Kentucky Patrons of Husbandry records


The Kentucky Patrons of Husbandry records mainly consist of meeting minutes, sales contracts, and account books. The bulk is in relation to the Church Hill Grange, no. 109 although the Flat Lick and Garrettsburg locations are also included. This collection also contains several artifacts, a microfiche of a newspaper article and a photo board depicting the charter members in 1895.

Descriptive Summary

Kentucky Patrons of Husbandry records
1873-1939, undated (inclusive)
2 Cubic Feet
Agriculture -- Kentucky.
Finding Aid Author
Sandra Baird
Preferred Citation
66m10, [Identification of item], Kentucky Patrons of Husbandry records, 1873-1939, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
The Patrons of Husbandry is a national farmers' organization, founded originally for social and educational purposes, from which sprang the Granger movement, an effort by farmers of the 1860s and 1870s to correct economic abuses through cooperative enterprise and political action. Local units (called granges) became increasingly active politically as members sought legislative and judicial remedies for their economic plight. The national movement's political activity peaked in 1875, but the Patrons of Husbandry and its granges continue to support the political and economic goals of farmers and serve their original function as a social organization as well. The Church Hill Grange was founded in September 1873 and became noted locally for its stock sales.
Scope and Content
The Kentucky Patrons of Husbandry records (dated 1873-1939; 2 cubic feet; 5 boxes, 3 items) contains minutes, financial records, membership rolls, reports, pamphlets, and artifacts from several Kentucky granges, particularly the Church Hill Grange, in Christian County, Ky. Included from the Church Hill Grange are minute books, stock sales account books, a membership roll, secretaries' records, receipts and expenditures, badges, symbols, an embosser and miscellaneous other items, including a photo board of the surviving charter members taken in 1895. There are also records present from several other granges: minutes from the Garrettsburg and Flat Lick granges, and a receipt book for Christian County Grange No. 34.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Church Hill Grange minutes, 1873-1876

  • Box 1, folder 1
To top

Roll book, receipt books, account reports, 1874-1939

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

Church Hill Grange minutes, 1877-1881

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

Minutes, 1921-1938

  • Box 1, folder 4
To top

Miscellaneous reports, pamphlets, deeds, microfiche of the Charter Member photo board, undated

  • Box 1, folder 5
To top

Church Hill account dues books, 1873-1882

  • Box 2, folder 1
To top

Church Hill purchasing agents book, 1874-1902

  • Box 2, folder 2
To top

Church Hill account dues books, 1883-1893

  • Box 2, folder 3
To top

Member dues payment record book, 1884-1900

  • Box 2, folder 4
To top

Church Hill sales books, 1894-1925

  • Box 2, folder 5
To top

Minutes for Garrettsburg and Flat Lick Grange, 1873-1882

  • Box 3, folder 1
To top

Christian County Grange dues book, 1883-1885

  • Box 3, folder 2
To top

Badges, undated

  • Box 3, folder 3
To top

Signs and symbols, undated

  • Box 4, folder 1
To top

Embosser, undated

  • Box 5
To top

Church Hill Grange minutes book, 1901-1923

  • Item 1
To top

Church Hill Grange dues payment record book, 1901-1926

  • Item 2
To top

Charter member photograph board, 1895

  • Item 3
To top

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