itself. A graph may illustrate
; y: ' ~ ing lh" operational definition 0f ”59m?“ ’ During ”“5 short period, I (Editor's note: First of all. the Kernel does appreciate “Puggie.” and months you will be faced our decline in productivity.
-.-' f ’ ~. haw “Telw‘l “we“ statements and ”sued seven checks. for phone Secondly. we offered what we could as salary to Mr. Greer for the car- with a host of issues and pro- yet it cannot tell us why we
: - _ 3,4 -‘- "d’l‘VlCOs' l‘t'nfit‘rt‘d. each being delivered wellbefore the {”331 day Of toon but he did not feel the offer was adequate. “1e liked “Puggie.” um. blemS begging for your im- are failing to progress as a
. 1 _. ‘ payment iiis \[x‘t'lilt’d by GTE: through the servrces of the Ub- P051 Ol‘ but because the paper is independent and advertising is its only source mediate attention. It should society. Unless you fully
'. -~ “C“ "rm“ ”hm" paymentcourtesy Of 53”“ Security Bank. of revenue. it operates on a very limited budget. Simply stated, we can- be remembered that before understand a problem, you
. . l have received from GTE. no less than srx notices. of “account past not afford the amount of money that Mr. Greer demands. We're sym- we can solve the energy can never hope to treat it. For
- \ due. and alter inquiring among my friends and BSSlClaleS I find that pathetic. but not sorry.) crisis or help secure world years, economists. armed
' . this service must still be in its inceptive stages since it has not yet been peace' we must establish a . with their charts and
'. =1 l extended tor-yr Hone ' - -
' -‘ l conclude therefore, that the rate increase wrll enable GTE to bring Day care endangered soxrlildeeacggomznat :32; of imrfni'fgiorogflls'rgggizg
3‘ . ‘; 3 ., . this service to one and all by pl‘OVldlng funds for paper. printing. com- economic experts has could not occur simultaneous-
3’; 3. .i putcr llIT‘J’. personnel. mailing and distribution of notices ofaccoun'ts Vicki Poole‘s column on affluent student life which makes local pover- descended on Washington to ly. only to have the 19705 pro—
;- past rluetoall customers regardless of race, creed. tolor.religion. na- ty hard to see really touched me. As a member 0f.th.e Womens argue for one program or ve them wrong. It would
1": _". < l 3,3 llllnill “Full”. “r W) menl N‘Cfived- Neighborly Organization, a group concerned With allevrating some-of . another with every con- seem that the time has come
.‘ 1.; '1’. Edward J. I’avlik the. problems of poverty in downtown Lexmgton. I know how truly in- ceivable chart and graph. for the experts to leave their
‘ ., j- w - vrs1ble the poor can be. How many students are aware of the Davrstown Concerning these people, my preciom models behind and
_ : 5 »',~ LCOIOgIcaI fallacy and Irishtown areas whose boundaries begin just one block west of Har- advise is quite simple: ignore venture out into the real
' 3 ;" rodsburg Dm'e' , them. They are a plague the world to meet the most im-
3 'Z.';_ in this area the WNO. operates a developmental day care center acceptance of which your ad- portant quantity in any social
%«",'.l'.fi '- l really must take exception to the unmitigated arrogance of John “The“ p r0v1des a healthy atmosphere, nourishing meals. lovmg atten- ministration Wlll regret until science—people. '
' l, Fritz' column «Jan. Z7). He attempts to disguise his own political “0'? anda strong-educational program to preschoolchildren, enabling its final days. If you truly I suppose that the most
”WU ' ‘ l(i(‘