xt7mgq6qzt1v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6qzt1v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19250210 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-02-feb10-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-02-feb10-ec. 1925 2011 true xt7mgq6qzt1v section xt7mgq6qzt1v Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Executive Com- rnittee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, for Tues- day, February 10, 1925. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky, met at noon in the office of President McVey, Tuesday, February 10, 1925, with the following members present: Judge R. C. Stoll, Senator H. M1. Froman and Superintendent McHenry Rhoads. The minutes of the previous meeting were ordered ap- proved as published. Mr. D. H, Peak, Business Agent, made the following financial report which was received and ordered spread upon the minutes: February 10, 1925 President Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky Dear President McVey: I am submitting herewith financial report for the month of January, 1925. After February 1, we collected from State Treasurer, $241,635.84, State tax collected by State Auditor in January, making the total received by the University from State tax, $479,513.62. You will note that the report shows $4,999.36 collected from State Board of Vocational Educa- tion. A like amount was paid by warrant which is being held by the University Treasurer subject to sale when needed. Registration collections are as follows: Fees.... $38,962.00 Chemistry charges 91.54 Student Activities 9,160.00 Senior Class dues 1,967.00 Class dues ........ 143.00 Total ........ 50,323.54 I estimate 'that total registration collections will finally amount to nearly $52,000, making the total in fees approxi- mately $40 000. Since my last report on the Greater Kentucky Campaign Fund, we have collected an amount sufficient to pay Louis des Cognets Company the balance due on the stadium, $1,924.12, and to pay $4,000 on the notes executed to that company, leaving now in the treasurer's hands a balance of $607.35. Very truly yours, D. H. Peak Business Agent EXktiBIT "Bit Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of January 1925 Previously Reported General Fund Income Federal Appropriation 42,750.00 Vocational Educa. Board Gene:-al Educa, Board 2,050.00 Special Agri, Appro. 16,028.26 State Tax 128,235.12 Int. on Liberty Bonds 850.00 Int. on Endowment Bonds 4,322,25 Chemistry Bldg. Find (Int. on Bingham Tax) 5,636.67 Student Fees 42,572.29 Student Fees - Summer Sch, 18,032.00 Student Fees - Vet. Bureau 411,38 Student Fees - Univ. H. S. 2,100.00 Student Fees - Univ. Ext. 5,366.02 MDis cellaneous 1,290.78 Rentals 2,751.00 Total 272,395-77 Expend ituxres Instruction 222,711,64 Administration Expense 66,938.18 Additions & Betterments 11,028.04 Total 300,677.86 Current Month Fiscal Year To Date 42, 750.00 4.999.36 4,999.36 900.00 2,950.00 16,028.26 109,642.66 237;877.78 850.00 4,322.25 8,644.50 5,636.67 8,355.52 50,927.81 18,032.00 8.96 420.34 1,435.00 3,535.00 3,278,20 8,642.22 607, 49 1,898.27 178,00 2,929.00 133,725.44 406,121.21 51,236.60 15,118.20 1,209.91 67,564.71 273,948.24 82,056.38 12,237.95 368,242.57 Excess of Inc. over Exp. Patterson Hall Income Board Room Rent - Summer Sch. Total (28,282.09) 66,160,73 23,428.67 2,192.85 25,621- 52 37,878,.64 1,620.00 25,048.67 _ _ 2 .192.85 1,620.00 27,241.52 Expenditures Expense Additions & Betterments Total Excess of Inc. over Ex'p. 19,883,72 1 056.40 20-940,12 4.681.40 (2.645.19) 2!036.21 General Fund Income General Fund Expenditures Excess of General Fund Inc. over Exp. Excess of Reo. over Exp-. for Gen, Ledger Acot. 298,017. 29 321,617.98 135,345.44 433,362.73 71,829,90 393,447.88 (23,600.69) 63,515,.54 39,914.85 1314473-77 (:29,747.67) 1,726-.10 4,053.49 211.70 4,265619 25,937,21 ,1 .268.10 25,205.31 3. Excess of Roc. over Exp. for fiscal vear to date -- General Fund 107 873.08 t66,232.13) 41,640.95 Exeoss of Roc. ovor Exp for the fiscal year to date -- General Fund 41, 640.95 Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - General Fund (105,1376,62) Cash in Bank Janr. 31, 1925 - Genaral Fund * 63,735. 67.) Trust Fund Income Student Loan Fund Civilian Rchabil. Fund Total Income Student Notes Paid Total Receipts Expenditures Expense Student Yotes Notes Payable Total 2, 717.35 135.40 2,852.75 2, 523 50 5 ,376.25 179.40 3, 878.00 2,000.00 6,057.40 149.01 149.01 1 ,515.00 - 1,664.01 2,866.36 135.40 3,001.76 4,038. 50 7,040. 26 179.40 550.00 4,428.00 _______ _ 2,000.00 550.00 66,607.40 Excess of Rec. over Exp. (681.15) 1,114.01 Excess of Rec. over Exp. for fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Trust Fund ..Cash in Bank Jan. 31, 1925 - Trust Fund Experiment Station Income Hatch - Federal Appro. Milk & Butter - Cash Rec. Beef Cattl4 Sales Dairy Cattle Sales Sheep Sales Swine Sales Poultry Sales Farm Produce Sales Horticultural Sales Seed Test Renatis Mis cellaneous Fertilizer - Fees Public Service - St. Appro. 1 11 - Misc. Feeding Stuffs - Fees Adams - Federal Appro. Serum Sales " - Virus Sales " - Supply Sales it - Misoellaneous State Appropriation 7,500.00 6,395.23 1,197.51 232.47 863.37 1,203.10 1,360.08 2, 690.62 1,320.25 104.00 933.00 570.50 7,492.25 7,500.00 120. 85 23,456.58 7,500.00 1,642.44 89.35 39.65 73.80 35,898.27 3, 750.00 1,319.64 99. 54 98.00 293.61 130.42 17.55 7.00 2,143.67 4.50 3,190.00 1,500.00 4,505. 50 3, 750.00 393.33 17.75 6.00 9.09 6,822.74 11,250.00 7,714.87 1,297 05 232.47 961.37 1,203.10 1,653. 69 2,821.04 1,337.80 111.00 3,076.67 575.10 10,682.25 9,000.00 120.85 27,962.08 11,250.00 2,035.77 107.10 45.65 82.89 42,721.01 432.86 432,86 689.64 1,122.50 4, Creamery - License Fees 3,015.50 It - Testers Liceases 1,119.50 ti - Glassware Tested 313. 82 Robinson - St. Appro. 8,900.53 Total 121,532.77 Expenditure 6 Expense Additions & Betterments Total 9.00 38.00 18.89 3,620.41 31,744.64 131,087.34 23,183.00 8,370.62 1,221.92 139,457.96 24,404.92 Excess of Exp. over Inc. (174925.19) _ 7.339.72 Excess of. Exp. over Inc. for fiacal year to date - Exp. Sta. Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Exp. Sta. Cash in Bank Jan. 31, 1925 - Exp. Sta. 3,024.50 1,157,50 332.71 12.520,d94 153, 277 .141 154,270.34 9M,92.;54 163 ,862 88 (10 ,585J47) (10,585.47) 31,190.86 20 ,605.39 Extension Division Income Federal Smith-Lever Federal Supplementary State Smith-Lever County and Other Funds Total 76,120.65 22,550.46 60,756.24 1,572.83 161,000.18 11,855.72 1.300. 00 13,155.72 76,120.65 22,550.46 72,611.96 2,872.83 174,155.90 Expenditures Expense 162, 653.58 29,278.95 Excess of Exp. over Inc. (1,653.40) (16.123.33) Excess of Exp. over Inc. for fiscal year to date - Ext. Div. Cash in Bank July 1, 1924-- Ext. Div . Cash in Bank Jan. 31, 1925 - Ext. Div. 191,932.53 (17 .776.63) (17,776.63) 1.352.61 16, 424.02) Summary General Fund Income Trust Fund Income Exp. Sta. Income Ext. Div. Income Total 298,017.. 29 2,852.75 121,532.77 161.000 .18 583,402.99 135,345.44 149.01 31,744.64 13,155.72 180,394.81. 433,362.73 3 , 001. 76 153,277.41 174,155. 90 763,797.80 General Fund Exp. Trust Fund Exp. Exp. Sta. Expenditures Ext. Div. Exp. Total 321,617.98 71,829.90 393,447.88 179.40 179.40 139,457.96 24,404.92 163,862.388 162,653.58' 29 278.95 191,932.53 623,908.92 125,513.77 . 749.422.69 Excess of Inc. over Exp. (40,505.93) 54,881.04 Exoess of Exp. over Reo. for Gen. Le4. Acot. 128.119.27 (128.782.67 14,375 .11 ) (663.40) 5' Excess of Rec. over Exp. for fiscal year to date -- Combined Fund 87,613.34 (732901.63) 13,711.71 Excess of Rec. over Exp. for fiscal year to date -- Combined Fund 13,711.71 Cash in Bank anr on hand July 1, 1924 - Combined Fund (70.643.51 Cash in Bank and on hand Jan. 31, 1925 - Combined Fund (56.933,80 ) ) Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expenditures as "Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for General Ledger Accounts $663.4- . " Accounts Receivable Insurance Paid in Advance Notes Payable Sundry Accounts Student Notes Deb it 259.40 2,000.00 5,957 .65 389.50 8,606.55 7.943.15 663.46 Credit 7,943,15 7,943 .15 President MoVey stated to the Executive Committee that it was possible that Professor Walter K. Patterson would deed to the Uni- versity a certain plot of ground belonging to him, and lying south of Patterson Hall, 160 x 100 feet. Upon motion duly seconded, a resolution was adopted a.uthoriz- ing the President and Business Agent of the University to take up with Professor Patterson the matter of taking over the property, with full power to act. President MoVoy reported to the Committee that he had received the following letter from D. H. Peak, Business Agents which is self- explanatory: February 10, 1925 President Frank L. McVey Universitv of Kentucky Dear President McVey: At your request, I consulted with B. J. Treaoy in regard to the Fugazzi property on Winslow Street. Mr. Treacy told me that he thought the lots, exclusive of buildings, would be worth, according to values of property in that locality, $5,000 or $6,000. 6- Yesterday, at your request, I asked him to see Mr. Fugazzi in regard to the purchase of the property. This morning Mr. Treacy reported that Mr. Fugazzi stated that he had re- fused an offer of $12,000 for the property. Mr. Treaoy asked him if he would not consider selling the property to the University and removing the houses therefrom. Mr. Fugazzi replied that he could not do that, and that he pre- ferred to hold the property. Very truly yours, D. H. Peak Business Agent After a d-iscussion of the foregoing statement made by Mr. Peak, President MficVey recommended that the University Attorney, Pelham Johnston, be authorized to proceed with condemnation pro- csodings to procure title to the Fugazzi property in question. Mr. Rhoads moved that Attorney Johnston be authorized to proceed at once with suit for condemnation. This motion was seconded and the resolution adopted. President McVey reported that he had received a letter from Dean Thomas P. Cooner, Director of the Experiment Station, asking for permission to execute for the forthcoming year, a lease on what is known as the Patterson land on South Limestone now being used for Experiment Station purposes. President MoVey recommended that Dean Cooper's request be granted. On motion duly seconded this recommendation was approved. President McVoy submitted the following letter from Dean T. P. Cooper of the Experiment Station: January 6, 1925 President F. L. McVey University of Kentucky Dear President MoVey: I wish to ask your permission to proceed, at such time as funds permit and the conditions on the farm are advisable, with the construction of the following buildings on the Western Kentucky Sub Experiment Station: 1. Poultry house. 2. Mule barn. 3. Dairy barn. We shall probably desire to have this construction done by 7. day labor, although it may be thcft we shall wrish to let a contract to soma of the Princeton firms. A-lo, I wish to inform you of the completion of a combination barn at the Robinson Sub Experiment Station. This has bean oonst-uctad out of old material or, the place and the cost is only that of labor and hardware. Very truly -ours, Thomas P. Cooper Dean and Director Upon motion of Senator Froman, seconded by Mr. Rhoads, it roso].ution was adopted aut-horizing Dean Cooper to proceed in ac- coordance with the reconimnm-dations set out in the foregoing letter, at an expense not to exceed $3,OO0. Provsident McVe-,7 announced that he had received from A. 0. Whipple, zhen in Seattle, a, telegram offering his resignation as Sucrintendent of Buildings and Grounds for the University of Ken- tu0'1.1y and requesting that the same take effect as of February 1, lcj25. President MoVey recomnamended that the resignation of Superin- tendent Whipple be accepted, rand that M-aury J. Crutcher be ap- pointed to that office. Upon motion duly seconded the President's recommendation was adopted. President McVey then announced that he was in possession of certain bids by contractors on work of construction of the new chemistrv building. Ona niotion of tMr. Rhoads, seconded by Mr. Froman, and adopted by the Committee, the opening of bids was then proceeded .with. After a brief discussion of the same, Chairman Stoll moved that the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds be authorized to tabulate these bids and that the Board fix another day for final consideration of them. This motion was adopted. Mr. Stoll suggested that the bids on the chemistry building be turn ed over at once to the new Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds for tabulation. The Committee adjourned to meet Thursday, February 12. Enoch Grehan Siecretary