xt7mgq6qzv45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6qzv45/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19310522  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 22, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 22, 1931 1931 2012 true xt7mgq6qzv45 section xt7mgq6qzv45 -



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AT U K JUNE 8-- 13
Mwe Than 500 Students from
80 Kentucky Counties
Expected to Attend



Freshman, Is President of
Crabs of State



Strollers to Meet

The Strollers will hold a special
meeting at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the Kentucklan office.
All members of the student dramatic organization are urged to
attend.- - This meeting does not
include those students who were
not members of Strollers previous
to the recent Stroller Revue of





Mary E. Adair and Lois Pur-ce- ll
Are Awarded Medals in
National Collegiate Con- . test
were winTwo university co-eners of prizes in the national collegiate essay contest conducted
recently by the American committee
to the International Colonial and
Overseas Exposition in Paris,
France, May to October, it was
revealed in a letter received yesterday by Dean Paul P. Boyd from
Armond Sieper, general secretary of
the French Chamber of Commerce
In New York. Mary Eunice Adair,
Lexington, Junior in the College of
Agriculture, won a gold medal, and
Lois Purcell, Paducah, was winner
of a silver medal in the contest,
with essays on "French Influences
on United States Civilization and
Mary Adair is a member of the
Home Economics' club and Agricultural club and was a member
of pie Junior cute. In 1927 Miss
Adair was a member of the championship team ef the Home Demonstration contest, in connection with
Junior week. She is a graduate of
Linlee High school.
Miss Purcell, who is a major in
the department of Journalism, has
won three other essay prises while
a student at the university and at
Tughman High school, Paducah. In
1M1 she won first prise in a contest
apeasored by the United Daughters
of the Confederacy. The subject
was ".Historic Sons of the South."
Is 1984 she was the division in the
of a
MeCracksu county
ecaUst' conducted In connection
with the Harrodsburg centennial
celebration, and in ISM she took
ftrst honors with an essay on
of Kentucky and Kentuek-ia- a
ob the History of Missouri," la
a eeatest sponsored by the Xeatuoky
Society of St. Louis.
Miss PuretU is
Theta Sigma Phi, aaUoaal Journalistic fraternity for women, a form-smMttiSjtt t4Mtisr
71m XmmI



The eleventh anual Junior week National Honorary Basic Mil
will be held at the university June
itary Fraternity Admits 10
according to announcements
Students at Exercises Hekt
released from the office ot J. W,

Whltehouse, head of H flub work
in Kentucky." More turn 500 students from 80 counties of the state
arc expected to attend. The president of the state H clubs is Clyde
Reeves, a student in tlx freshman
class at the university.
Program plans released by Mr.
Whltehouse include an address by
Governor Sampson, Thursday, June
12. Other speakers who are ex- pec ted to attend the meeting are,
Prof. Frank Smith, of Bern, who
wm conduct a snort course in ara- mattes; Prof. H. E. Taylor of Berea.
who win rive an onran recital, and
Morris Wentworth, nationally
known song leader, who will lead
inspirational meetings. Dean Coop
er oi the Agriculture college win
deliver an address of welcome.
A feature of the week will be the
annual health contest. Each county
is allowed one boy and one girl contestant and the winner Is Judged
to be the healthiest H dub member in Kentucky. Last year the
winner in the boys' division was
Duke Pettit, a student in the Agricultural College, who was within
.3 of a point of being the national
health champion. The winner in
the girls' division was Allalne Hill
of Scott county
Sixty demonstration . teams are
expected to attend and the use of
farm implements and the proper
methods for conducting a kitchen
-- and dining room will be shown by
the various teams. The girls attending will conduct a style show
and the .dresses worn will be the
products of the wearers.
More than 190 of the delegates
attending receive the trip as a prize
for excellent work done during the
year in the home county. The trip
Is the gift of the Louisville and
Nashville railroad.
Prises', totaling 9990 .will be distributed to the winners of contests
and have been donated by the Stewart Dry Goods company of Louisville and the Cosmos Portland Cement company. Winners of the
contests will also go to Chicago next
December and represent Kentucky
in the national contests held in
that city.
According to Mr. Whltehouse, the
mornings of Junior week win ue devoted to a school which the university will conduct for the visitors.
The afternoons will be given over
to meetings. The climax or tne
week will be a trip to Frankfort,
where the Governor will hold a reception in the executive mansion.


Pershing Rifles, national
basic military fraternity, held
its spring .initiation Sunday, May
17, at Camp Rotary, Boy Scout
camp, located at Tyrone on the
Kentucky river. The services were
held at sunrise, and 10 pledges were
Initiated into the organisation.












rCn w?d






Brief Illness

Alex Julius Zimmerman, 36 years
old, 423 Para avenue, a graduate of

the university, and for the past nine
years Instructor in the department
of chemistry died at 11:10 o'clock,
Wednesday night, at the Good 8a
marltnn hospital following an orjera
tion for blood poisoning Tuesday
nleht. Mr. Klmmcmnn's hnrfv vaaa
taken to Louisville where he was
buried yesterday in the Jewish
Professor Zimmerman was born
In New York City, June 15, 1895,
a son of Abraham and Jennie Bun-nZimmerman. He was graduated
from Louisville Male High school
and tne university of Kentucky in
1918 with a B. 8. in industrial chem
istry. He was connected with Hercules Powder Company during the
worm war. Alter mat he was
conected with the department of
iooas ana dairies or the University
of Illinois. In 1922 he returned to
the university and received an appointment as an Instructor in the
chemistry department and worked
here until his death. In 1928 he
received his Master of Science degree.
Recently he had been granted a
leave of absence to start in June of
this year to complete his graduate
work at the University of Chicago.
Professor Zimmerman is survived
by his widow, Mrs. Ida Marx Zimmerman and one son, Mortimer,
nine years of ace. Besides his im
mediate family he is survived by his
parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Abraham
of Louisville- - turn
brothers, Phil Zimmerman, Louisville, and Jack Zimmerman, Oklahoma City.

The organization is preparing a
special drill which will be presented
at the annual field day, which will
he held May 29. Warrant Officer
Knight is in charge of the drills,
and Captain Saunders is in command of the company.
A special initiation was held
Tuesday night, May 19, in the
Armory and Lawrence Herron,
Covington, and O. D. Robertson, Hopkinsville, were Initiated.
The new Initiates are: Cameron
Coffman, Lewisburg, W(. Va.; Calvin Cramer, Louisville; Thornton
Helm, Lexington; O. B. Harvey,
Chicago; Charles Kaufman,
Woodson Knight, Carlisle;
Robert McVay, Morrlstown, N. J.;
Stanford Nell, Winchester;
Kendall Bennett Holmes senfnr
Turnbull, Richmond, Va.; and Rich- in the College of Arts and
ard Vinson, Providence.
yesterday received notice of his appointment to an assistantship in
the bacteriology laboratories of the
medical school of the Unlversitv nf
Michigan. Dr. R. L. Kahn, who has
aone extensive research work in
the medical field, will be his im
mediate supervisor.
1 Holmes, Delta Tau Delta, is a
member of Phi Beta Kappa, na. A soys'-- tour of the wonders of tional honorary campus leader's frathe country between Kentucky and ternity. Lances. Junior honorarv
xratenuty ior men, omega Beta PI,
the Pacific ocean will be conducted
fraternity and Alpha
by Prof. Paul K. Walp, Dr. H. H. PI Sigma, honorary chemical
Pitzer and' Richard O. Richards,
Holmes has finished his college
beginning June 10. The tour, which
work in "three years
will consist of a 5,000-mi- le
trip by graduated in June. and will be
bus, and which will include such
points as Pike's Peak, Rocky Moun
tain National Park, and Lookout
Mountain, will be limited to 30 boys.
Those wishing to take advantage
Coach 'Rawlings Ragland's freshof the opportunity are requested to man tennis team handed the Henry
get in touch with Mr. Richards.
Clay High racqueteers their first
Such items as transportation, bag- defeat of the season on the unigage and equipment, personal ex- versity courts Tuesday, trouncing
pense, and food will be Included them 7 to 0. Five singles and two
in the $150 deposit which each boy doubles matches were played.
In the opening singles match,
will be required to pay. All those
Rlngo defeated Dunlap 1,
making the tour will be given acciIn
dent and health insurance, 'tree side the second singles match, Wagner
trounced Farquhar 1,
trips, and the instruction In swimming, boxing, and wrestling. The Stokely disposed of Endlcott In the
Howfood will be provided in a scientific third singles match, 2,
In the
menu, which has been worked out ard defeated Levy
by Miss Hoover, dietician of the fourth match and Myers defeated
in the final
University Commons.
Other points of interest which singles match.
will be visited by the tour are:
Garden of the Oods, Denver Mountains Park, Estes Park, Mt. Evans
Mary Esther Sheridan was electand Long's Peak, Grand Lake, Buf- ed president of Eta Sigma Phi
falo Bill's Grave, and Echo Lake national honorary Greek and Latin
and Lodge.
fraternity, at the last meeting of
Professor Walp, who is a member the year Thursday afternoon in the
of the political science department, Administration building. Other ofand Doctor Pitzer, pastor of the ficers elected were Virginia Schaef-fe- r,
First Presbyterian church, will act
as counselors for the tour. Mr.
secretary; Maude Elizabeth
Richards, Junior in the College of Berry, treasurer, and Willabella
Arts and Sciences, and gridiron Hoover, sergeant-at-arm- s.
The frahalfback, is managing director in ternity will resume activities in
charge of the tour.



Will Be Radiocast
By Local Singers
Special Program to Be Pre

sented From University
Studios Saturday Night

A special radio program

will be
Dresented from the university stu
Saturday evening from 10:30
to 11 when the Lexington Jubilee
Singers, a Negro organization of
22 voices
wjll oner a group of
Lexington Jubilee Singers
are well known throughout the
Bluegrass and radiocast a similar
program In December trhlch proved
to be so popular that WHAS, the
and Louisville
Courier - Journal
Times station in Louisville, has al
lotted a special thirty-minu- te
for a return performance.
William Alexander Is director of
the Lexington Jubilee Singers and
the following program of spirituals
will be offered:
Where Shall I Be
Study War No More.
Every Time I Feel the Spirit.
Listen to the Lambs.
Go Down Moses:
Shout All Over God's Heaven.
I'm Troubled In Mind.
Great Camp Meeting.
You've Got to Bow So Low.
I Know I'm in God's Care.
Four and Twenty Elders.
Come Unto Me.
Each selection has a special solo
ist and the program will be an
nounced by Thomas L. Riley, head
announcer of the university studios.

Kendall B.Holmes
Gets Appointment GIVEN TO 43 MEN

Summer Tour
To West Coast
To Begin June

Frosh Racqueteers
Defeat Henry

Thirty-tw- o


FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1931

Succumbs Wednesday Night



Win Numerals in Baseball,
and Track, Including Two

Managers Ks

varsity athletes were
awarded Ks In baseball, track, and
golf by the athletic council yester
day afternoon. Sixteen men won
letters in basehr.ll, 23 In track, and
five in golf.
Thirty - two freshmen athletes
won their numerals in track and
baseball. There were 15 awards in
baseball, 17 in track.
Glen Prince was given a manager's K in baseball and John Venn
was awarded a K for his work as
manager of the track squad. James
Cleary was named baseball manager for 1932 and W. C. Jolly, track
manager. The men who won varsity Ks include:
S. Augustus, J. D. Barnes, W. E.
Carney, W. W. Farrell, O. R. Hogue,
Ellis Johnson, William Kelley, E. R.
Kruger, L. W. McMurray, Paul
John Murphy, J. W. Ohr,
Louis Toth, Cecil Urbanlak, Chas.
Worthington, William Trott, M.
Prince manager's K.
Varsity track team: Kenneth Andrews, H. G. Baker, H. W. Baker,
R. D. Burress, B. Cavana, H.
Malcolm Foster, J. D. Hayes,
John Hieber, W. Hubble, John
Slmms Kelly, F. McLane, S. E.
J. CBryant, S. H. Parrent,
G. Roberts, J. Saunders, F. Seale,
Sam Shipley, E. A. Turley, G. Wie-ma- n,
D. Williams, and a manager's
K to John Venn.
Varsity golf: John Buskie, Ken
neth Laramee, Bill Lussky, Bill
Meredith, and Hogan Watson.
Freshman baseball: Smith Broad-ben- t,
Robert Chilton, J. DeMolsey,
Ralph Hill, William Honhorst, Raymond Massle, Philip Meyers, Bu-foMorgan, Earl Nelson, Jerome
Respess, E. E. Settle, Harry Scott,
Anthony Slmone, Chester Tyskewlcz,
and Newell Wallace.
Freshman track: J. D. Adams, Edward Bennett, William Bryan, G. F.
Burns, J. M. Carter, Eugene Cowley,
N. L. Goebel, L. F. Judd, G. B.
Harvey, R. G. Kercheval. T. D. Par-rls- h.
I. E. Sellers, H. W. Stewart,
R. D. Vinson, N. G. Wallace, J. W.
Wells, G, J. Yeager.

Prof. S. G. Crayton Will Pre
sent Diplomas to 27

Pres. Frank L. McVey
Deliver Address to


students will be
graduated at the annual University
High school commencement exer
clses which will be held at 8 o'clock
Thursday, May 28, In the Training
school auditorium.
Prof. Sherman G. Crayton, director of the Training school and
master of the commencement ceremonies, will present diplomas to the
following: Lester Anderson, Jack
Baker, Earl Berry, Edgar Bishop,
Bettie Boyd, Marion George Brown,
Dorothy Eloise Clifton, Sara Ellen
Cangleton. Frank Kemper Glass,
Mary Helzcr, Mildred Ruth Holmes,
John H. Howard, Irene Hughes,
Frank Longley, Jr., Kathryn E.
E. F. Marrs, Myrtle Polk,
Harold Rhoads, Leslie Scott, Virginia Bedford Shropshire; Charles
Meyers Spauldlng, Carolyn Stewart,
James Threlkeld, Luke Toohey, Cot
ter Vaughn, William R. Yankey,
and Dorothy Williams.
Two graduates from the junior
high school and six graduates from
senior high school were elected to
membership in the National Honor
Society, which corresponds to Phi
Beta Kappa in colleges and universities. The Junior high students are
Lillian Holmes and James Irvine.
The senior high, students are: Jack
Baker, Dorothy Clifton, Sara Con- gleton, Mary Helzer, Mildred Holmes
and Carolyn Stewart.
Music for the commencement
exercises will be furnished by the
university ensemble which is direct
ed by Miss Marcla Lampert, The
ensemble will begin and end the
program with a recessional.
The program In full follows: re
cessional by the university ensemble; invocation by Dr. Jesse
Herrmann, pastor of the Second
Presbyterian church; address by
Pres. Frank L. McVey; presentation
of diplomas by Prof. Sherman G.
Crayton: awarding of honors bv
iroi. u. s. Mitchell; benecLIMon by
Doctor Herrman: and the ioial re
cessional by the'unlversity ensemble.
Twenty-seve- n

U.K. Student to Have

Lead in Latin Play

Janet Jerry, from Russellville. a
senior In the College of Arts and
Sclencs, has been assigned the lead
in "Dido." a play to be given May
22, by the classical department of
the university, Transylvania and
Henry Clay High. The purpose of
the play is to celebrate the
lenlum of Vergil's birth.
Prof. E. W. Delcamp of Transyl
vania has dramatized in prologue
and three acts the story of the fa
mous Carthaginian queen. Prof.
Foster Krake is writing music for
a part of the text.
Miss Perry is a major in Latin,
belonging to Eta Sigma Phi, hon
orary classical fraternity, and Is a
member of Kappa Kappa Gamma,
social sorority.
Dramatics personae In order of
appearance, Aeneas, the Trojan
leader, Norman Braden; Trojan
priest, Raymond Parks; Ascanius,
son of Aeneas, Oscar Estill; Iarbas,
Libyan king, Ernest Delcamp;
Dido, Queen of Carthage, Jeanette
Perry; Anna, her sister, Mary Wood
Brown; Aurora, solo dancer, Jean
Foxworth; Tyrlan guards, pages,
slaves, dancers.
The play Is divided: Act I, one
scene, Act II, three scenes; Act III,
two scenes. Probable time, two

Brethren! Sister n!
Knppa Alpha Theta was the
first Greek-lettorganization for
women, founded at De Pauw
University in 1870. The same
year Kappa Kappa Gamma was
established at Monmouth College,
Monmouth, 111.
J. R. Clark Jr. former ambassador to Mexico, Is a member
of Phi Delta Phi (legal).
Ray Stannard Baker and Harvey T. Woodruff, well known
writers, are on Phi Delta Thcta's
list of celebrities.
Sigma Chi has 01 active chapters with a total membership of
well-knoLouise Piatt Hauch
novelist, is a member of
Zcta Tau Alpha. Her latest book
is "Sylvia."
Ten members of Kappa Sigma
are students at the United States
Military Academy at West Point,

N. Y.

short story writer, wears the
badge of Kappa Alpha.
Alpha Gamma Delta ranked
third in scholarship of the 34
sororities at the University of
Illinois for the first semester of
1930-3- 1.

G. B. Stockton United States
Ambassador to Austria, Is a mem
ber of Sigma Nu.



Student Organization for
Studying International Relations Formulates Plans
for Year 1931-3- 2
Pan Politikon, student organiza
tion for the purpose of studying
international relations at the university, has chosen for. its executive committee for next year George
Yost, chairman, Chester Jolly,
and Emily Hardin, secretary. These new officers met with
the outgoing committee and the
advisors, Dr. and Mrs. Frank L.
McVey and Prof. E. F. Farquhar, at
dinner Wednesday night at Max
well Place, to discuss plans for the
coming year.
The group decided to study the
Scandinavian penninsula next year,
devoting the fall months to a de
velopment of the background of
the three countries, and the spring
months to concentration on one of
them. It is hoped by the members
that the minister from Denmark
may come to the university as the
speaker in November, while a na
tive of either Sweden or Norway
will be obtained for March.
In addition these convocation
speakers, the aid of the various de
partments and professors will be.
solicited In order to make the study
universal on the campus, and to
offer every phase of It to the student body. Any expression on the
part of the students or the faculty
as to which of the countries they
are most interested In and would
prefer to have dealt with in the
spring will be welcomed. Pan Politikon is an organization for and of
the entire campus, the executive
committee acting merely as a functionary body to direct what is felt
to be the student Interest and need
in the subject of foreign affairs.
During the four years of its existence, Pan Politikon has arranged
for native speakers from each country it has considered, and the range
of its study has been from Canada
to China, from Italy to South
America, from Mexico to Russia.

The current issue of the Llngnan
Science Journal, published at Canton, China, contains an article by
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, head of the
department of zoology, entitled "The
Membracidae of China." The paper
represents a study of certain rare
and curious Insects which have been
discovered in various parts of China
and which are little known to
Open air and sunshine are excel scientists in other parts of the
lent for health; terrible for romance. world.

Wildcat Thinlie Stars Complete
New Course in Athletic Coaching
One of Most Successful Seasons
And Physical Education Will Be
In History of Track at University
Offered by College of Education U. K. Alumni Discuss
Alumni Banquet and
Dance to Be June 4
Guest List WiU Include 1931

Graduates, Alunai, and

Lexington Alumni club of the
university, in cooperation with the
general association, will give a reunion banquet Thursday evening,
June 4, at the Lafayette hotel The
baamiet will be followed by dancing
in the Gold room.
Ticket to the affair may be obtained on the campus from James
Shropshire, alumni secretary, or
Miss Margie McLaughlin, president
of the Lexington Alumni etab, and
downtown from Miss WlHy King, at
the Lafayette. The tickets will be
good for both the banquet and
daaemg. Separate tickets may be
procured by those wishing to atteasl
oaly Use dsjwc.
diurnal, sealers,. 1N1 eradiates
DMMMTSt AMI lsmtfc
tSmvstttOttd VsiSj SBstfss? gttSfltfl jriftsssSsslSsg
9 ftfcttcMsBsl
sm rimjeatid te attfcfy Met ihimwl
me was liter- - oJNcc os the campus, tolcpheao
ary titter ef the 'MM Keaiwtssaa.
Aahlaad mti departmeat ej.

course in athletic
A full four-yecoaching and physical education is
to be offered at the University of
Kentucky, beginning in September.
The graduate will receive a Bachelor of Science degree In education
and will be qualified to teach physical education, public health, at least
two high school subjects and coach
The classes will be taught at the
university by members of the physical education department, the regular members of the coaching staff
and the faculty in the various colleges which make up the university.
Flans for the new four-ye- ar
have been under way for the past
three years. Their completion was
announced by if, E, Potter. The
curriculum he has worked out for
the course, together with aid of
university authorities and member
of the faculty of the College of
education, prepares the student for
teaching, coacbJag aad gives him
Iastruetors la ooenhlag aad physisdusaUoa, wMi their spceiahsed
M. K.



U. K. Chemistry Instructor
A. J. Zimmerman Dies
Local Hospital After


Reunion Program

Plans fair commencement week
at the University of Kentucky and
for the next collegiate year were
discussed at a meeting of the Lexington Alumni club of the university, conducted Tuesday night at the
Lafayette hotel The meeting was
presided over by Miss Marguerite
McLaughlin, club president.
Announcement was made that a
will be given Thursday evening, June 4, to which memthis year's senior class will
bers of
be entitled to make reservations.
Reservations may be made either
for the dinner, the dance, or both.
The club will maintain two registration booths for visiting alumni of
the university during commencement week. One will be maintained
in the lobby of the Lafayette hotel
and another In the Administration
building on the university compus.
message and
A congratulatory
flowers were ordered seat Miss
Betty Kulette. of the Nieewlaavllle
pike, nuletsnt la Mm eSUe ef the
issreary of the general Alumni
ef the uaivemty.

One of the most successful seasons
which the Wildcat track team has
ever enjoyed has been recently
brought to a close. The 'Cats went
through the season undefeated and
to the 221
scored 380 and one-ha- lf
for their opponents,
and one-ha- lf
and to top all other achievements
they scored 12 points to take eighth
place in the Southern Conference
track meet at Birmingham, placing
higher than any other team of Wildcats ever have.
Defeating the University of Louisville, Vanderbllt, Tennessee,
and Cincinnati in order by
decisive scores, Coach Shlvely's men
showed the best balanced track team
to represent the university In this
sport for several years.
Led by
Kelly, who ran the century in S.9,
the 'Cat sprinters defeated all opposition. Kelly won every
race In which he participated, and
Hieber placed second in all but one,
winning the first race of the season
against the University of Louisville.
Beth of these beys have worked
hard sad deserve great eredit for




Owen R. Meredith

Is Principal Speaker

Knights of Columbus Hear
Military Officer Monday Night
Major Owen R. Meredith was the
principal speaker at the regular
meeting of the Bluegrass Council
of the Knights of Columbus Monday night
In his talk Major Meredith explained to the council the national
defense policy of this country, showing that it consists of three parts,
the regular army, the national guard
and the organized reserves.
Major Meredith stated that there
are only 125,000 men In the regular
army, and that the entire regular
army is less than two-thiras
large as the New York city police
force and could easily be placed In
Soldiers field In Chicago.
Ke also gave comparative
as to the etae, atreagth, aad
east ef the army la this oauatry sa
with ether fii tutrix





Approximately 235 Athletes
Expected to Compete
in Contests
Cup Will Be Presented to
Group Scoring Greatest
Number of Points
Approximately 235 athletes repre
senting five sororities will take part
in the intramural carnival which
will be held at 1:30 o'clock Saturday
afternoon on Stoll field. The car
nival will be held under the auspices
of the Intramural department and
the women's physical education de
This is the first intramural event
of its kind at the university. If it
is a success this year, it will become
an annual custom. Sororties have
solicited the services of men students to run In the individual races.
Young women will also compete In
the races.
Seven houses have signified their
Intentions of participation in the
field day. They include the Kappa
Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha
Delta Theta, Delta Zeta, Alpha
Gamma Delta, and Chi Omega
The different sororities have so
licited mc.i athletes who are not
representing the university on varsity teams to run for their organizations. Whatever points these men
score will be tallied to the final
score which the sororities will make
through the girl's participation in
the races.
The rules follow:
There is no entry fee.
Each organization can enter only
one man in each event.
No man can take part In more
than one event.
Letter men in track are barred
from competition as well as those
attached to the freshman or varsity
squad after April 25.
Forfeiting will deduct two points
from the grand total
All entries must wear arm bands
with insignia of group represented.
Points shall be awarded in the
following manner:
First place, five points; second
place, three points; third place, two
points; fourth place, one point.
A large loving cup will be given
for the grand total.
Small loving cups will be given
for first and second places.
For the largest list of participating entries, a loving cup will be
For the coaches and faculty
walking race, the following Individuals may be approached for participation and representation: Messrs.
Potter, Shively, Bureau, Rupp, Meredith, Downing, Jennings, Oyler,
LeStourgeon, F. P. Anderson, Gam-ag- e.
Hansen, Shannon, Sullivan,
Keller, and Palmer.
Any of these men may be approached and the intramural department has suggested that students take advantage of their names
to represent their group and also to
get other members for their organization.
Times and scores will be recorded
and shall be placed In the intramural handbook.
The program for the day includes
dashes, hurdle races, needle races,
wheelbarrow races, relays, shuttle
races, and a tug of war.
The meet will open with
dashes run by boys.
These will be followed by a needle
race, In which boys will run 50
(Continued on Page Four)

Professor in College of Agriculture Will Leave July 18
to Study Farm Conditions
in England, and Continent
Dr. W. D. Nicholls of the College
of Agriculture is planning a sum-

mer trip to Europe, where he will
make an extensive study of farm
conditions. He will be accompanied by his son William H. Nicholls,
freshman in the Agriculture College.
Doctor Nicholls will leave this
country about July 18 and will return September 1. Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and
Denmark will be visited during the
In southern Germany the famed
agricultural villages will be studied.
There German peasants live and
have their houses but their farms
are located some distance from the
village. Their plan of operation will
be carefully studied. Here as In
Austria much of the land is devoted to forest and wood lots are
managed so that a continual supply
of timber is available.
methods will be investigated, according to Doctor Nicholls' plans.
Terracing of steep mountain slopes
in Switzerland in order that farming may be possible will be the object of study while in the Alps. In
Denmark the cooperative method of
and selling dairy
products will occupy much of Doctor Nicholls' time.
This tour is expected to aid the
experiment station In Its work
amoag the rural residents of Kentucky. Some of the more successful
plans discovered in Burepe may be
introduced to the farmers of this




* "WW



poise which can only be attained by long
ciation in each other's presence.
It is said that in
there is a lack of earnestness and loss of time
due to too much social activity. This is true
to some extent, but on the other hand there are
National Collet Press Association
"sessions" In those other schools In which the
Lexington Board of Commerce
H1KBW k.
r. a.
date must be smuggled in through the
Official Newspaper of the Students of the Untrenltr window.
of Kentucky, Lexington
is broad. It is based upon that
Subscription IJ.OO t yer. Bntered tt Uslnfton, Ky.,
phase of life which Is natural and Is not devoid
m tecond elau mall natter
of the "lags" and shortcomings of ordinary life.
But after all there will be an opportunity for
experimentation after the old diploma has been
Editor signed. Maybe there will be some things that
Managing Editor
has learned or has taught her pal
Ass't. Mgn. Editor Betty Co-e- d
THOMAS L. RILEY . . , Dramatic Editor which will be beneficial in later life. Or will
It continue to be a life as described by modem
associate editors
William Ardery critics as being a mere puff or bubble floating
Elwood Kruger
Elaine Bonnell
Morton Walker
on the happiness which comes through comMargaret Gfundlff
panionship and disregards the hard knocks

The Kentucky






William Shaler

Emily Hardin



Lillian Gooch

Polly Reese

Sports Editor
RALPH E. JOHNSON Assistant Sports Editor
G. L. Crutcher
Clara Innls
J. D. Adams
Totsy Rose
Marvin Wachs
Mary Galloway Griffith
Gilbert Kingsbury
Mary Virginia Hailey
Robert Baxter
Ann Coleman
Cameron Coflman
Eugenia Beck
Mary Alice Salyers
Mary Elizabeth Price
Leonard Rowland
Ray Stark
Scott C. Osborne
Fred Shells
Harry Varlie
Buena Mathls


Frances Holllday
Fannie Curie Woodhead
Gertrude Evans

Edna Smith
Gay Loughridge
Jane Gloster



. Advertising



W. W.

Wm. Geary
George Stewart



Rogers, "the most popular man In
America," recently refused an honorary degree
which educators sought to confer. Rogers said
that such degrees were already a Joke because
they had been conferred on many persons who
did not deserve them and that he did not propose to take a degree without working for It
when other persons spent their lives to obtain
The people of American always have been
noted for their hero worship, whether their
hero be an aviator, a humorist, a scientist or
an architect, but their admiration for a man
who excells in some particular line should not
be carried to the point here they confer on
him honorary degrees which he has not earned
and which in no way are related to his field
of activity. A degree should be the reward of
study, it should not be received In any other
If a person has studied in a particular
field and has contributed a great deal to the
knowledge of his subjec