xt7mgq6qzq0m_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38.dao.xml unknown 0.45 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 87m38 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Charles A. Hardin papers Business records -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Circuit courts. County courts -- Kentucky -- Mercer County. Crime -- Politics and government. Judges. Judges -- Selection and appointment. Judicial opinions -- Kentucky. Political parties -- United States. Prohibition -- Kentucky. Prohibition -- United States. Speeches, addresses, etc. Suffrage -- United States. Suffragettes -- Kentucky. Printed materials: advertisements, circulars, and pamphlets text Printed materials: advertisements, circulars, and pamphlets 2021 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6qzq0m/data/87m38/Box_1/Folder_13/Multipage437.pdf 1909-1920, 1939, undated 1939 1909-1920, 1939, undated section false xt7mgq6qzq0m_13 xt7mgq6qzq0m < z .~ _.. ,‘E .~4-w)‘ And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all them that are sanctified. Acts 20 z 32. HORACE KINGSBURY’S FAREWELL MESSAGE TO HIS HARRODSBURG FRIENDS. Q .4 L2 .LLLW _l(y‘tt‘l}‘|4‘1|4\(>11(‘.(“M4|/|(r.(>l,()A\A(|.(|.~‘-|‘;(9;(\_(\.K ()(ztoher isth. 1909. My Dear Friends: The time of farewells is here and with it the accom- panyim.r sadness. it is not easy to say good-bye to those we love. While in your midst God in His providence allowed a great sorrow to come into my life. put He gave to me a loving: and sympathetic people whose hearts were touched with my grief. Your tender expre. sions of sympathy then have made a deep and lastim.r impression upon me. You have been good to me in times of joy and of sorrow alike and lshall alwa ' tarry you in affectionate remembrance. My church relations have been very happy. It is a great joy to preach to a congregation that has caught the world vision and is seeking to make Jesus king in all the earth. The officers and members of lioth church and Sunday-school have held up the preachor‘s‘hands in his work for the Lord. The Aid Societies. the Choir. and the Ulara Kingshnry Aux— iliilry of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions have all contributed to the success of the work. There has been sweet fellowship and great joy in service. ’l‘he voice of duty now seems to call me to my Australian home where i trust the Lord will use me for His glory. ’l‘liough thonsandsof miles of s ‘l and land will separate us soon. we shall still he joined in heart and hope to meet again I trust that wherever the future may find us we shall long remember our motto, “'l‘lie Utmost for The Highest." and ever practice the principle in our lives. To a heartfelt “thank-yon“ 1 add a heartfelt "(lod bless you," and remain. [fiver your friend, HORACE KlNHSllllli‘X. Minister. ll:ti'1'odsbur;.r Christian Church. Harrodsbu 11:. lx’y. WWlitil»i)(>y>lv't't"t"t>'1v'\y'4'«Y|> i)rv“I)'iy‘A Mummy-Hun” \)(v")"‘)‘ «v'¢-. vane-x- vvvn‘r WM vfirvwvvvarvvvvvvv v-r-i'w'é'r'rvm'vvvvvvv aha ' l v ”R .‘ I I ~\,M_ Prohibition’s Onward AdarCh Revised January I, 1912 Prohibition’s Onward Revised/tummy 18!, 1912 ALABAMA: From January, 1909, to February, 1911, a statutory prohibition law was in efiect. The 1911 Legislature passed a local option bill, referring the question, with the county as a unit, to the people. Under this law, all saloons are to be well-regulated, and 1 saloon is to be allowed to each 3,000 inhabitants. Of the 66 counties, elections to 'date have 'been held in 14 counties, of which 7 have voted to remain'dry, 1 for the, dispen- sary, and 6 for saloons. ALASKA: Prohibition from time of purchase by the United States, 1868, until; 1899, when Congress passed a law allow- ing the courts to grant licenses to sell liquor to whites. The law prohibiting sale to Indians is still in force. The license tax is $1,500 in all places of 1,500 or more, $1,000 in places of 1,000 to 1,500 and $500 elsewhere. ARIZONA: The Arizona Legislature of 1909 enacted a. law giving the people county option by majority vote. The old law, thus amended, provided for local op- tion by a two-thirds vote. The same Leg- islature segregated all municipalities for local option purposes. Besides the Indian reservations, there are 2 dry counties, and a number of dry munici- palities. ARKANSAS: 0f the 75 counties, 63 are under prohibition by local option and pe- tition. An effort is now being made for state-wide prohibition through the initia- tive. CALIFORNIA: The Legislature of 1911 enacted an excellent, workable law giv- ing to the people Of every municipality, and to the people of the pdrtions of each supervisorial district lying outside of a. municipality, the power to banish the from the rum curse. beverage liquor traffic. Since that law went into effect on June 3, 1911, over 30 _ conducted in , campaigns have been Southern California, and in most battles, the liquor men were defeated. Fourteen ‘years ago only 10 little cities had ban- ished the saloon in this Southland. To- day 1 city with more than 30,000 popula tion, 5 cities ranging in population from 10,000 to 15,000, and 30 with from 5,000 to 10,000 population are dry. From one- half to two-thirds 0f the country dis- tricts of our 10 counties comprising Southern California have been/cleansed In Northern Cali- fornia there are 276 villages, towns and cities without saloons. Forty-two per cent of the territory of the state is dry. All saloons are prohibited within one and one-half miles of Stanford. University, and within 3 miles of the State Farm and Agricultural College at Davis. At a special election held October 10, 1911, a constitutional amendment providing for woman suffrage, the initiative, direct leg- islation, referendum and recall, was adopted. COLORADO: The local option law was enacted in 1907 and applies to wards, precincts and municipalities. A majority of incorporated towns and many coun- try precincts are saloonless. Conditions have changed but little during the past year. Four of the larger towns had hard fought campaigns, three of them on re- submission; two remained dry; one prac- tically legalized saloon drugstores; the election in the fourth, which has had saloons for forty years, was contested, the district court decided the majority to be for no-license, and the case has been appealed to the Supreme Court. It is proposed to submit under the initia- . . Nina“; was». 7 ., . ,..5 r . N E? 1; : ll' siti-‘ngzsxm ‘- 2:: :next fall, a constitutional prohib- -,amendment and a county option NECTICUT, with 168 towns, had 95 g ‘e no-license on October 10,1911. . liege contained about two- fifths of the p11 tion. Local option prevails by ote only. The future issuance of enses is now limited to 1 to 500 popuw A new law in effect October, . 1, permits the issuance of hotel li- e ses between June 1 and October 1 on n of a majority of the registered is, even if the town is. no- -license, lso in license towns Stonington, ’0pnlation 9 184, is the largest dry town. WARE: Two of the 3 counties, 111g three-fourths of the area of ._ ,have prohibition. About 80,000 ’peop' live in no-license territory. Ad- ditional enforcement legislation has been 3' in the last year, and efforts are pre cm the shipping of liquor from ttddry territory. ,szs Icri or COLUMBIA: The territory der prohibition in the District in- - and the almshouse, and the tween the two last named, as well {111111 a radius of one-half mile of op'erti ‘s. This protected territory opulatron of about 54 500 persons. of the District forbids the open- . saloon Within 400 feet of a church or.sehool. The total population of the District is 330, 000. , F'Loem‘A: Thirty-six of the 48 coun- ties are dry under the county option law. The law permits a vote to be taken not Oftener than once in four years. One Wet county was divided last year, but as wet county has been gained, the num- er remains the same. The fight is still on forgstate-wide prohibition. 5' HAWAII: Prohibition prevailed under”? native rule. Since annexation to theif United States a license law has been sub- 1‘ stituted. By act of Congress, the citi‘r' .zens of Hawaii voted on July 25, 1910, as to whether the territory should have a. prohibition ‘law. The measure was lost. Q ’ ' GEORGIA: Statutory prohibition, enact-1 '3 ed August 5, 1.907; in efiect January 1, ,1 1908. If» , IDAHO: Under the county option law, 1‘ passed in 1909, 20 of the 27 counties are 1 dry. The successful operation of the law is hindered by the shipping of liquor into dry territory. The next Legislature will be urged to provide for the submis- sion to the vote at the people of a pro- hibitory constitutional amendment. ILLINOIS; Under the provision for local option by municipalities and town- ships, about two-thirds of the state is no- saloon territory. Over 2,000,000 of the people of the state live in anti-saloon territory and a county option bill is now before the Legislature. INDIANA: The Legislature of 1911 re- pealed the county option law, passed in 1908, enacting in its place a city and township local option measure. At the present time there are 24 dry counties and 6 dry cities with a population of 5,000 or more. Eighty-one per cent of the area is under no-license and 65 per cent of the population lives in dry terri- tory. The W. C. T. U. is working for constitutional prohibition and will con- tinue its endeavors until that end is at- tained. IOWA: Statutory prohibition enacted in 1884, but nullified by “mulct” law passed in 1894, permitting saloons upon written petition of from 50 to 80 per cent of the voters, according to popula- tion, under which all permits expired July 1, 1911. The Moon Law which took effect July 1, 1911, allowing but 1 saloon for 1,000 inhabitants in any town, closed 130 saloons. Of Iowa’s 99 counties, only 12 have general petitions of consent. Under existing laws, there are 568 saloons, and other petitions are in liti- gation. KANSAS: Constitutional prohibition since 1880. Under the law of 1880 intoxi- cating liquor could be sold for medical, scientific and mechanical purposes. The Legislature of 1909 passed a law eliminat- ing the three emceptions. This law was contested on constitutional grounds and held to be good in our higher courts. The celebrated, wealthy, aristocratic . Topeka Club used the locker system. No sales were made, or claimed; they met and drank their own liquOr. The 8% preme Court held this club to be a nuisance, and every club in Kansas was killed. Not an open saloon in Kansas, law well enforced, public sentiment for law enforcement stronger than ever be- Jore. ‘ .KENTUCKY: Out of 119 counties, 95 are dry. The present Legislature has passed a uniform county option law. The W. C. T. U. continues to work for state- 7 wide prohibition as the only satisfactory solution of the liquor problem. LOUISIANA: There has been little change in the situation during the past year. Out of 59 parishes, 30 are dry, with dry territory in some of the others. The prohibition law in this territory is for the most part well enforced. / 'E. .4 MAINE: Statutory prohibition enacted in 1851; repealed in 1856; re—enacted in 1858. ConstitutiOnal prohibition adopted in 1881,. Maine has been the battleground of the contending forces for more than half a century, and in spite of a smug- glers‘ paradise of long boundary line and intricate cOast, in spite of occasional om- cials who would not enforce the law, in spite of endleSs misrepresentation on the part of the liquor interests of the nation and world, prohibition in Maine is today well enforced, and has more than vindi- cated itself as a source of prosperity and civic well-being. February 11, 1911, the Legislature'passed a resolution, resub- mitting to popular vote the constitutional prohibitory amendment. At the special election, September 11, 1.911, the citizens of Maine, after a notable fight, voted for the retention of the prohibition amend- ment. MARYLAND: 0f 23 counties, 10 are Wholly without saloons, and 2 have saloons in 1 municipality each. Of the remainder, all but 2 have more or less local prohibition territory. The city of Baltimore is not included in the county organization. It has a number of prohibition districts, notably the Johns Hopkins University grounds, the manu- facturing section known as Hampden, and a district surrounding Goucher Col- lege. MASSACHUSETTS: This state has ahigh license, local option law, the vote on the license question being taken annually. At present the figures show that 16 cities and 251 towns have voted against li- cense; 17 cities and 70 towns voted for it. A campaign still continues for the submission to a vote of the people of a. prohibitory amendment to the constitu- tion. lVIlCHIGAN: Under the county option law, of the 83 counties, 39 are dry. AS the result of 1910 elections 40 counties became dry. The sentiment against the saloon is growing steadily. An effort will be made this year to secure a statu- tory prohibition law. MINNESOTA: About two-thirds of the townships of the state are without saloons, and the number of dry Villages and cities is increasing. The effort dur- ing the coming year will be for a statu- tory prohibition law, or the submiSSion to the people of an .amendment to the constitution prohibiting the sale and manufacture of liquor. MISSISSIPPI: Statutory prohibition, , enacted February, 1908,- inefl’ect Janu- ary 1, 1909. A bill to submit a constitu- tional amendment, brought before the Legislature immediately after the pas- sage of the prohibition statute, failed by only a small vote. MISSOURI: Out of 114 counties, 87 are wholly or partially dry under local op- tion. This law permits cities of 2,500 in- habitants to vote separately from the county. The result of. local option elec- tions during the past year has been fav- orable to the drys. Much temperance sentiment was created by the state-wide campaign in 1910. The temperance forces of the state are endeavoring to carry an amendment to the constitution, providing for placing the opening of the ballot boxes in the hands of the grand jury, that fraudulent elections may be contested. MONTANA: Several large Indian reser- vations and military reservations com- prise the only prohibition territory. The few anti—liquor laws are being well en- forced in many communities, among them the midnight and Sunday closing laws. NEBRASKA: Of 90 counties, 31 are dry. At the present time about one-half of the population of the state is in dry terri- tory under the provisions of the local option law. Under a state law, all saloons are compelled to close at 8 p. m. and remain closed until 7 a. m. NEVADA: Two Indian reservations, the town of Imlay, the mining camp of Jar- bidge and La Moille Valley, are the only prohibition territory. The Legislature of 1911, in its revision of laws, brought to light an old law forbidding the sale of intoxicating liquors to minors, and re- enacted it with a penalty of from $50 to $500, or imprisonment; also a law against selling to habitual drunkards or drunken men on complaint of family or a peace officer. A county option bill will be introduced in the 1913 Legislature. Temperance sentiment is growing. NEW HAMPSHIRE: From 1855 until 1903 the state was under prohibition. In 1903, a local option provision was en- acted by which all the towns are re- quired to vote on the question of license or no-license at the November election every two years, and the cities once in four years. If the majority vote for no- license, then the prohibitory law remains In effect. 0f 11 cities and 224 townships, 4 cities and 200 townships have voted out saloons. About 65 per cent of the population live in prohibition territory. .Nuw JERSEY: About 100 municipali- ties in the state are without saloons, some by local ordinance, others by char- ters or deeds which forbid the sale of intox1cating liquors. The granting of licenses is in the hands of a variety of boards or persons, judges, boards of Judges, mayors, mayors with the consent of counc11, city councils and excise boards. NEW MEXICO: Besides 4 Indian reser- vations, and 4 military reservations, there are 14 cities and towns that have closed their saloons under the territorial law permitting local prohibition ordi- nances, or because of a license prohibit- ively high. One other town, Moun- tainai‘r, has a prohibition clause in all: deeds. San Juan and Chavez counties are dry. There is a territorial law that forbids licensing of saloons in towns of less than 100 population, and about 40 towns are dry under this restriction. An efiort was made to secure the insertion of a prohibition clause in the constitu- tion, but it was not successful. The pas- sage of the “Blue Ballot” bill makes the constitution easier of amendment, and the W. C. T. U. will work for a prohib- itory amendment to be voted upon at the next general election. NEW YORK: Of the 933 townships, 416 are under no—license, 193 under partial license, and 324 under full license. A county prohibition bill, with the county as the unit, prohibiting the manufacture and sale of liquor, and making no provi- sion for the reversal of the verdict when the county once votes dry, is to be intro- duced by representatives of the W. C. T. U. during the present session of the Legislature. NORTH CAROLINA! Statutory prohibi- tion, adopted by popular vote, Mai, 1908; in effect January 1, 1909. NORTH DAKOTA: When North Dakota entered the Union in 1889, the prohib- itory clause of the constitution was voted upon separately and adapted. The first legislative assembly passed a strong law for the enforcement of this constitutional provision. The canstitutiOnality of the law has been sustained by the Supreme Court, and its enforcement has been strengthened by legislative enactments. The law is well enforced and the senti- ment for prohibition stronger than ever before. 01110: Out of 88 counties, 48 are dry. The present state constitution prohibits license, and leaves the Legislature with power to deal With the liquor traffic in any way it sees fit. The county option law makes it possible to vote on the question in each county every three years. During the latter part of 1911 the three-year limit expired in many counties, and up to January 1, 1912, 21 elections were held in as many dry coun- ties. Of these 14 gave majorities favor- able to license and 7 voted to remain dry. A new constitution will be submitted to the voters for their adoption or rejection this year. The liquor interests will make a desperate attempt to get a high license clause in the new constitution and the temperance forces will do the r utmost to prevent this. The W. C. T.’ U. of the state will work for two measures—state- wide prohibition and woman suffrage. 0mm: Constitutional prohibi- tion, adopted September 17, .1907. No- vember 8, 1910. a local optiOn and high license amendment was submitted to a vote of the people and was defeated by a majority of 21,077.. Sentiment in favor 2] law enforcement is stronger than ever. hipment of intoxicating liquors by freight and express has been prohibited by a recent Federal court decision in that part of the state formerly known as Indian territory, because of the twenty- one year proviszon in the Enabling Act. OREGoN: 0f 33 counties, 9 are dry. Wet elections held under a Home Rule bill have been reversed by the courts, showing that this measure was not after all much of a victory for the wets. The sentiment in favor of equal suffrage is growing, and a victory is anticipated when the question is submitted to the people next November. PENNSYLVANIA: The liquor trafiic is subject to the regulation of the Brooks high license law in Pennsylvania. Under it licenses are granted by the court of quarter sessions, which can issue any number of licenses and revoke any or all at the end of the year. A bond of $2,000 is required from the applicant for li- cense, who must also have the signatures of 12 reputable electors of the ward. bor— ough or township in which he desires to start his saloon. Approximately 10,000 saloons are now in operation in all parts of the state. Four counties have prohibi- tion under judicial decision. and there is a fair prospect of others being added to the list during the year. Six hundred towns in various parts of the state have no legalized saloons. Temperance senti- ment is rapidly growing. RHODE ISLAND: Nine towns are under prohibition, out of a total of 38 towns and 6 cities. This is a gain of 2 dry towns. SOUTH CAROLINA: Of 43 counties, 37 are under prohibition, while the remain- der have dispensaries only in the princi- pal cities—in most counties only in the county seat. There is a strong and grow- ing sentiment for a prohibition amend- ment to the constitution. SOUTH DAKOTA: Of the 66 counties, or- ganized and unorganized, 13 are without saloons. In some cases this is because the counties are part of Indian reserva- tions, and in other cases because the counties are unorganized, and, therefore, according to Supreme Court decision, un- der prohibitory law. Three of these counties have voted dry, aside from those above named, and 1 county was never wet. Some of the counties are almost rid of saloons by voting them dry by town- ships or by towns under the local option law. Dry towns, 162; wet towns, 181. The Supreme Court has rendered a. deci- sion that under the law county commis- ii sioners can, if the people so desire, grant no-license. Under this ruling, Spink and Lyman counties are dry, and other coun- ties are preparing to make the efiort to secure county prohibition by this means. Other anti-liquor measures are the anti- t'reating law, daylight saloon bill, and a measure forbidding drinking on the rail- road trains. TENNESSEE: Statutory prohibition cn— acted January, 1.909. ProhibitiOn of sale of intoxicants in effect July 1, 1009; pro- hibition of manufacture in effect January 1, 1910. The temperance peOple are hop- ing to elect a Legislature that will strengthen the law by giving it better machinery for its enforcement. TEXAS: Of 243 counties, 168 are under prohibition, and a large number are par tially dry. Practically 80 per cent of the population lives in dry territory. The result of the submission to the people, July 22, 1911, of a prohibitory amend- ment to the constitution, showed that the white vote of the state was largely in fa- vor of prohibition. An effort will be made to secure at the next Legislature amend- ments to the laws to prevent fraudulent voting, as well as the outlawing of the saloon by a constitutional amendment. UTAH: The present state law makes each incorporated city or town a unit and the entire county outside of these cities or towns a unit in itself. At the June 27, 191], local option elections, held in 110 cities and towns, 87 towns and cities voted dry, Salt Lake City and Ogden vot- ing wet. Only one county, Carbon, a min- ing district where the foreign element predominates, is wet. VERMONT: Three of the 14 counties are under prohibition and 3 others have but 1 license town each. Of 246 townships, 219 are no-license. Prohibition in Ver- mont includes both sale and manufacture. A large majority of the population is in prohibition territory, and resubmission of the prohibition amendment (repealed in 1903) is being demanded by all tem- perance forces. VIRGINIA: Of 161 incorporated towns, 145 are dry. Of 19 incorporated cities, 8 are dry. Of 100 counties, 85 are without saloons. An effort is being made at the present time to secure the passage of an Enabling Act which will allow the people of the state to vote on state-wide prohibi- tion. WASHINGTON: The sale of liquor is prohibited within two miles of the Uni- versity of Washington at Seattle, Within 2,000 feet of every other state school, and within one mile outside the boundaries of every incorporated municipality in the state. The 1909 legislature passed a city and country precinct option law, under which saloons have been driven from a considerable portion of the state. As a result of 129 elections, there were 89 dry victories, 45 wet victories, 71 towns dry, 4 counties entirely dry, 19 more counties dry outside of municipalities, 15 dry county seats, the two largest dry sea- ports in the world (Bellingham and Ever- ett). Seventy-one per cent of the total area of the state is dry territory. The effort during the coming year will be centered upon securing the initiative and referendum as a. means toward gaining statewide prohibition. WEST VIRGINIA: Of 55 counties, 40 are without the legalized saloons; 8 have sa— loons in only 1 city; 4 have saloons in 2 or 3 cities, and only 3 counties are thor- oughly wet. The granting of license to sell liquor in the various counties is op- tional with the county courts, except in some 20 cities where special charters have been obtained placing the granting of ii- censes in the hands of the city council. Within the past year 3 counties have en- tered the dry column. The Legislature at its last regular session in 1911, sub- mitted to a vote of the people a proposed prohibition amendment to the state con- stitution (effective July 1, 1914), to be voted upon at the next general election, November, 1912. WISCONSIN: Under the local option law, over 800 towns, cities and villages, out of a total of 1,475, have become dry. Fifty-five per cent of the area of the state is under nolicense. An effort is being madepto secure at this session of the Legislature the passage of a county option law. WYOMING: Under a law passed by the Legislature of 1908-9 providing that no license shall be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors outside of incor- porated cities and towns, more than 90 per cent of the area of the state became dry territory. Five of the incorporated cities have already excluded the saloon, and the Yellowstone National Park, un- der the control of the Government, and the Shoshone Indian reservation are also dry territory. NATIONAL WOMAN’S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION EVANs'ION, ILLINOIS Price, 2 cents each; per 50, 25 cents; per 100, 40 cents '1 ——————-———~—-—~—-—— ERRA TUM WEST VIRGINIA, November 5, by a majority vote of over 92, 000, adopted a constitutional amendment. Legislation to make effective the amendment has passed both houses of the legislature. OFFICERS G. C. Crooks, A. M., President G. J. Ramsey. LL. D., Vice-President Augustus Rogers, Secretary MEMBERS F. E. Clark. Ph. D. J. Rice Cowan. M. D. Chas. G. Crooks. A. M. Rev. F. \V. Hinitt, Ph. D., D.D. Rev. J Q.A. McDowell, D.D. R. T. Quisenberry, Esq. Frank L. Rainey. S. B. George J Ramsey, LL. D. Chas. H. Rodes, Esq. Principal Augustus Rogers Dan L. Thomas. Ph. D. N. F. Smith, Ph. D. John S. Van \Vinkie _.B:~.idcw r W» n.1- Addamm 932124..” W... . THE DANVILLE LITERARY and SOCIAL CLUB ‘ ‘Ariaconda’ ' Organized December 27th. 1839 “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Ou'r antagonist is our helper. ’ ’--—Bwrke. DANVILLE, KENTUCKY DANVILLE MESSENGER PRINT PROGRAM---l 912- l 913 October 4, J. R. Cowan, Host ’J. S. Van Winkle The Persian Question ............. - J. C Acheson i F. E. Clark October 18, N. F. Smith, Host 'J. Q. A. McDowell Recent Experimentsin Democracy- J. A. Cheek i Augustus Rogers November 1, D. L. Thomas, Host The Methods and Achievements l N. F. Smith of Modern Astronomy . ..... 'I C. G. Crooks November 15, J. Q. A. McDowell, Host Scientific Experimentation ’J. R. Cowan with Animals ....... . . - F. L. Rainev , , . ,,- wenrwxmnitt December 6, C. G. Crooks, Host Emerson and American \' D. L. Thomas Transcendentalism ..... .. . » G. J. Ramsey l .1. s. VanWinkle December 20, F. L. Rainey, Host \' Augustus Rogers The President’s Message - R (N. F. Smith January 3, J. A. Cheek, Host i F. L. Rniney - F. E. Clark Eugenics... .. ,. .. (J. R. Cowan January 17, C. H. Rodes, Host Currency and Banking: 5' J. A. Cheek Reform. .. . . ,...,. I J. C. Acheson ’1‘.Quisenherry L? J . ‘N PROGRAM---1 912-1913 January 31, R. T. Quisenberry, Host l C. G. Crooks Child Labor Legislation. . . . . . . . . . - J. Q. A. McDowell . l c. H. Rodes February 14, J. S. VanWinkle, Host J. C. Acheson Southern Story Writers ............. l G. J. Ramsey 1/ l D L. Thomas February 28, F. E. Clark, Host ‘0. G. Crooks Matin Luther... ~J.A. Cheek . F. L. Rainey March 14, Augustus Rogers. Host ethods of (F. E. Clark March 28. J. C. Acheson, Host l G. J. Ramsey Wastes in Higher Education. . . . .. - F. W. Hinitt (N. F. Smith April 11, G. J. Ramsev, Host Labor Unionism in the Light of ‘ Augustus Rogers {ccentOccurrences ,,,,, . . ~ J. S. VanWinkle ’ R. T. Quisenberry April 25, F. W. Hinitt, Host The Meaning and Value of Life as ' J. Q. A. McDowell Interpreted by Rudolph Eucken ~ D. L. Thomas J F. W. Hinitt (C. H. Rodes Reform of Legal Procedure . . (J. R. Cowan . ,...'l_ G. -H.-Rod‘e*sr:- -_ R. T. Quisenberry é " The Mercer County Ulll‘lSllflll VOL. 1. HARRUDSLURG KY, SUNDAY JUllL 1,1913 - N0 2. 7%,, . m c, M THE OLD HARRODSBURG CHRISTIAN CHURCH Historical Sketch of Harrodsburg|1823 at Wellsburg, Va with Alex Christian Church. lander and Thomas Campbell the BY W- W- STEPHENSON. moving spirits. Alexander Camp- The second church of the Restora— The“ was in Kentucky, debated with lion Movement. was established in Mr. McCalla at Washington, Mason county, and preached at Lexington and other places. The Christian Baptist, started in August of that year, and of which he was the editor, was the result of that visit, acquired at once an extended circulation and contributed to the spread of the principles of the Restoration enun- ciated by him. He returned to Ken- tucky the next year and made an extensive tour through the State. P. S. Fall, John Smith, J. T. John son, Josephus Hewitt and the Creaths, conspicuous preachers of the Restoration, were early convert— ed and enlisted in the cause. As early as 1828 the teachings enunci- ated by Alexander Campbell had taken deep hold upon many Baptist congregations in Kentucky and it is almost certain that there were con- verts at Harrodsburg, as early as that date or probably earlier. About that time Rev. Josephus Hewitt visited the Baptist church at Shawnee Run, which was organized in 1788 and was one of the oldest in the State. As the result of his labors that congregation was divided in 1830 and a congregation of Disciples or Christians, as they were called, was organized. At first the two congregations occupied the house on alternate Sundays, but later the Dis- ciples met weekly in an old log school house on the south side of the King’s Mill turnpike, near Cane Run. Rev. Josephus Hewitt was their first min— ister, and Thomas Smith, of Lexing- ton, the second. The Harrodsburg church, as With many others in the State, resulted from the union of two movements, separate in their beginnings—that started by Barton W. Stone and that by Alexander Campbell. Through the preaching of Joel Haden and followers of Stone, a church was or- ganized at Harrodshurg, under the name ”Christian,” with the Bible as their only creed, early in the last century. Under the preaching of Josephus Hewitt, John Smith, John T. Johnson and other advocates of Mr. Campbell’s teachings, a society or congregation was formed which was composed principally of those who had been affiiiated with the Bap- tist church. They preferred the name “Disciples,” but were called by their opponents “Campbellites.” Among the first members Of this body, which was small at first, were Ben C. Allin and Susan Allin, his wife; Philip Allin and wife, William Pherigo and his wife, Elizabeth, (a sister of Judge Jno. L. Bridges) Dr. Christopher L. Jones, and his wife. Lucy B. Jones, and Mr. Wheatly. The body known as “Christians” met in their private homes. The Disciples met in a farm building very near the site of the present Christian church. Efforts to unite the followers of Stone and of C